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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/commands/command_service.h"
      7 #include <vector>
      9 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
     10 #include "base/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
     11 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
     12 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     13 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     14 #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
     15 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/commands/commands.h"
     16 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_commands_global_registry.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_keybinding_registry.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/ui/accelerator_utils.h"
     20 #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/commands/commands_handler.h"
     21 #include "chrome/common/extensions/manifest_handlers/ui_overrides_handler.h"
     22 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
     23 #include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h"
     24 #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
     25 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
     26 #include "extensions/browser/extension_function_registry.h"
     27 #include "extensions/browser/extension_prefs.h"
     28 #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
     29 #include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h"
     30 #include "extensions/browser/notification_types.h"
     31 #include "extensions/common/feature_switch.h"
     32 #include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
     33 #include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_data.h"
     35 namespace extensions {
     36 namespace {
     38 const char kExtension[] = "extension";
     39 const char kCommandName[] = "command_name";
     40 const char kGlobal[] = "global";
     42 // A preference that stores keybinding state associated with extension commands.
     43 const char kCommands[] = "commands";
     45 // Preference key name for saving the extension-suggested key.
     46 const char kSuggestedKey[] = "suggested_key";
     48 // Preference key name for saving whether the extension-suggested key was
     49 // actually assigned.
     50 const char kSuggestedKeyWasAssigned[] = "was_assigned";
     52 // A preference that indicates that the initial keybindings for the given
     53 // extension have been set.
     54 const char kInitialBindingsHaveBeenAssigned[] = "initial_keybindings_set";
     56 std::string GetPlatformKeybindingKeyForAccelerator(
     57     const ui::Accelerator& accelerator, const std::string extension_id) {
     58   std::string key = Command::CommandPlatform() + ":" +
     59                     Command::AcceleratorToString(accelerator);
     61   // Media keys have a 1-to-many relationship with targets, unlike regular
     62   // shortcut (1-to-1 relationship). That means two or more extensions can
     63   // register for the same media key so the extension ID needs to be added to
     64   // the key to make sure the key is unique.
     65   if (Command::IsMediaKey(accelerator))
     66     key += ":" + extension_id;
     68   return key;
     69 }
     71 bool IsForCurrentPlatform(const std::string& key) {
     72   return StartsWithASCII(key, Command::CommandPlatform() + ":", true);
     73 }
     75 void SetInitialBindingsHaveBeenAssigned(
     76     ExtensionPrefs* prefs, const std::string& extension_id) {
     77   prefs->UpdateExtensionPref(extension_id, kInitialBindingsHaveBeenAssigned,
     78                              new base::FundamentalValue(true));
     79 }
     81 bool InitialBindingsHaveBeenAssigned(
     82     const ExtensionPrefs* prefs, const std::string& extension_id) {
     83   bool assigned = false;
     84   if (!prefs || !prefs->ReadPrefAsBoolean(extension_id,
     85                                           kInitialBindingsHaveBeenAssigned,
     86                                           &assigned))
     87     return false;
     89   return assigned;
     90 }
     92 // Merge |suggested_key_prefs| into the saved preferences for the extension. We
     93 // merge rather than overwrite to preserve existing was_assigned preferences.
     94 void MergeSuggestedKeyPrefs(
     95     const std::string& extension_id,
     96     ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs,
     97     scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> suggested_key_prefs) {
     98   const base::DictionaryValue* current_prefs;
     99   if (extension_prefs->ReadPrefAsDictionary(extension_id,
    100                                             kCommands,
    101                                             &current_prefs)) {
    102     scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> new_prefs(current_prefs->DeepCopy());
    103     new_prefs->MergeDictionary(suggested_key_prefs.get());
    104     suggested_key_prefs.reset(new_prefs.release());
    105   }
    107   extension_prefs->UpdateExtensionPref(extension_id,
    108                                        kCommands,
    109                                        suggested_key_prefs.release());
    110 }
    112 }  // namespace
    114 // static
    115 void CommandService::RegisterProfilePrefs(
    116     user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry) {
    117   registry->RegisterDictionaryPref(
    118       prefs::kExtensionCommands,
    119       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF);
    120 }
    122 CommandService::CommandService(content::BrowserContext* context)
    123     : profile_(Profile::FromBrowserContext(context)),
    124       extension_registry_observer_(this) {
    125   ExtensionFunctionRegistry::GetInstance()->
    126       RegisterFunction<GetAllCommandsFunction>();
    128   extension_registry_observer_.Add(ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile_));
    129 }
    131 CommandService::~CommandService() {
    132 }
    134 static base::LazyInstance<BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<CommandService> >
    135     g_factory = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
    137 // static
    138 BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<CommandService>*
    139 CommandService::GetFactoryInstance() {
    140   return g_factory.Pointer();
    141 }
    143 // static
    144 CommandService* CommandService::Get(content::BrowserContext* context) {
    145   return BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<CommandService>::Get(context);
    146 }
    148 // static
    149 bool CommandService::RemovesBookmarkShortcut(const Extension* extension) {
    150   return UIOverrides::RemovesBookmarkShortcut(extension) &&
    151       (extension->permissions_data()->HasAPIPermission(
    152           APIPermission::kBookmarkManagerPrivate) ||
    153        FeatureSwitch::enable_override_bookmarks_ui()->IsEnabled());
    154 }
    156 // static
    157 bool CommandService::RemovesBookmarkOpenPagesShortcut(
    158     const Extension* extension) {
    159   return UIOverrides::RemovesBookmarkOpenPagesShortcut(extension) &&
    160       (extension->permissions_data()->HasAPIPermission(
    161           APIPermission::kBookmarkManagerPrivate) ||
    162        FeatureSwitch::enable_override_bookmarks_ui()->IsEnabled());
    163 }
    165 bool CommandService::GetBrowserActionCommand(const std::string& extension_id,
    166                                              QueryType type,
    167                                              Command* command,
    168                                              bool* active) const {
    169   return GetExtensionActionCommand(
    170       extension_id, type, command, active, BROWSER_ACTION);
    171 }
    173 bool CommandService::GetPageActionCommand(const std::string& extension_id,
    174                                           QueryType type,
    175                                           Command* command,
    176                                           bool* active) const {
    177   return GetExtensionActionCommand(
    178       extension_id, type, command, active, PAGE_ACTION);
    179 }
    181 bool CommandService::GetNamedCommands(const std::string& extension_id,
    182                                       QueryType type,
    183                                       CommandScope scope,
    184                                       CommandMap* command_map) const {
    185   const ExtensionSet& extensions =
    186       ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile_)->enabled_extensions();
    187   const Extension* extension = extensions.GetByID(extension_id);
    188   CHECK(extension);
    190   command_map->clear();
    191   const CommandMap* commands = CommandsInfo::GetNamedCommands(extension);
    192   if (!commands)
    193     return false;
    195   for (CommandMap::const_iterator iter = commands->begin();
    196        iter != commands->end(); ++iter) {
    197     // Look up to see if the user has overridden how the command should work.
    198     Command saved_command =
    199         FindCommandByName(extension_id, iter->second.command_name());
    200     ui::Accelerator shortcut_assigned = saved_command.accelerator();
    202     if (type == ACTIVE_ONLY && shortcut_assigned.key_code() == ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN)
    203       continue;
    205     Command command = iter->second;
    206     if (scope != ANY_SCOPE && ((scope == GLOBAL) != saved_command.global()))
    207       continue;
    209     if (shortcut_assigned.key_code() != ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN)
    210       command.set_accelerator(shortcut_assigned);
    211     command.set_global(saved_command.global());
    213     (*command_map)[iter->second.command_name()] = command;
    214   }
    216   return true;
    217 }
    219 bool CommandService::AddKeybindingPref(
    220     const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
    221     std::string extension_id,
    222     std::string command_name,
    223     bool allow_overrides,
    224     bool global) {
    225   if (accelerator.key_code() == ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN)
    226     return false;
    228   // Nothing needs to be done if the existing command is the same as the desired
    229   // new one.
    230   Command existing_command = FindCommandByName(extension_id, command_name);
    231   if (existing_command.accelerator() == accelerator &&
    232       existing_command.global() == global)
    233     return true;
    235   // Media Keys are allowed to be used by named command only.
    236   DCHECK(!Command::IsMediaKey(accelerator) ||
    237          (command_name != manifest_values::kPageActionCommandEvent &&
    238           command_name != manifest_values::kBrowserActionCommandEvent));
    240   DictionaryPrefUpdate updater(profile_->GetPrefs(),
    241                                prefs::kExtensionCommands);
    242   base::DictionaryValue* bindings = updater.Get();
    244   std::string key = GetPlatformKeybindingKeyForAccelerator(accelerator,
    245                                                            extension_id);
    247   if (bindings->HasKey(key)) {
    248     if (!allow_overrides)
    249       return false;  // Already taken.
    251     // If the shortcut has been assigned to another command, it should be
    252     // removed before overriding, so that |ExtensionKeybindingRegistry| can get
    253     // a chance to do clean-up.
    254     const base::DictionaryValue* item = NULL;
    255     bindings->GetDictionary(key, &item);
    256     std::string old_extension_id;
    257     std::string old_command_name;
    258     item->GetString(kExtension, &old_extension_id);
    259     item->GetString(kCommandName, &old_command_name);
    260     RemoveKeybindingPrefs(old_extension_id, old_command_name);
    261   }
    263   // If the command that is taking a new shortcut already has a shortcut, remove
    264   // it before assigning the new one.
    265   if (existing_command.accelerator().key_code() != ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN)
    266     RemoveKeybindingPrefs(extension_id, command_name);
    268   // Set the keybinding pref.
    269   base::DictionaryValue* keybinding = new base::DictionaryValue();
    270   keybinding->SetString(kExtension, extension_id);
    271   keybinding->SetString(kCommandName, command_name);
    272   keybinding->SetBoolean(kGlobal, global);
    274   bindings->Set(key, keybinding);
    276   // Set the was_assigned pref for the suggested key.
    277   scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> command_keys(new base::DictionaryValue);
    278   command_keys->SetBoolean(kSuggestedKeyWasAssigned, true);
    279   scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> suggested_key_prefs(
    280       new base::DictionaryValue);
    281   suggested_key_prefs->Set(command_name, command_keys.release());
    282   MergeSuggestedKeyPrefs(extension_id,
    283                          ExtensionPrefs::Get(profile_),
    284                          suggested_key_prefs.Pass());
    286   std::pair<const std::string, const std::string> details =
    287       std::make_pair(extension_id, command_name);
    288   content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
    290       content::Source<Profile>(profile_),
    291       content::Details<std::pair<const std::string, const std::string> >(
    292           &details));
    294   return true;
    295 }
    297 void CommandService::OnExtensionWillBeInstalled(
    298     content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
    299     const Extension* extension,
    300     bool is_update,
    301     bool from_ephemeral,
    302     const std::string& old_name) {
    303   UpdateKeybindings(extension);
    304 }
    306 void CommandService::OnExtensionUninstalled(
    307     content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
    308     const Extension* extension,
    309     extensions::UninstallReason reason) {
    310   RemoveKeybindingPrefs(extension->id(), std::string());
    311 }
    313 void CommandService::UpdateKeybindingPrefs(const std::string& extension_id,
    314                                            const std::string& command_name,
    315                                            const std::string& keystroke) {
    316   Command command = FindCommandByName(extension_id, command_name);
    318   // The extension command might be assigned another shortcut. Remove that
    319   // shortcut before proceeding.
    320   RemoveKeybindingPrefs(extension_id, command_name);
    322   ui::Accelerator accelerator =
    323       Command::StringToAccelerator(keystroke, command_name);
    324   AddKeybindingPref(accelerator, extension_id, command_name,
    325                     true, command.global());
    326 }
    328 bool CommandService::SetScope(const std::string& extension_id,
    329                               const std::string& command_name,
    330                               bool global) {
    331   Command command = FindCommandByName(extension_id, command_name);
    332   if (global == command.global())
    333     return false;
    335   // Pre-existing shortcuts must be removed before proceeding because the
    336   // handlers for global and non-global extensions are not one and the same.
    337   RemoveKeybindingPrefs(extension_id, command_name);
    338   AddKeybindingPref(command.accelerator(), extension_id,
    339                     command_name, true, global);
    340   return true;
    341 }
    343 Command CommandService::FindCommandByName(const std::string& extension_id,
    344                                           const std::string& command) const {
    345   const base::DictionaryValue* bindings =
    346       profile_->GetPrefs()->GetDictionary(prefs::kExtensionCommands);
    347   for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*bindings); !it.IsAtEnd();
    348        it.Advance()) {
    349     const base::DictionaryValue* item = NULL;
    350     it.value().GetAsDictionary(&item);
    352     std::string extension;
    353     item->GetString(kExtension, &extension);
    354     if (extension != extension_id)
    355       continue;
    356     std::string command_name;
    357     item->GetString(kCommandName, &command_name);
    358     if (command != command_name)
    359       continue;
    360     // Format stored in Preferences is: "Platform:Shortcut[:ExtensionId]".
    361     std::string shortcut = it.key();
    362     if (!IsForCurrentPlatform(shortcut))
    363       continue;
    364     bool global = false;
    365     item->GetBoolean(kGlobal, &global);
    367     std::vector<std::string> tokens;
    368     base::SplitString(shortcut, ':', &tokens);
    369     CHECK(tokens.size() >= 2);
    370     shortcut = tokens[1];
    372     return Command(command_name, base::string16(), shortcut, global);
    373   }
    375   return Command();
    376 }
    378 bool CommandService::GetBoundExtensionCommand(
    379     const std::string& extension_id,
    380     const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
    381     Command* command,
    382     ExtensionCommandType* command_type) const {
    383   const Extension* extension =
    384       ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile_)
    385           ->GetExtensionById(extension_id, ExtensionRegistry::ENABLED);
    386   CHECK(extension);
    388   Command prospective_command;
    389   CommandMap command_map;
    390   bool active = false;
    391   if (GetBrowserActionCommand(extension_id,
    392                               CommandService::ACTIVE_ONLY,
    393                               &prospective_command,
    394                               &active) &&
    395       active && accelerator == prospective_command.accelerator()) {
    396     if (command)
    397       *command = prospective_command;
    398     if (command_type)
    399       *command_type = BROWSER_ACTION;
    400     return true;
    401   } else if (GetPageActionCommand(extension_id,
    402                                   CommandService::ACTIVE_ONLY,
    403                                   &prospective_command,
    404                                   &active) &&
    405              active && accelerator == prospective_command.accelerator()) {
    406     if (command)
    407       *command = prospective_command;
    408     if (command_type)
    409       *command_type = PAGE_ACTION;
    410     return true;
    411   } else if (GetNamedCommands(extension_id,
    412                               CommandService::ACTIVE_ONLY,
    413                               CommandService::REGULAR,
    414                               &command_map)) {
    415     for (CommandMap::const_iterator it = command_map.begin();
    416          it != command_map.end();
    417          ++it) {
    418       if (accelerator == it->second.accelerator()) {
    419         if (command)
    420           *command = it->second;
    421         if (command_type)
    422           *command_type = NAMED;
    423         return true;
    424       }
    425     }
    426   }
    427   return false;
    428 }
    430 bool CommandService::OverridesBookmarkShortcut(
    431     const Extension* extension) const {
    432   return RemovesBookmarkShortcut(extension) &&
    433       GetBoundExtensionCommand(
    434           extension->id(),
    435           chrome::GetPrimaryChromeAcceleratorForCommandId(IDC_BOOKMARK_PAGE),
    436           NULL,
    437           NULL);
    438 }
    440 void CommandService::UpdateKeybindings(const Extension* extension) {
    441   const ExtensionSet& extensions =
    442       ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile_)->enabled_extensions();
    443   // The extension is not added to the profile by this point on first install,
    444   // so don't try to check for existing keybindings.
    445   if (extensions.GetByID(extension->id()))
    446     RemoveRelinquishedKeybindings(extension);
    447   AssignKeybindings(extension);
    448   UpdateExtensionSuggestedCommandPrefs(extension);
    449   RemoveDefunctExtensionSuggestedCommandPrefs(extension);
    450 }
    452 void CommandService::RemoveRelinquishedKeybindings(const Extension* extension) {
    453   // Remove keybindings if they have been removed by the extension and the user
    454   // has not modified them.
    455   CommandMap existing_command_map;
    456   if (GetNamedCommands(extension->id(),
    457                        CommandService::ACTIVE_ONLY,
    458                        CommandService::REGULAR,
    459                        &existing_command_map)) {
    460     const CommandMap* new_command_map =
    461         CommandsInfo::GetNamedCommands(extension);
    462     for (CommandMap::const_iterator it = existing_command_map.begin();
    463          it != existing_command_map.end(); ++it) {
    464       std::string command_name = it->first;
    465       if (new_command_map->find(command_name) == new_command_map->end() &&
    466           !IsCommandShortcutUserModified(extension, command_name)) {
    467         RemoveKeybindingPrefs(extension->id(), command_name);
    468       }
    469     }
    470   }
    472   Command existing_browser_action_command;
    473   const Command* new_browser_action_command =
    474       CommandsInfo::GetBrowserActionCommand(extension);
    475   if (GetBrowserActionCommand(extension->id(),
    476                               CommandService::ACTIVE_ONLY,
    477                               &existing_browser_action_command,
    478                               NULL) &&
    479       // The browser action command may be defaulted to an unassigned
    480       // accelerator if a browser action is specified by the extension but a
    481       // keybinding is not declared. See
    482       // CommandsHandler::MaybeSetBrowserActionDefault.
    483       (!new_browser_action_command ||
    484        new_browser_action_command->accelerator().key_code() ==
    485            ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN) &&
    486       !IsCommandShortcutUserModified(
    487           extension,
    488           existing_browser_action_command.command_name())) {
    489     RemoveKeybindingPrefs(extension->id(),
    490                           existing_browser_action_command.command_name());
    491   }
    493   Command existing_page_action_command;
    494   if (GetPageActionCommand(extension->id(),
    495                            CommandService::ACTIVE_ONLY,
    496                            &existing_page_action_command,
    497                            NULL) &&
    498       !CommandsInfo::GetPageActionCommand(extension) &&
    499       !IsCommandShortcutUserModified(
    500           extension,
    501           existing_page_action_command.command_name())) {
    502     RemoveKeybindingPrefs(extension->id(),
    503                           existing_page_action_command.command_name());
    504   }
    505 }
    507 void CommandService::AssignKeybindings(const Extension* extension) {
    508   const CommandMap* commands = CommandsInfo::GetNamedCommands(extension);
    509   if (!commands)
    510     return;
    512   ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs = ExtensionPrefs::Get(profile_);
    513   // TODO(wittman): remove use of this pref after M37 hits stable.
    514   if (!InitialBindingsHaveBeenAssigned(extension_prefs, extension->id()))
    515     SetInitialBindingsHaveBeenAssigned(extension_prefs, extension->id());
    517   for (CommandMap::const_iterator iter = commands->begin();
    518        iter != commands->end(); ++iter) {
    519     const Command command = iter->second;
    520     if (CanAutoAssign(command, extension)) {
    521       AddKeybindingPref(command.accelerator(),
    522                         extension->id(),
    523                         command.command_name(),
    524                         false,  // Overwriting not allowed.
    525                         command.global());
    526     }
    527   }
    529   const Command* browser_action_command =
    530       CommandsInfo::GetBrowserActionCommand(extension);
    531   if (browser_action_command &&
    532       CanAutoAssign(*browser_action_command, extension)) {
    533     AddKeybindingPref(browser_action_command->accelerator(),
    534                       extension->id(),
    535                       browser_action_command->command_name(),
    536                       false,   // Overwriting not allowed.
    537                       false);  // Not global.
    538   }
    540   const Command* page_action_command =
    541       CommandsInfo::GetPageActionCommand(extension);
    542   if (page_action_command && CanAutoAssign(*page_action_command, extension)) {
    543     AddKeybindingPref(page_action_command->accelerator(),
    544                       extension->id(),
    545                       page_action_command->command_name(),
    546                       false,   // Overwriting not allowed.
    547                       false);  // Not global.
    548   }
    549 }
    551 bool CommandService::CanAutoAssign(const Command &command,
    552                                    const Extension* extension) {
    553   // Media Keys are non-exclusive, so allow auto-assigning them.
    554   if (Command::IsMediaKey(command.accelerator()))
    555     return true;
    557   // Extensions are allowed to auto-assign updated keys if the user has not
    558   // changed from the previous value.
    559   if (IsCommandShortcutUserModified(extension, command.command_name()))
    560     return false;
    562   if (command.global()) {
    563     using namespace extensions;
    564     if (command.command_name() == manifest_values::kBrowserActionCommandEvent ||
    565         command.command_name() == manifest_values::kPageActionCommandEvent)
    566       return false;  // Browser and page actions are not global in nature.
    568     if (extension->permissions_data()->HasAPIPermission(
    569             APIPermission::kCommandsAccessibility))
    570       return true;
    572     // Global shortcuts are restricted to (Ctrl|Command)+Shift+[0-9].
    573 #if defined OS_MACOSX
    574     if (!command.accelerator().IsCmdDown())
    575       return false;
    576 #else
    577     if (!command.accelerator().IsCtrlDown())
    578       return false;
    579 #endif
    580     if (!command.accelerator().IsShiftDown())
    581       return false;
    582     return (command.accelerator().key_code() >= ui::VKEY_0 &&
    583             command.accelerator().key_code() <= ui::VKEY_9);
    584   } else {
    585     // Not a global command, check if Chrome shortcut and whether
    586     // we can override it.
    587     if (command.accelerator() ==
    588         chrome::GetPrimaryChromeAcceleratorForCommandId(IDC_BOOKMARK_PAGE) &&
    589         CommandService::RemovesBookmarkShortcut(extension)) {
    590       // If this check fails it either means we have an API to override a
    591       // key that isn't a ChromeAccelerator (and the API can therefore be
    592       // deprecated) or the IsChromeAccelerator isn't consistently
    593       // returning true for all accelerators.
    594       DCHECK(chrome::IsChromeAccelerator(command.accelerator(), profile_));
    595       return true;
    596     }
    598     return !chrome::IsChromeAccelerator(command.accelerator(), profile_);
    599   }
    600 }
    602 void CommandService::UpdateExtensionSuggestedCommandPrefs(
    603     const Extension* extension) {
    604   scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> suggested_key_prefs(
    605       new base::DictionaryValue);
    607   const CommandMap* commands = CommandsInfo::GetNamedCommands(extension);
    608   if (commands) {
    609     for (CommandMap::const_iterator iter = commands->begin();
    610          iter != commands->end(); ++iter) {
    611       const Command command = iter->second;
    612       scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> command_keys(new base::DictionaryValue);
    613       command_keys->SetString(
    614           kSuggestedKey,
    615           Command::AcceleratorToString(command.accelerator()));
    616       suggested_key_prefs->Set(command.command_name(), command_keys.release());
    617     }
    618   }
    620   const Command* browser_action_command =
    621       CommandsInfo::GetBrowserActionCommand(extension);
    622   // The browser action command may be defaulted to an unassigned accelerator if
    623   // a browser action is specified by the extension but a keybinding is not
    624   // declared. See CommandsHandler::MaybeSetBrowserActionDefault.
    625   if (browser_action_command &&
    626       browser_action_command->accelerator().key_code() != ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN) {
    627     scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> command_keys(new base::DictionaryValue);
    628     command_keys->SetString(
    629         kSuggestedKey,
    630         Command::AcceleratorToString(browser_action_command->accelerator()));
    631     suggested_key_prefs->Set(browser_action_command->command_name(),
    632                              command_keys.release());
    633   }
    635   const Command* page_action_command =
    636       CommandsInfo::GetPageActionCommand(extension);
    637   if (page_action_command) {
    638     scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> command_keys(new base::DictionaryValue);
    639     command_keys->SetString(
    640         kSuggestedKey,
    641         Command::AcceleratorToString(page_action_command->accelerator()));
    642     suggested_key_prefs->Set(page_action_command->command_name(),
    643                command_keys.release());
    644   }
    646   // Merge into current prefs, if present.
    647   MergeSuggestedKeyPrefs(extension->id(),
    648                          ExtensionPrefs::Get(profile_),
    649                          suggested_key_prefs.Pass());
    650 }
    652 void CommandService::RemoveDefunctExtensionSuggestedCommandPrefs(
    653     const Extension* extension) {
    654   ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs = ExtensionPrefs::Get(profile_);
    655   const base::DictionaryValue* current_prefs = NULL;
    656   extension_prefs->ReadPrefAsDictionary(extension->id(),
    657                                         kCommands,
    658                                         &current_prefs);
    660   if (current_prefs) {
    661     scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> suggested_key_prefs(
    662         current_prefs->DeepCopy());
    663     const CommandMap* named_commands =
    664         CommandsInfo::GetNamedCommands(extension);
    665     const Command* browser_action_command =
    666         CommandsInfo::GetBrowserActionCommand(extension);
    667     for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*current_prefs);
    668          !it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) {
    669       if (it.key() == manifest_values::kBrowserActionCommandEvent) {
    670         // The browser action command may be defaulted to an unassigned
    671         // accelerator if a browser action is specified by the extension but a
    672         // keybinding is not declared. See
    673         // CommandsHandler::MaybeSetBrowserActionDefault.
    674         if (!browser_action_command ||
    675             browser_action_command->accelerator().key_code() ==
    676                 ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN) {
    677           suggested_key_prefs->Remove(it.key(), NULL);
    678         }
    679       } else if (it.key() == manifest_values::kPageActionCommandEvent) {
    680         if (!CommandsInfo::GetPageActionCommand(extension))
    681           suggested_key_prefs->Remove(it.key(), NULL);
    682       } else if (named_commands) {
    683         if (named_commands->find(it.key()) == named_commands->end())
    684           suggested_key_prefs->Remove(it.key(), NULL);
    685       }
    686     }
    688     extension_prefs->UpdateExtensionPref(extension->id(),
    689                                          kCommands,
    690                                          suggested_key_prefs.release());
    691   }
    692 }
    694 bool CommandService::IsCommandShortcutUserModified(
    695     const Extension* extension,
    696     const std::string& command_name) {
    697   // Get the previous suggested key, if any.
    698   ui::Accelerator suggested_key;
    699   bool suggested_key_was_assigned = false;
    700   ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs = ExtensionPrefs::Get(profile_);
    701   const base::DictionaryValue* commands_prefs = NULL;
    702   const base::DictionaryValue* suggested_key_prefs = NULL;
    703   if (extension_prefs->ReadPrefAsDictionary(extension->id(),
    704                                             kCommands,
    705                                             &commands_prefs) &&
    706       commands_prefs->GetDictionary(command_name, &suggested_key_prefs)) {
    707     std::string suggested_key_string;
    708     if (suggested_key_prefs->GetString(kSuggestedKey, &suggested_key_string)) {
    709       suggested_key = Command::StringToAccelerator(suggested_key_string,
    710                                                    command_name);
    711     }
    713     suggested_key_prefs->GetBoolean(kSuggestedKeyWasAssigned,
    714                                     &suggested_key_was_assigned);
    715   }
    717   // Get the active shortcut from the prefs, if any.
    718   Command active_command = FindCommandByName(extension->id(), command_name);
    720   return suggested_key_was_assigned ?
    721       active_command.accelerator() != suggested_key :
    722       active_command.accelerator().key_code() != ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN;
    723 }
    725 bool CommandService::IsKeybindingChanging(const Extension* extension,
    726                                           const std::string& command_name) {
    727   // Get the new assigned command, if any.
    728   Command new_command;
    729   if (command_name == manifest_values::kBrowserActionCommandEvent) {
    730     new_command = *CommandsInfo::GetBrowserActionCommand(extension);
    731   } else if (command_name == manifest_values::kPageActionCommandEvent) {
    732     new_command = *CommandsInfo::GetPageActionCommand(extension);
    733   } else {  // This is a named command.
    734     const CommandMap* named_commands =
    735         CommandsInfo::GetNamedCommands(extension);
    736     if (named_commands) {
    737       CommandMap::const_iterator loc = named_commands->find(command_name);
    738       if (loc != named_commands->end())
    739         new_command = loc->second;
    740     }
    741   }
    743   return Command::StringToAccelerator(
    744       GetSuggestedKeyPref(extension, command_name), command_name) !=
    745       new_command.accelerator();
    746 }
    748 std::string CommandService::GetSuggestedKeyPref(
    749     const Extension* extension,
    750     const std::string& command_name) {
    751   // Get the previous suggested key, if any.
    752   ui::Accelerator suggested_key;
    753   ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs = ExtensionPrefs::Get(profile_);
    754   const base::DictionaryValue* commands_prefs = NULL;
    755   if (extension_prefs->ReadPrefAsDictionary(extension->id(),
    756                                             kCommands,
    757                                             &commands_prefs)) {
    758     const base::DictionaryValue* suggested_key_prefs = NULL;
    759     std::string suggested_key;
    760     if (commands_prefs->GetDictionary(command_name, &suggested_key_prefs) &&
    761         suggested_key_prefs->GetString(kSuggestedKey, &suggested_key)) {
    762       return suggested_key;
    763     }
    764   }
    766   return std::string();
    767 }
    769 void CommandService::RemoveKeybindingPrefs(const std::string& extension_id,
    770                                            const std::string& command_name) {
    771   DictionaryPrefUpdate updater(profile_->GetPrefs(),
    772                                prefs::kExtensionCommands);
    773   base::DictionaryValue* bindings = updater.Get();
    775   typedef std::vector<std::string> KeysToRemove;
    776   KeysToRemove keys_to_remove;
    777   for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*bindings); !it.IsAtEnd();
    778        it.Advance()) {
    779     // Removal of keybinding preference should be limited to current platform.
    780     if (!IsForCurrentPlatform(it.key()))
    781       continue;
    783     const base::DictionaryValue* item = NULL;
    784     it.value().GetAsDictionary(&item);
    786     std::string extension;
    787     item->GetString(kExtension, &extension);
    789     if (extension == extension_id) {
    790       // If |command_name| is specified, delete only that command. Otherwise,
    791       // delete all commands.
    792       if (!command_name.empty()) {
    793         std::string command;
    794         item->GetString(kCommandName, &command);
    795         if (command_name != command)
    796           continue;
    797       }
    799       keys_to_remove.push_back(it.key());
    800     }
    801   }
    803   for (KeysToRemove::const_iterator it = keys_to_remove.begin();
    804        it != keys_to_remove.end(); ++it) {
    805     std::string key = *it;
    806     bindings->Remove(key, NULL);
    808     std::pair<const std::string, const std::string> details =
    809         std::make_pair(extension_id, command_name);
    810     content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
    812         content::Source<Profile>(profile_),
    813         content::Details<std::pair<const std::string, const std::string> >(
    814             &details));
    815   }
    816 }
    818 bool CommandService::GetExtensionActionCommand(
    819     const std::string& extension_id,
    820     QueryType query_type,
    821     Command* command,
    822     bool* active,
    823     ExtensionCommandType action_type) const {
    824   const ExtensionSet& extensions =
    825       ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile_)->enabled_extensions();
    826   const Extension* extension = extensions.GetByID(extension_id);
    827   CHECK(extension);
    829   if (active)
    830     *active = false;
    832   const Command* requested_command = NULL;
    833   switch (action_type) {
    834     case BROWSER_ACTION:
    835       requested_command = CommandsInfo::GetBrowserActionCommand(extension);
    836       break;
    837     case PAGE_ACTION:
    838       requested_command = CommandsInfo::GetPageActionCommand(extension);
    839       break;
    840     case NAMED:
    841       NOTREACHED();
    842       return false;
    843   }
    844   if (!requested_command)
    845     return false;
    847   // Look up to see if the user has overridden how the command should work.
    848   Command saved_command =
    849       FindCommandByName(extension_id, requested_command->command_name());
    850   ui::Accelerator shortcut_assigned = saved_command.accelerator();
    852   if (active)
    853     *active = (shortcut_assigned.key_code() != ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN);
    855   if (query_type == ACTIVE_ONLY &&
    856       shortcut_assigned.key_code() == ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN)
    857     return false;
    859   *command = *requested_command;
    860   if (shortcut_assigned.key_code() != ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN)
    861     command->set_accelerator(shortcut_assigned);
    863   return true;
    864 }
    866 template <>
    867 void
    868 BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<CommandService>::DeclareFactoryDependencies() {
    869   DependsOn(ExtensionCommandsGlobalRegistry::GetFactoryInstance());
    870 }
    872 }  // namespace extensions