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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #ifndef SkRecords_DEFINED
      9 #define SkRecords_DEFINED
     11 #include "SkCanvas.h"
     12 #include "SkPicture.h"
     13 #include "SkTextBlob.h"
     15 namespace SkRecords {
     17 // A list of all the types of canvas calls we can record.
     18 // Each of these is reified into a struct below.
     19 //
     20 // (We're using the macro-of-macro trick here to do several different things with the same list.)
     21 //
     22 // We leave this SK_RECORD_TYPES macro defined for use by code that wants to operate on SkRecords
     23 // types polymorphically.  (See SkRecord::Record::{visit,mutate} for an example.)
     24 //
     25 // Order doesn't technically matter here, but the compiler can generally generate better code if
     26 // you keep them semantically grouped, especially the Draws.  It's also nice to leave NoOp at 0.
     27 #define SK_RECORD_TYPES(M)                                          \
     28     M(NoOp)                                                         \
     29     M(Restore)                                                      \
     30     M(Save)                                                         \
     31     M(SaveLayer)                                                    \
     32     M(PushCull)                                                     \
     33     M(PopCull)                                                      \
     34     M(SetMatrix)                                                    \
     35     M(ClipPath)                                                     \
     36     M(ClipRRect)                                                    \
     37     M(ClipRect)                                                     \
     38     M(ClipRegion)                                                   \
     39     M(Clear)                                                        \
     40     M(BeginCommentGroup)                                            \
     41     M(AddComment)                                                   \
     42     M(EndCommentGroup)                                              \
     43     M(DrawBitmap)                                                   \
     44     M(DrawBitmapMatrix)                                             \
     45     M(DrawBitmapNine)                                               \
     46     M(DrawBitmapRectToRect)                                         \
     47     M(DrawDRRect)                                                   \
     48     M(DrawOval)                                                     \
     49     M(DrawPaint)                                                    \
     50     M(DrawPath)                                                     \
     51     M(DrawPatch)                                                    \
     52     M(DrawPicture)                                                  \
     53     M(DrawPoints)                                                   \
     54     M(DrawPosText)                                                  \
     55     M(DrawPosTextH)                                                 \
     56     M(DrawText)                                                     \
     57     M(DrawTextOnPath)                                               \
     58     M(DrawRRect)                                                    \
     59     M(DrawRect)                                                     \
     60     M(DrawSprite)                                                   \
     61     M(DrawTextBlob)                                                 \
     62     M(DrawData)                                                     \
     63     M(DrawVertices)
     65 // Defines SkRecords::Type, an enum of all record types.
     66 #define ENUM(T) T##_Type,
     67 enum Type { SK_RECORD_TYPES(ENUM) };
     68 #undef ENUM
     70 // Macros to make it easier to define a record for a draw call with 0 args, 1 args, 2 args, etc.
     71 // These should be clearer when you look at their use below.
     72 #define RECORD0(T)                      \
     73 struct T {                              \
     74     static const Type kType = T##_Type; \
     75 };
     77 // We try to be flexible about the types the constructors take.  Instead of requring the exact type
     78 // A here, we take any type Z which implicitly casts to A.  This allows the delay_copy() trick to
     79 // work, allowing the caller to decide whether to pass by value or by const&.
     81 #define RECORD1(T, A, a)                \
     82 struct T {                              \
     83     static const Type kType = T##_Type; \
     84     template <typename Z>               \
     85     T(Z a) : a(a) {}                    \
     86     A a;                                \
     87 };
     89 #define RECORD2(T, A, a, B, b)          \
     90 struct T {                              \
     91     static const Type kType = T##_Type; \
     92     template <typename Z, typename Y>   \
     93     T(Z a, Y b) : a(a), b(b) {}         \
     94     A a; B b;                           \
     95 };
     97 #define RECORD3(T, A, a, B, b, C, c)              \
     98 struct T {                                        \
     99     static const Type kType = T##_Type;           \
    100     template <typename Z, typename Y, typename X> \
    101     T(Z a, Y b, X c) : a(a), b(b), c(c) {}        \
    102     A a; B b; C c;                                \
    103 };
    105 #define RECORD4(T, A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d)                    \
    106 struct T {                                                    \
    107     static const Type kType = T##_Type;                       \
    108     template <typename Z, typename Y, typename X, typename W> \
    109     T(Z a, Y b, X c, W d) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d) {}         \
    110     A a; B b; C c; D d;                                       \
    111 };
    113 #define RECORD5(T, A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e)                          \
    114 struct T {                                                                \
    115     static const Type kType = T##_Type;                                   \
    116     template <typename Z, typename Y, typename X, typename W, typename V> \
    117     T(Z a, Y b, X c, W d, V e) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d), e(e) {}          \
    118     A a; B b; C c; D d; E e;                                              \
    119 };
    121 #define ACT_AS_PTR(ptr)                 \
    122     operator T*() const { return ptr; } \
    123     T* operator->() const { return ptr; }
    125 template <typename T>
    126 class RefBox : SkNoncopyable {
    127 public:
    128     RefBox(T* obj) : fObj(SkSafeRef(obj)) {}
    129     ~RefBox() { SkSafeUnref(fObj); }
    131     ACT_AS_PTR(fObj);
    133 private:
    134     T* fObj;
    135 };
    137 // An Optional doesn't own the pointer's memory, but may need to destroy non-POD data.
    138 template <typename T>
    139 class Optional : SkNoncopyable {
    140 public:
    141     Optional(T* ptr) : fPtr(ptr) {}
    142     ~Optional() { if (fPtr) fPtr->~T(); }
    144     ACT_AS_PTR(fPtr);
    145 private:
    146     T* fPtr;
    147 };
    149 // Like Optional, but ptr must not be NULL.
    150 template <typename T>
    151 class Adopted : SkNoncopyable {
    152 public:
    153     Adopted(T* ptr) : fPtr(ptr) { SkASSERT(fPtr); }
    154     Adopted(Adopted* source) {
    155         // Transfer ownership from source to this.
    156         fPtr = source->fPtr;
    157         source->fPtr = NULL;
    158     }
    159     ~Adopted() { if (fPtr) fPtr->~T(); }
    161     ACT_AS_PTR(fPtr);
    162 private:
    163     T* fPtr;
    164 };
    166 // PODArray doesn't own the pointer's memory, and we assume the data is POD.
    167 template <typename T>
    168 class PODArray {
    169 public:
    170     PODArray(T* ptr) : fPtr(ptr) {}
    171     // Default copy and assign.
    173     ACT_AS_PTR(fPtr);
    174 private:
    175     T* fPtr;
    176 };
    178 #undef ACT_AS_PTR
    180 // Like SkBitmap, but deep copies pixels if they're not immutable.
    181 // Using this, we guarantee the immutability of all bitmaps we record.
    182 class ImmutableBitmap : SkNoncopyable {
    183 public:
    184     explicit ImmutableBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
    185         if (bitmap.isImmutable()) {
    186             fBitmap = bitmap;
    187         } else {
    188             bitmap.copyTo(&fBitmap);
    189         }
    190         fBitmap.setImmutable();
    191     }
    193     operator const SkBitmap& () const { return fBitmap; }
    195 private:
    196     SkBitmap fBitmap;
    197 };
    199 RECORD0(NoOp);
    201 RECORD2(Restore, SkIRect, devBounds, SkMatrix, matrix);
    202 RECORD0(Save);
    203 RECORD3(SaveLayer, Optional<SkRect>, bounds, Optional<SkPaint>, paint, SkCanvas::SaveFlags, flags);
    205 RECORD1(PushCull, SkRect, rect);
    206 RECORD0(PopCull);
    208 RECORD1(SetMatrix, SkMatrix, matrix);
    210 RECORD4(ClipPath,   SkIRect, devBounds, SkPath,   path,   SkRegion::Op, op, bool, doAA);
    211 RECORD4(ClipRRect,  SkIRect, devBounds, SkRRect,  rrect,  SkRegion::Op, op, bool, doAA);
    212 RECORD4(ClipRect,   SkIRect, devBounds, SkRect,   rect,   SkRegion::Op, op, bool, doAA);
    213 RECORD3(ClipRegion, SkIRect, devBounds, SkRegion, region, SkRegion::Op, op);
    215 RECORD1(Clear, SkColor, color);
    217 RECORD1(BeginCommentGroup, PODArray<char>, description);
    218 RECORD2(AddComment, PODArray<char>, key, PODArray<char>, value);
    219 RECORD0(EndCommentGroup);
    221 // While not strictly required, if you have an SkPaint, it's fastest to put it first.
    222 RECORD4(DrawBitmap, Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
    223                     ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
    224                     SkScalar, left,
    225                     SkScalar, top);
    226 RECORD3(DrawBitmapMatrix, Optional<SkPaint>, paint, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap, SkMatrix, matrix);
    227 RECORD4(DrawBitmapNine, Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
    228                         ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
    229                         SkIRect, center,
    230                         SkRect, dst);
    231 RECORD5(DrawBitmapRectToRect, Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
    232                               ImmutableBitmap, bitmap,
    233                               Optional<SkRect>, src,
    234                               SkRect, dst,
    235                               SkCanvas::DrawBitmapRectFlags, flags);
    236 RECORD3(DrawDRRect, SkPaint, paint, SkRRect, outer, SkRRect, inner);
    237 RECORD2(DrawOval, SkPaint, paint, SkRect, oval);
    238 RECORD1(DrawPaint, SkPaint, paint);
    239 RECORD2(DrawPath, SkPaint, paint, SkPath, path);
    240 RECORD3(DrawPicture, Optional<SkPaint>, paint,
    241                      RefBox<const SkPicture>, picture,
    242                      Optional<SkMatrix>, matrix);
    243 RECORD4(DrawPoints, SkPaint, paint, SkCanvas::PointMode, mode, size_t, count, SkPoint*, pts);
    244 RECORD4(DrawPosText, SkPaint, paint,
    245                      PODArray<char>, text,
    246                      size_t, byteLength,
    247                      PODArray<SkPoint>, pos);
    248 RECORD5(DrawPosTextH, SkPaint, paint,
    249                       PODArray<char>, text,
    250                       size_t, byteLength,
    251                       PODArray<SkScalar>, xpos,
    252                       SkScalar, y);
    253 RECORD2(DrawRRect, SkPaint, paint, SkRRect, rrect);
    254 RECORD2(DrawRect, SkPaint, paint, SkRect, rect);
    255 RECORD4(DrawSprite, Optional<SkPaint>, paint, ImmutableBitmap, bitmap, int, left, int, top);
    256 RECORD5(DrawText, SkPaint, paint,
    257                   PODArray<char>, text,
    258                   size_t, byteLength,
    259                   SkScalar, x,
    260                   SkScalar, y);
    261 RECORD4(DrawTextBlob, SkPaint, paint,
    262                       RefBox<const SkTextBlob>, blob,
    263                       SkScalar, x,
    264                       SkScalar, y);
    265 RECORD5(DrawTextOnPath, SkPaint, paint,
    266                         PODArray<char>, text,
    267                         size_t, byteLength,
    268                         SkPath, path,
    269                         Optional<SkMatrix>, matrix);
    271 RECORD2(DrawData, PODArray<char>, data, size_t, length);
    273 RECORD5(DrawPatch, SkPaint, paint,
    274                    PODArray<SkPoint>, cubics,
    275                    PODArray<SkColor>, colors,
    276                    PODArray<SkPoint>, texCoords,
    277                    RefBox<SkXfermode>, xmode);
    279 // This guy is so ugly we just write it manually.
    280 struct DrawVertices {
    281     static const Type kType = DrawVertices_Type;
    283     DrawVertices(const SkPaint& paint,
    284                  SkCanvas::VertexMode vmode,
    285                  int vertexCount,
    286                  SkPoint* vertices,
    287                  SkPoint* texs,
    288                  SkColor* colors,
    289                  SkXfermode* xmode,
    290                  uint16_t* indices,
    291                  int indexCount)
    292         : paint(paint)
    293         , vmode(vmode)
    294         , vertexCount(vertexCount)
    295         , vertices(vertices)
    296         , texs(texs)
    297         , colors(colors)
    298         , xmode(SkSafeRef(xmode))
    299         , indices(indices)
    300         , indexCount(indexCount) {}
    302     SkPaint paint;
    303     SkCanvas::VertexMode vmode;
    304     int vertexCount;
    305     PODArray<SkPoint> vertices;
    306     PODArray<SkPoint> texs;
    307     PODArray<SkColor> colors;
    308     SkAutoTUnref<SkXfermode> xmode;
    309     PODArray<uint16_t> indices;
    310     int indexCount;
    311 };
    313 #undef RECORD0
    314 #undef RECORD1
    315 #undef RECORD2
    316 #undef RECORD3
    317 #undef RECORD4
    318 #undef RECORD5
    320 }  // namespace SkRecords
    322 #endif//SkRecords_DEFINED