1 page.title=About Android TV 2 page.type=about 3 page.image=tv/images/hero.jpg 4 page.viewport_width=970 5 page.tags="tv", "leanback" 6 page.metaDescription=Bring your apps, games, and content to the biggest screen in the house. 7 fullpage=true 8 no_footer_links=true 9 page.type=about 10 11 @jd:body 12 13 <style> 14 .fullpage>#footer, 15 #jd-content>.content-footer.wrap { 16 display:none; 17 } 18 </style> 19 20 21 <div class="landing-body-content"> 22 23 <div class="landing-hero-container"> 24 25 <div class="landing-section tv-hero"> 26 <div class="landing-hero-scrim"></div> 27 <div class="landing-hero-wrap"> 28 <div class="vertical-center-outer"> 29 <div class="vertical-center-inner"> 30 31 <div class="col-10"> 32 <div class="landing-section-header"> 33 <div class="landing-h1 hero">Android TV</div> 34 <div class="landing-subhead hero">Big screen apps, games, and content</div> 35 <div class="landing-hero-description"> 36 <p>Recommend great content to users right on the home screen. 37 Enable users to find movies through voice search. 38 Engage users with fluid, immersive games.</p> 39 </div> 40 </div> 41 42 <div class="landing-body"> 43 <a href="{@docRoot}training/tv/index.html" class="landing-button 44 landing-primary" style="margin-top: 40px;"> 45 Get Started 46 </a> 47 </div> 48 </div> 49 </div> 50 </div> 51 </div> <!-- end .wrap --> 52 <div class="landing-scroll-down-affordance"> 53 <a class="landing-down-arrow" href="#reimagine-your-app"> 54 <img src="{@docRoot}wear/images/carrot.png" alt="Scroll down to read more"> 55 </a> 56 </div> 57 </div> <!-- end .landing-section .landing-hero --> 58 59 <div class="landing-rest-of-page"> 60 61 <div class="landing-section" style="background-color:#f5f5f5" id="reimagine-your-app"> 62 <div class="wrap"> 63 64 <div class="landing-section-header"> 65 <div class="landing-h1">Reimagine Your App</div> 66 <div class="landing-subhead"> 67 Design your app to shine on the biggest screen in the house. 68 </div> 69 </div> 70 71 <div class="landing-body landing-align-center"> 72 <img src="{@docRoot}tv/images/atv-framed.png" alt="Android TV" > 73 <p>Simple. Cinematic. Beautiful.</p> 74 <p class="landing-small"> 75 Smooth, fast interactions are key to a successful TV app. Keep navigation simple 76 and light. <br>Bring your content forward to let users enjoy it with a minimum of 77 effort. 78 </p> 79 <p class="landing-small"> 80 <a href="{@docRoot}design/tv/index.html">Learn about design for TV</a> 81 </p> 82 </div> 83 84 </div> <!-- end .wrap --> 85 </div> <!-- end .landing-section --> 86 87 <div class="landing-section landing-gray-background"> 88 <div class="wrap"> 89 <div class="landing-section-header"> 90 <div class="landing-h1">Build to Entertain</div> 91 <div class="landing-subhead"> 92 Android TV lets you engage your users in a new, shared environment.<br> 93 Find out how to get your app ready for its big-screen debut. 94 </div> 95 </div> 96 97 98 <div class="landing-body"> 99 <div class="landing-breakout cols"> 100 101 <div class="col-3-wide"> 102 <img src="{@docRoot}tv/images/components.png" alt="TV layout components" 103 style="margin-left: 23px;"> 104 105 <p>Made for TV</p> 106 <p class="landing-small"> 107 Take advantage of pre-built fragments for browsing and interacting with media 108 catalogs. 109 </p> 110 <p class="landing-small"> 111 <a href="{@docRoot}training/tv/playback/index.html">Learn pre-built fragments</a> 112 </p> 113 </div> 114 115 <div class="col-3-wide"> 116 <img src="{@docRoot}tv/images/search.png" alt="Search" 117 style="margin-left: 23px;"> 118 119 <p>Get Found</p> 120 <p class="landing-small"> 121 Help users find your content quickly with in-app searching. 122 </p> 123 <p class="landing-small"> 124 <a href="{@docRoot}training/tv/discovery/in-app-search.html">Learn about app search</a> 125 </p> 126 </div> 127 128 <div class="col-3-wide"> 129 <img src="{@docRoot}tv/images/recommendations.png" alt="Recommendations" 130 style="margin-left: 23px;"> 131 132 <p>Recommend</p> 133 <p class="landing-small"> 134 Suggest content from your app to keep your users coming back. 135 </p> 136 <p class="landing-small"> 137 <a href="{@docRoot}training/tv/discovery/recommendations.html">Learn about 138 recommendations</a> 139 </p> 140 </div> 141 142 </div> 143 144 </div> 145 </div> <!-- end .wrap --> 146 </div> <!-- end .landing-section --> 147 148 149 <div class="landing-section landing-red-background"> 150 <div class="wrap"> 151 <div class="landing-section-header"> 152 <div class="landing-h1 landing-align-left">Get Started with Android TV</div> 153 154 <div class="landing-subhead landing-subhead-red"> 155 <p> 156 Set up your development environment to build apps for TV. 157 Start creating your big-screen experience! 158 </p> 159 </div> 160 </div> 161 <div class="landing-body"> 162 <a href="{@docRoot}training/tv/start/index.html" class="landing-button landing-primary" 163 style="margin-top: 20px;"> 164 Get Started 165 </a> 166 </div> 167 </div> <!-- end .wrap --> 168 </div> <!-- end .landing-section --> 169 170 <div class="landing-section"> 171 <div class="wrap"> 172 <div class="cols"> 173 <div class="landing-body"> 174 175 <div class="col-3-wide"> 176 <a target="_blank" href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2014/06/android-tv-and-google-cast.html"> 177 <img class="landing-social-image" src="{@docRoot}wear/images/blogger.png" alt=""> 178 </a> 179 <div class="landing-social-copy"> 180 <p>Blog Post</p> 181 <p class="landing-small"> 182 Read more about Android TV development 183 on our blog. 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