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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #ifndef GrRODrawState_DEFINED
      9 #define GrRODrawState_DEFINED
     11 #include "GrProcessorStage.h"
     12 #include "GrRenderTarget.h"
     13 #include "GrStencil.h"
     14 #include "SkMatrix.h"
     16 class GrDrawState;
     17 class GrDrawTargetCaps;
     18 class GrPaint;
     19 class GrTexture;
     21 /**
     22  * Read-only base class for GrDrawState. This class contains all the necessary data to represent a
     23  * canonical DrawState. All methods in the class are const, thus once created the data in the class
     24  * cannot be changed.
     25  */
     26 class GrRODrawState : public SkRefCnt {
     27 public:
     28     SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(GrRODrawState)
     30     GrRODrawState() {}
     32     GrRODrawState& operator= (const GrRODrawState& that);
     34     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     35     /// @name Vertex Attributes
     36     ////
     38     enum {
     39         kMaxVertexAttribCnt = kLast_GrVertexAttribBinding + 4,
     40     };
     42     const GrVertexAttrib* getVertexAttribs() const { return fVAPtr; }
     43     int getVertexAttribCount() const { return fVACount; }
     45     size_t getVertexStride() const { return fVAStride; }
     47     /**
     48      * Getters for index into getVertexAttribs() for particular bindings. -1 is returned if the
     49      * binding does not appear in the current attribs. These bindings should appear only once in
     50      * the attrib array.
     51      */
     53     int positionAttributeIndex() const {
     54         return fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kPosition_GrVertexAttribBinding];
     55     }
     56     int localCoordAttributeIndex() const {
     57         return fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kLocalCoord_GrVertexAttribBinding];
     58     }
     59     int colorVertexAttributeIndex() const {
     60         return fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kColor_GrVertexAttribBinding];
     61     }
     62     int coverageVertexAttributeIndex() const {
     63         return fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kCoverage_GrVertexAttribBinding];
     64     }
     66     bool hasLocalCoordAttribute() const {
     67         return -1 != fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kLocalCoord_GrVertexAttribBinding];
     68     }
     69     bool hasColorVertexAttribute() const {
     70         return -1 != fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kColor_GrVertexAttribBinding];
     71     }
     72     bool hasCoverageVertexAttribute() const {
     73         return -1 != fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kCoverage_GrVertexAttribBinding];
     74     }
     76     const int* getFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices() const {
     77         return fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices;
     78     }
     80     bool validateVertexAttribs() const;
     82     /// @}
     84     /**
     85      * Determines whether the output coverage is guaranteed to be one for all pixels hit by a draw.
     86      */
     87     bool hasSolidCoverage() const;
     89     /// @}
     91     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     92     /// @name Color
     93     ////
     95     GrColor getColor() const { return fColor; }
     97     /// @}
     99     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    100     /// @name Coverage
    101     ////
    103     uint8_t getCoverage() const { return fCoverage; }
    105     GrColor getCoverageColor() const {
    106         return GrColorPackRGBA(fCoverage, fCoverage, fCoverage, fCoverage);
    107     }
    109     /// @}
    111     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    112     /// @name Effect Stages
    113     /// Each stage hosts a GrProcessor. The effect produces an output color or coverage in the
    114     /// fragment shader. Its inputs are the output from the previous stage as well as some variables
    115     /// available to it in the fragment and vertex shader (e.g. the vertex position, the dst color,
    116     /// the fragment position, local coordinates).
    117     ///
    118     /// The stages are divided into two sets, color-computing and coverage-computing. The final
    119     /// color stage produces the final pixel color. The coverage-computing stages function exactly
    120     /// as the color-computing but the output of the final coverage stage is treated as a fractional
    121     /// pixel coverage rather than as input to the src/dst color blend step.
    122     ///
    123     /// The input color to the first color-stage is either the constant color or interpolated
    124     /// per-vertex colors. The input to the first coverage stage is either a constant coverage
    125     /// (usually full-coverage) or interpolated per-vertex coverage.
    126     ///
    127     /// See the documentation of kCoverageDrawing_StateBit for information about disabling the
    128     /// the color / coverage distinction.
    129     ////
    131     int numColorStages() const { return fColorStages.count(); }
    132     int numCoverageStages() const { return fCoverageStages.count(); }
    133     int numTotalStages() const {
    134          return this->numColorStages() + this->numCoverageStages() +
    135                  (this->hasGeometryProcessor() ? 1 : 0);
    136     }
    138     bool hasGeometryProcessor() const { return SkToBool(fGeometryProcessor.get()); }
    139     const GrGeometryStage* getGeometryProcessor() const { return fGeometryProcessor.get(); }
    140     const GrFragmentStage& getColorStage(int stageIdx) const { return fColorStages[stageIdx]; }
    141     const GrFragmentStage& getCoverageStage(int stageIdx) const { return fCoverageStages[stageIdx]; }
    143     /**
    144      * Checks whether any of the effects will read the dst pixel color.
    145      */
    146     bool willEffectReadDstColor() const;
    148     /// @}
    150     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    151     /// @name Blending
    152     ////
    154     GrBlendCoeff getSrcBlendCoeff() const { return fSrcBlend; }
    155     GrBlendCoeff getDstBlendCoeff() const { return fDstBlend; }
    157     void getDstBlendCoeff(GrBlendCoeff* srcBlendCoeff,
    158                           GrBlendCoeff* dstBlendCoeff) const {
    159         *srcBlendCoeff = fSrcBlend;
    160         *dstBlendCoeff = fDstBlend;
    161     }
    163     /**
    164      * Retrieves the last value set by setBlendConstant()
    165      * @return the blending constant value
    166      */
    167     GrColor getBlendConstant() const { return fBlendConstant; }
    169     /**
    170      * Determines whether multiplying the computed per-pixel color by the pixel's fractional
    171      * coverage before the blend will give the correct final destination color. In general it
    172      * will not as coverage is applied after blending.
    173      */
    174     bool canTweakAlphaForCoverage() const;
    176     /// @}
    178     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    179     /// @name View Matrix
    180     ////
    182     /**
    183      * Retrieves the current view matrix
    184      * @return the current view matrix.
    185      */
    186     const SkMatrix& getViewMatrix() const { return fViewMatrix; }
    188     /**
    189      *  Retrieves the inverse of the current view matrix.
    190      *
    191      *  If the current view matrix is invertible, return true, and if matrix
    192      *  is non-null, copy the inverse into it. If the current view matrix is
    193      *  non-invertible, return false and ignore the matrix parameter.
    194      *
    195      * @param matrix if not null, will receive a copy of the current inverse.
    196      */
    197     bool getViewInverse(SkMatrix* matrix) const {
    198         // TODO: determine whether we really need to leave matrix unmodified
    199         // at call sites when inversion fails.
    200         SkMatrix inverse;
    201         if (fViewMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
    202             if (matrix) {
    203                 *matrix = inverse;
    204             }
    205             return true;
    206         }
    207         return false;
    208     }
    210     /// @}
    212     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    213     /// @name Render Target
    214     ////
    216     /**
    217      * Retrieves the currently set render-target.
    218      *
    219      * @return    The currently set render target.
    220      */
    221     GrRenderTarget* getRenderTarget() const {
    222         return static_cast<GrRenderTarget*>(fRenderTarget.getResource());
    223     }
    225     /// @}
    227     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    228     /// @name Stencil
    229     ////
    231     const GrStencilSettings& getStencil() const { return fStencilSettings; }
    233     /// @}
    235     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    236     /// @name State Flags
    237     ////
    239     /**
    240      *  Flags that affect rendering. Controlled using enable/disableState(). All
    241      *  default to disabled.
    242      */
    243     enum StateBits {
    244         /**
    245          * Perform dithering. TODO: Re-evaluate whether we need this bit
    246          */
    247         kDither_StateBit        = 0x01,
    248         /**
    249          * Perform HW anti-aliasing. This means either HW FSAA, if supported by the render target,
    250          * or smooth-line rendering if a line primitive is drawn and line smoothing is supported by
    251          * the 3D API.
    252          */
    253         kHWAntialias_StateBit   = 0x02,
    254         /**
    255          * Draws will respect the clip, otherwise the clip is ignored.
    256          */
    257         kClip_StateBit          = 0x04,
    258         /**
    259          * Disables writing to the color buffer. Useful when performing stencil
    260          * operations.
    261          */
    262         kNoColorWrites_StateBit = 0x08,
    264         /**
    265          * Usually coverage is applied after color blending. The color is blended using the coeffs
    266          * specified by setBlendFunc(). The blended color is then combined with dst using coeffs
    267          * of src_coverage, 1-src_coverage. Sometimes we are explicitly drawing a coverage mask. In
    268          * this case there is no distinction between coverage and color and the caller needs direct
    269          * control over the blend coeffs. When set, there will be a single blend step controlled by
    270          * setBlendFunc() which will use coverage*color as the src color.
    271          */
    272          kCoverageDrawing_StateBit = 0x10,
    274         // Users of the class may add additional bits to the vector
    275         kDummyStateBit,
    276         kLastPublicStateBit = kDummyStateBit-1,
    277     };
    279     uint32_t getFlagBits() const { return fFlagBits; }
    281     bool isStateFlagEnabled(uint32_t stateBit) const { return 0 != (stateBit & fFlagBits); }
    283     bool isDitherState() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kDither_StateBit); }
    284     bool isHWAntialiasState() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kHWAntialias_StateBit); }
    285     bool isClipState() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kClip_StateBit); }
    286     bool isColorWriteDisabled() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kNoColorWrites_StateBit); }
    287     bool isCoverageDrawing() const { return 0 != (fFlagBits & kCoverageDrawing_StateBit); }
    289     /// @}
    291     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    292     /// @name Face Culling
    293     ////
    295     enum DrawFace {
    296         kInvalid_DrawFace = -1,
    298         kBoth_DrawFace,
    299         kCCW_DrawFace,
    300         kCW_DrawFace,
    301     };
    303     /**
    304      * Gets whether the target is drawing clockwise, counterclockwise,
    305      * or both faces.
    306      * @return the current draw face(s).
    307      */
    308     DrawFace getDrawFace() const { return fDrawFace; }
    310     /// @}
    312     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    313     /// @name Hints
    314     /// Hints that when provided can enable optimizations.
    315     ////
    317     enum Hints { kVertexColorsAreOpaque_Hint = 0x1, };
    319     bool vertexColorsAreOpaque() const { return kVertexColorsAreOpaque_Hint & fHints; }
    321     /// @}
    323     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    325     /** Return type for CombineIfPossible. */
    326     enum CombinedState {
    327         /** The GrDrawStates cannot be combined. */
    328         kIncompatible_CombinedState,
    329         /** Either draw state can be used in place of the other. */
    330         kAOrB_CombinedState,
    331         /** Use the first draw state. */
    332         kA_CombinedState,
    333         /** Use the second draw state. */
    334         kB_CombinedState,
    335     };
    337 protected:
    338     /**
    339      * Converts refs on GrGpuResources owned directly or indirectly by this GrRODrawState into
    340      * pending reads and writes. This should be called when a GrDrawState is recorded into
    341      * a GrDrawTarget for later execution. Subclasses of GrRODrawState may add setters. However,
    342      * once this call has been made the GrRODrawState is immutable. It is also no longer copyable.
    343      * In the future this conversion will automatically happen when converting a GrDrawState into
    344      * an optimized draw state.
    345      */
    346     void convertToPendingExec();
    348     friend class GrDrawTarget;
    350     explicit GrRODrawState(const GrRODrawState& drawState);
    352     bool isEqual(const GrRODrawState& that) const;
    354     /**
    355      * Optimizations for blending / coverage to that can be applied based on the current state.
    356      */
    357     enum BlendOptFlags {
    358         /**
    359          * No optimization
    360          */
    361         kNone_BlendOpt                  = 0,
    362         /**
    363          * Don't draw at all
    364          */
    365         kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag          = 0x1,
    366         /**
    367          * The coverage value does not have to be computed separately from alpha, the the output
    368          * color can be the modulation of the two.
    369          */
    370         kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag   = 0x2,
    371         /**
    372          * Instead of emitting a src color, emit coverage in the alpha channel and r,g,b are
    373          * "don't cares".
    374          */
    375         kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag      = 0x4,
    376         /**
    377          * Emit transparent black instead of the src color, no need to compute coverage.
    378          */
    379         kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag    = 0x8,
    380     };
    381     GR_DECL_BITFIELD_OPS_FRIENDS(BlendOptFlags);
    383     /**
    384      * Determines what optimizations can be applied based on the blend. The coefficients may have
    385      * to be tweaked in order for the optimization to work. srcCoeff and dstCoeff are optional
    386      * params that receive the tweaked coefficients. Normally the function looks at the current
    387      * state to see if coverage is enabled. By setting forceCoverage the caller can speculatively
    388      * determine the blend optimizations that would be used if there was partial pixel coverage.
    389      *
    390      * Subclasses of GrDrawTarget that actually draw (as opposed to those that just buffer for
    391      * playback) must call this function and respect the flags that replace the output color.
    392      *
    393      * If the cached BlendOptFlags does not have the invalidate bit set, then getBlendOpts will
    394      * simply returned the cached flags and coefficients. Otherwise it will calculate the values.
    395      */
    396     BlendOptFlags getBlendOpts(bool forceCoverage = false,
    397                                GrBlendCoeff* srcCoeff = NULL,
    398                                GrBlendCoeff* dstCoeff = NULL) const;
    400     typedef GrTGpuResourceRef<GrRenderTarget> ProgramRenderTarget;
    401     // These fields are roughly sorted by decreasing likelihood of being different in op==
    402     ProgramRenderTarget                 fRenderTarget;
    403     GrColor                             fColor;
    404     SkMatrix                            fViewMatrix;
    405     GrColor                             fBlendConstant;
    406     uint32_t                            fFlagBits;
    407     const GrVertexAttrib*               fVAPtr;
    408     int                                 fVACount;
    409     size_t                              fVAStride;
    410     GrStencilSettings                   fStencilSettings;
    411     uint8_t                             fCoverage;
    412     DrawFace                            fDrawFace;
    413     GrBlendCoeff                        fSrcBlend;
    414     GrBlendCoeff                        fDstBlend;
    416     typedef SkSTArray<4, GrFragmentStage>   FragmentStageArray;
    417     SkAutoTDelete<GrGeometryStage>          fGeometryProcessor;
    418     FragmentStageArray                      fColorStages;
    419     FragmentStageArray                      fCoverageStages;
    421     uint32_t                            fHints;
    423     // This is simply a different representation of info in fVertexAttribs and thus does
    424     // not need to be compared in op==.
    425     int fFixedFunctionVertexAttribIndices[kGrFixedFunctionVertexAttribBindingCnt];
    427 private:
    428     /**
    429      * Determines whether src alpha is guaranteed to be one for all src pixels
    430      */
    431     bool srcAlphaWillBeOne() const;
    433     typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
    434 };
    436 GR_MAKE_BITFIELD_OPS(GrRODrawState::BlendOptFlags);
    438 #endif