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      1 //===--- CompilationDatabase.cpp - ----------------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 //  This file contains implementations of the CompilationDatabase base class
     11 //  and the FixedCompilationDatabase.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     15 #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
     16 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
     17 #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
     18 #include "clang/Driver/Action.h"
     19 #include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
     20 #include "clang/Driver/Driver.h"
     21 #include "clang/Driver/DriverDiagnostic.h"
     22 #include "clang/Driver/Job.h"
     23 #include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h"
     24 #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabasePluginRegistry.h"
     25 #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
     26 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     27 #include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
     28 #include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
     29 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     30 #include <sstream>
     31 #include <system_error>
     33 namespace clang {
     34 namespace tooling {
     36 CompilationDatabase::~CompilationDatabase() {}
     38 CompilationDatabase *
     39 CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(StringRef BuildDirectory,
     40                                        std::string &ErrorMessage) {
     41   std::stringstream ErrorStream;
     42   for (CompilationDatabasePluginRegistry::iterator
     43        It = CompilationDatabasePluginRegistry::begin(),
     44        Ie = CompilationDatabasePluginRegistry::end();
     45        It != Ie; ++It) {
     46     std::string DatabaseErrorMessage;
     47     std::unique_ptr<CompilationDatabasePlugin> Plugin(It->instantiate());
     48     if (CompilationDatabase *DB =
     49         Plugin->loadFromDirectory(BuildDirectory, DatabaseErrorMessage))
     50       return DB;
     51     else
     52       ErrorStream << It->getName() << ": " << DatabaseErrorMessage << "\n";
     53   }
     54   ErrorMessage = ErrorStream.str();
     55   return nullptr;
     56 }
     58 static CompilationDatabase *
     59 findCompilationDatabaseFromDirectory(StringRef Directory,
     60                                      std::string &ErrorMessage) {
     61   std::stringstream ErrorStream;
     62   bool HasErrorMessage = false;
     63   while (!Directory.empty()) {
     64     std::string LoadErrorMessage;
     66     if (CompilationDatabase *DB =
     67            CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(Directory, LoadErrorMessage))
     68       return DB;
     70     if (!HasErrorMessage) {
     71       ErrorStream << "No compilation database found in " << Directory.str()
     72                   << " or any parent directory\n" << LoadErrorMessage;
     73       HasErrorMessage = true;
     74     }
     76     Directory = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(Directory);
     77   }
     78   ErrorMessage = ErrorStream.str();
     79   return nullptr;
     80 }
     82 CompilationDatabase *
     83 CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromSource(StringRef SourceFile,
     84                                           std::string &ErrorMessage) {
     85   SmallString<1024> AbsolutePath(getAbsolutePath(SourceFile));
     86   StringRef Directory = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(AbsolutePath);
     88   CompilationDatabase *DB = findCompilationDatabaseFromDirectory(Directory,
     89                                                                  ErrorMessage);
     91   if (!DB)
     92     ErrorMessage = ("Could not auto-detect compilation database for file \"" +
     93                    SourceFile + "\"\n" + ErrorMessage).str();
     94   return DB;
     95 }
     97 CompilationDatabase *
     98 CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromDirectory(StringRef SourceDir,
     99                                              std::string &ErrorMessage) {
    100   SmallString<1024> AbsolutePath(getAbsolutePath(SourceDir));
    102   CompilationDatabase *DB = findCompilationDatabaseFromDirectory(AbsolutePath,
    103                                                                  ErrorMessage);
    105   if (!DB)
    106     ErrorMessage = ("Could not auto-detect compilation database from directory \"" +
    107                    SourceDir + "\"\n" + ErrorMessage).str();
    108   return DB;
    109 }
    111 CompilationDatabasePlugin::~CompilationDatabasePlugin() {}
    113 // Helper for recursively searching through a chain of actions and collecting
    114 // all inputs, direct and indirect, of compile jobs.
    115 struct CompileJobAnalyzer {
    116   void run(const driver::Action *A) {
    117     runImpl(A, false);
    118   }
    120   SmallVector<std::string, 2> Inputs;
    122 private:
    124   void runImpl(const driver::Action *A, bool Collect) {
    125     bool CollectChildren = Collect;
    126     switch (A->getKind()) {
    127     case driver::Action::CompileJobClass:
    128       CollectChildren = true;
    129       break;
    131     case driver::Action::InputClass: {
    132       if (Collect) {
    133         const driver::InputAction *IA = cast<driver::InputAction>(A);
    134         Inputs.push_back(IA->getInputArg().getSpelling());
    135       }
    136     } break;
    138     default:
    139       // Don't care about others
    140       ;
    141     }
    143     for (driver::ActionList::const_iterator I = A->begin(), E = A->end();
    144          I != E; ++I)
    145       runImpl(*I, CollectChildren);
    146   }
    147 };
    149 // Special DiagnosticConsumer that looks for warn_drv_input_file_unused
    150 // diagnostics from the driver and collects the option strings for those unused
    151 // options.
    152 class UnusedInputDiagConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
    153 public:
    154   UnusedInputDiagConsumer() : Other(nullptr) {}
    156   // Useful for debugging, chain diagnostics to another consumer after
    157   // recording for our own purposes.
    158   UnusedInputDiagConsumer(DiagnosticConsumer *Other) : Other(Other) {}
    160   virtual void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,
    161                                 const Diagnostic &Info) override {
    162     if (Info.getID() == clang::diag::warn_drv_input_file_unused) {
    163       // Arg 1 for this diagnostic is the option that didn't get used.
    164       UnusedInputs.push_back(Info.getArgStdStr(0));
    165     }
    166     if (Other)
    167       Other->HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
    168   }
    170   DiagnosticConsumer *Other;
    171   SmallVector<std::string, 2> UnusedInputs;
    172 };
    174 // Unary functor for asking "Given a StringRef S1, does there exist a string
    175 // S2 in Arr where S1 == S2?"
    176 struct MatchesAny {
    177   MatchesAny(ArrayRef<std::string> Arr) : Arr(Arr) {}
    178   bool operator() (StringRef S) {
    179     for (const std::string *I = Arr.begin(), *E = Arr.end(); I != E; ++I)
    180       if (*I == S)
    181         return true;
    182     return false;
    183   }
    184 private:
    185   ArrayRef<std::string> Arr;
    186 };
    188 /// \brief Strips any positional args and possible argv[0] from a command-line
    189 /// provided by the user to construct a FixedCompilationDatabase.
    190 ///
    191 /// FixedCompilationDatabase requires a command line to be in this format as it
    192 /// constructs the command line for each file by appending the name of the file
    193 /// to be compiled. FixedCompilationDatabase also adds its own argv[0] to the
    194 /// start of the command line although its value is not important as it's just
    195 /// ignored by the Driver invoked by the ClangTool using the
    196 /// FixedCompilationDatabase.
    197 ///
    198 /// FIXME: This functionality should probably be made available by
    199 /// clang::driver::Driver although what the interface should look like is not
    200 /// clear.
    201 ///
    202 /// \param[in] Args Args as provided by the user.
    203 /// \return Resulting stripped command line.
    204 ///          \li true if successful.
    205 ///          \li false if \c Args cannot be used for compilation jobs (e.g.
    206 ///          contains an option like -E or -version).
    207 static bool stripPositionalArgs(std::vector<const char *> Args,
    208                                 std::vector<std::string> &Result) {
    209   IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts = new DiagnosticOptions();
    210   UnusedInputDiagConsumer DiagClient;
    211   DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
    212       IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs()),
    213       &*DiagOpts, &DiagClient, false);
    215   // The clang executable path isn't required since the jobs the driver builds
    216   // will not be executed.
    217   std::unique_ptr<driver::Driver> NewDriver(new driver::Driver(
    218       /* ClangExecutable= */ "", llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(),
    219       Diagnostics));
    220   NewDriver->setCheckInputsExist(false);
    222   // This becomes the new argv[0]. The value is actually not important as it
    223   // isn't used for invoking Tools.
    224   Args.insert(Args.begin(), "clang-tool");
    226   // By adding -c, we force the driver to treat compilation as the last phase.
    227   // It will then issue warnings via Diagnostics about un-used options that
    228   // would have been used for linking. If the user provided a compiler name as
    229   // the original argv[0], this will be treated as a linker input thanks to
    230   // insertng a new argv[0] above. All un-used options get collected by
    231   // UnusedInputdiagConsumer and get stripped out later.
    232   Args.push_back("-c");
    234   // Put a dummy C++ file on to ensure there's at least one compile job for the
    235   // driver to construct. If the user specified some other argument that
    236   // prevents compilation, e.g. -E or something like -version, we may still end
    237   // up with no jobs but then this is the user's fault.
    238   Args.push_back("placeholder.cpp");
    240   // Remove -no-integrated-as; it's not used for syntax checking,
    241   // and it confuses targets which don't support this option.
    242   Args.erase(std::remove_if(Args.begin(), Args.end(),
    243                             MatchesAny(std::string("-no-integrated-as"))),
    244              Args.end());
    246   const std::unique_ptr<driver::Compilation> Compilation(
    247       NewDriver->BuildCompilation(Args));
    249   const driver::JobList &Jobs = Compilation->getJobs();
    251   CompileJobAnalyzer CompileAnalyzer;
    253   for (driver::JobList::const_iterator I = Jobs.begin(), E = Jobs.end(); I != E;
    254        ++I) {
    255     if ((*I)->getKind() == driver::Job::CommandClass) {
    256       const driver::Command *Cmd = cast<driver::Command>(*I);
    257       // Collect only for Assemble jobs. If we do all jobs we get duplicates
    258       // since Link jobs point to Assemble jobs as inputs.
    259       if (Cmd->getSource().getKind() == driver::Action::AssembleJobClass)
    260         CompileAnalyzer.run(&Cmd->getSource());
    261     }
    262   }
    264   if (CompileAnalyzer.Inputs.empty()) {
    265     // No compile jobs found.
    266     // FIXME: Emit a warning of some kind?
    267     return false;
    268   }
    270   // Remove all compilation input files from the command line. This is
    271   // necessary so that getCompileCommands() can construct a command line for
    272   // each file.
    273   std::vector<const char *>::iterator End = std::remove_if(
    274       Args.begin(), Args.end(), MatchesAny(CompileAnalyzer.Inputs));
    276   // Remove all inputs deemed unused for compilation.
    277   End = std::remove_if(Args.begin(), End, MatchesAny(DiagClient.UnusedInputs));
    279   // Remove the -c add above as well. It will be at the end right now.
    280   assert(strcmp(*(End - 1), "-c") == 0);
    281   --End;
    283   Result = std::vector<std::string>(Args.begin() + 1, End);
    284   return true;
    285 }
    287 FixedCompilationDatabase *
    288 FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(int &Argc,
    289                                               const char **Argv,
    290                                               Twine Directory) {
    291   const char **DoubleDash = std::find(Argv, Argv + Argc, StringRef("--"));
    292   if (DoubleDash == Argv + Argc)
    293     return nullptr;
    294   std::vector<const char *> CommandLine(DoubleDash + 1, Argv + Argc);
    295   Argc = DoubleDash - Argv;
    297   std::vector<std::string> StrippedArgs;
    298   if (!stripPositionalArgs(CommandLine, StrippedArgs))
    299     return nullptr;
    300   return new FixedCompilationDatabase(Directory, StrippedArgs);
    301 }
    303 FixedCompilationDatabase::
    304 FixedCompilationDatabase(Twine Directory, ArrayRef<std::string> CommandLine) {
    305   std::vector<std::string> ToolCommandLine(1, "clang-tool");
    306   ToolCommandLine.insert(ToolCommandLine.end(),
    307                          CommandLine.begin(), CommandLine.end());
    308   CompileCommands.push_back(
    309       CompileCommand(Directory, std::move(ToolCommandLine)));
    310 }
    312 std::vector<CompileCommand>
    313 FixedCompilationDatabase::getCompileCommands(StringRef FilePath) const {
    314   std::vector<CompileCommand> Result(CompileCommands);
    315   Result[0].CommandLine.push_back(FilePath);
    316   return Result;
    317 }
    319 std::vector<std::string>
    320 FixedCompilationDatabase::getAllFiles() const {
    321   return std::vector<std::string>();
    322 }
    324 std::vector<CompileCommand>
    325 FixedCompilationDatabase::getAllCompileCommands() const {
    326   return std::vector<CompileCommand>();
    327 }
    329 // This anchor is used to force the linker to link in the generated object file
    330 // and thus register the JSONCompilationDatabasePlugin.
    331 extern volatile int JSONAnchorSource;
    332 static int JSONAnchorDest = JSONAnchorSource;
    334 } // end namespace tooling
    335 } // end namespace clang