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      1 from __future__ import absolute_import
      2 import os
      3 import sys
      5 import llvmbuild.componentinfo as componentinfo
      6 import llvmbuild.configutil as configutil
      8 from llvmbuild.util import fatal, note
     10 ###
     12 def cmake_quote_string(value):
     13     """
     14     cmake_quote_string(value) -> str
     16     Return a quoted form of the given value that is suitable for use in CMake
     17     language files.
     18     """
     20     # Currently, we only handle escaping backslashes.
     21     value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\")
     23     return value
     25 def cmake_quote_path(value):
     26     """
     27     cmake_quote_path(value) -> str
     29     Return a quoted form of the given value that is suitable for use in CMake
     30     language files.
     31     """
     33     # CMake has a bug in it's Makefile generator that doesn't properly quote
     34     # strings it generates. So instead of using proper quoting, we just use "/"
     35     # style paths.  Currently, we only handle escaping backslashes.
     36     value = value.replace("\\", "/")
     38     return value
     40 def mk_quote_string_for_target(value):
     41     """
     42     mk_quote_string_for_target(target_name) -> str
     44     Return a quoted form of the given target_name suitable for including in a 
     45     Makefile as a target name.
     46     """
     48     # The only quoting we currently perform is for ':', to support msys users.
     49     return value.replace(":", "\\:")
     51 def make_install_dir(path):
     52     """
     53     make_install_dir(path) -> None
     55     Create the given directory path for installation, including any parents.
     56     """
     58     # os.makedirs considers it an error to be called with an existent path.
     59     if not os.path.exists(path):
     60         os.makedirs(path)
     62 ###
     64 class LLVMProjectInfo(object):
     65     @staticmethod
     66     def load_infos_from_path(llvmbuild_source_root):
     67         def recurse(subpath):
     68             # Load the LLVMBuild file.
     69             llvmbuild_path = os.path.join(llvmbuild_source_root + subpath,
     70                                           'LLVMBuild.txt')
     71             if not os.path.exists(llvmbuild_path):
     72                 fatal("missing LLVMBuild.txt file at: %r" % (llvmbuild_path,))
     74             # Parse the components from it.
     75             common,info_iter = componentinfo.load_from_path(llvmbuild_path,
     76                                                             subpath)
     77             for info in info_iter:
     78                 yield info
     80             # Recurse into the specified subdirectories.
     81             for subdir in common.get_list("subdirectories"):
     82                 for item in recurse(os.path.join(subpath, subdir)):
     83                     yield item
     85         return recurse("/")
     87     @staticmethod
     88     def load_from_path(source_root, llvmbuild_source_root):
     89         infos = list(
     90             LLVMProjectInfo.load_infos_from_path(llvmbuild_source_root))
     92         return LLVMProjectInfo(source_root, infos)
     94     def __init__(self, source_root, component_infos):
     95         # Store our simple ivars.
     96         self.source_root = source_root
     97         self.component_infos = list(component_infos)
     98         self.component_info_map = None
     99         self.ordered_component_infos = None
    101     def validate_components(self):
    102         """validate_components() -> None
    104         Validate that the project components are well-defined. Among other
    105         things, this checks that:
    106           - Components have valid references.
    107           - Components references do not form cycles.
    109         We also construct the map from component names to info, and the
    110         topological ordering of components.
    111         """
    113         # Create the component info map and validate that component names are
    114         # unique.
    115         self.component_info_map = {}
    116         for ci in self.component_infos:
    117             existing = self.component_info_map.get(ci.name)
    118             if existing is not None:
    119                 # We found a duplicate component name, report it and error out.
    120                 fatal("found duplicate component %r (at %r and %r)" % (
    121                         ci.name, ci.subpath, existing.subpath))
    122             self.component_info_map[ci.name] = ci
    124         # Disallow 'all' as a component name, which is a special case.
    125         if 'all' in self.component_info_map:
    126             fatal("project is not allowed to define 'all' component")
    128         # Add the root component.
    129         if '$ROOT' in self.component_info_map:
    130             fatal("project is not allowed to define $ROOT component")
    131         self.component_info_map['$ROOT'] = componentinfo.GroupComponentInfo(
    132             '/', '$ROOT', None)
    133         self.component_infos.append(self.component_info_map['$ROOT'])
    135         # Topologically order the component information according to their
    136         # component references.
    137         def visit_component_info(ci, current_stack, current_set):
    138             # Check for a cycles.
    139             if ci in current_set:
    140                 # We found a cycle, report it and error out.
    141                 cycle_description = ' -> '.join(
    142                     '%r (%s)' % (ci.name, relation)
    143                     for relation,ci in current_stack)
    144                 fatal("found cycle to %r after following: %s -> %s" % (
    145                         ci.name, cycle_description, ci.name))
    147             # If we have already visited this item, we are done.
    148             if ci not in components_to_visit:
    149                 return
    151             # Otherwise, mark the component info as visited and traverse.
    152             components_to_visit.remove(ci)
    154             # Validate the parent reference, which we treat specially.
    155             if ci.parent is not None:
    156                 parent = self.component_info_map.get(ci.parent)
    157                 if parent is None:
    158                     fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
    159                             ci.name, ci.parent, 'parent'))
    160                 ci.set_parent_instance(parent)
    162             for relation,referent_name in ci.get_component_references():
    163                 # Validate that the reference is ok.
    164                 referent = self.component_info_map.get(referent_name)
    165                 if referent is None:
    166                     fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
    167                             ci.name, referent_name, relation))
    169                 # Visit the reference.
    170                 current_stack.append((relation,ci))
    171                 current_set.add(ci)
    172                 visit_component_info(referent, current_stack, current_set)
    173                 current_set.remove(ci)
    174                 current_stack.pop()
    176             # Finally, add the component info to the ordered list.
    177             self.ordered_component_infos.append(ci)
    179         # FIXME: We aren't actually correctly checking for cycles along the
    180         # parent edges. Haven't decided how I want to handle this -- I thought
    181         # about only checking cycles by relation type. If we do that, it falls
    182         # out easily. If we don't, we should special case the check.
    184         self.ordered_component_infos = []
    185         components_to_visit = sorted(
    186             set(self.component_infos),
    187             key = lambda c: c.name)
    188         while components_to_visit:
    189             visit_component_info(components_to_visit[0], [], set())
    191         # Canonicalize children lists.
    192         for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
    193             c.children.sort(key = lambda c: c.name)
    195     def print_tree(self):
    196         def visit(node, depth = 0):
    197             print('%s%-40s (%s)' % ('  '*depth, node.name, node.type_name))
    198             for c in node.children:
    199                 visit(c, depth + 1)
    200         visit(self.component_info_map['$ROOT'])
    202     def write_components(self, output_path):
    203         # Organize all the components by the directory their LLVMBuild file
    204         # should go in.
    205         info_basedir = {}
    206         for ci in self.component_infos:
    207             # Ignore the $ROOT component.
    208             if ci.parent is None:
    209                 continue
    211             info_basedir[ci.subpath] = info_basedir.get(ci.subpath, []) + [ci]
    213         # Compute the list of subdirectories to scan.
    214         subpath_subdirs = {}
    215         for ci in self.component_infos:
    216             # Ignore root components.
    217             if ci.subpath == '/':
    218                 continue
    220             # Otherwise, append this subpath to the parent list.
    221             parent_path = os.path.dirname(ci.subpath)
    222             subpath_subdirs[parent_path] = parent_list = subpath_subdirs.get(
    223                 parent_path, set())
    224             parent_list.add(os.path.basename(ci.subpath))
    226         # Generate the build files.
    227         for subpath, infos in info_basedir.items():
    228             # Order the components by name to have a canonical ordering.
    229             infos.sort(key = lambda ci: ci.name)
    231             # Format the components into llvmbuild fragments.
    232             fragments = []
    234             # Add the common fragments.
    235             subdirectories = subpath_subdirs.get(subpath)
    236             if subdirectories:
    237                 fragment = """\
    238 subdirectories = %s
    239 """ % (" ".join(sorted(subdirectories)),)
    240                 fragments.append(("common", fragment))
    242             # Add the component fragments.
    243             num_common_fragments = len(fragments)
    244             for ci in infos:
    245                 fragment = ci.get_llvmbuild_fragment()
    246                 if fragment is None:
    247                     continue
    249                 name = "component_%d" % (len(fragments) - num_common_fragments)
    250                 fragments.append((name, fragment))
    252             if not fragments:
    253                 continue
    255             assert subpath.startswith('/')
    256             directory_path = os.path.join(output_path, subpath[1:])
    258             # Create the directory if it does not already exist.
    259             if not os.path.exists(directory_path):
    260                 os.makedirs(directory_path)
    262             # In an effort to preserve comments (which aren't parsed), read in
    263             # the original file and extract the comments. We only know how to
    264             # associate comments that prefix a section name.
    265             f = open(infos[0]._source_path)
    266             comments_map = {}
    267             comment_block = ""
    268             for ln in f:
    269                 if ln.startswith(';'):
    270                     comment_block += ln
    271                 elif ln.startswith('[') and ln.endswith(']\n'):
    272                     comments_map[ln[1:-2]] = comment_block
    273                 else:
    274                     comment_block = ""
    275             f.close()
    277             # Create the LLVMBuild fil[e.
    278             file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, 'LLVMBuild.txt')
    279             f = open(file_path, "w")
    281             # Write the header.
    282             header_fmt = ';===- %s %s-*- Conf -*--===;'
    283             header_name = '.' + os.path.join(subpath, 'LLVMBuild.txt')
    284             header_pad = '-' * (80 - len(header_fmt % (header_name, '')))
    285             header_string = header_fmt % (header_name, header_pad)
    286             f.write("""\
    287 %s
    288 ;
    289 ;                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
    290 ;
    291 ; This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
    292 ; License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
    293 ;
    294 ;===------------------------------------------------------------------------===;
    295 ;
    296 ; This is an LLVMBuild description file for the components in this subdirectory.
    297 ;
    298 ; For more information on the LLVMBuild system, please see:
    299 ;
    300 ;   http://llvm.org/docs/LLVMBuild.html
    301 ;
    302 ;===------------------------------------------------------------------------===;
    304 """ % header_string)
    306             # Write out each fragment.each component fragment.
    307             for name,fragment in fragments:
    308                 comment = comments_map.get(name)
    309                 if comment is not None:
    310                     f.write(comment)
    311                 f.write("[%s]\n" % name)
    312                 f.write(fragment)
    313                 if fragment is not fragments[-1][1]:
    314                     f.write('\n')
    316             f.close()
    318     def write_library_table(self, output_path, enabled_optional_components):
    319         # Write out the mapping from component names to required libraries.
    320         #
    321         # We do this in topological order so that we know we can append the
    322         # dependencies for added library groups.
    323         entries = {}
    324         for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
    325             # Skip optional components which are not enabled.
    326             if c.type_name == 'OptionalLibrary' \
    327                 and c.name not in enabled_optional_components:
    328                 continue
    330             # Skip target groups which are not enabled.
    331             tg = c.get_parent_target_group()
    332             if tg and not tg.enabled:
    333                 continue
    335             # Only certain components are in the table.
    336             if c.type_name not in ('Library', 'OptionalLibrary', \
    337                                    'LibraryGroup', 'TargetGroup'):
    338                 continue
    340             # Compute the llvm-config "component name". For historical reasons,
    341             # this is lowercased based on the library name.
    342             llvmconfig_component_name = c.get_llvmconfig_component_name()
    344             # Get the library name, or None for LibraryGroups.
    345             if c.type_name == 'Library' or c.type_name == 'OptionalLibrary':
    346                 library_name = c.get_prefixed_library_name()
    347                 is_installed = c.installed
    348             else:
    349                 library_name = None
    350                 is_installed = True
    352             # Get the component names of all the required libraries.
    353             required_llvmconfig_component_names = [
    354                 self.component_info_map[dep].get_llvmconfig_component_name()
    355                 for dep in c.required_libraries]
    357             # Insert the entries for library groups we should add to.
    358             for dep in c.add_to_library_groups:
    359                 entries[dep][2].append(llvmconfig_component_name)
    361             # Add the entry.
    362             entries[c.name] = (llvmconfig_component_name, library_name,
    363                                required_llvmconfig_component_names,
    364                                is_installed)
    366         # Convert to a list of entries and sort by name.
    367         entries = list(entries.values())
    369         # Create an 'all' pseudo component. We keep the dependency list small by
    370         # only listing entries that have no other dependents.
    371         root_entries = set(e[0] for e in entries)
    372         for _,_,deps,_ in entries:
    373             root_entries -= set(deps)
    374         entries.append(('all', None, root_entries, True))
    376         entries.sort()
    378         # Compute the maximum number of required libraries, plus one so there is
    379         # always a sentinel.
    380         max_required_libraries = max(len(deps)
    381                                      for _,_,deps,_ in entries) + 1
    383         # Write out the library table.
    384         make_install_dir(os.path.dirname(output_path))
    385         f = open(output_path, 'w')
    386         f.write("""\
    387 //===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
    388 //
    389 // Component Library Depenedency Table
    390 //
    391 // Automatically generated file, do not edit!
    392 //
    393 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    395 """)
    396         f.write('struct AvailableComponent {\n')
    397         f.write('  /// The name of the component.\n')
    398         f.write('  const char *Name;\n')
    399         f.write('\n')
    400         f.write('  /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).\n')
    401         f.write('  const char *Library;\n')
    402         f.write('\n')
    403         f.write('  /// Whether the component is installed.\n')
    404         f.write('  bool IsInstalled;\n')
    405         f.write('\n')
    406         f.write('\
    407   /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.\n')
    408         f.write('  const char *RequiredLibraries[%d];\n' % (
    409             max_required_libraries))
    410         f.write('} AvailableComponents[%d] = {\n' % len(entries))
    411         for name,library_name,required_names,is_installed in entries:
    412             if library_name is None:
    413                 library_name_as_cstr = '0'
    414             else:
    415                 library_name_as_cstr = '"lib%s.a"' % library_name
    416             f.write('  { "%s", %s, %d, { %s } },\n' % (
    417                 name, library_name_as_cstr, is_installed,
    418                 ', '.join('"%s"' % dep
    419                           for dep in required_names)))
    420         f.write('};\n')
    421         f.close()
    423     def get_required_libraries_for_component(self, ci, traverse_groups = False):
    424         """
    425         get_required_libraries_for_component(component_info) -> iter
    427         Given a Library component info descriptor, return an iterator over all
    428         of the directly required libraries for linking with this component. If
    429         traverse_groups is True, then library and target groups will be
    430         traversed to include their required libraries.
    431         """
    433         assert ci.type_name in ('Library', 'LibraryGroup', 'TargetGroup')
    435         for name in ci.required_libraries:
    436             # Get the dependency info.
    437             dep = self.component_info_map[name]
    439             # If it is a library, yield it.
    440             if dep.type_name == 'Library':
    441                 yield dep
    442                 continue
    444             # Otherwise if it is a group, yield or traverse depending on what
    445             # was requested.
    446             if dep.type_name in ('LibraryGroup', 'TargetGroup'):
    447                 if not traverse_groups:
    448                     yield dep
    449                     continue
    451                 for res in self.get_required_libraries_for_component(dep, True):
    452                     yield res
    454     def get_fragment_dependencies(self):
    455         """
    456         get_fragment_dependencies() -> iter
    458         Compute the list of files (as absolute paths) on which the output
    459         fragments depend (i.e., files for which a modification should trigger a
    460         rebuild of the fragment).
    461         """
    463         # Construct a list of all the dependencies of the Makefile fragment
    464         # itself. These include all the LLVMBuild files themselves, as well as
    465         # all of our own sources.
    466         #
    467         # Many components may come from the same file, so we make sure to unique
    468         # these.
    469         build_paths = set()
    470         for ci in self.component_infos:
    471             p = os.path.join(self.source_root, ci.subpath[1:], 'LLVMBuild.txt')
    472             if p not in build_paths:
    473                 yield p
    474                 build_paths.add(p)
    476         # Gather the list of necessary sources by just finding all loaded
    477         # modules that are inside the LLVM source tree.
    478         for module in sys.modules.values():
    479             # Find the module path.
    480             if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
    481                 continue
    482             path = getattr(module, '__file__')
    483             if not path:
    484                 continue
    486             # Strip off any compiled suffix.
    487             if os.path.splitext(path)[1] in ['.pyc', '.pyo', '.pyd']:
    488                 path = path[:-1]
    490             # If the path exists and is in the source tree, consider it a
    491             # dependency.
    492             if (path.startswith(self.source_root) and os.path.exists(path)):
    493                 yield path
    495     def write_cmake_fragment(self, output_path):
    496         """
    497         write_cmake_fragment(output_path) -> None
    499         Generate a CMake fragment which includes all of the collated LLVMBuild
    500         information in a format that is easily digestible by a CMake. The exact
    501         contents of this are closely tied to how the CMake configuration
    502         integrates LLVMBuild, see CMakeLists.txt in the top-level.
    503         """
    505         dependencies = list(self.get_fragment_dependencies())
    507         # Write out the CMake fragment.
    508         make_install_dir(os.path.dirname(output_path))
    509         f = open(output_path, 'w')
    511         # Write the header.
    512         header_fmt = '\
    513 #===-- %s - LLVMBuild Configuration for LLVM %s-*- CMake -*--===#'
    514         header_name = os.path.basename(output_path)
    515         header_pad = '-' * (80 - len(header_fmt % (header_name, '')))
    516         header_string = header_fmt % (header_name, header_pad)
    517         f.write("""\
    518 %s
    519 #
    520 #                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
    521 #
    522 # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
    523 # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
    524 #
    525 #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===#
    526 #
    527 # This file contains the LLVMBuild project information in a format easily
    528 # consumed by the CMake based build system.
    529 #
    530 # This file is autogenerated by llvm-build, do not edit!
    531 #
    532 #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===#
    534 """ % header_string)
    536         # Write the dependency information in the best way we can.
    537         f.write("""
    538 # LLVMBuild CMake fragment dependencies.
    539 #
    540 # CMake has no builtin way to declare that the configuration depends on
    541 # a particular file. However, a side effect of configure_file is to add
    542 # said input file to CMake's internal dependency list. So, we use that
    543 # and a dummy output file to communicate the dependency information to
    544 # CMake.
    545 #
    546 # FIXME: File a CMake RFE to get a properly supported version of this
    547 # feature.
    548 """)
    549         for dep in dependencies:
    550             f.write("""\
    551 configure_file(\"%s\"
    552                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/DummyConfigureOutput)\n""" % (
    553                 cmake_quote_path(dep),))
    555         # Write the properties we use to encode the required library dependency
    556         # information in a form CMake can easily use directly.
    557         f.write("""
    558 # Explicit library dependency information.
    559 #
    560 # The following property assignments effectively create a map from component
    561 # names to required libraries, in a way that is easily accessed from CMake.
    562 """)
    563         for ci in self.ordered_component_infos:
    564             # We only write the information for libraries currently.
    565             if ci.type_name != 'Library':
    566                 continue
    568             f.write("""\
    569 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVMBUILD_LIB_DEPS_%s %s)\n""" % (
    570                 ci.get_prefixed_library_name(), " ".join(sorted(
    571                      dep.get_prefixed_library_name()
    572                      for dep in self.get_required_libraries_for_component(ci)))))
    574         f.close()
    576     def write_cmake_exports_fragment(self, output_path):
    577         """
    578         write_cmake_exports_fragment(output_path) -> None
    580         Generate a CMake fragment which includes LLVMBuild library
    581         dependencies expressed similarly to how CMake would write
    582         them via install(EXPORT).
    583         """
    585         dependencies = list(self.get_fragment_dependencies())
    587         # Write out the CMake exports fragment.
    588         make_install_dir(os.path.dirname(output_path))
    589         f = open(output_path, 'w')
    591         f.write("""\
    592 # Explicit library dependency information.
    593 #
    594 # The following property assignments tell CMake about link
    595 # dependencies of libraries imported from LLVM.
    596 """)
    597         for ci in self.ordered_component_infos:
    598             # We only write the information for libraries currently.
    599             if ci.type_name != 'Library':
    600                 continue
    602             # Skip disabled targets.
    603             tg = ci.get_parent_target_group()
    604             if tg and not tg.enabled:
    605                 continue
    607             f.write("""\
    609                 ci.get_prefixed_library_name(), " ".join(sorted(
    610                      dep.get_prefixed_library_name()
    611                      for dep in self.get_required_libraries_for_component(ci)))))
    613         f.close()
    615     def write_make_fragment(self, output_path):
    616         """
    617         write_make_fragment(output_path) -> None
    619         Generate a Makefile fragment which includes all of the collated
    620         LLVMBuild information in a format that is easily digestible by a
    621         Makefile. The exact contents of this are closely tied to how the LLVM
    622         Makefiles integrate LLVMBuild, see Makefile.rules in the top-level.
    623         """
    625         dependencies = list(self.get_fragment_dependencies())
    627         # Write out the Makefile fragment.
    628         make_install_dir(os.path.dirname(output_path))
    629         f = open(output_path, 'w')
    631         # Write the header.
    632         header_fmt = '\
    633 #===-- %s - LLVMBuild Configuration for LLVM %s-*- Makefile -*--===#'
    634         header_name = os.path.basename(output_path)
    635         header_pad = '-' * (80 - len(header_fmt % (header_name, '')))
    636         header_string = header_fmt % (header_name, header_pad)
    637         f.write("""\
    638 %s
    639 #
    640 #                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
    641 #
    642 # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
    643 # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
    644 #
    645 #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===#
    646 #
    647 # This file contains the LLVMBuild project information in a format easily
    648 # consumed by the Makefile based build system.
    649 #
    650 # This file is autogenerated by llvm-build, do not edit!
    651 #
    652 #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===#
    654 """ % header_string)
    656         # Write the dependencies for the fragment.
    657         #
    658         # FIXME: Technically, we need to properly quote for Make here.
    659         f.write("""\
    660 # Clients must explicitly enable LLVMBUILD_INCLUDE_DEPENDENCIES to get
    661 # these dependencies. This is a compromise to help improve the
    662 # performance of recursive Make systems.
    663 """)
    664         f.write('ifeq ($(LLVMBUILD_INCLUDE_DEPENDENCIES),1)\n')
    665         f.write("# The dependencies for this Makefile fragment itself.\n")
    666         f.write("%s: \\\n" % (mk_quote_string_for_target(output_path),))
    667         for dep in dependencies:
    668             f.write("\t%s \\\n" % (dep,))
    669         f.write('\n')
    671         # Generate dummy rules for each of the dependencies, so that things
    672         # continue to work correctly if any of those files are moved or removed.
    673         f.write("""\
    674 # The dummy targets to allow proper regeneration even when files are moved or
    675 # removed.
    676 """)
    677         for dep in dependencies:
    678             f.write("%s:\n" % (mk_quote_string_for_target(dep),))
    679         f.write('endif\n')
    681         f.close()
    683 def add_magic_target_components(parser, project, opts):
    684     """add_magic_target_components(project, opts) -> None
    686     Add the "magic" target based components to the project, which can only be
    687     determined based on the target configuration options.
    689     This currently is responsible for populating the required_libraries list of
    690     the "all-targets", "Native", "NativeCodeGen", and "Engine" components.
    691     """
    693     # Determine the available targets.
    694     available_targets = dict((ci.name,ci)
    695                              for ci in project.component_infos
    696                              if ci.type_name == 'TargetGroup')
    698     # Find the configured native target.
    700     # We handle a few special cases of target names here for historical
    701     # reasons, as these are the names configure currently comes up with.
    702     native_target_name = { 'x86' : 'X86',
    703                            'x86_64' : 'X86',
    704                            'Unknown' : None }.get(opts.native_target,
    705                                                   opts.native_target)
    706     if native_target_name is None:
    707         native_target = None
    708     else:
    709         native_target = available_targets.get(native_target_name)
    710         if native_target is None:
    711             parser.error("invalid native target: %r (not in project)" % (
    712                     opts.native_target,))
    713         if native_target.type_name != 'TargetGroup':
    714             parser.error("invalid native target: %r (not a target)" % (
    715                     opts.native_target,))
    717     # Find the list of targets to enable.
    718     if opts.enable_targets is None:
    719         enable_targets = available_targets.values()
    720     else:
    721         # We support both space separated and semi-colon separated lists.
    722         if opts.enable_targets == '':
    723             enable_target_names = []
    724         elif ' ' in opts.enable_targets:
    725             enable_target_names = opts.enable_targets.split()
    726         else:
    727             enable_target_names = opts.enable_targets.split(';')
    729         enable_targets = []
    730         for name in enable_target_names:
    731             target = available_targets.get(name)
    732             if target is None:
    733                 parser.error("invalid target to enable: %r (not in project)" % (
    734                         name,))
    735             if target.type_name != 'TargetGroup':
    736                 parser.error("invalid target to enable: %r (not a target)" % (
    737                         name,))
    738             enable_targets.append(target)
    740     # Find the special library groups we are going to populate. We enforce that
    741     # these appear in the project (instead of just adding them) so that they at
    742     # least have an explicit representation in the project LLVMBuild files (and
    743     # comments explaining how they are populated).
    744     def find_special_group(name):
    745         info = info_map.get(name)
    746         if info is None:
    747             fatal("expected project to contain special %r component" % (
    748                     name,))
    750         if info.type_name != 'LibraryGroup':
    751             fatal("special component %r should be a LibraryGroup" % (
    752                     name,))
    754         if info.required_libraries:
    755             fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" % (
    756                     name, 'required_libraries'))
    757         if info.add_to_library_groups:
    758             fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" % (
    759                     name, 'add_to_library_groups'))
    761         info._is_special_group = True
    762         return info
    764     info_map = dict((ci.name, ci) for ci in project.component_infos)
    765     all_targets = find_special_group('all-targets')
    766     native_group = find_special_group('Native')
    767     native_codegen_group = find_special_group('NativeCodeGen')
    768     engine_group = find_special_group('Engine')
    770     # Set the enabled bit in all the target groups, and append to the
    771     # all-targets list.
    772     for ci in enable_targets:
    773         all_targets.required_libraries.append(ci.name)
    774         ci.enabled = True
    776     # If we have a native target, then that defines the native and
    777     # native_codegen libraries.
    778     if native_target and native_target.enabled:
    779         native_group.required_libraries.append(native_target.name)
    780         native_codegen_group.required_libraries.append(
    781             '%sCodeGen' % native_target.name)
    783     # If we have a native target with a JIT, use that for the engine. Otherwise,
    784     # use the interpreter.
    785     if native_target and native_target.enabled and native_target.has_jit:
    786         engine_group.required_libraries.append('JIT')
    787         engine_group.required_libraries.append(native_group.name)
    788     else:
    789         engine_group.required_libraries.append('Interpreter')
    791 def main():
    792     from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
    793     parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]")
    795     group = OptionGroup(parser, "Input Options")
    796     group.add_option("", "--source-root", dest="source_root", metavar="PATH",
    797                       help="Path to the LLVM source (inferred if not given)",
    798                       action="store", default=None)
    799     group.add_option("", "--llvmbuild-source-root",
    800                      dest="llvmbuild_source_root",
    801                      help=(
    802             "If given, an alternate path to search for LLVMBuild.txt files"),
    803                      action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH")
    804     group.add_option("", "--build-root", dest="build_root", metavar="PATH",
    805                       help="Path to the build directory (if needed) [%default]",
    806                       action="store", default=None)
    807     parser.add_option_group(group)
    809     group = OptionGroup(parser, "Output Options")
    810     group.add_option("", "--print-tree", dest="print_tree",
    811                      help="Print out the project component tree [%default]",
    812                      action="store_true", default=False)
    813     group.add_option("", "--write-llvmbuild", dest="write_llvmbuild",
    814                       help="Write out the LLVMBuild.txt files to PATH",
    815                       action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH")
    816     group.add_option("", "--write-library-table",
    817                      dest="write_library_table", metavar="PATH",
    818                      help="Write the C++ library dependency table to PATH",
    819                      action="store", default=None)
    820     group.add_option("", "--write-cmake-fragment",
    821                      dest="write_cmake_fragment", metavar="PATH",
    822                      help="Write the CMake project information to PATH",
    823                      action="store", default=None)
    824     group.add_option("", "--write-cmake-exports-fragment",
    825                      dest="write_cmake_exports_fragment", metavar="PATH",
    826                      help="Write the CMake exports information to PATH",
    827                      action="store", default=None)
    828     group.add_option("", "--write-make-fragment",
    829                       dest="write_make_fragment", metavar="PATH",
    830                      help="Write the Makefile project information to PATH",
    831                      action="store", default=None)
    832     group.add_option("", "--configure-target-def-file",
    833                      dest="configure_target_def_files",
    834                      help="""Configure the given file at SUBPATH (relative to
    835 the inferred or given source root, and with a '.in' suffix) by replacing certain
    836 substitution variables with lists of targets that support certain features (for
    837 example, targets with AsmPrinters) and write the result to the build root (as
    838 given by --build-root) at the same SUBPATH""",
    839                      metavar="SUBPATH", action="append", default=None)
    840     parser.add_option_group(group)
    842     group = OptionGroup(parser, "Configuration Options")
    843     group.add_option("", "--native-target",
    844                       dest="native_target", metavar="NAME",
    845                       help=("Treat the named target as the 'native' one, if "
    846                             "given [%default]"),
    847                       action="store", default=None)
    848     group.add_option("", "--enable-targets",
    849                       dest="enable_targets", metavar="NAMES",
    850                       help=("Enable the given space or semi-colon separated "
    851                             "list of targets, or all targets if not present"),
    852                       action="store", default=None)
    853     group.add_option("", "--enable-optional-components",
    854                       dest="optional_components", metavar="NAMES",
    855                       help=("Enable the given space or semi-colon separated "
    856                             "list of optional components"),
    857                       action="store", default="")
    858     parser.add_option_group(group)
    860     (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    862     # Determine the LLVM source path, if not given.
    863     source_root = opts.source_root
    864     if source_root:
    865         if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(source_root, 'lib', 'IR',
    866                                            'Function.cpp')):
    867             parser.error('invalid LLVM source root: %r' % source_root)
    868     else:
    869         llvmbuild_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    870         llvm_build_path = os.path.dirname(llvmbuild_path)
    871         utils_path = os.path.dirname(llvm_build_path)
    872         source_root = os.path.dirname(utils_path)
    873         if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(source_root, 'lib', 'IR',
    874                                            'Function.cpp')):
    875             parser.error('unable to infer LLVM source root, please specify')
    877     # Construct the LLVM project information.
    878     llvmbuild_source_root = opts.llvmbuild_source_root or source_root
    879     project_info = LLVMProjectInfo.load_from_path(
    880         source_root, llvmbuild_source_root)
    882     # Add the magic target based components.
    883     add_magic_target_components(parser, project_info, opts)
    885     # Validate the project component info.
    886     project_info.validate_components()
    888     # Print the component tree, if requested.
    889     if opts.print_tree:
    890         project_info.print_tree()
    892     # Write out the components, if requested. This is useful for auto-upgrading
    893     # the schema.
    894     if opts.write_llvmbuild:
    895         project_info.write_components(opts.write_llvmbuild)
    897     # Write out the required library table, if requested.
    898     if opts.write_library_table:
    899         project_info.write_library_table(opts.write_library_table,
    900                                          opts.optional_components)
    902     # Write out the make fragment, if requested.
    903     if opts.write_make_fragment:
    904         project_info.write_make_fragment(opts.write_make_fragment)
    906     # Write out the cmake fragment, if requested.
    907     if opts.write_cmake_fragment:
    908         project_info.write_cmake_fragment(opts.write_cmake_fragment)
    909     if opts.write_cmake_exports_fragment:
    910         project_info.write_cmake_exports_fragment(opts.write_cmake_exports_fragment)
    912     # Configure target definition files, if requested.
    913     if opts.configure_target_def_files:
    914         # Verify we were given a build root.
    915         if not opts.build_root:
    916             parser.error("must specify --build-root when using "
    917                          "--configure-target-def-file")
    919         # Create the substitution list.
    920         available_targets = [ci for ci in project_info.component_infos
    921                              if ci.type_name == 'TargetGroup']
    922         substitutions = [
    923             ("@LLVM_ENUM_TARGETS@",
    924              ' '.join('LLVM_TARGET(%s)' % ci.name
    925                       for ci in available_targets)),
    926             ("@LLVM_ENUM_ASM_PRINTERS@",
    927              ' '.join('LLVM_ASM_PRINTER(%s)' % ci.name
    928                       for ci in available_targets
    929                       if ci.has_asmprinter)),
    930             ("@LLVM_ENUM_ASM_PARSERS@",
    931              ' '.join('LLVM_ASM_PARSER(%s)' % ci.name
    932                       for ci in available_targets
    933                       if ci.has_asmparser)),
    934             ("@LLVM_ENUM_DISASSEMBLERS@",
    935              ' '.join('LLVM_DISASSEMBLER(%s)' % ci.name
    936                       for ci in available_targets
    937                       if ci.has_disassembler))]
    939         # Configure the given files.
    940         for subpath in opts.configure_target_def_files:
    941             inpath = os.path.join(source_root, subpath + '.in')
    942             outpath = os.path.join(opts.build_root, subpath)
    943             result = configutil.configure_file(inpath, outpath, substitutions)
    944             if not result:
    945                 note("configured file %r hasn't changed" % outpath)
    947 if __name__=='__main__':
    948     main()