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      1 //===-- CommandObjectTarget.cpp ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "lldb/lldb-python.h"
     12 #include "CommandObjectTarget.h"
     14 // C Includes
     15 #include <errno.h>
     17 // C++ Includes
     18 // Other libraries and framework includes
     19 // Project includes
     20 #include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
     21 #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
     22 #include "lldb/Core/InputReader.h"
     23 #include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
     24 #include "lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h"
     25 #include "lldb/Core/Section.h"
     26 #include "lldb/Core/State.h"
     27 #include "lldb/Core/Timer.h"
     28 #include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h"
     29 #include "lldb/Host/Symbols.h"
     30 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
     31 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
     32 #include "lldb/Interpreter/Options.h"
     33 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupArchitecture.h"
     34 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupBoolean.h"
     35 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupFile.h"
     36 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupFormat.h"
     37 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupVariable.h"
     38 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupPlatform.h"
     39 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupUInt64.h"
     40 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupUUID.h"
     41 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay.h"
     42 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h"
     43 #include "lldb/Symbol/FuncUnwinders.h"
     44 #include "lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h"
     45 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
     46 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
     47 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolVendor.h"
     48 #include "lldb/Symbol/UnwindPlan.h"
     49 #include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h"
     50 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
     51 #include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
     52 #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
     53 #include "lldb/Target/ThreadSpec.h"
     55 using namespace lldb;
     56 using namespace lldb_private;
     60 static void
     61 DumpTargetInfo (uint32_t target_idx, Target *target, const char *prefix_cstr, bool show_stopped_process_status, Stream &strm)
     62 {
     63     const ArchSpec &target_arch = target->GetArchitecture();
     65     Module *exe_module = target->GetExecutableModulePointer();
     66     char exe_path[PATH_MAX];
     67     bool exe_valid = false;
     68     if (exe_module)
     69         exe_valid = exe_module->GetFileSpec().GetPath (exe_path, sizeof(exe_path));
     71     if (!exe_valid)
     72         ::strcpy (exe_path, "<none>");
     74     strm.Printf ("%starget #%u: %s", prefix_cstr ? prefix_cstr : "", target_idx, exe_path);
     76     uint32_t properties = 0;
     77     if (target_arch.IsValid())
     78     {
     79         strm.Printf ("%sarch=%s", properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ", target_arch.GetTriple().str().c_str());
     80         properties++;
     81     }
     82     PlatformSP platform_sp (target->GetPlatform());
     83     if (platform_sp)
     84         strm.Printf ("%splatform=%s", properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ", platform_sp->GetName().GetCString());
     86     ProcessSP process_sp (target->GetProcessSP());
     87     bool show_process_status = false;
     88     if (process_sp)
     89     {
     90         lldb::pid_t pid = process_sp->GetID();
     91         StateType state = process_sp->GetState();
     92         if (show_stopped_process_status)
     93             show_process_status = StateIsStoppedState(state, true);
     94         const char *state_cstr = StateAsCString (state);
     95         if (pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
     96             strm.Printf ("%spid=%" PRIu64, properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ", pid);
     97         strm.Printf ("%sstate=%s", properties++ > 0 ? ", " : " ( ", state_cstr);
     98     }
     99     if (properties > 0)
    100         strm.PutCString (" )\n");
    101     else
    102         strm.EOL();
    103     if (show_process_status)
    104     {
    105         const bool only_threads_with_stop_reason = true;
    106         const uint32_t start_frame = 0;
    107         const uint32_t num_frames = 1;
    108         const uint32_t num_frames_with_source = 1;
    109         process_sp->GetStatus (strm);
    110         process_sp->GetThreadStatus (strm,
    111                                      only_threads_with_stop_reason,
    112                                      start_frame,
    113                                      num_frames,
    114                                      num_frames_with_source);
    116     }
    117 }
    119 static uint32_t
    120 DumpTargetList (TargetList &target_list, bool show_stopped_process_status, Stream &strm)
    121 {
    122     const uint32_t num_targets = target_list.GetNumTargets();
    123     if (num_targets)
    124     {
    125         TargetSP selected_target_sp (target_list.GetSelectedTarget());
    126         strm.PutCString ("Current targets:\n");
    127         for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_targets; ++i)
    128         {
    129             TargetSP target_sp (target_list.GetTargetAtIndex (i));
    130             if (target_sp)
    131             {
    132                 bool is_selected = target_sp.get() == selected_target_sp.get();
    133                 DumpTargetInfo (i,
    134                                 target_sp.get(),
    135                                 is_selected ? "* " : "  ",
    136                                 show_stopped_process_status,
    137                                 strm);
    138             }
    139         }
    140     }
    141     return num_targets;
    142 }
    143 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetCreate
    145 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    146 // "target create"
    147 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    149 class CommandObjectTargetCreate : public CommandObjectParsed
    150 {
    151 public:
    152     CommandObjectTargetCreate(CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
    153         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
    154                              "target create",
    155                              "Create a target using the argument as the main executable.",
    156                              NULL),
    157         m_option_group (interpreter),
    158         m_arch_option (),
    159         m_platform_options(true), // Do include the "--platform" option in the platform settings by passing true
    160         m_core_file (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "core", 'c', 0, eArgTypeFilename, "Fullpath to a core file to use for this target."),
    161         m_symbol_file (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "symfile", 's', 0, eArgTypeFilename, "Fullpath to a stand alone debug symbols file for when debug symbols are not in the executable."),
    162         m_remote_file (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "remote-file", 'r', 0, eArgTypeFilename, "Fullpath to the file on the remote host if debugging remotely."),
    163         m_add_dependents (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "no-dependents", 'd', "Don't load dependent files when creating the target, just add the specified executable.", true, true)
    164     {
    165         CommandArgumentEntry arg;
    166         CommandArgumentData file_arg;
    168         // Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
    169             file_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeFilename;
    170         file_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlain;
    172         // There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
    173         arg.push_back (file_arg);
    175         // Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
    176         m_arguments.push_back (arg);
    178         m_option_group.Append (&m_arch_option, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    179         m_option_group.Append (&m_platform_options, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    180         m_option_group.Append (&m_core_file, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    181         m_option_group.Append (&m_symbol_file, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    182         m_option_group.Append (&m_remote_file, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    183         m_option_group.Append (&m_add_dependents, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    184         m_option_group.Finalize();
    185     }
    187     ~CommandObjectTargetCreate ()
    188     {
    189     }
    191     Options *
    192     GetOptions ()
    193     {
    194         return &m_option_group;
    195     }
    197     virtual int
    198     HandleArgumentCompletion (Args &input,
    199                               int &cursor_index,
    200                               int &cursor_char_position,
    201                               OptionElementVector &opt_element_vector,
    202                               int match_start_point,
    203                               int max_return_elements,
    204                               bool &word_complete,
    205                               StringList &matches)
    206     {
    207         std::string completion_str (input.GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index));
    208         completion_str.erase (cursor_char_position);
    210         CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks (m_interpreter,
    211                                                              CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
    212                                                              completion_str.c_str(),
    213                                                              match_start_point,
    214                                                              max_return_elements,
    215                                                              NULL,
    216                                                              word_complete,
    217                                                              matches);
    218         return matches.GetSize();
    219     }
    221 protected:
    222     bool
    223     DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result)
    224     {
    225         const size_t argc = command.GetArgumentCount();
    226         FileSpec core_file (m_core_file.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue());
    227         FileSpec remote_file (m_remote_file.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue());
    229         if (argc == 1 || core_file)
    230         {
    231             FileSpec symfile (m_symbol_file.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue());
    232             if (symfile)
    233             {
    234                 if (!symfile.Exists())
    235                 {
    236                     char symfile_path[PATH_MAX];
    237                     symfile.GetPath(symfile_path, sizeof(symfile_path));
    238                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat("invalid symbol file path '%s'", symfile_path);
    239                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    240                     return false;
    241                 }
    242             }
    244             const char *file_path = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0);
    245             Timer scoped_timer(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "(lldb) target create '%s'", file_path);
    246             TargetSP target_sp;
    247             Debugger &debugger = m_interpreter.GetDebugger();
    248             const char *arch_cstr = m_arch_option.GetArchitectureName();
    249             const bool get_dependent_files = m_add_dependents.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
    250             Error error (debugger.GetTargetList().CreateTarget (debugger,
    251                                                                 file_path,
    252                                                                 arch_cstr,
    253                                                                 get_dependent_files,
    254                                                                 &m_platform_options,
    255                                                                 target_sp));
    257             if (target_sp)
    258             {
    259                 if (symfile || remote_file)
    260                 {
    261                     ModuleSP module_sp (target_sp->GetExecutableModule());
    262                     if (module_sp)
    263                     {
    264                         if (symfile)
    265                             module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec(symfile);
    266                         if (remote_file)
    267                         {
    268                             std::string remote_path = remote_file.GetPath();
    269                             target_sp->SetArg0(remote_path.c_str());
    270                             module_sp->SetPlatformFileSpec(remote_file);
    271                         }
    272                     }
    273                 }
    275                 debugger.GetTargetList().SetSelectedTarget(target_sp.get());
    276                 if (core_file)
    277                 {
    278                     char core_path[PATH_MAX];
    279                     core_file.GetPath(core_path, sizeof(core_path));
    280                     if (core_file.Exists())
    281                     {
    282                         FileSpec core_file_dir;
    283                         core_file_dir.GetDirectory() = core_file.GetDirectory();
    284                         target_sp->GetExecutableSearchPaths ().Append (core_file_dir);
    286                         ProcessSP process_sp (target_sp->CreateProcess (m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetListener(), NULL, &core_file));
    288                         if (process_sp)
    289                         {
    290                             // Seems wierd that we Launch a core file, but that is
    291                             // what we do!
    292                             error = process_sp->LoadCore();
    294                             if (error.Fail())
    295                             {
    296                                 result.AppendError(error.AsCString("can't find plug-in for core file"));
    297                                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    298                                 return false;
    299                             }
    300                             else
    301                             {
    302                                 result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("Core file '%s' (%s) was loaded.\n", core_path, target_sp->GetArchitecture().GetArchitectureName());
    303                                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
    304                             }
    305                         }
    306                         else
    307                         {
    308                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unable to find process plug-in for core file '%s'\n", core_path);
    309                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    310                         }
    311                     }
    312                     else
    313                     {
    314                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Core file '%s' does not exist\n", core_path);
    315                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    316                     }
    317                 }
    318                 else
    319                 {
    320                     result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("Current executable set to '%s' (%s).\n", file_path, target_sp->GetArchitecture().GetArchitectureName());
    321                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
    322                 }
    323             }
    324             else
    325             {
    326                 result.AppendError(error.AsCString());
    327                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    328             }
    329         }
    330         else
    331         {
    332             result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' takes exactly one executable path argument, or use the --core-file option.\n", m_cmd_name.c_str());
    333             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    334         }
    335         return result.Succeeded();
    337     }
    339 private:
    340     OptionGroupOptions m_option_group;
    341     OptionGroupArchitecture m_arch_option;
    342     OptionGroupPlatform m_platform_options;
    343     OptionGroupFile m_core_file;
    344     OptionGroupFile m_symbol_file;
    345     OptionGroupFile m_remote_file;
    346     OptionGroupBoolean m_add_dependents;
    347 };
    349 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetList
    351 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    352 // "target list"
    353 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    355 class CommandObjectTargetList : public CommandObjectParsed
    356 {
    357 public:
    358     CommandObjectTargetList (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
    359         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
    360                              "target list",
    361                              "List all current targets in the current debug session.",
    362                              NULL,
    363                              0)
    364     {
    365     }
    367     virtual
    368     ~CommandObjectTargetList ()
    369     {
    370     }
    372 protected:
    373     virtual bool
    374     DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result)
    375     {
    376         if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
    377         {
    378             Stream &strm = result.GetOutputStream();
    380             bool show_stopped_process_status = false;
    381             if (DumpTargetList (m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetTargetList(), show_stopped_process_status, strm) == 0)
    382             {
    383                 strm.PutCString ("No targets.\n");
    384             }
    385             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
    386         }
    387         else
    388         {
    389             result.AppendError ("the 'target list' command takes no arguments\n");
    390             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    391         }
    392         return result.Succeeded();
    393     }
    394 };
    397 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetSelect
    399 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    400 // "target select"
    401 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    403 class CommandObjectTargetSelect : public CommandObjectParsed
    404 {
    405 public:
    406     CommandObjectTargetSelect (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
    407         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
    408                              "target select",
    409                              "Select a target as the current target by target index.",
    410                              NULL,
    411                              0)
    412     {
    413     }
    415     virtual
    416     ~CommandObjectTargetSelect ()
    417     {
    418     }
    420 protected:
    421     virtual bool
    422     DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result)
    423     {
    424         if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 1)
    425         {
    426             bool success = false;
    427             const char *target_idx_arg = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0);
    428             uint32_t target_idx = Args::StringToUInt32 (target_idx_arg, UINT32_MAX, 0, &success);
    429             if (success)
    430             {
    431                 TargetList &target_list = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetTargetList();
    432                 const uint32_t num_targets = target_list.GetNumTargets();
    433                 if (target_idx < num_targets)
    434                 {
    435                     TargetSP target_sp (target_list.GetTargetAtIndex (target_idx));
    436                     if (target_sp)
    437                     {
    438                         Stream &strm = result.GetOutputStream();
    439                         target_list.SetSelectedTarget (target_sp.get());
    440                         bool show_stopped_process_status = false;
    441                         DumpTargetList (target_list, show_stopped_process_status, strm);
    442                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
    443                     }
    444                     else
    445                     {
    446                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("target #%u is NULL in target list\n", target_idx);
    447                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    448                     }
    449                 }
    450                 else
    451                 {
    452                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("index %u is out of range, valid target indexes are 0 - %u\n",
    453                                                   target_idx,
    454                                                   num_targets - 1);
    455                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    456                 }
    457             }
    458             else
    459             {
    460                 result.AppendErrorWithFormat("invalid index string value '%s'\n", target_idx_arg);
    461                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    462             }
    463         }
    464         else
    465         {
    466             result.AppendError ("'target select' takes a single argument: a target index\n");
    467             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    468         }
    469         return result.Succeeded();
    470     }
    471 };
    473 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetSelect
    475 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    476 // "target delete"
    477 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    479 class CommandObjectTargetDelete : public CommandObjectParsed
    480 {
    481 public:
    482     CommandObjectTargetDelete (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
    483         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
    484                              "target delete",
    485                              "Delete one or more targets by target index.",
    486                              NULL,
    487                              0),
    488         m_option_group (interpreter),
    489         m_cleanup_option (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "clean", 'c', "Perform extra cleanup to minimize memory consumption after deleting the target.", false, false)
    490     {
    491         m_option_group.Append (&m_cleanup_option, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    492         m_option_group.Finalize();
    493     }
    495     virtual
    496     ~CommandObjectTargetDelete ()
    497     {
    498     }
    500     Options *
    501     GetOptions ()
    502     {
    503         return &m_option_group;
    504     }
    506 protected:
    507     virtual bool
    508     DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result)
    509     {
    510         const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount();
    511         std::vector<TargetSP> delete_target_list;
    512         TargetList &target_list = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetTargetList();
    513         bool success = true;
    514         TargetSP target_sp;
    515         if (argc > 0)
    516         {
    517             const uint32_t num_targets = target_list.GetNumTargets();
    518             // Bail out if don't have any targets.
    519             if (num_targets == 0) {
    520                 result.AppendError("no targets to delete");
    521                 result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
    522                 success = false;
    523             }
    525             for (uint32_t arg_idx = 0; success && arg_idx < argc; ++arg_idx)
    526             {
    527                 const char *target_idx_arg = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(arg_idx);
    528                 uint32_t target_idx = Args::StringToUInt32 (target_idx_arg, UINT32_MAX, 0, &success);
    529                 if (success)
    530                 {
    531                     if (target_idx < num_targets)
    532                     {
    533                         target_sp = target_list.GetTargetAtIndex (target_idx);
    534                         if (target_sp)
    535                         {
    536                             delete_target_list.push_back (target_sp);
    537                             continue;
    538                         }
    539                     }
    540                     if (num_targets > 1)
    541                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("target index %u is out of range, valid target indexes are 0 - %u\n",
    542                                                       target_idx,
    543                                                       num_targets - 1);
    544                     else
    545                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat("target index %u is out of range, the only valid index is 0\n",
    546                                                     target_idx);
    548                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    549                     success = false;
    550                 }
    551                 else
    552                 {
    553                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat("invalid target index '%s'\n", target_idx_arg);
    554                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    555                     success = false;
    556                 }
    557             }
    559         }
    560         else
    561         {
    562             target_sp = target_list.GetSelectedTarget();
    563             if (target_sp)
    564             {
    565                 delete_target_list.push_back (target_sp);
    566             }
    567             else
    568             {
    569                 result.AppendErrorWithFormat("no target is currently selected\n");
    570                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    571                 success = false;
    572             }
    573         }
    574         if (success)
    575         {
    576             const size_t num_targets_to_delete = delete_target_list.size();
    577             for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_targets_to_delete; ++idx)
    578             {
    579                 target_sp = delete_target_list[idx];
    580                 target_list.DeleteTarget(target_sp);
    581                 target_sp->Destroy();
    582             }
    583             // If "--clean" was specified, prune any orphaned shared modules from
    584             // the global shared module list
    585             if (m_cleanup_option.GetOptionValue ())
    586             {
    587                 const bool mandatory = true;
    588                 ModuleList::RemoveOrphanSharedModules(mandatory);
    589             }
    590             result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%u targets deleted.\n", (uint32_t)num_targets_to_delete);
    591             result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
    592         }
    594         return result.Succeeded();
    595     }
    597     OptionGroupOptions m_option_group;
    598     OptionGroupBoolean m_cleanup_option;
    599 };
    602 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetVariable
    604 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    605 // "target variable"
    606 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    608 class CommandObjectTargetVariable : public CommandObjectParsed
    609 {
    610 public:
    611     CommandObjectTargetVariable (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
    612         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
    613                              "target variable",
    614                              "Read global variable(s) prior to, or while running your binary.",
    615                              NULL,
    616                              eFlagRequiresTarget),
    617         m_option_group (interpreter),
    618         m_option_variable (false), // Don't include frame options
    619         m_option_format (eFormatDefault),
    620         m_option_compile_units    (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'file', 0, eArgTypeFilename, "A basename or fullpath to a file that contains global variables. This option can be specified multiple times."),
    621         m_option_shared_libraries (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "shlib",'shlb', 0, eArgTypeFilename, "A basename or fullpath to a shared library to use in the search for global variables. This option can be specified multiple times."),
    622         m_varobj_options()
    623     {
    624         CommandArgumentEntry arg;
    625         CommandArgumentData var_name_arg;
    627         // Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
    628         var_name_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeVarName;
    629         var_name_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlus;
    631         // There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
    632         arg.push_back (var_name_arg);
    634         // Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
    635         m_arguments.push_back (arg);
    637         m_option_group.Append (&m_varobj_options, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    638         m_option_group.Append (&m_option_variable, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    639         m_option_group.Append (&m_option_format, OptionGroupFormat::OPTION_GROUP_FORMAT | OptionGroupFormat::OPTION_GROUP_GDB_FMT, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    640         m_option_group.Append (&m_option_compile_units, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    641         m_option_group.Append (&m_option_shared_libraries, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
    642         m_option_group.Finalize();
    643     }
    645     virtual
    646     ~CommandObjectTargetVariable ()
    647     {
    648     }
    650     void
    651     DumpValueObject (Stream &s, VariableSP &var_sp, ValueObjectSP &valobj_sp, const char *root_name)
    652     {
    653         ValueObject::DumpValueObjectOptions options(m_varobj_options.GetAsDumpOptions());
    655         switch (var_sp->GetScope())
    656         {
    657             case eValueTypeVariableGlobal:
    658                 if (m_option_variable.show_scope)
    659                     s.PutCString("GLOBAL: ");
    660                 break;
    662             case eValueTypeVariableStatic:
    663                 if (m_option_variable.show_scope)
    664                     s.PutCString("STATIC: ");
    665                 break;
    667             case eValueTypeVariableArgument:
    668                 if (m_option_variable.show_scope)
    669                     s.PutCString("   ARG: ");
    670                 break;
    672             case eValueTypeVariableLocal:
    673                 if (m_option_variable.show_scope)
    674                     s.PutCString(" LOCAL: ");
    675                 break;
    677             default:
    678                 break;
    679         }
    681         if (m_option_variable.show_decl)
    682         {
    683             bool show_fullpaths = false;
    684             bool show_module = true;
    685             if (var_sp->DumpDeclaration(&s, show_fullpaths, show_module))
    686                 s.PutCString (": ");
    687         }
    689         const Format format = m_option_format.GetFormat();
    690         if (format != eFormatDefault)
    691             options.SetFormat(format);
    693         options.SetRootValueObjectName(root_name);
    695         ValueObject::DumpValueObject (s,
    696                                       valobj_sp.get(),
    697                                       options);
    699     }
    702     static size_t GetVariableCallback (void *baton,
    703                                        const char *name,
    704                                        VariableList &variable_list)
    705     {
    706         Target *target = static_cast<Target *>(baton);
    707         if (target)
    708         {
    709             return target->GetImages().FindGlobalVariables (ConstString(name),
    710                                                             true,
    711                                                             UINT32_MAX,
    712                                                             variable_list);
    713         }
    714         return 0;
    715     }
    719     Options *
    720     GetOptions ()
    721     {
    722         return &m_option_group;
    723     }
    725 protected:
    727     void
    728     DumpGlobalVariableList(const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, const SymbolContext &sc, const VariableList &variable_list, Stream &s)
    729     {
    730         size_t count = variable_list.GetSize();
    731         if (count > 0)
    732         {
    733             if (sc.module_sp)
    734             {
    735                 if (sc.comp_unit)
    736                 {
    737                     s.Printf ("Global variables for %s in %s:\n",
    738                               sc.comp_unit->GetPath().c_str(),
    739                               sc.module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str());
    740                 }
    741                 else
    742                 {
    743                     s.Printf ("Global variables for %s\n",
    744                               sc.module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str());
    745                 }
    746             }
    747             else if (sc.comp_unit)
    748             {
    749                 s.Printf ("Global variables for %s\n",
    750                           sc.comp_unit->GetPath().c_str());
    751             }
    753             for (uint32_t i=0; i<count; ++i)
    754             {
    755                 VariableSP var_sp (variable_list.GetVariableAtIndex(i));
    756                 if (var_sp)
    757                 {
    758                     ValueObjectSP valobj_sp (ValueObjectVariable::Create (exe_ctx.GetBestExecutionContextScope(), var_sp));
    760                     if (valobj_sp)
    761                         DumpValueObject (s, var_sp, valobj_sp, var_sp->GetName().GetCString());
    762                 }
    763             }
    764         }
    766     }
    767     virtual bool
    768     DoExecute (Args& args, CommandReturnObject &result)
    769     {
    770         Target *target = m_exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
    771         const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount();
    772         Stream &s = result.GetOutputStream();
    774         if (argc > 0)
    775         {
    777             for (size_t idx = 0; idx < argc; ++idx)
    778             {
    779                 VariableList variable_list;
    780                 ValueObjectList valobj_list;
    782                 const char *arg = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(idx);
    783                 size_t matches = 0;
    784                 bool use_var_name = false;
    785                 if (m_option_variable.use_regex)
    786                 {
    787                     RegularExpression regex(arg);
    788                     if (!regex.IsValid ())
    789                     {
    790                         result.GetErrorStream().Printf ("error: invalid regular expression: '%s'\n", arg);
    791                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    792                         return false;
    793                     }
    794                     use_var_name = true;
    795                     matches = target->GetImages().FindGlobalVariables (regex,
    796                                                                        true,
    797                                                                        UINT32_MAX,
    798                                                                        variable_list);
    799                 }
    800                 else
    801                 {
    802                     Error error (Variable::GetValuesForVariableExpressionPath (arg,
    803                                                                                m_exe_ctx.GetBestExecutionContextScope(),
    804                                                                                GetVariableCallback,
    805                                                                                target,
    806                                                                                variable_list,
    807                                                                                valobj_list));
    808                     matches = variable_list.GetSize();
    809                 }
    811                 if (matches == 0)
    812                 {
    813                     result.GetErrorStream().Printf ("error: can't find global variable '%s'\n", arg);
    814                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    815                     return false;
    816                 }
    817                 else
    818                 {
    819                     for (uint32_t global_idx=0; global_idx<matches; ++global_idx)
    820                     {
    821                         VariableSP var_sp (variable_list.GetVariableAtIndex(global_idx));
    822                         if (var_sp)
    823                         {
    824                             ValueObjectSP valobj_sp (valobj_list.GetValueObjectAtIndex(global_idx));
    825                             if (!valobj_sp)
    826                                 valobj_sp = ValueObjectVariable::Create (m_exe_ctx.GetBestExecutionContextScope(), var_sp);
    828                             if (valobj_sp)
    829                                 DumpValueObject (s, var_sp, valobj_sp, use_var_name ? var_sp->GetName().GetCString() : arg);
    830                         }
    831                     }
    832                 }
    833             }
    834         }
    835         else
    836         {
    837             const FileSpecList &compile_units = m_option_compile_units.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
    838             const FileSpecList &shlibs = m_option_shared_libraries.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
    839             SymbolContextList sc_list;
    840             const size_t num_compile_units = compile_units.GetSize();
    841             const size_t num_shlibs = shlibs.GetSize();
    842             if (num_compile_units == 0 && num_shlibs == 0)
    843             {
    844                 bool success = false;
    845                 StackFrame *frame = m_exe_ctx.GetFramePtr();
    846                 CompileUnit *comp_unit = NULL;
    847                 if (frame)
    848                 {
    849                     SymbolContext sc = frame->GetSymbolContext (eSymbolContextCompUnit);
    850                     if (sc.comp_unit)
    851                     {
    852                         const bool can_create = true;
    853                         VariableListSP comp_unit_varlist_sp (sc.comp_unit->GetVariableList(can_create));
    854                         if (comp_unit_varlist_sp)
    855                         {
    856                             size_t count = comp_unit_varlist_sp->GetSize();
    857                             if (count > 0)
    858                             {
    859                                 DumpGlobalVariableList(m_exe_ctx, sc, *comp_unit_varlist_sp, s);
    860                                 success = true;
    861                             }
    862                         }
    863                     }
    864                 }
    865                 if (!success)
    866                 {
    867                     if (frame)
    868                     {
    869                         if (comp_unit)
    870                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no global variables in current compile unit: %s\n",
    871                                                           comp_unit->GetPath().c_str());
    872                         else
    873                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no debug information for frame %u\n", frame->GetFrameIndex());
    874                     }
    875                     else
    876                         result.AppendError ("'target variable' takes one or more global variable names as arguments\n");
    877                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
    878                 }
    879             }
    880             else
    881             {
    882                 SymbolContextList sc_list;
    883                 const bool append = true;
    884                 // We have one or more compile unit or shlib
    885                 if (num_shlibs > 0)
    886                 {
    887                     for (size_t shlib_idx=0; shlib_idx<num_shlibs; ++shlib_idx)
    888                     {
    889                         const FileSpec module_file(shlibs.GetFileSpecAtIndex(shlib_idx));
    890                         ModuleSpec module_spec (module_file);
    892                         ModuleSP module_sp (target->GetImages().FindFirstModule(module_spec));
    893                         if (module_sp)
    894                         {
    895                             if (num_compile_units > 0)
    896                             {
    897                                 for (size_t cu_idx=0; cu_idx<num_compile_units; ++cu_idx)
    898                                     module_sp->FindCompileUnits(compile_units.GetFileSpecAtIndex(cu_idx), append, sc_list);
    899                             }
    900                             else
    901                             {
    902                                 SymbolContext sc;
    903                                 sc.module_sp = module_sp;
    904                                 sc_list.Append(sc);
    905                             }
    906                         }
    907                         else
    908                         {
    909                             // Didn't find matching shlib/module in target...
    910                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("target doesn't contain the specified shared library: %s\n",
    911                                                           module_file.GetPath().c_str());
    912                         }
    913                     }
    914                 }
    915                 else
    916                 {
    917                     // No shared libraries, we just want to find globals for the compile units files that were specified
    918                     for (size_t cu_idx=0; cu_idx<num_compile_units; ++cu_idx)
    919                         target->GetImages().FindCompileUnits(compile_units.GetFileSpecAtIndex(cu_idx), append, sc_list);
    920                 }
    922                 const uint32_t num_scs = sc_list.GetSize();
    923                 if (num_scs > 0)
    924                 {
    925                     SymbolContext sc;
    926                     for (uint32_t sc_idx=0; sc_idx<num_scs; ++sc_idx)
    927                     {
    928                         if (sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(sc_idx, sc))
    929                         {
    930                             if (sc.comp_unit)
    931                             {
    932                                 const bool can_create = true;
    933                                 VariableListSP comp_unit_varlist_sp (sc.comp_unit->GetVariableList(can_create));
    934                                 if (comp_unit_varlist_sp)
    935                                     DumpGlobalVariableList(m_exe_ctx, sc, *comp_unit_varlist_sp, s);
    936                             }
    937                             else if (sc.module_sp)
    938                             {
    939                                 // Get all global variables for this module
    940                                 lldb_private::RegularExpression all_globals_regex("."); // Any global with at least one character
    941                                 VariableList variable_list;
    942                                 sc.module_sp->FindGlobalVariables(all_globals_regex, append, UINT32_MAX, variable_list);
    943                                 DumpGlobalVariableList(m_exe_ctx, sc, variable_list, s);
    944                             }
    945                         }
    946                     }
    947                 }
    948             }
    949         }
    951         if (m_interpreter.TruncationWarningNecessary())
    952         {
    953             result.GetOutputStream().Printf(m_interpreter.TruncationWarningText(),
    954                                             m_cmd_name.c_str());
    955             m_interpreter.TruncationWarningGiven();
    956         }
    958         return result.Succeeded();
    959     }
    961     OptionGroupOptions m_option_group;
    962     OptionGroupVariable m_option_variable;
    963     OptionGroupFormat m_option_format;
    964     OptionGroupFileList m_option_compile_units;
    965     OptionGroupFileList m_option_shared_libraries;
    966     OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay m_varobj_options;
    968 };
    971 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsAdd
    973 class CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsAdd : public CommandObjectParsed
    974 {
    975 public:
    977     CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsAdd (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
    978         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
    979                              "target modules search-paths add",
    980                              "Add new image search paths substitution pairs to the current target.",
    981                              NULL)
    982     {
    983         CommandArgumentEntry arg;
    984         CommandArgumentData old_prefix_arg;
    985         CommandArgumentData new_prefix_arg;
    987         // Define the first variant of this arg pair.
    988         old_prefix_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeOldPathPrefix;
    989         old_prefix_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPairPlus;
    991         // Define the first variant of this arg pair.
    992         new_prefix_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeNewPathPrefix;
    993         new_prefix_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPairPlus;
    995         // There are two required arguments that must always occur together, i.e. an argument "pair".  Because they
    996         // must always occur together, they are treated as two variants of one argument rather than two independent
    997         // arguments.  Push them both into the first argument position for m_arguments...
    999         arg.push_back (old_prefix_arg);
   1000         arg.push_back (new_prefix_arg);
   1002         m_arguments.push_back (arg);
   1003     }
   1005     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsAdd ()
   1006     {
   1007     }
   1009 protected:
   1010     bool
   1011     DoExecute (Args& command,
   1012              CommandReturnObject &result)
   1013     {
   1014         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   1015         if (target)
   1016         {
   1017             const size_t argc = command.GetArgumentCount();
   1018             if (argc & 1)
   1019             {
   1020                 result.AppendError ("add requires an even number of arguments\n");
   1021                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1022             }
   1023             else
   1024             {
   1025                 for (size_t i=0; i<argc; i+=2)
   1026                 {
   1027                     const char *from = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
   1028                     const char *to = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(i+1);
   1030                     if (from[0] && to[0])
   1031                     {
   1032                         bool last_pair = ((argc - i) == 2);
   1033                         target->GetImageSearchPathList().Append (ConstString(from),
   1034                                                                  ConstString(to),
   1035                                                                  last_pair); // Notify if this is the last pair
   1036                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
   1037                     }
   1038                     else
   1039                     {
   1040                         if (from[0])
   1041                             result.AppendError ("<path-prefix> can't be empty\n");
   1042                         else
   1043                             result.AppendError ("<new-path-prefix> can't be empty\n");
   1044                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1045                     }
   1046                 }
   1047             }
   1048         }
   1049         else
   1050         {
   1051             result.AppendError ("invalid target\n");
   1052             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1053         }
   1054         return result.Succeeded();
   1055     }
   1056 };
   1058 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsClear
   1060 class CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsClear : public CommandObjectParsed
   1061 {
   1062 public:
   1064     CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsClear (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   1065         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
   1066                              "target modules search-paths clear",
   1067                              "Clear all current image search path substitution pairs from the current target.",
   1068                              "target modules search-paths clear")
   1069     {
   1070     }
   1072     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsClear ()
   1073     {
   1074     }
   1076 protected:
   1077     bool
   1078     DoExecute (Args& command,
   1079              CommandReturnObject &result)
   1080     {
   1081         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   1082         if (target)
   1083         {
   1084             bool notify = true;
   1085             target->GetImageSearchPathList().Clear(notify);
   1086             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
   1087         }
   1088         else
   1089         {
   1090             result.AppendError ("invalid target\n");
   1091             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1092         }
   1093         return result.Succeeded();
   1094     }
   1095 };
   1097 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsInsert
   1099 class CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsInsert : public CommandObjectParsed
   1100 {
   1101 public:
   1103     CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsInsert (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   1104         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
   1105                              "target modules search-paths insert",
   1106                              "Insert a new image search path substitution pair into the current target at the specified index.",
   1107                              NULL)
   1108     {
   1109         CommandArgumentEntry arg1;
   1110         CommandArgumentEntry arg2;
   1111         CommandArgumentData index_arg;
   1112         CommandArgumentData old_prefix_arg;
   1113         CommandArgumentData new_prefix_arg;
   1115         // Define the first and only variant of this arg.
   1116         index_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeIndex;
   1117         index_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlain;
   1119         // Put the one and only variant into the first arg for m_arguments:
   1120         arg1.push_back (index_arg);
   1122         // Define the first variant of this arg pair.
   1123         old_prefix_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeOldPathPrefix;
   1124         old_prefix_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPairPlus;
   1126         // Define the first variant of this arg pair.
   1127         new_prefix_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeNewPathPrefix;
   1128         new_prefix_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPairPlus;
   1130         // There are two required arguments that must always occur together, i.e. an argument "pair".  Because they
   1131         // must always occur together, they are treated as two variants of one argument rather than two independent
   1132         // arguments.  Push them both into the same argument position for m_arguments...
   1134         arg2.push_back (old_prefix_arg);
   1135         arg2.push_back (new_prefix_arg);
   1137         // Add arguments to m_arguments.
   1138         m_arguments.push_back (arg1);
   1139         m_arguments.push_back (arg2);
   1140     }
   1142     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsInsert ()
   1143     {
   1144     }
   1146 protected:
   1147     bool
   1148     DoExecute (Args& command,
   1149              CommandReturnObject &result)
   1150     {
   1151         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   1152         if (target)
   1153         {
   1154             size_t argc = command.GetArgumentCount();
   1155             // check for at least 3 arguments and an odd nubmer of parameters
   1156             if (argc >= 3 && argc & 1)
   1157             {
   1158                 bool success = false;
   1160                 uint32_t insert_idx = Args::StringToUInt32(command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), UINT32_MAX, 0, &success);
   1162                 if (!success)
   1163                 {
   1164                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat("<index> parameter is not an integer: '%s'.\n", command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0));
   1165                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1166                     return result.Succeeded();
   1167                 }
   1169                 // shift off the index
   1170                 command.Shift();
   1171                 argc = command.GetArgumentCount();
   1173                 for (uint32_t i=0; i<argc; i+=2, ++insert_idx)
   1174                 {
   1175                     const char *from = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
   1176                     const char *to = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(i+1);
   1178                     if (from[0] && to[0])
   1179                     {
   1180                         bool last_pair = ((argc - i) == 2);
   1181                         target->GetImageSearchPathList().Insert (ConstString(from),
   1182                                                                  ConstString(to),
   1183                                                                  insert_idx,
   1184                                                                  last_pair);
   1185                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
   1186                     }
   1187                     else
   1188                     {
   1189                         if (from[0])
   1190                             result.AppendError ("<path-prefix> can't be empty\n");
   1191                         else
   1192                             result.AppendError ("<new-path-prefix> can't be empty\n");
   1193                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1194                         return false;
   1195                     }
   1196                 }
   1197             }
   1198             else
   1199             {
   1200                 result.AppendError ("insert requires at least three arguments\n");
   1201                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1202                 return result.Succeeded();
   1203             }
   1205         }
   1206         else
   1207         {
   1208             result.AppendError ("invalid target\n");
   1209             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1210         }
   1211         return result.Succeeded();
   1212     }
   1213 };
   1216 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsList
   1219 class CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsList : public CommandObjectParsed
   1220 {
   1221 public:
   1223     CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsList (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   1224         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
   1225                              "target modules search-paths list",
   1226                              "List all current image search path substitution pairs in the current target.",
   1227                              "target modules search-paths list")
   1228     {
   1229     }
   1231     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsList ()
   1232     {
   1233     }
   1235 protected:
   1236     bool
   1237     DoExecute (Args& command,
   1238              CommandReturnObject &result)
   1239     {
   1240         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   1241         if (target)
   1242         {
   1243             if (command.GetArgumentCount() != 0)
   1244             {
   1245                 result.AppendError ("list takes no arguments\n");
   1246                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1247                 return result.Succeeded();
   1248             }
   1250             target->GetImageSearchPathList().Dump(&result.GetOutputStream());
   1251             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   1252         }
   1253         else
   1254         {
   1255             result.AppendError ("invalid target\n");
   1256             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1257         }
   1258         return result.Succeeded();
   1259     }
   1260 };
   1262 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsQuery
   1264 class CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsQuery : public CommandObjectParsed
   1265 {
   1266 public:
   1268     CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsQuery (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   1269         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
   1270                              "target modules search-paths query",
   1271                              "Transform a path using the first applicable image search path.",
   1272                              NULL)
   1273     {
   1274         CommandArgumentEntry arg;
   1275         CommandArgumentData path_arg;
   1277         // Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
   1278         path_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeDirectoryName;
   1279         path_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlain;
   1281         // There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
   1282         arg.push_back (path_arg);
   1284         // Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
   1285         m_arguments.push_back (arg);
   1286     }
   1288     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesSearchPathsQuery ()
   1289     {
   1290     }
   1292 protected:
   1293     bool
   1294     DoExecute (Args& command,
   1295              CommandReturnObject &result)
   1296     {
   1297         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   1298         if (target)
   1299         {
   1300             if (command.GetArgumentCount() != 1)
   1301             {
   1302                 result.AppendError ("query requires one argument\n");
   1303                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1304                 return result.Succeeded();
   1305             }
   1307             ConstString orig(command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0));
   1308             ConstString transformed;
   1309             if (target->GetImageSearchPathList().RemapPath(orig, transformed))
   1310                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", transformed.GetCString());
   1311             else
   1312                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf("%s\n", orig.GetCString());
   1314             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   1315         }
   1316         else
   1317         {
   1318             result.AppendError ("invalid target\n");
   1319             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   1320         }
   1321         return result.Succeeded();
   1322     }
   1323 };
   1325 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1326 // Static Helper functions
   1327 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1328 static void
   1329 DumpModuleArchitecture (Stream &strm, Module *module, bool full_triple, uint32_t width)
   1330 {
   1331     if (module)
   1332     {
   1333         const char *arch_cstr;
   1334         if (full_triple)
   1335             arch_cstr = module->GetArchitecture().GetTriple().str().c_str();
   1336         else
   1337             arch_cstr = module->GetArchitecture().GetArchitectureName();
   1338         if (width)
   1339             strm.Printf("%-*s", width, arch_cstr);
   1340         else
   1341             strm.PutCString(arch_cstr);
   1342     }
   1343 }
   1345 static void
   1346 DumpModuleUUID (Stream &strm, Module *module)
   1347 {
   1348     if (module && module->GetUUID().IsValid())
   1349         module->GetUUID().Dump (&strm);
   1350     else
   1351         strm.PutCString("                                    ");
   1352 }
   1354 static uint32_t
   1355 DumpCompileUnitLineTable (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1356                           Stream &strm,
   1357                           Module *module,
   1358                           const FileSpec &file_spec,
   1359                           bool load_addresses)
   1360 {
   1361     uint32_t num_matches = 0;
   1362     if (module)
   1363     {
   1364         SymbolContextList sc_list;
   1365         num_matches = module->ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec (file_spec,
   1366                                                                 0,
   1367                                                                 false,
   1368                                                                 eSymbolContextCompUnit,
   1369                                                                 sc_list);
   1371         for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
   1372         {
   1373             SymbolContext sc;
   1374             if (sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc))
   1375             {
   1376                 if (i > 0)
   1377                     strm << "\n\n";
   1379                 strm << "Line table for " << *static_cast<FileSpec*> (sc.comp_unit) << " in `"
   1380                 << module->GetFileSpec().GetFilename() << "\n";
   1381                 LineTable *line_table = sc.comp_unit->GetLineTable();
   1382                 if (line_table)
   1383                     line_table->GetDescription (&strm,
   1384                                                 interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetTargetPtr(),
   1385                                                 lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
   1386                 else
   1387                     strm << "No line table";
   1388             }
   1389         }
   1390     }
   1391     return num_matches;
   1392 }
   1394 static void
   1395 DumpFullpath (Stream &strm, const FileSpec *file_spec_ptr, uint32_t width)
   1396 {
   1397     if (file_spec_ptr)
   1398     {
   1399         if (width > 0)
   1400         {
   1401             std::string fullpath = file_spec_ptr->GetPath();
   1402             strm.Printf("%-*s", width, fullpath.c_str());
   1403             return;
   1404         }
   1405         else
   1406         {
   1407             file_spec_ptr->Dump(&strm);
   1408             return;
   1409         }
   1410     }
   1411     // Keep the width spacing correct if things go wrong...
   1412     if (width > 0)
   1413         strm.Printf("%-*s", width, "");
   1414 }
   1416 static void
   1417 DumpDirectory (Stream &strm, const FileSpec *file_spec_ptr, uint32_t width)
   1418 {
   1419     if (file_spec_ptr)
   1420     {
   1421         if (width > 0)
   1422             strm.Printf("%-*s", width, file_spec_ptr->GetDirectory().AsCString(""));
   1423         else
   1424             file_spec_ptr->GetDirectory().Dump(&strm);
   1425         return;
   1426     }
   1427     // Keep the width spacing correct if things go wrong...
   1428     if (width > 0)
   1429         strm.Printf("%-*s", width, "");
   1430 }
   1432 static void
   1433 DumpBasename (Stream &strm, const FileSpec *file_spec_ptr, uint32_t width)
   1434 {
   1435     if (file_spec_ptr)
   1436     {
   1437         if (width > 0)
   1438             strm.Printf("%-*s", width, file_spec_ptr->GetFilename().AsCString(""));
   1439         else
   1440             file_spec_ptr->GetFilename().Dump(&strm);
   1441         return;
   1442     }
   1443     // Keep the width spacing correct if things go wrong...
   1444     if (width > 0)
   1445         strm.Printf("%-*s", width, "");
   1446 }
   1449 static void
   1450 DumpModuleSymtab (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Stream &strm, Module *module, SortOrder sort_order)
   1451 {
   1452     if (module)
   1453     {
   1454         SymbolVendor *sym_vendor = module->GetSymbolVendor ();
   1455         if (sym_vendor)
   1456         {
   1457             Symtab *symtab = sym_vendor->GetSymtab();
   1458             if (symtab)
   1459                 symtab->Dump(&strm, interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetTargetPtr(), sort_order);
   1460         }
   1461     }
   1462 }
   1464 static void
   1465 DumpModuleSections (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Stream &strm, Module *module)
   1466 {
   1467     if (module)
   1468     {
   1469         SectionList *section_list = module->GetSectionList();
   1470         if (section_list)
   1471         {
   1472             strm.Printf ("Sections for '%s' (%s):\n",
   1473                          module->GetSpecificationDescription().c_str(),
   1474                          module->GetArchitecture().GetArchitectureName());
   1475             strm.IndentMore();
   1476             section_list->Dump(&strm, interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetTargetPtr(), true, UINT32_MAX);
   1477             strm.IndentLess();
   1478         }
   1479     }
   1480 }
   1482 static bool
   1483 DumpModuleSymbolVendor (Stream &strm, Module *module)
   1484 {
   1485     if (module)
   1486     {
   1487         SymbolVendor *symbol_vendor = module->GetSymbolVendor(true);
   1488         if (symbol_vendor)
   1489         {
   1490             symbol_vendor->Dump(&strm);
   1491             return true;
   1492         }
   1493     }
   1494     return false;
   1495 }
   1497 static void
   1498 DumpAddress (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const Address &so_addr, bool verbose, Stream &strm)
   1499 {
   1500     strm.IndentMore();
   1501     strm.Indent ("    Address: ");
   1502     so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress);
   1503     strm.PutCString (" (");
   1504     so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleSectionNameOffset);
   1505     strm.PutCString (")\n");
   1506     strm.Indent ("    Summary: ");
   1507     const uint32_t save_indent = strm.GetIndentLevel ();
   1508     strm.SetIndentLevel (save_indent + 13);
   1509     so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleResolvedDescription);
   1510     strm.SetIndentLevel (save_indent);
   1511     // Print out detailed address information when verbose is enabled
   1512     if (verbose)
   1513     {
   1514         strm.EOL();
   1515         so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleDetailedSymbolContext);
   1516     }
   1517     strm.IndentLess();
   1518 }
   1520 static bool
   1521 LookupAddressInModule (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1522                        Stream &strm,
   1523                        Module *module,
   1524                        uint32_t resolve_mask,
   1525                        lldb::addr_t raw_addr,
   1526                        lldb::addr_t offset,
   1527                        bool verbose)
   1528 {
   1529     if (module)
   1530     {
   1531         lldb::addr_t addr = raw_addr - offset;
   1532         Address so_addr;
   1533         SymbolContext sc;
   1534         Target *target = interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetTargetPtr();
   1535         if (target && !target->GetSectionLoadList().IsEmpty())
   1536         {
   1537             if (!target->GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress (addr, so_addr))
   1538                 return false;
   1539             else if (so_addr.GetModule().get() != module)
   1540                 return false;
   1541         }
   1542         else
   1543         {
   1544             if (!module->ResolveFileAddress (addr, so_addr))
   1545                 return false;
   1546         }
   1548         ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope = interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetBestExecutionContextScope();
   1549         DumpAddress (exe_scope, so_addr, verbose, strm);
   1550 //        strm.IndentMore();
   1551 //        strm.Indent ("    Address: ");
   1552 //        so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress);
   1553 //        strm.PutCString (" (");
   1554 //        so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleSectionNameOffset);
   1555 //        strm.PutCString (")\n");
   1556 //        strm.Indent ("    Summary: ");
   1557 //        const uint32_t save_indent = strm.GetIndentLevel ();
   1558 //        strm.SetIndentLevel (save_indent + 13);
   1559 //        so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleResolvedDescription);
   1560 //        strm.SetIndentLevel (save_indent);
   1561 //        // Print out detailed address information when verbose is enabled
   1562 //        if (verbose)
   1563 //        {
   1564 //            strm.EOL();
   1565 //            so_addr.Dump (&strm, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleDetailedSymbolContext);
   1566 //        }
   1567 //        strm.IndentLess();
   1568         return true;
   1569     }
   1571     return false;
   1572 }
   1574 static uint32_t
   1575 LookupSymbolInModule (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Stream &strm, Module *module, const char *name, bool name_is_regex, bool verbose)
   1576 {
   1577     if (module)
   1578     {
   1579         SymbolContext sc;
   1581         SymbolVendor *sym_vendor = module->GetSymbolVendor ();
   1582         if (sym_vendor)
   1583         {
   1584             Symtab *symtab = sym_vendor->GetSymtab();
   1585             if (symtab)
   1586             {
   1587                 uint32_t i;
   1588                 std::vector<uint32_t> match_indexes;
   1589                 ConstString symbol_name (name);
   1590                 uint32_t num_matches = 0;
   1591                 if (name_is_regex)
   1592                 {
   1593                     RegularExpression name_regexp(name);
   1594                     num_matches = symtab->AppendSymbolIndexesMatchingRegExAndType (name_regexp,
   1595                                                                                    eSymbolTypeAny,
   1596                                                                                    match_indexes);
   1597                 }
   1598                 else
   1599                 {
   1600                     num_matches = symtab->AppendSymbolIndexesWithName (symbol_name, match_indexes);
   1601                 }
   1604                 if (num_matches > 0)
   1605                 {
   1606                     strm.Indent ();
   1607                     strm.Printf("%u symbols match %s'%s' in ", num_matches,
   1608                                 name_is_regex ? "the regular expression " : "", name);
   1609                     DumpFullpath (strm, &module->GetFileSpec(), 0);
   1610                     strm.PutCString(":\n");
   1611                     strm.IndentMore ();
   1612                     //Symtab::DumpSymbolHeader (&strm);
   1613                     for (i=0; i < num_matches; ++i)
   1614                     {
   1615                         Symbol *symbol = symtab->SymbolAtIndex(match_indexes[i]);
   1616                         DumpAddress (interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetBestExecutionContextScope(),
   1617                                      symbol->GetAddress(),
   1618                                      verbose,
   1619                                      strm);
   1621 //                        strm.Indent ();
   1622 //                        symbol->Dump (&strm, interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetTargetPtr(), i);
   1623                     }
   1624                     strm.IndentLess ();
   1625                     return num_matches;
   1626                 }
   1627             }
   1628         }
   1629     }
   1630     return 0;
   1631 }
   1634 static void
   1635 DumpSymbolContextList (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, Stream &strm, SymbolContextList &sc_list, bool verbose)
   1636 {
   1637     strm.IndentMore ();
   1638     uint32_t i;
   1639     const uint32_t num_matches = sc_list.GetSize();
   1641     for (i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
   1642     {
   1643         SymbolContext sc;
   1644         if (sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc))
   1645         {
   1646             AddressRange range;
   1648             sc.GetAddressRange(eSymbolContextEverything,
   1649                                0,
   1650                                true,
   1651                                range);
   1653             DumpAddress (exe_scope, range.GetBaseAddress(), verbose, strm);
   1654         }
   1655     }
   1656     strm.IndentLess ();
   1657 }
   1659 static size_t
   1660 LookupFunctionInModule (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1661                         Stream &strm,
   1662                         Module *module,
   1663                         const char *name,
   1664                         bool name_is_regex,
   1665                         bool include_inlines,
   1666                         bool include_symbols,
   1667                         bool verbose)
   1668 {
   1669     if (module && name && name[0])
   1670     {
   1671         SymbolContextList sc_list;
   1672         const bool append = true;
   1673         size_t num_matches = 0;
   1674         if (name_is_regex)
   1675         {
   1676             RegularExpression function_name_regex (name);
   1677             num_matches = module->FindFunctions (function_name_regex,
   1678                                                  include_symbols,
   1679                                                  include_inlines,
   1680                                                  append,
   1681                                                  sc_list);
   1682         }
   1683         else
   1684         {
   1685             ConstString function_name (name);
   1686             num_matches = module->FindFunctions (function_name,
   1687                                                  NULL,
   1688                                                  eFunctionNameTypeAuto,
   1689                                                  include_symbols,
   1690                                                  include_inlines,
   1691                                                  append,
   1692                                                  sc_list);
   1693         }
   1695         if (num_matches)
   1696         {
   1697             strm.Indent ();
   1698             strm.Printf("%zu match%s found in ", num_matches, num_matches > 1 ? "es" : "");
   1699             DumpFullpath (strm, &module->GetFileSpec(), 0);
   1700             strm.PutCString(":\n");
   1701             DumpSymbolContextList (interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetBestExecutionContextScope(), strm, sc_list, verbose);
   1702         }
   1703         return num_matches;
   1704     }
   1705     return 0;
   1706 }
   1708 static size_t
   1709 LookupTypeInModule (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1710                     Stream &strm,
   1711                     Module *module,
   1712                     const char *name_cstr,
   1713                     bool name_is_regex)
   1714 {
   1715     if (module && name_cstr && name_cstr[0])
   1716     {
   1717         TypeList type_list;
   1718         const uint32_t max_num_matches = UINT32_MAX;
   1719         size_t num_matches = 0;
   1720         bool name_is_fully_qualified = false;
   1721         SymbolContext sc;
   1723         ConstString name(name_cstr);
   1724         num_matches = module->FindTypes(sc, name, name_is_fully_qualified, max_num_matches, type_list);
   1726         if (num_matches)
   1727         {
   1728             strm.Indent ();
   1729             strm.Printf("%zu match%s found in ", num_matches, num_matches > 1 ? "es" : "");
   1730             DumpFullpath (strm, &module->GetFileSpec(), 0);
   1731             strm.PutCString(":\n");
   1732             const uint32_t num_types = type_list.GetSize();
   1733             for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_types; ++i)
   1734             {
   1735                 TypeSP type_sp (type_list.GetTypeAtIndex(i));
   1736                 if (type_sp)
   1737                 {
   1738                     // Resolve the clang type so that any forward references
   1739                     // to types that haven't yet been parsed will get parsed.
   1740                     type_sp->GetClangFullType ();
   1741                     type_sp->GetDescription (&strm, eDescriptionLevelFull, true);
   1742                     // Print all typedef chains
   1743                     TypeSP typedef_type_sp (type_sp);
   1744                     TypeSP typedefed_type_sp (typedef_type_sp->GetTypedefType());
   1745                     while (typedefed_type_sp)
   1746                     {
   1747                         strm.EOL();
   1748                         strm.Printf("     typedef '%s': ", typedef_type_sp->GetName().GetCString());
   1749                         typedefed_type_sp->GetClangFullType ();
   1750                         typedefed_type_sp->GetDescription (&strm, eDescriptionLevelFull, true);
   1751                         typedef_type_sp = typedefed_type_sp;
   1752                         typedefed_type_sp = typedef_type_sp->GetTypedefType();
   1753                     }
   1754                 }
   1755                 strm.EOL();
   1756             }
   1757         }
   1758         return num_matches;
   1759     }
   1760     return 0;
   1761 }
   1763 static size_t
   1764 LookupTypeHere (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1765                 Stream &strm,
   1766                 const SymbolContext &sym_ctx,
   1767                 const char *name_cstr,
   1768                 bool name_is_regex)
   1769 {
   1770     if (!sym_ctx.module_sp)
   1771         return 0;
   1773     TypeList type_list;
   1774     const uint32_t max_num_matches = UINT32_MAX;
   1775     size_t num_matches = 1;
   1776     bool name_is_fully_qualified = false;
   1778     ConstString name(name_cstr);
   1779     num_matches = sym_ctx.module_sp->FindTypes(sym_ctx, name, name_is_fully_qualified, max_num_matches, type_list);
   1781     if (num_matches)
   1782     {
   1783         strm.Indent ();
   1784         strm.PutCString("Best match found in ");
   1785         DumpFullpath (strm, &sym_ctx.module_sp->GetFileSpec(), 0);
   1786         strm.PutCString(":\n");
   1788         TypeSP type_sp (type_list.GetTypeAtIndex(0));
   1789         if (type_sp)
   1790         {
   1791             // Resolve the clang type so that any forward references
   1792             // to types that haven't yet been parsed will get parsed.
   1793             type_sp->GetClangFullType ();
   1794             type_sp->GetDescription (&strm, eDescriptionLevelFull, true);
   1795             // Print all typedef chains
   1796             TypeSP typedef_type_sp (type_sp);
   1797             TypeSP typedefed_type_sp (typedef_type_sp->GetTypedefType());
   1798             while (typedefed_type_sp)
   1799             {
   1800                 strm.EOL();
   1801                 strm.Printf("     typedef '%s': ", typedef_type_sp->GetName().GetCString());
   1802                 typedefed_type_sp->GetClangFullType ();
   1803                 typedefed_type_sp->GetDescription (&strm, eDescriptionLevelFull, true);
   1804                 typedef_type_sp = typedefed_type_sp;
   1805                 typedefed_type_sp = typedef_type_sp->GetTypedefType();
   1806             }
   1807         }
   1808         strm.EOL();
   1809     }
   1810     return num_matches;
   1811 }
   1813 static uint32_t
   1814 LookupFileAndLineInModule (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1815                            Stream &strm,
   1816                            Module *module,
   1817                            const FileSpec &file_spec,
   1818                            uint32_t line,
   1819                            bool check_inlines,
   1820                            bool verbose)
   1821 {
   1822     if (module && file_spec)
   1823     {
   1824         SymbolContextList sc_list;
   1825         const uint32_t num_matches = module->ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec(file_spec, line, check_inlines,
   1826                                                                               eSymbolContextEverything, sc_list);
   1827         if (num_matches > 0)
   1828         {
   1829             strm.Indent ();
   1830             strm.Printf("%u match%s found in ", num_matches, num_matches > 1 ? "es" : "");
   1831             strm << file_spec;
   1832             if (line > 0)
   1833                 strm.Printf (":%u", line);
   1834             strm << " in ";
   1835             DumpFullpath (strm, &module->GetFileSpec(), 0);
   1836             strm.PutCString(":\n");
   1837             DumpSymbolContextList (interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetBestExecutionContextScope(), strm, sc_list, verbose);
   1838             return num_matches;
   1839         }
   1840     }
   1841     return 0;
   1843 }
   1846 static size_t
   1847 FindModulesByName (Target *target,
   1848                    const char *module_name,
   1849                    ModuleList &module_list,
   1850                    bool check_global_list)
   1851 {
   1852 // Dump specified images (by basename or fullpath)
   1853     FileSpec module_file_spec(module_name, false);
   1854     ModuleSpec module_spec (module_file_spec);
   1856     const size_t initial_size = module_list.GetSize ();
   1858     if (check_global_list)
   1859     {
   1860         // Check the global list
   1861         Mutex::Locker locker(Module::GetAllocationModuleCollectionMutex());
   1862         const size_t num_modules = Module::GetNumberAllocatedModules();
   1863         ModuleSP module_sp;
   1864         for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx<num_modules; ++image_idx)
   1865         {
   1866             Module *module = Module::GetAllocatedModuleAtIndex(image_idx);
   1868             if (module)
   1869             {
   1870                 if (module->MatchesModuleSpec (module_spec))
   1871                 {
   1872                     module_sp = module->shared_from_this();
   1873                     module_list.AppendIfNeeded(module_sp);
   1874                 }
   1875             }
   1876         }
   1877     }
   1878     else
   1879     {
   1880         if (target)
   1881         {
   1882             const size_t num_matches = target->GetImages().FindModules (module_spec, module_list);
   1884             // Not found in our module list for our target, check the main
   1885             // shared module list in case it is a extra file used somewhere
   1886             // else
   1887             if (num_matches == 0)
   1888             {
   1889                 module_spec.GetArchitecture() = target->GetArchitecture();
   1890                 ModuleList::FindSharedModules (module_spec, module_list);
   1891             }
   1892         }
   1893         else
   1894         {
   1895             ModuleList::FindSharedModules (module_spec,module_list);
   1896         }
   1897     }
   1899     return module_list.GetSize () - initial_size;
   1900 }
   1902 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete
   1904 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1905 // A base command object class that can auto complete with module file
   1906 // paths
   1907 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1909 class CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete : public CommandObjectParsed
   1910 {
   1911 public:
   1913     CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1914                                       const char *name,
   1915                                       const char *help,
   1916                                       const char *syntax) :
   1917         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter, name, help, syntax)
   1918     {
   1919         CommandArgumentEntry arg;
   1920         CommandArgumentData file_arg;
   1922         // Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
   1923         file_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeFilename;
   1924         file_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatStar;
   1926         // There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
   1927         arg.push_back (file_arg);
   1929         // Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
   1930         m_arguments.push_back (arg);
   1931     }
   1933     virtual
   1934     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete ()
   1935     {
   1936     }
   1938     virtual int
   1939     HandleArgumentCompletion (Args &input,
   1940                               int &cursor_index,
   1941                               int &cursor_char_position,
   1942                               OptionElementVector &opt_element_vector,
   1943                               int match_start_point,
   1944                               int max_return_elements,
   1945                               bool &word_complete,
   1946                               StringList &matches)
   1947     {
   1948         // Arguments are the standard module completer.
   1949         std::string completion_str (input.GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index));
   1950         completion_str.erase (cursor_char_position);
   1952         CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks (m_interpreter,
   1953                                                              CommandCompletions::eModuleCompletion,
   1954                                                              completion_str.c_str(),
   1955                                                              match_start_point,
   1956                                                              max_return_elements,
   1957                                                              NULL,
   1958                                                              word_complete,
   1959                                                              matches);
   1960         return matches.GetSize();
   1961     }
   1962 };
   1964 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete
   1966 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1967 // A base command object class that can auto complete with module source
   1968 // file paths
   1969 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1971 class CommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete : public CommandObjectParsed
   1972 {
   1973 public:
   1975     CommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
   1976                                                       const char *name,
   1977                                                       const char *help,
   1978                                                       const char *syntax,
   1979                                                       uint32_t flags) :
   1980         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter, name, help, syntax, flags)
   1981     {
   1982         CommandArgumentEntry arg;
   1983         CommandArgumentData source_file_arg;
   1985         // Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
   1986         source_file_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeSourceFile;
   1987         source_file_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlus;
   1989         // There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
   1990         arg.push_back (source_file_arg);
   1992         // Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
   1993         m_arguments.push_back (arg);
   1994     }
   1996     virtual
   1997     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete ()
   1998     {
   1999     }
   2001     virtual int
   2002     HandleArgumentCompletion (Args &input,
   2003                               int &cursor_index,
   2004                               int &cursor_char_position,
   2005                               OptionElementVector &opt_element_vector,
   2006                               int match_start_point,
   2007                               int max_return_elements,
   2008                               bool &word_complete,
   2009                               StringList &matches)
   2010     {
   2011         // Arguments are the standard source file completer.
   2012         std::string completion_str (input.GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index));
   2013         completion_str.erase (cursor_char_position);
   2015         CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks (m_interpreter,
   2016                                                              CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion,
   2017                                                              completion_str.c_str(),
   2018                                                              match_start_point,
   2019                                                              max_return_elements,
   2020                                                              NULL,
   2021                                                              word_complete,
   2022                                                              matches);
   2023         return matches.GetSize();
   2024     }
   2025 };
   2028 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab
   2031 class CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab : public CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete
   2032 {
   2033 public:
   2034     CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2035     CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete (interpreter,
   2036                                       "target modules dump symtab",
   2037                                       "Dump the symbol table from one or more target modules.",
   2038                                       NULL),
   2039     m_options (interpreter)
   2040     {
   2041     }
   2043     virtual
   2044     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab ()
   2045     {
   2046     }
   2048     virtual Options *
   2049     GetOptions ()
   2050     {
   2051         return &m_options;
   2052     }
   2054     class CommandOptions : public Options
   2055     {
   2056     public:
   2058         CommandOptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2059         Options(interpreter),
   2060         m_sort_order (eSortOrderNone)
   2061         {
   2062         }
   2064         virtual
   2065         ~CommandOptions ()
   2066         {
   2067         }
   2069         virtual Error
   2070         SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, const char *option_arg)
   2071         {
   2072             Error error;
   2073             const int short_option = m_getopt_table[option_idx].val;
   2075             switch (short_option)
   2076             {
   2077                 case 's':
   2078                     m_sort_order = (SortOrder) Args::StringToOptionEnum (option_arg,
   2079                                                                          g_option_table[option_idx].enum_values,
   2080                                                                          eSortOrderNone,
   2081                                                                          error);
   2082                     break;
   2084                 default:
   2085                     error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid short option character '%c'", short_option);
   2086                     break;
   2088             }
   2089             return error;
   2090         }
   2092         void
   2093         OptionParsingStarting ()
   2094         {
   2095             m_sort_order = eSortOrderNone;
   2096         }
   2098         const OptionDefinition*
   2099         GetDefinitions ()
   2100         {
   2101             return g_option_table;
   2102         }
   2104         // Options table: Required for subclasses of Options.
   2105         static OptionDefinition g_option_table[];
   2107         SortOrder m_sort_order;
   2108     };
   2110 protected:
   2111     virtual bool
   2112     DoExecute (Args& command,
   2113              CommandReturnObject &result)
   2114     {
   2115         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   2116         if (target == NULL)
   2117         {
   2118             result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command");
   2119             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2120             return false;
   2121         }
   2122         else
   2123         {
   2124             uint32_t num_dumped = 0;
   2126             uint32_t addr_byte_size = target->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();
   2127             result.GetOutputStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2128             result.GetErrorStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2130             if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
   2131             {
   2132                 // Dump all sections for all modules images
   2133                 Mutex::Locker modules_locker(target->GetImages().GetMutex());
   2134                 const size_t num_modules = target->GetImages().GetSize();
   2135                 if (num_modules > 0)
   2136                 {
   2137                     result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Dumping symbol table for %zu modules.\n", num_modules);
   2138                     for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx<num_modules; ++image_idx)
   2139                     {
   2140                         if (num_dumped > 0)
   2141                         {
   2142                             result.GetOutputStream().EOL();
   2143                             result.GetOutputStream().EOL();
   2144                         }
   2145                         num_dumped++;
   2146                         DumpModuleSymtab (m_interpreter,
   2147                                           result.GetOutputStream(),
   2148                                           target->GetImages().GetModulePointerAtIndexUnlocked(image_idx),
   2149                                           m_options.m_sort_order);
   2150                     }
   2151                 }
   2152                 else
   2153                 {
   2154                     result.AppendError ("the target has no associated executable images");
   2155                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2156                     return false;
   2157                 }
   2158             }
   2159             else
   2160             {
   2161                 // Dump specified images (by basename or fullpath)
   2162                 const char *arg_cstr;
   2163                 for (int arg_idx = 0; (arg_cstr = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(arg_idx)) != NULL; ++arg_idx)
   2164                 {
   2165                     ModuleList module_list;
   2166                     const size_t num_matches = FindModulesByName (target, arg_cstr, module_list, true);
   2167                     if (num_matches > 0)
   2168                     {
   2169                         for (size_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
   2170                         {
   2171                             Module *module = module_list.GetModulePointerAtIndex(i);
   2172                             if (module)
   2173                             {
   2174                                 if (num_dumped > 0)
   2175                                 {
   2176                                     result.GetOutputStream().EOL();
   2177                                     result.GetOutputStream().EOL();
   2178                                 }
   2179                                 num_dumped++;
   2180                                 DumpModuleSymtab (m_interpreter, result.GetOutputStream(), module, m_options.m_sort_order);
   2181                             }
   2182                         }
   2183                     }
   2184                     else
   2185                         result.AppendWarningWithFormat("Unable to find an image that matches '%s'.\n", arg_cstr);
   2186                 }
   2187             }
   2189             if (num_dumped > 0)
   2190                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   2191             else
   2192             {
   2193                 result.AppendError ("no matching executable images found");
   2194                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2195             }
   2196         }
   2197         return result.Succeeded();
   2198     }
   2201     CommandOptions m_options;
   2202 };
   2204 static OptionEnumValueElement
   2205 g_sort_option_enumeration[4] =
   2206 {
   2207     { eSortOrderNone,       "none",     "No sorting, use the original symbol table order."},
   2208     { eSortOrderByAddress,  "address",  "Sort output by symbol address."},
   2209     { eSortOrderByName,     "name",     "Sort output by symbol name."},
   2210     { 0,                    NULL,       NULL }
   2211 };
   2214 OptionDefinition
   2215 CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab::CommandOptions::g_option_table[] =
   2216 {
   2217     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "sort", 's', required_argument, g_sort_option_enumeration, 0, eArgTypeSortOrder, "Supply a sort order when dumping the symbol table."},
   2218     { 0, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone, NULL }
   2219 };
   2221 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSections
   2223 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2224 // Image section dumping command
   2225 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2227 class CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSections : public CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete
   2228 {
   2229 public:
   2230     CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSections (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2231     CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete (interpreter,
   2232                                       "target modules dump sections",
   2233                                       "Dump the sections from one or more target modules.",
   2234                                       //"target modules dump sections [<file1> ...]")
   2235                                       NULL)
   2236     {
   2237     }
   2239     virtual
   2240     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSections ()
   2241     {
   2242     }
   2244 protected:
   2245     virtual bool
   2246     DoExecute (Args& command,
   2247              CommandReturnObject &result)
   2248     {
   2249         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   2250         if (target == NULL)
   2251         {
   2252             result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command");
   2253             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2254             return false;
   2255         }
   2256         else
   2257         {
   2258             uint32_t num_dumped = 0;
   2260             uint32_t addr_byte_size = target->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();
   2261             result.GetOutputStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2262             result.GetErrorStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2264             if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
   2265             {
   2266                 // Dump all sections for all modules images
   2267                 const size_t num_modules = target->GetImages().GetSize();
   2268                 if (num_modules > 0)
   2269                 {
   2270                     result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Dumping sections for %zu modules.\n", num_modules);
   2271                     for (size_t image_idx = 0;  image_idx<num_modules; ++image_idx)
   2272                     {
   2273                         num_dumped++;
   2274                         DumpModuleSections (m_interpreter, result.GetOutputStream(), target->GetImages().GetModulePointerAtIndex(image_idx));
   2275                     }
   2276                 }
   2277                 else
   2278                 {
   2279                     result.AppendError ("the target has no associated executable images");
   2280                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2281                     return false;
   2282                 }
   2283             }
   2284             else
   2285             {
   2286                 // Dump specified images (by basename or fullpath)
   2287                 const char *arg_cstr;
   2288                 for (int arg_idx = 0; (arg_cstr = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(arg_idx)) != NULL; ++arg_idx)
   2289                 {
   2290                     ModuleList module_list;
   2291                     const size_t num_matches = FindModulesByName (target, arg_cstr, module_list, true);
   2292                     if (num_matches > 0)
   2293                     {
   2294                         for (size_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
   2295                         {
   2296                             Module *module = module_list.GetModulePointerAtIndex(i);
   2297                             if (module)
   2298                             {
   2299                                 num_dumped++;
   2300                                 DumpModuleSections (m_interpreter, result.GetOutputStream(), module);
   2301                             }
   2302                         }
   2303                     }
   2304                     else
   2305                     {
   2306                         // Check the global list
   2307                         Mutex::Locker locker(Module::GetAllocationModuleCollectionMutex());
   2309                         result.AppendWarningWithFormat("Unable to find an image that matches '%s'.\n", arg_cstr);
   2310                     }
   2311                 }
   2312             }
   2314             if (num_dumped > 0)
   2315                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   2316             else
   2317             {
   2318                 result.AppendError ("no matching executable images found");
   2319                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2320             }
   2321         }
   2322         return result.Succeeded();
   2323     }
   2324 };
   2327 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymfile
   2329 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2330 // Image debug symbol dumping command
   2331 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2333 class CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymfile : public CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete
   2334 {
   2335 public:
   2336     CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymfile (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2337     CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete (interpreter,
   2338                                       "target modules dump symfile",
   2339                                       "Dump the debug symbol file for one or more target modules.",
   2340                                       //"target modules dump symfile [<file1> ...]")
   2341                                       NULL)
   2342     {
   2343     }
   2345     virtual
   2346     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymfile ()
   2347     {
   2348     }
   2350 protected:
   2351     virtual bool
   2352     DoExecute (Args& command,
   2353              CommandReturnObject &result)
   2354     {
   2355         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   2356         if (target == NULL)
   2357         {
   2358             result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command");
   2359             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2360             return false;
   2361         }
   2362         else
   2363         {
   2364             uint32_t num_dumped = 0;
   2366             uint32_t addr_byte_size = target->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();
   2367             result.GetOutputStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2368             result.GetErrorStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2370             if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
   2371             {
   2372                 // Dump all sections for all modules images
   2373                 const ModuleList &target_modules = target->GetImages();
   2374                 Mutex::Locker modules_locker (target_modules.GetMutex());
   2375                 const size_t num_modules = target_modules.GetSize();
   2376                 if (num_modules > 0)
   2377                 {
   2378                     result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Dumping debug symbols for %zu modules.\n", num_modules);
   2379                     for (uint32_t image_idx = 0;  image_idx<num_modules; ++image_idx)
   2380                     {
   2381                         if (DumpModuleSymbolVendor (result.GetOutputStream(), target_modules.GetModulePointerAtIndexUnlocked(image_idx)))
   2382                             num_dumped++;
   2383                     }
   2384                 }
   2385                 else
   2386                 {
   2387                     result.AppendError ("the target has no associated executable images");
   2388                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2389                     return false;
   2390                 }
   2391             }
   2392             else
   2393             {
   2394                 // Dump specified images (by basename or fullpath)
   2395                 const char *arg_cstr;
   2396                 for (int arg_idx = 0; (arg_cstr = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(arg_idx)) != NULL; ++arg_idx)
   2397                 {
   2398                     ModuleList module_list;
   2399                     const size_t num_matches = FindModulesByName (target, arg_cstr, module_list, true);
   2400                     if (num_matches > 0)
   2401                     {
   2402                         for (size_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
   2403                         {
   2404                             Module *module = module_list.GetModulePointerAtIndex(i);
   2405                             if (module)
   2406                             {
   2407                                 if (DumpModuleSymbolVendor (result.GetOutputStream(), module))
   2408                                     num_dumped++;
   2409                             }
   2410                         }
   2411                     }
   2412                     else
   2413                         result.AppendWarningWithFormat("Unable to find an image that matches '%s'.\n", arg_cstr);
   2414                 }
   2415             }
   2417             if (num_dumped > 0)
   2418                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   2419             else
   2420             {
   2421                 result.AppendError ("no matching executable images found");
   2422                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2423             }
   2424         }
   2425         return result.Succeeded();
   2426     }
   2427 };
   2430 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable
   2432 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2433 // Image debug line table dumping command
   2434 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2436 class CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable : public CommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete
   2437 {
   2438 public:
   2439     CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2440     CommandObjectTargetModulesSourceFileAutoComplete (interpreter,
   2441                                                       "target modules dump line-table",
   2442                                                       "Dump the line table for one or more compilation units.",
   2443                                                       NULL,
   2444                                                       eFlagRequiresTarget)
   2445     {
   2446     }
   2448     virtual
   2449     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable ()
   2450     {
   2451     }
   2453 protected:
   2454     virtual bool
   2455     DoExecute (Args& command,
   2456              CommandReturnObject &result)
   2457     {
   2458         Target *target = m_exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
   2459         uint32_t total_num_dumped = 0;
   2461         uint32_t addr_byte_size = target->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();
   2462         result.GetOutputStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2463         result.GetErrorStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   2465         if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
   2466         {
   2467             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("\nSyntax: %s\n", m_cmd_syntax.c_str());
   2468             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2469         }
   2470         else
   2471         {
   2472             // Dump specified images (by basename or fullpath)
   2473             const char *arg_cstr;
   2474             for (int arg_idx = 0; (arg_cstr = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(arg_idx)) != NULL; ++arg_idx)
   2475             {
   2476                 FileSpec file_spec(arg_cstr, false);
   2478                 const ModuleList &target_modules = target->GetImages();
   2479                 Mutex::Locker modules_locker(target_modules.GetMutex());
   2480                 const size_t num_modules = target_modules.GetSize();
   2481                 if (num_modules > 0)
   2482                 {
   2483                     uint32_t num_dumped = 0;
   2484                     for (uint32_t i = 0; i<num_modules; ++i)
   2485                     {
   2486                         if (DumpCompileUnitLineTable (m_interpreter,
   2487                                                       result.GetOutputStream(),
   2488                                                       target_modules.GetModulePointerAtIndexUnlocked(i),
   2489                                                       file_spec,
   2490                                                       m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr() && m_exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().IsAlive()))
   2491                             num_dumped++;
   2492                     }
   2493                     if (num_dumped == 0)
   2494                         result.AppendWarningWithFormat ("No source filenames matched '%s'.\n", arg_cstr);
   2495                     else
   2496                         total_num_dumped += num_dumped;
   2497                 }
   2498             }
   2499         }
   2501         if (total_num_dumped > 0)
   2502             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   2503         else
   2504         {
   2505             result.AppendError ("no source filenames matched any command arguments");
   2506             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2507         }
   2508         return result.Succeeded();
   2509     }
   2510 };
   2513 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesDump
   2515 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2516 // Dump multi-word command for target modules
   2517 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2519 class CommandObjectTargetModulesDump : public CommandObjectMultiword
   2520 {
   2521 public:
   2523     //------------------------------------------------------------------
   2524     // Constructors and Destructors
   2525     //------------------------------------------------------------------
   2526     CommandObjectTargetModulesDump(CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2527     CommandObjectMultiword (interpreter,
   2528                             "target modules dump",
   2529                             "A set of commands for dumping information about one or more target modules.",
   2530                             "target modules dump [symtab|sections|symfile|line-table] [<file1> <file2> ...]")
   2531     {
   2532         LoadSubCommand ("symtab",      CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab (interpreter)));
   2533         LoadSubCommand ("sections",    CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSections (interpreter)));
   2534         LoadSubCommand ("symfile",     CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymfile (interpreter)));
   2535         LoadSubCommand ("line-table",  CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpLineTable (interpreter)));
   2536     }
   2538     virtual
   2539     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesDump()
   2540     {
   2541     }
   2542 };
   2544 class CommandObjectTargetModulesAdd : public CommandObjectParsed
   2545 {
   2546 public:
   2547     CommandObjectTargetModulesAdd (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2548         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
   2549                              "target modules add",
   2550                              "Add a new module to the current target's modules.",
   2551                              "target modules add [<module>]"),
   2552         m_option_group (interpreter),
   2553         m_symbol_file (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "symfile", 's', 0, eArgTypeFilename, "Fullpath to a stand alone debug symbols file for when debug symbols are not in the executable.")
   2554     {
   2555         m_option_group.Append (&m_uuid_option_group, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
   2556         m_option_group.Append (&m_symbol_file, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
   2557         m_option_group.Finalize();
   2558     }
   2560     virtual
   2561     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesAdd ()
   2562     {
   2563     }
   2565     virtual Options *
   2566     GetOptions ()
   2567     {
   2568         return &m_option_group;
   2569     }
   2571     virtual int
   2572     HandleArgumentCompletion (Args &input,
   2573                               int &cursor_index,
   2574                               int &cursor_char_position,
   2575                               OptionElementVector &opt_element_vector,
   2576                               int match_start_point,
   2577                               int max_return_elements,
   2578                               bool &word_complete,
   2579                               StringList &matches)
   2580     {
   2581         std::string completion_str (input.GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index));
   2582         completion_str.erase (cursor_char_position);
   2584         CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks (m_interpreter,
   2585                                                              CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion,
   2586                                                              completion_str.c_str(),
   2587                                                              match_start_point,
   2588                                                              max_return_elements,
   2589                                                              NULL,
   2590                                                              word_complete,
   2591                                                              matches);
   2592         return matches.GetSize();
   2593     }
   2595 protected:
   2597     OptionGroupOptions m_option_group;
   2598     OptionGroupUUID m_uuid_option_group;
   2599     OptionGroupFile m_symbol_file;
   2602     virtual bool
   2603     DoExecute (Args& args,
   2604              CommandReturnObject &result)
   2605     {
   2606         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   2607         if (target == NULL)
   2608         {
   2609             result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command");
   2610             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2611             return false;
   2612         }
   2613         else
   2614         {
   2615             bool flush = false;
   2617             const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount();
   2618             if (argc == 0)
   2619             {
   2620                 if (m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue ().OptionWasSet())
   2621                 {
   2622                     // We are given a UUID only, go locate the file
   2623                     ModuleSpec module_spec;
   2624                     module_spec.GetUUID() = m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue ().GetCurrentValue();
   2625                     if (m_symbol_file.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet())
   2626                         module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec() = m_symbol_file.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
   2627                     if (Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile (module_spec))
   2628                     {
   2629                         ModuleSP module_sp (target->GetSharedModule (module_spec));
   2630                         if (module_sp)
   2631                         {
   2632                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   2633                             return true;
   2634                         }
   2635                         else
   2636                         {
   2637                             flush = true;
   2639                             StreamString strm;
   2640                             module_spec.GetUUID().Dump (&strm);
   2641                             if (module_spec.GetFileSpec())
   2642                             {
   2643                                 if (module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec())
   2644                                 {
   2645                                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unable to create the executable or symbol file with UUID %s with path %s and symbol file %s",
   2646                                                                   strm.GetString().c_str(),
   2647                                                                   module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str(),
   2648                                                                   module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec().GetPath().c_str());
   2649                                 }
   2650                                 else
   2651                                 {
   2652                                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unable to create the executable or symbol file with UUID %s with path %s",
   2653                                                                   strm.GetString().c_str(),
   2654                                                                   module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str());
   2655                                 }
   2656                             }
   2657                             else
   2658                             {
   2659                                 result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unable to create the executable or symbol file with UUID %s",
   2660                                                               strm.GetString().c_str());
   2661                             }
   2662                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2663                             return false;
   2664                         }
   2665                     }
   2666                     else
   2667                     {
   2668                         StreamString strm;
   2669                         module_spec.GetUUID().Dump (&strm);
   2670                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unable to locate the executable or symbol file with UUID %s", strm.GetString().c_str());
   2671                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2672                         return false;
   2673                     }
   2674                 }
   2675                 else
   2676                 {
   2677                     result.AppendError ("one or more executable image paths must be specified");
   2678                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2679                     return false;
   2680                 }
   2681             }
   2682             else
   2683             {
   2684                 for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++i)
   2685                 {
   2686                     const char *path = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
   2687                     if (path)
   2688                     {
   2689                         FileSpec file_spec(path, true);
   2690                         if (file_spec.Exists())
   2691                         {
   2692                             ModuleSpec module_spec (file_spec);
   2693                             if (m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue ().OptionWasSet())
   2694                                 module_spec.GetUUID() = m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue ().GetCurrentValue();
   2695                             if (m_symbol_file.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet())
   2696                                 module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec() = m_symbol_file.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
   2697                             Error error;
   2698                             ModuleSP module_sp (target->GetSharedModule (module_spec, &error));
   2699                             if (!module_sp)
   2700                             {
   2701                                 const char *error_cstr = error.AsCString();
   2702                                 if (error_cstr)
   2703                                     result.AppendError (error_cstr);
   2704                                 else
   2705                                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("unsupported module: %s", path);
   2706                                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2707                                 return false;
   2708                             }
   2709                             else
   2710                             {
   2711                                 flush = true;
   2712                             }
   2713                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   2714                         }
   2715                         else
   2716                         {
   2717                             char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
   2718                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2719                             if (file_spec.GetPath (resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)))
   2720                             {
   2721                                 if (strcmp (resolved_path, path) != 0)
   2722                                 {
   2723                                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("invalid module path '%s' with resolved path '%s'\n", path, resolved_path);
   2724                                     break;
   2725                                 }
   2726                             }
   2727                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("invalid module path '%s'\n", path);
   2728                             break;
   2729                         }
   2730                     }
   2731                 }
   2732             }
   2734             if (flush)
   2735             {
   2736                 ProcessSP process = target->GetProcessSP();
   2737                 if (process)
   2738                     process->Flush();
   2739             }
   2740         }
   2742         return result.Succeeded();
   2743     }
   2745 };
   2747 class CommandObjectTargetModulesLoad : public CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete
   2748 {
   2749 public:
   2750     CommandObjectTargetModulesLoad (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2751         CommandObjectTargetModulesModuleAutoComplete (interpreter,
   2752                                                       "target modules load",
   2753                                                       "Set the load addresses for one or more sections in a target module.",
   2754                                                       "target modules load [--file <module> --uuid <uuid>] <sect-name> <address> [<sect-name> <address> ....]"),
   2755         m_option_group (interpreter),
   2756         m_file_option (LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "file", 'f', 0, eArgTypeFilename, "Fullpath or basename for module to load."),
   2757         m_slide_option(LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "slide", 's', 0, eArgTypeOffset, "Set the load address for all sections to be the virtual address in the file plus the offset.", 0)
   2758     {
   2759         m_option_group.Append (&m_uuid_option_group, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
   2760         m_option_group.Append (&m_file_option, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
   2761         m_option_group.Append (&m_slide_option, LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, LLDB_OPT_SET_1);
   2762         m_option_group.Finalize();
   2763     }
   2765     virtual
   2766     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesLoad ()
   2767     {
   2768     }
   2770     virtual Options *
   2771     GetOptions ()
   2772     {
   2773         return &m_option_group;
   2774     }
   2776 protected:
   2777     virtual bool
   2778     DoExecute (Args& args,
   2779              CommandReturnObject &result)
   2780     {
   2781         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   2782         if (target == NULL)
   2783         {
   2784             result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command");
   2785             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2786             return false;
   2787         }
   2788         else
   2789         {
   2790             const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount();
   2791             ModuleSpec module_spec;
   2792             bool search_using_module_spec = false;
   2793             if (m_file_option.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet())
   2794             {
   2795                 search_using_module_spec = true;
   2796                 module_spec.GetFileSpec() = m_file_option.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
   2797             }
   2799             if (m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet())
   2800             {
   2801                 search_using_module_spec = true;
   2802                 module_spec.GetUUID() = m_uuid_option_group.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
   2803             }
   2805             if (search_using_module_spec)
   2806             {
   2808                 ModuleList matching_modules;
   2809                 const size_t num_matches = target->GetImages().FindModules (module_spec, matching_modules);
   2811                 char path[PATH_MAX];
   2812                 if (num_matches == 1)
   2813                 {
   2814                     Module *module = matching_modules.GetModulePointerAtIndex(0);
   2815                     if (module)
   2816                     {
   2817                         ObjectFile *objfile = module->GetObjectFile();
   2818                         if (objfile)
   2819                         {
   2820                             SectionList *section_list = module->GetSectionList();
   2821                             if (section_list)
   2822                             {
   2823                                 bool changed = false;
   2824                                 if (argc == 0)
   2825                                 {
   2826                                     if (m_slide_option.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet())
   2827                                     {
   2828                                         const addr_t slide = m_slide_option.GetOptionValue().GetCurrentValue();
   2829                                         module->SetLoadAddress (*target, slide, changed);
   2830                                     }
   2831                                     else
   2832                                     {
   2833                                         result.AppendError ("one or more section name + load address pair must be specified");
   2834                                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2835                                         return false;
   2836                                     }
   2837                                 }
   2838                                 else
   2839                                 {
   2840                                     if (m_slide_option.GetOptionValue().OptionWasSet())
   2841                                     {
   2842                                         result.AppendError ("The \"--slide <offset>\" option can't be used in conjunction with setting section load addresses.\n");
   2843                                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2844                                         return false;
   2845                                     }
   2847                                     for (size_t i=0; i<argc; i += 2)
   2848                                     {
   2849                                         const char *sect_name = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
   2850                                         const char *load_addr_cstr = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i+1);
   2851                                         if (sect_name && load_addr_cstr)
   2852                                         {
   2853                                             ConstString const_sect_name(sect_name);
   2854                                             bool success = false;
   2855                                             addr_t load_addr = Args::StringToUInt64(load_addr_cstr, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, &success);
   2856                                             if (success)
   2857                                             {
   2858                                                 SectionSP section_sp (section_list->FindSectionByName(const_sect_name));
   2859                                                 if (section_sp)
   2860                                                 {
   2861                                                     if (section_sp->IsThreadSpecific())
   2862                                                     {
   2863                                                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("thread specific sections are not yet supported (section '%s')\n", sect_name);
   2864                                                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2865                                                         break;
   2866                                                     }
   2867                                                     else
   2868                                                     {
   2869                                                         if (target->GetSectionLoadList().SetSectionLoadAddress (section_sp, load_addr))
   2870                                                             changed = true;
   2871                                                         result.AppendMessageWithFormat("section '%s' loaded at 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", sect_name, load_addr);
   2872                                                     }
   2873                                                 }
   2874                                                 else
   2875                                                 {
   2876                                                     result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no section found that matches the section name '%s'\n", sect_name);
   2877                                                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2878                                                     break;
   2879                                                 }
   2880                                             }
   2881                                             else
   2882                                             {
   2883                                                 result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("invalid load address string '%s'\n", load_addr_cstr);
   2884                                                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2885                                                 break;
   2886                                             }
   2887                                         }
   2888                                         else
   2889                                         {
   2890                                             if (sect_name)
   2891                                                 result.AppendError ("section names must be followed by a load address.\n");
   2892                                             else
   2893                                                 result.AppendError ("one or more section name + load address pair must be specified.\n");
   2894                                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2895                                             break;
   2896                                         }
   2897                                     }
   2898                                 }
   2900                                 if (changed)
   2901                                 {
   2902                                     target->ModulesDidLoad (matching_modules);
   2903                                     Process *process = m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
   2904                                     if (process)
   2905                                         process->Flush();
   2906                                 }
   2907                             }
   2908                             else
   2909                             {
   2910                                 module->GetFileSpec().GetPath (path, sizeof(path));
   2911                                 result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no sections in object file '%s'\n", path);
   2912                                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2913                             }
   2914                         }
   2915                         else
   2916                         {
   2917                             module->GetFileSpec().GetPath (path, sizeof(path));
   2918                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no object file for module '%s'\n", path);
   2919                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2920                         }
   2921                     }
   2922                     else
   2923                     {
   2924                         FileSpec *module_spec_file = module_spec.GetFileSpecPtr();
   2925                         if (module_spec_file)
   2926                         {
   2927                             module_spec_file->GetPath (path, sizeof(path));
   2928                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("invalid module '%s'.\n", path);
   2929                         }
   2930                         else
   2931                             result.AppendError ("no module spec");
   2932                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2933                     }
   2934                 }
   2935                 else
   2936                 {
   2937                     std::string uuid_str;
   2939                     if (module_spec.GetFileSpec())
   2940                         module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetPath (path, sizeof(path));
   2941                     else
   2942                         path[0] = '\0';
   2944                     if (module_spec.GetUUIDPtr())
   2945                         uuid_str = module_spec.GetUUID().GetAsString();
   2946                     if (num_matches > 1)
   2947                     {
   2948                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("multiple modules match%s%s%s%s:\n",
   2949                                                       path[0] ? " file=" : "",
   2950                                                       path,
   2951                                                       !uuid_str.empty() ? " uuid=" : "",
   2952                                                       uuid_str.c_str());
   2953                         for (size_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
   2954                         {
   2955                             if (matching_modules.GetModulePointerAtIndex(i)->GetFileSpec().GetPath (path, sizeof(path)))
   2956                                 result.AppendMessageWithFormat("%s\n", path);
   2957                         }
   2958                     }
   2959                     else
   2960                     {
   2961                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no modules were found  that match%s%s%s%s.\n",
   2962                                                       path[0] ? " file=" : "",
   2963                                                       path,
   2964                                                       !uuid_str.empty() ? " uuid=" : "",
   2965                                                       uuid_str.c_str());
   2966                     }
   2967                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2968                 }
   2969             }
   2970             else
   2971             {
   2972                 result.AppendError ("either the \"--file <module>\" or the \"--uuid <uuid>\" option must be specified.\n");
   2973                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   2974                 return false;
   2975             }
   2976         }
   2977         return result.Succeeded();
   2978     }
   2980     OptionGroupOptions m_option_group;
   2981     OptionGroupUUID m_uuid_option_group;
   2982     OptionGroupFile m_file_option;
   2983     OptionGroupUInt64 m_slide_option;
   2984 };
   2986 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2987 // List images with associated information
   2988 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   2989 class CommandObjectTargetModulesList : public CommandObjectParsed
   2990 {
   2991 public:
   2993     class CommandOptions : public Options
   2994     {
   2995     public:
   2997         CommandOptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   2998             Options(interpreter),
   2999             m_format_array(),
   3000             m_use_global_module_list (false),
   3001             m_module_addr (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   3002         {
   3003         }
   3005         virtual
   3006         ~CommandOptions ()
   3007         {
   3008         }
   3010         virtual Error
   3011         SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, const char *option_arg)
   3012         {
   3013             Error error;
   3015             const int short_option = m_getopt_table[option_idx].val;
   3016             if (short_option == 'g')
   3017             {
   3018                 m_use_global_module_list = true;
   3019             }
   3020             else if (short_option == 'a')
   3021             {
   3022                 ExecutionContext exe_ctx (m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext());
   3023                 m_module_addr = Args::StringToAddress(&exe_ctx, option_arg, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, &error);
   3024             }
   3025             else
   3026             {
   3027                 unsigned long width = 0;
   3028                 if (option_arg)
   3029                     width = strtoul (option_arg, NULL, 0);
   3030                 m_format_array.push_back(std::make_pair(short_option, width));
   3031             }
   3032             return error;
   3033         }
   3035         void
   3036         OptionParsingStarting ()
   3037         {
   3038             m_format_array.clear();
   3039             m_use_global_module_list = false;
   3040             m_module_addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
   3041         }
   3043         const OptionDefinition*
   3044         GetDefinitions ()
   3045         {
   3046             return g_option_table;
   3047         }
   3049         // Options table: Required for subclasses of Options.
   3051         static OptionDefinition g_option_table[];
   3053         // Instance variables to hold the values for command options.
   3054         typedef std::vector< std::pair<char, uint32_t> > FormatWidthCollection;
   3055         FormatWidthCollection m_format_array;
   3056         bool m_use_global_module_list;
   3057         lldb::addr_t m_module_addr;
   3058     };
   3060     CommandObjectTargetModulesList (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   3061         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
   3062                              "target modules list",
   3063                              "List current executable and dependent shared library images.",
   3064                              "target modules list [<cmd-options>]"),
   3065         m_options (interpreter)
   3066     {
   3067     }
   3069     virtual
   3070     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesList ()
   3071     {
   3072     }
   3074     virtual
   3075     Options *
   3076     GetOptions ()
   3077     {
   3078         return &m_options;
   3079     }
   3081 protected:
   3082     virtual bool
   3083     DoExecute (Args& command,
   3084              CommandReturnObject &result)
   3085     {
   3086         Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
   3087         const bool use_global_module_list = m_options.m_use_global_module_list;
   3088         // Define a local module list here to ensure it lives longer than any "locker"
   3089         // object which might lock its contents below (through the "module_list_ptr"
   3090         // variable).
   3091         ModuleList module_list;
   3092         if (target == NULL && use_global_module_list == false)
   3093         {
   3094             result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command");
   3095             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3096             return false;
   3097         }
   3098         else
   3099         {
   3100             if (target)
   3101             {
   3102                 uint32_t addr_byte_size = target->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();
   3103                 result.GetOutputStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   3104                 result.GetErrorStream().SetAddressByteSize(addr_byte_size);
   3105             }
   3106             // Dump all sections for all modules images
   3107             Stream &strm = result.GetOutputStream();
   3109             if (m_options.m_module_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   3110             {
   3111                 if (target)
   3112                 {
   3113                     Address module_address;
   3114                     if (module_address.SetLoadAddress(m_options.m_module_addr, target))
   3115                     {
   3116                         ModuleSP module_sp (module_address.GetModule());
   3117                         if (module_sp)
   3118                         {
   3119                             PrintModule (target, module_sp.get(), 0, strm);
   3120                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   3121                         }
   3122                         else
   3123                         {
   3124                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Couldn't find module matching address: 0x%" PRIx64 ".", m_options.m_module_addr);
   3125                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3126                         }
   3127                     }
   3128                     else
   3129                     {
   3130                         result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Couldn't find module containing address: 0x%" PRIx64 ".", m_options.m_module_addr);
   3131                         result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3132                     }
   3133                 }
   3134                 else
   3135                 {
   3136                     result.AppendError ("Can only look up modules by address with a valid target.");
   3137                     result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3138                 }
   3139                 return result.Succeeded();
   3140             }
   3142             size_t num_modules = 0;
   3143             Mutex::Locker locker;      // This locker will be locked on the mutex in module_list_ptr if it is non-NULL.
   3144                                        // Otherwise it will lock the AllocationModuleCollectionMutex when accessing
   3145                                        // the global module list directly.
   3146             const ModuleList *module_list_ptr = NULL;
   3147             const size_t argc = command.GetArgumentCount();
   3148             if (argc == 0)
   3149             {
   3150                 if (use_global_module_list)
   3151                 {
   3152                     locker.Lock (Module::GetAllocationModuleCollectionMutex());
   3153                     num_modules = Module::GetNumberAllocatedModules();
   3154                 }
   3155                 else
   3156                 {
   3157                     module_list_ptr = &target->GetImages();
   3158                 }
   3159             }
   3160             else
   3161             {
   3162                 for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++i)
   3163                 {
   3164                     // Dump specified images (by basename or fullpath)
   3165                     const char *arg_cstr = command.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
   3166                     const size_t num_matches = FindModulesByName (target, arg_cstr, module_list, use_global_module_list);
   3167                     if (num_matches == 0)
   3168                     {
   3169                         if (argc == 1)
   3170                         {
   3171                             result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("no modules found that match '%s'", arg_cstr);
   3172                             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3173                             return false;
   3174                         }
   3175                     }
   3176                 }
   3178                 module_list_ptr = &module_list;
   3179             }
   3181             if (module_list_ptr != NULL)
   3182             {
   3183                 locker.Lock(module_list_ptr->GetMutex());
   3184                 num_modules = module_list_ptr->GetSize();
   3185             }
   3187             if (num_modules > 0)
   3188             {
   3189                 for (uint32_t image_idx = 0; image_idx<num_modules; ++image_idx)
   3190                 {
   3191                     ModuleSP module_sp;
   3192                     Module *module;
   3193                     if (module_list_ptr)
   3194                     {
   3195                         module_sp = module_list_ptr->GetModuleAtIndexUnlocked(image_idx);
   3196                         module = module_sp.get();
   3197                     }
   3198                     else
   3199                     {
   3200                         module = Module::GetAllocatedModuleAtIndex(image_idx);
   3201                         module_sp = module->shared_from_this();
   3202                     }
   3204                     const size_t indent = strm.Printf("[%3u] ", image_idx);
   3205                     PrintModule (target, module, indent, strm);
   3207                 }
   3208                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
   3209             }
   3210             else
   3211             {
   3212                 if (argc)
   3213                 {
   3214                     if (use_global_module_list)
   3215                         result.AppendError ("the global module list has no matching modules");
   3216                     else
   3217                         result.AppendError ("the target has no matching modules");
   3218                 }
   3219                 else
   3220                 {
   3221                     if (use_global_module_list)
   3222                         result.AppendError ("the global module list is empty");
   3223                     else
   3224                         result.AppendError ("the target has no associated executable images");
   3225                 }
   3226                 result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3227                 return false;
   3228             }
   3229         }
   3230         return result.Succeeded();
   3231     }
   3233     void
   3234     PrintModule (Target *target, Module *module, int indent, Stream &strm)
   3235     {
   3237         if (module == NULL)
   3238         {
   3239             strm.PutCString("Null module");
   3240             return;
   3241         }
   3243         bool dump_object_name = false;
   3244         if (m_options.m_format_array.empty())
   3245         {
   3246             m_options.m_format_array.push_back(std::make_pair('u', 0));
   3247             m_options.m_format_array.push_back(std::make_pair('h', 0));
   3248             m_options.m_format_array.push_back(std::make_pair('f', 0));
   3249             m_options.m_format_array.push_back(std::make_pair('S', 0));
   3250         }
   3251         const size_t num_entries = m_options.m_format_array.size();
   3252         bool print_space = false;
   3253         for (size_t i=0; i<num_entries; ++i)
   3254         {
   3255             if (print_space)
   3256                 strm.PutChar(' ');
   3257             print_space = true;
   3258             const char format_char = m_options.m_format_array[i].first;
   3259             uint32_t width = m_options.m_format_array[i].second;
   3260             switch (format_char)
   3261             {
   3262                 case 'A':
   3263                     DumpModuleArchitecture (strm, module, false, width);
   3264                     break;
   3266                 case 't':
   3267                     DumpModuleArchitecture (strm, module, true, width);
   3268                     break;
   3270                 case 'f':
   3271                     DumpFullpath (strm, &module->GetFileSpec(), width);
   3272                     dump_object_name = true;
   3273                     break;
   3275                 case 'd':
   3276                     DumpDirectory (strm, &module->GetFileSpec(), width);
   3277                     break;
   3279                 case 'b':
   3280                     DumpBasename (strm, &module->GetFileSpec(), width);
   3281                     dump_object_name = true;
   3282                     break;
   3284                 case 'h':
   3285                 case 'o':
   3286                     // Image header address
   3287                     {
   3288                         uint32_t addr_nibble_width = target ? (target->GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize() * 2) : 16;
   3290                         ObjectFile *objfile = module->GetObjectFile ();
   3291                         if (objfile)
   3292                         {
   3293                             Address header_addr(objfile->GetHeaderAddress());
   3294                             if (header_addr.IsValid())
   3295                             {
   3296                                 if (target && !target->GetSectionLoadList().IsEmpty())
   3297                                 {
   3298                                     lldb::addr_t header_load_addr = header_addr.GetLoadAddress (target);
   3299                                     if (header_load_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   3300                                     {
   3301                                         header_addr.Dump (&strm, target, Address::DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress, Address::DumpStyleFileAddress);
   3302                                     }
   3303                                     else
   3304                                     {
   3305                                         if (format_char == 'o')
   3306                                         {
   3307                                             // Show the offset of slide for the image
   3308                                             strm.Printf ("0x%*.*" PRIx64, addr_nibble_width, addr_nibble_width, header_load_addr - header_addr.GetFileAddress());
   3309                                         }
   3310                                         else
   3311                                         {
   3312                                             // Show the load address of the image
   3313                                             strm.Printf ("0x%*.*" PRIx64, addr_nibble_width, addr_nibble_width, header_load_addr);
   3314                                         }
   3315                                     }
   3316                                     break;
   3317                                 }
   3318                                 // The address was valid, but the image isn't loaded, output the address in an appropriate format
   3319                                 header_addr.Dump (&strm, target, Address::DumpStyleFileAddress);
   3320                                 break;
   3321                             }
   3322                         }
   3323                         strm.Printf ("%*s", addr_nibble_width + 2, "");
   3324                     }
   3325                     break;
   3326                 case 'r':
   3327                     {
   3328                         size_t ref_count = 0;
   3329                         ModuleSP module_sp (module->shared_from_this());
   3330                         if (module_sp)
   3331                         {
   3332                             // Take one away to make sure we don't count our local "module_sp"
   3333                             ref_count = module_sp.use_count() - 1;
   3334                         }
   3335                         if (width)
   3336                             strm.Printf("{%*zu}", width, ref_count);
   3337                         else
   3338                             strm.Printf("{%zu}", ref_count);
   3339                     }
   3340                     break;
   3342                 case 's':
   3343                 case 'S':
   3344                     {
   3345                         SymbolVendor *symbol_vendor = module->GetSymbolVendor();
   3346                         if (symbol_vendor)
   3347                         {
   3348                             SymbolFile *symbol_file = symbol_vendor->GetSymbolFile();
   3349                             if (symbol_file)
   3350                             {
   3351                                 if (format_char == 'S')
   3352                                 {
   3353                                     FileSpec &symfile_spec = symbol_file->GetObjectFile()->GetFileSpec();
   3354                                     // Dump symbol file only if different from module file
   3355                                     if (!symfile_spec || symfile_spec == module->GetFileSpec())
   3356                                     {
   3357                                         print_space = false;
   3358                                         break;
   3359                                     }
   3360                                     // Add a newline and indent past the index
   3361                                     strm.Printf ("\n%*s", indent, "");
   3362                                 }
   3363                                 DumpFullpath (strm, &symbol_file->GetObjectFile()->GetFileSpec(), width);
   3364                                 dump_object_name = true;
   3365                                 break;
   3366                             }
   3367                         }
   3368                         strm.Printf("%.*s", width, "<NONE>");
   3369                     }
   3370                     break;
   3372                 case 'm':
   3373                     module->GetModificationTime().Dump(&strm, width);
   3374                     break;
   3376                 case 'p':
   3377                     strm.Printf("%p", module);
   3378                     break;
   3380                 case 'u':
   3381                     DumpModuleUUID(strm, module);
   3382                     break;
   3384                 default:
   3385                     break;
   3386             }
   3388         }
   3389         if (dump_object_name)
   3390         {
   3391             const char *object_name = module->GetObjectName().GetCString();
   3392             if (object_name)
   3393                 strm.Printf ("(%s)", object_name);
   3394         }
   3395         strm.EOL();
   3396     }
   3398     CommandOptions m_options;
   3399 };
   3401 OptionDefinition
   3402 CommandObjectTargetModulesList::CommandOptions::g_option_table[] =
   3403 {
   3404     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "address",    'a', required_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Display the image at this address."},
   3405     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "arch",       'A', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the architecture when listing images."},
   3406     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "triple",     't', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the triple when listing images."},
   3407     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "header",     'h', no_argument,       NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone,    "Display the image header address as a load address if debugging, a file address otherwise."},
   3408     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "offset",     'o', no_argument,       NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone,    "Display the image header address offset from the header file address (the slide amount)."},
   3409     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "uuid",       'u', no_argument,       NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone,    "Display the UUID when listing images."},
   3410     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "fullpath",   'f', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the fullpath to the image object file."},
   3411     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "directory",  'd', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the directory with optional width for the image object file."},
   3412     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "basename",   'b', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the basename with optional width for the image object file."},
   3413     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "symfile",    's', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the fullpath to the image symbol file with optional width."},
   3414     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "symfile-unique", 'S', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the symbol file with optional width only if it is different from the executable object file."},
   3415     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "mod-time",   'm', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the modification time with optional width of the module."},
   3416     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "ref-count",  'r', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeWidth,   "Display the reference count if the module is still in the shared module cache."},
   3417     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pointer",    'p', optional_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone,    "Display the module pointer."},
   3418     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "global",     'g', no_argument,       NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone,    "Display the modules from the global module list, not just the current target."},
   3419     { 0, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone, NULL }
   3420 };
   3422 #pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind
   3424 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   3425 // Lookup unwind information in images
   3426 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   3428 class CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind : public CommandObjectParsed
   3429 {
   3430 public:
   3432     enum
   3433     {
   3434         eLookupTypeInvalid = -1,
   3435         eLookupTypeAddress = 0,
   3436         eLookupTypeSymbol,
   3437         eLookupTypeFunction,
   3438         eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol,
   3439         kNumLookupTypes
   3440     };
   3442     class CommandOptions : public Options
   3443     {
   3444     public:
   3446         CommandOptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   3447             Options(interpreter),
   3448             m_type(eLookupTypeInvalid),
   3449             m_str(),
   3450             m_addr(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   3451         {
   3452         }
   3454         virtual
   3455         ~CommandOptions ()
   3456         {
   3457         }
   3459         virtual Error
   3460         SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, const char *option_arg)
   3461         {
   3462             Error error;
   3464             const int short_option = m_getopt_table[option_idx].val;
   3466             switch (short_option)
   3467             {
   3468                 case 'a':
   3469                 {
   3470                     ExecutionContext exe_ctx (m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext());
   3471                     m_type = eLookupTypeAddress;
   3472                     m_addr = Args::StringToAddress(&exe_ctx, option_arg, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, &error);
   3473                     if (m_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   3474                         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("invalid address string '%s'", option_arg);
   3475                     break;
   3476                 }
   3478                 case 'n':
   3479                 {
   3480                     m_str = option_arg;
   3481                     m_type = eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol;
   3482                     break;
   3483                 }
   3484             }
   3486             return error;
   3487         }
   3489         void
   3490         OptionParsingStarting ()
   3491         {
   3492             m_type = eLookupTypeInvalid;
   3493             m_str.clear();
   3494             m_addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
   3495         }
   3497         const OptionDefinition*
   3498         GetDefinitions ()
   3499         {
   3500             return g_option_table;
   3501         }
   3503         // Options table: Required for subclasses of Options.
   3505         static OptionDefinition g_option_table[];
   3507         // Instance variables to hold the values for command options.
   3509         int             m_type;         // Should be a eLookupTypeXXX enum after parsing options
   3510         std::string     m_str;          // Holds name lookup
   3511         lldb::addr_t    m_addr;         // Holds the address to lookup
   3512     };
   3514     CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   3515         CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
   3516                              "target modules show-unwind",
   3517                              "Show synthesized unwind instructions for a function.",
   3518                              NULL,
   3519                              eFlagRequiresTarget        |
   3520                              eFlagRequiresProcess       |
   3521                              eFlagProcessMustBeLaunched |
   3522                              eFlagProcessMustBePaused   ),
   3523         m_options (interpreter)
   3524     {
   3525     }
   3527     virtual
   3528     ~CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind ()
   3529     {
   3530     }
   3532     virtual
   3533     Options *
   3534     GetOptions ()
   3535     {
   3536         return &m_options;
   3537     }
   3539 protected:
   3540     bool
   3541     DoExecute (Args& command,
   3542              CommandReturnObject &result)
   3543     {
   3544         Target *target = m_exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
   3545         Process *process = m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
   3546         ABI *abi = NULL;
   3547         if (process)
   3548           abi = process->GetABI().get();
   3550         if (process == NULL)
   3551         {
   3552             result.AppendError ("You must have a process running to use this command.");
   3553             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3554             return false;
   3555         }
   3557         ThreadList threads(process->GetThreadList());
   3558         if (threads.GetSize() == 0)
   3559         {
   3560             result.AppendError ("The process must be paused to use this command.");
   3561             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3562             return false;
   3563         }
   3565         ThreadSP thread(threads.GetThreadAtIndex(0));
   3566         if (thread.get() == NULL)
   3567         {
   3568             result.AppendError ("The process must be paused to use this command.");
   3569             result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
   3570             return false;
   3571         }
   3573         SymbolContextList sc_list;
   3575         if (m_options.m_type == eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol)
   3576         {
   3577             ConstString function_name (m_options.m_str.c_str());
   3578             target->GetImages().FindFunctions (function_name, eFunctionNameTypeAuto, true, false, true, sc_list);
   3579         }
   3580         else if (m_options.m_type == eLookupTypeAddress && target)
   3581         {
   3582             Address addr;
   3583             if (target->GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress (m_options.m_addr, addr))
   3584             {
   3585                 SymbolContext sc;
   3586                 ModuleSP module_sp (addr.GetModule());
   3587                 module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (addr, eSymbolContextEverything, sc);
   3588                 if (sc.function || sc.symbol)
   3589                 {
   3590                     sc_list.Append(sc);
   3591                 }
   3592             }
   3593         }
   3595         size_t num_matches = sc_list.GetSize();
   3596         for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_matches; idx++)
   3597         {
   3598             SymbolContext sc;
   3599             sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(idx, sc);
   3600             if (sc.symbol == NULL && sc.function == NULL)
   3601                 continue;
   3602             if (sc.module_sp.get() == NULL || sc.module_sp->GetObjectFile() == NULL)
   3603                 continue;
   3604             AddressRange range;
   3605             if (!sc.GetAddressRange (eSymbolContextFunction | eSymbolContextSymbol, 0, false, range))
   3606                 continue;
   3607             if (!range.GetBaseAddress().IsValid())
   3608                 continue;
   3609             ConstString funcname(sc.GetFunctionName());
   3610             if (funcname.IsEmpty())
   3611                 continue;
   3612             addr_t start_addr = range.GetBaseAddress().GetLoadAddress(target);
   3613             if (abi)
   3614                 start_addr = abi->FixCodeAddress(start_addr);
   3616             FuncUnwindersSP func_unwinders_sp (sc.module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetUnwindTable().GetUncachedFuncUnwindersContainingAddress(start_addr, sc));
   3617             if (func_unwinders_sp.get() == NULL)
   3618                 continue;
   3620             Address first_non_prologue_insn (func_unwinders_sp->GetFirstNonPrologueInsn(*target));
   3621             if (first_non_prologue_insn.IsValid())
   3622             {
   3623                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf("First non-prologue instruction is at address 0x%" PRIx64 " or offset %" PRId64 " into the function.\n", first_non_prologue_insn.GetLoadAddress(target), first_non_prologue_insn.GetLoadAddress(target) - start_addr);
   3624                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
   3625             }
   3627             UnwindPlanSP non_callsite_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanAtNonCallSite(*thread.get());
   3628             if (non_callsite_unwind_plan.get())
   3629             {
   3630                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%" PRIx64 "):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
   3631                 non_callsite_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
   3632                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
   3633             }
   3635             UnwindPlanSP callsite_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanAtCallSite(-1);
   3636             if (callsite_unwind_plan.get())
   3637             {
   3638                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%" PRIx64 "):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
   3639                 callsite_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
   3640                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
   3641             }
   3643             UnwindPlanSP arch_default_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanArchitectureDefault(*thread.get());
   3644             if (arch_default_unwind_plan.get())
   3645             {
   3646                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Architecture default UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%" PRIx64 "):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
   3647                 arch_default_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
   3648                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
   3649             }
   3651             UnwindPlanSP fast_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanFastUnwind(*thread.get());
   3652             if (fast_unwind_plan.get())
   3653             {
   3654                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Fast UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%" PRIx64 "):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
   3655                 fast_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
   3656                 result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
   3657             }
   3660             result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
   3661         }
   3662         return result.Succeeded();
   3663     }
   3665     CommandOptions m_options;
   3666 };
   3668 OptionDefinition
   3669 CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind::CommandOptions::g_option_table[] =
   3670 {
   3671     { LLDB_OPT_SET_1,   false,  "name",       'n', required_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Show unwind instructions for a function or symbol name."},
   3672     { LLDB_OPT_SET_2,   false,  "address",    'a', required_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "Show unwind instructions for a function or symbol containing an address"},
   3673     { 0,                false, NULL,           0, 0,                 NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone, NULL }
   3674 };
   3676 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   3677 // Lookup information in images
   3678 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   3679 class CommandObjectTargetModulesLookup : public CommandObjectParsed
   3680 {
   3681 public:
   3683     enum
   3684     {
   3685         eLookupTypeInvalid = -1,
   3686         eLookupTypeAddress = 0,
   3687         eLookupTypeSymbol,
   3688         eLookupTypeFileLine,    // Line is optional
   3689         eLookupTypeFunction,
   3690         eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol,
   3691         eLookupTypeType,
   3692         kNumLookupTypes
   3693     };
   3695     class CommandOptions : public Options
   3696     {
   3697     public:
   3699         CommandOptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
   3700         Options(interpreter)
   3701         {
   3702             OptionParsingStarting();
   3703         }
   3705         virtual
   3706         ~CommandOptions ()
   3707         {
   3708         }
   3710         virtual Error
   3711         SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, const char *option_arg)
   3712         {
   3713             Error error;
   3715             const int short_option = m_getopt_table[option_idx].val;
   3717             switch (short_option)
   3718             {
   3719                 case 'a':
   3720                     {
   3721                         m_type = eLookupTypeAddress;
   3722                         ExecutionContext exe_ctx (m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext());
   3723                         m_addr = Args::StringToAddress(&exe_ctx, option_arg, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, &error);
   3724                     }
   3725                     break;
   3727                 case 'o':
   3728                     m_offset = Args::StringToUInt64(option_arg, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
   3729                     if (m_offset == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
   3730                         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("invalid offset string '%s'", option_arg);
   3731                     break;
   3733                 case 's':
   3734                     m_str = option_arg;
   3735                     m_type = eLookupTypeSymbol;
   3736                     break;
   3738                 case 'f':
   3739                     m_file.SetFile (option_arg, false);
   3740                     m_type = eLookupTypeFileLine;
   3741                     break;
   3743                 case 'i':
   3744                     m_include_inlines = false;
   3745                     break;
   3747                 case 'l':
   3748                     m_line_number = Args::StringToUInt32(option_arg, UINT32_MAX);
   3749                     if (m_line_number == UINT32_MAX)
   3750                         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("invalid line number string '%s'", option_arg);
   3751                     else if (m_line_number == 0)
   3752                         error.SetErrorString ("zero is an invalid line number");
   3753                     m_type = eLookupTypeFileLine;
   3754                     break;
   3756                 case 'F':
   3757                     m_str = option_arg;
   3758                     m_type = eLookupTypeFunction;
   3759                     break;
   3761                 case 'n':
   3762                     m_str = option_arg;
   3763                     m_type = eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol;
   3764                     break;
   3766                 case 't':
   3767                     m_str = option_arg;
   3768                     m_type = eLookupTypeType;
   3769                     break;
   3771                 case 'v':
   3772                     m_verbose =