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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <stddef.h>
      9 #include <stdint.h>
     11 #include <vector>
     13 #include "base/macros.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     15 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     16 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
     17 #include "mojo/embedder/platform_handle.h"
     18 #include "mojo/embedder/platform_handle_vector.h"
     19 #include "mojo/public/c/system/buffer.h"
     20 #include "mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h"
     21 #include "mojo/public/c/system/message_pipe.h"
     22 #include "mojo/public/c/system/types.h"
     23 #include "mojo/system/handle_signals_state.h"
     24 #include "mojo/system/memory.h"
     25 #include "mojo/system/system_impl_export.h"
     27 namespace mojo {
     29 namespace embedder {
     30 class PlatformSharedBufferMapping;
     31 }
     33 namespace system {
     35 class Channel;
     36 class Core;
     37 class Dispatcher;
     38 class DispatcherTransport;
     39 class HandleTable;
     40 class LocalMessagePipeEndpoint;
     41 class ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint;
     42 class TransportData;
     43 class Waiter;
     45 typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<Dispatcher>> DispatcherVector;
     47 namespace test {
     49 // Test helper. We need to declare it here so we can friend it.
     50 MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT DispatcherTransport
     51     DispatcherTryStartTransport(Dispatcher* dispatcher);
     53 }  // namespace test
     55 // A |Dispatcher| implements Mojo primitives that are "attached" to a particular
     56 // handle. This includes most (all?) primitives except for |MojoWait...()|. This
     57 // object is thread-safe, with its state being protected by a single lock
     58 // |lock_|, which is also made available to implementation subclasses (via the
     59 // |lock()| method).
     60 class MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT Dispatcher
     61     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Dispatcher> {
     62  public:
     63   enum Type {
     64     kTypeUnknown = 0,
     65     kTypeMessagePipe,
     66     kTypeDataPipeProducer,
     67     kTypeDataPipeConsumer,
     68     kTypeSharedBuffer,
     70     // "Private" types (not exposed via the public interface):
     71     kTypePlatformHandle = -1
     72   };
     73   virtual Type GetType() const = 0;
     75   // These methods implement the various primitives named |Mojo...()|. These
     76   // take |lock_| and handle races with |Close()|. Then they call out to
     77   // subclasses' |...ImplNoLock()| methods (still under |lock_|), which actually
     78   // implement the primitives.
     79   // NOTE(vtl): This puts a big lock around each dispatcher (i.e., handle), and
     80   // prevents the various |...ImplNoLock()|s from releasing the lock as soon as
     81   // possible. If this becomes an issue, we can rethink this.
     82   MojoResult Close();
     84   // |transports| may be non-null if and only if there are handles to be
     85   // written; not that |this| must not be in |transports|. On success, all the
     86   // dispatchers in |transports| must have been moved to a closed state; on
     87   // failure, they should remain in their original state.
     88   MojoResult WriteMessage(UserPointer<const void> bytes,
     89                           uint32_t num_bytes,
     90                           std::vector<DispatcherTransport>* transports,
     91                           MojoWriteMessageFlags flags);
     92   // |dispatchers| must be non-null but empty, if |num_dispatchers| is non-null
     93   // and nonzero. On success, it will be set to the dispatchers to be received
     94   // (and assigned handles) as part of the message.
     95   MojoResult ReadMessage(UserPointer<void> bytes,
     96                          UserPointer<uint32_t> num_bytes,
     97                          DispatcherVector* dispatchers,
     98                          uint32_t* num_dispatchers,
     99                          MojoReadMessageFlags flags);
    100   MojoResult WriteData(UserPointer<const void> elements,
    101                        UserPointer<uint32_t> elements_num_bytes,
    102                        MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
    103   MojoResult BeginWriteData(UserPointer<void*> buffer,
    104                             UserPointer<uint32_t> buffer_num_bytes,
    105                             MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
    106   MojoResult EndWriteData(uint32_t num_bytes_written);
    107   MojoResult ReadData(UserPointer<void> elements,
    108                       UserPointer<uint32_t> num_bytes,
    109                       MojoReadDataFlags flags);
    110   MojoResult BeginReadData(UserPointer<const void*> buffer,
    111                            UserPointer<uint32_t> buffer_num_bytes,
    112                            MojoReadDataFlags flags);
    113   MojoResult EndReadData(uint32_t num_bytes_read);
    114   // |options| may be null. |new_dispatcher| must not be null, but
    115   // |*new_dispatcher| should be null (and will contain the dispatcher for the
    116   // new handle on success).
    117   MojoResult DuplicateBufferHandle(
    118       UserPointer<const MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions> options,
    119       scoped_refptr<Dispatcher>* new_dispatcher);
    120   MojoResult MapBuffer(
    121       uint64_t offset,
    122       uint64_t num_bytes,
    123       MojoMapBufferFlags flags,
    124       scoped_ptr<embedder::PlatformSharedBufferMapping>* mapping);
    126   // Gets the current handle signals state. (The default implementation simply
    127   // returns a default-constructed |HandleSignalsState|, i.e., no signals
    128   // satisfied or satisfiable.) Note: The state is subject to change from other
    129   // threads.
    130   HandleSignalsState GetHandleSignalsState() const;
    132   // Adds a waiter to this dispatcher. The waiter will be woken up when this
    133   // object changes state to satisfy |signals| with context |context|. It will
    134   // also be woken up when it becomes impossible for the object to ever satisfy
    135   // |signals| with a suitable error status.
    136   //
    137   // If |signals_state| is non-null, on *failure* |*signals_state| will be set
    138   // to the current handle signals state (on success, it is left untouched).
    139   //
    140   // Returns:
    141   //  - |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if the waiter was added;
    142   //  - |MOJO_RESULT_ALREADY_EXISTS| if |signals| is already satisfied;
    143   //  - |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if the dispatcher has been closed; and
    144   //  - |MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION| if it is not (or no longer) possible
    145   //    that |signals| will ever be satisfied.
    146   MojoResult AddWaiter(Waiter* waiter,
    147                        MojoHandleSignals signals,
    148                        uint32_t context,
    149                        HandleSignalsState* signals_state);
    150   // Removes a waiter from this dispatcher. (It is valid to call this multiple
    151   // times for the same |waiter| on the same object, so long as |AddWaiter()|
    152   // was called at most once.) If |signals_state| is non-null, |*signals_state|
    153   // will be set to the current handle signals state.
    154   void RemoveWaiter(Waiter* waiter, HandleSignalsState* signals_state);
    156   // A dispatcher must be put into a special state in order to be sent across a
    157   // message pipe. Outside of tests, only |HandleTableAccess| is allowed to do
    158   // this, since there are requirements on the handle table (see below).
    159   //
    160   // In this special state, only a restricted set of operations is allowed.
    161   // These are the ones available as |DispatcherTransport| methods. Other
    162   // |Dispatcher| methods must not be called until |DispatcherTransport::End()|
    163   // has been called.
    164   class HandleTableAccess {
    165    private:
    166     friend class Core;
    167     friend class HandleTable;
    168     // Tests also need this, to avoid needing |Core|.
    169     friend DispatcherTransport test::DispatcherTryStartTransport(Dispatcher*);
    171     // This must be called under the handle table lock and only if the handle
    172     // table entry is not marked busy. The caller must maintain a reference to
    173     // |dispatcher| until |DispatcherTransport::End()| is called.
    174     static DispatcherTransport TryStartTransport(Dispatcher* dispatcher);
    175   };
    177   // A |TransportData| may serialize dispatchers that are given to it (and which
    178   // were previously attached to the |MessageInTransit| that is creating it) to
    179   // a given |Channel| and then (probably in a different process) deserialize.
    180   // Note that the |MessageInTransit| "owns" (i.e., has the only ref to) these
    181   // dispatchers, so there are no locking issues. (There's no lock ordering
    182   // issue, and in fact no need to take dispatcher locks at all.)
    183   // TODO(vtl): Consider making another wrapper similar to |DispatcherTransport|
    184   // (but with an owning, unique reference), and having
    185   // |CreateEquivalentDispatcherAndCloseImplNoLock()| return that wrapper (and
    186   // |MessageInTransit|, etc. only holding on to such wrappers).
    187   class TransportDataAccess {
    188    private:
    189     friend class TransportData;
    191     // Serialization API. These functions may only be called on such
    192     // dispatchers. (|channel| is the |Channel| to which the dispatcher is to be
    193     // serialized.) See the |Dispatcher| methods of the same names for more
    194     // details.
    195     static void StartSerialize(Dispatcher* dispatcher,
    196                                Channel* channel,
    197                                size_t* max_size,
    198                                size_t* max_platform_handles);
    199     static bool EndSerializeAndClose(
    200         Dispatcher* dispatcher,
    201         Channel* channel,
    202         void* destination,
    203         size_t* actual_size,
    204         embedder::PlatformHandleVector* platform_handles);
    206     // Deserialization API.
    207     // Note: This "clears" (i.e., reset to the invalid handle) any platform
    208     // handles that it takes ownership of.
    209     static scoped_refptr<Dispatcher> Deserialize(
    210         Channel* channel,
    211         int32_t type,
    212         const void* source,
    213         size_t size,
    214         embedder::PlatformHandleVector* platform_handles);
    215   };
    217  protected:
    218   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Dispatcher>;
    220   Dispatcher();
    221   virtual ~Dispatcher();
    223   // These are to be overridden by subclasses (if necessary). They are called
    224   // exactly once -- first |CancelAllWaitersNoLock()|, then |CloseImplNoLock()|,
    225   // when the dispatcher is being closed. They are called under |lock_|.
    226   virtual void CancelAllWaitersNoLock();
    227   virtual void CloseImplNoLock();
    228   virtual scoped_refptr<Dispatcher>
    229       CreateEquivalentDispatcherAndCloseImplNoLock() = 0;
    231   // These are to be overridden by subclasses (if necessary). They are never
    232   // called after the dispatcher has been closed. They are called under |lock_|.
    233   // See the descriptions of the methods without the "ImplNoLock" for more
    234   // information.
    235   virtual MojoResult WriteMessageImplNoLock(
    236       UserPointer<const void> bytes,
    237       uint32_t num_bytes,
    238       std::vector<DispatcherTransport>* transports,
    239       MojoWriteMessageFlags flags);
    240   virtual MojoResult ReadMessageImplNoLock(UserPointer<void> bytes,
    241                                            UserPointer<uint32_t> num_bytes,
    242                                            DispatcherVector* dispatchers,
    243                                            uint32_t* num_dispatchers,
    244                                            MojoReadMessageFlags flags);
    245   virtual MojoResult WriteDataImplNoLock(UserPointer<const void> elements,
    246                                          UserPointer<uint32_t> num_bytes,
    247                                          MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
    248   virtual MojoResult BeginWriteDataImplNoLock(
    249       UserPointer<void*> buffer,
    250       UserPointer<uint32_t> buffer_num_bytes,
    251       MojoWriteDataFlags flags);
    252   virtual MojoResult EndWriteDataImplNoLock(uint32_t num_bytes_written);
    253   virtual MojoResult ReadDataImplNoLock(UserPointer<void> elements,
    254                                         UserPointer<uint32_t> num_bytes,
    255                                         MojoReadDataFlags flags);
    256   virtual MojoResult BeginReadDataImplNoLock(
    257       UserPointer<const void*> buffer,
    258       UserPointer<uint32_t> buffer_num_bytes,
    259       MojoReadDataFlags flags);
    260   virtual MojoResult EndReadDataImplNoLock(uint32_t num_bytes_read);
    261   virtual MojoResult DuplicateBufferHandleImplNoLock(
    262       UserPointer<const MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions> options,
    263       scoped_refptr<Dispatcher>* new_dispatcher);
    264   virtual MojoResult MapBufferImplNoLock(
    265       uint64_t offset,
    266       uint64_t num_bytes,
    267       MojoMapBufferFlags flags,
    268       scoped_ptr<embedder::PlatformSharedBufferMapping>* mapping);
    269   virtual HandleSignalsState GetHandleSignalsStateImplNoLock() const;
    270   virtual MojoResult AddWaiterImplNoLock(Waiter* waiter,
    271                                          MojoHandleSignals signals,
    272                                          uint32_t context,
    273                                          HandleSignalsState* signals_state);
    274   virtual void RemoveWaiterImplNoLock(Waiter* waiter,
    275                                       HandleSignalsState* signals_state);
    277   // These implement the API used to serialize dispatchers to a |Channel|
    278   // (described below). They will only be called on a dispatcher that's attached
    279   // to and "owned" by a |MessageInTransit|. See the non-"impl" versions for
    280   // more information.
    281   //
    282   // Note: |StartSerializeImplNoLock()| is actually called with |lock_| NOT
    283   // held, since the dispatcher should only be accessible to the calling thread.
    284   // On Debug builds, |EndSerializeAndCloseImplNoLock()| is called with |lock_|
    285   // held, to satisfy any |lock_.AssertAcquired()| (e.g., in |CloseImplNoLock()|
    286   // -- and anything it calls); disentangling those assertions is
    287   // difficult/fragile, and would weaken our general checking of invariants.
    288   //
    289   // TODO(vtl): Consider making these pure virtual once most things support
    290   // being passed over a message pipe.
    291   virtual void StartSerializeImplNoLock(Channel* channel,
    292                                         size_t* max_size,
    293                                         size_t* max_platform_handles);
    294   virtual bool EndSerializeAndCloseImplNoLock(
    295       Channel* channel,
    296       void* destination,
    297       size_t* actual_size,
    298       embedder::PlatformHandleVector* platform_handles);
    300   // Available to subclasses. (Note: Returns a non-const reference, just like
    301   // |base::AutoLock|'s constructor takes a non-const reference.)
    302   base::Lock& lock() const { return lock_; }
    304  private:
    305   friend class DispatcherTransport;
    307   // This should be overridden to return true if/when there's an ongoing
    308   // operation (e.g., two-phase read/writes on data pipes) that should prevent a
    309   // handle from being sent over a message pipe (with status "busy").
    310   virtual bool IsBusyNoLock() const;
    312   // Closes the dispatcher. This must be done under lock, and unlike |Close()|,
    313   // the dispatcher must not be closed already. (This is the "equivalent" of
    314   // |CreateEquivalentDispatcherAndCloseNoLock()|, for situations where the
    315   // dispatcher must be disposed of instead of "transferred".)
    316   void CloseNoLock();
    318   // Creates an equivalent dispatcher -- representing the same resource as this
    319   // dispatcher -- and close (i.e., disable) this dispatcher. I.e., this
    320   // dispatcher will look as though it was closed, but the resource it
    321   // represents will be assigned to the new dispatcher. This must be called
    322   // under the dispatcher's lock.
    323   scoped_refptr<Dispatcher> CreateEquivalentDispatcherAndCloseNoLock();
    325   // API to serialize dispatchers to a |Channel|, exposed to only
    326   // |TransportData| (via |TransportData|). They may only be called on a
    327   // dispatcher attached to a |MessageInTransit| (and in particular not in
    328   // |CoreImpl|'s handle table).
    329   //
    330   // Starts the serialization. Returns (via the two "out" parameters) the
    331   // maximum amount of space that may be needed to serialize this dispatcher to
    332   // the given |Channel| (no more than
    333   // |TransportData::kMaxSerializedDispatcherSize|) and the maximum number of
    334   // |PlatformHandle|s that may need to be attached (no more than
    335   // |TransportData::kMaxSerializedDispatcherPlatformHandles|). If this
    336   // dispatcher cannot be serialized to the given |Channel|, |*max_size| and
    337   // |*max_platform_handles| should be set to zero. A call to this method will
    338   // ALWAYS be followed by a call to |EndSerializeAndClose()| (even if this
    339   // dispatcher cannot be serialized to the given |Channel|).
    340   void StartSerialize(Channel* channel,
    341                       size_t* max_size,
    342                       size_t* max_platform_handles);
    343   // Completes the serialization of this dispatcher to the given |Channel| and
    344   // closes it. (This call will always follow an earlier call to
    345   // |StartSerialize()|, with the same |Channel|.) This does so by writing to
    346   // |destination| and appending any |PlatformHandle|s needed to
    347   // |platform_handles| (which may be null if no platform handles were indicated
    348   // to be required to |StartSerialize()|). This may write no more than the
    349   // amount indicated by |StartSerialize()|. (WARNING: Beware of races, e.g., if
    350   // something can be mutated between the two calls!) Returns true on success,
    351   // in which case |*actual_size| is set to the amount it actually wrote to
    352   // |destination|. On failure, |*actual_size| should not be modified; however,
    353   // the dispatcher will still be closed.
    354   bool EndSerializeAndClose(Channel* channel,
    355                             void* destination,
    356                             size_t* actual_size,
    357                             embedder::PlatformHandleVector* platform_handles);
    359   // This protects the following members as well as any state added by
    360   // subclasses.
    361   mutable base::Lock lock_;
    362   bool is_closed_;
    364   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Dispatcher);
    365 };
    367 // Wrapper around a |Dispatcher| pointer, while it's being processed to be
    368 // passed in a message pipe. See the comment about
    369 // |Dispatcher::HandleTableAccess| for more details.
    370 //
    371 // Note: This class is deliberately "thin" -- no more expensive than a
    372 // |Dispatcher*|.
    373 class MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT DispatcherTransport {
    374  public:
    375   DispatcherTransport() : dispatcher_(nullptr) {}
    377   void End();
    379   Dispatcher::Type GetType() const { return dispatcher_->GetType(); }
    380   bool IsBusy() const { return dispatcher_->IsBusyNoLock(); }
    381   void Close() { dispatcher_->CloseNoLock(); }
    382   scoped_refptr<Dispatcher> CreateEquivalentDispatcherAndClose() {
    383     return dispatcher_->CreateEquivalentDispatcherAndCloseNoLock();
    384   }
    386   bool is_valid() const { return !!dispatcher_; }
    388  protected:
    389   Dispatcher* dispatcher() { return dispatcher_; }
    391  private:
    392   friend class Dispatcher::HandleTableAccess;
    394   explicit DispatcherTransport(Dispatcher* dispatcher)
    395       : dispatcher_(dispatcher) {}
    397   Dispatcher* dispatcher_;
    399   // Copy and assign allowed.
    400 };
    402 }  // namespace system
    403 }  // namespace mojo
    405 #endif  // MOJO_SYSTEM_DISPATCHER_H_