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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.email.policy;
     19 import android.os.Bundle;
     21 /**
     22  * This sample is the framework that can be used to build EmailPolicy packages for inclusion
     23  * on specific devices.  This sample is intended for use by OEMs or other creators of system
     24  * images.
     25  *
     26  * When this package is built and included in a system image, the Email application will detect
     27  * it (using reflection) and will make calls to the getPolicy() method at certain times.  This
     28  * can be used to provide local customization of the Email application.
     29  *
     30  * Do not change the package, class name, or method name - these must match the names used in
     31  * this sample code or the Email application will not find the helper.
     32  *
     33  * Three customization points are provided:
     34  *
     35  *   * Alternate strings for Exchange/ActiveSync UI
     36  *   * Insertion of device-specific text into IMAP ID commands
     37  *   * Device- or Carrier- specific account presets
     38  *
     39  * Each policy request may contain one or more parameters;  These are supplied as keyed entries
     40  * in the "arguments" bundle.  If there is a single argument, it will typically use the same key
     41  * as the policy name.  If there are multiple arguments, they keys are provided and called out.
     42  *
     43  * In all cases, getPolicy() should return a bundle.  For default behavior, or for any unknown
     44  * policy, simply return Bundle.EMPTY.
     45  *
     46  * To return actual data, create a new bundle and place result values in it.  If there is a single
     47  * return value, this value is placed in the return bundle using the same key as the request.
     48  * If there are multiple return values, keys will be provided for them as well.
     49  *
     50  * Future versions of the Email application may access additional customization points.  If
     51  * the call to getPolicy() is made with an unknown or unexpected policy keys, or the expected
     52  * argument values cannot be found, the method should Bundle.EMPTY.
     53  */
     54 public class EmailPolicy {
     56     /**
     57      * This policy request configures the UI to conform to various Exchange/ActiveSync
     58      * license requirements.  In the default configuration, the UI will refer to this protocol as
     59      * "Exchange", while in the alternate configuration, the UI will refer to it as
     60      * "Exchange ActiveSync" or "Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync".
     61      *
     62      * For the default behavior, return the empty bundle.
     63      * For the alternate behavior, return a bundle containing a single entry with a key of
     64      * USE_ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE_STRINGS and a value of "true".
     65      */
     66     private static final String USE_ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE_STRINGS = "useAlternateExchangeStrings";
     68     /**
     69      * This policy request allows you to insert field/value pairs into the IMAP ID command, which
     70      * is sent to an IMAP server on each connection.
     71      *
     72      * The following arguments are provided:
     73      *   * GET_IMAP_ID_USER - the userid of the account being connected to
     74      *   * GET_IMAP_ID_HOST - the hostname of the server being connected to
     75      *   * GET_IMAP_ID_CAPA - the values returned by the "CAPA" command
     76      *
     77      * For default behavior (no values inserted), return the empty bundle.
     78      * To insert additional values into the IMAP ID command, return a bundle containing a single
     79      * entry with a key of GET_IMAP_ID and a String value.  The value must be field/value pairs
     80      * surrounded by quotes and separated by spaces.  Multiple field/value pairs may be provided.
     81      * See RFC 2971 for more information.
     82      */
     83     private static final String GET_IMAP_ID = "getImapId";
     84     private static final String GET_IMAP_ID_USER = "getImapId.user";
     85     private static final String GET_IMAP_ID_HOST = "getImapId.host";
     86     private static final String GET_IMAP_ID_CAPA = "getImapId.capabilities";
     88     /**
     89      * This policy request allows you to supply preset server configurations to provide
     90      * automatic setup/configuration for specific email providers.  These values supplement (or
     91      * override) the automatic configurations provided in res/xml/providers.xml in
     92      * the Email sources.  (See that file for more information and plenty of samples.)
     93      *
     94      * The only argument (with the key FIND_PROVIDER) is a string containing the domain that the
     95      * user entered as part of their email address;  For example, if the user enters
     96      * "MyEmailAddress (at) gmail.com", the domain will be "gmail.com".
     97      *
     98      * If no server information is provided for this domain, simply return Bundle.EMPTY.
     99      * If server information is available for this domain, it can be returned in the following
    100      * values:
    101      *   * FIND_PROVIDER_IN_URI The server configuration for the incoming (IMAP or POP) server
    102      *   * FIND_PROVIDER_IN_USER Format of the username (login) value
    103      *   * FIND_PROVIDER_OUT_URI The server configuration for the outgoing (SMTP) server
    104      *   * FIND_PROVIDER_OUT_USER Format of the username (login) value
    105      *
    106      * Valid incoming uri schemes are:
    107      *     imap        IMAP with no transport security.
    108      *     imap+tls+   IMAP with required TLS transport security.
    109      *                     If TLS is not available the connection fails.
    110      *     imap+ssl+   IMAP with required SSL transport security.
    111      *                     If SSL is not available the connection fails.
    112      *
    113      *     pop3        POP3 with no transport security.
    114      *     pop3+tls+   POP3 with required TLS transport security.
    115      *                     If TLS is not available the connection fails.
    116      *     pop3+ssl+   POP3 with required SSL transport security.
    117      *                     If SSL is not available the connection fails.
    118      *
    119      * Valid outgoing uri schemes are:
    120      *     smtp        SMTP with no transport security.
    121      *     smtp+tls+   SMTP with required TLS transport security.
    122      *                     If TLS is not available the connection fails.
    123      *     smtp+ssl+   SMTP with required SSL transport security.
    124      *                     If SSL is not available the connection fails.
    125      *
    126      * To the above schemes you may also add "trustallcerts" to indicate that,
    127      * although link encryption is still required, "non-trusted" certificates may
    128      * will be excepted.  For example, "imap+ssl+trustallcerts" or
    129      * "smtp+tls+trustallcerts".  This should only used when necessary, as it
    130      * could allow a spoofed server to intercept password and mail.
    131      *
    132      * The URIs should be full templates for connection, including a port if
    133      * the service uses a non-default port.  The default ports are as follows:
    134      *     imap        143     pop3        110     smtp        587
    135      *     imap+tls+   143     pop3+tls+   110     smtp+tls+   587
    136      *     imap+ssl+   993     pop3+ssl+   995     smtp+ssl+   465
    137      *
    138      * The username attribute is used to supply a template for the username
    139      * that will be presented to the server. This username is built from a
    140      * set of variables that are substituted with parts of the user
    141      * specified email address.
    142      *
    143      * Valid substitution values for the username attribute are:
    144      *     $email - the email address the user entered
    145      *     $user - the value before the @ sign in the email address the user entered
    146      *     $domain - the value after the @ signin the email address the user entered
    147      *
    148      * The username attribute MUST be specified for the incoming element, so the POP3 or IMAP
    149      * server can identify the mailbox to be opened.
    150      *
    151      * The username attribute MAY be the empty string for the outgoing element, but only if the
    152      * SMTP server supports anonymous transmission (most don't).
    153      *
    154      * For more information about these values, and many examples, see res/xml/providers.xml in
    155      * the Email sources.
    156      */
    157     private static final String FIND_PROVIDER = "findProvider";
    158     private static final String FIND_PROVIDER_IN_URI = "findProvider.inUri";
    159     private static final String FIND_PROVIDER_IN_USER = "findProvider.inUser";
    160     private static final String FIND_PROVIDER_OUT_URI = "findProvider.outUri";
    161     private static final String FIND_PROVIDER_OUT_USER = "findProvider.outUser";
    163     /**
    164      * The following data is simply examples, and would be changed (or removed) based on the
    165      * requirements for your device.
    166      */
    168     /**
    169      * Sample: Email domains that will be auto-configured.  In our example, a number of domains
    170      * are controlled by a single mail server.
    171      */
    172     private static final String[] KNOWN_DOMAINS = new String[] {
    173         "physics.school.edu", "math.school.edu", "language.school.edu", "history.school.edu"
    174     };
    176     /**
    177      * Sample: When we see a particular capability (identifying a particular server), send
    178      * back a special value in the IMAP ID command.
    179      */
    180     private static final String MY_SERVER_CAPABILITY = "MY-SERVER-CAPABILITY";
    181     private static final String MY_DEVICE_ID = "\"DEVICE-ID-FIELD\" \"MY-DEVICE-ID-VALUE\"";
    183     /**
    184      * Entry point from the Email application.
    185      *
    186      * @param policy A string requesting a particular policy
    187      * @param arguments A bundle containing zero or more argument values for the requested policy
    188      * @return A bundle containing zero or more return values for the requested policy
    189      */
    190     public static Bundle getPolicy(String policy, Bundle arguments) {
    191         /*
    192          * Policy: Use alternate exchange strings
    193          */
    194         if (USE_ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE_STRINGS.equals(policy)) {
    195             // Un-comment the following code to select alternate exchange strings
    196             // Bundle alternates = new Bundle();
    197             // alternates.putBoolean(USE_ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE_STRINGS, true);
    198             // return alternates;
    199         }
    201         /*
    202          * Policy: For a known domain, configure to the servers for that domain
    203          */
    204         if (FIND_PROVIDER.equals(policy)) {
    205             String domain = arguments.getString(FIND_PROVIDER);
    206             if (domain != null) {
    207                 domain = domain.toLowerCase();
    208                 boolean isKnownDomain = false;
    209                 for (String knownDomain : KNOWN_DOMAINS) {
    210                     if (knownDomain.equals(domain)) {
    211                         isKnownDomain = true;
    212                         break;
    213                     }
    214                 }
    215                 if (isKnownDomain) {
    216                     Bundle b = new Bundle();
    217                     b.putString(FIND_PROVIDER_IN_URI, "imap+ssl://imap.school.edu");
    218                     b.putString(FIND_PROVIDER_IN_USER, "$email");
    219                     b.putString(FIND_PROVIDER_OUT_URI, "smtp+ssl://smtp.school.edu");
    220                     b.putString(FIND_PROVIDER_OUT_USER, "$email");
    221                     return b;
    222                 }
    223             }
    224         }
    226         /**
    227          * Policy:  If the IMAP server presents a particular capability, send back a particular
    228          * identifier in the IMAP ID.
    229          */
    230         if (GET_IMAP_ID.equals(policy)) {
    231             String capabilities = arguments.getString(GET_IMAP_ID_CAPA);
    232             if (capabilities != null) {
    233                 if (capabilities.toUpperCase().contains(MY_SERVER_CAPABILITY)) {
    234                     Bundle b = new Bundle();
    235                     b.putString(GET_IMAP_ID, MY_DEVICE_ID);
    236                     return b;
    237                 }
    238             }
    239         }
    241         /**
    242          * For any other policy request, or any policy request that cannot be processed,
    243          * return an empty bundle.
    244          */
    245         return Bundle.EMPTY;
    246     }
    247 }