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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "testsupport/metrics/video_metrics.h"
     13 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
     14 #include "testsupport/fileutils.h"
     16 namespace webrtc {
     18 static const char* kEmptyFileName = "video_metrics_unittest_empty_file.tmp";
     19 static const char* kNonExistingFileName = "video_metrics_unittest_non_existing";
     20 static const int kWidth = 352;
     21 static const int kHeight = 288;
     23 static const int kMissingReferenceFileReturnCode = -1;
     24 static const int kMissingTestFileReturnCode = -2;
     25 static const int kEmptyFileReturnCode = -3;
     26 static const double kPsnrPerfectResult =  48.0;
     27 static const double kSsimPerfectResult = 1.0;
     29 class VideoMetricsTest: public testing::Test {
     30  protected:
     31   VideoMetricsTest() {
     32     video_file_ = webrtc::test::ResourcePath("foreman_cif_short", "yuv");
     33   }
     34   virtual ~VideoMetricsTest() {}
     35   void SetUp() {
     36     // Create an empty file:
     37     FILE* dummy = fopen(kEmptyFileName, "wb");
     38     fclose(dummy);
     39   }
     40   void TearDown() {
     41     std::remove(kEmptyFileName);
     42   }
     43   webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult psnr_result_;
     44   webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult ssim_result_;
     45   std::string video_file_;
     46 };
     48 // Tests that it is possible to run with the same reference as test file
     49 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, ReturnsPerfectResultForIdenticalFilesPSNR) {
     50   EXPECT_EQ(0, I420PSNRFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), video_file_.c_str(),
     51                                  kWidth, kHeight, &psnr_result_));
     52   EXPECT_EQ(kPsnrPerfectResult, psnr_result_.average);
     53 }
     55 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, ReturnsPerfectResultForIdenticalFilesSSIM) {
     56   EXPECT_EQ(0, I420SSIMFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), video_file_.c_str(),
     57                                  kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
     58   EXPECT_EQ(kSsimPerfectResult, ssim_result_.average);
     59 }
     61 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, ReturnsPerfectResultForIdenticalFilesBothMetrics) {
     62   EXPECT_EQ(0, I420MetricsFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), video_file_.c_str(),
     63                                     kWidth, kHeight, &psnr_result_,
     64                                     &ssim_result_));
     65   EXPECT_EQ(kPsnrPerfectResult, psnr_result_.average);
     66   EXPECT_EQ(kSsimPerfectResult, ssim_result_.average);
     67 }
     69 // Tests that the right return code is given when the reference file is missing.
     70 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, MissingReferenceFilePSNR) {
     71   EXPECT_EQ(kMissingReferenceFileReturnCode,
     72             I420PSNRFromFiles(kNonExistingFileName, video_file_.c_str(),
     73                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
     74 }
     76 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, MissingReferenceFileSSIM) {
     77   EXPECT_EQ(kMissingReferenceFileReturnCode,
     78             I420SSIMFromFiles(kNonExistingFileName, video_file_.c_str(),
     79                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
     80 }
     82 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, MissingReferenceFileBothMetrics) {
     83   EXPECT_EQ(kMissingReferenceFileReturnCode,
     84             I420MetricsFromFiles(kNonExistingFileName, video_file_.c_str(),
     85                                  kWidth, kHeight,
     86                                  &psnr_result_, &ssim_result_));
     87 }
     89 // Tests that the right return code is given when the test file is missing.
     90 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, MissingTestFilePSNR) {
     91   EXPECT_EQ(kMissingTestFileReturnCode,
     92             I420PSNRFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), kNonExistingFileName,
     93                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
     94 }
     96 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, MissingTestFileSSIM) {
     97   EXPECT_EQ(kMissingTestFileReturnCode,
     98             I420SSIMFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), kNonExistingFileName,
     99                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
    100 }
    102 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, MissingTestFileBothMetrics) {
    103   EXPECT_EQ(kMissingTestFileReturnCode,
    104             I420MetricsFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), kNonExistingFileName,
    105                                  kWidth, kHeight,
    106                                  &psnr_result_, &ssim_result_));
    107 }
    109 // Tests that the method can be executed with empty files.
    110 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, EmptyFilesPSNR) {
    111   EXPECT_EQ(kEmptyFileReturnCode,
    112             I420PSNRFromFiles(kEmptyFileName, video_file_.c_str(),
    113                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
    114   EXPECT_EQ(kEmptyFileReturnCode,
    115             I420PSNRFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), kEmptyFileName,
    116                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
    117 }
    119 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, EmptyFilesSSIM) {
    120   EXPECT_EQ(kEmptyFileReturnCode,
    121             I420SSIMFromFiles(kEmptyFileName, video_file_.c_str(),
    122                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
    123   EXPECT_EQ(kEmptyFileReturnCode,
    124             I420SSIMFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), kEmptyFileName,
    125                               kWidth, kHeight, &ssim_result_));
    126 }
    128 TEST_F(VideoMetricsTest, EmptyFilesBothMetrics) {
    129   EXPECT_EQ(kEmptyFileReturnCode,
    130             I420MetricsFromFiles(kEmptyFileName, video_file_.c_str(),
    131                                  kWidth, kHeight,
    132                                  &psnr_result_, &ssim_result_));
    133   EXPECT_EQ(kEmptyFileReturnCode,
    134               I420MetricsFromFiles(video_file_.c_str(), kEmptyFileName,
    135                                    kWidth, kHeight,
    136                                    &psnr_result_, &ssim_result_));
    137 }
    139 }  // namespace webrtc