1 <!-- 2 ******************************************************************************* 3 * Copyright (C) 2009-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and * 4 * others. All Rights Reserved. * 5 ******************************************************************************* 6 --> 7 <project name="charset-tests" default="build" basedir="."> 8 <property file="build-local.properties"/> 9 <property file="build.properties"/> 10 <import file="${shared.dir}/build/common-targets.xml"/> 11 12 <path id="javac.classpathref"> 13 <path refid="javac.classpathref.${ant.project.name}"/> 14 </path> 15 <property name="jar.name" value="icu4j-${ant.project.name}.jar"/> 16 <property name="src.jar.name" value="icu4j-${ant.project.name}-src.jar"/> 17 18 <target name="build" depends="compile, copy, jar, src-jar" description="Build the project"/> 19 20 <target name="build-all" depends="@build-all" description="Build the project including all dependencies"/> 21 22 <target name="clean" depends="@clean" description="Clean up the build outputs"/> 23 24 <target name="compile" depends="@compile" description="Compile java source files"/> 25 26 <target name="copy" depends="@copy, copy-charset-test-data" description="Copy non-java runtime files to the project's binary directory"/> 27 28 <target name="jar" depends="compile, copy, @jar" description="Create the project's jar file"/> 29 30 <target name="src-jar" depends="@src-jar" description="Create the project's source jar file"/> 31 32 <target name="copy-charset-test-data" description="Extract pre-built ICU charset test data files and copy them to the project's binary directory"> 33 <unjar src="${icu4j.testdata.jar}" dest="${bin.dir}"> 34 <patternset> 35 <include name="**/*.cnv"/> 36 <include name="**/conversion.res"/> 37 </patternset> 38 </unjar> 39 </target> 40 41 </project>