1 2 /* 3 * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. 4 * 5 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 6 * found in the LICENSE file. 7 */ 8 9 #import "SkNSView.h" 10 #include "SkCanvas.h" 11 #include "SkCGUtils.h" 12 #include "SkEvent.h" 13 SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(SK_SUPPORT_GPU, not_implemented_for_non_gpu_build); 14 #include <OpenGL/gl.h> 15 16 //#define FORCE_REDRAW 17 // Can be dropped when we no longer support 10.6. 18 #define RETINA_API_AVAILABLE (defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && \ 19 MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) 20 @implementation SkNSView 21 @synthesize fWind, fTitle, fOptionsDelegate, fGLContext; 22 23 - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder { 24 if ((self = [super initWithCoder:coder])) { 25 self = [self initWithDefaults]; 26 [self setUpWindow]; 27 } 28 return self; 29 } 30 31 - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect { 32 if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect])) { 33 self = [self initWithDefaults]; 34 [self setUpWindow]; 35 } 36 return self; 37 } 38 39 - (id)initWithDefaults { 40 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 41 [self setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES]; 42 #endif 43 fRedrawRequestPending = false; 44 fWind = NULL; 45 return self; 46 } 47 48 - (void)setUpWindow { 49 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self 50 selector:@selector(backingPropertiesChanged:) 51 name:@"NSWindowDidChangeBackingPropertiesNotification" 52 object:[self window]]; 53 if (NULL != fWind) { 54 fWind->setVisibleP(true); 55 NSSize size = self.frame.size; 56 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 57 size = [self convertSizeToBacking:self.frame.size]; 58 #endif 59 fWind->resize((int) size.width, (int) size.height, 60 kN32_SkColorType); 61 } 62 } 63 64 -(BOOL) isFlipped { 65 return YES; 66 } 67 68 - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { 69 return YES; 70 } 71 72 - (float)scaleFactor { 73 NSWindow *window = [self window]; 74 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 75 if (window) { 76 return [window backingScaleFactor]; 77 } 78 return [[NSScreen mainScreen] backingScaleFactor]; 79 #else 80 if (window) { 81 return [window userSpaceScaleFactor]; 82 } 83 return [[NSScreen mainScreen] userSpaceScaleFactor]; 84 #endif 85 } 86 87 - (void)backingPropertiesChanged:(NSNotification *)notification { 88 CGFloat oldBackingScaleFactor = (CGFloat)[ 89 [notification.userInfo objectForKey:@"NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey"] doubleValue 90 ]; 91 CGFloat newBackingScaleFactor = [self scaleFactor]; 92 if (oldBackingScaleFactor == newBackingScaleFactor) { 93 return; 94 } 95 96 // TODO: need a better way to force a refresh (that works). 97 // [fGLContext update] does not appear to update if the point size has not changed, 98 // even if the backing size has changed. 99 [self setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(self.frame.size.width + 1, self.frame.size.height + 1)]; 100 } 101 102 - (void)resizeSkView:(NSSize)newSize { 103 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 104 newSize = [self convertSizeToBacking:newSize]; 105 #endif 106 if (NULL != fWind && 107 (fWind->width() != newSize.width || 108 fWind->height() != newSize.height)) 109 { 110 fWind->resize((int) newSize.width, (int) newSize.height); 111 if (NULL != fGLContext) { 112 glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); 113 [fGLContext update]; 114 } 115 } 116 } 117 118 - (void) setFrameSize:(NSSize)newSize { 119 [super setFrameSize:newSize]; 120 [self resizeSkView:newSize]; 121 } 122 123 - (void)dealloc { 124 delete fWind; 125 self.fGLContext = nil; 126 self.fTitle = nil; 127 [super dealloc]; 128 } 129 130 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 131 132 - (void)drawSkia { 133 fRedrawRequestPending = false; 134 if (NULL != fWind) { 135 SkAutoTUnref<SkCanvas> canvas(fWind->createCanvas()); 136 fWind->draw(canvas); 137 #ifdef FORCE_REDRAW 138 fWind->inval(NULL); 139 #endif 140 } 141 } 142 143 - (void)setSkTitle:(const char *)title { 144 self.fTitle = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:title]; 145 [[self window] setTitle:self.fTitle]; 146 } 147 148 - (BOOL)onHandleEvent:(const SkEvent&)evt { 149 return false; 150 } 151 152 #include "SkOSMenu.h" 153 - (void)onAddMenu:(const SkOSMenu*)menu { 154 [self.fOptionsDelegate view:self didAddMenu:menu]; 155 } 156 157 - (void)onUpdateMenu:(const SkOSMenu*)menu { 158 [self.fOptionsDelegate view:self didUpdateMenu:menu]; 159 } 160 161 - (void)postInvalWithRect:(const SkIRect*)r { 162 if (!fRedrawRequestPending) { 163 fRedrawRequestPending = true; 164 [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; 165 [self performSelector:@selector(drawSkia) withObject:nil afterDelay:0]; 166 } 167 } 168 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 169 170 #include "SkKey.h" 171 enum { 172 SK_MacReturnKey = 36, 173 SK_MacDeleteKey = 51, 174 SK_MacEndKey = 119, 175 SK_MacLeftKey = 123, 176 SK_MacRightKey = 124, 177 SK_MacDownKey = 125, 178 SK_MacUpKey = 126, 179 SK_Mac0Key = 0x52, 180 SK_Mac1Key = 0x53, 181 SK_Mac2Key = 0x54, 182 SK_Mac3Key = 0x55, 183 SK_Mac4Key = 0x56, 184 SK_Mac5Key = 0x57, 185 SK_Mac6Key = 0x58, 186 SK_Mac7Key = 0x59, 187 SK_Mac8Key = 0x5b, 188 SK_Mac9Key = 0x5c 189 }; 190 191 static SkKey raw2key(UInt32 raw) 192 { 193 static const struct { 194 UInt32 fRaw; 195 SkKey fKey; 196 } gKeys[] = { 197 { SK_MacUpKey, kUp_SkKey }, 198 { SK_MacDownKey, kDown_SkKey }, 199 { SK_MacLeftKey, kLeft_SkKey }, 200 { SK_MacRightKey, kRight_SkKey }, 201 { SK_MacReturnKey, kOK_SkKey }, 202 { SK_MacDeleteKey, kBack_SkKey }, 203 { SK_MacEndKey, kEnd_SkKey }, 204 { SK_Mac0Key, k0_SkKey }, 205 { SK_Mac1Key, k1_SkKey }, 206 { SK_Mac2Key, k2_SkKey }, 207 { SK_Mac3Key, k3_SkKey }, 208 { SK_Mac4Key, k4_SkKey }, 209 { SK_Mac5Key, k5_SkKey }, 210 { SK_Mac6Key, k6_SkKey }, 211 { SK_Mac7Key, k7_SkKey }, 212 { SK_Mac8Key, k8_SkKey }, 213 { SK_Mac9Key, k9_SkKey } 214 }; 215 216 for (unsigned i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gKeys); i++) 217 if (gKeys[i].fRaw == raw) 218 return gKeys[i].fKey; 219 return kNONE_SkKey; 220 } 221 222 - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event { 223 if (NULL == fWind) 224 return; 225 226 SkKey key = raw2key([event keyCode]); 227 if (kNONE_SkKey != key) 228 fWind->handleKey(key); 229 else{ 230 unichar c = [[event characters] characterAtIndex:0]; 231 fWind->handleChar((SkUnichar)c); 232 } 233 } 234 235 - (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)event { 236 if (NULL == fWind) 237 return; 238 239 SkKey key = raw2key([event keyCode]); 240 if (kNONE_SkKey != key) 241 fWind->handleKeyUp(key); 242 // else 243 // unichar c = [[event characters] characterAtIndex:0]; 244 } 245 246 static const struct { 247 unsigned fNSModifierMask; 248 unsigned fSkModifierMask; 249 } gModifierMasks[] = { 250 { NSAlphaShiftKeyMask, kShift_SkModifierKey }, 251 { NSShiftKeyMask, kShift_SkModifierKey }, 252 { NSControlKeyMask, kControl_SkModifierKey }, 253 { NSAlternateKeyMask, kOption_SkModifierKey }, 254 { NSCommandKeyMask, kCommand_SkModifierKey }, 255 }; 256 257 static unsigned convertNSModifiersToSk(NSUInteger nsModi) { 258 unsigned skModi = 0; 259 for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gModifierMasks); ++i) { 260 if (nsModi & gModifierMasks[i].fNSModifierMask) { 261 skModi |= gModifierMasks[i].fSkModifierMask; 262 } 263 } 264 return skModi; 265 } 266 267 - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { 268 NSPoint p = [event locationInWindow]; 269 unsigned modi = convertNSModifiersToSk([event modifierFlags]); 270 271 if ([self mouse:p inRect:[self bounds]] && NULL != fWind) { 272 NSPoint loc = [self convertPoint:p fromView:nil]; 273 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 274 loc = [self convertPointToBacking:loc]; //y-up 275 loc.y = -loc.y; 276 #endif 277 fWind->handleClick((int) loc.x, (int) loc.y, 278 SkView::Click::kDown_State, self, modi); 279 } 280 } 281 282 - (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event { 283 NSPoint p = [event locationInWindow]; 284 unsigned modi = convertNSModifiersToSk([event modifierFlags]); 285 286 if ([self mouse:p inRect:[self bounds]] && NULL != fWind) { 287 NSPoint loc = [self convertPoint:p fromView:nil]; 288 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 289 loc = [self convertPointToBacking:loc]; //y-up 290 loc.y = -loc.y; 291 #endif 292 fWind->handleClick((int) loc.x, (int) loc.y, 293 SkView::Click::kMoved_State, self, modi); 294 } 295 } 296 297 - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)event { 298 NSPoint p = [event locationInWindow]; 299 unsigned modi = convertNSModifiersToSk([event modifierFlags]); 300 301 if ([self mouse:p inRect:[self bounds]] && NULL != fWind) { 302 NSPoint loc = [self convertPoint:p fromView:nil]; 303 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 304 loc = [self convertPointToBacking:loc]; //y-up 305 loc.y = -loc.y; 306 #endif 307 fWind->handleClick((int) loc.x, (int) loc.y, 308 SkView::Click::kMoved_State, self, modi); 309 } 310 } 311 312 - (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)event { 313 NSPoint p = [event locationInWindow]; 314 unsigned modi = convertNSModifiersToSk([event modifierFlags]); 315 316 if ([self mouse:p inRect:[self bounds]] && NULL != fWind) { 317 NSPoint loc = [self convertPoint:p fromView:nil]; 318 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 319 loc = [self convertPointToBacking:loc]; //y-up 320 loc.y = -loc.y; 321 #endif 322 fWind->handleClick((int) loc.x, (int) loc.y, 323 SkView::Click::kUp_State, self, modi); 324 } 325 } 326 327 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 328 #include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h> 329 330 namespace { 331 CGLContextObj createGLContext(int msaaSampleCount) { 332 GLint major, minor; 333 CGLGetVersion(&major, &minor); 334 335 static const CGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes[] = { 336 kCGLPFAStencilSize, (CGLPixelFormatAttribute) 8, 337 kCGLPFAAccelerated, 338 kCGLPFADoubleBuffer, 339 (CGLPixelFormatAttribute)0 340 }; 341 342 CGLPixelFormatObj format; 343 GLint npix = 0; 344 if (msaaSampleCount > 0) { 345 static int kAttributeCount = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(attributes); 346 CGLPixelFormatAttribute msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount + 5]; 347 memcpy(msaaAttributes, attributes, sizeof(attributes)); 348 SkASSERT(0 == msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount - 1]); 349 msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount - 1] = kCGLPFASampleBuffers; 350 msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount + 0] = (CGLPixelFormatAttribute)1; 351 msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount + 1] = kCGLPFAMultisample; 352 msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount + 2] = kCGLPFASamples; 353 msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount + 3] = 354 (CGLPixelFormatAttribute)msaaSampleCount; 355 msaaAttributes[kAttributeCount + 4] = (CGLPixelFormatAttribute)0; 356 CGLChoosePixelFormat(msaaAttributes, &format, &npix); 357 } 358 if (!npix) { 359 CGLChoosePixelFormat(attributes, &format, &npix); 360 } 361 CGLContextObj ctx; 362 CGLCreateContext(format, NULL, &ctx); 363 CGLDestroyPixelFormat(format); 364 365 static const GLint interval = 1; 366 CGLSetParameter(ctx, kCGLCPSwapInterval, &interval); 367 CGLSetCurrentContext(ctx); 368 return ctx; 369 } 370 } 371 372 - (void)viewDidMoveToWindow { 373 [super viewDidMoveToWindow]; 374 375 //Attaching view to fGLContext requires that the view to be part of a window, 376 //and that the NSWindow instance must have a CoreGraphics counterpart (or 377 //it must NOT be deferred or should have been on screen at least once) 378 if ([fGLContext view] != self && nil != self.window) { 379 [fGLContext setView:self]; 380 } 381 } 382 - (bool)attach:(SkOSWindow::SkBackEndTypes)attachType 383 withMSAASampleCount:(int) sampleCount 384 andGetInfo:(SkOSWindow::AttachmentInfo*) info { 385 if (nil == fGLContext) { 386 CGLContextObj ctx = createGLContext(sampleCount); 387 fGLContext = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithCGLContextObj:ctx]; 388 CGLReleaseContext(ctx); 389 if (NULL == fGLContext) { 390 return false; 391 } 392 [fGLContext setView:self]; 393 } 394 395 [fGLContext makeCurrentContext]; 396 CGLPixelFormatObj format = CGLGetPixelFormat((CGLContextObj)[fGLContext CGLContextObj]); 397 CGLDescribePixelFormat(format, 0, kCGLPFASamples, &info->fSampleCount); 398 CGLDescribePixelFormat(format, 0, kCGLPFAStencilSize, &info->fStencilBits); 399 NSSize size = self.bounds.size; 400 #if RETINA_API_AVAILABLE 401 size = [self convertSizeToBacking:size]; 402 #endif 403 glViewport(0, 0, (int) size.width, (int) size.height); 404 glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); 405 glClearStencil(0); 406 glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); 407 return true; 408 } 409 410 - (void)detach { 411 [fGLContext release]; 412 fGLContext = nil; 413 } 414 415 - (void)present { 416 if (nil != fGLContext) { 417 [fGLContext flushBuffer]; 418 } 419 } 420 @end 421