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      1 //===--- Driver.cpp - Clang GCC Compatible Driver -------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "clang/Driver/Driver.h"
     11 #include "InputInfo.h"
     12 #include "ToolChains.h"
     13 #include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
     14 #include "clang/Config/config.h"
     15 #include "clang/Driver/Action.h"
     16 #include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
     17 #include "clang/Driver/DriverDiagnostic.h"
     18 #include "clang/Driver/Job.h"
     19 #include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
     20 #include "clang/Driver/SanitizerArgs.h"
     21 #include "clang/Driver/Tool.h"
     22 #include "clang/Driver/ToolChain.h"
     23 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
     24 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
     25 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
     26 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
     27 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
     28 #include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
     29 #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
     30 #include "llvm/Option/OptSpecifier.h"
     31 #include "llvm/Option/OptTable.h"
     32 #include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
     33 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
     34 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     35 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
     36 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     37 #include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
     38 #include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
     39 #include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
     40 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     41 #include <map>
     42 #include <memory>
     44 using namespace clang::driver;
     45 using namespace clang;
     46 using namespace llvm::opt;
     48 Driver::Driver(StringRef ClangExecutable, StringRef DefaultTargetTriple,
     49                DiagnosticsEngine &Diags)
     50     : Opts(createDriverOptTable()), Diags(Diags), Mode(GCCMode),
     51       SaveTemps(SaveTempsNone), ClangExecutable(ClangExecutable),
     52       SysRoot(DEFAULT_SYSROOT), UseStdLib(true),
     53       DefaultTargetTriple(DefaultTargetTriple),
     54       DriverTitle("clang LLVM compiler"), CCPrintOptionsFilename(nullptr),
     55       CCPrintHeadersFilename(nullptr), CCLogDiagnosticsFilename(nullptr),
     56       CCCPrintBindings(false), CCPrintHeaders(false), CCLogDiagnostics(false),
     57       CCGenDiagnostics(false), CCCGenericGCCName(""), CheckInputsExist(true),
     58       CCCUsePCH(true), SuppressMissingInputWarning(false) {
     60   Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(ClangExecutable);
     61   Dir  = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ClangExecutable);
     63   // Compute the path to the resource directory.
     64   StringRef ClangResourceDir(CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR);
     65   SmallString<128> P(Dir);
     66   if (ClangResourceDir != "") {
     67     llvm::sys::path::append(P, ClangResourceDir);
     68   } else {
     69     StringRef ClangLibdirSuffix(CLANG_LIBDIR_SUFFIX);
     70     llvm::sys::path::append(P, "..", Twine("lib") + ClangLibdirSuffix, "clang",
     71                             CLANG_VERSION_STRING);
     72   }
     73   ResourceDir = P.str();
     74 }
     76 Driver::~Driver() {
     77   delete Opts;
     79   llvm::DeleteContainerSeconds(ToolChains);
     80 }
     82 void Driver::ParseDriverMode(ArrayRef<const char *> Args) {
     83   const std::string OptName =
     84     getOpts().getOption(options::OPT_driver_mode).getPrefixedName();
     86   for (size_t I = 0, E = Args.size(); I != E; ++I) {
     87     // Ingore nullptrs, they are response file's EOL markers
     88     if (Args[I] == nullptr)
     89       continue;
     90     const StringRef Arg = Args[I];
     91     if (!Arg.startswith(OptName))
     92       continue;
     94     const StringRef Value = Arg.drop_front(OptName.size());
     95     const unsigned M = llvm::StringSwitch<unsigned>(Value)
     96         .Case("gcc", GCCMode)
     97         .Case("g++", GXXMode)
     98         .Case("cpp", CPPMode)
     99         .Case("cl",  CLMode)
    100         .Default(~0U);
    102     if (M != ~0U)
    103       Mode = static_cast<DriverMode>(M);
    104     else
    105       Diag(diag::err_drv_unsupported_option_argument) << OptName << Value;
    106   }
    107 }
    109 InputArgList *Driver::ParseArgStrings(ArrayRef<const char *> ArgStrings) {
    110   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Command line argument parsing");
    112   unsigned IncludedFlagsBitmask;
    113   unsigned ExcludedFlagsBitmask;
    114   std::tie(IncludedFlagsBitmask, ExcludedFlagsBitmask) =
    115     getIncludeExcludeOptionFlagMasks();
    117   unsigned MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount;
    118   InputArgList *Args = getOpts().ParseArgs(ArgStrings.begin(), ArgStrings.end(),
    119                                            MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount,
    120                                            IncludedFlagsBitmask,
    121                                            ExcludedFlagsBitmask);
    123   // Check for missing argument error.
    124   if (MissingArgCount)
    125     Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_missing_argument)
    126       << Args->getArgString(MissingArgIndex) << MissingArgCount;
    128   // Check for unsupported options.
    129   for (const Arg *A : *Args) {
    130     if (A->getOption().hasFlag(options::Unsupported)) {
    131       Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_unsupported_opt) << A->getAsString(*Args);
    132       continue;
    133     }
    135     // Warn about -mcpu= without an argument.
    136     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ) &&
    137         A->containsValue("")) {
    138       Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_empty_joined_argument) <<
    139         A->getAsString(*Args);
    140     }
    141   }
    143   for (arg_iterator it = Args->filtered_begin(options::OPT_UNKNOWN),
    144          ie = Args->filtered_end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    145     Diags.Report(diag::err_drv_unknown_argument) << (*it) ->getAsString(*Args);
    146   }
    148   return Args;
    149 }
    151 // Determine which compilation mode we are in. We look for options which
    152 // affect the phase, starting with the earliest phases, and record which
    153 // option we used to determine the final phase.
    154 phases::ID Driver::getFinalPhase(const DerivedArgList &DAL, Arg **FinalPhaseArg)
    155 const {
    156   Arg *PhaseArg = nullptr;
    157   phases::ID FinalPhase;
    159   // -{E,EP,P,M,MM} only run the preprocessor.
    160   if (CCCIsCPP() ||
    161       (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_E)) ||
    162       (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_EP)) ||
    163       (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_M, options::OPT_MM)) ||
    164       (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_P))) {
    165     FinalPhase = phases::Preprocess;
    167     // -{fsyntax-only,-analyze,emit-ast} only run up to the compiler.
    168   } else if ((PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_fsyntax_only)) ||
    169              (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_module_file_info)) ||
    170              (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_verify_pch)) ||
    171              (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc)) ||
    172              (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_rewrite_legacy_objc)) ||
    173              (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT__migrate)) ||
    174              (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT__analyze,
    175                                         options::OPT__analyze_auto)) ||
    176              (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_emit_ast))) {
    177     FinalPhase = phases::Compile;
    179     // -S only runs up to the backend.
    180   } else if ((PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_S))) {
    181     FinalPhase = phases::Backend;
    183     // -c only runs up to the assembler.
    184   } else if ((PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_c))) {
    185     FinalPhase = phases::Assemble;
    187     // Otherwise do everything.
    188   } else
    189     FinalPhase = phases::Link;
    191   if (FinalPhaseArg)
    192     *FinalPhaseArg = PhaseArg;
    194   return FinalPhase;
    195 }
    197 static Arg* MakeInputArg(DerivedArgList &Args, OptTable *Opts,
    198                          StringRef Value) {
    199   Arg *A = new Arg(Opts->getOption(options::OPT_INPUT), Value,
    200                    Args.getBaseArgs().MakeIndex(Value), Value.data());
    201   Args.AddSynthesizedArg(A);
    202   A->claim();
    203   return A;
    204 }
    206 DerivedArgList *Driver::TranslateInputArgs(const InputArgList &Args) const {
    207   DerivedArgList *DAL = new DerivedArgList(Args);
    209   bool HasNostdlib = Args.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib);
    210   for (Arg *A : Args) {
    211     // Unfortunately, we have to parse some forwarding options (-Xassembler,
    212     // -Xlinker, -Xpreprocessor) because we either integrate their functionality
    213     // (assembler and preprocessor), or bypass a previous driver ('collect2').
    215     // Rewrite linker options, to replace --no-demangle with a custom internal
    216     // option.
    217     if ((A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_Wl_COMMA) ||
    218          A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_Xlinker)) &&
    219         A->containsValue("--no-demangle")) {
    220       // Add the rewritten no-demangle argument.
    221       DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_Z_Xlinker__no_demangle));
    223       // Add the remaining values as Xlinker arguments.
    224       for (unsigned i = 0, e = A->getNumValues(); i != e; ++i)
    225         if (StringRef(A->getValue(i)) != "--no-demangle")
    226           DAL->AddSeparateArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_Xlinker),
    227                               A->getValue(i));
    229       continue;
    230     }
    232     // Rewrite preprocessor options, to replace -Wp,-MD,FOO which is used by
    233     // some build systems. We don't try to be complete here because we don't
    234     // care to encourage this usage model.
    235     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_Wp_COMMA) &&
    236         (A->getValue(0) == StringRef("-MD") ||
    237          A->getValue(0) == StringRef("-MMD"))) {
    238       // Rewrite to -MD/-MMD along with -MF.
    239       if (A->getValue(0) == StringRef("-MD"))
    240         DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_MD));
    241       else
    242         DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_MMD));
    243       if (A->getNumValues() == 2)
    244         DAL->AddSeparateArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_MF),
    245                             A->getValue(1));
    246       continue;
    247     }
    249     // Rewrite reserved library names.
    250     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_l)) {
    251       StringRef Value = A->getValue();
    253       // Rewrite unless -nostdlib is present.
    254       if (!HasNostdlib && Value == "stdc++") {
    255         DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(
    256                               options::OPT_Z_reserved_lib_stdcxx));
    257         continue;
    258       }
    260       // Rewrite unconditionally.
    261       if (Value == "cc_kext") {
    262         DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(
    263                               options::OPT_Z_reserved_lib_cckext));
    264         continue;
    265       }
    266     }
    268     // Pick up inputs via the -- option.
    269     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT__DASH_DASH)) {
    270       A->claim();
    271       for (unsigned i = 0, e = A->getNumValues(); i != e; ++i)
    272         DAL->append(MakeInputArg(*DAL, Opts, A->getValue(i)));
    273       continue;
    274     }
    276     DAL->append(A);
    277   }
    279   // Add a default value of -mlinker-version=, if one was given and the user
    280   // didn't specify one.
    281 #if defined(HOST_LINK_VERSION)
    282   if (!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_mlinker_version_EQ)) {
    283     DAL->AddJoinedArg(0, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_mlinker_version_EQ),
    284                       HOST_LINK_VERSION);
    285     DAL->getLastArg(options::OPT_mlinker_version_EQ)->claim();
    286   }
    287 #endif
    289   return DAL;
    290 }
    292 Compilation *Driver::BuildCompilation(ArrayRef<const char *> ArgList) {
    293   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Compilation construction");
    295   // FIXME: Handle environment options which affect driver behavior, somewhere
    296   // (client?). GCC_EXEC_PREFIX, LPATH, CC_PRINT_OPTIONS.
    298   if (char *env = ::getenv("COMPILER_PATH")) {
    299     StringRef CompilerPath = env;
    300     while (!CompilerPath.empty()) {
    301       std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split
    302         = CompilerPath.split(llvm::sys::EnvPathSeparator);
    303       PrefixDirs.push_back(Split.first);
    304       CompilerPath = Split.second;
    305     }
    306   }
    308   // We look for the driver mode option early, because the mode can affect
    309   // how other options are parsed.
    310   ParseDriverMode(ArgList.slice(1));
    312   // FIXME: What are we going to do with -V and -b?
    314   // FIXME: This stuff needs to go into the Compilation, not the driver.
    315   bool CCCPrintActions;
    317   InputArgList *Args = ParseArgStrings(ArgList.slice(1));
    319   // -no-canonical-prefixes is used very early in main.
    320   Args->ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_no_canonical_prefixes);
    322   // Ignore -pipe.
    323   Args->ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_pipe);
    325   // Extract -ccc args.
    326   //
    327   // FIXME: We need to figure out where this behavior should live. Most of it
    328   // should be outside in the client; the parts that aren't should have proper
    329   // options, either by introducing new ones or by overloading gcc ones like -V
    330   // or -b.
    331   CCCPrintActions = Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_print_phases);
    332   CCCPrintBindings = Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_print_bindings);
    333   if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_ccc_gcc_name))
    334     CCCGenericGCCName = A->getValue();
    335   CCCUsePCH = Args->hasFlag(options::OPT_ccc_pch_is_pch,
    336                             options::OPT_ccc_pch_is_pth);
    337   // FIXME: DefaultTargetTriple is used by the target-prefixed calls to as/ld
    338   // and getToolChain is const.
    339   if (IsCLMode()) {
    340     // clang-cl targets MSVC-style Win32.
    341     llvm::Triple T(DefaultTargetTriple);
    342     T.setOS(llvm::Triple::Win32);
    343     T.setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::MSVC);
    344     DefaultTargetTriple = T.str();
    345   }
    346   if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_target))
    347     DefaultTargetTriple = A->getValue();
    348   if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_ccc_install_dir))
    349     Dir = InstalledDir = A->getValue();
    350   for (arg_iterator it = Args->filtered_begin(options::OPT_B),
    351          ie = Args->filtered_end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    352     const Arg *A = *it;
    353     A->claim();
    354     PrefixDirs.push_back(A->getValue(0));
    355   }
    356   if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT__sysroot_EQ))
    357     SysRoot = A->getValue();
    358   if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT__dyld_prefix_EQ))
    359     DyldPrefix = A->getValue();
    360   if (Args->hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib))
    361     UseStdLib = false;
    363   if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_resource_dir))
    364     ResourceDir = A->getValue();
    366   if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_save_temps_EQ)) {
    367     SaveTemps = llvm::StringSwitch<SaveTempsMode>(A->getValue())
    368                     .Case("cwd", SaveTempsCwd)
    369                     .Case("obj", SaveTempsObj)
    370                     .Default(SaveTempsCwd);
    371   }
    373   // Perform the default argument translations.
    374   DerivedArgList *TranslatedArgs = TranslateInputArgs(*Args);
    376   // Owned by the host.
    377   const ToolChain &TC = getToolChain(*Args);
    379   // The compilation takes ownership of Args.
    380   Compilation *C = new Compilation(*this, TC, Args, TranslatedArgs);
    382   if (!HandleImmediateArgs(*C))
    383     return C;
    385   // Construct the list of inputs.
    386   InputList Inputs;
    387   BuildInputs(C->getDefaultToolChain(), *TranslatedArgs, Inputs);
    389   // Construct the list of abstract actions to perform for this compilation. On
    390   // MachO targets this uses the driver-driver and universal actions.
    391   if (TC.getTriple().isOSBinFormatMachO())
    392     BuildUniversalActions(C->getDefaultToolChain(), C->getArgs(),
    393                           Inputs, C->getActions());
    394   else
    395     BuildActions(C->getDefaultToolChain(), C->getArgs(), Inputs,
    396                  C->getActions());
    398   if (CCCPrintActions) {
    399     PrintActions(*C);
    400     return C;
    401   }
    403   BuildJobs(*C);
    405   return C;
    406 }
    408 // When clang crashes, produce diagnostic information including the fully
    409 // preprocessed source file(s).  Request that the developer attach the
    410 // diagnostic information to a bug report.
    411 void Driver::generateCompilationDiagnostics(Compilation &C,
    412                                             const Command &FailingCommand) {
    413   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_fno_crash_diagnostics))
    414     return;
    416   // Don't try to generate diagnostics for link or dsymutil jobs.
    417   if (FailingCommand.getCreator().isLinkJob() ||
    418       FailingCommand.getCreator().isDsymutilJob())
    419     return;
    421   // Print the version of the compiler.
    422   PrintVersion(C, llvm::errs());
    424   Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    425     << "PLEASE submit a bug report to " BUG_REPORT_URL " and include the "
    426     "crash backtrace, preprocessed source, and associated run script.";
    428   // Suppress driver output and emit preprocessor output to temp file.
    429   Mode = CPPMode;
    430   CCGenDiagnostics = true;
    432   // Save the original job command(s).
    433   Command Cmd = FailingCommand;
    435   // Keep track of whether we produce any errors while trying to produce
    436   // preprocessed sources.
    437   DiagnosticErrorTrap Trap(Diags);
    439   // Suppress tool output.
    440   C.initCompilationForDiagnostics();
    442   // Construct the list of inputs.
    443   InputList Inputs;
    444   BuildInputs(C.getDefaultToolChain(), C.getArgs(), Inputs);
    446   for (InputList::iterator it = Inputs.begin(), ie = Inputs.end(); it != ie;) {
    447     bool IgnoreInput = false;
    449     // Ignore input from stdin or any inputs that cannot be preprocessed.
    450     // Check type first as not all linker inputs have a value.
    451    if (types::getPreprocessedType(it->first) == types::TY_INVALID) {
    452       IgnoreInput = true;
    453     } else if (!strcmp(it->second->getValue(), "-")) {
    454       Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    455         << "Error generating preprocessed source(s) - ignoring input from stdin"
    456         ".";
    457       IgnoreInput = true;
    458     }
    460     if (IgnoreInput) {
    461       it = Inputs.erase(it);
    462       ie = Inputs.end();
    463     } else {
    464       ++it;
    465     }
    466   }
    468   if (Inputs.empty()) {
    469     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    470       << "Error generating preprocessed source(s) - no preprocessable inputs.";
    471     return;
    472   }
    474   // Don't attempt to generate preprocessed files if multiple -arch options are
    475   // used, unless they're all duplicates.
    476   llvm::StringSet<> ArchNames;
    477   for (const Arg *A : C.getArgs()) {
    478     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_arch)) {
    479       StringRef ArchName = A->getValue();
    480       ArchNames.insert(ArchName);
    481     }
    482   }
    483   if (ArchNames.size() > 1) {
    484     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    485       << "Error generating preprocessed source(s) - cannot generate "
    486       "preprocessed source with multiple -arch options.";
    487     return;
    488   }
    490   // Construct the list of abstract actions to perform for this compilation. On
    491   // Darwin OSes this uses the driver-driver and builds universal actions.
    492   const ToolChain &TC = C.getDefaultToolChain();
    493   if (TC.getTriple().isOSBinFormatMachO())
    494     BuildUniversalActions(TC, C.getArgs(), Inputs, C.getActions());
    495   else
    496     BuildActions(TC, C.getArgs(), Inputs, C.getActions());
    498   BuildJobs(C);
    500   // If there were errors building the compilation, quit now.
    501   if (Trap.hasErrorOccurred()) {
    502     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    503       << "Error generating preprocessed source(s).";
    504     return;
    505   }
    507   // Generate preprocessed output.
    508   SmallVector<std::pair<int, const Command *>, 4> FailingCommands;
    509   C.ExecuteJob(C.getJobs(), FailingCommands);
    511   // If any of the preprocessing commands failed, clean up and exit.
    512   if (!FailingCommands.empty()) {
    513     if (!isSaveTempsEnabled())
    514       C.CleanupFileList(C.getTempFiles(), true);
    516     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    517       << "Error generating preprocessed source(s).";
    518     return;
    519   }
    521   const ArgStringList &TempFiles = C.getTempFiles();
    522   if (TempFiles.empty()) {
    523     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    524       << "Error generating preprocessed source(s).";
    525     return;
    526   }
    528   Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    529       << "\n********************\n\n"
    531          "Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:";
    533   SmallString<128> VFS;
    534   for (const char *TempFile : TempFiles) {
    535     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg) << TempFile;
    536     if (StringRef(TempFile).endswith(".cache")) {
    537       // In some cases (modules) we'll dump extra data to help with reproducing
    538       // the crash into a directory next to the output.
    539       VFS = llvm::sys::path::filename(TempFile);
    540       llvm::sys::path::append(VFS, "vfs", "vfs.yaml");
    541     }
    542   }
    544   // Assume associated files are based off of the first temporary file.
    545   CrashReportInfo CrashInfo(TempFiles[0], VFS);
    547   std::string Script = CrashInfo.Filename.rsplit('.').first.str() + ".sh";
    548   std::error_code EC;
    549   llvm::raw_fd_ostream ScriptOS(Script, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_Excl);
    550   if (EC) {
    551     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    552         << "Error generating run script: " + Script + " " + EC.message();
    553   } else {
    554     ScriptOS << "# Crash reproducer for " << getClangFullVersion() << "\n"
    555              << "# Original command: ";
    556     Cmd.Print(ScriptOS, "\n", /*Quote=*/true);
    557     Cmd.Print(ScriptOS, "\n", /*Quote=*/true, &CrashInfo);
    558     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg) << Script;
    559   }
    561   for (const auto &A : C.getArgs().filtered(options::OPT_frewrite_map_file,
    562                                             options::OPT_frewrite_map_file_EQ))
    563     Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg) << A->getValue();
    565   Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
    566       << "\n\n********************";
    567 }
    569 void Driver::setUpResponseFiles(Compilation &C, Job &J) {
    570   if (JobList *Jobs = dyn_cast<JobList>(&J)) {
    571     for (auto &Job : *Jobs)
    572       setUpResponseFiles(C, Job);
    573     return;
    574   }
    576   Command *CurCommand = dyn_cast<Command>(&J);
    577   if (!CurCommand)
    578     return;
    580   // Since argumentsFitWithinSystemLimits() may underestimate system's capacity
    581   // if the tool does not support response files, there is a chance/ that things
    582   // will just work without a response file, so we silently just skip it.
    583   if (CurCommand->getCreator().getResponseFilesSupport() == Tool::RF_None ||
    584       llvm::sys::argumentsFitWithinSystemLimits(CurCommand->getArguments()))
    585     return;
    587   std::string TmpName = GetTemporaryPath("response", "txt");
    588   CurCommand->setResponseFile(C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(
    589       TmpName.c_str())));
    590 }
    592 int Driver::ExecuteCompilation(Compilation &C,
    593     SmallVectorImpl< std::pair<int, const Command *> > &FailingCommands) {
    594   // Just print if -### was present.
    595   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH)) {
    596     C.getJobs().Print(llvm::errs(), "\n", true);
    597     return 0;
    598   }
    600   // If there were errors building the compilation, quit now.
    601   if (Diags.hasErrorOccurred())
    602     return 1;
    604   // Set up response file names for each command, if necessary
    605   setUpResponseFiles(C, C.getJobs());
    607   C.ExecuteJob(C.getJobs(), FailingCommands);
    609   // Remove temp files.
    610   C.CleanupFileList(C.getTempFiles());
    612   // If the command succeeded, we are done.
    613   if (FailingCommands.empty())
    614     return 0;
    616   // Otherwise, remove result files and print extra information about abnormal
    617   // failures.
    618   for (SmallVectorImpl< std::pair<int, const Command *> >::iterator it =
    619          FailingCommands.begin(), ie = FailingCommands.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    620     int Res = it->first;
    621     const Command *FailingCommand = it->second;
    623     // Remove result files if we're not saving temps.
    624     if (!isSaveTempsEnabled()) {
    625       const JobAction *JA = cast<JobAction>(&FailingCommand->getSource());
    626       C.CleanupFileMap(C.getResultFiles(), JA, true);
    628       // Failure result files are valid unless we crashed.
    629       if (Res < 0)
    630         C.CleanupFileMap(C.getFailureResultFiles(), JA, true);
    631     }
    633     // Print extra information about abnormal failures, if possible.
    634     //
    635     // This is ad-hoc, but we don't want to be excessively noisy. If the result
    636     // status was 1, assume the command failed normally. In particular, if it
    637     // was the compiler then assume it gave a reasonable error code. Failures
    638     // in other tools are less common, and they generally have worse
    639     // diagnostics, so always print the diagnostic there.
    640     const Tool &FailingTool = FailingCommand->getCreator();
    642     if (!FailingCommand->getCreator().hasGoodDiagnostics() || Res != 1) {
    643       // FIXME: See FIXME above regarding result code interpretation.
    644       if (Res < 0)
    645         Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_command_signalled)
    646           << FailingTool.getShortName();
    647       else
    648         Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_command_failed)
    649           << FailingTool.getShortName() << Res;
    650     }
    651   }
    652   return 0;
    653 }
    655 void Driver::PrintHelp(bool ShowHidden) const {
    656   unsigned IncludedFlagsBitmask;
    657   unsigned ExcludedFlagsBitmask;
    658   std::tie(IncludedFlagsBitmask, ExcludedFlagsBitmask) =
    659     getIncludeExcludeOptionFlagMasks();
    661   ExcludedFlagsBitmask |= options::NoDriverOption;
    662   if (!ShowHidden)
    663     ExcludedFlagsBitmask |= HelpHidden;
    665   getOpts().PrintHelp(llvm::outs(), Name.c_str(), DriverTitle.c_str(),
    666                       IncludedFlagsBitmask, ExcludedFlagsBitmask);
    667 }
    669 void Driver::PrintVersion(const Compilation &C, raw_ostream &OS) const {
    670   // FIXME: The following handlers should use a callback mechanism, we don't
    671   // know what the client would like to do.
    672   OS << getClangFullVersion() << '\n';
    673   const ToolChain &TC = C.getDefaultToolChain();
    674   OS << "Target: " << TC.getTripleString() << '\n';
    676   // Print the threading model.
    677   if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_mthread_model)) {
    678     // Don't print if the ToolChain would have barfed on it already
    679     if (TC.isThreadModelSupported(A->getValue()))
    680       OS << "Thread model: " << A->getValue();
    681   } else
    682     OS << "Thread model: " << TC.getThreadModel();
    683   OS << '\n';
    684 }
    686 /// PrintDiagnosticCategories - Implement the --print-diagnostic-categories
    687 /// option.
    688 static void PrintDiagnosticCategories(raw_ostream &OS) {
    689   // Skip the empty category.
    690   for (unsigned i = 1, max = DiagnosticIDs::getNumberOfCategories();
    691        i != max; ++i)
    692     OS << i << ',' << DiagnosticIDs::getCategoryNameFromID(i) << '\n';
    693 }
    695 bool Driver::HandleImmediateArgs(const Compilation &C) {
    696   // The order these options are handled in gcc is all over the place, but we
    697   // don't expect inconsistencies w.r.t. that to matter in practice.
    699   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_dumpmachine)) {
    700     llvm::outs() << C.getDefaultToolChain().getTripleString() << '\n';
    701     return false;
    702   }
    704   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_dumpversion)) {
    705     // Since -dumpversion is only implemented for pedantic GCC compatibility, we
    706     // return an answer which matches our definition of __VERSION__.
    707     //
    708     // If we want to return a more correct answer some day, then we should
    709     // introduce a non-pedantically GCC compatible mode to Clang in which we
    710     // provide sensible definitions for -dumpversion, __VERSION__, etc.
    711     llvm::outs() << "4.2.1\n";
    712     return false;
    713   }
    715   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__print_diagnostic_categories)) {
    716     PrintDiagnosticCategories(llvm::outs());
    717     return false;
    718   }
    720   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_help) ||
    721       C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__help_hidden)) {
    722     PrintHelp(C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__help_hidden));
    723     return false;
    724   }
    726   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__version)) {
    727     // Follow gcc behavior and use stdout for --version and stderr for -v.
    728     PrintVersion(C, llvm::outs());
    729     return false;
    730   }
    732   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_v) ||
    733       C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH)) {
    734     PrintVersion(C, llvm::errs());
    735     SuppressMissingInputWarning = true;
    736   }
    738   const ToolChain &TC = C.getDefaultToolChain();
    740   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_v))
    741     TC.printVerboseInfo(llvm::errs());
    743   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_search_dirs)) {
    744     llvm::outs() << "programs: =";
    745     for (ToolChain::path_list::const_iterator it = TC.getProgramPaths().begin(),
    746            ie = TC.getProgramPaths().end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    747       if (it != TC.getProgramPaths().begin())
    748         llvm::outs() << ':';
    749       llvm::outs() << *it;
    750     }
    751     llvm::outs() << "\n";
    752     llvm::outs() << "libraries: =" << ResourceDir;
    754     StringRef sysroot = C.getSysRoot();
    756     for (ToolChain::path_list::const_iterator it = TC.getFilePaths().begin(),
    757            ie = TC.getFilePaths().end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    758       llvm::outs() << ':';
    759       const char *path = it->c_str();
    760       if (path[0] == '=')
    761         llvm::outs() << sysroot << path + 1;
    762       else
    763         llvm::outs() << path;
    764     }
    765     llvm::outs() << "\n";
    766     return false;
    767   }
    769   // FIXME: The following handlers should use a callback mechanism, we don't
    770   // know what the client would like to do.
    771   if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_print_file_name_EQ)) {
    772     llvm::outs() << GetFilePath(A->getValue(), TC) << "\n";
    773     return false;
    774   }
    776   if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_print_prog_name_EQ)) {
    777     llvm::outs() << GetProgramPath(A->getValue(), TC) << "\n";
    778     return false;
    779   }
    781   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_libgcc_file_name)) {
    782     llvm::outs() << GetFilePath("libgcc.a", TC) << "\n";
    783     return false;
    784   }
    786   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_multi_lib)) {
    787     const MultilibSet &Multilibs = TC.getMultilibs();
    789     for (MultilibSet::const_iterator I = Multilibs.begin(), E = Multilibs.end();
    790          I != E; ++I) {
    791       llvm::outs() << *I << "\n";
    792     }
    793     return false;
    794   }
    796   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_multi_directory)) {
    797     const MultilibSet &Multilibs = TC.getMultilibs();
    798     for (MultilibSet::const_iterator I = Multilibs.begin(), E = Multilibs.end();
    799          I != E; ++I) {
    800       if (I->gccSuffix().empty())
    801         llvm::outs() << ".\n";
    802       else {
    803         StringRef Suffix(I->gccSuffix());
    804         assert(Suffix.front() == '/');
    805         llvm::outs() << Suffix.substr(1) << "\n";
    806       }
    807     }
    808     return false;
    809   }
    811   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_multi_os_directory)) {
    812     // FIXME: This should print out "lib/../lib", "lib/../lib64", or
    813     // "lib/../lib32" as appropriate for the toolchain. For now, print
    814     // nothing because it's not supported yet.
    815     return false;
    816   }
    818   return true;
    819 }
    821 static unsigned PrintActions1(const Compilation &C, Action *A,
    822                               std::map<Action*, unsigned> &Ids) {
    823   if (Ids.count(A))
    824     return Ids[A];
    826   std::string str;
    827   llvm::raw_string_ostream os(str);
    829   os << Action::getClassName(A->getKind()) << ", ";
    830   if (InputAction *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(A)) {
    831     os << "\"" << IA->getInputArg().getValue() << "\"";
    832   } else if (BindArchAction *BIA = dyn_cast<BindArchAction>(A)) {
    833     os << '"' << BIA->getArchName() << '"'
    834        << ", {" << PrintActions1(C, *BIA->begin(), Ids) << "}";
    835   } else {
    836     os << "{";
    837     for (Action::iterator it = A->begin(), ie = A->end(); it != ie;) {
    838       os << PrintActions1(C, *it, Ids);
    839       ++it;
    840       if (it != ie)
    841         os << ", ";
    842     }
    843     os << "}";
    844   }
    846   unsigned Id = Ids.size();
    847   Ids[A] = Id;
    848   llvm::errs() << Id << ": " << os.str() << ", "
    849                << types::getTypeName(A->getType()) << "\n";
    851   return Id;
    852 }
    854 void Driver::PrintActions(const Compilation &C) const {
    855   std::map<Action*, unsigned> Ids;
    856   for (ActionList::const_iterator it = C.getActions().begin(),
    857          ie = C.getActions().end(); it != ie; ++it)
    858     PrintActions1(C, *it, Ids);
    859 }
    861 /// \brief Check whether the given input tree contains any compilation or
    862 /// assembly actions.
    863 static bool ContainsCompileOrAssembleAction(const Action *A) {
    864   if (isa<CompileJobAction>(A) ||
    865       isa<BackendJobAction>(A) ||
    866       isa<AssembleJobAction>(A))
    867     return true;
    869   for (Action::const_iterator it = A->begin(), ie = A->end(); it != ie; ++it)
    870     if (ContainsCompileOrAssembleAction(*it))
    871       return true;
    873   return false;
    874 }
    876 void Driver::BuildUniversalActions(const ToolChain &TC,
    877                                    DerivedArgList &Args,
    878                                    const InputList &BAInputs,
    879                                    ActionList &Actions) const {
    880   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building universal build actions");
    881   // Collect the list of architectures. Duplicates are allowed, but should only
    882   // be handled once (in the order seen).
    883   llvm::StringSet<> ArchNames;
    884   SmallVector<const char *, 4> Archs;
    885   for (Arg *A : Args) {
    886     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_arch)) {
    887       // Validate the option here; we don't save the type here because its
    888       // particular spelling may participate in other driver choices.
    889       llvm::Triple::ArchType Arch =
    890         tools::darwin::getArchTypeForMachOArchName(A->getValue());
    891       if (Arch == llvm::Triple::UnknownArch) {
    892         Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_arch_name)
    893           << A->getAsString(Args);
    894         continue;
    895       }
    897       A->claim();
    898       if (ArchNames.insert(A->getValue()).second)
    899         Archs.push_back(A->getValue());
    900     }
    901   }
    903   // When there is no explicit arch for this platform, make sure we still bind
    904   // the architecture (to the default) so that -Xarch_ is handled correctly.
    905   if (!Archs.size())
    906     Archs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(TC.getDefaultUniversalArchName()));
    908   ActionList SingleActions;
    909   BuildActions(TC, Args, BAInputs, SingleActions);
    911   // Add in arch bindings for every top level action, as well as lipo and
    912   // dsymutil steps if needed.
    913   for (unsigned i = 0, e = SingleActions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    914     Action *Act = SingleActions[i];
    916     // Make sure we can lipo this kind of output. If not (and it is an actual
    917     // output) then we disallow, since we can't create an output file with the
    918     // right name without overwriting it. We could remove this oddity by just
    919     // changing the output names to include the arch, which would also fix
    920     // -save-temps. Compatibility wins for now.
    922     if (Archs.size() > 1 && !types::canLipoType(Act->getType()))
    923       Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_output_with_multiple_archs)
    924         << types::getTypeName(Act->getType());
    926     ActionList Inputs;
    927     for (unsigned i = 0, e = Archs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    928       Inputs.push_back(
    929           new BindArchAction(std::unique_ptr<Action>(Act), Archs[i]));
    930       if (i != 0)
    931         Inputs.back()->setOwnsInputs(false);
    932     }
    934     // Lipo if necessary, we do it this way because we need to set the arch flag
    935     // so that -Xarch_ gets overwritten.
    936     if (Inputs.size() == 1 || Act->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)
    937       Actions.append(Inputs.begin(), Inputs.end());
    938     else
    939       Actions.push_back(new LipoJobAction(Inputs, Act->getType()));
    941     // Handle debug info queries.
    942     Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_g_Group);
    943     if (A && !A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_g0) &&
    944         !A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gstabs) &&
    945         ContainsCompileOrAssembleAction(Actions.back())) {
    947       // Add a 'dsymutil' step if necessary, when debug info is enabled and we
    948       // have a compile input. We need to run 'dsymutil' ourselves in such cases
    949       // because the debug info will refer to a temporary object file which
    950       // will be removed at the end of the compilation process.
    951       if (Act->getType() == types::TY_Image) {
    952         ActionList Inputs;
    953         Inputs.push_back(Actions.back());
    954         Actions.pop_back();
    955         Actions.push_back(new DsymutilJobAction(Inputs, types::TY_dSYM));
    956       }
    958       // Verify the debug info output.
    959       if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_verify_debug_info)) {
    960         std::unique_ptr<Action> VerifyInput(Actions.back());
    961         Actions.pop_back();
    962         Actions.push_back(new VerifyDebugInfoJobAction(std::move(VerifyInput),
    963                                                        types::TY_Nothing));
    964       }
    965     }
    966   }
    967 }
    969 /// \brief Check that the file referenced by Value exists. If it doesn't,
    970 /// issue a diagnostic and return false.
    971 static bool DiagnoseInputExistence(const Driver &D, const DerivedArgList &Args,
    972                                    StringRef Value) {
    973   if (!D.getCheckInputsExist())
    974     return true;
    976   // stdin always exists.
    977   if (Value == "-")
    978     return true;
    980   SmallString<64> Path(Value);
    981   if (Arg *WorkDir = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_working_directory)) {
    982     if (!llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Path)) {
    983       SmallString<64> Directory(WorkDir->getValue());
    984       llvm::sys::path::append(Directory, Value);
    985       Path.assign(Directory);
    986     }
    987   }
    989   if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(Twine(Path)))
    990     return true;
    992   if (D.IsCLMode() && llvm::sys::Process::FindInEnvPath("LIB", Value))
    993     return true;
    995   D.Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_no_such_file) << Path;
    996   return false;
    997 }
    999 // Construct a the list of inputs and their types.
   1000 void Driver::BuildInputs(const ToolChain &TC, DerivedArgList &Args,
   1001                          InputList &Inputs) const {
   1002   // Track the current user specified (-x) input. We also explicitly track the
   1003   // argument used to set the type; we only want to claim the type when we
   1004   // actually use it, so we warn about unused -x arguments.
   1005   types::ID InputType = types::TY_Nothing;
   1006   Arg *InputTypeArg = nullptr;
   1008   // The last /TC or /TP option sets the input type to C or C++ globally.
   1009   if (Arg *TCTP = Args.getLastArgNoClaim(options::OPT__SLASH_TC,
   1010                                          options::OPT__SLASH_TP)) {
   1011     InputTypeArg = TCTP;
   1012     InputType = TCTP->getOption().matches(options::OPT__SLASH_TC)
   1013         ? types::TY_C : types::TY_CXX;
   1015     arg_iterator it = Args.filtered_begin(options::OPT__SLASH_TC,
   1016                                           options::OPT__SLASH_TP);
   1017     const arg_iterator ie = Args.filtered_end();
   1018     Arg *Previous = *it++;
   1019     bool ShowNote = false;
   1020     while (it != ie) {
   1021       Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_overriding_flag_option)
   1022           << Previous->getSpelling() << (*it)->getSpelling();
   1023       Previous = *it++;
   1024       ShowNote = true;
   1025     }
   1026     if (ShowNote)
   1027       Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_t_option_is_global);
   1029     // No driver mode exposes -x and /TC or /TP; we don't support mixing them.
   1030     assert(!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_x) && "-x and /TC or /TP is not allowed");
   1031   }
   1033   for (Arg *A : Args) {
   1034     if (A->getOption().getKind() == Option::InputClass) {
   1035       const char *Value = A->getValue();
   1036       types::ID Ty = types::TY_INVALID;
   1038       // Infer the input type if necessary.
   1039       if (InputType == types::TY_Nothing) {
   1040         // If there was an explicit arg for this, claim it.
   1041         if (InputTypeArg)
   1042           InputTypeArg->claim();
   1044         // stdin must be handled specially.
   1045         if (memcmp(Value, "-", 2) == 0) {
   1046           // If running with -E, treat as a C input (this changes the builtin
   1047           // macros, for example). This may be overridden by -ObjC below.
   1048           //
   1049           // Otherwise emit an error but still use a valid type to avoid
   1050           // spurious errors (e.g., no inputs).
   1051           if (!Args.hasArgNoClaim(options::OPT_E) && !CCCIsCPP())
   1052             Diag(IsCLMode() ? clang::diag::err_drv_unknown_stdin_type_clang_cl
   1053                             : clang::diag::err_drv_unknown_stdin_type);
   1054           Ty = types::TY_C;
   1055         } else {
   1056           // Otherwise lookup by extension.
   1057           // Fallback is C if invoked as C preprocessor or Object otherwise.
   1058           // We use a host hook here because Darwin at least has its own
   1059           // idea of what .s is.
   1060           if (const char *Ext = strrchr(Value, '.'))
   1061             Ty = TC.LookupTypeForExtension(Ext + 1);
   1063           if (Ty == types::TY_INVALID) {
   1064             if (CCCIsCPP())
   1065               Ty = types::TY_C;
   1066             else
   1067               Ty = types::TY_Object;
   1068           }
   1070           // If the driver is invoked as C++ compiler (like clang++ or c++) it
   1071           // should autodetect some input files as C++ for g++ compatibility.
   1072           if (CCCIsCXX()) {
   1073             types::ID OldTy = Ty;
   1074             Ty = types::lookupCXXTypeForCType(Ty);
   1076             if (Ty != OldTy)
   1077               Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_treating_input_as_cxx)
   1078                 << getTypeName(OldTy) << getTypeName(Ty);
   1079           }
   1080         }
   1082         // -ObjC and -ObjC++ override the default language, but only for "source
   1083         // files". We just treat everything that isn't a linker input as a
   1084         // source file.
   1085         //
   1086         // FIXME: Clean this up if we move the phase sequence into the type.
   1087         if (Ty != types::TY_Object) {
   1088           if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_ObjC))
   1089             Ty = types::TY_ObjC;
   1090           else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_ObjCXX))
   1091             Ty = types::TY_ObjCXX;
   1092         }
   1093       } else {
   1094         assert(InputTypeArg && "InputType set w/o InputTypeArg");
   1095         if (!InputTypeArg->getOption().matches(options::OPT_x)) {
   1096           // If emulating cl.exe, make sure that /TC and /TP don't affect input
   1097           // object files.
   1098           const char *Ext = strrchr(Value, '.');
   1099           if (Ext && TC.LookupTypeForExtension(Ext + 1) == types::TY_Object)
   1100             Ty = types::TY_Object;
   1101         }
   1102         if (Ty == types::TY_INVALID) {
   1103           Ty = InputType;
   1104           InputTypeArg->claim();
   1105         }
   1106       }
   1108       if (DiagnoseInputExistence(*this, Args, Value))
   1109         Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(Ty, A));
   1111     } else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT__SLASH_Tc)) {
   1112       StringRef Value = A->getValue();
   1113       if (DiagnoseInputExistence(*this, Args, Value)) {
   1114         Arg *InputArg = MakeInputArg(Args, Opts, A->getValue());
   1115         Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(types::TY_C, InputArg));
   1116       }
   1117       A->claim();
   1118     } else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT__SLASH_Tp)) {
   1119       StringRef Value = A->getValue();
   1120       if (DiagnoseInputExistence(*this, Args, Value)) {
   1121         Arg *InputArg = MakeInputArg(Args, Opts, A->getValue());
   1122         Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(types::TY_CXX, InputArg));
   1123       }
   1124       A->claim();
   1125     } else if (A->getOption().hasFlag(options::LinkerInput)) {
   1126       // Just treat as object type, we could make a special type for this if
   1127       // necessary.
   1128       Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(types::TY_Object, A));
   1130     } else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_x)) {
   1131       InputTypeArg = A;
   1132       InputType = types::lookupTypeForTypeSpecifier(A->getValue());
   1133       A->claim();
   1135       // Follow gcc behavior and treat as linker input for invalid -x
   1136       // options. Its not clear why we shouldn't just revert to unknown; but
   1137       // this isn't very important, we might as well be bug compatible.
   1138       if (!InputType) {
   1139         Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_unknown_language) << A->getValue();
   1140         InputType = types::TY_Object;
   1141       }
   1142     }
   1143   }
   1144   if (CCCIsCPP() && Inputs.empty()) {
   1145     // If called as standalone preprocessor, stdin is processed
   1146     // if no other input is present.
   1147     Arg *A = MakeInputArg(Args, Opts, "-");
   1148     Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(types::TY_C, A));
   1149   }
   1150 }
   1152 void Driver::BuildActions(const ToolChain &TC, DerivedArgList &Args,
   1153                           const InputList &Inputs, ActionList &Actions) const {
   1154   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation actions");
   1156   if (!SuppressMissingInputWarning && Inputs.empty()) {
   1157     Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_no_input_files);
   1158     return;
   1159   }
   1161   Arg *FinalPhaseArg;
   1162   phases::ID FinalPhase = getFinalPhase(Args, &FinalPhaseArg);
   1164   if (FinalPhase == phases::Link && Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm)) {
   1165     Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_emit_llvm_link);
   1166   }
   1168   // Reject -Z* at the top level, these options should never have been exposed
   1169   // by gcc.
   1170   if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_Z_Joined))
   1171     Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_use_of_Z_option) << A->getAsString(Args);
   1173   // Diagnose misuse of /Fo.
   1174   if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fo)) {
   1175     StringRef V = A->getValue();
   1176     if (Inputs.size() > 1 && !V.empty() &&
   1177         !llvm::sys::path::is_separator(V.back())) {
   1178       // Check whether /Fo tries to name an output file for multiple inputs.
   1179       Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_out_file_argument_with_multiple_sources)
   1180         << A->getSpelling() << V;
   1181       Args.eraseArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fo);
   1182     }
   1183   }
   1185   // Diagnose misuse of /Fa.
   1186   if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fa)) {
   1187     StringRef V = A->getValue();
   1188     if (Inputs.size() > 1 && !V.empty() &&
   1189         !llvm::sys::path::is_separator(V.back())) {
   1190       // Check whether /Fa tries to name an asm file for multiple inputs.
   1191       Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_out_file_argument_with_multiple_sources)
   1192         << A->getSpelling() << V;
   1193       Args.eraseArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fa);
   1194     }
   1195   }
   1197   // Diagnose misuse of /o.
   1198   if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_o)) {
   1199     if (A->getValue()[0] == '\0') {
   1200       // It has to have a value.
   1201       Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_missing_argument) << A->getSpelling() << 1;
   1202       Args.eraseArg(options::OPT__SLASH_o);
   1203     }
   1204   }
   1206   // Construct the actions to perform.
   1207   ActionList LinkerInputs;
   1209   llvm::SmallVector<phases::ID, phases::MaxNumberOfPhases> PL;
   1210   for (unsigned i = 0, e = Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
   1211     types::ID InputType = Inputs[i].first;
   1212     const Arg *InputArg = Inputs[i].second;
   1214     PL.clear();
   1215     types::getCompilationPhases(InputType, PL);
   1217     // If the first step comes after the final phase we are doing as part of
   1218     // this compilation, warn the user about it.
   1219     phases::ID InitialPhase = PL[0];
   1220     if (InitialPhase > FinalPhase) {
   1221       // Claim here to avoid the more general unused warning.
   1222       InputArg->claim();
   1224       // Suppress all unused style warnings with -Qunused-arguments
   1225       if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_Qunused_arguments))
   1226         continue;
   1228       // Special case when final phase determined by binary name, rather than
   1229       // by a command-line argument with a corresponding Arg.
   1230       if (CCCIsCPP())
   1231         Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_input_file_unused_by_cpp)
   1232           << InputArg->getAsString(Args)
   1233           << getPhaseName(InitialPhase);
   1234       // Special case '-E' warning on a previously preprocessed file to make
   1235       // more sense.
   1236       else if (InitialPhase == phases::Compile &&
   1237                FinalPhase == phases::Preprocess &&
   1238                getPreprocessedType(InputType) == types::TY_INVALID)
   1239         Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_preprocessed_input_file_unused)
   1240           << InputArg->getAsString(Args)
   1241           << !!FinalPhaseArg
   1242           << (FinalPhaseArg ? FinalPhaseArg->getOption().getName() : "");
   1243       else
   1244         Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_input_file_unused)
   1245           << InputArg->getAsString(Args)
   1246           << getPhaseName(InitialPhase)
   1247           << !!FinalPhaseArg
   1248           << (FinalPhaseArg ? FinalPhaseArg->getOption().getName() : "");
   1249       continue;
   1250     }
   1252     // Build the pipeline for this file.
   1253     std::unique_ptr<Action> Current(new InputAction(*InputArg, InputType));
   1254     for (SmallVectorImpl<phases::ID>::iterator
   1255            i = PL.begin(), e = PL.end(); i != e; ++i) {
   1256       phases::ID Phase = *i;
   1258       // We are done if this step is past what the user requested.
   1259       if (Phase > FinalPhase)
   1260         break;
   1262       // Queue linker inputs.
   1263       if (Phase == phases::Link) {
   1264         assert((i + 1) == e && "linking must be final compilation step.");
   1265         LinkerInputs.push_back(Current.release());
   1266         break;
   1267       }
   1269       // Some types skip the assembler phase (e.g., llvm-bc), but we can't
   1270       // encode this in the steps because the intermediate type depends on
   1271       // arguments. Just special case here.
   1272       if (Phase == phases::Assemble && Current->getType() != types::TY_PP_Asm)
   1273         continue;
   1275       // Otherwise construct the appropriate action.
   1276       Current = ConstructPhaseAction(TC, Args, Phase, std::move(Current));
   1277       if (Current->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)
   1278         break;
   1279     }
   1281     // If we ended with something, add to the output list.
   1282     if (Current)
   1283       Actions.push_back(Current.release());
   1284   }
   1286   // Add a link action if necessary.
   1287   if (!LinkerInputs.empty())
   1288     Actions.push_back(new LinkJobAction(LinkerInputs, types::TY_Image));
   1290   // If we are linking, claim any options which are obviously only used for
   1291   // compilation.
   1292   if (FinalPhase == phases::Link && PL.size() == 1) {
   1293     Args.ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_CompileOnly_Group);
   1294     Args.ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_cl_compile_Group);
   1295   }
   1297   // Claim ignored clang-cl options.
   1298   Args.ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_cl_ignored_Group);
   1299 }
   1301 std::unique_ptr<Action>
   1302 Driver::ConstructPhaseAction(const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args,
   1303                              phases::ID Phase,
   1304                              std::unique_ptr<Action> Input) const {
   1305   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Constructing phase actions");
   1306   // Build the appropriate action.
   1307   switch (Phase) {
   1308   case phases::Link: llvm_unreachable("link action invalid here.");
   1309   case phases::Preprocess: {
   1310     types::ID OutputTy;
   1311     // -{M, MM} alter the output type.
   1312     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_M, options::OPT_MM)) {
   1313       OutputTy = types::TY_Dependencies;
   1314     } else {
   1315       OutputTy = Input->getType();
   1316       if (!Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_frewrite_includes,
   1317                         options::OPT_fno_rewrite_includes, false) &&
   1318           !CCGenDiagnostics)
   1319         OutputTy = types::getPreprocessedType(OutputTy);
   1320       assert(OutputTy != types::TY_INVALID &&
   1321              "Cannot preprocess this input type!");
   1322     }
   1323     return llvm::make_unique<PreprocessJobAction>(std::move(Input), OutputTy);
   1324   }
   1325   case phases::Precompile: {
   1326     types::ID OutputTy = types::TY_PCH;
   1327     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_fsyntax_only)) {
   1328       // Syntax checks should not emit a PCH file
   1329       OutputTy = types::TY_Nothing;
   1330     }
   1331     return llvm::make_unique<PrecompileJobAction>(std::move(Input), OutputTy);
   1332   }
   1333   case phases::Compile: {
   1334     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_fsyntax_only))
   1335       return llvm::make_unique<CompileJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1336                                                  types::TY_Nothing);
   1337     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc))
   1338       return llvm::make_unique<CompileJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1339                                                  types::TY_RewrittenObjC);
   1340     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_legacy_objc))
   1341       return llvm::make_unique<CompileJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1342                                                  types::TY_RewrittenLegacyObjC);
   1343     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT__analyze, options::OPT__analyze_auto))
   1344       return llvm::make_unique<AnalyzeJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1345                                                  types::TY_Plist);
   1346     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT__migrate))
   1347       return llvm::make_unique<MigrateJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1348                                                  types::TY_Remap);
   1349     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_ast))
   1350       return llvm::make_unique<CompileJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1351                                                  types::TY_AST);
   1352     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_module_file_info))
   1353       return llvm::make_unique<CompileJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1354                                                  types::TY_ModuleFile);
   1355     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_verify_pch))
   1356       return llvm::make_unique<VerifyPCHJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1357                                                    types::TY_Nothing);
   1358     return llvm::make_unique<CompileJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1359                                                types::TY_LLVM_BC);
   1360   }
   1361   case phases::Backend: {
   1362     if (IsUsingLTO(TC, Args)) {
   1363       types::ID Output =
   1364         Args.hasArg(options::OPT_S) ? types::TY_LTO_IR : types::TY_LTO_BC;
   1365       return llvm::make_unique<BackendJobAction>(std::move(Input), Output);
   1366     }
   1367     if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm)) {
   1368       types::ID Output =
   1369         Args.hasArg(options::OPT_S) ? types::TY_LLVM_IR : types::TY_LLVM_BC;
   1370       return llvm::make_unique<BackendJobAction>(std::move(Input), Output);
   1371     }
   1372     return llvm::make_unique<BackendJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1373                                                types::TY_PP_Asm);
   1374   }
   1375   case phases::Assemble:
   1376     return llvm::make_unique<AssembleJobAction>(std::move(Input),
   1377                                                 types::TY_Object);
   1378   }
   1380   llvm_unreachable("invalid phase in ConstructPhaseAction");
   1381 }
   1383 bool Driver::IsUsingLTO(const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args) const {
   1384   if (TC.getSanitizerArgs().needsLTO())
   1385     return true;
   1387   if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_flto, options::OPT_fno_lto, false))
   1388     return true;
   1390   return false;
   1391 }
   1393 void Driver::BuildJobs(Compilation &C) const {
   1394   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation jobs");
   1396   Arg *FinalOutput = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_o);
   1398   // It is an error to provide a -o option if we are making multiple output
   1399   // files.
   1400   if (FinalOutput) {
   1401     unsigned NumOutputs = 0;
   1402     for (const Action *A : C.getActions())
   1403       if (A->getType() != types::TY_Nothing)
   1404         ++NumOutputs;
   1406     if (NumOutputs > 1) {
   1407       Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_output_argument_with_multiple_files);
   1408       FinalOutput = nullptr;
   1409     }
   1410   }
   1412   // Collect the list of architectures.
   1413   llvm::StringSet<> ArchNames;
   1414   if (C.getDefaultToolChain().getTriple().isOSBinFormatMachO())
   1415     for (const Arg *A : C.getArgs())
   1416       if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_arch))
   1417         ArchNames.insert(A->getValue());
   1419   for (Action *A : C.getActions()) {
   1420     // If we are linking an image for multiple archs then the linker wants
   1421     // -arch_multiple and -final_output <final image name>. Unfortunately, this
   1422     // doesn't fit in cleanly because we have to pass this information down.
   1423     //
   1424     // FIXME: This is a hack; find a cleaner way to integrate this into the
   1425     // process.
   1426     const char *LinkingOutput = nullptr;
   1427     if (isa<LipoJobAction>(A)) {
   1428       if (FinalOutput)
   1429         LinkingOutput = FinalOutput->getValue();
   1430       else
   1431         LinkingOutput = getDefaultImageName();
   1432     }
   1434     InputInfo II;
   1435     BuildJobsForAction(C, A, &C.getDefaultToolChain(),
   1436                        /*BoundArch*/nullptr,
   1437                        /*AtTopLevel*/ true,
   1438                        /*MultipleArchs*/ ArchNames.size() > 1,
   1439                        /*LinkingOutput*/ LinkingOutput,
   1440                        II);
   1441   }
   1443   // If the user passed -Qunused-arguments or there were errors, don't warn
   1444   // about any unused arguments.
   1445   if (Diags.hasErrorOccurred() ||
   1446       C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_Qunused_arguments))
   1447     return;
   1449   // Claim -### here.
   1450   (void) C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH);
   1452   // Claim --driver-mode, it was handled earlier.
   1453   (void) C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_driver_mode);
   1455   for (Arg *A : C.getArgs()) {
   1456     // FIXME: It would be nice to be able to send the argument to the
   1457     // DiagnosticsEngine, so that extra values, position, and so on could be
   1458     // printed.
   1459     if (!A->isClaimed()) {
   1460       if (A->getOption().hasFlag(options::NoArgumentUnused))
   1461         continue;
   1463       // Suppress the warning automatically if this is just a flag, and it is an
   1464       // instance of an argument we already claimed.
   1465       const Option &Opt = A->getOption();
   1466       if (Opt.getKind() == Option::FlagClass) {
   1467         bool DuplicateClaimed = false;
   1469         for (arg_iterator it = C.getArgs().filtered_begin(&Opt),
   1470                ie = C.getArgs().filtered_end(); it != ie; ++it) {
   1471           if ((*it)->isClaimed()) {
   1472             DuplicateClaimed = true;
   1473             break;
   1474           }
   1475         }
   1477         if (DuplicateClaimed)
   1478           continue;
   1479       }
   1481       Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_unused_argument)
   1482         << A->getAsString(C.getArgs());
   1483     }
   1484   }
   1485 }
   1487 static const Tool *SelectToolForJob(Compilation &C, bool SaveTemps,
   1488                                     const ToolChain *TC, const JobAction *JA,
   1489                                     const ActionList *&Inputs) {
   1490   const Tool *ToolForJob = nullptr;
   1492   // See if we should look for a compiler with an integrated assembler. We match
   1493   // bottom up, so what we are actually looking for is an assembler job with a
   1494   // compiler input.
   1496   if (TC->useIntegratedAs() &&
   1497       !SaveTemps &&
   1498       !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_via_file_asm) &&
   1499       !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_FA) &&
   1500       !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fa) &&
   1501       isa<AssembleJobAction>(JA) &&
   1502       Inputs->size() == 1 && isa<BackendJobAction>(*Inputs->begin())) {
   1503     // A BackendJob is always preceded by a CompileJob, and without
   1504     // -save-temps they will always get combined together, so instead of
   1505     // checking the backend tool, check if the tool for the CompileJob
   1506     // has an integrated assembler.
   1507     const ActionList *BackendInputs = &(*Inputs)[0]->getInputs();
   1508     JobAction *CompileJA = cast<CompileJobAction>(*BackendInputs->begin());
   1509     const Tool *Compiler = TC->SelectTool(*CompileJA);
   1510     if (!Compiler)
   1511       return nullptr;
   1512     if (Compiler->hasIntegratedAssembler()) {
   1513       Inputs = &(*BackendInputs)[0]->getInputs();
   1514       ToolForJob = Compiler;
   1515     }
   1516   }
   1518   // A backend job should always be combined with the preceding compile job
   1519   // unless OPT_save_temps is enabled and the compiler is capable of emitting
   1520   // LLVM IR as an intermediate output.
   1521   if (isa<BackendJobAction>(JA)) {
   1522     // Check if the compiler supports emitting LLVM IR.
   1523     assert(Inputs->size() == 1);
   1524     JobAction *CompileJA = cast<CompileJobAction>(*Inputs->begin());
   1525     const Tool *Compiler = TC->SelectTool(*CompileJA);
   1526     if (!Compiler)
   1527       return nullptr;
   1528     if (!Compiler->canEmitIR() || !SaveTemps) {
   1529       Inputs = &(*Inputs)[0]->getInputs();
   1530       ToolForJob = Compiler;
   1531     }
   1532   }
   1534   // Otherwise use the tool for the current job.
   1535   if (!ToolForJob)
   1536     ToolForJob = TC->SelectTool(*JA);
   1538   // See if we should use an integrated preprocessor. We do so when we have
   1539   // exactly one input, since this is the only use case we care about
   1540   // (irrelevant since we don't support combine yet).
   1541   if (Inputs->size() == 1 && isa<PreprocessJobAction>(*Inputs->begin()) &&
   1542       !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_no_integrated_cpp) &&
   1543       !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_traditional_cpp) &&
   1544       !SaveTemps &&
   1545       !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc) &&
   1546       ToolForJob->hasIntegratedCPP())
   1547     Inputs = &(*Inputs)[0]->getInputs();
   1549   return ToolForJob;
   1550 }
   1552 void Driver::BuildJobsForAction(Compilation &C,
   1553                                 const Action *A,
   1554                                 const ToolChain *TC,
   1555                                 const char *BoundArch,
   1556                                 bool AtTopLevel,
   1557                                 bool MultipleArchs,
   1558                                 const char *LinkingOutput,
   1559                                 InputInfo &Result) const {
   1560   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation jobs");
   1562   if (const InputAction *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(A)) {
   1563     // FIXME: It would be nice to not claim this here; maybe the old scheme of
   1564     // just using Args was better?
   1565     const Arg &Input = IA->getInputArg();
   1566     Input.claim();
   1567     if (Input.getOption().matches(options::OPT_INPUT)) {
   1568       const char *Name = Input.getValue();
   1569       Result = InputInfo(Name, A->getType(), Name);
   1570     } else
   1571       Result = InputInfo(&Input, A->getType(), "");
   1572     return;
   1573   }
   1575   if (const BindArchAction *BAA = dyn_cast<BindArchAction>(A)) {
   1576     const ToolChain *TC;
   1577     const char *ArchName = BAA->getArchName();
   1579     if (ArchName)
   1580       TC = &getToolChain(C.getArgs(), ArchName);
   1581     else
   1582       TC = &C.getDefaultToolChain();
   1584     BuildJobsForAction(C, *BAA->begin(), TC, BAA->getArchName(),
   1585                        AtTopLevel, MultipleArchs, LinkingOutput, Result);
   1586     return;
   1587   }
   1589   const ActionList *Inputs = &A->getInputs();
   1591   const JobAction *JA = cast<JobAction>(A);
   1592   const Tool *T = SelectToolForJob(C, isSaveTempsEnabled(), TC, JA, Inputs);
   1593   if (!T)
   1594     return;
   1596   // Only use pipes when there is exactly one input.
   1597   InputInfoList InputInfos;
   1598   for (const Action *Input : *Inputs) {
   1599     // Treat dsymutil and verify sub-jobs as being at the top-level too, they
   1600     // shouldn't get temporary output names.
   1601     // FIXME: Clean this up.
   1602     bool SubJobAtTopLevel = false;
   1603     if (AtTopLevel && (isa<DsymutilJobAction>(A) || isa<VerifyJobAction>(A)))
   1604       SubJobAtTopLevel = true;
   1606     InputInfo II;
   1607     BuildJobsForAction(C, Input, TC, BoundArch, SubJobAtTopLevel, MultipleArchs,
   1608                        LinkingOutput, II);
   1609     InputInfos.push_back(II);
   1610   }
   1612   // Always use the first input as the base input.
   1613   const char *BaseInput = InputInfos[0].getBaseInput();
   1615   // ... except dsymutil actions, which use their actual input as the base
   1616   // input.
   1617   if (JA->getType() == types::TY_dSYM)
   1618     BaseInput = InputInfos[0].getFilename();
   1620   // Determine the place to write output to, if any.
   1621   if (JA->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)
   1622     Result = InputInfo(A->getType(), BaseInput);
   1623   else
   1624     Result = InputInfo(GetNamedOutputPath(C, *JA, BaseInput, BoundArch,
   1625                                           AtTopLevel, MultipleArchs),
   1626                        A->getType(), BaseInput);
   1628   if (CCCPrintBindings && !CCGenDiagnostics) {
   1629     llvm::errs() << "# \"" << T->getToolChain().getTripleString() << '"'
   1630                  << " - \"" << T->getName() << "\", inputs: [";
   1631     for (unsigned i = 0, e = InputInfos.size(); i != e; ++i) {
   1632       llvm::errs() << InputInfos[i].getAsString();
   1633       if (i + 1 != e)
   1634         llvm::errs() << ", ";
   1635     }
   1636     llvm::errs() << "], output: " << Result.getAsString() << "\n";
   1637   } else {
   1638     T->ConstructJob(C, *JA, Result, InputInfos,
   1639                     C.getArgsForToolChain(TC, BoundArch), LinkingOutput);
   1640   }
   1641 }
   1643 const char *Driver::getDefaultImageName() const {
   1644   llvm::Triple Target(llvm::Triple::normalize(DefaultTargetTriple));
   1645   return Target.isOSWindows() ? "a.exe" : "a.out";
   1646 }
   1648 /// \brief Create output filename based on ArgValue, which could either be a
   1649 /// full filename, filename without extension, or a directory. If ArgValue
   1650 /// does not provide a filename, then use BaseName, and use the extension
   1651 /// suitable for FileType.
   1652 static const char *MakeCLOutputFilename(const ArgList &Args, StringRef ArgValue,
   1653                                         StringRef BaseName, types::ID FileType) {
   1654   SmallString<128> Filename = ArgValue;
   1656   if (ArgValue.empty()) {
   1657     // If the argument is empty, output to BaseName in the current dir.
   1658     Filename = BaseName;
   1659   } else if (llvm::sys::path::is_separator(Filename.back())) {
   1660     // If the argument is a directory, output to BaseName in that dir.
   1661     llvm::sys::path::append(Filename, BaseName);
   1662   }
   1664   if (!llvm::sys::path::has_extension(ArgValue)) {
   1665     // If the argument didn't provide an extension, then set it.
   1666     const char *Extension = types::getTypeTempSuffix(FileType, true);
   1668     if (FileType == types::TY_Image &&
   1669         Args.hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_LD, options::OPT__SLASH_LDd)) {
   1670       // The output file is a dll.
   1671       Extension = "dll";
   1672     }
   1674     llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(Filename, Extension);
   1675   }
   1677   return Args.MakeArgString(Filename.c_str());
   1678 }
   1680 const char *Driver::GetNamedOutputPath(Compilation &C,
   1681                                        const JobAction &JA,
   1682                                        const char *BaseInput,
   1683                                        const char *BoundArch,
   1684                                        bool AtTopLevel,
   1685                                        bool MultipleArchs) const {
   1686   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Computing output path");
   1687   // Output to a user requested destination?
   1688   if (AtTopLevel && !isa<DsymutilJobAction>(JA) &&
   1689       !isa<VerifyJobAction>(JA)) {
   1690     if (Arg *FinalOutput = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_o))
   1691       return C.addResultFile(FinalOutput->getValue(), &JA);
   1692   }
   1694   // For /P, preprocess to file named after BaseInput.
   1695   if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_P)) {
   1696     assert(AtTopLevel && isa<PreprocessJobAction>(JA));
   1697     StringRef BaseName = llvm::sys::path::filename(BaseInput);
   1698     StringRef NameArg;
   1699     if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fi,
   1700                                         options::OPT__SLASH_o))
   1701       NameArg = A->getValue();
   1702     return C.addResultFile(MakeCLOutputFilename(C.getArgs(), NameArg, BaseName,
   1703                                                 types::TY_PP_C), &JA);
   1704   }
   1706   // Default to writing to stdout?
   1707   if (AtTopLevel && !CCGenDiagnostics &&
   1708       (isa<PreprocessJobAction>(JA) || JA.getType() == types::TY_ModuleFile))
   1709     return "-";
   1711   // Is this the assembly listing for /FA?
   1712   if (JA.getType() == types::TY_PP_Asm &&
   1713       (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_FA) ||
   1714        C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fa))) {
   1715     // Use /Fa and the input filename to determine the asm file name.
   1716     StringRef BaseName = llvm::sys::path::filename(BaseInput);
   1717     StringRef FaValue = C.getArgs().getLastArgValue(options::OPT__SLASH_Fa);
   1718     return C.addResultFile(MakeCLOutputFilename(C.getArgs(), FaValue, BaseName,
   1719                                                 JA.getType()), &JA);
   1720   }
   1722   // Output to a temporary file?
   1723   if ((!AtTopLevel && !isSaveTempsEnabled() &&
   1724         !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fo)) ||
   1725       CCGenDiagnostics) {
   1726     StringRef Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(BaseInput);
   1727     std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = Name.split('.');
   1728     std::string TmpName =
   1729       GetTemporaryPath(Split.first,
   1730           types::getTypeTempSuffix(JA.getType(), IsCLMode()));
   1731     return C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpName.c_str()));
   1732   }
   1734   SmallString<128> BasePath(BaseInput);
   1735   StringRef BaseName;
   1737   // Dsymutil actions should use the full path.
   1738   if (isa<DsymutilJobAction>(JA) || isa<VerifyJobAction>(JA))
   1739     BaseName = BasePath;
   1740   else
   1741     BaseName = llvm::sys::path::filename(BasePath);
   1743   // Determine what the derived output name should be.
   1744   const char *NamedOutput;
   1746   if (JA.getType() == types::TY_Object &&
   1747       C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fo, options::OPT__SLASH_o)) {
   1748     // The /Fo or /o flag decides the object filename.
   1749     StringRef Val = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fo,
   1750                                            options::OPT__SLASH_o)->getValue();
   1751     NamedOutput = MakeCLOutputFilename(C.getArgs(), Val, BaseName,
   1752                                        types::TY_Object);
   1753   } else if (JA.getType() == types::TY_Image &&
   1754              C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fe, options::OPT__SLASH_o)) {
   1755     // The /Fe or /o flag names the linked file.
   1756     StringRef Val = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT__SLASH_Fe,
   1757                                            options::OPT__SLASH_o)->getValue();
   1758     NamedOutput = MakeCLOutputFilename(C.getArgs(), Val, BaseName,
   1759                                        types::TY_Image);
   1760   } else if (JA.getType() == types::TY_Image) {
   1761     if (IsCLMode()) {
   1762       // clang-cl uses BaseName for the executable name.
   1763       NamedOutput = MakeCLOutputFilename(C.getArgs(), "", BaseName,
   1764                                          types::TY_Image);
   1765     } else if (MultipleArchs && BoundArch) {
   1766       SmallString<128> Output(getDefaultImageName());
   1767       Output += "-";
   1768       Output.append(BoundArch);
   1769       NamedOutput = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Output.c_str());
   1770     } else
   1771       NamedOutput = getDefaultImageName();
   1772   } else {
   1773     const char *Suffix = types::getTypeTempSuffix(JA.getType(), IsCLMode());
   1774     assert(Suffix && "All types used for output should have a suffix.");
   1776     std::string::size_type End = std::string::npos;
   1777     if (!types::appendSuffixForType(JA.getType()))
   1778       End = BaseName.rfind('.');
   1779     SmallString<128> Suffixed(BaseName.substr(0, End));
   1780     if (MultipleArchs && BoundArch) {
   1781       Suffixed += "-";
   1782       Suffixed.append(BoundArch);
   1783     }
   1784     // When using both -save-temps and -emit-llvm, use a ".tmp.bc" suffix for
   1785     // the unoptimized bitcode so that it does not get overwritten by the ".bc"
   1786     // optimized bitcode output.
   1787     if (!AtTopLevel && C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm) &&
   1788         JA.getType() == types::TY_LLVM_BC)
   1789       Suffixed += ".tmp";
   1790     Suffixed += '.';
   1791     Suffixed += Suffix;
   1792     NamedOutput = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Suffixed.c_str());
   1793   }
   1795   // Prepend object file path if -save-temps=obj
   1796   if (!AtTopLevel && isSaveTempsObj() && C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_o) &&
   1797       JA.getType() != types::TY_PCH) {
   1798     Arg *FinalOutput = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_o);
   1799     SmallString<128> TempPath(FinalOutput->getValue());
   1800     llvm::sys::path::remove_filename(TempPath);
   1801     StringRef OutputFileName = llvm::sys::path::filename(NamedOutput);
   1802     llvm::sys::path::append(TempPath, OutputFileName);
   1803     NamedOutput = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TempPath.c_str());
   1804   }
   1806   // If we're saving temps and the temp file conflicts with the input file,
   1807   // then avoid overwriting input file.
   1808   if (!AtTopLevel && isSaveTempsEnabled() && NamedOutput == BaseName) {
   1809     bool SameFile = false;
   1810     SmallString<256> Result;
   1811     llvm::sys::fs::current_path(Result);
   1812     llvm::sys::path::append(Result, BaseName);
   1813     llvm::sys::fs::equivalent(BaseInput, Result.c_str(), SameFile);
   1814     // Must share the same path to conflict.
   1815     if (SameFile) {
   1816       StringRef Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(BaseInput);
   1817       std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = Name.split('.');
   1818       std::string TmpName =
   1819         GetTemporaryPath(Split.first,
   1820             types::getTypeTempSuffix(JA.getType(), IsCLMode()));
   1821       return C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpName.c_str()));
   1822     }
   1823   }
   1825   // As an annoying special case, PCH generation doesn't strip the pathname.
   1826   if (JA.getType() == types::TY_PCH) {
   1827     llvm::sys::path::remove_filename(BasePath);
   1828     if (BasePath.empty())
   1829       BasePath = NamedOutput;
   1830     else
   1831       llvm::sys::path::append(BasePath, NamedOutput);
   1832     return C.addResultFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(BasePath.c_str()), &JA);
   1833   } else {
   1834     return C.addResultFile(NamedOutput, &JA);
   1835   }
   1836 }
   1838 std::string Driver::GetFilePath(const char *Name, const ToolChain &TC) const {
   1839   // Respect a limited subset of the '-Bprefix' functionality in GCC by
   1840   // attempting to use this prefix when looking for file paths.
   1841   for (Driver::prefix_list::const_iterator it = PrefixDirs.begin(),
   1842        ie = PrefixDirs.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
   1843     std::string Dir(*it);
   1844     if (Dir.empty())
   1845       continue;
   1846     if (Dir[0] == '=')
   1847       Dir = SysRoot + Dir.substr(1);
   1848     SmallString<128> P(Dir);
   1849     llvm::sys::path::append(P, Name);
   1850     if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(Twine(P)))
   1851       return P.str();
   1852   }
   1854   SmallString<128> P(ResourceDir);
   1855   llvm::sys::path::append(P, Name);
   1856   if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(Twine(P)))
   1857     return P.str();
   1859   const ToolChain::path_list &List = TC.getFilePaths();
   1860   for (ToolChain::path_list::const_iterator
   1861          it = List.begin(), ie = List.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
   1862     std::string Dir(*it);
   1863     if (Dir.empty())
   1864       continue;
   1865     if (Dir[0] == '=')
   1866       Dir = SysRoot + Dir.substr(1);
   1867     SmallString<128> P(Dir);
   1868     llvm::sys::path::append(P, Name);
   1869     if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(Twine(P)))
   1870       return P.str();
   1871   }
   1873   return Name;
   1874 }
   1876 void
   1877 Driver::generatePrefixedToolNames(const char *Tool, const ToolChain &TC,
   1878                                   SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &Names) const {
   1879   // FIXME: Needs a better variable than DefaultTargetTriple
   1880   Names.push_back(DefaultTargetTriple + "-" + Tool);
   1881   Names.push_back(Tool);
   1882 }
   1884 static bool ScanDirForExecutable(SmallString<128> &Dir,
   1885                                  ArrayRef<std::string> Names) {
   1886   for (const auto &Name : Names) {
   1887     llvm::sys::path::append(Dir, Name);
   1888     if (llvm::sys::fs::can_execute(Twine(Dir)))
   1889       return true;
   1890     llvm::sys::path::remove_filename(Dir);
   1891   }
   1892   return false;
   1893 }
   1895 std::string Driver::GetProgramPath(const char *Name,
   1896                                    const ToolChain &TC) const {
   1897   SmallVector<std::string, 2> TargetSpecificExecutables;
   1898   generatePrefixedToolNames(Name, TC, TargetSpecificExecutables);
   1900   // Respect a limited subset of the '-Bprefix' functionality in GCC by
   1901   // attempting to use this prefix when looking for program paths.
   1902   for (const auto &PrefixDir : PrefixDirs) {
   1903     if (llvm::sys::fs::is_directory(PrefixDir)) {
   1904       SmallString<128> P(PrefixDir);
   1905       if (ScanDirForExecutable(P, TargetSpecificExecutables))
   1906         return P.str();
   1907     } else {
   1908       SmallString<128> P(PrefixDir + Name);
   1909       if (llvm::sys::fs::can_execute(Twine(P)))
   1910         return P.str();
   1911     }
   1912   }
   1914   const ToolChain::path_list &List = TC.getProgramPaths();
   1915   for (const auto &Path : List) {
   1916     SmallString<128> P(Path);
   1917     if (ScanDirForExecutable(P, TargetSpecificExecutables))
   1918       return P.str();
   1919   }
   1921   // If all else failed, search the path.
   1922   for (const auto &TargetSpecificExecutable : TargetSpecificExecutables)
   1923     if (llvm::ErrorOr<std::string> P =
   1924             llvm::sys::findProgramByName(TargetSpecificExecutable))
   1925       return *P;
   1927   return Name;
   1928 }
   1930 std::string Driver::GetTemporaryPath(StringRef Prefix, const char *Suffix)
   1931   const {
   1932   SmallString<128> Path;
   1933   std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile(Prefix, Suffix, Path);
   1934   if (EC) {
   1935     Diag(clang::diag::err_unable_to_make_temp) << EC.message();
   1936     return "";
   1937   }
   1939   return Path.str();
   1940 }
   1942 /// \brief Compute target triple from args.
   1943 ///
   1944 /// This routine provides the logic to compute a target triple from various
   1945 /// args passed to the driver and the default triple string.
   1946 static llvm::Triple computeTargetTriple(StringRef DefaultTargetTriple,
   1947                                         const ArgList &Args,
   1948                                         StringRef DarwinArchName) {
   1949   // FIXME: Already done in Compilation *Driver::BuildCompilation
   1950   if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_target))
   1951     DefaultTargetTriple = A->getValue();
   1953   llvm::Triple Target(llvm::Triple::normalize(DefaultTargetTriple));
   1955   // Handle Apple-specific options available here.
   1956   if (Target.isOSBinFormatMachO()) {
   1957     // If an explict Darwin arch name is given, that trumps all.
   1958     if (!DarwinArchName.empty()) {
   1959       tools::darwin::setTripleTypeForMachOArchName(Target, DarwinArchName);
   1960       return Target;
   1961     }
   1963     // Handle the Darwin '-arch' flag.
   1964     if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_arch)) {
   1965       StringRef ArchName = A->getValue();
   1966       tools::darwin::setTripleTypeForMachOArchName(Target, ArchName);
   1967     }
   1968   }
   1970   // Handle pseudo-target flags '-mlittle-endian'/'-EL' and
   1971   // '-mbig-endian'/'-EB'.
   1972   if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_mlittle_endian,
   1973                                options::OPT_mbig_endian)) {
   1974     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_mlittle_endian)) {
   1975       if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::mips)
   1976         Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::mipsel);
   1977       else if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::mips64)
   1978         Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::mips64el);
   1979       else if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::aarch64_be)
   1980         Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::aarch64);
   1981     } else {
   1982       if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::mipsel)
   1983         Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::mips);
   1984       else if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::mips64el)
   1985         Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::mips64);
   1986       else if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::aarch64)
   1987         Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::aarch64_be);
   1988     }
   1989   }
   1991   // Skip further flag support on OSes which don't support '-m32' or '-m64'.
   1992   if (Target.getArchName() == "tce" || Target.getOS() == llvm::Triple::Minix)
   1993     return Target;
   1995   // Handle pseudo-target flags '-m64', '-mx32', '-m32' and '-m16'.
   1996   if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_m64, options::OPT_mx32,
   1997                                options::OPT_m32, options::OPT_m16)) {
   1998     llvm::Triple::ArchType AT = llvm::Triple::UnknownArch;
   2000     if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_m64)) {
   2001       AT = Target.get64BitArchVariant().getArch();
   2002       if (Target.getEnvironment() == llvm::Triple::GNUX32)
   2003         Target.setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::GNU);
   2004     } else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_mx32) &&
   2005              Target.get64BitArchVariant().getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86_64) {
   2006       AT = llvm::Triple::x86_64;
   2007       Target.setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::GNUX32);
   2008     } else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_m32)) {
   2009       AT = Target.get32BitArchVariant().getArch();
   2010       if (Target.getEnvironment() == llvm::Triple::GNUX32)
   2011         Target.setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::GNU);
   2012     } else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_m16) &&
   2013              Target.get32BitArchVariant().getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86) {
   2014       AT = llvm::Triple::x86;
   2015       Target.setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::CODE16);
   2016     }
   2018     if (AT != llvm::Triple::UnknownArch && AT != Target.getArch())
   2019       Target.setArch(AT);
   2020   }
   2022   return Target;
   2023 }
   2025 const ToolChain &Driver::getToolChain(const ArgList &Args,
   2026                                       StringRef DarwinArchName) const {
   2027   llvm::Triple Target = computeTargetTriple(DefaultTargetTriple, Args,
   2028                                             DarwinArchName);
   2030   ToolChain *&TC = ToolChains[Target.str()];
   2031   if (!TC) {
   2032     switch (Target.getOS()) {
   2033     case llvm::Triple::CloudABI:
   2034       TC = new toolchains::CloudABI(*this, Target, Args);
   2035       break;
   2036     case llvm::Triple::Darwin:
   2037     case llvm::Triple::MacOSX:
   2038     case llvm::Triple::IOS:
   2039       TC = new toolchains::DarwinClang(*this, Target, Args);
   2040       break;
   2041     case llvm::Triple::DragonFly:
   2042       TC = new toolchains::DragonFly(*this, Target, Args);
   2043       break;
   2044     case llvm::Triple::OpenBSD:
   2045       TC = new toolchains::OpenBSD(*this, Target, Args);
   2046       break;
   2047     case llvm::Triple::Bitrig:
   2048       TC = new toolchains::Bitrig(*this, Target, Args);
   2049       break;
   2050     case llvm::Triple::NetBSD:
   2051       TC = new toolchains::NetBSD(*this, Target, Args);
   2052       break;
   2053     case llvm::Triple::FreeBSD:
   2054       TC = new toolchains::FreeBSD(*this, Target, Args);
   2055       break;
   2056     case llvm::Triple::Minix:
   2057       TC = new toolchains::Minix(*this, Target, Args);
   2058       break;
   2059     case llvm::Triple::Linux:
   2060       if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::hexagon)
   2061         TC = new toolchains::Hexagon_TC(*this, Target, Args);
   2062       else
   2063         TC = new toolchains::Linux(*this, Target, Args);
   2064       break;
   2065     case llvm::Triple::NaCl:
   2066       TC = new toolchains::NaCl_TC(*this, Target, Args);
   2067       break;
   2068     case llvm::Triple::Solaris:
   2069       TC = new toolchains::Solaris(*this, Target, Args);
   2070       break;
   2071     case llvm::Triple::Win32:
   2072       switch (Target.getEnvironment()) {
   2073       default:
   2074         if (Target.isOSBinFormatELF())
   2075           TC = new toolchains::Generic_ELF(*this, Target, Args);
   2076         else if (Target.isOSBinFormatMachO())
   2077           TC = new toolchains::MachO(*this, Target, Args);
   2078         else
   2079           TC = new toolchains::Generic_GCC(*this, Target, Args);
   2080         break;
   2081       case llvm::Triple::GNU:
   2082         // FIXME: We need a MinGW toolchain.  Use the default Generic_GCC
   2083         // toolchain for now as the default case would below otherwise.
   2084         if (Target.isOSBinFormatELF())
   2085           TC = new toolchains::Generic_ELF(*this, Target, Args);
   2086         else
   2087           TC = new toolchains::Generic_GCC(*this, Target, Args);
   2088         break;
   2089       case llvm::Triple::Itanium:
   2090         TC = new toolchains::CrossWindowsToolChain(*this, Target, Args);
   2091         break;
   2092       case llvm::Triple::MSVC:
   2093       case llvm::Triple::UnknownEnvironment:
   2094         TC = new toolchains::MSVCToolChain(*this, Target, Args);
   2095         break;
   2096       }
   2097       break;
   2098     default:
   2099       // TCE is an OSless target
   2100       if (Target.getArchName() == "tce") {
   2101         TC = new toolchains::TCEToolChain(*this, Target, Args);
   2102         break;
   2103       }
   2104       // If Hexagon is configured as an OSless target
   2105       if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::hexagon) {
   2106         TC = new toolchains::Hexagon_TC(*this, Target, Args);
   2107         break;
   2108       }
   2109       if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::xcore) {
   2110         TC = new toolchains::XCore(*this, Target, Args);
   2111         break;
   2112       }
   2113       if (Target.isOSBinFormatELF()) {
   2114         TC = new toolchains::Generic_ELF(*this, Target, Args);
   2115         break;
   2116       }
   2117       if (Target.isOSBinFormatMachO()) {
   2118         TC = new toolchains::MachO(*this, Target, Args);
   2119         break;
   2120       }
   2121       TC = new toolchains::Generic_GCC(*this, Target, Args);
   2122       break;
   2123     }
   2124   }
   2125   return *TC;
   2126 }
   2128 bool Driver::ShouldUseClangCompiler(const JobAction &JA) const {
   2129   // Check if user requested no clang, or clang doesn't understand this type (we
   2130   // only handle single inputs for now).
   2131   if (JA.size() != 1 ||
   2132       !types::isAcceptedByClang((*JA.begin())->getType()))
   2133     return false;
   2135   // Otherwise make sure this is an action clang understands.
   2136   if (!isa<PreprocessJobAction>(JA) && !isa<PrecompileJobAction>(JA) &&
   2137       !isa<CompileJobAction>(JA) && !isa<BackendJobAction>(JA))
   2138     return false;
   2140   return true;
   2141 }
   2143 /// GetReleaseVersion - Parse (([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)?))?)? and return the
   2144 /// grouped values as integers. Numbers which are not provided are set to 0.
   2145 ///
   2146 /// \return True if the entire string was parsed (9.2), or all groups were
   2147 /// parsed (10.3.5extrastuff).
   2148 bool Driver::GetReleaseVersion(const char *Str, unsigned &Major,
   2149                                unsigned &Minor, unsigned &Micro,
   2150                                bool &HadExtra) {
   2151   HadExtra = false;
   2153   Major = Minor = Micro = 0;
   2154   if (*Str == '\0')
   2155     return false;
   2157   char *End;
   2158   Major = (unsigned) strtol(Str, &End, 10);
   2159   if (*Str != '\0' && *End == '\0')
   2160     return true;
   2161   if (*End != '.')
   2162     return false;
   2164   Str = End+1;
   2165   Minor = (unsigned) strtol(Str, &End, 10);
   2166   if (*Str != '\0' && *End == '\0')
   2167     return true;
   2168   if (*End != '.')
   2169     return false;
   2171   Str = End+1;
   2172   Micro = (unsigned) strtol(Str, &End, 10);
   2173   if (*Str != '\0' && *End == '\0')
   2174     return true;
   2175   if (Str == End)
   2176     return false;
   2177   HadExtra = true;
   2178   return true;
   2179 }
   2181 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> Driver::getIncludeExcludeOptionFlagMasks() const {
   2182   unsigned IncludedFlagsBitmask = 0;
   2183   unsigned ExcludedFlagsBitmask = options::NoDriverOption;
   2185   if (Mode == CLMode) {
   2186     // Include CL and Core options.
   2187     IncludedFlagsBitmask |= options::CLOption;
   2188     IncludedFlagsBitmask |= options::CoreOption;
   2189   } else {
   2190     ExcludedFlagsBitmask |= options::CLOption;
   2191   }
   2193   return std::make_pair(IncludedFlagsBitmask, ExcludedFlagsBitmask);
   2194 }
   2196 bool clang::driver::isOptimizationLevelFast(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args) {
   2197   return Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_Ofast, options::OPT_O_Group, false);
   2198 }