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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <set>
      9 #include <string>
     11 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
     12 #include "storage/browser/storage_browser_export.h"
     13 #include "storage/common/fileapi/file_system_mount_option.h"
     14 #include "storage/common/fileapi/file_system_types.h"
     15 #include "url/gurl.h"
     17 namespace storage {
     19 // A class representing a filesystem URL which consists of origin URL,
     20 // type and an internal path used inside the filesystem.
     21 //
     22 // When a FileSystemURL instance is created for a GURL (for filesystem: scheme),
     23 // each accessor method would return following values:
     24 //
     25 // Example: For a URL 'filesystem:http://foo.com/temporary/foo/bar':
     26 //   origin() returns 'http://foo.com',
     27 //   mount_type() returns kFileSystemTypeTemporary,
     28 //   virtual_path() returns 'foo/bar',
     29 //   type() returns the same value as mount_type(),
     30 //   path() returns the same value as virtual_path(),
     31 //
     32 // All other accessors return empty or invalid value.
     33 //
     34 // FileSystemURL can also be created to represent a 'cracked' filesystem URL if
     35 // the original URL's type/path is pointing to a mount point which can be
     36 // further resolved to a lower filesystem type/path.
     37 //
     38 // Example: Assume a path '/media/removable' is mounted at mount name
     39 // 'mount_name' with type kFileSystemTypeFoo as an external file system.
     40 //
     41 // The original URL would look like:
     42 //     'filesystem:http://bar.com/external/mount_name/foo/bar':
     43 //
     44 // FileSystemURL('http://bar.com',
     45 //               kFileSystemTypeExternal,
     46 //               'mount_name/foo/bar'
     47 //               'mount_name',
     48 //               kFileSystemTypeFoo,
     49 //               '/media/removable/foo/bar');
     50 // would create a FileSystemURL whose accessors return:
     51 //
     52 //   origin() returns 'http://bar.com',
     53 //   mount_type() returns kFileSystemTypeExternal,
     54 //   virtual_path() returns 'mount_name/foo/bar',
     55 //   type() returns the kFileSystemTypeFoo,
     56 //   path() returns '/media/removable/foo/bar',
     57 //
     58 // Note that in either case virtual_path() always returns the path part after
     59 // 'type' part in the original URL, and mount_type() always returns the 'type'
     60 // part in the original URL.
     61 //
     62 // Additionally, following accessors would return valid values:
     63 //   filesystem_id() returns 'mount_name'.
     64 //
     65 // It is impossible to directly create a valid FileSystemURL instance (except by
     66 // using CreatedForTest methods, which should not be used in production code).
     67 // To get a valid FileSystemURL, one of the following methods can be used:
     68 // <Friend>::CrackURL, <Friend>::CreateCrackedFileSystemURL, where <Friend> is
     69 // one of the friended classes.
     70 //
     71 // TODO(ericu): Look into making virtual_path() [and all FileSystem API virtual
     72 // paths] just an std::string, to prevent platform-specific base::FilePath
     73 // behavior from getting invoked by accident. Currently the base::FilePath
     74 // returned here needs special treatment, as it may contain paths that are
     75 // illegal on the current platform.
     76 // To avoid problems, use VirtualPath::BaseName and
     77 // VirtualPath::GetComponents instead of the base::FilePath methods.
     78 class STORAGE_EXPORT FileSystemURL {
     79  public:
     80   FileSystemURL();
     81   ~FileSystemURL();
     83   // Methods for creating FileSystemURL without attempting to crack them.
     84   // Should be used only in tests.
     85   static FileSystemURL CreateForTest(const GURL& url);
     86   static FileSystemURL CreateForTest(const GURL& origin,
     87                                      FileSystemType mount_type,
     88                                      const base::FilePath& virtual_path);
     89   static FileSystemURL CreateForTest(const GURL& origin,
     90                                      FileSystemType mount_type,
     91                                      const base::FilePath& virtual_path,
     92                                      const std::string& mount_filesystem_id,
     93                                      FileSystemType cracked_type,
     94                                      const base::FilePath& cracked_path,
     95                                      const std::string& filesystem_id,
     96                                      const FileSystemMountOption& mount_option);
     98   // Returns true if this instance represents a valid FileSystem URL.
     99   bool is_valid() const { return is_valid_; }
    101   // Returns the origin part of this URL. See the class comment for details.
    102   const GURL& origin() const { return origin_; }
    104   // Returns the type part of this URL. See the class comment for details.
    105   FileSystemType type() const { return type_; }
    107   // Returns the cracked path of this URL. See the class comment for details.
    108   const base::FilePath& path() const { return path_; }
    110   // Returns the original path part of this URL.
    111   // See the class comment for details.
    112   // TODO(kinuko): this must return std::string.
    113   const base::FilePath& virtual_path() const { return virtual_path_; }
    115   // Returns the filesystem ID/mount name for isolated/external filesystem URLs.
    116   // See the class comment for details.
    117   const std::string& filesystem_id() const { return filesystem_id_; }
    118   const std::string& mount_filesystem_id() const {
    119     return mount_filesystem_id_;
    120   }
    122   FileSystemType mount_type() const { return mount_type_; }
    124   const FileSystemMountOption& mount_option() const { return mount_option_; }
    126   // Returns the formatted URL of this instance.
    127   GURL ToGURL() const;
    129   std::string DebugString() const;
    131   // Returns true if this URL is a strict parent of the |child|.
    132   bool IsParent(const FileSystemURL& child) const;
    134   bool IsInSameFileSystem(const FileSystemURL& other) const;
    136   bool operator==(const FileSystemURL& that) const;
    138   bool operator!=(const FileSystemURL& that) const {
    139     return !(*this == that);
    140   }
    142   struct STORAGE_EXPORT Comparator {
    143     bool operator() (const FileSystemURL& lhs, const FileSystemURL& rhs) const;
    144   };
    146  private:
    147   friend class FileSystemContext;
    148   friend class ExternalMountPoints;
    149   friend class IsolatedContext;
    151   explicit FileSystemURL(const GURL& filesystem_url);
    152   FileSystemURL(const GURL& origin,
    153                 FileSystemType mount_type,
    154                 const base::FilePath& virtual_path);
    155   // Creates a cracked FileSystemURL.
    156   FileSystemURL(const GURL& origin,
    157                 FileSystemType mount_type,
    158                 const base::FilePath& virtual_path,
    159                 const std::string& mount_filesystem_id,
    160                 FileSystemType cracked_type,
    161                 const base::FilePath& cracked_path,
    162                 const std::string& filesystem_id,
    163                 const FileSystemMountOption& mount_option);
    165   bool is_valid_;
    167   // Values parsed from the original URL.
    168   GURL origin_;
    169   FileSystemType mount_type_;
    170   base::FilePath virtual_path_;
    172   // Values obtained by cracking URLs.
    173   // |mount_filesystem_id_| is retrieved from the first round of cracking,
    174   // and the rest of the fields are from recursive cracking. Permission
    175   // checking on the top-level mount information should be done with the former,
    176   // and the low-level file operation should be implemented with the latter.
    177   std::string mount_filesystem_id_;
    178   FileSystemType type_;
    179   base::FilePath path_;
    180   std::string filesystem_id_;
    181   FileSystemMountOption mount_option_;
    182 };
    184 typedef std::set<FileSystemURL, FileSystemURL::Comparator> FileSystemURLSet;
    186 }  // namespace storage