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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/tools/quic/quic_dispatcher.h"
      7 #include <string>
      9 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
     10 #include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_handshake.h"
     11 #include "net/quic/crypto/quic_crypto_server_config.h"
     12 #include "net/quic/crypto/quic_random.h"
     13 #include "net/quic/quic_crypto_stream.h"
     14 #include "net/quic/quic_flags.h"
     15 #include "net/quic/quic_utils.h"
     16 #include "net/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h"
     17 #include "net/tools/epoll_server/epoll_server.h"
     18 #include "net/tools/quic/quic_packet_writer_wrapper.h"
     19 #include "net/tools/quic/quic_time_wait_list_manager.h"
     20 #include "net/tools/quic/test_tools/quic_dispatcher_peer.h"
     21 #include "net/tools/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h"
     22 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
     23 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     25 using base::StringPiece;
     26 using net::EpollServer;
     27 using net::test::ConstructEncryptedPacket;
     28 using net::test::MockSession;
     29 using net::test::ValueRestore;
     30 using net::tools::test::MockConnection;
     31 using std::make_pair;
     32 using testing::DoAll;
     33 using testing::InSequence;
     34 using testing::Invoke;
     35 using testing::WithoutArgs;
     36 using testing::_;
     38 namespace net {
     39 namespace tools {
     40 namespace test {
     41 namespace {
     43 class TestDispatcher : public QuicDispatcher {
     44  public:
     45   explicit TestDispatcher(const QuicConfig& config,
     46                           const QuicCryptoServerConfig& crypto_config,
     47                           EpollServer* eps)
     48       : QuicDispatcher(config,
     49                        crypto_config,
     50                        QuicSupportedVersions(),
     51                        new QuicDispatcher::DefaultPacketWriterFactory(),
     52                        eps) {
     53   }
     55   MOCK_METHOD3(CreateQuicSession, QuicSession*(
     56       QuicConnectionId connection_id,
     57       const IPEndPoint& server_address,
     58       const IPEndPoint& client_address));
     60   using QuicDispatcher::current_server_address;
     61   using QuicDispatcher::current_client_address;
     62 };
     64 // A Connection class which unregisters the session from the dispatcher
     65 // when sending connection close.
     66 // It'd be slightly more realistic to do this from the Session but it would
     67 // involve a lot more mocking.
     68 class MockServerConnection : public MockConnection {
     69  public:
     70   MockServerConnection(QuicConnectionId connection_id,
     71                        QuicDispatcher* dispatcher)
     72       : MockConnection(connection_id, true),
     73         dispatcher_(dispatcher) {}
     75   void UnregisterOnConnectionClosed() {
     76     LOG(ERROR) << "Unregistering " << connection_id();
     77     dispatcher_->OnConnectionClosed(connection_id(), QUIC_NO_ERROR);
     78   }
     79  private:
     80   QuicDispatcher* dispatcher_;
     81 };
     83 QuicSession* CreateSession(QuicDispatcher* dispatcher,
     84                            QuicConnectionId connection_id,
     85                            const IPEndPoint& client_address,
     86                            MockSession** session) {
     87   MockServerConnection* connection =
     88       new MockServerConnection(connection_id, dispatcher);
     89   *session = new MockSession(connection);
     90   ON_CALL(*connection, SendConnectionClose(_)).WillByDefault(
     91       WithoutArgs(Invoke(
     92           connection, &MockServerConnection::UnregisterOnConnectionClosed)));
     93   EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockConnection*>((*session)->connection()),
     94               ProcessUdpPacket(_, client_address, _));
     96   return *session;
     97 }
     99 class QuicDispatcherTest : public ::testing::Test {
    100  public:
    101   QuicDispatcherTest()
    102       : crypto_config_(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING,
    103                        QuicRandom::GetInstance()),
    104         dispatcher_(config_, crypto_config_, &eps_),
    105         session1_(NULL),
    106         session2_(NULL) {
    107     dispatcher_.Initialize(1);
    108   }
    110   virtual ~QuicDispatcherTest() {}
    112   MockConnection* connection1() {
    113     return reinterpret_cast<MockConnection*>(session1_->connection());
    114   }
    116   MockConnection* connection2() {
    117     return reinterpret_cast<MockConnection*>(session2_->connection());
    118   }
    120   void ProcessPacket(IPEndPoint client_address,
    121                      QuicConnectionId connection_id,
    122                      bool has_version_flag,
    123                      const string& data) {
    124     scoped_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> packet(ConstructEncryptedPacket(
    125         connection_id, has_version_flag, false, 1, data));
    126     data_ = string(packet->data(), packet->length());
    127     dispatcher_.ProcessPacket(server_address_, client_address, *packet);
    128   }
    130   void ValidatePacket(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) {
    131     EXPECT_EQ(data_.length(), packet.AsStringPiece().length());
    132     EXPECT_EQ(data_, packet.AsStringPiece());
    133   }
    135   EpollServer eps_;
    136   QuicConfig config_;
    137   QuicCryptoServerConfig crypto_config_;
    138   IPEndPoint server_address_;
    139   TestDispatcher dispatcher_;
    140   MockSession* session1_;
    141   MockSession* session2_;
    142   string data_;
    143 };
    145 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherTest, ProcessPackets) {
    146   IPEndPoint client_address(net::test::Loopback4(), 1);
    147   IPAddressNumber any4;
    148   CHECK(net::ParseIPLiteralToNumber("", &any4));
    149   server_address_ = IPEndPoint(any4, 5);
    151   EXPECT_CALL(dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(1, _, client_address))
    152       .WillOnce(testing::Return(CreateSession(
    153           &dispatcher_, 1, client_address, &session1_)));
    154   ProcessPacket(client_address, 1, true, "foo");
    155   EXPECT_EQ(client_address, dispatcher_.current_client_address());
    156   EXPECT_EQ(server_address_, dispatcher_.current_server_address());
    159   EXPECT_CALL(dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(2, _, client_address))
    160       .WillOnce(testing::Return(CreateSession(
    161                     &dispatcher_, 2, client_address, &session2_)));
    162   ProcessPacket(client_address, 2, true, "bar");
    164   EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
    165               ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _)).Times(1).
    166       WillOnce(testing::WithArgs<2>(Invoke(
    167           this, &QuicDispatcherTest::ValidatePacket)));
    168   ProcessPacket(client_address, 1, false, "eep");
    169 }
    171 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherTest, Shutdown) {
    172   IPEndPoint client_address(net::test::Loopback4(), 1);
    174   EXPECT_CALL(dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, client_address))
    175       .WillOnce(testing::Return(CreateSession(
    176                     &dispatcher_, 1, client_address, &session1_)));
    178   ProcessPacket(client_address, 1, true, "foo");
    180   EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
    181               SendConnectionClose(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY));
    183   dispatcher_.Shutdown();
    184 }
    186 class MockTimeWaitListManager : public QuicTimeWaitListManager {
    187  public:
    188   MockTimeWaitListManager(QuicPacketWriter* writer,
    189                           QuicServerSessionVisitor* visitor,
    190                           EpollServer* eps)
    191       : QuicTimeWaitListManager(writer, visitor, eps, QuicSupportedVersions()) {
    192   }
    194   MOCK_METHOD5(ProcessPacket, void(const IPEndPoint& server_address,
    195                                    const IPEndPoint& client_address,
    196                                    QuicConnectionId connection_id,
    197                                    QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
    198                                    const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet));
    199 };
    201 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherTest, TimeWaitListManager) {
    202   MockTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager =
    203       new MockTimeWaitListManager(
    204           QuicDispatcherPeer::GetWriter(&dispatcher_), &dispatcher_, &eps_);
    205   // dispatcher takes the ownership of time_wait_list_manager.
    206   QuicDispatcherPeer::SetTimeWaitListManager(&dispatcher_,
    207                                              time_wait_list_manager);
    208   // Create a new session.
    209   IPEndPoint client_address(net::test::Loopback4(), 1);
    210   QuicConnectionId connection_id = 1;
    211   EXPECT_CALL(dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(connection_id, _, client_address))
    212       .WillOnce(testing::Return(CreateSession(
    213                     &dispatcher_, connection_id, client_address, &session1_)));
    214   ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, "foo");
    216   // Close the connection by sending public reset packet.
    217   QuicPublicResetPacket packet;
    218   packet.public_header.connection_id = connection_id;
    219   packet.public_header.reset_flag = true;
    220   packet.public_header.version_flag = false;
    221   packet.rejected_sequence_number = 19191;
    222   packet.nonce_proof = 132232;
    223   scoped_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> encrypted(
    224       QuicFramer::BuildPublicResetPacket(packet));
    225   EXPECT_CALL(*session1_, OnConnectionClosed(QUIC_PUBLIC_RESET, true)).Times(1)
    226       .WillOnce(WithoutArgs(Invoke(
    227           reinterpret_cast<MockServerConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
    228           &MockServerConnection::UnregisterOnConnectionClosed)));
    229   EXPECT_CALL(*reinterpret_cast<MockConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
    230               ProcessUdpPacket(_, _, _))
    231       .WillOnce(Invoke(
    232           reinterpret_cast<MockConnection*>(session1_->connection()),
    233           &MockConnection::ReallyProcessUdpPacket));
    234   dispatcher_.ProcessPacket(IPEndPoint(), client_address, *encrypted);
    235   EXPECT_TRUE(time_wait_list_manager->IsConnectionIdInTimeWait(connection_id));
    237   // Dispatcher forwards subsequent packets for this connection_id to the time
    238   // wait list manager.
    239   EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager,
    240               ProcessPacket(_, _, connection_id, _, _)).Times(1);
    241   ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, true, "foo");
    242 }
    244 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherTest, StrayPacketToTimeWaitListManager) {
    245   MockTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager =
    246       new MockTimeWaitListManager(
    247           QuicDispatcherPeer::GetWriter(&dispatcher_), &dispatcher_, &eps_);
    248   // dispatcher takes the ownership of time_wait_list_manager.
    249   QuicDispatcherPeer::SetTimeWaitListManager(&dispatcher_,
    250                                              time_wait_list_manager);
    252   IPEndPoint client_address(net::test::Loopback4(), 1);
    253   QuicConnectionId connection_id = 1;
    254   // Dispatcher forwards all packets for this connection_id to the time wait
    255   // list manager.
    256   EXPECT_CALL(dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, _)).Times(0);
    257   EXPECT_CALL(*time_wait_list_manager,
    258               ProcessPacket(_, _, connection_id, _, _)).Times(1);
    259   string data = "foo";
    260   ProcessPacket(client_address, connection_id, false, "foo");
    261 }
    263 class BlockingWriter : public QuicPacketWriterWrapper {
    264  public:
    265   BlockingWriter() : write_blocked_(false) {}
    267   virtual bool IsWriteBlocked() const OVERRIDE { return write_blocked_; }
    268   virtual void SetWritable() OVERRIDE { write_blocked_ = false; }
    270   virtual WriteResult WritePacket(
    271       const char* buffer,
    272       size_t buf_len,
    273       const IPAddressNumber& self_client_address,
    274       const IPEndPoint& peer_client_address) OVERRIDE {
    275     // It would be quite possible to actually implement this method here with
    276     // the fake blocked status, but it would be significantly more work in
    277     // Chromium, and since it's not called anyway, don't bother.
    278     LOG(DFATAL) << "Not supported";
    279     return WriteResult();
    280   }
    282   bool write_blocked_;
    283 };
    285 class QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest : public QuicDispatcherTest {
    286  public:
    287   virtual void SetUp() {
    288     writer_ = new BlockingWriter;
    289     QuicDispatcherPeer::SetPacketWriterFactory(&dispatcher_,
    290                                                new TestWriterFactory());
    291     QuicDispatcherPeer::UseWriter(&dispatcher_, writer_);
    293     IPEndPoint client_address(net::test::Loopback4(), 1);
    295     EXPECT_CALL(dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, client_address))
    296         .WillOnce(testing::Return(CreateSession(
    297                       &dispatcher_, 1, client_address, &session1_)));
    298     ProcessPacket(client_address, 1, true, "foo");
    300     EXPECT_CALL(dispatcher_, CreateQuicSession(_, _, client_address))
    301         .WillOnce(testing::Return(CreateSession(
    302                       &dispatcher_, 2, client_address, &session2_)));
    303     ProcessPacket(client_address, 2, true, "bar");
    305     blocked_list_ = QuicDispatcherPeer::GetWriteBlockedList(&dispatcher_);
    306   }
    308   virtual void TearDown() {
    309     EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), SendConnectionClose(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY));
    310     EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), SendConnectionClose(QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY));
    311     dispatcher_.Shutdown();
    312   }
    314   void SetBlocked() {
    315     writer_->write_blocked_ = true;
    316   }
    318   void BlockConnection2() {
    319     writer_->write_blocked_ = true;
    320     dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection2());
    321   }
    323  protected:
    324   BlockingWriter* writer_;
    325   QuicDispatcher::WriteBlockedList* blocked_list_;
    326 };
    328 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, BasicOnCanWrite) {
    329   // No OnCanWrite calls because no connections are blocked.
    330   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    332   // Register connection 1 for events, and make sure it's notified.
    333   SetBlocked();
    334   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    335   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite());
    336   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    338   // It should get only one notification.
    339   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0);
    340   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    341   EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_.HasPendingWrites());
    342 }
    344 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, OnCanWriteOrder) {
    345   // Make sure we handle events in order.
    346   InSequence s;
    347   SetBlocked();
    348   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    349   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection2());
    350   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite());
    351   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite());
    352   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    354   // Check the other ordering.
    355   SetBlocked();
    356   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection2());
    357   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    358   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite());
    359   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite());
    360   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    361 }
    363 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, OnCanWriteRemove) {
    364   // Add and remove one connction.
    365   SetBlocked();
    366   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    367   blocked_list_->erase(connection1());
    368   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0);
    369   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    371   // Add and remove one connction and make sure it doesn't affect others.
    372   SetBlocked();
    373   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    374   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection2());
    375   blocked_list_->erase(connection1());
    376   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite());
    377   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    379   // Add it, remove it, and add it back and make sure things are OK.
    380   SetBlocked();
    381   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    382   blocked_list_->erase(connection1());
    383   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    384   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(1);
    385   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    386 }
    388 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, DoubleAdd) {
    389   // Make sure a double add does not necessitate a double remove.
    390   SetBlocked();
    391   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    392   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    393   blocked_list_->erase(connection1());
    394   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0);
    395   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    397   // Make sure a double add does not result in two OnCanWrite calls.
    398   SetBlocked();
    399   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    400   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    401   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).Times(1);
    402   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    403 }
    405 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, OnCanWriteHandleBlock) {
    406   // Finally make sure if we write block on a write call, we stop calling.
    407   InSequence s;
    408   SetBlocked();
    409   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    410   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection2());
    411   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).WillOnce(
    412       Invoke(this, &QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest::SetBlocked));
    413   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0);
    414   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    416   // And we'll resume where we left off when we get another call.
    417   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite());
    418   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    419 }
    421 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, LimitedWrites) {
    422   // Make sure we call both writers.  The first will register for more writing
    423   // but should not be immediately called due to limits.
    424   InSequence s;
    425   SetBlocked();
    426   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    427   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection2());
    428   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite());
    429   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()).WillOnce(
    430       Invoke(this, &QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest::BlockConnection2));
    431   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    432   EXPECT_TRUE(dispatcher_.HasPendingWrites());
    434   // Now call OnCanWrite again, and connection1 should get its second chance
    435   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite());
    436   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    437   EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_.HasPendingWrites());
    438 }
    440 TEST_F(QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest, TestWriteLimits) {
    441   // Finally make sure if we write block on a write call, we stop calling.
    442   InSequence s;
    443   SetBlocked();
    444   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection1());
    445   dispatcher_.OnWriteBlocked(connection2());
    446   EXPECT_CALL(*connection1(), OnCanWrite()).WillOnce(
    447       Invoke(this, &QuicDispatcherWriteBlockedListTest::SetBlocked));
    448   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite()).Times(0);
    449   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    450   EXPECT_TRUE(dispatcher_.HasPendingWrites());
    452   // And we'll resume where we left off when we get another call.
    453   EXPECT_CALL(*connection2(), OnCanWrite());
    454   dispatcher_.OnCanWrite();
    455   EXPECT_FALSE(dispatcher_.HasPendingWrites());
    456 }
    458 }  // namespace
    459 }  // namespace test
    460 }  // namespace tools
    461 }  // namespace net