/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/apps/ |
app_browsertest.cc | [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/prerender/ |
prerender_unittest.cc | [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/net/tools/quic/ |
end_to_end_test.cc | [all...] |
/frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ |
InboundSmsHandler.java | 176 /** Broadcasting state. Waits for current broadcast to complete before delivering next. */ 293 * The Startup state waits for {@link SmsBroadcastUndelivered} to process the raw table and [all...] |
/hardware/intel/img/libdrm/libdrm/intel/ |
intel_bufmgr_fake.c | 299 * 3) It waits if seq < hw_seq, not seq - hw_seq > 0 on the 32-bit 348 * kernel. The kernel sees hw_seq >= seq and waits for 3 seconds then [all...] |
/hardware/qcom/display/msm8084/libcopybit/ |
copybit_c2d.cpp | 214 /* thread function which waits on the timeStamp and cleans up the surfaces */ [all...] |
/hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/libcopybit/ |
copybit_c2d.cpp | 214 /* thread function which waits on the timeStamp and cleans up the surfaces */ [all...] |
/hardware/qcom/display/msm8960/libcopybit/ |
copybit_c2d.cpp | 214 /* thread function which waits on the timeStamp and cleans up the surfaces */ [all...] |
/hardware/qcom/display/msm8974/libcopybit/ |
copybit_c2d.cpp | 216 /* thread function which waits on the timeStamp and cleans up the surfaces */ [all...] |
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/assets/scripts/power_monitors/ |
monsoon.py | 238 """ Requests and waits for status. Returns status dictionary. """
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/camera/analyzer/ |
MeteringTest.java | 514 // Waits for the metering to be stable
/cts/tests/tests/media/src/android/media/cts/ |
EncodeVirtualDisplayTest.java | 567 * Executes a runnable on the UI thread, and waits for it to complete.
/development/samples/RandomMusicPlayer/src/com/example/android/musicplayer/ |
MusicService.java | 48 * the user's media. Then, it waits for Intents (which come from our main activity,
/device/generic/goldfish/gps/ |
gps_qemu.c | 673 /* this is the main thread, it waits for commands from gps_state_start/stop and,
/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/ |
DTMDocumentImpl.java | [all...] |
/external/blktrace/btreplay/doc/ |
btreplay.tex | 168 thread simply waits for AIO completions, freeing up resources for the
/external/chromium_org/base/synchronization/ |
condition_variable_win.cc | 497 system would be forced to do many such calls, allowing many new waits
/external/chromium_org/base/threading/ |
sequenced_worker_pool_unittest.cc | 120 // Waits until the given number of tasks have started executing. [all...] |
/external/chromium_org/build/ |
install-build-deps.sh | 210 # Waits for the user to press 'Y' or 'N'. Either uppercase of lowercase is
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/ |
external_filesystem_apitest.cc | 339 // relative to |filebrowser_path|. The method waits until the test extension
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/chromeos/login/signin/ |
oauth2_browsertest.cc | 532 // Waits until we receive a request to serve the test page.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/wallpaper/ |
wallpaper_manager.h | 419 // 1. Loaded on boot. Login WebUI waits for it.
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/printing/ |
print_preview_pdf_generated_browsertest.cc | 305 // Navigates to the given web page, then initiates print preview and waits
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/sync/glue/ |
sync_backend_host_impl.cc | 325 // initializing and waits for it to complete. After initialization, all
/external/chromium_org/chrome/browser/ui/ |
browser_focus_uitest.cc | 139 // A helper class that waits for an interstitial page to attach.