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      1 page.title=Creating a Search Interface
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      5 <div id="qv-wrapper">
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      9 <h2>In this document</h2>
     10 <ol>
     11   <li><a href="#TheBasics">The Basics</a></li>
     12   <li><a href="#SearchableConfiguration">Creating a Searchable Configuration</a></li>
     13   <li><a href="#SearchableActivity">Creating a Searchable Activity</a>
     14     <ol>
     15       <li><a href="#DeclaringSearchableActivity">Declaring a searchable activity</a></li>
     16       <li><a href="#PerformingSearch">Performing a search</a></li>
     17     </ol>
     18   </li>
     19   <li><a href="#SearchDialog">Using the Search Dialog</a>
     20     <ol>
     21       <li><a href="#InvokingTheSearchDialog">Invoking the search dialog</a></li>
     22       <li><a href="#LifeCycle">The impact of the search dialog on your activity lifecycle</a></li>
     23       <li><a href="#SearchContextData">Passing search context data</a></li>
     24     </ol>
     25   </li>
     26   <li><a href="#UsingSearchWidget">Using the Search Widget</a>
     27     <ol>
     28       <li><a href="#ConfiguringWidget">Configuring the search widget</a></li>
     29       <li><a href="#WidgetFeatures">Other search widget features</a></li>
     30       <li><a href="#UsingBoth">Using both the widget and the dialog</a></li>
     31     </ol>
     32   </li>
     33   <li><a href="#VoiceSearch">Adding Voice Search</a></li>
     34   <li><a href="#SearchSuggestions">Adding Search Suggestions</a></li>
     35 </ol>
     37 <h2>Key classes</h2>
     38 <ol>
     39 <li>{@link android.app.SearchManager}</li>
     40 <li>{@link android.widget.SearchView}</li>
     41 </ol>
     43 <h2>Related samples</h2>
     44 <ol>
     45 <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/SearchableDictionary/index.html">Searchable
     46 Dictionary</a></li>
     47 <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/SearchViewActionBar.html">SearchView
     48     in the Action Bar</a></li>
     49 <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/SearchViewFilterMode.html">SearchView
     50     filter mode</a></li>
     51 </ol>
     53 <h2>Downloads</h2>
     54 <ol>
     55 <li><a href="{@docRoot}design/downloads/index.html#action-bar-icon-pack">Action Bar
     56 Icon Pack</a></li>
     57 </ol>
     59 </div>
     60 </div>
     62 <p>When you're ready to add search functionality to your application, Android helps you implement
     63 the user interface with either a search dialog that appears at the top of the activity window or a
     64 search widget that you can insert in your layout. Both the search dialog and the widget can deliver
     65 the user's search query to a specific activity in your application. This way, the user can initiate
     66 a search from any activity where the search dialog or widget is available, and the system starts the
     67 appropriate activity to perform the search and present results.</p>
     69 <p>Other features available for the search dialog and widget include:</p>
     71 <ul>
     72   <li>Voice search</li>
     73   <li>Search suggestions based on recent queries</li>
     74   <li>Search suggestions that match actual results in your application data</li>
     75 </ul>
     77 <p>This guide shows you how to set up your application to provide a search interface
     78 that's assisted by the Android system to deliver search queries, using either the
     79 search dialog or the search widget.</p>
     82 <h2 id="TheBasics">The Basics</h2>
     84 <div class="figure" style="width:250px">
     85 <img src="{@docRoot}images/search/search-ui.png" alt="" height="417" />
     86 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> Screenshot of an application's search dialog.</p>
     87 </div>
     89 <p>Before you begin, you should decide whether you'll implement your search interface using the
     90 search dialog or the search widget. Both provide the same search features, but in slightly different
     91 ways:</p>
     93 <ul>
     94   <li>The <strong>search dialog</strong> is a UI component that's controlled by the Android system.
     95 When activated by the user, the search dialog appears at the top of the activity, as shown in figure
     96 1.
     97     <p>The Android system controls all events in the search dialog. When the user
     98 submits a query, the system delivers the query to the activity that you specify to
     99 handle searches. The dialog can also provide search suggestions while the user types.</p></li>
    101   <li>The <strong>search widget</strong> is an instance of {@link android.widget.SearchView} that
    102 you can place anywhere in your layout. By default, the search widget behaves like a standard {@link
    103 android.widget.EditText} widget and doesn't do anything, but you can configure it so that the
    104 Android system handles all input events, delivers queries to the appropriate activity, and provides
    105 search suggestions (just like the search dialog). However, the search widget is available only in
    106 Android 3.0 (API Level 11) and higher.
    108 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you want, you can handle all user input into the
    109 search widget yourself, using various callback methods and listeners. This document, however,
    110 focuses on how to integrate the search widget with the system for an assisted search
    111 implementation. If you want to handle all user input yourself, read the reference documentation for
    112 {@link android.widget.SearchView} and its nested interfaces. </p></li>
    113 </ul>
    115 <p>When the user executes a search from the search dialog or a search widget, the system creates an
    116 {@link android.content.Intent} and stores the user query in it. The system then starts the activity
    117 that you've declared to handle searches (the "searchable activity") and delivers it the intent. To
    118 set up your application for this kind of assisted search, you need the following:</p>
    120 <ul>
    121   <li>A searchable configuration
    122   <p>An XML file that configures some settings for the search dialog or widget. It includes settings
    123 for features such as voice search, search suggestion, and hint text for the search box.</p></li>
    124   <li>A searchable activity
    125   <p>The {@link android.app.Activity} that receives the search query, searches your
    126 data, and displays the search results.</p></li>
    127   <li>A search interface, provided by either:
    128     <ul>
    129       <li>The search dialog
    130         <p>By default, the search dialog is hidden, but appears at the top of the screen when
    131           you call {@link android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()} (when the user presses your
    132           Search button).</p>
    133       </li>
    134       <li>Or, a {@link android.widget.SearchView} widget
    135         <p>Using the search widget allows you to put the search box anywhere in your activity.
    136 Instead of putting it in your activity layout, you should usually use
    137 {@link android.widget.SearchView} as an 
    138 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#ActionView">action view in the Action Bar</a>.</p>
    139       </li>
    140     </ul>
    141   </li>
    142 </ul>
    144 <p>The rest of this document shows you how to create the searchable configuration, searchable
    145 activity, and implement a search interface with either the search dialog or search widget.</p>
    148 <h2 id="SearchableConfiguration">Creating a Searchable Configuration</h2>
    150 <p>The first thing you need is an XML file called the searchable configuration. It configures
    151 certain UI aspects of the search dialog or widget and defines how features such as suggestions and
    152 voice search behave. This file is traditionally named {@code searchable.xml} and must be saved in
    153 the {@code res/xml/} project directory.</p>
    155 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The system uses this file to instantiate a {@link
    156 android.app.SearchableInfo} object, but you cannot create this object yourself at
    157 runtime&mdash;you must declare the searchable configuration in XML.</p>
    159 <p>The searchable configuration file must include the <a
    160 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/search/searchable-config.html#searchable-element">{@code
    161 &lt;searchable&gt;}</a> element as the root node and specify one
    162 or more attributes. For example:</p>
    164 <pre>
    165 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    166 &lt;searchable xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    167     android:label="@string/app_label"
    168     android:hint="@string/search_hint" >
    169 &lt;/searchable>
    170 </pre>
    172 <p>The {@code android:label} attribute is the only required attribute. It points to a string
    173 resource, which should be the application name. This label isn't actually visible to the
    174 user until you enable search suggestions for Quick Search Box. At that point, this label is visible
    175 in the list of Searchable items in the system Settings.</p>
    177 <p>Though it's not required, we recommend that you always include the {@code android:hint}
    178 attribute, which provides a hint string in the search box before users
    179 enters a query. The hint is important because it provides important clues to users about what
    180 they can search.</p>
    182 <p class="note"><strong>Tip:</strong> For consistency among other
    183 Android applications, you should format the string for {@code android:hint} as "Search
    184 &lt;content-or-product&gt;". For example, "Search songs and artists" or "Search
    185 YouTube".</p>
    187 <p>The <a
    188 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/search/searchable-config.html#searchable-element">{@code
    189 &lt;searchable&gt;}</a> element accepts several other attributes. However, you don't need
    190 most attributes until you add features such as <a href="#SearchSuggestions">search suggestions</a>
    191 and <a href="#VoiceSearch">voice search</a>. For detailed information about the searchable
    192 configuration file, see the <a
    193 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/search/searchable-config.html">Searchable Configuration</a> reference
    194 document.</p>
    198 <h2 id="SearchableActivity">Creating a Searchable Activity</h2>
    200 <p>A searchable activity is the {@link android.app.Activity} in your application that performs
    201 searches based on a query string and presents the search results.</p>
    203 <p>When the user executes a search in the search dialog or widget, the system starts your
    204 searchable activity and delivers it the search query in an {@link
    205 android.content.Intent} with the  {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} action. Your
    206 searchable activity retrieves the query from the intent's {@link android.app.SearchManager#QUERY
    207 QUERY} extra, then searches your data and presents the results.</p>
    209 <p>Because you may include the search dialog or widget in any other activity in your application,
    210 the system must know which activity is your searchable activity, so it can properly deliver the
    211 search query. So, you must first declare your searchable activity in the Android manifest file.</p>
    214 <h3 id="DeclaringSearchableActivity">Declaring a searchable activity</h3>
    216 <p>If you don't have one already, create an {@link android.app.Activity} that will perform
    217 searches and present results. You don't need to implement the search functionality yet&mdash;just
    218 create an activity that you can declare in the manifest. Inside the manifest's <a
    219 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a>
    220 element:</p>
    221 <ol>
    222   <li>Declare the activity to accept the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent, in an
    223 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/intent-filter-element.html">{@code
    224 &lt;intent-filter&gt;}</a>
    225 element.</li>
    226   <li>Specify the searchable configuration to use, in a <a
    227 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code &lt;meta-data&gt;}</a>
    228 element.</li>
    229 </ol>
    231 <p>For example:</p>
    233 <pre>
    234 &lt;application ... >
    235     &lt;activity android:name=".SearchableActivity" >
    236         &lt;intent-filter>
    237             &lt;action android:name="android.intent.action.SEARCH" />
    238         &lt;/intent-filter>
    239         &lt;meta-data android:name="android.app.searchable"
    240                    android:resource="@xml/searchable"/>
    241     &lt;/activity>
    242     ...
    243 &lt;/application>
    244 </pre>
    246 <p>The {@code &lt;meta-data&gt;} element must include the {@code android:name} attribute with a
    247 value of {@code "android.app.searchable"} and the {@code android:resource} attribute with a
    248 reference to the searchable configuration file (in this example, it
    249 refers to the {@code res/xml/searchable.xml} file).</p>
    251 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The <a
    252 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/intent-filter-element.html">{@code
    253 &lt;intent-filter&gt;}</a> does not need a <a
    254 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/category-element.html">{@code &lt;category&gt;}</a> with the
    255 {@code DEFAULT} value (which you usually see in <a
    256 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a> elements),
    257 because the system delivers the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent explicitly to
    258 your searchable activity, using its component name.</p>
    262 <h3 id="PerformingSearch">Performing a search</h3>
    264 <p>Once you have declared your searchable activity in the manifest, performing a search in your
    265 searchable activity involves three steps:</p>
    267 <ol>
    268   <li><a href="#ReceivingTheQuery">Receiving the query</a></li>
    269   <li><a href="#SearchingYourData">Searching your data</a></li>
    270   <li><a href="#PresentingTheResults">Presenting the results</a></li>
    271 </ol>
    273 <p>Traditionally, your search results should be presented in a {@link android.widget.ListView}, so
    274 you might want your searchable activity to extend {@link android.app.ListActivity}. It includes
    275 a default layout with a single {@link android.widget.ListView} and provides several
    276 convenience methods for working with the {@link android.widget.ListView}.</p>
    279 <h4 id="ReceivingTheQuery">Receiving the query</h4>
    281 <p>When a user executes a search from the search dialog or widget, the system starts your
    282 searchable activity and sends it a {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent. This intent
    283 carries the search query in the
    284 {@link android.app.SearchManager#QUERY QUERY} string extra. You must check for
    285 this intent when the activity starts and extract the string. For example, here's how you can get the
    286 search query when your searchable activity starts:</p>
    288 <pre>
    289 &#64;Override
    290 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    291     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    292     setContentView(R.layout.search);
    294     // Get the intent, verify the action and get the query
    295     Intent intent = getIntent();
    296     if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(intent.getAction())) {
    297       String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY);
    298       doMySearch(query);
    299     }
    300 }
    301 </pre>
    303 <p>The {@link android.app.SearchManager#QUERY QUERY} string is always included with
    304 the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent. In this example, the query is
    305 retrieved and passed to a local {@code doMySearch()} method where the actual search operation
    306 is done.</p>
    309 <h4 id="SearchingYourData">Searching your data</h4>
    311 <p>The process of storing and searching your data is unique to your application.
    312 You can store and search your data in many ways, but this guide does not show you how to store your
    313 data and search it. Storing and searching your data is something you should carefully consider in
    314 terms of your needs and your data format. However, here are some tips you might be able to
    315 apply:</p>
    317   <ul>
    318     <li>If your data is stored in a SQLite database on the device, performing a full-text search
    319 (using FTS3, rather than a {@code LIKE} query) can provide a more robust search across text data and
    320 can produce results significantly faster. See <a href="http://sqlite.org/fts3.html">sqlite.org</a>
    321 for information about FTS3 and the {@link android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase} class for
    322 information about SQLite on Android. Also look at the <a
    323 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/SearchableDictionary/index.html">Searchable Dictionary</a> sample
    324 application to see a complete SQLite implementation that performs searches with FTS3.</li>
    325     <li>If your data is stored online, then the perceived search performance might be
    326 inhibited by the user's data connection. You might want to display a spinning progress wheel until
    327 your search returns. See {@link android.net} for a reference of network APIs and <a
    328 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/dialogs.html#ProgressDialog">Creating a Progress Dialog</a>
    329 for information about how to display a progress wheel.</li>
    330   </ul>
    333 <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    334 <div class="sidebox">
    335 <h2>About Adapters</h2>
    336 <p>An {@link android.widget.Adapter} binds each item from a set of data into a
    337 {@link android.view.View} object. When the {@link android.widget.Adapter}
    338 is applied to a {@link android.widget.ListView}, each piece of data is inserted as an individual
    339 view into the list. {@link
    340 android.widget.Adapter} is just an interface, so implementations such as {@link
    341 android.widget.CursorAdapter} (for binding data from a {@link android.database.Cursor}) are needed.
    342 If none of the existing implementations work for your data, then you can implement your own from
    343 {@link android.widget.BaseAdapter}. Install the SDK Samples package for API Level 4 to see the
    344 original version of the Searchable Dictionary, which creates a custom adapter to read data from
    345 a file.</p>
    346 </div>
    347 </div>
    349 <p>Regardless of where your data lives and how you search it, we recommend that you return search
    350 results to your searchable activity with an {@link android.widget.Adapter}. This way, you can easily
    351 present all the search results in a {@link android.widget.ListView}. If your data comes from a
    352 SQLite database query, you can apply your results to a {@link android.widget.ListView}
    353 using a {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter}. If your data comes in some other type of format, then
    354 you can create an extension of {@link android.widget.BaseAdapter}.</p>
    357 <h4 id="PresentingTheResults">Presenting the results</h4>
    359 <p>As discussed above, the recommended UI for your search results is a {@link
    360 android.widget.ListView}, so you might want your searchable activity to extend {@link
    361 android.app.ListActivity}. You can then call {@link
    362 android.app.ListActivity#setListAdapter(ListAdapter) setListAdapter()}, passing it an {@link
    363 android.widget.Adapter} that is bound to your data. This injects all the
    364 search results into the activity {@link android.widget.ListView}.</p>
    366 <p>For more help presenting your results in a list, see the {@link android.app.ListActivity}
    367 documentation.</p>
    369 <p>Also see the <a
    370 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/SearchableDictionary/index.html">Searchable Dictionary</a> sample
    371 for an a complete demonstration of how to search an SQLite database and use an
    372 {@link android.widget.Adapter} to provide results in a {@link android.widget.ListView}.</p>
    378 <h2 id="SearchDialog">Using the Search Dialog</h2>
    380 <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    381 <div class="sidebox">
    382   <h2>Should I use the search dialog or the widget?</h2>
    383   <p>The answer depends mostly on whether you are developing for Android 3.0 (API Level 11 or
    384 higher), because the {@link android.widget.SearchView} widget was introduced in Android 3.0. So,
    385 if you are developing your application for a version of Android lower than 3.0, the search widget is
    386 not an option and you should use the search dialog to implement your search interface.</p>
    387   <p>If you <em>are</em> developing for Android 3.0 or higher, then the decision depends more on
    388 your needs. In most cases, we recommend that you use the search widget as an "action view" in the
    389 Action Bar. However, it might not be an option for you to put the search
    390 widget in the Action Bar for some reason (perhaps there's not enough space or you don't use the
    391 Action Bar). So, you might instead want to put the search widget somewhere in your activity layout.
    392 And if all else fails, you can still use the search dialog if you prefer to keep the search box
    393 hidden. In fact, you might want to offer both the dialog and the widget in some cases. For more
    394 information about the widget, skip to <a href="#UsingSearchWidget">Using the Search Widget</a>.</p>
    395 </div>
    396 </div>
    398 <p>The search dialog provides a floating search box at the top of the screen, with the application
    399 icon on the left. The search dialog can provide search suggestions as the user types and, when
    400 the user executes a search, the system sends the search query to a
    401 searchable activity that performs the search. However, if you are developing
    402 your application for devices running Android 3.0, you should consider using the search widget
    403 instead (see the side box).</p>
    405 <p>The search dialog is always hidden by default, until the user activates it. Your application
    406 can activate the search dialog by calling {@link
    407 android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested onSearchRequested()}. However, this method doesn't work
    408 until you enable the search dialog for the activity.</p>
    410 <p>To enable the search dialog, you must indicate to the system which searchable activity should
    411 receive search queries from the search dialog, in order to perform searches. For example, in the
    412 previous section about <a href="#SearchableActivity">Creating a Searchable Activity</a>, a
    413 searchable activity named {@code SearchableActivity} was created. If you want a separate activity,
    414 named {@code OtherActivity}, to show the search dialog and deliver searches to {@code
    415 SearchableActivity}, you must declare in the manifest that {@code SearchableActivity} is the
    416 searchable activity to use for the search dialog in {@code OtherActivity}.</p>
    418 <p>To declare the searchable activity for an activity's search dialog,
    419 add a <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code &lt;meta-data&gt;}</a>
    420 element inside the respective activity's <a
    421 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a> element.
    422 The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code &lt;meta-data&gt;}</a>
    423 element must include the {@code android:value} attribute that specifies the searchable activity's
    424 class name and the {@code android:name} attribute with a value of {@code
    425 "android.app.default_searchable"}.</p>
    427 <p>For example, here is the declaration for
    428 both a searchable activity, {@code SearchableActivity}, and another activity, {@code
    429 OtherActivity}, which uses {@code SearchableActivity} to perform searches executed from its
    430 search dialog:</p>
    432 <pre>
    433 &lt;application ... >
    434     &lt;!-- this is the searchable activity; it performs searches --&gt;
    435     &lt;activity android:name=".SearchableActivity" >
    436         &lt;intent-filter>
    437             &lt;action android:name="android.intent.action.SEARCH" />
    438         &lt;/intent-filter>
    439         &lt;meta-data android:name="android.app.searchable"
    440                    android:resource="@xml/searchable"/>
    441     &lt;/activity>
    443     &lt;!-- this activity enables the search dialog to initiate searches
    444          in the SearchableActivity --&gt;
    445     &lt;activity android:name=".OtherActivity" ... >
    446         &lt;!-- enable the search dialog to send searches to SearchableActivity -->
    447         <b>&lt;meta-data android:name="android.app.default_searchable"
    448                    android:value=".SearchableActivity" /&gt;</b>
    449     &lt;/activity>
    450     ...
    451 &lt;/application>
    452 </pre>
    454 <p>Because the {@code OtherActivity} now includes a <a
    455 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code &lt;meta-data&gt;}</a>
    456 element to declare which searchable activity to use for searches, the activity has enabled the
    457 search dialog.
    458 While the user is in this activity, the {@link
    459 android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested onSearchRequested()} method activates the search dialog.
    460 When the user executes the search, the system starts {@code SearchableActivity} and delivers it
    461 the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent.</p>
    463 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The searchable activity itself provides the search dialog
    464 by default, so you don't need to add this declaration to {@code SearchableActivity}.</p>
    466 <p>If you want every activity in your application to provide the search dialog, insert the above <a
    467 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code &lt;meta-data&gt;}</a>
    468 element as a child of the <a
    469 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code &lt;application&gt;}</a>
    470 element, instead of each <a
    471 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a>. This
    472 way, every activity inherits the value, provides the search dialog, and delivers searches to
    473 the same searchable activity. (If you have multiple searchable activities, you can override the
    474 default searchable activity by placing a different <a
    475 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code &lt;meta-data&gt;}</a>
    476 declaration inside individual activities.)</p>
    478 <p>With the search dialog now enabled for your activities, your application is ready to perform
    479 searches.</p>
    482 <h3 id="InvokingTheSearchDialog">Invoking the search dialog</h3>
    484 <p>Although some devices provide a dedicated Search button, the behavior of the button may vary
    485 between devices and many devices do not provide a Search button at all. So when using the search
    486 dialog, you <strong>must provide a search button in your UI</strong> that activates the search
    487 dialog by calling {@link android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()}.</p>
    489 <p>For instance, you should add a Search button in your <a
    490 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/menus.html#options-menu">Options Menu</a> or UI
    491 layout that calls {@link android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()}. For consistency with
    492 the Android system and other apps, you should label your button with the Android Search icon that's
    493 available from the <a href="{@docRoot}design/downloads/index.html#action-bar-icon-pack">Action Bar
    494 Icon Pack</a>.</p>
    496 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If your app uses the <a
    497 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">action bar</a>, then you should not use
    498 the search dialog for your search interface. Instead, use the <a href="#UsingSearchWidget">search
    499 widget</a> as a collapsible view in the action bar.</p>
    501 <p>You can also enable "type-to-search" functionality, which activates the search dialog when the
    502 user starts typing on the keyboard&mdash;the keystrokes are inserted into the search dialog. You can
    503 enable type-to-search in your activity by calling
    504 {@link android.app.Activity#setDefaultKeyMode(int) setDefaultKeyMode}({@link
    505 android.app.Activity#DEFAULT_KEYS_SEARCH_LOCAL}) during your activity's
    506 {@link android.app.Activity#onCreate(Bundle) onCreate()} method.</p>
    509 <h3 id="LifeCycle">The impact of the search dialog on your activity lifecycle</h3>
    511 <p>The search dialog is a {@link android.app.Dialog} that floats at the top of the
    512 screen. It does not cause any change in the activity stack, so when the search dialog appears, no
    513 lifecycle methods (such as {@link android.app.Activity#onPause()}) are called. Your activity just
    514 loses input focus, as input focus is given to the search dialog.
    515 </p>
    517 <p>If you want to be notified when the search dialog is activated, override the {@link
    518 android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()} method. When the system calls this method, it is an
    519 indication that your activity has lost input focus to the search dialog, so you can do any
    520 work appropriate for the event (such as pause
    521 a game). Unless you are <a
    522 href="#SearchContextData">passing search context data</a>
    523 (discussed below), you should end the method by calling the super class implementation. For
    524 example:</p>
    526 <pre>
    527 &#64;Override
    528 public boolean onSearchRequested() {
    529     pauseSomeStuff();
    530     return super.onSearchRequested();
    531 }
    532 </pre>
    534 <p>If the user cancels search by pressing the <em>Back</em> button, the search dialog closes and the
    535 activity
    536 regains input focus. You can register to be notified when the search dialog is
    537 closed with {@link android.app.SearchManager#setOnDismissListener(SearchManager.OnDismissListener)
    538 setOnDismissListener()}
    539 and/or {@link android.app.SearchManager#setOnCancelListener(SearchManager.OnCancelListener)
    540 setOnCancelListener()}. You
    541 should need to register only the {@link android.app.SearchManager.OnDismissListener
    542 OnDismissListener}, because it is called every time the search dialog closes. The {@link
    543 android.app.SearchManager.OnCancelListener OnCancelListener} only pertains to events in which the
    544 user explicitly exited the search dialog, so it is not called when a search is executed (in which
    545 case, the search dialog naturally disappears).</p>
    547 <p>If the current activity is not the searchable activity, then the normal activity lifecycle
    548 events are triggered once the user executes a search (the current activity receives {@link
    549 android.app.Activity#onPause()} and so forth, as
    550 described in the <a
    551 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/activities.html#Lifecycle">Activities</a>
    552 document). If, however, the current activity is the searchable activity, then one of two
    553 things happens:</p>
    555 <ol type="a">
    556   <li>By default, the searchable activity receives the {@link
    557 android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent with a call to {@link
    558 android.app.Activity#onCreate(Bundle) onCreate()} and a new instance of the
    559 activity is brought to the top of the activity stack. There are now two instances of your
    560 searchable activity in the activity stack (so pressing the <em>Back</em> button goes back to the
    561 previous
    562 instance of the searchable activity, rather than exiting the searchable activity).</li>
    563   <li>If you set {@code android:launchMode} to <code>"singleTop"</code>, then the
    564 searchable activity receives the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent with a call
    565 to {@link android.app.Activity#onNewIntent(Intent)}, passing the new {@link
    566 android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent here. For example, here's how you might handle
    567 this case, in which the searchable activity's launch mode is <code>"singleTop"</code>:
    568 <pre>
    569 &#64;Override
    570 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    571     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    572     setContentView(R.layout.search);
    573     handleIntent(getIntent());
    574 }
    576 &#64;Override
    577 protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
    578     setIntent(intent);
    579     handleIntent(intent);
    580 }
    582 private void handleIntent(Intent intent) {
    583     if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(intent.getAction())) {
    584       String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY);
    585       doMySearch(query);
    586     }
    587 }
    588 </pre>
    590 <p>Compared to the example code in the section about <a href="#PerformingSearch">Performing a
    591 Search</a>, all the code to handle the
    592 search intent is now in the {@code handleIntent()} method, so that both {@link
    593 android.app.Activity#onCreate(Bundle)
    594 onCreate()} and {@link android.app.Activity#onNewIntent(Intent) onNewIntent()} can execute it.</p>
    596 <p>When the system calls {@link android.app.Activity#onNewIntent(Intent)}, the activity has
    597 not been restarted, so the {@link android.app.Activity#getIntent()} method
    598 returns the same intent that was received with {@link
    599 android.app.Activity#onCreate(Bundle) onCreate()}. This is why you should call {@link
    600 android.app.Activity#setIntent(Intent)} inside {@link
    601 android.app.Activity#onNewIntent(Intent)} (so that the intent saved by the activity is updated in
    602 case you call {@link android.app.Activity#getIntent()} in the future).</p>
    604 </li>
    605 </ol>
    607 <p>The second scenario using <code>"singleTop"</code> launch mode is usually ideal, because chances
    608 are good that once a search is done, the user will perform additional searches and it's a bad
    609 experience if your application creates multiple instances of the searchable activity. So, we
    610 recommend that you set your searchable activity to <code>"singleTop"</code> launch mode in the
    611 application manifest. For example:</p>
    613 <pre>
    614 &lt;activity android:name=".SearchableActivity"
    615           <b>android:launchMode="singleTop"</b> >
    616     &lt;intent-filter>
    617         &lt;action android:name="android.intent.action.SEARCH" />
    618     &lt;/intent-filter>
    619     &lt;meta-data android:name="android.app.searchable"
    620                       android:resource="@xml/searchable"/>
    621   &lt;/activity>
    622 </pre>
    626 <h3 id="SearchContextData">Passing search context data</h3>
    628 <p>In some cases, you can make necessary refinements to the search query inside the searchable
    629 activity, for every search made. However, if you want to refine your search criteria based on the
    630 activity from which the user is performing a search, you can provide additional data in the intent
    631 that the system sends to your searchable activity. You can pass the additional data in the {@link
    632 android.app.SearchManager#APP_DATA} {@link android.os.Bundle}, which is included in the {@link
    633 android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} intent.</p>
    635 <p>To pass this kind of data to your searchable activity, override the {@link
    636 android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()} method for the activity from which the user can perform a
    637 search, create a {@link android.os.Bundle} with the additional data, and call {@link
    638 android.app.Activity#startSearch startSearch()} to activate the search dialog.
    639 For example:</p>
    641 <pre>
    642 &#64;Override
    643 public boolean onSearchRequested() {
    644      Bundle appData = new Bundle();
    645      appData.putBoolean(SearchableActivity.JARGON, true);
    646      startSearch(null, false, appData, false);
    647      return true;
    648  }
    649 </pre>
    651 <p>Returning "true" indicates that you have successfully handled this callback event and
    652 called {@link android.app.Activity#startSearch startSearch()} to activate
    653 the search dialog. Once the user submits a query, it's delivered to your
    654 searchable activity along with the data you've added. You can extract the extra data from the {@link
    655 android.app.SearchManager#APP_DATA} {@link android.os.Bundle} to refine the search. For example:</p>
    657 <pre>
    658 Bundle appData = getIntent().getBundleExtra(SearchManager.APP_DATA);
    659 if (appData != null) {
    660     boolean jargon = appData.getBoolean(SearchableActivity.JARGON);
    661 }
    662 </pre>
    664 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> Never call the {@link
    665 android.app.Activity#startSearch(String,boolean,Bundle,boolean) startSearch()} method from outside
    666 the {@link android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()} callback method. To activate the search dialog
    667 in your activity, always call {@link android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()}. Otherwise, {@link
    668 android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested()} is not called and customizations (such as the addition of
    669 {@code appData} in the above example) are missed.</p>
    673 <h2 id="UsingSearchWidget">Using the Search Widget</h2>
    675 <div class="figure" style="width:429px;margin:0">
    676   <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-actionview.png" alt="" />
    677   <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> The {@link
    678 android.widget.SearchView} widget as an "action view" in the Action Bar.</p>
    679 </div>
    681 <p>The {@link android.widget.SearchView} widget is available in Android 3.0 and higher. If
    682 you're developing your application for Android 3.0 and have decided to use the search widget, we
    683 recommend that you insert the search widget as an <a
    684 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#ActionView">action view in the Action Bar</a>,
    685 instead of using the search dialog (and instead of placing the search widget in your activity
    686 layout). For example, figure 2 shows the search widget in the Action Bar.</p>
    688 <p>The search widget provides the same functionality as the search dialog. It starts the appropriate
    689 activity when the user executes a search, and it can provide search suggestions and perform voice
    690 search.</p>
    692 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> When you use the search widget as an action view, you
    693 still might need to support using the search dialog, for cases in which the search widget does
    694 not fit in the Action Bar. See the following section about <a href="#UsingBoth">Using both
    695 the widget and the dialog</a>.</p>
    698 <h3 id="ConfiguringWidget">Configuring the search widget</h3>
    700 <p>After you've created a  <a href="#SearchableConfiguration">searchable configuration</a> and a <a
    701 href="#SearchableActivity">searchable activity</a>, as discussed above, you need to enable assisted
    702 search for each {@link android.widget.SearchView}. You can do so by calling {@link
    703 android.widget.SearchView#setSearchableInfo setSearchableInfo()} and passing it the {@link
    704 android.app.SearchableInfo} object that represents your searchable configuration.</p>
    706 <p>You can get a reference to the {@link android.app.SearchableInfo} by calling {@link
    707 android.app.SearchManager#getSearchableInfo getSearchableInfo()} on {@link
    708 android.app.SearchManager}.</p>
    710 <p>For example, if you're using a {@link android.widget.SearchView} as an action view in the <a
    711 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a>, you should enable the widget
    712 during the {@link android.app.Activity#onCreateOptionsMenu onCreateOptionsMenu()} callback:</p>
    714 <pre>
    715 &#64;Override
    716 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    717     // Inflate the options menu from XML
    718     MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    719     inflater.inflate(R.menu.options_menu, menu);
    721     // Get the SearchView and set the searchable configuration
    722     SearchManager searchManager = (SearchManager) {@link android.app.Activity#getSystemService getSystemService}(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE);
    723     SearchView searchView = (SearchView) menu.findItem(R.id.menu_search).getActionView();
    724     // Assumes current activity is the searchable activity
    725     searchView.setSearchableInfo(searchManager.getSearchableInfo({@link android.app.Activity#getComponentName()}));
    726     searchView.setIconifiedByDefault(false); // Do not iconify the widget; expand it by default
    728     return true;
    729 }
    730 </pre>
    732 <p>That's all you need. The search widget is now configured and the system will deliver search
    733 queries to your searchable activity. You can also enable <a href="#SearchSuggestions">search
    734 suggestions</a> for the search widget.</p>
    736 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you want to handle all user input yourself, you can do so
    737 with some callback methods and event listeners. For more information, see the reference
    738 documentation for {@link android.widget.SearchView} and its nested interfaces for the
    739 appropriate event listeners.</p>
    741 <p>For more information about action views in the Action Bar, read the <a
    742 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#ActionView">Action Bar</a> developer guide (which
    743 includes sample code for adding a search widget as an action view).</p>
    746 <h3 id="WidgetFeatures">Other search widget features</h3>
    748 <p>The {@link android.widget.SearchView} widget allows for a few additional features you might
    749 want:</p>
    751 <dl>
    752   <dt>A submit button</dt>
    753   <dd>By default, there's no button to submit a search query, so the user must press the
    754 "Return" key on the keyboard to initiate a search. You can add a "submit" button by calling
    755 {@link android.widget.SearchView#setSubmitButtonEnabled setSubmitButtonEnabled(true)}.</dd>
    756   <dt>Query refinement for search suggestions</dt>
    757   <dd>When you've enabled search suggestions, you usually expect users to simply select a
    758 suggestion, but they might also want to refine the suggested search query. You can add a button
    759 alongside each suggestion that inserts the suggestion in the search box for refinement by the
    760 user, by calling {@link android.widget.SearchView#setQueryRefinementEnabled
    761 setQueryRefinementEnabled(true)}.</dd>
    762   <dt>The ability to toggle the search box visibility</dt>
    763   <dd>By default, the search widget is "iconified," meaning that it is represented only by a
    764 search icon (a magnifying glass), and expands to show the search box when the user touches it.
    765 As shown above, you can show the search box by default, by calling {@link
    766 android.widget.SearchView#setIconifiedByDefault setIconifiedByDefault(false)}. You can also
    767 toggle the search widget appearance by calling {@link android.widget.SearchView#setIconified
    768 setIconified()}.</dd>
    769 </dl>
    771 <p>There are several other APIs in the {@link android.widget.SearchView} class that allow you to
    772 customize the search widget. However, most of them are used only when you handle all
    773 user input yourself, instead of using the Android system to deliver search queries and display
    774 search suggestions.</p>
    777 <h3 id="UsingBoth">Using both the widget and the dialog</h3>
    779 <p>If you insert the search widget in the Action Bar as an <a
    780 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html#ActionView">action view</a>, and you enable it to
    781 appear in the Action Bar "if there is room" (by setting {@code
    782 android:showAsAction="ifRoom"}), then there is a chance that the search widget will not appear
    783 as an action view, but the menu item will appear in the overflow menu. For example, when your
    784 application runs on a smaller screen, there might not be enough room in the Action Bar to display
    785 the search widget along with other action items or navigation elements, so the menu item will
    786 instead appear in the overflow menu. When placed in the overflow menu, the item works like an
    787 ordinary menu item and does not display the action view (the search widget).</p>
    789 <p>To handle this situation, the menu item to which you've attached the search widget should
    790 activate the search dialog when the user selects it from the overflow menu. In order for it to do
    791 so, you must implement {@link android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected onOptionsItemSelected()} to
    792 handle the "Search" menu item and open the search dialog by calling {@link
    793 android.app.Activity#onSearchRequested onSearchRequested()}.</p>
    795 <p>For more information about how items in the Action Bar work and how to handle this situation, see
    796 the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action
    797 Bar</a> developer guide.</p>
    799 <p>Also see the <a
    800 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/SearchableDictionary/src/com/example/android/searchabledict/SearchableDictionary.html"
    801 >Searchable Dictionary</a> for an example implementation using
    802 both the dialog and the widget.</p>
    806 <h2 id="VoiceSearch">Adding Voice Search</h2>
    808 <p>You can add voice search functionality to your search dialog or widget by adding the {@code
    809 android:voiceSearchMode} attribute to your searchable configuration. This adds a voice search
    810 button that launches a voice prompt. When the user
    811 has finished speaking, the transcribed search query is sent to your searchable
    812 activity.</p>
    814 <p>For example:</p>
    816 <pre>
    817 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    818 &lt;searchable xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    819     android:label="@string/search_label"
    820     android:hint="@string/search_hint"
    821     <b>android:voiceSearchMode="showVoiceSearchButton|launchRecognizer"</b> >
    822 &lt;/searchable>
    823 </pre>
    825 <p>The value {@code showVoiceSearchButton} is required to enable voice
    826 search, while the second value, {@code launchRecognizer}, specifies that the voice search button
    827 should launch a recognizer that returns the transcribed text to the searchable activity.</p>
    829 <p>You can provide additional attributes to specify the voice search behavior, such
    830 as the language to be expected and the maximum number of results to return. See the <a
    831 href="searchable-config.html">Searchable Configuration</a> reference for more information about the
    832 available attributes.</p>
    834 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Carefully consider whether voice search is appropriate for
    835 your application. All searches performed with the voice search button are immediately sent to
    836 your searchable activity without a chance for the user to review the transcribed query. Sufficiently
    837 test the voice recognition and ensure that it understands the types of queries that
    838 the user might submit inside your application.</p>
    842 <h2 id="SearchSuggestions">Adding Search Suggestions</h2>
    844 <div class="figure" style="width:250px;margin:0">
    845 <img src="{@docRoot}images/search/search-suggest-custom.png" alt="" height="417" />
    846 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> Screenshot of a search dialog with custom
    847 search suggestions.</p>
    848 </div>
    850 <p>Both the search dialog and the search widget can provide search suggestions as the user
    851 types, with assistance from the Android system. The system manages the list of suggestions and
    852 handles the event when the user selects a suggestion.</p>
    854 <p>You can provide two kinds of search suggestions:</p>
    856 <dl>
    857   <dt>Recent query search suggestions</dt>
    858   <dd>These suggestions are simply words that the user previously used as search queries in
    859 your application.
    860   <p>See <a href="adding-recent-query-suggestions.html">Adding Recent Query
    861 Suggestions</a>.</p></dd>
    862   <dt>Custom search suggestions</dt>
    863   <dd>These are search suggestions that you provide from your own data source, to help users
    864 immediately select the correct spelling or item they are searching for. Figure 3 shows an
    865 example of custom suggestions for a dictionary application&mdash;the user can select a suggestion
    866 to instantly go to the definition.
    867   <p>See <a href="adding-custom-suggestions.html">Adding Custom
    868 Suggestions</a></p></dd>
    869 </dl>