1 ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT READONLY FOCUSABLE 2 IA2_ROLE_SECTION READONLY 3 ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK name='Link with image at start.' FOCUSABLE 4 ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC name='Link' READONLY 5 ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT name=' with image at start.' 6 ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK name='Link with image in the middle.' FOCUSABLE 7 ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT name='Link with ' 8 ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC name='image' READONLY 9 ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT name=' in the middle.' 10 ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK name='Link with broken in the middle.' FOCUSABLE 11 ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT name='Link with ' 12 ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC name='broken' READONLY 13 ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT name=' in the middle.' 14 ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK name='Link with image at the end' FOCUSABLE 15 ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT name='Link with image at the ' 16 ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC name='end' READONLY 17