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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <string>
     10 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     11 #include "base/callback.h"
     12 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
     13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     14 #include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
     15 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
     16 #include "url/gurl.h"
     18 namespace base {
     19 class TaskRunner;
     20 }
     21 namespace net {
     22 class URLRequestContextGetter;
     23 }
     25 class TwoPhaseUploaderFactory;
     27 // Implements the Google two-phase resumable upload protocol.
     28 // Protocol documentation:
     29 // https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/developer-guide#resumable
     30 // Note: This doc is for the Cloud Storage API which specifies the POST body
     31 // must be empty, however the safebrowsing use of the two-phase protocol
     32 // supports sending metadata in the POST request body. We also do not need the
     33 // api-version and authorization headers.
     34 // TODO(mattm): support retry / resume.
     35 class TwoPhaseUploader : public base::NonThreadSafe {
     36  public:
     37   enum State {
     38     STATE_NONE,
     39     UPLOAD_METADATA,
     40     UPLOAD_FILE,
     41     STATE_SUCCESS,
     42   };
     43   typedef base::Callback<void(int64 sent, int64 total)> ProgressCallback;
     44   typedef base::Callback<void(State state,
     45                               int net_error,
     46                               int response_code,
     47                               const std::string& response_data)> FinishCallback;
     49   virtual ~TwoPhaseUploader() {}
     51   // Create the uploader.  The Start method must be called to begin the upload.
     52   // Network processing will use |url_request_context_getter|.
     53   // The uploaded |file_path| will be read on |file_task_runner|.
     54   // The first phase request will be sent to |base_url|, with |metadata|
     55   // included.
     56   // |progress_callback| will be called periodically as the second phase
     57   // progresses, if it is non-null.
     58   // On success |finish_callback| will be called with state = STATE_SUCCESS and
     59   // the server response in response_data. On failure, state will specify
     60   // which step the failure occurred in, and net_error, response_code, and
     61   // response_data will specify information about the error. |finish_callback|
     62   // will not be called if the upload is cancelled by destructing the
     63   // TwoPhaseUploader object before completion.
     64   static TwoPhaseUploader* Create(
     65       net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter,
     66       base::TaskRunner* file_task_runner,
     67       const GURL& base_url,
     68       const std::string& metadata,
     69       const base::FilePath& file_path,
     70       const ProgressCallback& progress_callback,
     71       const FinishCallback& finish_callback);
     73   // Makes the passed |factory| the factory used to instantiate
     74   // a TwoPhaseUploader. Useful for tests.
     75   static void RegisterFactory(TwoPhaseUploaderFactory* factory) {
     76     factory_ = factory;
     77   }
     79   // Begins the upload process.
     80   virtual void Start() = 0;
     82  private:
     83   // The factory that controls the creation of SafeBrowsingProtocolManager.
     84   // This is used by tests.
     85   static TwoPhaseUploaderFactory* factory_;
     86 };
     88 class TwoPhaseUploaderFactory {
     89  public:
     90   virtual ~TwoPhaseUploaderFactory() {}
     92   virtual TwoPhaseUploader* CreateTwoPhaseUploader(
     93       net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter,
     94       base::TaskRunner* file_task_runner,
     95       const GURL& base_url,
     96       const std::string& metadata,
     97       const base::FilePath& file_path,
     98       const TwoPhaseUploader::ProgressCallback& progress_callback,
     99       const TwoPhaseUploader::FinishCallback& finish_callback) = 0;
    100 };