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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include <string.h>
     12 #include <vector>
     14 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     15 #include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/base/md5digest.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_receive_test.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/acm2/acm_send_test.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module.h"
     21 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/main/interface/audio_coding_module_typedefs.h"
     22 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/audio_checksum.h"
     23 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/audio_loop.h"
     24 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/input_audio_file.h"
     25 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/output_audio_file.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/packet.h"
     27 #include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/rtp_file_source.h"
     28 #include "webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h"
     29 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
     30 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/compile_assert.h"
     31 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
     32 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/event_wrapper.h"
     33 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
     34 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/sleep.h"
     35 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/thread_wrapper.h"
     36 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
     37 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/gtest_disable.h"
     39 namespace webrtc {
     41 const int kSampleRateHz = 16000;
     42 const int kNumSamples10ms = kSampleRateHz / 100;
     43 const int kFrameSizeMs = 10;  // Multiple of 10.
     44 const int kFrameSizeSamples = kFrameSizeMs / 10 * kNumSamples10ms;
     45 const int kPayloadSizeBytes = kFrameSizeSamples * sizeof(int16_t);
     46 const uint8_t kPayloadType = 111;
     48 class RtpUtility {
     49  public:
     50   RtpUtility(int samples_per_packet, uint8_t payload_type)
     51       : samples_per_packet_(samples_per_packet), payload_type_(payload_type) {}
     53   virtual ~RtpUtility() {}
     55   void Populate(WebRtcRTPHeader* rtp_header) {
     56     rtp_header->header.sequenceNumber = 0xABCD;
     57     rtp_header->header.timestamp = 0xABCDEF01;
     58     rtp_header->header.payloadType = payload_type_;
     59     rtp_header->header.markerBit = false;
     60     rtp_header->header.ssrc = 0x1234;
     61     rtp_header->header.numCSRCs = 0;
     62     rtp_header->frameType = kAudioFrameSpeech;
     64     rtp_header->header.payload_type_frequency = kSampleRateHz;
     65     rtp_header->type.Audio.channel = 1;
     66     rtp_header->type.Audio.isCNG = false;
     67   }
     69   void Forward(WebRtcRTPHeader* rtp_header) {
     70     ++rtp_header->header.sequenceNumber;
     71     rtp_header->header.timestamp += samples_per_packet_;
     72   }
     74  private:
     75   int samples_per_packet_;
     76   uint8_t payload_type_;
     77 };
     79 class PacketizationCallbackStub : public AudioPacketizationCallback {
     80  public:
     81   PacketizationCallbackStub()
     82       : num_calls_(0),
     83         crit_sect_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()) {}
     85   virtual int32_t SendData(
     86       FrameType frame_type,
     87       uint8_t payload_type,
     88       uint32_t timestamp,
     89       const uint8_t* payload_data,
     90       uint16_t payload_len_bytes,
     91       const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) OVERRIDE {
     92     CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
     93     ++num_calls_;
     94     last_payload_vec_.assign(payload_data, payload_data + payload_len_bytes);
     95     return 0;
     96   }
     98   int num_calls() const {
     99     CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    100     return num_calls_;
    101   }
    103   int last_payload_len_bytes() const {
    104     CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    105     return last_payload_vec_.size();
    106   }
    108   void SwapBuffers(std::vector<uint8_t>* payload) {
    109     CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    110     last_payload_vec_.swap(*payload);
    111   }
    113  private:
    114   int num_calls_ GUARDED_BY(crit_sect_);
    115   std::vector<uint8_t> last_payload_vec_ GUARDED_BY(crit_sect_);
    116   const scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> crit_sect_;
    117 };
    119 class AudioCodingModuleTest : public ::testing::Test {
    120  protected:
    121   AudioCodingModuleTest()
    122       : rtp_utility_(new RtpUtility(kFrameSizeSamples, kPayloadType)) {
    123     config_.transport = &packet_cb_;
    124   }
    126   ~AudioCodingModuleTest() {}
    128   void TearDown() OVERRIDE {}
    130   void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
    131     rtp_utility_->Populate(&rtp_header_);
    133     input_frame_.sample_rate_hz_ = kSampleRateHz;
    134     input_frame_.num_channels_ = 1;
    135     input_frame_.samples_per_channel_ = kSampleRateHz * 10 / 1000;  // 10 ms.
    136     COMPILE_ASSERT(kSampleRateHz * 10 / 1000 <= AudioFrame::kMaxDataSizeSamples,
    137                    audio_frame_too_small);
    138     memset(input_frame_.data_,
    139            0,
    140            input_frame_.samples_per_channel_ * sizeof(input_frame_.data_[0]));
    141   }
    143   void CreateAcm() {
    144     acm_.reset(AudioCoding::Create(config_));
    145     ASSERT_TRUE(acm_.get() != NULL);
    146     RegisterCodec();
    147   }
    149   virtual void RegisterCodec() {
    150     // Register L16 codec in ACM.
    151     int codec_type = acm2::ACMCodecDB::kNone;
    152     switch (kSampleRateHz) {
    153       case 8000:
    154         codec_type = acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16B;
    155         break;
    156       case 16000:
    157         codec_type = acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16Bwb;
    158         break;
    159       case 32000:
    160         codec_type = acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16Bswb32kHz;
    161         break;
    162       default:
    163         FATAL() << "Sample rate not supported in this test.";
    164     }
    165     ASSERT_TRUE(acm_->RegisterSendCodec(codec_type, kPayloadType));
    166     ASSERT_TRUE(acm_->RegisterReceiveCodec(codec_type, kPayloadType));
    167   }
    169   virtual void InsertPacketAndPullAudio() {
    170     InsertPacket();
    171     PullAudio();
    172   }
    174   virtual void InsertPacket() {
    175     const uint8_t kPayload[kPayloadSizeBytes] = {0};
    176     ASSERT_TRUE(acm_->InsertPacket(kPayload, kPayloadSizeBytes, rtp_header_));
    177     rtp_utility_->Forward(&rtp_header_);
    178   }
    180   virtual void PullAudio() {
    181     AudioFrame audio_frame;
    182     ASSERT_TRUE(acm_->Get10MsAudio(&audio_frame));
    183   }
    185   virtual void InsertAudio() {
    186     int encoded_bytes = acm_->Add10MsAudio(input_frame_);
    187     ASSERT_GE(encoded_bytes, 0);
    188     input_frame_.timestamp_ += kNumSamples10ms;
    189   }
    191   AudioCoding::Config config_;
    192   scoped_ptr<RtpUtility> rtp_utility_;
    193   scoped_ptr<AudioCoding> acm_;
    194   PacketizationCallbackStub packet_cb_;
    195   WebRtcRTPHeader rtp_header_;
    196   AudioFrame input_frame_;
    197 };
    199 // Check if the statistics are initialized correctly. Before any call to ACM
    200 // all fields have to be zero.
    201 TEST_F(AudioCodingModuleTest, DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(InitializedToZero)) {
    202   CreateAcm();
    203   AudioDecodingCallStats stats;
    204   acm_->GetDecodingCallStatistics(&stats);
    205   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.calls_to_neteq);
    206   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.calls_to_silence_generator);
    207   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_normal);
    208   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_cng);
    209   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_plc);
    210   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_plc_cng);
    211 }
    213 // Apply an initial playout delay. Calls to AudioCodingModule::PlayoutData10ms()
    214 // should result in generating silence, check the associated field.
    215 TEST_F(AudioCodingModuleTest, DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(SilenceGeneratorCalled)) {
    216   const int kInitialDelay = 100;
    217   config_.initial_playout_delay_ms = kInitialDelay;
    218   CreateAcm();
    219   AudioDecodingCallStats stats;
    221   int num_calls = 0;
    222   for (int time_ms = 0; time_ms < kInitialDelay;
    223        time_ms += kFrameSizeMs, ++num_calls) {
    224     InsertPacketAndPullAudio();
    225   }
    226   acm_->GetDecodingCallStatistics(&stats);
    227   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.calls_to_neteq);
    228   EXPECT_EQ(num_calls, stats.calls_to_silence_generator);
    229   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_normal);
    230   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_cng);
    231   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_plc);
    232   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_plc_cng);
    233 }
    235 // Insert some packets and pull audio. Check statistics are valid. Then,
    236 // simulate packet loss and check if PLC and PLC-to-CNG statistics are
    237 // correctly updated.
    238 TEST_F(AudioCodingModuleTest, DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(NetEqCalls)) {
    239   CreateAcm();
    240   AudioDecodingCallStats stats;
    241   const int kNumNormalCalls = 10;
    243   for (int num_calls = 0; num_calls < kNumNormalCalls; ++num_calls) {
    244     InsertPacketAndPullAudio();
    245   }
    246   acm_->GetDecodingCallStatistics(&stats);
    247   EXPECT_EQ(kNumNormalCalls, stats.calls_to_neteq);
    248   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.calls_to_silence_generator);
    249   EXPECT_EQ(kNumNormalCalls, stats.decoded_normal);
    250   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_cng);
    251   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_plc);
    252   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_plc_cng);
    254   const int kNumPlc = 3;
    255   const int kNumPlcCng = 5;
    257   // Simulate packet-loss. NetEq first performs PLC then PLC fades to CNG.
    258   for (int n = 0; n < kNumPlc + kNumPlcCng; ++n) {
    259     PullAudio();
    260   }
    261   acm_->GetDecodingCallStatistics(&stats);
    262   EXPECT_EQ(kNumNormalCalls + kNumPlc + kNumPlcCng, stats.calls_to_neteq);
    263   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.calls_to_silence_generator);
    264   EXPECT_EQ(kNumNormalCalls, stats.decoded_normal);
    265   EXPECT_EQ(0, stats.decoded_cng);
    266   EXPECT_EQ(kNumPlc, stats.decoded_plc);
    267   EXPECT_EQ(kNumPlcCng, stats.decoded_plc_cng);
    268 }
    270 TEST_F(AudioCodingModuleTest, VerifyOutputFrame) {
    271   CreateAcm();
    272   AudioFrame audio_frame;
    273   const int kSampleRateHz = 32000;
    274   EXPECT_TRUE(acm_->Get10MsAudio(&audio_frame));
    275   EXPECT_EQ(0u, audio_frame.timestamp_);
    276   EXPECT_GT(audio_frame.num_channels_, 0);
    277   EXPECT_EQ(kSampleRateHz / 100, audio_frame.samples_per_channel_);
    278   EXPECT_EQ(kSampleRateHz, audio_frame.sample_rate_hz_);
    279 }
    281 // A multi-threaded test for ACM. This base class is using the PCM16b 16 kHz
    282 // codec, while the derive class AcmIsacMtTest is using iSAC.
    283 class AudioCodingModuleMtTest : public AudioCodingModuleTest {
    284  protected:
    285   static const int kNumPackets = 500;
    286   static const int kNumPullCalls = 500;
    288   AudioCodingModuleMtTest()
    289       : AudioCodingModuleTest(),
    290         send_thread_(ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(CbSendThread,
    291                                                  this,
    292                                                  kRealtimePriority,
    293                                                  "send")),
    294         insert_packet_thread_(ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(CbInsertPacketThread,
    295                                                           this,
    296                                                           kRealtimePriority,
    297                                                           "insert_packet")),
    298         pull_audio_thread_(ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(CbPullAudioThread,
    299                                                        this,
    300                                                        kRealtimePriority,
    301                                                        "pull_audio")),
    302         test_complete_(EventWrapper::Create()),
    303         send_count_(0),
    304         insert_packet_count_(0),
    305         pull_audio_count_(0),
    306         crit_sect_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
    307         next_insert_packet_time_ms_(0),
    308         fake_clock_(new SimulatedClock(0)) {
    309     config_.clock = fake_clock_.get();
    310   }
    312   virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
    313     AudioCodingModuleTest::SetUp();
    314     CreateAcm();
    315     StartThreads();
    316   }
    318   void StartThreads() {
    319     unsigned int thread_id = 0;
    320     ASSERT_TRUE(send_thread_->Start(thread_id));
    321     ASSERT_TRUE(insert_packet_thread_->Start(thread_id));
    322     ASSERT_TRUE(pull_audio_thread_->Start(thread_id));
    323   }
    325   virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
    326     AudioCodingModuleTest::TearDown();
    327     pull_audio_thread_->Stop();
    328     send_thread_->Stop();
    329     insert_packet_thread_->Stop();
    330   }
    332   EventTypeWrapper RunTest() {
    333     return test_complete_->Wait(10 * 60 * 1000);  // 10 minutes' timeout.
    334   }
    336   virtual bool TestDone() {
    337     if (packet_cb_.num_calls() > kNumPackets) {
    338       CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    339       if (pull_audio_count_ > kNumPullCalls) {
    340         // Both conditions for completion are met. End the test.
    341         return true;
    342       }
    343     }
    344     return false;
    345   }
    347   static bool CbSendThread(void* context) {
    348     return reinterpret_cast<AudioCodingModuleMtTest*>(context)->CbSendImpl();
    349   }
    351   // The send thread doesn't have to care about the current simulated time,
    352   // since only the AcmReceiver is using the clock.
    353   bool CbSendImpl() {
    354     SleepMs(1);
    355     if (HasFatalFailure()) {
    356       // End the test early if a fatal failure (ASSERT_*) has occurred.
    357       test_complete_->Set();
    358     }
    359     ++send_count_;
    360     InsertAudio();
    361     if (TestDone()) {
    362       test_complete_->Set();
    363     }
    364     return true;
    365   }
    367   static bool CbInsertPacketThread(void* context) {
    368     return reinterpret_cast<AudioCodingModuleMtTest*>(context)
    369         ->CbInsertPacketImpl();
    370   }
    372   bool CbInsertPacketImpl() {
    373     SleepMs(1);
    374     {
    375       CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    376       if (fake_clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() < next_insert_packet_time_ms_) {
    377         return true;
    378       }
    379       next_insert_packet_time_ms_ += 10;
    380     }
    381     // Now we're not holding the crit sect when calling ACM.
    382     ++insert_packet_count_;
    383     InsertPacket();
    384     return true;
    385   }
    387   static bool CbPullAudioThread(void* context) {
    388     return reinterpret_cast<AudioCodingModuleMtTest*>(context)
    389         ->CbPullAudioImpl();
    390   }
    392   bool CbPullAudioImpl() {
    393     SleepMs(1);
    394     {
    395       CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    396       // Don't let the insert thread fall behind.
    397       if (next_insert_packet_time_ms_ < fake_clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()) {
    398         return true;
    399       }
    400       ++pull_audio_count_;
    401     }
    402     // Now we're not holding the crit sect when calling ACM.
    403     PullAudio();
    404     fake_clock_->AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(10);
    405     return true;
    406   }
    408   scoped_ptr<ThreadWrapper> send_thread_;
    409   scoped_ptr<ThreadWrapper> insert_packet_thread_;
    410   scoped_ptr<ThreadWrapper> pull_audio_thread_;
    411   const scoped_ptr<EventWrapper> test_complete_;
    412   int send_count_;
    413   int insert_packet_count_;
    414   int pull_audio_count_ GUARDED_BY(crit_sect_);
    415   const scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> crit_sect_;
    416   int64_t next_insert_packet_time_ms_ GUARDED_BY(crit_sect_);
    417   scoped_ptr<SimulatedClock> fake_clock_;
    418 };
    420 TEST_F(AudioCodingModuleMtTest, DoTest) {
    421   EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, RunTest());
    422 }
    424 // This is a multi-threaded ACM test using iSAC. The test encodes audio
    425 // from a PCM file. The most recent encoded frame is used as input to the
    426 // receiving part. Depending on timing, it may happen that the same RTP packet
    427 // is inserted into the receiver multiple times, but this is a valid use-case,
    428 // and simplifies the test code a lot.
    429 class AcmIsacMtTest : public AudioCodingModuleMtTest {
    430  protected:
    431   static const int kNumPackets = 500;
    432   static const int kNumPullCalls = 500;
    434   AcmIsacMtTest()
    435       : AudioCodingModuleMtTest(),
    436         last_packet_number_(0) {}
    438   ~AcmIsacMtTest() {}
    440   virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
    441     AudioCodingModuleTest::SetUp();
    442     CreateAcm();
    444     // Set up input audio source to read from specified file, loop after 5
    445     // seconds, and deliver blocks of 10 ms.
    446     const std::string input_file_name =
    447         webrtc::test::ResourcePath("audio_coding/speech_mono_16kHz", "pcm");
    448     audio_loop_.Init(input_file_name, 5 * kSampleRateHz, kNumSamples10ms);
    450     // Generate one packet to have something to insert.
    451     int loop_counter = 0;
    452     while (packet_cb_.last_payload_len_bytes() == 0) {
    453       InsertAudio();
    454       ASSERT_LT(loop_counter++, 10);
    455     }
    456     // Set |last_packet_number_| to one less that |num_calls| so that the packet
    457     // will be fetched in the next InsertPacket() call.
    458     last_packet_number_ = packet_cb_.num_calls() - 1;
    460     StartThreads();
    461   }
    463   virtual void RegisterCodec() OVERRIDE {
    464     COMPILE_ASSERT(kSampleRateHz == 16000, test_designed_for_isac_16khz);
    466     // Register iSAC codec in ACM, effectively unregistering the PCM16B codec
    467     // registered in AudioCodingModuleTest::SetUp();
    468     ASSERT_TRUE(acm_->RegisterSendCodec(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kISAC, kPayloadType));
    469     ASSERT_TRUE(
    470         acm_->RegisterReceiveCodec(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kISAC, kPayloadType));
    471   }
    473   virtual void InsertPacket() OVERRIDE {
    474     int num_calls = packet_cb_.num_calls();  // Store locally for thread safety.
    475     if (num_calls > last_packet_number_) {
    476       // Get the new payload out from the callback handler.
    477       // Note that since we swap buffers here instead of directly inserting
    478       // a pointer to the data in |packet_cb_|, we avoid locking the callback
    479       // for the duration of the IncomingPacket() call.
    480       packet_cb_.SwapBuffers(&last_payload_vec_);
    481       ASSERT_GT(last_payload_vec_.size(), 0u);
    482       rtp_utility_->Forward(&rtp_header_);
    483       last_packet_number_ = num_calls;
    484     }
    485     ASSERT_GT(last_payload_vec_.size(), 0u);
    486     ASSERT_TRUE(acm_->InsertPacket(
    487         &last_payload_vec_[0], last_payload_vec_.size(), rtp_header_));
    488   }
    490   virtual void InsertAudio() OVERRIDE {
    491     memcpy(input_frame_.data_, audio_loop_.GetNextBlock(), kNumSamples10ms);
    492     AudioCodingModuleTest::InsertAudio();
    493   }
    495   // This method is the same as AudioCodingModuleMtTest::TestDone(), but here
    496   // it is using the constants defined in this class (i.e., shorter test run).
    497   virtual bool TestDone() OVERRIDE {
    498     if (packet_cb_.num_calls() > kNumPackets) {
    499       CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    500       if (pull_audio_count_ > kNumPullCalls) {
    501         // Both conditions for completion are met. End the test.
    502         return true;
    503       }
    504     }
    505     return false;
    506   }
    508   int last_packet_number_;
    509   std::vector<uint8_t> last_payload_vec_;
    510   test::AudioLoop audio_loop_;
    511 };
    513 TEST_F(AcmIsacMtTest, DoTest) {
    514   EXPECT_EQ(kEventSignaled, RunTest());
    515 }
    517 class AcmReceiverBitExactness : public ::testing::Test {
    518  public:
    519   static std::string PlatformChecksum(std::string win64,
    520                                       std::string android,
    521                                       std::string others) {
    522 #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_64_BITS)
    523     return win64;
    524 #elif defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID)
    525     return android;
    526 #else
    527     return others;
    528 #endif
    529   }
    531  protected:
    532   void Run(int output_freq_hz, const std::string& checksum_ref) {
    533     const std::string input_file_name =
    534         webrtc::test::ResourcePath("audio_coding/neteq_universal_new", "rtp");
    535     scoped_ptr<test::RtpFileSource> packet_source(
    536         test::RtpFileSource::Create(input_file_name));
    537 #ifdef WEBRTC_ANDROID
    538     // Filter out iLBC and iSAC-swb since they are not supported on Android.
    539     packet_source->FilterOutPayloadType(102);  // iLBC.
    540     packet_source->FilterOutPayloadType(104);  // iSAC-swb.
    541 #endif
    543     test::AudioChecksum checksum;
    544     const std::string output_file_name =
    545         webrtc::test::OutputPath() +
    546         ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()
    547             ->current_test_info()
    548             ->test_case_name() +
    549         "_" + ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name() +
    550         "_output.pcm";
    551     test::OutputAudioFile output_file(output_file_name);
    552     test::AudioSinkFork output(&checksum, &output_file);
    554     test::AcmReceiveTest test(packet_source.get(), &output, output_freq_hz,
    555                               test::AcmReceiveTest::kArbitraryChannels);
    556     ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(test.RegisterNetEqTestCodecs());
    557     test.Run();
    559     std::string checksum_string = checksum.Finish();
    560     EXPECT_EQ(checksum_ref, checksum_string);
    561   }
    562 };
    564 TEST_F(AcmReceiverBitExactness, 8kHzOutput) {
    565   Run(8000,
    566       PlatformChecksum("bd6f8d9602cd82444ea2539e674df747",
    567                        "6ac89c7145072c26bfeba602cd661afb",
    568                        "8a8440f5511eb729221b9aac25cda3a0"));
    569 }
    571 TEST_F(AcmReceiverBitExactness, 16kHzOutput) {
    572   Run(16000,
    573       PlatformChecksum("a39bc6ee0c4eb15f3ad2f43cebcc571d",
    574                        "3e888eb04f57db2c6ef952fe64f17fe6",
    575                        "7be583092c5adbcb0f6cd66eca20ea63"));
    576 }
    578 TEST_F(AcmReceiverBitExactness, 32kHzOutput) {
    579   Run(32000,
    580       PlatformChecksum("80964572aaa2dc92f9e34896dd3802b3",
    581                        "aeca37e963310f5b6552b7edea23c2f1",
    582                        "3a84188abe9fca25fedd6034760f3e22"));
    583 }
    585 TEST_F(AcmReceiverBitExactness, 48kHzOutput) {
    586   Run(48000,
    587       PlatformChecksum("8aacde91f390e0d5a9c2ed571a25fd37",
    588                        "76b9e99e0a3998aa28355e7a2bd836f7",
    589                        "89b4b19bdb4de40f1d88302ef8cb9f9b"));
    590 }
    592 // This test verifies bit exactness for the send-side of ACM. The test setup is
    593 // a chain of three different test classes:
    594 //
    595 // test::AcmSendTest -> AcmSenderBitExactness -> test::AcmReceiveTest
    596 //
    597 // The receiver side is driving the test by requesting new packets from
    598 // AcmSenderBitExactness::NextPacket(). This method, in turn, asks for the
    599 // packet from test::AcmSendTest::NextPacket, which inserts audio from the
    600 // input file until one packet is produced. (The input file loops indefinitely.)
    601 // Before passing the packet to the receiver, this test class verifies the
    602 // packet header and updates a payload checksum with the new payload. The
    603 // decoded output from the receiver is also verified with a (separate) checksum.
    604 class AcmSenderBitExactness : public ::testing::Test,
    605                               public test::PacketSource {
    606  protected:
    607   static const int kTestDurationMs = 1000;
    609   AcmSenderBitExactness()
    610       : frame_size_rtp_timestamps_(0),
    611         packet_count_(0),
    612         payload_type_(0),
    613         last_sequence_number_(0),
    614         last_timestamp_(0) {}
    616   // Sets up the test::AcmSendTest object. Returns true on success, otherwise
    617   // false.
    618   bool SetUpSender() {
    619     const std::string input_file_name =
    620         webrtc::test::ResourcePath("audio_coding/testfile32kHz", "pcm");
    621     // Note that |audio_source_| will loop forever. The test duration is set
    622     // explicitly by |kTestDurationMs|.
    623     audio_source_.reset(new test::InputAudioFile(input_file_name));
    624     static const int kSourceRateHz = 32000;
    625     send_test_.reset(new test::AcmSendTest(
    626         audio_source_.get(), kSourceRateHz, kTestDurationMs));
    627     return send_test_.get() != NULL;
    628   }
    630   // Registers a send codec in the test::AcmSendTest object. Returns true on
    631   // success, false on failure.
    632   bool RegisterSendCodec(int codec_type,
    633                          int channels,
    634                          int payload_type,
    635                          int frame_size_samples,
    636                          int frame_size_rtp_timestamps) {
    637     payload_type_ = payload_type;
    638     frame_size_rtp_timestamps_ = frame_size_rtp_timestamps;
    639     return send_test_->RegisterCodec(
    640         codec_type, channels, payload_type, frame_size_samples);
    641   }
    643   // Runs the test. SetUpSender() and RegisterSendCodec() must have been called
    644   // before calling this method.
    645   void Run(const std::string& audio_checksum_ref,
    646            const std::string& payload_checksum_ref,
    647            int expected_packets,
    648            test::AcmReceiveTest::NumOutputChannels expected_channels) {
    649     // Set up the receiver used to decode the packets and verify the decoded
    650     // output.
    651     test::AudioChecksum audio_checksum;
    652     const std::string output_file_name =
    653         webrtc::test::OutputPath() +
    654         ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()
    655             ->current_test_info()
    656             ->test_case_name() +
    657         "_" +
    658         ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name() +
    659         "_output.pcm";
    660     test::OutputAudioFile output_file(output_file_name);
    661     // Have the output audio sent both to file and to the checksum calculator.
    662     test::AudioSinkFork output(&audio_checksum, &output_file);
    663     const int kOutputFreqHz = 8000;
    664     test::AcmReceiveTest receive_test(
    665         this, &output, kOutputFreqHz, expected_channels);
    666     ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(receive_test.RegisterDefaultCodecs());
    668     // This is where the actual test is executed.
    669     receive_test.Run();
    671     // Extract and verify the audio checksum.
    672     std::string checksum_string = audio_checksum.Finish();
    673     EXPECT_EQ(audio_checksum_ref, checksum_string);
    675     // Extract and verify the payload checksum.
    676     char checksum_result[rtc::Md5Digest::kSize];
    677     payload_checksum_.Finish(checksum_result, rtc::Md5Digest::kSize);
    678     checksum_string = rtc::hex_encode(checksum_result, rtc::Md5Digest::kSize);
    679     EXPECT_EQ(payload_checksum_ref, checksum_string);
    681     // Verify number of packets produced.
    682     EXPECT_EQ(expected_packets, packet_count_);
    683   }
    685   // Returns a pointer to the next packet. Returns NULL if the source is
    686   // depleted (i.e., the test duration is exceeded), or if an error occurred.
    687   // Inherited from test::PacketSource.
    688   virtual test::Packet* NextPacket() OVERRIDE {
    689     // Get the next packet from AcmSendTest. Ownership of |packet| is
    690     // transferred to this method.
    691     test::Packet* packet = send_test_->NextPacket();
    692     if (!packet)
    693       return NULL;
    695     VerifyPacket(packet);
    696     // TODO(henrik.lundin) Save the packet to file as well.
    698     // Pass it on to the caller. The caller becomes the owner of |packet|.
    699     return packet;
    700   }
    702   // Verifies the packet.
    703   void VerifyPacket(const test::Packet* packet) {
    704     EXPECT_TRUE(packet->valid_header());
    705     // (We can check the header fields even if valid_header() is false.)
    706     EXPECT_EQ(payload_type_, packet->header().payloadType);
    707     if (packet_count_ > 0) {
    708       // This is not the first packet.
    709       uint16_t sequence_number_diff =
    710           packet->header().sequenceNumber - last_sequence_number_;
    711       EXPECT_EQ(1, sequence_number_diff);
    712       uint32_t timestamp_diff = packet->header().timestamp - last_timestamp_;
    713       EXPECT_EQ(frame_size_rtp_timestamps_, timestamp_diff);
    714     }
    715     ++packet_count_;
    716     last_sequence_number_ = packet->header().sequenceNumber;
    717     last_timestamp_ = packet->header().timestamp;
    718     // Update the checksum.
    719     payload_checksum_.Update(packet->payload(), packet->payload_length_bytes());
    720   }
    722   void SetUpTest(int codec_type,
    723                  int channels,
    724                  int payload_type,
    725                  int codec_frame_size_samples,
    726                  int codec_frame_size_rtp_timestamps) {
    727     ASSERT_TRUE(SetUpSender());
    728     ASSERT_TRUE(RegisterSendCodec(codec_type,
    729                                   channels,
    730                                   payload_type,
    731                                   codec_frame_size_samples,
    732                                   codec_frame_size_rtp_timestamps));
    733   }
    735   scoped_ptr<test::AcmSendTest> send_test_;
    736   scoped_ptr<test::InputAudioFile> audio_source_;
    737   uint32_t frame_size_rtp_timestamps_;
    738   int packet_count_;
    739   uint8_t payload_type_;
    740   uint16_t last_sequence_number_;
    741   uint32_t last_timestamp_;
    742   rtc::Md5Digest payload_checksum_;
    743 };
    745 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, IsacWb30ms) {
    746   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kISAC, 1, 103, 480, 480));
    747   Run(AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    748           "c7e5bdadfa2871df95639fcc297cf23d",
    749           "0499ca260390769b3172136faad925b9",
    750           "0b58f9eeee43d5891f5f6c75e77984a3"),
    751       AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    752           "d42cb5195463da26c8129bbfe73a22e6",
    753           "83de248aea9c3c2bd680b6952401b4ca",
    754           "3c79f16f34218271f3dca4e2b1dfe1bb"),
    755       33,
    756       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    757 }
    759 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, IsacWb60ms) {
    760   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kISAC, 1, 103, 960, 960));
    761   Run(AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    762           "14d63c5f08127d280e722e3191b73bdd",
    763           "8da003e16c5371af2dc2be79a50f9076",
    764           "1ad29139a04782a33daad8c2b9b35875"),
    765       AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    766           "ebe04a819d3a9d83a83a17f271e1139a",
    767           "97aeef98553b5a4b5a68f8b716e8eaf0",
    768           "9e0a0ab743ad987b55b8e14802769c56"),
    769       16,
    770       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    771 }
    773 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(IsacSwb30ms)) {
    775       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kISACSWB, 1, 104, 960, 960));
    776   Run(AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    777           "98d960600eb4ddb3fcbe11f5057ddfd7",
    778           "",
    779           "2f6dfe142f735f1d96f6bd86d2526f42"),
    780       AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    781           "cc9d2d86a71d6f99f97680a5c27e2762",
    782           "",
    783           "7b214fc3a5e33d68bf30e77969371f31"),
    784       33,
    785       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    786 }
    788 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcm16_8000khz_10ms) {
    789   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16B, 1, 107, 80, 80));
    790   Run("de4a98e1406f8b798d99cd0704e862e2",
    791       "c1edd36339ce0326cc4550041ad719a0",
    792       100,
    793       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    794 }
    796 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcm16_16000khz_10ms) {
    798       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16Bwb, 1, 108, 160, 160));
    799   Run("ae646d7b68384a1269cc080dd4501916",
    800       "ad786526383178b08d80d6eee06e9bad",
    801       100,
    802       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    803 }
    805 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcm16_32000khz_10ms) {
    807       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16Bswb32kHz, 1, 109, 320, 320));
    808   Run("7fe325e8fbaf755e3c5df0b11a4774fb",
    809       "5ef82ea885e922263606c6fdbc49f651",
    810       100,
    811       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    812 }
    814 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcm16_stereo_8000khz_10ms) {
    816       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16B_2ch, 2, 111, 80, 80));
    817   Run("fb263b74e7ac3de915474d77e4744ceb",
    818       "62ce5adb0d4965d0a52ec98ae7f98974",
    819       100,
    820       test::AcmReceiveTest::kStereoOutput);
    821 }
    823 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcm16_stereo_16000khz_10ms) {
    825       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16Bwb_2ch, 2, 112, 160, 160));
    826   Run("d09e9239553649d7ac93e19d304281fd",
    827       "41ca8edac4b8c71cd54fd9f25ec14870",
    828       100,
    829       test::AcmReceiveTest::kStereoOutput);
    830 }
    832 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcm16_stereo_32000khz_10ms) {
    834       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCM16Bswb32kHz_2ch, 2, 113, 320, 320));
    835   Run("5f025d4f390982cc26b3d92fe02e3044",
    836       "50e58502fb04421bf5b857dda4c96879",
    837       100,
    838       test::AcmReceiveTest::kStereoOutput);
    839 }
    841 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcmu_20ms) {
    842   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCMU, 1, 0, 160, 160));
    843   Run("81a9d4c0bb72e9becc43aef124c981e9",
    844       "8f9b8750bd80fe26b6cbf6659b89f0f9",
    845       50,
    846       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    847 }
    849 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcma_20ms) {
    850   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCMA, 1, 8, 160, 160));
    851   Run("39611f798969053925a49dc06d08de29",
    852       "6ad745e55aa48981bfc790d0eeef2dd1",
    853       50,
    854       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    855 }
    857 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcmu_stereo_20ms) {
    859       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCMU_2ch, 2, 110, 160, 160));
    860   Run("437bec032fdc5cbaa0d5175430af7b18",
    861       "60b6f25e8d1e74cb679cfe756dd9bca5",
    862       50,
    863       test::AcmReceiveTest::kStereoOutput);
    864 }
    866 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Pcma_stereo_20ms) {
    868       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kPCMA_2ch, 2, 118, 160, 160));
    869   Run("a5c6d83c5b7cedbeff734238220a4b0c",
    870       "92b282c83efd20e7eeef52ba40842cf7",
    871       50,
    872       test::AcmReceiveTest::kStereoOutput);
    873 }
    875 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(Ilbc_30ms)) {
    876   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kILBC, 1, 102, 240, 240));
    877   Run(AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    878           "7b6ec10910debd9af08011d3ed5249f7",
    879           "android_audio",
    880           "7b6ec10910debd9af08011d3ed5249f7"),
    881       AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    882           "cfae2e9f6aba96e145f2bcdd5050ce78",
    883           "android_payload",
    884           "cfae2e9f6aba96e145f2bcdd5050ce78"),
    885       33,
    886       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    887 }
    889 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(G722_20ms)) {
    890   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kG722, 1, 9, 320, 160));
    891   Run(AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    892           "7d759436f2533582950d148b5161a36c",
    893           "android_audio",
    894           "7d759436f2533582950d148b5161a36c"),
    895       AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    896           "fc68a87e1380614e658087cb35d5ca10",
    897           "android_payload",
    898           "fc68a87e1380614e658087cb35d5ca10"),
    899       50,
    900       test::AcmReceiveTest::kMonoOutput);
    901 }
    903 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(G722_stereo_20ms)) {
    905       SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kG722_2ch, 2, 119, 320, 160));
    906   Run(AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    907           "7190ee718ab3d80eca181e5f7140c210",
    908           "android_audio",
    909           "7190ee718ab3d80eca181e5f7140c210"),
    910       AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    911           "66516152eeaa1e650ad94ff85f668dac",
    912           "android_payload",
    913           "66516152eeaa1e650ad94ff85f668dac"),
    914       50,
    915       test::AcmReceiveTest::kStereoOutput);
    916 }
    918 TEST_F(AcmSenderBitExactness, Opus_stereo_20ms) {
    919   ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(SetUpTest(acm2::ACMCodecDB::kOpus, 2, 120, 960, 960));
    920   Run(AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    921           "855041f2490b887302bce9d544731849",
    922           "1e1a0fce893fef2d66886a7f09e2ebce",
    923           "855041f2490b887302bce9d544731849"),
    924       AcmReceiverBitExactness::PlatformChecksum(
    925           "d781cce1ab986b618d0da87226cdde30",
    926           "1a1fe04dd12e755949987c8d729fb3e0",
    927           "d781cce1ab986b618d0da87226cdde30"),
    928       50,
    929       test::AcmReceiveTest::kStereoOutput);
    930 }
    932 }  // namespace webrtc