/external/guava/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/collect/ |
ContiguousSetTest.java | 292 assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(), set.intersection(emptySet)); 293 assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(), emptySet.intersection(set)); 295 ContiguousSet.create(Range.closed(-5, -1), integers()).intersection( 302 ContiguousSet.create(Range.open(-1, 4), integers()).intersection(set)); 304 set.intersection(ContiguousSet.create(Range.open(-1, 4), integers())));
/external/replicaisland/src/com/replica/replicaisland/ |
GameObjectCollisionSystem.java | 30 * this test, and when an intersection is found the actual offending and receiving volumes are 31 * compared. If an intersection is detected both objects receive notification via a 74 * @param reactionComponent A HitReactionComponent to notify when an intersection is calculated. 75 * If null, the intersection will still occur and no notification will be sent. 190 * and returns a hit type if an intersection is found.
BackgroundCollisionComponent.java | 122 * back to the point of intersection. 237 // If we found a collision, use this surface as our vertical intersection 269 // If we found a collision, use this surface as our horizontal intersection 282 // Record the intersection for other systems to use.
/external/guava/guava/src/com/google/common/collect/ |
Range.java | 104 * property <i>P</i>. See, for example, the definition of {@link #intersection intersection}. 530 * {@linkplain #intersection intersection} (as a single, possibly-empty range) if and only if this 550 * <p>For example, the intersection of {@code [1..5]} and {@code (3..7)} is {@code (3..5]}. The 554 * <p>The intersection exists if and only if the two ranges are {@linkplain #isConnected 557 * <p>The intersection operation is commutative, associative and idempotent, and its identity 562 public Range<C> intersection(Range<C> connectedRange) { method in class:Range 584 * <p>Like {@link #intersection(Range) intersection}, this operation is commutative, associativ [all...] |
MapDifference.java | 53 * maps; that is, the intersection of the two maps.
/external/skia/tools/ |
pathops_sorter.htm | 670 var intersection = sects[0]; 671 if (intersection == 0) { 672 intersection = sects[1]; 674 var ix = x_at_t(curve, intersection) - origin[0]; 675 var iy = y_at_t(curve, intersection) - origin[1]; 695 var intersection = sects[0]; 696 if (intersection == 0) { 697 intersection = sects[1]; 700 var ix = x_at_t(curve, intersection) - origin[0]; 701 var iy = y_at_t(curve, intersection) - origin[1] [all...] |
/external/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ |
RangeConstraintManager.cpp | 112 // 1. R is entirely before the intersection range. 113 // 2. R is entirely after the intersection range. 114 // 3. R contains the entire intersection range. 115 // 4. R starts before the intersection range and ends in the middle. 116 // 5. R starts in the middle of the intersection range and ends after it. 117 // 6. R is entirely contained in the intersection range. 236 // intersection with the two ranges [Min, Upper] and [Lower, Max],
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/ |
PKIXCertPathValidatorSpi.java | 487 PKIXPolicyNode intersection = RFC3280CertPathUtilities.wrapupCertG(certPath, paramsPKIX, userInitialPolicySet, local 490 if ((explicitPolicy > 0) || (intersection != null)) 492 return new PKIXCertPathValidatorResult(trust, intersection, cert.getPublicKey());
/external/chromium-trace/trace-viewer/tracing/tracing/base/ |
interval_tree.html | 114 /* The high values are used to find intersection. It should be called after 143 * @param {number} queryLow The low value for the intersection interval. 144 * @param {number} queryHigh The high value for the intersection interval.
/external/iproute2/tc/ |
q_hfsc.c | 49 " d : x-coordinate of intersection\n" 377 * intersection is at dmax 384 * convex curve, slope of first segment is 0, intersection
/external/okhttp/okhttp/src/main/java/com/squareup/okhttp/ |
ConnectionSpec.java | 207 * An N*M intersection that terminates if any intersection is found. The sizes of both 208 * arguments are assumed to be so small, and the likelihood of an intersection so great, that it
/external/google-tv-pairing-protocol/cpp/src/polo/pairing/message/ |
configurationmessage.cc | 51 // Compute the intersection of the available encodings. The sets use the
/external/guava/guava-testlib/src/com/google/common/collect/testing/google/ |
MultisetSetCountConditionallyTester.java | 105 * return-false cases but not their intersection
/external/junit/src/org/junit/runner/manipulation/ |
Filter.java | 93 * Returns a new Filter that accepts the intersection of the tests accepted
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/ |
asym-regclass-copy.ll | 5 ; This tests that the GPRC/GPRC_NOR0 intersection subclass relationship with
/external/mesa3d/src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/ |
lp_setup_context.h | 108 struct u_rect draw_region; /* intersection of fb & scissor */
/external/mesa3d/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/ |
gen6_scissor_state.c | 48 /* The scissor only needs to handle the intersection of drawable and
/external/skia/gm/ |
offsetimagefilter.cpp | 59 // Draw a boundary rect around the intersection of the clip rect
/external/skia/src/gpu/ |
GrSoftwarePathRenderer.cpp | 50 // compute bounds as intersection of rt size, clip, and path
/external/skia/src/pathops/ |
SkDCubicLineIntersection.cpp | 14 Analogous to line-quadratic intersection, solve line-cubic intersection by 373 // a binary search like quad/quad intersection to find more precise t values 429 // SkDCubic accessors to Intersection utilities
/external/skia/tests/ |
PathOpsQuadIntersectionTestData.cpp | 86 { // one intersection
/frameworks/base/libs/hwui/ |
Vertex.h | 34 * Used to offset lines and points to avoid ambiguous intersection with pixel centers (see
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setools/ |
objclassquery.py | 45 match. Otherwise, any intersection
typequery.py | 45 match. Otherwise, any intersection
userquery.py | 41 match. Otherwise, any intersection