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      1 apply plugin: 'java'
      3 import com.android.internal.BuildUtils
      5 sourceSets {
      6     main {
      7         java {
      8             srcDirs = ['src/']
      9         }
     10         resources {
     11             srcDirs = ['res/']
     12         }
     13     }
     14 }
     16 // TODO put this function in a plugin
     17 // TODO remove when prebuilt's case will always properly work with BuildUtils's version.
     18 String findToolsJar() {
     19     new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
     20         project.exec {
     21             executable "../../build/core/find-jdk-tools-jar.sh"
     23             standardOutput = os
     24         }
     25         return os.toString().trim()
     26     }
     27 }
     29 if (project.hasProperty("usePrebuilts") && project.usePrebuilts == "true") {
     30     repositories {
     31         maven { url '../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository' }
     32     }
     34     // TODO refactor to allow referencing the "gradle way"
     35     dependencies {
     36         compile files(findToolsJar())
     37         compile files('../../prebuilts/misc/common/antlr/antlr-3.4-complete.jar')
     38         compile 'com.google.jsilver:jsilver:1.0.0'
     39         // TODO add tagsoup to prebuils to fully support building using prebuilts
     40         compile project(':tagsoup')
     41         // required by jsilver
     42         compile 'com.google.guava:guava:15.0'
     43         //compile project(path: ':junit', configuration: 'target')
     44     }
     45 } else {
     46     dependencies {
     47         compile files(BuildUtils.findToolsJar(project))
     48         compile project(path: ':antlr', configuration: 'antlrRuntime')
     49         compile project(':jsilver')
     50         compile project(':tagsoup')
     51     }
     52 }