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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {
      6   'variables': {
      7     'conditions': [
      8       ['OS == "linux" and chromeos==0', {
      9         'use_system_libexif%': 1,
     10       }, {  # OS != "linux" and chromeos==0
     11         'use_system_libexif%': 0,
     12       }],
     13     ],
     14   },
     15   'conditions': [
     16     ['use_system_libexif==0', {
     17       'targets': [
     18         {
     19           'target_name': 'libexif',
     20           'type': 'loadable_module',
     21           'sources': [
     22             'sources/libexif/exif-byte-order.c',
     23             'sources/libexif/exif-content.c',
     24             'sources/libexif/exif-data.c',
     25             'sources/libexif/exif-entry.c',
     26             'sources/libexif/exif-format.c',
     27             'sources/libexif/exif-ifd.c',
     28             'sources/libexif/exif-loader.c',
     29             'sources/libexif/exif-log.c',
     30             'sources/libexif/exif-mem.c',
     31             'sources/libexif/exif-mnote-data.c',
     32             'sources/libexif/exif-tag.c',
     33             'sources/libexif/exif-utils.c',
     34             'sources/libexif/canon/exif-mnote-data-canon.c',
     35             'sources/libexif/canon/mnote-canon-entry.c',
     36             'sources/libexif/canon/mnote-canon-tag.c',
     37             'sources/libexif/fuji/exif-mnote-data-fuji.c',
     38             'sources/libexif/fuji/mnote-fuji-entry.c',
     39             'sources/libexif/fuji/mnote-fuji-tag.c',
     40             'sources/libexif/olympus/exif-mnote-data-olympus.c',
     41             'sources/libexif/olympus/mnote-olympus-entry.c',
     42             'sources/libexif/olympus/mnote-olympus-tag.c',
     43             'sources/libexif/pentax/exif-mnote-data-pentax.c',
     44             'sources/libexif/pentax/mnote-pentax-entry.c',
     45             'sources/libexif/pentax/mnote-pentax-tag.c',
     46           ],
     47           'include_dirs': [
     48             'sources',
     49           ],
     50           'direct_dependent_settings': {
     51             'include_dirs': [
     52               'sources',
     53             ],
     54           },
     55           'variables': {
     56             'clang_warning_flags': [
     57               '-Wno-enum-conversion',
     58               '-Wno-switch',
     59               '-Wno-format',
     60               # libexif uses fabs(int) to cast to float.
     61               '-Wno-absolute-value',
     62             ],
     63           },
     64           'conditions': [
     65             ['os_posix==1 and OS!="mac"', {
     66               'cflags!': ['-fvisibility=hidden'],
     67             }],
     68             ['OS=="mac"', {
     69               'conditions': [
     70                ['mac_breakpad==1', {
     71                   'variables': {
     72                     'mac_real_dsym': 1,
     73                   },
     74                }],
     75               ],
     76               'xcode_settings': {
     77                 'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'NO', # no -fvisibility=hidden
     78               },
     79             }],
     80             ['OS=="win"', {
     81               'product_name': 'libexif',
     82               'sources': [
     83                 'libexif.def',
     84               ],
     85               'defines': [
     86                 # This seems like a hack, but this is what WebKit Win does.
     87                 'snprintf=_snprintf',
     88                 'inline=__inline',
     89               ],
     90               'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
     91                 4018, # size/unsigned mismatch
     92                 4267, # size_t -> ExifLong truncation on amd64
     93               ],
     94             }],
     95           ],
     96         },
     97       ],
     98     }, { # 'use_system_libexif!=0
     99       'conditions': [
    100         ['sysroot!=""', {
    101           'variables': {
    102             'pkg-config': '../../build/linux/pkg-config-wrapper "<(sysroot)" "<(target_arch)" "<(system_libdir)"',
    103           },
    104         }, {
    105           'variables': {
    106             'pkg-config': 'pkg-config'
    107           },
    108         }],
    109       ],
    110       'targets': [
    111         {
    112           'target_name': 'libexif',
    113           'type': 'none',
    114           'direct_dependent_settings': {
    115             'cflags': [
    116                 '<!@(<(pkg-config) --cflags libexif)',
    117             ],
    118             'defines': [
    119               'USE_SYSTEM_LIBEXIF',
    120             ],
    121           },
    122         }
    123       ],
    124     }],
    125   ]
    126 }