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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      3 """
      4 Static Analyzer qualification infrastructure.
      6 The goal is to test the analyzer against different projects, check for failures,
      7 compare results, and measure performance.
      9 Repository Directory will contain sources of the projects as well as the 
     10 information on how to build them and the expected output. 
     11 Repository Directory structure:
     12    - ProjectMap file
     13    - Historical Performance Data
     14    - Project Dir1
     15      - ReferenceOutput
     16    - Project Dir2
     17      - ReferenceOutput
     18    ..
     20 To test the build of the analyzer one would:
     21    - Copy over a copy of the Repository Directory. (TODO: Prefer to ensure that 
     22      the build directory does not pollute the repository to min network traffic).
     23    - Build all projects, until error. Produce logs to report errors.
     24    - Compare results.  
     26 The files which should be kept around for failure investigations: 
     27    RepositoryCopy/Project DirI/ScanBuildResults
     28    RepositoryCopy/Project DirI/run_static_analyzer.log      
     30 Assumptions (TODO: shouldn't need to assume these.):   
     31    The script is being run from the Repository Directory.
     32    The compiler for scan-build and scan-build are in the PATH.
     33    export PATH=/Users/zaks/workspace/c2llvm/build/Release+Asserts/bin:$PATH
     35 For more logging, set the  env variables:
     36    zaks:TI zaks$ export CCC_ANALYZER_LOG=1
     37    zaks:TI zaks$ export CCC_ANALYZER_VERBOSE=1
     38 """
     39 import CmpRuns
     41 import os
     42 import csv
     43 import sys
     44 import glob
     45 import math
     46 import shutil
     47 import time
     48 import plistlib
     49 from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError
     51 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     52 # Helper functions.
     53 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     55 def detectCPUs():
     56     """
     57     Detects the number of CPUs on a system. Cribbed from pp.
     58     """
     59     # Linux, Unix and MacOS:
     60     if hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
     61         if os.sysconf_names.has_key("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN"):
     62             # Linux & Unix:
     63             ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
     64             if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0:
     65                 return ncpus
     66         else: # OSX:
     67             return int(capture(['sysctl', '-n', 'hw.ncpu']))
     68     # Windows:
     69     if os.environ.has_key("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"):
     70         ncpus = int(os.environ["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"])
     71         if ncpus > 0:
     72             return ncpus
     73     return 1 # Default
     75 def which(command, paths = None):
     76    """which(command, [paths]) - Look up the given command in the paths string
     77    (or the PATH environment variable, if unspecified)."""
     79    if paths is None:
     80        paths = os.environ.get('PATH','')
     82    # Check for absolute match first.
     83    if os.path.exists(command):
     84        return command
     86    # Would be nice if Python had a lib function for this.
     87    if not paths:
     88        paths = os.defpath
     90    # Get suffixes to search.
     91    # On Cygwin, 'PATHEXT' may exist but it should not be used.
     92    if os.pathsep == ';':
     93        pathext = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(';')
     94    else:
     95        pathext = ['']
     97    # Search the paths...
     98    for path in paths.split(os.pathsep):
     99        for ext in pathext:
    100            p = os.path.join(path, command + ext)
    101            if os.path.exists(p):
    102                return p
    104    return None
    106 # Make sure we flush the output after every print statement.
    107 class flushfile(object):
    108     def __init__(self, f):
    109         self.f = f
    110     def write(self, x):
    111         self.f.write(x)
    112         self.f.flush()
    114 sys.stdout = flushfile(sys.stdout)
    116 def getProjectMapPath():
    117     ProjectMapPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), 
    118                                   ProjectMapFile)
    119     if not os.path.exists(ProjectMapPath):
    120         print "Error: Cannot find the Project Map file " + ProjectMapPath +\
    121                 "\nRunning script for the wrong directory?"
    122         sys.exit(-1)  
    123     return ProjectMapPath         
    125 def getProjectDir(ID):
    126     return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), ID)        
    128 def getSBOutputDirName(IsReferenceBuild) :
    129     if IsReferenceBuild == True :
    130         return SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + SBOutputDirName
    131     else :
    132         return SBOutputDirName
    134 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    135 # Configuration setup.
    136 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    138 # Find Clang for static analysis.
    139 Clang = which("clang", os.environ['PATH'])
    140 if not Clang:
    141     print "Error: cannot find 'clang' in PATH"
    142     sys.exit(-1)
    144 # Number of jobs.
    145 Jobs = int(math.ceil(detectCPUs() * 0.75))
    147 # Project map stores info about all the "registered" projects.
    148 ProjectMapFile = "projectMap.csv"
    150 # Names of the project specific scripts.
    151 # The script that needs to be executed before the build can start.
    152 CleanupScript = "cleanup_run_static_analyzer.sh"
    153 # This is a file containing commands for scan-build.  
    154 BuildScript = "run_static_analyzer.cmd"
    156 # The log file name.
    157 LogFolderName = "Logs"
    158 BuildLogName = "run_static_analyzer.log"
    159 # Summary file - contains the summary of the failures. Ex: This info can be be  
    160 # displayed when buildbot detects a build failure.
    161 NumOfFailuresInSummary = 10
    162 FailuresSummaryFileName = "failures.txt"
    163 # Summary of the result diffs.
    164 DiffsSummaryFileName = "diffs.txt"
    166 # The scan-build result directory.
    167 SBOutputDirName = "ScanBuildResults"
    168 SBOutputDirReferencePrefix = "Ref"
    170 # The list of checkers used during analyzes.
    171 # Currently, consists of all the non-experimental checkers, plus a few alpha
    172 # checkers we don't want to regress on.
    173 Checkers="alpha.unix.SimpleStream,alpha.security.taint,alpha.cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks,core,cplusplus,deadcode,security,unix,osx"
    175 Verbose = 1
    177 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    178 # Test harness logic.
    179 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    181 # Run pre-processing script if any.
    182 def runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile):
    183     ScriptPath = os.path.join(Dir, CleanupScript)
    184     if os.path.exists(ScriptPath):
    185         try:
    186             if Verbose == 1:        
    187                 print "  Executing: %s" % (ScriptPath,)
    188             check_call("chmod +x %s" % ScriptPath, cwd = Dir, 
    189                                               stderr=PBuildLogFile,
    190                                               stdout=PBuildLogFile, 
    191                                               shell=True)    
    192             check_call(ScriptPath, cwd = Dir, stderr=PBuildLogFile,
    193                                               stdout=PBuildLogFile, 
    194                                               shell=True)
    195         except:
    196             print "Error: The pre-processing step failed. See ", \
    197                   PBuildLogFile.name, " for details."
    198             sys.exit(-1)
    200 # Build the project with scan-build by reading in the commands and 
    201 # prefixing them with the scan-build options.
    202 def runScanBuild(Dir, SBOutputDir, PBuildLogFile):
    203     BuildScriptPath = os.path.join(Dir, BuildScript)
    204     if not os.path.exists(BuildScriptPath):
    205         print "Error: build script is not defined: %s" % BuildScriptPath
    206         sys.exit(-1)
    207     SBOptions = "--use-analyzer " + Clang + " "
    208     SBOptions += "-plist-html -o " + SBOutputDir + " "
    209     SBOptions += "-enable-checker " + Checkers + " "  
    210     SBOptions += "--keep-empty "
    211     # Always use ccc-analyze to ensure that we can locate the failures 
    212     # directory.
    213     SBOptions += "--override-compiler "
    214     try:
    215         SBCommandFile = open(BuildScriptPath, "r")
    216         SBPrefix = "scan-build " + SBOptions + " "
    217         for Command in SBCommandFile:
    218             Command = Command.strip()
    219             # If using 'make', auto imply a -jX argument
    220             # to speed up analysis.  xcodebuild will
    221             # automatically use the maximum number of cores.
    222             if (Command.startswith("make ") or Command == "make") and \
    223                 "-j" not in Command:
    224                 Command += " -j%d" % Jobs
    225             SBCommand = SBPrefix + Command
    226             if Verbose == 1:        
    227                 print "  Executing: %s" % (SBCommand,)
    228             check_call(SBCommand, cwd = Dir, stderr=PBuildLogFile,
    229                                              stdout=PBuildLogFile, 
    230                                              shell=True)
    231     except:
    232         print "Error: scan-build failed. See ",PBuildLogFile.name,\
    233               " for details."
    234         raise
    236 def hasNoExtension(FileName):
    237     (Root, Ext) = os.path.splitext(FileName)
    238     if ((Ext == "")) :
    239         return True
    240     return False
    242 def isValidSingleInputFile(FileName):
    243     (Root, Ext) = os.path.splitext(FileName)
    244     if ((Ext == ".i") | (Ext == ".ii") | 
    245         (Ext == ".c") | (Ext == ".cpp") | 
    246         (Ext == ".m") | (Ext == "")) :
    247         return True
    248     return False
    250 # Run analysis on a set of preprocessed files.
    251 def runAnalyzePreprocessed(Dir, SBOutputDir, Mode):
    252     if os.path.exists(os.path.join(Dir, BuildScript)):
    253         print "Error: The preprocessed files project should not contain %s" % \
    254                BuildScript
    255         raise Exception()       
    257     CmdPrefix = Clang + " -cc1 -analyze -analyzer-output=plist -w "
    258     CmdPrefix += "-analyzer-checker=" + Checkers +" -fcxx-exceptions -fblocks "   
    260     if (Mode == 2) :
    261         CmdPrefix += "-std=c++11 " 
    263     PlistPath = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDir, "date")
    264     FailPath = os.path.join(PlistPath, "failures");
    265     os.makedirs(FailPath);
    267     for FullFileName in glob.glob(Dir + "/*"):
    268         FileName = os.path.basename(FullFileName)
    269         Failed = False
    271         # Only run the analyzes on supported files.
    272         if (hasNoExtension(FileName)):
    273             continue
    274         if (isValidSingleInputFile(FileName) == False):
    275             print "Error: Invalid single input file %s." % (FullFileName,)
    276             raise Exception()
    278         # Build and call the analyzer command.
    279         OutputOption = "-o " + os.path.join(PlistPath, FileName) + ".plist "
    280         Command = CmdPrefix + OutputOption + os.path.join(Dir, FileName)
    281         LogFile = open(os.path.join(FailPath, FileName + ".stderr.txt"), "w+b")
    282         try:
    283             if Verbose == 1:        
    284                 print "  Executing: %s" % (Command,)
    285             check_call(Command, cwd = Dir, stderr=LogFile,
    286                                            stdout=LogFile, 
    287                                            shell=True)
    288         except CalledProcessError, e:
    289             print "Error: Analyzes of %s failed. See %s for details." \
    290                   "Error code %d." % \
    291                    (FullFileName, LogFile.name, e.returncode)
    292             Failed = True       
    293         finally:
    294             LogFile.close()            
    296         # If command did not fail, erase the log file.
    297         if Failed == False:
    298             os.remove(LogFile.name);
    300 def buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild):
    301     TBegin = time.time() 
    303     BuildLogPath = os.path.join(SBOutputDir, LogFolderName, BuildLogName)
    304     print "Log file: %s" % (BuildLogPath,) 
    305     print "Output directory: %s" %(SBOutputDir, )
    307     # Clean up the log file.
    308     if (os.path.exists(BuildLogPath)) :
    309         RmCommand = "rm " + BuildLogPath
    310         if Verbose == 1:
    311             print "  Executing: %s" % (RmCommand,)
    312         check_call(RmCommand, shell=True)
    314     # Clean up scan build results.
    315     if (os.path.exists(SBOutputDir)) :
    316         RmCommand = "rm -r " + SBOutputDir
    317         if Verbose == 1: 
    318             print "  Executing: %s" % (RmCommand,)
    319             check_call(RmCommand, shell=True)
    320     assert(not os.path.exists(SBOutputDir))
    321     os.makedirs(os.path.join(SBOutputDir, LogFolderName))
    323     # Open the log file.
    324     PBuildLogFile = open(BuildLogPath, "wb+")
    326     # Build and analyze the project.
    327     try:
    328         runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile)
    330         if (ProjectBuildMode == 1):
    331             runScanBuild(Dir, SBOutputDir, PBuildLogFile)
    332         else:
    333             runAnalyzePreprocessed(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode)
    335         if IsReferenceBuild :
    336             runCleanupScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile)
    338     finally:
    339         PBuildLogFile.close()
    341     print "Build complete (time: %.2f). See the log for more details: %s" % \
    342            ((time.time()-TBegin), BuildLogPath) 
    344 # A plist file is created for each call to the analyzer(each source file).
    345 # We are only interested on the once that have bug reports, so delete the rest.        
    346 def CleanUpEmptyPlists(SBOutputDir):
    347     for F in glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/*.plist"):
    348         P = os.path.join(SBOutputDir, F)
    350         Data = plistlib.readPlist(P)
    351         # Delete empty reports.
    352         if not Data['files']:
    353             os.remove(P)
    354             continue
    356 # Given the scan-build output directory, checks if the build failed 
    357 # (by searching for the failures directories). If there are failures, it 
    358 # creates a summary file in the output directory.         
    359 def checkBuild(SBOutputDir):
    360     # Check if there are failures.
    361     Failures = glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/failures/*.stderr.txt")
    362     TotalFailed = len(Failures);
    363     if TotalFailed == 0:
    364         CleanUpEmptyPlists(SBOutputDir)
    365         Plists = glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/*.plist")
    366         print "Number of bug reports (non-empty plist files) produced: %d" %\
    367            len(Plists)
    368         return;
    370     # Create summary file to display when the build fails.
    371     SummaryPath = os.path.join(SBOutputDir, LogFolderName, FailuresSummaryFileName)
    372     if (Verbose > 0):
    373         print "  Creating the failures summary file %s" % (SummaryPath,)
    375     SummaryLog = open(SummaryPath, "w+")
    376     try:
    377         SummaryLog.write("Total of %d failures discovered.\n" % (TotalFailed,))
    378         if TotalFailed > NumOfFailuresInSummary:
    379             SummaryLog.write("See the first %d below.\n" 
    380                                                    % (NumOfFailuresInSummary,))
    381         # TODO: Add a line "See the results folder for more."
    383         FailuresCopied = NumOfFailuresInSummary
    384         Idx = 0
    385         for FailLogPathI in Failures:
    386             if Idx >= NumOfFailuresInSummary:
    387                 break;
    388             Idx += 1 
    389             SummaryLog.write("\n-- Error #%d -----------\n" % (Idx,));
    390             FailLogI = open(FailLogPathI, "r");
    391             try: 
    392                 shutil.copyfileobj(FailLogI, SummaryLog);
    393             finally:
    394                 FailLogI.close()
    395     finally:
    396         SummaryLog.close()
    398     print "Error: analysis failed. See ", SummaryPath
    399     sys.exit(-1)       
    401 # Auxiliary object to discard stdout.
    402 class Discarder(object):
    403     def write(self, text):
    404         pass # do nothing
    406 # Compare the warnings produced by scan-build.
    407 def runCmpResults(Dir):   
    408     TBegin = time.time() 
    410     RefDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + SBOutputDirName)
    411     NewDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirName)
    413     # We have to go one level down the directory tree.
    414     RefList = glob.glob(RefDir + "/*") 
    415     NewList = glob.glob(NewDir + "/*")
    417     # Log folders are also located in the results dir, so ignore them.
    418     RefLogDir = os.path.join(RefDir, LogFolderName)
    419     if RefLogDir in RefList:
    420         RefList.remove(RefLogDir)
    421     NewList.remove(os.path.join(NewDir, LogFolderName))
    423     if len(RefList) == 0 or len(NewList) == 0:
    424         return False
    425     assert(len(RefList) == len(NewList))
    427     # There might be more then one folder underneath - one per each scan-build 
    428     # command (Ex: one for configure and one for make).
    429     if (len(RefList) > 1):
    430         # Assume that the corresponding folders have the same names.
    431         RefList.sort()
    432         NewList.sort()
    434     # Iterate and find the differences.
    435     NumDiffs = 0
    436     PairList = zip(RefList, NewList)    
    437     for P in PairList:    
    438         RefDir = P[0] 
    439         NewDir = P[1]
    441         assert(RefDir != NewDir) 
    442         if Verbose == 1:        
    443             print "  Comparing Results: %s %s" % (RefDir, NewDir)
    445         DiffsPath = os.path.join(NewDir, DiffsSummaryFileName)
    446         Opts = CmpRuns.CmpOptions(DiffsPath)
    447         # Discard everything coming out of stdout (CmpRun produces a lot of them).
    448         OLD_STDOUT = sys.stdout
    449         sys.stdout = Discarder()
    450         # Scan the results, delete empty plist files.
    451         NumDiffs = CmpRuns.dumpScanBuildResultsDiff(RefDir, NewDir, Opts, False)
    452         sys.stdout = OLD_STDOUT
    453         if (NumDiffs > 0) :
    454             print "Warning: %r differences in diagnostics. See %s" % \
    455                   (NumDiffs, DiffsPath,)
    457     print "Diagnostic comparison complete (time: %.2f)." % (time.time()-TBegin) 
    458     return (NumDiffs > 0)
    460 def updateSVN(Mode, ProjectsMap):
    461     try:
    462         ProjectsMap.seek(0)    
    463         for I in csv.reader(ProjectsMap):
    464             ProjName = I[0] 
    465             Path = os.path.join(ProjName, getSBOutputDirName(True))
    467             if Mode == "delete":
    468                 Command = "svn delete %s" % (Path,)
    469             else:
    470                 Command = "svn add %s" % (Path,)
    472             if Verbose == 1:        
    473                 print "  Executing: %s" % (Command,)
    474             check_call(Command, shell=True)    
    476         if Mode == "delete":
    477             CommitCommand = "svn commit -m \"[analyzer tests] Remove " \
    478                             "reference results.\""     
    479         else:
    480             CommitCommand = "svn commit -m \"[analyzer tests] Add new " \
    481                             "reference results.\""
    482         if Verbose == 1:        
    483             print "  Executing: %s" % (CommitCommand,)
    484         check_call(CommitCommand, shell=True)    
    485     except:
    486         print "Error: SVN update failed."
    487         sys.exit(-1)
    489 def testProject(ID, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild=False, Dir=None):
    490     print " \n\n--- Building project %s" % (ID,)
    492     TBegin = time.time() 
    494     if Dir is None :
    495         Dir = getProjectDir(ID)        
    496     if Verbose == 1:        
    497         print "  Build directory: %s." % (Dir,)
    499     # Set the build results directory.
    500     RelOutputDir = getSBOutputDirName(IsReferenceBuild)
    501     SBOutputDir = os.path.join(Dir, RelOutputDir)
    503     buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir, ProjectBuildMode, IsReferenceBuild)
    505     checkBuild(SBOutputDir)
    507     if IsReferenceBuild == False:
    508         runCmpResults(Dir)
    510     print "Completed tests for project %s (time: %.2f)." % \
    511           (ID, (time.time()-TBegin))
    513 def testAll(IsReferenceBuild = False, UpdateSVN = False):
    514     PMapFile = open(getProjectMapPath(), "rb")
    515     try:        
    516         # Validate the input.
    517         for I in csv.reader(PMapFile):
    518             if (len(I) != 2) :
    519                 print "Error: Rows in the ProjectMapFile should have 3 entries."
    520                 raise Exception()
    521             if (not ((I[1] == "0") | (I[1] == "1") | (I[1] == "2"))):
    522                 print "Error: Second entry in the ProjectMapFile should be 0" \
    523                       " (single file), 1 (project), or 2(single file c++11)."
    524                 raise Exception()              
    526         # When we are regenerating the reference results, we might need to 
    527         # update svn. Remove reference results from SVN.
    528         if UpdateSVN == True:
    529             assert(IsReferenceBuild == True);
    530             updateSVN("delete",  PMapFile);
    532         # Test the projects.
    533         PMapFile.seek(0)    
    534         for I in csv.reader(PMapFile):
    535             testProject(I[0], int(I[1]), IsReferenceBuild)
    537         # Add reference results to SVN.
    538         if UpdateSVN == True:
    539             updateSVN("add",  PMapFile);
    541     except:
    542         print "Error occurred. Premature termination."
    543         raise                            
    544     finally:
    545         PMapFile.close()    
    547 if __name__ == '__main__':
    548     IsReference = False
    549     UpdateSVN = False
    550     if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    551         if sys.argv[1] == "-r":
    552             IsReference = True
    553         elif sys.argv[1] == "-rs":
    554             IsReference = True
    555             UpdateSVN = True
    556         else:     
    557           print >> sys.stderr, 'Usage: ', sys.argv[0],\
    558                              '[-r|-rs]' \
    559                              'Use -r to regenerate reference output' \
    560                              'Use -rs to regenerate reference output and update svn'
    562     testAll(IsReference, UpdateSVN)