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      1 <h1>Getting Started: Building a Chrome Extension</h1>
      3 <p>
      4   Extensions allow you to add functionality to Chrome without diving deeply
      5   into native code. You can create new extensions for Chrome with those core
      6   technologies that you're already familiar with from web development: HTML,
      7   CSS, and JavaScript. If you've ever built a web page, you should feel right at
      8   home with extensions pretty quickly; we'll put that to the test right now by
      9   walking through the construction of a simple extension that will give you
     10   one-click access to pictures of kittens. Kittens!
     11 </p>
     13 <p>
     14   We'll do so by implementing a UI element we call a
     15   <a href="browserAction">browser action</a>, which allows us to place a
     16   clickable icon right next to Chrome's Omnibox for easy access. Clicking that
     17   icon will open a popup window filled with kittenish goodness, which will look
     18   something like this:
     19 </p>
     21 <img src="{{static}}/images/gettingstarted-1.jpg"
     22      width="600"
     23      height="420"
     24      alt="Chrome, with an extension's popup open and displaying many kittens.">
     26 <p>
     27   If you'd like to follow along at home (and you should!), create a shiny new
     28   directory on your computer, and pop open your favourite text editor. Let's get
     29   going!
     30 </p>
     32 <h2 id="declaration">Something to Declare</h2>
     34 <p>
     35   The very first thing we'll need to create is a <dfn>manifest file</dfn> named
     36   <code>manifest.json</code>. The manifest is nothing more than a JSON-formatted
     37   table of contents, containing properties like your extension's name and
     38   description, its version number, and so on. At a high level, we'll use it to
     39   declare to Chrome what the extension is going to do, and what permissions it
     40   requires in order to do those things.
     41 </p>
     43 <p>
     44   In order to display kittens, we'll want to tell Chrome that we'd like to
     45   create a browser action, and that we'd like free-reign to access kittens from
     46   a particular source on the net. A manifest file containing those instructions
     47   looks like this:
     48 </p>
     50 <pre data-filename="manifest.json">
     51 {
     52   "manifest_version": 2,
     54   "name": "One-click Kittens",
     55   "description": "This extension demonstrates a browser action with kittens.",
     56   "version": "1.0",
     58   "permissions": [
     59     "https://secure.flickr.com/"
     60   ],
     61   "browser_action": {
     62     "default_icon": "icon.png",
     63     "default_popup": "popup.html"
     64   }
     65 }
     66 </pre>
     68 <p>
     69   Go ahead and save that data to a file named <code>manifest.json</code> in the
     70   directory you created, or
     71   <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/manifest.json" download="manifest.json">
     72     download a copy of <code>manifest.json</code> from our sample repository
     73   </a>.
     74 </p>
     76 <h3 id="manifest">What does it mean?</h3>
     78 <p>
     79   The attribute names are fairly self-descriptive, but let's walk through the
     80   manifest line-by-line to make sure we're all on the same page.
     81 </p>
     83 <p>
     84   The first line, which declares that we're using version 2 of the manifest file
     85   format, is mandatory (version 1 is old, deprecated, and generally not
     86   awesome).
     87 </p>
     89 <p>
     90   The next block defines the extension's name, description, and version. These
     91   will be used both inside of Chrome to show a user which extensions you have
     92   installed, and also on the Chrome Web Store to display your extension to
     93   potentially new users. The name should be short and snappy, and the
     94   description no longer than a sentence or so (you'll have more room for a
     95   detailed description later).
     96 </p>
     98 <p>
     99   The final block first requests permission to work with data on
    100   <code>https://secure.flickr.com/</code>, and declares that this extension
    101   implements a browser action, assigning it a default icon and popup in the
    102   process.
    103 </p>
    105 <h2 id="resources">Resources</h2>
    107 <p>
    108   You probably noticed that <code>manifest.json</code> pointed at two resource
    109   files when defining the browser action: <code>icon.png</code> and
    110   <code>popup.html</code>. Both resources must exist inside the extension
    111   package, so let's create them now:
    112 </p>
    114 <ul class="imaged">
    115   <li>
    116     <p>
    117       <img src="{{static}}/images/gettingstarted-icon.png"
    118            width="127"
    119            height="127"
    120            alt="The popup's icon will be displayed right next to the Omnibox.">
    121       <code>icon.png</code> will be displayed next to the Omnibox, waiting for
    122       user interaction. Download a copy of icon.png from our sample repository,
    123       <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/icon.png" download="icon.png">
    124         Download a copy of <code>icon.png</code> from our sample repository
    125       </a>, and save it into the directory you're working in. You could also
    126       create your own if you're so inclined; it's just a 19px-square PNG file.
    127     </p>
    128   </li>
    129   <li>
    130     <p>
    131       <img src="{{static}}/images/gettingstarted-popup.jpg"
    132            width="165"
    133            height="200"
    134            alt="The popup's HTML will be rendered directly below the icon when clicked.">
    135       <code>popup.html</code> will be rendered inside the popup window that's
    136       created in response to a user's click on the browser action. It's a
    137       standard HTML file, just like you're used to from web development, giving
    138       you more or less free reign over what the popup displays.
    139       <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/popup.html" download="popup.html">
    140         Download a copy of <code>popup.html</code> from our sample repository
    141       </a>, and save it into
    142       the directory you're working in.
    143     </p>
    144     <p>
    145       <code>popup.html</code> requires an additional JavaScript file in order to
    146       do the work of grabbing kitten images from the web and loading them into
    147       the popup. To save you some effort, just
    148       <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/popup.js" download="popup.js">
    149         download a copy of <code>popup.js</code> from our sample repository
    150       </a>, and save it into the directory you're working in.
    151     </p>
    152   </li>
    153 </ul>
    155 <p>
    156   You should now have four files in your working directory:
    157   <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/icon.png" download="icon.png"><code>icon.png</code></a>,
    158   <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/manifest.json" download="manifest.json"><code>manifest.json</code></a>,
    159   <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/popup.html" download="popup.html"><code>popup.html</code></a>,
    160   <a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/popup.js" download="popup.js"><code>popup.js</code></a>.
    161   The next step is to load those files into Chrome.
    162 </p>
    164 <h2 id="unpacked">Load the extension</h2>
    166 <p>
    167   Extensions that you download from the Chrome Web Store are packaged up as
    168   <code>.crx</code> files, which is great for distribution, but not so great for
    169   development. Recognizing this, Chrome gives you a quick way of loading up your
    170   working directory for testing. Let's do that now.
    171 </p>
    173 <ol>
    174   <li>
    175     <p>
    176       Visit <code>chrome://extensions</code> in your browser (or open up the
    177       Chrome menu by clicking the icon to the far right of the Omnibox:
    178       <img src="{{static}}/images/hotdogmenu.png"
    179            height="29"
    180            width="29"
    181            alt="The menu's icon is three horizontal bars.">. and
    182       select <strong>Extensions</strong> under the <strong>Tools</strong> menu
    183       to get to the same place).
    184     </p>
    185   </li>
    186   <li>
    187     <p>
    188       Ensure that the <strong>Developer mode</strong> checkbox in the top
    189       right-hand corner is checked.
    190     </p>
    191   </li>
    192   <li>
    193     <p>
    194       Click <strong>Load unpacked extension&hellip;</strong> to pop up a
    195       file-selection dialog.
    196     </p>
    197   </li>
    198   <li>
    199     <p>
    200       Navigate to the directory in which your extension files live, and select
    201       it.
    202     </p>
    203   </li>
    204 </ol>
    206 <p>
    207   Alternatively, you can drag and drop the directory where your extension files
    208   live onto <code>chrome://extensions</code> in your browser to load it.
    209 </p>
    211 <p>
    212   If the extension is valid, it'll be loaded up and active right away! If it's
    213   invalid, an error message will be displayed at the top of the page. Correct
    214   the error, and try again.
    215 </p>
    217 <h2 id="update-code">Fiddle with Code</h2>
    219 <p>
    220   Now that you've got your first extension up and running, let's fiddle with
    221   things so that you have an idea what your development process might look like.
    222   As a trivial example, let's change the data source to search for pictures of
    223   puppies instead of kittens.
    224 </p>
    226 <p>
    227   Hop into <code>popup.js</code>, and edit line 11 from
    228   <code>var QUERY = 'kittens';</code> to read
    229   <code>var QUERY = 'puppies';</code>, and save your changes.
    230 </p>
    232 <p>
    233   If you click on your extension's browser action again, you'll note that your
    234   change hasn't yet had an effect. You'll need to let Chrome know that something
    235   has happened, either explicitly by going back to the extension page
    236   (<strong>chrome://extensions</strong>, or
    237   <strong>Tools &gt; Extensions</strong> under the Chrome menu), and clicking
    238   <strong>Reload</strong> under your extension, or by reloading the extensions
    239   page itself (either via the reload button to the left of the Omnibox, or by
    240   hitting F5 or Ctrl-R).
    241 </p>
    243 <p>
    244   Once you've reloaded the extension, click the browser action icon again.
    245   Puppies galore!
    246 </p>
    248 <h2 id="next-steps">What next?</h2>
    250 <p>
    251   You now know about the manifest file's central role in bringing things
    252   together, and you've mastered the basics of declaring a browser action, and
    253   rendering some kittens (or puppies!) in response to a user's click. That's a
    254   great start, and has hopefully gotten you interested enough to explore
    255   further. There's a lot more out there to play around with.
    256 </p>
    258 <ul>
    259   <li>
    260     <p>
    261       The <a href="overview">Chrome Extension Overview</a> backs up a bit,
    262       and fills in a lot of detail about extensions' architecture in general,
    263       and some specific concepts you'll want to be familiar with going forward.
    264       It's the best next step on your journey towards extension mastery.
    265     </p>
    266   </li>
    267   <li>
    268     <p>
    269       No one writes perfect code on the first try, which means that you'll need
    270       to learn about the options available for debugging your creations. Our
    271       <a href="tut_debugging">debugging tutorial</a> is perfect for that,
    272       and is well worth carefully reading.
    273     </p>
    274   </li>
    275   <li>
    276     <p>
    277       Chrome extensions have access to powerful APIs above and beyond what's
    278       available on the open web: browser actions are just the tip of the
    279       iceburg. Our <a href="api_index">chrome.* APIs documentation</a> will
    280       walk you through each API in turn.
    281     </p>
    282   </li>
    283   <li>
    284     <p>
    285       Finally, the <a href="devguide">developer's guide</a> has dozens of
    286       additional links to pieces of documentation you might be interested in.
    287     </p>
    288   </li>
    289 </ul>