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      1 // Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
      6 #include "src/compiler/ast-graph-builder.h"
      7 #include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
      8 #include "src/compiler/generic-node-inl.h"
      9 #include "src/compiler/graph-inl.h"
     10 #include "src/compiler/graph-visualizer.h"
     11 #include "src/compiler/js-inlining.h"
     12 #include "src/compiler/js-operator.h"
     13 #include "src/compiler/node-aux-data-inl.h"
     14 #include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
     15 #include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
     16 #include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
     17 #include "src/compiler/typer.h"
     18 #include "src/full-codegen.h"
     19 #include "src/parser.h"
     20 #include "src/rewriter.h"
     21 #include "src/scopes.h"
     24 namespace v8 {
     25 namespace internal {
     26 namespace compiler {
     28 class InlinerVisitor : public NullNodeVisitor {
     29  public:
     30   explicit InlinerVisitor(JSInliner* inliner) : inliner_(inliner) {}
     32   GenericGraphVisit::Control Post(Node* node) {
     33     switch (node->opcode()) {
     34       case IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction:
     35         inliner_->TryInlineCall(node);
     36         break;
     37       default:
     38         break;
     39     }
     40     return GenericGraphVisit::CONTINUE;
     41   }
     43  private:
     44   JSInliner* inliner_;
     45 };
     48 void JSInliner::Inline() {
     49   InlinerVisitor visitor(this);
     50   jsgraph_->graph()->VisitNodeInputsFromEnd(&visitor);
     51 }
     54 // TODO(sigurds) Find a home for this function and reuse it everywhere (esp. in
     55 // test cases, where similar code is currently duplicated).
     56 static void Parse(Handle<JSFunction> function, CompilationInfoWithZone* info) {
     57   CHECK(Parser::Parse(info));
     58   CHECK(Rewriter::Rewrite(info));
     59   CHECK(Scope::Analyze(info));
     60   CHECK(Compiler::EnsureDeoptimizationSupport(info));
     61 }
     64 // A facade on a JSFunction's graph to facilitate inlining. It assumes the
     65 // that the function graph has only one return statement, and provides
     66 // {UnifyReturn} to convert a function graph to that end.
     67 class Inlinee {
     68  public:
     69   Inlinee(Node* start, Node* end) : start_(start), end_(end) {}
     71   // Returns the last regular control node, that is
     72   // the last control node before the end node.
     73   Node* end_block() { return NodeProperties::GetControlInput(unique_return()); }
     75   // Return the effect output of the graph,
     76   // that is the effect input of the return statement of the inlinee.
     77   Node* effect_output() {
     78     return NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(unique_return());
     79   }
     80   // Return the value output of the graph,
     81   // that is the value input of the return statement of the inlinee.
     82   Node* value_output() {
     83     return NodeProperties::GetValueInput(unique_return(), 0);
     84   }
     85   // Return the unique return statement of the graph.
     86   Node* unique_return() {
     87     Node* unique_return = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(end_);
     88     DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kReturn, unique_return->opcode());
     89     return unique_return;
     90   }
     92   // Counts JSFunction, Receiver, arguments, context but not effect, control.
     93   size_t total_parameters() { return start_->op()->OutputCount(); }
     95   // Counts only formal parameters.
     96   size_t formal_parameters() {
     97     DCHECK_GE(total_parameters(), 3);
     98     return total_parameters() - 3;
     99   }
    101   // Inline this graph at {call}, use {jsgraph} and its zone to create
    102   // any new nodes.
    103   void InlineAtCall(JSGraph* jsgraph, Node* call);
    105   // Ensure that only a single return reaches the end node.
    106   static void UnifyReturn(JSGraph* jsgraph);
    108  private:
    109   Node* start_;
    110   Node* end_;
    111 };
    114 void Inlinee::UnifyReturn(JSGraph* jsgraph) {
    115   Graph* graph = jsgraph->graph();
    117   Node* final_merge = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(graph->end(), 0);
    118   if (final_merge->opcode() == IrOpcode::kReturn) {
    119     // nothing to do
    120     return;
    121   }
    122   DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kMerge, final_merge->opcode());
    124   int predecessors =
    125       OperatorProperties::GetControlInputCount(final_merge->op());
    127   const Operator* op_phi = jsgraph->common()->Phi(kMachAnyTagged, predecessors);
    128   const Operator* op_ephi = jsgraph->common()->EffectPhi(predecessors);
    130   NodeVector values(jsgraph->zone());
    131   NodeVector effects(jsgraph->zone());
    132   // Iterate over all control flow predecessors,
    133   // which must be return statements.
    134   InputIter iter = final_merge->inputs().begin();
    135   while (iter != final_merge->inputs().end()) {
    136     Node* input = *iter;
    137     switch (input->opcode()) {
    138       case IrOpcode::kReturn:
    139         values.push_back(NodeProperties::GetValueInput(input, 0));
    140         effects.push_back(NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(input));
    141         iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(NodeProperties::GetControlInput(input));
    142         input->RemoveAllInputs();
    143         break;
    144       default:
    145         UNREACHABLE();
    146         ++iter;
    147         break;
    148     }
    149   }
    150   values.push_back(final_merge);
    151   effects.push_back(final_merge);
    152   Node* phi =
    153       graph->NewNode(op_phi, static_cast<int>(values.size()), &values.front());
    154   Node* ephi = graph->NewNode(op_ephi, static_cast<int>(effects.size()),
    155                               &effects.front());
    156   Node* new_return =
    157       graph->NewNode(jsgraph->common()->Return(), phi, ephi, final_merge);
    158   graph->end()->ReplaceInput(0, new_return);
    159 }
    162 class CopyVisitor : public NullNodeVisitor {
    163  public:
    164   CopyVisitor(Graph* source_graph, Graph* target_graph, Zone* temp_zone)
    165       : copies_(source_graph->NodeCount(), NULL, temp_zone),
    166         sentinels_(source_graph->NodeCount(), NULL, temp_zone),
    167         source_graph_(source_graph),
    168         target_graph_(target_graph),
    169         temp_zone_(temp_zone),
    170         sentinel_op_(IrOpcode::kDead, Operator::kNoProperties, 0, 0,
    171                      "sentinel") {}
    173   GenericGraphVisit::Control Post(Node* original) {
    174     NodeVector inputs(temp_zone_);
    175     for (InputIter it = original->inputs().begin();
    176          it != original->inputs().end(); ++it) {
    177       inputs.push_back(GetCopy(*it));
    178     }
    180     // Reuse the operator in the copy. This assumes that op lives in a zone
    181     // that lives longer than graph()'s zone.
    182     Node* copy =
    183         target_graph_->NewNode(original->op(), static_cast<int>(inputs.size()),
    184                                (inputs.empty() ? NULL : &inputs.front()));
    185     copies_[original->id()] = copy;
    186     return GenericGraphVisit::CONTINUE;
    187   }
    189   Node* GetCopy(Node* original) {
    190     Node* copy = copies_[original->id()];
    191     if (copy == NULL) {
    192       copy = GetSentinel(original);
    193     }
    194     DCHECK_NE(NULL, copy);
    195     return copy;
    196   }
    198   void CopyGraph() {
    199     source_graph_->VisitNodeInputsFromEnd(this);
    200     ReplaceSentinels();
    201   }
    203   const NodeVector& copies() { return copies_; }
    205  private:
    206   void ReplaceSentinels() {
    207     for (NodeId id = 0; id < source_graph_->NodeCount(); ++id) {
    208       Node* sentinel = sentinels_[id];
    209       if (sentinel == NULL) continue;
    210       Node* copy = copies_[id];
    211       DCHECK_NE(NULL, copy);
    212       sentinel->ReplaceUses(copy);
    213     }
    214   }
    216   Node* GetSentinel(Node* original) {
    217     Node* sentinel = sentinels_[original->id()];
    218     if (sentinel == NULL) {
    219       sentinel = target_graph_->NewNode(&sentinel_op_);
    220     }
    221     return sentinel;
    222   }
    224   NodeVector copies_;
    225   NodeVector sentinels_;
    226   Graph* source_graph_;
    227   Graph* target_graph_;
    228   Zone* temp_zone_;
    229   SimpleOperator sentinel_op_;
    230 };
    233 void Inlinee::InlineAtCall(JSGraph* jsgraph, Node* call) {
    234   // The scheduler is smart enough to place our code; we just ensure {control}
    235   // becomes the control input of the start of the inlinee.
    236   Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(call);
    238   // The inlinee uses the context from the JSFunction object. This will
    239   // also be the effect dependency for the inlinee as it produces an effect.
    240   SimplifiedOperatorBuilder simplified(jsgraph->zone());
    241   Node* context = jsgraph->graph()->NewNode(
    242       simplified.LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSFunctionContext()),
    243       NodeProperties::GetValueInput(call, 0),
    244       NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(call));
    246   // Context is last argument.
    247   int inlinee_context_index = static_cast<int>(total_parameters()) - 1;
    248   // {inliner_inputs} counts JSFunction, Receiver, arguments, but not
    249   // context, effect, control.
    250   int inliner_inputs = OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(call->op());
    251   // Iterate over all uses of the start node.
    252   UseIter iter = start_->uses().begin();
    253   while (iter != start_->uses().end()) {
    254     Node* use = *iter;
    255     switch (use->opcode()) {
    256       case IrOpcode::kParameter: {
    257         int index = 1 + OpParameter<int>(use->op());
    258         if (index < inliner_inputs && index < inlinee_context_index) {
    259           // There is an input from the call, and the index is a value
    260           // projection but not the context, so rewire the input.
    261           NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(*iter, call->InputAt(index));
    262         } else if (index == inlinee_context_index) {
    263           // This is the context projection, rewire it to the context from the
    264           // JSFunction object.
    265           NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(*iter, context);
    266         } else if (index < inlinee_context_index) {
    267           // Call has fewer arguments than required, fill with undefined.
    268           NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(*iter, jsgraph->UndefinedConstant());
    269         } else {
    270           // We got too many arguments, discard for now.
    271           // TODO(sigurds): Fix to treat arguments array correctly.
    272         }
    273         ++iter;
    274         break;
    275       }
    276       default:
    277         if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(iter.edge())) {
    278           iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(context);
    279         } else if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(iter.edge())) {
    280           iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(control);
    281         } else {
    282           UNREACHABLE();
    283         }
    284         break;
    285     }
    286   }
    288   // Iterate over all uses of the call node.
    289   iter = call->uses().begin();
    290   while (iter != call->uses().end()) {
    291     if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(iter.edge())) {
    292       iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(effect_output());
    293     } else if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(iter.edge())) {
    294       UNREACHABLE();
    295     } else {
    296       DCHECK(NodeProperties::IsValueEdge(iter.edge()));
    297       iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(value_output());
    298     }
    299   }
    300   call->RemoveAllInputs();
    301   DCHECK_EQ(0, call->UseCount());
    302   // TODO(sigurds) Remove this once we copy.
    303   unique_return()->RemoveAllInputs();
    304 }
    307 // TODO(turbofan) Provide such accessors for every node, possibly even
    308 // generate them.
    309 class JSCallFunctionAccessor {
    310  public:
    311   explicit JSCallFunctionAccessor(Node* call) : call_(call) {
    312     DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction, call->opcode());
    313   }
    315   Node* jsfunction() { return call_->InputAt(0); }
    317   Node* receiver() { return call_->InputAt(1); }
    319   Node* formal_argument(size_t index) {
    320     DCHECK(index < formal_arguments());
    321     return call_->InputAt(static_cast<int>(2 + index));
    322   }
    324   size_t formal_arguments() {
    325     // {value_inputs} includes jsfunction and receiver.
    326     size_t value_inputs = OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(call_->op());
    327     DCHECK_GE(call_->InputCount(), 2);
    328     return value_inputs - 2;
    329   }
    331   Node* frame_state() { return NodeProperties::GetFrameStateInput(call_); }
    333  private:
    334   Node* call_;
    335 };
    338 void JSInliner::AddClosureToFrameState(Node* frame_state,
    339                                        Handle<JSFunction> jsfunction) {
    340   FrameStateCallInfo call_info = OpParameter<FrameStateCallInfo>(frame_state);
    341   const Operator* op = jsgraph_->common()->FrameState(
    342       FrameStateType::JS_FRAME, call_info.bailout_id(),
    343       call_info.state_combine(), jsfunction);
    344   frame_state->set_op(op);
    345 }
    348 Node* JSInliner::CreateArgumentsAdaptorFrameState(JSCallFunctionAccessor* call,
    349                                                   Handle<JSFunction> jsfunction,
    350                                                   Zone* temp_zone) {
    351   const Operator* op =
    352       jsgraph_->common()->FrameState(FrameStateType::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR,
    353                                      BailoutId(-1), kIgnoreOutput, jsfunction);
    354   const Operator* op0 = jsgraph_->common()->StateValues(0);
    355   Node* node0 = jsgraph_->graph()->NewNode(op0);
    356   NodeVector params(temp_zone);
    357   params.push_back(call->receiver());
    358   for (size_t argument = 0; argument != call->formal_arguments(); ++argument) {
    359     params.push_back(call->formal_argument(argument));
    360   }
    361   const Operator* op_param =
    362       jsgraph_->common()->StateValues(static_cast<int>(params.size()));
    363   Node* params_node = jsgraph_->graph()->NewNode(
    364       op_param, static_cast<int>(params.size()), &params.front());
    365   return jsgraph_->graph()->NewNode(op, params_node, node0, node0,
    366                                     jsgraph_->UndefinedConstant(),
    367                                     call->frame_state());
    368 }
    371 void JSInliner::TryInlineCall(Node* call_node) {
    372   JSCallFunctionAccessor call(call_node);
    374   HeapObjectMatcher<JSFunction> match(call.jsfunction());
    375   if (!match.HasValue()) {
    376     return;
    377   }
    379   Handle<JSFunction> function = match.Value().handle();
    381   if (function->shared()->native()) {
    382     if (FLAG_trace_turbo_inlining) {
    383       SmartArrayPointer<char> name =
    384           function->shared()->DebugName()->ToCString();
    385       PrintF("Not Inlining %s into %s because inlinee is native\n", name.get(),
    386              info_->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString().get());
    387     }
    388     return;
    389   }
    391   CompilationInfoWithZone info(function);
    392   Parse(function, &info);
    394   if (info.scope()->arguments() != NULL) {
    395     // For now do not inline functions that use their arguments array.
    396     SmartArrayPointer<char> name = function->shared()->DebugName()->ToCString();
    397     if (FLAG_trace_turbo_inlining) {
    398       PrintF(
    399           "Not Inlining %s into %s because inlinee uses arguments "
    400           "array\n",
    401           name.get(), info_->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString().get());
    402     }
    403     return;
    404   }
    406   if (FLAG_trace_turbo_inlining) {
    407     SmartArrayPointer<char> name = function->shared()->DebugName()->ToCString();
    408     PrintF("Inlining %s into %s\n", name.get(),
    409            info_->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString().get());
    410   }
    412   Graph graph(info.zone());
    413   Typer typer(info.zone());
    414   JSGraph jsgraph(&graph, jsgraph_->common(), jsgraph_->javascript(), &typer,
    415                   jsgraph_->machine());
    417   AstGraphBuilder graph_builder(&info, &jsgraph);
    418   graph_builder.CreateGraph();
    419   Inlinee::UnifyReturn(&jsgraph);
    421   CopyVisitor visitor(&graph, jsgraph_->graph(), info.zone());
    422   visitor.CopyGraph();
    424   Inlinee inlinee(visitor.GetCopy(graph.start()), visitor.GetCopy(graph.end()));
    426   Node* outer_frame_state = call.frame_state();
    427   // Insert argument adaptor frame if required.
    428   if (call.formal_arguments() != inlinee.formal_parameters()) {
    429     outer_frame_state =
    430         CreateArgumentsAdaptorFrameState(&call, function, info.zone());
    431   }
    433   for (NodeVectorConstIter it = visitor.copies().begin();
    434        it != visitor.copies().end(); ++it) {
    435     Node* node = *it;
    436     if (node != NULL && node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFrameState) {
    437       AddClosureToFrameState(node, function);
    438       NodeProperties::ReplaceFrameStateInput(node, outer_frame_state);
    439     }
    440   }
    442   inlinee.InlineAtCall(jsgraph_, call_node);
    443 }
    444 }
    445 }
    446 }  // namespace v8::internal::compiler