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      1 // Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef V8_BAILOUT_REASON_H_
      6 #define V8_BAILOUT_REASON_H_
      8 namespace v8 {
      9 namespace internal {
     11 #define ERROR_MESSAGES_LIST(V)                                                 \
     12   V(kNoReason, "no reason")                                                    \
     13                                                                                \
     14   V(k32BitValueInRegisterIsNotZeroExtended,                                    \
     15     "32 bit value in register is not zero-extended")                           \
     16   V(kAlignmentMarkerExpected, "Alignment marker expected")                     \
     17   V(kAllocationIsNotDoubleAligned, "Allocation is not double aligned")         \
     18   V(kAPICallReturnedInvalidObject, "API call returned invalid object")         \
     19   V(kArgumentsObjectValueInATestContext,                                       \
     20     "Arguments object value in a test context")                                \
     21   V(kArrayBoilerplateCreationFailed, "Array boilerplate creation failed")      \
     22   V(kArrayIndexConstantValueTooBig, "Array index constant value too big")      \
     23   V(kAssignmentToArguments, "Assignment to arguments")                         \
     24   V(kAssignmentToLetVariableBeforeInitialization,                              \
     25     "Assignment to let variable before initialization")                        \
     26   V(kAssignmentToLOOKUPVariable, "Assignment to LOOKUP variable")              \
     27   V(kAssignmentToParameterFunctionUsesArgumentsObject,                         \
     28     "Assignment to parameter, function uses arguments object")                 \
     29   V(kAssignmentToParameterInArgumentsObject,                                   \
     30     "Assignment to parameter in arguments object")                             \
     31   V(kAttemptToUseUndefinedCache, "Attempt to use undefined cache")             \
     32   V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsObjectValue,                                   \
     33     "Bad value context for arguments object value")                            \
     34   V(kBadValueContextForArgumentsValue,                                         \
     35     "Bad value context for arguments value")                                   \
     36   V(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange, "Bailed out due to dependency change")    \
     37   V(kBailoutWasNotPrepared, "Bailout was not prepared")                        \
     38   V(kBinaryStubGenerateFloatingPointCode,                                      \
     39     "BinaryStub_GenerateFloatingPointCode")                                    \
     40   V(kBothRegistersWereSmisInSelectNonSmi,                                      \
     41     "Both registers were smis in SelectNonSmi")                                \
     42   V(kCallToAJavaScriptRuntimeFunction,                                         \
     43     "Call to a JavaScript runtime function")                                   \
     44   V(kCannotTranslatePositionInChangedArea,                                     \
     45     "Cannot translate position in changed area")                               \
     46   V(kClassLiteral, "Class literal")                                            \
     47   V(kCodeGenerationFailed, "Code generation failed")                           \
     48   V(kCodeObjectNotProperlyPatched, "Code object not properly patched")         \
     49   V(kCompoundAssignmentToLookupSlot, "Compound assignment to lookup slot")     \
     50   V(kContextAllocatedArguments, "Context-allocated arguments")                 \
     51   V(kCopyBuffersOverlap, "Copy buffers overlap")                               \
     52   V(kCouldNotGenerateZero, "Could not generate +0.0")                          \
     53   V(kCouldNotGenerateNegativeZero, "Could not generate -0.0")                  \
     54   V(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints, "Debugger has break points")                      \
     55   V(kDebuggerStatement, "DebuggerStatement")                                   \
     56   V(kDeclarationInCatchContext, "Declaration in catch context")                \
     57   V(kDeclarationInWithContext, "Declaration in with context")                  \
     58   V(kDefaultNaNModeNotSet, "Default NaN mode not set")                         \
     59   V(kDeleteWithGlobalVariable, "Delete with global variable")                  \
     60   V(kDeleteWithNonGlobalVariable, "Delete with non-global variable")           \
     61   V(kDestinationOfCopyNotAligned, "Destination of copy not aligned")           \
     62   V(kDontDeleteCellsCannotContainTheHole,                                      \
     63     "DontDelete cells can't contain the hole")                                 \
     64   V(kDoPushArgumentNotImplementedForDoubleType,                                \
     65     "DoPushArgument not implemented for double type")                          \
     66   V(kEliminatedBoundsCheckFailed, "Eliminated bounds check failed")            \
     67   V(kEmitLoadRegisterUnsupportedDoubleImmediate,                               \
     68     "EmitLoadRegister: Unsupported double immediate")                          \
     69   V(kEval, "eval")                                                             \
     70   V(kExpected0AsASmiSentinel, "Expected 0 as a Smi sentinel")                  \
     71   V(kExpectedAlignmentMarker, "Expected alignment marker")                     \
     72   V(kExpectedAllocationSite, "Expected allocation site")                       \
     73   V(kExpectedFunctionObject, "Expected function object in register")           \
     74   V(kExpectedHeapNumber, "Expected HeapNumber")                                \
     75   V(kExpectedNativeContext, "Expected native context")                         \
     76   V(kExpectedNonIdenticalObjects, "Expected non-identical objects")            \
     77   V(kExpectedNonNullContext, "Expected non-null context")                      \
     78   V(kExpectedPositiveZero, "Expected +0.0")                                    \
     79   V(kExpectedAllocationSiteInCell, "Expected AllocationSite in property cell") \
     80   V(kExpectedFixedArrayInFeedbackVector,                                       \
     81     "Expected fixed array in feedback vector")                                 \
     82   V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterA2, "Expected fixed array in register a2")    \
     83   V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterEbx, "Expected fixed array in register ebx")  \
     84   V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterR2, "Expected fixed array in register r2")    \
     85   V(kExpectedFixedArrayInRegisterRbx, "Expected fixed array in register rbx")  \
     86   V(kExpectedNewSpaceObject, "Expected new space object")                      \
     87   V(kExpectedSmiOrHeapNumber, "Expected smi or HeapNumber")                    \
     88   V(kExpectedUndefinedOrCell, "Expected undefined or cell in register")        \
     89   V(kExpectingAlignmentForCopyBytes, "Expecting alignment for CopyBytes")      \
     90   V(kExportDeclaration, "Export declaration")                                  \
     91   V(kExternalStringExpectedButNotFound,                                        \
     92     "External string expected, but not found")                                 \
     93   V(kFailedBailedOutLastTime, "Failed/bailed out last time")                   \
     94   V(kForInStatementIsNotFastCase, "ForInStatement is not fast case")           \
     95   V(kForInStatementOptimizationIsDisabled,                                     \
     96     "ForInStatement optimization is disabled")                                 \
     97   V(kForInStatementWithNonLocalEachVariable,                                   \
     98     "ForInStatement with non-local each variable")                             \
     99   V(kForOfStatement, "ForOfStatement")                                         \
    100   V(kFrameIsExpectedToBeAligned, "Frame is expected to be aligned")            \
    101   V(kFunctionCallsEval, "Function calls eval")                                 \
    102   V(kFunctionIsAGenerator, "Function is a generator")                          \
    103   V(kFunctionWithIllegalRedeclaration, "Function with illegal redeclaration")  \
    104   V(kGeneratedCodeIsTooLarge, "Generated code is too large")                   \
    105   V(kGeneratorFailedToResume, "Generator failed to resume")                    \
    106   V(kGenerator, "Generator")                                                   \
    107   V(kGlobalFunctionsMustHaveInitialMap,                                        \
    108     "Global functions must have initial map")                                  \
    109   V(kHeapNumberMapRegisterClobbered, "HeapNumberMap register clobbered")       \
    110   V(kHydrogenFilter, "Optimization disabled by filter")                        \
    111   V(kImportDeclaration, "Import declaration")                                  \
    112   V(kImproperObjectOnPrototypeChainForStore,                                   \
    113     "Improper object on prototype chain for store")                            \
    114   V(kIndexIsNegative, "Index is negative")                                     \
    115   V(kIndexIsTooLarge, "Index is too large")                                    \
    116   V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionClassOf, "Inlined runtime function: ClassOf")       \
    117   V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionFastOneByteArrayJoin,                               \
    118     "Inlined runtime function: FastOneByteArrayJoin")                          \
    119   V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGeneratorNext,                                      \
    120     "Inlined runtime function: GeneratorNext")                                 \
    121   V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGeneratorThrow,                                     \
    122     "Inlined runtime function: GeneratorThrow")                                \
    123   V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionGetFromCache,                                       \
    124     "Inlined runtime function: GetFromCache")                                  \
    125   V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionIsNonNegativeSmi,                                   \
    126     "Inlined runtime function: IsNonNegativeSmi")                              \
    127   V(kInlinedRuntimeFunctionIsStringWrapperSafeForDefaultValueOf,               \
    128     "Inlined runtime function: IsStringWrapperSafeForDefaultValueOf")          \
    129   V(kInliningBailedOut, "Inlining bailed out")                                 \
    130   V(kInputGPRIsExpectedToHaveUpper32Cleared,                                   \
    131     "Input GPR is expected to have upper32 cleared")                           \
    132   V(kInputStringTooLong, "Input string too long")                              \
    133   V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCheck,                               \
    134     "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (check)")                       \
    135   V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCmp1,                                \
    136     "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (cmp 1)")                       \
    137   V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheCmp2,                                \
    138     "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (cmp 2)")                       \
    139   V(kInstanceofStubUnexpectedCallSiteCacheMov,                                 \
    140     "InstanceofStub unexpected call site cache (mov)")                         \
    141   V(kInteger32ToSmiFieldWritingToNonSmiLocation,                               \
    142     "Integer32ToSmiField writing to non-smi location")                         \
    143   V(kInvalidCaptureReferenced, "Invalid capture referenced")                   \
    144   V(kInvalidElementsKindForInternalArrayOrInternalPackedArray,                 \
    145     "Invalid ElementsKind for InternalArray or InternalPackedArray")           \
    146   V(kInvalidFullCodegenState, "invalid full-codegen state")                    \
    147   V(kInvalidHandleScopeLevel, "Invalid HandleScope level")                     \
    148   V(kInvalidLeftHandSideInAssignment, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment")  \
    149   V(kInvalidLhsInCompoundAssignment, "Invalid lhs in compound assignment")     \
    150   V(kInvalidLhsInCountOperation, "Invalid lhs in count operation")             \
    151   V(kInvalidMinLength, "Invalid min_length")                                   \
    152   V(kJSGlobalObjectNativeContextShouldBeANativeContext,                        \
    153     "JSGlobalObject::native_context should be a native context")               \
    154   V(kJSGlobalProxyContextShouldNotBeNull,                                      \
    155     "JSGlobalProxy::context() should not be null")                             \
    156   V(kJSObjectWithFastElementsMapHasSlowElements,                               \
    157     "JSObject with fast elements map has slow elements")                       \
    158   V(kLetBindingReInitialization, "Let binding re-initialization")              \
    159   V(kLhsHasBeenClobbered, "lhs has been clobbered")                            \
    160   V(kLiveBytesCountOverflowChunkSize, "Live Bytes Count overflow chunk size")  \
    161   V(kLiveEdit, "LiveEdit")                                                     \
    162   V(kLookupVariableInCountOperation, "Lookup variable in count operation")     \
    163   V(kMapBecameDeprecated, "Map became deprecated")                             \
    164   V(kMapBecameUnstable, "Map became unstable")                                 \
    165   V(kMapIsNoLongerInEax, "Map is no longer in eax")                            \
    166   V(kModuleDeclaration, "Module declaration")                                  \
    167   V(kModuleLiteral, "Module literal")                                          \
    168   V(kModulePath, "Module path")                                                \
    169   V(kModuleStatement, "Module statement")                                      \
    170   V(kModuleVariable, "Module variable")                                        \
    171   V(kModuleUrl, "Module url")                                                  \
    172   V(kNativeFunctionLiteral, "Native function literal")                         \
    173   V(kSuperReference, "Super reference")                                        \
    174   V(kNeedSmiLiteral, "Need a Smi literal here")                                \
    175   V(kNoCasesLeft, "No cases left")                                             \
    176   V(kNoEmptyArraysHereInEmitFastOneByteArrayJoin,                              \
    177     "No empty arrays here in EmitFastOneByteArrayJoin")                        \
    178   V(kNonInitializerAssignmentToConst, "Non-initializer assignment to const")   \
    179   V(kNonSmiIndex, "Non-smi index")                                             \
    180   V(kNonSmiKeyInArrayLiteral, "Non-smi key in array literal")                  \
    181   V(kNonSmiValue, "Non-smi value")                                             \
    182   V(kNonObject, "Non-object value")                                            \
    183   V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues,                                       \
    184     "Not enough virtual registers for values")                                 \
    185   V(kNotEnoughSpillSlotsForOsr, "Not enough spill slots for OSR")              \
    186   V(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc,                                        \
    187     "Not enough virtual registers (regalloc)")                                 \
    188   V(kObjectFoundInSmiOnlyArray, "Object found in smi-only array")              \
    189   V(kObjectLiteralWithComplexProperty, "Object literal with complex property") \
    190   V(kOddballInStringTableIsNotUndefinedOrTheHole,                              \
    191     "Oddball in string table is not undefined or the hole")                    \
    192   V(kOffsetOutOfRange, "Offset out of range")                                  \
    193   V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAName, "Operand is a smi and not a name")              \
    194   V(kOperandIsASmiAndNotAString, "Operand is a smi and not a string")          \
    195   V(kOperandIsASmi, "Operand is a smi")                                        \
    196   V(kOperandIsNotAName, "Operand is not a name")                               \
    197   V(kOperandIsNotANumber, "Operand is not a number")                           \
    198   V(kOperandIsNotASmi, "Operand is not a smi")                                 \
    199   V(kOperandIsNotAString, "Operand is not a string")                           \
    200   V(kOperandIsNotSmi, "Operand is not smi")                                    \
    201   V(kOperandNotANumber, "Operand not a number")                                \
    202   V(kObjectTagged, "The object is tagged")                                     \
    203   V(kObjectNotTagged, "The object is not tagged")                              \
    204   V(kOptimizationDisabled, "Optimization is disabled")                         \
    205   V(kOptimizedTooManyTimes, "Optimized too many times")                        \
    206   V(kOutOfVirtualRegistersWhileTryingToAllocateTempRegister,                   \
    207     "Out of virtual registers while trying to allocate temp register")         \
    208   V(kParseScopeError, "Parse/scope error")                                     \
    209   V(kPossibleDirectCallToEval, "Possible direct call to eval")                 \
    210   V(kPreconditionsWereNotMet, "Preconditions were not met")                    \
    211   V(kPropertyAllocationCountFailed, "Property allocation count failed")        \
    212   V(kReceivedInvalidReturnAddress, "Received invalid return address")          \
    213   V(kReferenceToAVariableWhichRequiresDynamicLookup,                           \
    214     "Reference to a variable which requires dynamic lookup")                   \
    215   V(kReferenceToGlobalLexicalVariable, "Reference to global lexical variable") \
    216   V(kReferenceToUninitializedVariable, "Reference to uninitialized variable")  \
    217   V(kRegisterDidNotMatchExpectedRoot, "Register did not match expected root")  \
    218   V(kRegisterWasClobbered, "Register was clobbered")                           \
    219   V(kRememberedSetPointerInNewSpace, "Remembered set pointer is in new space") \
    220   V(kReturnAddressNotFoundInFrame, "Return address not found in frame")        \
    221   V(kRhsHasBeenClobbered, "Rhs has been clobbered")                            \
    222   V(kScopedBlock, "ScopedBlock")                                               \
    223   V(kSmiAdditionOverflow, "Smi addition overflow")                             \
    224   V(kSmiSubtractionOverflow, "Smi subtraction overflow")                       \
    225   V(kStackAccessBelowStackPointer, "Stack access below stack pointer")         \
    226   V(kStackFrameTypesMustMatch, "Stack frame types must match")                 \
    227   V(kTheCurrentStackPointerIsBelowCsp,                                         \
    228     "The current stack pointer is below csp")                                  \
    229   V(kTheInstructionShouldBeALui, "The instruction should be a lui")            \
    230   V(kTheInstructionShouldBeAnOri, "The instruction should be an ori")          \
    231   V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeALoadFromConstantPool,                       \
    232     "The instruction to patch should be a load from the constant pool")        \
    233   V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeAnLdrLiteral,                                \
    234     "The instruction to patch should be a ldr literal")                        \
    235   V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeALui,                                        \
    236     "The instruction to patch should be a lui")                                \
    237   V(kTheInstructionToPatchShouldBeAnOri,                                       \
    238     "The instruction to patch should be an ori")                               \
    239   V(kTheSourceAndDestinationAreTheSame,                                        \
    240     "The source and destination are the same")                                 \
    241   V(kTheStackPointerIsNotAligned, "The stack pointer is not aligned.")         \
    242   V(kTheStackWasCorruptedByMacroAssemblerCall,                                 \
    243     "The stack was corrupted by MacroAssembler::Call()")                       \
    244   V(kTooManyParametersLocals, "Too many parameters/locals")                    \
    245   V(kTooManyParameters, "Too many parameters")                                 \
    246   V(kTooManySpillSlotsNeededForOSR, "Too many spill slots needed for OSR")     \
    247   V(kToOperand32UnsupportedImmediate, "ToOperand32 unsupported immediate.")    \
    248   V(kToOperandIsDoubleRegisterUnimplemented,                                   \
    249     "ToOperand IsDoubleRegister unimplemented")                                \
    250   V(kToOperandUnsupportedDoubleImmediate,                                      \
    251     "ToOperand Unsupported double immediate")                                  \
    252   V(kTryCatchStatement, "TryCatchStatement")                                   \
    253   V(kTryFinallyStatement, "TryFinallyStatement")                               \
    254   V(kUnableToEncodeValueAsSmi, "Unable to encode value as smi")                \
    255   V(kUnalignedAllocationInNewSpace, "Unaligned allocation in new space")       \
    256   V(kUnalignedCellInWriteBarrier, "Unaligned cell in write barrier")           \
    257   V(kUndefinedValueNotLoaded, "Undefined value not loaded")                    \
    258   V(kUndoAllocationOfNonAllocatedMemory,                                       \
    259     "Undo allocation of non allocated memory")                                 \
    260   V(kUnexpectedAllocationTop, "Unexpected allocation top")                     \
    261   V(kUnexpectedColorFound, "Unexpected color bit pattern found")               \
    262   V(kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor,                                 \
    263     "Unexpected ElementsKind in array constructor")                            \
    264   V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase,                              \
    265     "Unexpected fallthrough from CharCodeAt slow case")                        \
    266   V(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharFromCodeSlowCase,                            \
    267     "Unexpected fallthrough from CharFromCode slow case")                      \
    268   V(kUnexpectedFallThroughFromStringComparison,                                \
    269     "Unexpected fall-through from string comparison")                          \
    270   V(kUnexpectedFallThroughInBinaryStubGenerateFloatingPointCode,               \
    271     "Unexpected fall-through in BinaryStub_GenerateFloatingPointCode")         \
    272   V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase,                                \
    273     "Unexpected fallthrough to CharCodeAt slow case")                          \
    274   V(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharFromCodeSlowCase,                              \
    275     "Unexpected fallthrough to CharFromCode slow case")                        \
    276   V(kUnexpectedFPUStackDepthAfterInstruction,                                  \
    277     "Unexpected FPU stack depth after instruction")                            \
    278   V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction1,                                    \
    279     "Unexpected initial map for Array function (1)")                           \
    280   V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction2,                                    \
    281     "Unexpected initial map for Array function (2)")                           \
    282   V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction,                                     \
    283     "Unexpected initial map for Array function")                               \
    284   V(kUnexpectedInitialMapForInternalArrayFunction,                             \
    285     "Unexpected initial map for InternalArray function")                       \
    286   V(kUnexpectedLevelAfterReturnFromApiCall,                                    \
    287     "Unexpected level after return from api call")                             \
    288   V(kUnexpectedNegativeValue, "Unexpected negative value")                     \
    289   V(kUnexpectedNumberOfPreAllocatedPropertyFields,                             \
    290     "Unexpected number of pre-allocated property fields")                      \
    291   V(kUnexpectedFPCRMode, "Unexpected FPCR mode.")                              \
    292   V(kUnexpectedSmi, "Unexpected smi value")                                    \
    293   V(kUnexpectedStringFunction, "Unexpected String function")                   \
    294   V(kUnexpectedStringType, "Unexpected string type")                           \
    295   V(kUnexpectedStringWrapperInstanceSize,                                      \
    296     "Unexpected string wrapper instance size")                                 \
    297   V(kUnexpectedTypeForRegExpDataFixedArrayExpected,                            \
    298     "Unexpected type for RegExp data, FixedArray expected")                    \
    299   V(kUnexpectedValue, "Unexpected value")                                      \
    300   V(kUnexpectedUnusedPropertiesOfStringWrapper,                                \
    301     "Unexpected unused properties of string wrapper")                          \
    302   V(kUnimplemented, "unimplemented")                                           \
    303   V(kUninitializedKSmiConstantRegister, "Uninitialized kSmiConstantRegister")  \
    304   V(kUnknown, "Unknown")                                                       \
    305   V(kUnsupportedConstCompoundAssignment,                                       \
    306     "Unsupported const compound assignment")                                   \
    307   V(kUnsupportedCountOperationWithConst,                                       \
    308     "Unsupported count operation with const")                                  \
    309   V(kUnsupportedDoubleImmediate, "Unsupported double immediate")               \
    310   V(kUnsupportedLetCompoundAssignment, "Unsupported let compound assignment")  \
    311   V(kUnsupportedLookupSlotInDeclaration,                                       \
    312     "Unsupported lookup slot in declaration")                                  \
    313   V(kUnsupportedNonPrimitiveCompare, "Unsupported non-primitive compare")      \
    314   V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfArguments, "Unsupported phi use of arguments")         \
    315   V(kUnsupportedPhiUseOfConstVariable,                                         \
    316     "Unsupported phi use of const variable")                                   \
    317   V(kUnsupportedTaggedImmediate, "Unsupported tagged immediate")               \
    318   V(kVariableResolvedToWithContext, "Variable resolved to with context")       \
    319   V(kWeShouldNotHaveAnEmptyLexicalContext,                                     \
    320     "We should not have an empty lexical context")                             \
    321   V(kWithStatement, "WithStatement")                                           \
    322   V(kWrongFunctionContext, "Wrong context passed to function")                 \
    323   V(kWrongAddressOrValuePassedToRecordWrite,                                   \
    324     "Wrong address or value passed to RecordWrite")                            \
    325   V(kYield, "Yield")
    329 enum BailoutReason {
    331 };
    335 const char* GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason reason);
    336 }
    337 }  // namespace v8::internal
    339 #endif  // V8_BAILOUT_REASON_H_