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      1 <!--
      2 Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 found in the LICENSE file.
      5 -->
      7 <link rel="import" href="ct-results-comparison.html">
      9 <polymer-element name="ct-results-detail" attributes="failure builder">
     10   <template>
     11     <style>
     12       :host {
     13         display: block;
     14       }
     15     </style>
     16     <template if="{{!_urlGroups.length}}">
     17       No results to display.
     18     </template>
     19     <template repeat="{{urlGroup in _urlGroups}}">
     20       <template if="{{urlGroup.urls[_kUnknownKind]}}">
     21         <ct-test-output type="{{urlGroup.type}}" url="{{urlGroup.urls[_kUnknownKind]}}"></ct-test-output>
     22       </template>
     23       <template if="{{!urlGroup.urls[_kUnknownKind]}}">
     24         <ct-results-comparison type="{{urlGroup.type}}" expectedUrl="{{urlGroup.urls[_kExpectedKind]}}"
     25             actualUrl="{{urlGroup.urls[_kActualKind]}}" diffUrl="{{urlGroup.urls[_kDiffKind]}}"></ct-results-comparison>
     26       </template>
     27     </template>
     28   </template>
     29   <script>
     30     Polymer({
     31       failure: null,
     32       // FIXME: Initializing builder gives a JS error. Presumably because
     33       // ct-results-by-builder sets builder="{{builders[selected]}}". But,
     34       // it seems wrong that the way the parent uses this element constrains
     35       // what the element can do. Polymer bug?
     36       // builder: '',
     38       _urlGroups: [],
     39       _kExpectedKind: results.kExpectedKind,
     40       _kActualKind: results.kActualKind,
     41       _kDiffKind: results.kDiffKind,
     42       _kUnknownKind: results.kUnknownKind,
     44       observe: {
     45         failure: '_update',
     46         builder: '_update',
     47       },
     49       _isStdioStep: function(result, step) {
     50         return result.actual == 'UNKNOWN' || step == 'compile';
     51       },
     53       _update: function() {
     54         if (!this.failure || !this.builder)
     55           return;
     57         // FIXME: If the types of groups doesn't change, then it'd be better to do this
     58         // update in place so that the user doesn't see a flicker.
     59         this._urlGroups = [];
     61         var result = this.failure.resultNodesByBuilder[this.builder];
     62         // FIXME: There's probably a less hacky way to check this.
     63         if (result.actual == 'FAIL' || this._isStdioStep(result, this.failure.step))
     64           this._updateUrls();
     65         else
     66           this._updateWebkitTestUrls();
     67       },
     69       _updateWebkitTestUrls: function() {
     70         var result = this.failure.resultNodesByBuilder[this.builder];
     71         var failureInfo = results.failureInfo(this.failure.testName, this.builder, result.actual);
     73         // FIXME: Move this logic to a proper model class so that the network requests this makes
     74         // can be easily mocked out in tests.
     75         results.fetchResultsURLs(failureInfo).then(function(resultsUrls) {
     76           var resultsUrlsByTypeAndKind = {};
     77           resultsUrls.forEach(function(url) {
     78               var resultType = results.resultType(url);
     79               if (!resultsUrlsByTypeAndKind[resultType])
     80                   resultsUrlsByTypeAndKind[resultType] = {};
     81               resultsUrlsByTypeAndKind[resultType][results.resultKind(url)] = url;
     82           });
     84           Object.keys(resultsUrlsByTypeAndKind, function(resultType, resultsUrlsByKind) {
     85             this._urlGroups.push({
     86               type: resultType,
     87               urls: resultsUrlsByKind,
     88             });
     89           }.bind(this));
     90         }.bind(this));
     91       },
     93       _updateUrls: function() {
     94         // FIXME: Along with _updateWebkitTestUrls, move this logic to a proper model class
     95         // so that the network requests this makes can be easily mocked out in tests.
     97         var result = this.failure.resultNodesByBuilder[this.builder];
     99         // FIXME: We only store build logs by the test name, not the testsuite.testname,
    100         // which means that two failing tests from different test suites conflict!
    101         var testPart = this._isStdioStep(result, this.failure.step) ? 'stdio' : this.failure.testName.split('.')[1];
    102         // Fix url for parameterized gtests, e.g.: /2 -> _2.
    103         testPart = testPart.replace(/\/(\d+)$/, "_$1");
    104         var url = result.masterUrl +
    105             '/builders/' + encodeURIComponent(this.builder);
    107         // FIXME: Make failure groups aware of their own url
    108         if (this.failure.testName)
    109           url +=
    110             '/builds/' + result.lastFailingBuild +
    111             '/steps/' + this.failure.step +
    112             '/logs/' + testPart;
    114         var resultsUrlsByKind = {};
    115         resultsUrlsByKind[this._kUnknownKind] = url;
    117         this._urlGroups.push({
    118           type: results.kTextType,
    119           urls: resultsUrlsByKind,
    120         });
    121       },
    122     });
    123   </script>
    124 </polymer-element>