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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright 2012 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 // To generate bind.h from bind.h.pump, execute:
     12 // /home/build/google3/third_party/gtest/scripts/pump.py bind.h.pump
     14 // Bind() is an overloaded function that converts method calls into function
     15 // objects (aka functors). It captures any arguments to the method by value
     16 // when Bind is called, producing a stateful, nullary function object. Care
     17 // should be taken about the lifetime of objects captured by Bind(); the
     18 // returned functor knows nothing about the lifetime of the method's object or
     19 // any arguments passed by pointer, and calling the functor with a destroyed
     20 // object will surely do bad things.
     21 //
     22 // Example usage:
     23 //   struct Foo {
     24 //     int Test1() { return 42; }
     25 //     int Test2() const { return 52; }
     26 //     int Test3(int x) { return x*x; }
     27 //     float Test4(int x, float y) { return x + y; }
     28 //   };
     29 //
     30 //   int main() {
     31 //     Foo foo;
     32 //     cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test1, &foo)() << endl;
     33 //     cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test2, &foo)() << endl;
     34 //     cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test3, &foo, 3)() << endl;
     35 //     cout << rtc::Bind(&Foo::Test4, &foo, 7, 8.5f)() << endl;
     36 //   }
     38 #ifndef WEBRTC_BASE_BIND_H_
     39 #define WEBRTC_BASE_BIND_H_
     41 #define NONAME
     43 namespace rtc {
     44 namespace detail {
     45 // This is needed because the template parameters in Bind can't be resolved
     46 // if they're used both as parameters of the function pointer type and as
     47 // parameters to Bind itself: the function pointer parameters are exact
     48 // matches to the function prototype, but the parameters to bind have
     49 // references stripped. This trick allows the compiler to dictate the Bind
     50 // parameter types rather than deduce them.
     51 template <class T> struct identity { typedef T type; };
     52 }  // namespace detail
     54 $var n = 5
     55 $range i 0..n
     56 $for i [[
     57 $range j 1..i
     59 template <class ObjectT, class MethodT, class R$for j [[,
     60           class P$j]]>
     61 class MethodFunctor$i {
     62  public:
     63   MethodFunctor$i(MethodT method, ObjectT* object$for j [[,
     64                  P$j p$j]])
     65       : method_(method), object_(object)$for j [[,
     66       p$(j)_(p$j)]] {}
     67   R operator()() const {
     68     return (object_->*method_)($for j , [[p$(j)_]]); }
     69  private:
     70   MethodT method_;
     71   ObjectT* object_;$for j [[
     73   P$j p$(j)_;]]
     75 };
     77 template <class FunctorT, class R$for j [[,
     78           class P$j]]>
     79 class Functor$i {
     80  public:
     81   $if i == 0 [[explicit ]]
     82 Functor$i(const FunctorT& functor$for j [[, P$j p$j]])
     83       : functor_(functor)$for j [[,
     84       p$(j)_(p$j)]] {}
     85   R operator()() const {
     86     return functor_($for j , [[p$(j)_]]); }
     87  private:
     88   FunctorT functor_;$for j [[
     90   P$j p$(j)_;]]
     92 };
     95 #define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)($for j , [[P$j]])
     97 template <class ObjectT, class R$for j [[,
     98           class P$j]]>
     99 MethodFunctor$i<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R$for j [[, P$j]]>
    100 Bind(FP_T(method), ObjectT* object$for j [[,
    101      typename detail::identity<P$j>::type p$j]]) {
    102   return MethodFunctor$i<ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R$for j [[, P$j]]>(
    103       method, object$for j [[, p$j]]);
    104 }
    106 #undef FP_T
    107 #define FP_T(x) R (ObjectT::*x)($for j , [[P$j]]) const
    109 template <class ObjectT, class R$for j [[,
    110           class P$j]]>
    111 MethodFunctor$i<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R$for j [[, P$j]]>
    112 Bind(FP_T(method), const ObjectT* object$for j [[,
    113      typename detail::identity<P$j>::type p$j]]) {
    114   return MethodFunctor$i<const ObjectT, FP_T(NONAME), R$for j [[, P$j]]>(
    115       method, object$for j [[, p$j]]);
    116 }
    118 #undef FP_T
    119 #define FP_T(x) R (*x)($for j , [[P$j]])
    121 template <class R$for j [[,
    122           class P$j]]>
    123 Functor$i<FP_T(NONAME), R$for j [[, P$j]]>
    124 Bind(FP_T(function)$for j [[,
    125      typename detail::identity<P$j>::type p$j]]) {
    126   return Functor$i<FP_T(NONAME), R$for j [[, P$j]]>(
    127       function$for j [[, p$j]]);
    128 }
    130 #undef FP_T
    132 ]]
    134 }  // namespace rtc
    136 #undef NONAME
    138 #endif  // WEBRTC_BASE_BIND_H_