Lines Matching refs:toHex
456 throw tcu::InternalError(string("Can't map GL pixel format (") + tcu::toHex(format).toString() + ", " + tcu::toHex(dataType).toString() + ") to texture format");
547 throw tcu::InternalError(string("Can't map GL sized internal format (") + tcu::toHex(internalFormat).toString() + ") to texture format");
625 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map GL wrap mode " + tcu::toHex(wrapMode).toString());
640 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map GL min filter mode" + tcu::toHex(filterMode).toString());
651 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map GL mag filter mode" + tcu::toHex(filterMode).toString());
731 throw tcu::InternalError("Can't map GL compare mode " + tcu::toHex(mode).toString());