1 2 x11vnc 0.9.13 2010-12-20 3 4 New in the 0.9.13 x11vnc release: 5 6 Improved support for non-X11 touchscreen devices (e.g. handheld or 7 cell phone) via Linux uinput input injection. Additional 8 tuning parameters are added. TSLIB touchscreen calibration 9 is supported. Tested on Qtmoko Neo Freerunner. 10 11 A tool, misc/uinput.pl, is provided to diagnose uinput 12 behavior on new devices. 13 14 The env. vars. X11VNC_UINPUT_BUS and X11VNC_UINPUT_VERSION 15 are available if leaving them unset does not work. 16 17 The Linux uinput non-X11 input injection can now be bypassed: 18 events can be directly written to the /dev/input/event 19 devices specified by the user (direct_abs=..., etc.) 20 21 A -pipeinput input injection helper script, 22 misc/qt_tslib_inject.pl is provided as a tweakable 23 non-builtin direct input injection method. 24 25 The list of new uinput parameters for the above two features is: 26 pressure, tslib_cal, touch_always, dragskip, btn_touch; 27 direct_rel, direct_abs, direct_btn, direct_key. 28 29 The included SSL enabled Java VNC Viewers now handle Mouse 30 Wheel events. 31 32 33 miscellaneous new features and changes: 34 35 In -reflect mode, the libvncclient connection can now have 36 the pixel format modified via the environment 37 variables X11VNC_REFLECT_bitsPerSample, 38 X11VNC_REFLECT_samplesPerPixel, and 39 X11VNC_REFLECT_bytesPerPixel 40 41 In -create mode the following environment variables are added 42 to fine tune the behavior: FIND_DISPLAY_NO_LSOF: 43 do not use lsof(1) to try to determine the Linux VT, 44 FIND_DISPLAY_NO_VT_FIND: do not try to determine the 45 Linux VT at all, X11VNC_CREATE_LC_ALL_C_OK: do not bother 46 undoing the setting LC_ALL=C that the create_display 47 script sets. The performance of the -create script 48 has been improved for large installations (100's of 49 user sessions on one machine.) 50 51 In -unixpw mode, one can now Tab from login: to Password. 52 53 An environment variable, X11VNC_SB_FACTOR, allows one to scale 54 the -sb screenblank sleep time from the default 2 secs. 55 56 In -rawfb mode, a bug is fixed in setting the number of bits 57 per pixel. 58 59 Documented that -grabkbd is no longer working with some/most 60 window managers (it can prevent resizing and menu posting.) 61 62 The macosx deprecated interface GetMainDevice() call is removed. 63 Compile with -DX11VNC_MACOSX_USE_GETMAINDEVICE if needed 64 for an old macosx version... 65 66 Miscellaneous code cleanup. 67 68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 70 71 x11vnc 0.9.12 2010-09-10 72 73 New in the 0.9.12 x11vnc release: 74 75 One can now specify the maximum number of displays 76 that can be created in -create mode via the 77 env. var. X11VNC_CREATE_MAX_DISPLAYS 78 79 The X11VNC_NO_LIMIT_SHM env. var. is added to skip any 80 automatic shared memory reduction. 81 82 The kdm display manager is now detected when trying not to get 83 killed by the display manager. 84 85 miscellaneous new features and changes: 86 87 A compile error is fixed when using --with-system-libvncserver 88 pointing to LibVNCServer 0.9.7. 89 90 -nevershared -forever usage mode is documented. 91 92 Old SuSE broken thread local storage is documented. 93 94 x11vnc exit cases are documented. 95 96 A compile bug from forced use of Xdefs.h is worked around. 97 98 99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 101 102 x11vnc 0.9.11 2010-08-08 103 104 New in the 0.9.11 x11vnc release: 105 106 The source tree is synchronized with the most recent libvncclient 107 (this only affects -reflect mode.) The build is fixed 108 for incompatibilities when using an external LibVNCServer 109 (e.g. ./configure --with-system-libvncserver...) 110 111 The SSL enabled Java VNC Viewer Makefile has been modified so 112 that the jar files that are built are compatible back 113 to Java 1.4. 114 115 In -reflect mode cursor position updates are now handled 116 correctly. 117 118 In -create/-unixpw mode, the env. var. FD_USERPREFS may be set 119 to a filename in the user's home directory that includes 120 default username:options values (so the options do not 121 need to be typed every time at the login prompt.) 122 123 miscellaneous new features and changes: 124 125 An option -always_inject is provided: Even if there is no 126 displacement (dx = dy = 0) for a VNC mouse event force 127 the pointer to the indicated x,y position anyway. 128 129 New java viewer debugging and workaround applet parameters: 130 debugKeyboard mapF5_to_atsign forbid_Ctrl_Alt 131 132 You can set X11VNC_AVAHI_NAME, X11VNC_AVAHI_HOST, and/or 133 X11VNC_AVAHI_PORT environment variables to override the 134 default values. For example: -env X11VNC_AVAHI_NAME=wally 135 136 When opening the X11 display extra XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME settings 137 are attempted. 138 139 140 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 142 143 x11vnc 0.9.10 2010-05-03 144 145 New in the 0.9.10 x11vnc release: 146 147 IPv6 is now supported for all usage modes: forward and reverse 148 connections, SSL and unencrypted, etc. 149 150 The included SSL enabled Java VNC viewer applet now supports 151 Chained SSL Certificates (x11vnc -ssl always has.) 152 The applet autodects x11vnc and set GET=1 for faster 153 connecting via HTTPS. 154 155 A demo CGI script 'desktop.cgi' shows how to create an 156 SSL encrypted, multi-user x11vnc web login desktop 157 service. The user logs into a secure web site and gets 158 his/her own virtual desktop and his browser accesses it 159 with the SSL Java VNC Viewer applet. 160 161 A serverCert Java Viewer applet parameter is provided. 162 Use an authenticated HTTPS browser connection to set 163 this parameter (the user could set it locally too.) 164 The onetimekey tool has -certonly option for this scheme. 165 166 The Xdummy script (use Xorg 'dummy' driver instead of Xvfb) 167 no longer requires being run as root. 168 169 170 miscellaneous new features and changes: 171 172 In the Java viewer applet, debugCerts and debugKeyboard parameters 173 are provided. The debugging output of the applet is more 174 readable. Some corner-case bugs (e.g. socket exceptions) 175 are now handled gracefully. Parameters forbid_Ctrl_Alt 176 and mapF5_to_atsign are added. 177 178 The amount of time to wait for HTTPS applet downloads to finish 179 can be set in env. var. X11VNC_HTTPS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT_TIME. 180 181 The -xkb mode is automatically enabled if there are more than 182 4 keysyms per key. 183 184 -coe is now an alias for -connect_or_exit. 185 186 The -input_eagerly option enables this LibVNCServer feature 187 (it is like -allinput.) 188 189 The "%" unix password verification tricks for the -unixpw 190 option are now documented. They also run a command 191 in UNIXPW_CMD. 192 193 In -create (-svc, etc.) modes, a warning is printed out if Xvfb 194 cannot be found. Xvfb '+kb' option is checked for. 195 The -env CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT=/tmp/mydebug.txt debugging 196 option is documented. Try to preserve user's PATH 197 if possible. 198 199 In XDMCP connection mode, a test for GDM listening only 200 on IPv6 (::1) is performed. The interface can also be 201 specified via FD_XDMCP_IF. 202 203 The example scripts connect_switch, ultravnc_repeater.pl, inet6to4 204 have settings to let them run reliably for long times 205 as daemons. They also support IPv6. 206 207 IPv6 notes: for some very esoteric cases (e.g. -chatwindow) 208 IPv4 localhost may be required for local IPC. A demo 209 transition tool 'inet6to4' is also included (can be 210 used for other apps.) x11vnc options related to IPv6: 211 -listen6, -6, -no6, -noipv4, -noipv6, and -connect, 212 -proxy. 213 214 Use STUNNEL_LISTEN in -stunnel mode to have it listen on a 215 particular interface. Also STUNNEL_PROG. 216 217 New remote control query options: pointer_x, pointer_y, 218 pointer_same, pointer_root, and pointer_mask. A demo 219 script using them misc/panner.pl is provided. 220 221 Remote control change of -clip option will not create new 222 framebuffer if the size has not changed (for panner.pl) 223 224 The X11VNC_DISABLE_SSL_CLIENT_MODE env. var. can be set to 225 disable SSL client role in reverse connections. This 226 means the VNC viewer side must be in SSL client role. 227 UltraVNC repeater operation can benefit from this. 228 229 The SSL_INIT_TIMEOUT is increased to 1 hour if 'repeater' 230 is detected in a reverse connect string. 231 232 The X property X11VNC_TRAP_XRANDR can be set on a desktop to 233 force x11vnc to use the -xrandr screen size change 234 trapping code. 235 236 The -sslScripts option prints out the SSL certificate management 237 scripts. 238 239 Suggest '-auth guess' and '-findauth' if X connection fails. 240 241 The TightVNC sercurity type (TightVNC features enabler) now 242 works for RFB version 3.8. 243 244 RECORD scroll detection is now working with the new gtk/gdk scroll 245 mechanism. Set X11VNC_SCROLL_MUST_EQUAL to disable. 246 247 248 For more information: 249 250 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 251 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 252 x11vnc -help | less 253 254 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 256 257 x11vnc 0.9.9 2009-12-21 258 259 260 261 New in the 0.9.9 x11vnc release: 262 263 A new option -findauth runs the FINDDISPLAY script that applies 264 heuristics to try to determine the correct XAUTHORITY 265 file. The use of '-auth guess' will use the XAUTHORITY 266 that -findauth reveals. This can be handy in with 267 the lastest GDM where the ability to store cookies in 268 ~/.Xauthority has been removed. 269 270 If x11vnc is running as root (e.g. inetd or XDM/GDM/KDM) 271 the FD_XDM=1 mode will be tried if the above -findauth 272 or '-auth guess' command fails; it will find the 273 correct XAUTHORITY for the given display (this works for 274 XDM/GDM/KDM if the login greeter panel is up or if someone 275 has already logged into an X session.) You can also 276 set -env FD_XDM=1 to force it to be done on the first try. 277 278 The -unixpw_system_greeter option, when used in combined 279 unixpw and XDMCP FINDCREATEDISPLAY mode (e.g. -xdmsvc), 280 enables the user to press Escape to jump directly to the 281 XDM/GDM/KDM login greeter screen. This way the user 282 avoids entering his unix password twice at X session 283 creation time. For subseqent logins to the same session, 284 he uses the regular x11vnc unixpw "login:" prompt. Also, 285 the unixpw login panel now has a short help displayed 286 if the user presses 'F1' that lists the options. 287 288 The -appshare option enables simple application sharing based on 289 the -id/-sid mechanism. Every new toplevel window that 290 the application creates induces a new viewer window via 291 a reverse connection. The -id/-sid and -connect options 292 are required. Run 'x11vnc -appshare -help' for more info. 293 294 Heuristics are applied to try to determine if the X display 295 is currently in a Display Manager Greeter Login panel 296 (e.g. GDM.) If so, x11vnc's creation of any windows and 297 use of XFIXES are delayed. 298 299 This is to try to avoid x11vnc being killed after the user 300 logs in if the GDM KillInitClients=true is in effect. 301 So one no longer needs to set KillInitClients=false in 302 gdm.conf. Note that in recent GDM the KillInitClients 303 option has been removed. 304 305 Also delayed is the use of the XFIXES cursor fetching 306 functionality; this avoids an Xorg bug that causes Xorg 307 to crash right after the user logs in. 308 309 x11vnc now tries to be more aggressive in keeping up with VNC 310 client's framebuffer update requests. Some broken VNC 311 clients continuously spray these requests at VNC servers 312 (regardless of whether they have received any updates 313 or not.) The -extra_fbur option allows one to fine tune 314 the setting. 315 316 The "-display WAIT:cmd=...", -find, -create modes now work 317 correctly for the user-supplied login program scheme 318 "-unixpw_cmd ...", as long as the login program supports 319 running commands specified in the environment variable 320 "RFB_UNIXPW_CMD_RUN" as the logged-in user. The mode 321 "-unixpw_nis ..." has also been made more consistent. 322 The username option "tag=..." can be used to set FD_TAG. 323 324 The -stunnel option (like -ssl but uses stunnel as an external 325 helper program) now works with the -ssl "SAVE" and "TMP" 326 special certificate names. The -sslverify and -sslCRL 327 options now work correctly in -stunnel mode. Single port 328 HTTPS connections are also supported for this mode. 329 330 The remote control command -R can be used to instruct x11vnc 331 to resend its most recent copy of the Clipboard, 332 Primary, or Cutbuffer selections: "x11vnc -R 333 resend_clipboard", "x11vnc -R resend_primary", and 334 "x11vnc -R resend_cutbuffer". 335 336 miscellaneous new features and changes: 337 338 The fonts in the GUI (-gui) can now by set via environment 339 variables, e.g. -env X11VNC_FONT_BOLD='Helvetica -16 bold' 340 and -env X11VNC_FONT_FIXED='Courier -14'. 341 342 The value of the -timeout option is now also used for the timing 343 out of reverse connections. The -timeout exit will 344 occur if no client has made it to normal operating state 345 (instead of merely trying to connect.) 346 347 One can add extra URL parameters to the HTTPS (-ssl) urls 348 via X11VNC_EXTRA_HTTPS_PARAMS without needing to edit 349 index.vnc. E.g.: -env X11VNC_EXTRA_HTTPS_PARAMS='?GET=1' 350 351 One can make the libvncserver HTTP (non-SSL) server listen on 352 localhost: -env X11VNC_HTTP_LISTEN_LOCALHOST=1 (this way 353 only the single-port VNC+HTTPS is exposed to the network.) 354 355 Warnings are printed out at startup if $DISPLAY appears to 356 start with "localhost:" (SSH X11 forwarding) or 357 "hostname:" (remote X display; will fail w/o -noshm) 358 359 The -solid option now uses the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS env. var 360 if available. The -solid option now works in xfce. 361 If available, the dbus_launch(1) will be used in 362 FINDCREATEDISPLAY for gnome sessions. 363 364 The bcx_xattach remote control command was added to facilitate 365 xattach and x2x desktop cursor switching. Other new 366 remote control commands: grab_state, ping:mystring, 367 grablocal, resend_cutbuffer, resend_clipboard, 368 resend_primary, keycode, keysym, fakebuttonevent, 369 ptr, sleep, get_xprop, set_xprop, wininfo, pointer_pos, 370 mouse_xy, noop, guess_dbus, DIRECT:query. Remote control 371 scripting, -query_retries, and -remote_prefix were 372 also added. 373 374 In -rawfb mode the X display will not be opened at all unless 375 the -rawfb string is prefixed with '+' or -display 376 was specified on the cmdline. 377 378 For multiple, separate x11vnc instances on the same X display, 379 one can rename the X11VNC_REMOTE, X11VNC_TICKER, and 380 VNC_CONNECT property names to unique ones. 381 382 The -showrfbauth option prints out the VNC rfbauth password. 383 384 The XDAMAGE mechanism is now automatically disabled for a 385 period of time if a game or screensaver generates too 386 many XDAMAGE rectangles per second. This avoids the X11 387 event queue from soaking up too much memory. 388 389 x11vnc does not switch on server autorepeat if any keys are 390 pressed down to work around a recent Xorg server and/or 391 gnome bug where the key will never stop repeating. 392 393 Thse list of current clients is kept more up-to-date in the 394 tkx11vnc gui. Bugs in the gui setpass mode have been 395 fixed. 396 397 Threads stability is further improved. See under the -threads 398 option help info about -env X11VNC_THREADS_NEW_FB_SLEEP=ms 399 400 There is an experimental workaround: "-env X11VNC_WATCH_DX_DY=1" 401 that tries to avoid problems with poorly constructed 402 menu themes that place the initial position of the mouse 403 cursor inside a menu item's active zone. 404 405 The crypt(3) function is now declared inside the x11vnc code on 406 all platforms (not just Linux). To disable this, set 407 CPPFLAGS='-DDO_NOT_DECLARE_CRYPT' while configuring. 408 (crypt is declared to avoid problems with header files.) 409 410 Error reasons are printed for -storepasswd failures. 411 412 Two scripts are added to x11vnc/misc: connect_switch and 413 ultravnc_repeater.pl 414 415 For more information: 416 417 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 418 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 419 x11vnc -help | less 420 421 422 423 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 424 425 426 x11vnc 0.9.8 2009-07-08 427 428 429 New in the 0.9.8 x11vnc release: 430 431 Better reliability for the Java Viewer applet when connecting 432 through a Web Proxy via HTTPS. A proxy hostname 433 and port can be specified via applet parameters. 434 Proxy Authentication via Auth-Basic is supported. 435 More x11vnc printout in -ssl is provided to help 436 troubleshoot this mode and other ssl connections. 437 438 Stability improvements to -threads mode. Running x11vnc this 439 way is more reliable now. Threaded operation sometimes 440 gives better interactive response and faster updates. The 441 threaded mode now supports multiple VNC viewers using 442 the same VNC encoding (some only on Linux or enabled 443 at build time.) The threaded mode can also yield 444 a performance enhancement in the many client case 445 (e.g. class-room broadcast.) We have tested with 30 to 446 50 simultaneous clients. See also -reflect. 447 448 449 miscellaneous new features and changes: 450 451 x11vnc automatically tries to work around an Xorg server bug 452 involving infinitely repeating keys when turning off key 453 repeating. Use -repeat if the automatic workaround fails. 454 Also, the environment variable X11VNC_IDLE_TIMEOUT 455 (seconds) is provided. 456 457 In -reflect mode the environment variable X11VNC_REFLECT_PASSWORD 458 is provided. 459 460 The -clip mode works under -rawfb. 461 462 The -nounixpw option can disable unixpw mode if an earlier option 463 enables it (e.g. -svc). 464 465 Scroll detection is skipped for windows with 'OpenOffice' in 466 their name. 467 468 469 For more information: 470 471 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 472 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 473 x11vnc -help | less 474 475 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 476 477 478 x11vnc 0.9.7 2009-03-31 479 480 481 New in the 0.9.7 x11vnc release: 482 483 Basic support for building with VirtualGL's TurboVNC (an 484 enhanced TightVNC for fast LAN high framerate usage) 485 encoding and TightVNC modifications. More info: 486 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-turbovnc 487 and x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/README. 488 489 The -ncache_cr option has been fixed and so in -ncache mode 490 smooth opaque window motions are now work correctly. Try 491 it out to see how smooth it is even on a slow link. 492 493 Support for Linux text consoles (virtual terminals, e.g. 1-6) 494 is provided via, e.g., 'x11vnc -rawfb vt2' (for virtual 495 terminal #2). 496 497 This is like LinuxVNC (i.e. text only), it avoids using 498 /dev/fb and uses /dev/vcsaN instead (the '-rawfb console' 499 mode uses /dev/fb.) With /dev/vcsaN the text terminal 500 is accessible even it if is not the currently active one. 501 502 The -rawfb option now supports framebuffers with bits per pixel 503 less than 8 (e.g. 4 or 1 bpp.) 504 505 Reverse connections now work in Anonymous Diffie Hellman SSL/TLS 506 mode. Reverse connections also work for VeNCrypt and 507 ANONTLS modes. 508 509 510 miscellaneous new features and changes: 511 512 The included SSL enabled UltraVNC java viewer now has a 513 configurable [Home] entry in the drives drop down menu. 514 515 In the -create, -svc, etc. modes one can now specify a 516 range of X displays to ignore in X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY. 517 Improvements and bugfixes were made to the find_display 518 and create_display scripts. FD_EXTRA option is provided. 519 520 The '-rawfb video' option finds the video device file more 521 carefully. 522 523 The -rmflag option allows a new way to indicate to other 524 applications that x11vnc has started. 525 526 All of the java applet parameters are now documented in 527 the classes/ssl/README file. 528 529 There is now a "sendbell" remote control command. 530 531 A one-time -padgeom once:WxH mode is added. 532 533 Improvements to the CUPS Terminal Services helper mode. 534 535 If the X display cannot be opened normally then the env. var. 536 XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=localhost is tried. 537 538 Bugfix for selection transfer to a now non-existent X window 539 (Thunderbird can cause this.) Related, the env. variable 540 LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK is now set by default. 541 542 Bugfix for -8to24 mode due to nonstandard indexed color support. 543 544 The libvncserver and x11vnc autoconf/automake settings have 545 been improved. 546 547 libXrandr include file is now found on Solaris. 548 549 550 For more information: 551 552 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 553 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 554 x11vnc -help | less 555 556 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 557 558 559 x11vnc 0.9.6 2008-12-10 560 561 562 New in the 0.9.6 x11vnc release: 563 564 x11vnc's SSL encryption is extended to support the VeNCrypt and 565 TLS (older; vino) SSL/TLS security type extensions to VNC. 566 567 Anonymous Diffie-Hellman key exchange (-ssl ANON) and Certificate 568 Revocation List support (-sslCRL) is added to the SSL 569 encryption mode. 570 571 The Java viewer applet can now be served up through the VNC port 572 (5900) in addition to the normal HTTP port (5800) via 573 the -http_oneport option. Previously this only worked 574 for SSL connections and HTTPS. 575 576 The "-rfbport PROMPT" mode presents a simple gui for the user 577 to select a port for the x11vnc service and a few other 578 settings. This enables a menu entry for naive users 579 that is included in x11vnc.desktop. 580 581 If x11vnc is not built with the Avahi Zeroconf library an external 582 helper program (avahi-publish or dns-sd on Mac OS X) 583 is used instead. 584 585 miscellaneous new features and changes: 586 587 The default mode for '-ssl' is now the '-ssl SAVE' mode; i.e. 588 the generated certificate is saved and reused in 589 subsequent sessions rather than being discarded. 590 Use '-ssl TMP' recover the old way. This change made 591 to for it to be more likely that the VNC Viewer can save 592 the accepted cert for future authentications. 593 594 The solid background color option works on the Mac OS X console. 595 596 The -reopen option enables x11vnc to try to re connect to the X 597 display if GDM (or other display manager) kills it just 598 after the user logs in. 599 600 The -dhparams option can be used to point to your own Diffie 601 Hellman parameters. 602 603 The -setdefer option allows tuning how quickly updates will 604 be sent. Default setting tuned. 605 606 The option -zeroconf is now an alias for -avahi/-mdns. 607 608 In pipeinput mode, the pipe filehandle is now closed when 609 x11vnc exits. 610 611 The -sshonly option turns off VeNCrypt and TLSVNC (vino) mod 612 leaving only the standard SSL (i.e. vncs://) 613 614 For testing, the option -rand in an alias for -rawfb rand -nopw 615 616 Minor tweaks to improve CUPS Print tunneling. 617 618 For more information: 619 620 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 621 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 622 x11vnc -help | less 623 624 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 625 626 627 x11vnc 0.9.5 2008-10-24 628 629 630 New in the 0.9.5 x11vnc release: 631 632 Symmetric key encryption using the RC4, AES, Blowfish, and 3DES 633 ciphers is supported via the -enc cipher:keyfile option. 634 The SSVNC unix viewer 1.0.20 and later supports these 635 encryption methods. 636 637 Server-side scaling can now have different scale factors along 638 the horizontal and vertical axes. E.g. -scale 1280x1024 639 (same as -geometry 1280x1024) or -scale 0.8x0.75 640 641 The -chatwindow option allows a chat window to appear on the 642 X console during UltraVNC chats (requires the SSVNC 643 viewer package.) 644 645 miscellaneous new features and changes: 646 647 The HTTP Java viewer applet jar, classes/VncViewer.jar, has 648 been updated with an improved implementation based on 649 the code used by the classes/ssl applets. 650 651 A description and instructions are now printed out when 652 X_ShmAttach fails if one tries to attach to a remote 653 $DISPLAY (i.e. $DISPLAY is on a different machine from 654 the machine x11vnc is running on; this often happens 655 with SSH X redirection, X terminal servers, etc). 656 657 The -allow option now works correctly in -ssl mode. 658 659 The -remap option now works on the MacOSX console. 660 661 For more information: 662 663 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 664 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 665 x11vnc -help | less 666 667 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 668 669 670 x11vnc 0.9.4 2008-09-17 671 672 673 New in the 0.9.4 x11vnc release: 674 675 Reverse VNC connections (-connect and -connect_or_exit options) 676 work in the -find and -create X session FINDCREATEDISPLAY 677 modes. 678 679 Reverse VNC connections (either normal or using SSL) can use a 680 Web Proxy, a SOCKS proxy, the UltraVNC repeater proxy, 681 an SSH connection, or even a CGI URL to make the outgoing 682 connection (-proxy option). Forward connections can 683 use the -ssh option to set up a reachable redirection. 684 685 Support for the ZYWRLE encoding is added, this is the RealVNC ZRLE 686 encoding extended to do motion video and photo regions 687 more efficiently by way of a Wavelet based transformation. 688 689 The session finding and creating modes (-find and -create) have 690 been improved to be more reliable and also provide a new 691 desktop types (xfce) and new service redirection options. 692 693 Support for indexed colormaps (PseudoColor) with depths other 694 than 8 is provided (depths 1 to 16 now work). 695 696 Java viewer applet source code is provided in the x11vnc 0.9.4 697 tarball so now everything can be built from source. 698 699 miscellaneous new features and changes: 700 701 To unset Caps_Lock, Num_Lock and raise all keys in the X server 702 use -clear_all, or by remote control 'x11vnc -R clear_all' 703 704 The -autoport option gives more control over the server port 705 range that probes. 706 707 The -ping option can be used to help keep idle connections alive. 708 709 The -finddpy and -listdpy utilities help to debug and configure 710 the -find, -create, and -display WAIT:... modes. 711 712 Some automatic detection of screen resizes are handled even if 713 the -xrandr option is not supplied. 714 715 The -advertise_truecolor option can workaround some VNC viewer 716 incompatibilities with PseudoColor. 717 718 The option '-clip xinerama0' can be used to clip to the first 719 Xinerama sub-screen, etc. 720 721 If a fast framebuffer read rate is detected the -wait and -defer 722 parameters are reduced to 10 and 15 msec, respectively. 723 724 Pasting of the selection/clipboard into remote applications 725 (e.g. Java) is improved. 726 727 Usage with dvorak keyboards is improved. The option -macuskbd is 728 available on MacOSX to use the original US keyboard code. 729 730 Via a compiler option (-DENABLE_GRABLOCAL) one can use the 731 -grablocal n option to filter VNC client input if someone 732 at the console has done mouse or keyboard input n secs ago. 733 734 The -sleepin option can now sleep a random amount of time between 735 min and max time delays (-sleepin min-max). 736 737 For more information: 738 739 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 740 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 741 x11vnc -help | less 742 743 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 744 745 746 x11vnc 0.9.3 2007-10-04 747 748 749 New in the 0.9.3 x11vnc release: 750 751 This release provides client-side caching to improve interactive 752 response. Almost no VNC viewers implement caching which is why 753 VNC is slow compared to other remote graphics protocols. 754 755 The x11vnc caching will work with any VNC viewer, but they will 756 not hide the pixmap cache region that is below the main desktop 757 (one must adjust the window manually). The SSVNC Unix VNC viewer, 758 however, automatically detects and hides the region. 759 760 To enable caching, supply "-ncache n" to x11vnc, where the 761 number n, e.g. 10, indicates how much memory to devote to the 762 caching scheme. 763 764 See http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#faq-client-caching 765 766 For more information: 767 768 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 769 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 770 x11vnc -help | less 771 772 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 773 774 775 x11vnc 0.9.2 2007-06-18 776 777 778 New in the 0.9.2 x11vnc release: 779 780 A compile-time bug is fixed for when the OpenSSL library is not 781 available or --without-ssl is supplied; previously the 782 build would fail. 783 784 One can configure x11vnc via "configure --with-system-libvncserver" 785 to use a system installed libvncserver library instead of 786 the one bundled in the release tarball. 787 788 If UltraVNC file transfer or chat is detected, then VNC clients 789 are "pinged" more often to prevent these side channels 790 from becoming serviced too infrequently. 791 792 In -unixpw mode in the username and password dialog no text will 793 be echoed if the first character sent is "Escape". This 794 enables a convenience feature in SSVNC to send the username 795 and password automatically. 796 797 miscellaneous new features and changes: 798 799 When building from the CVS tree --with-x11vnc must be supplied if 800 you want x11vnc to be built. The LibVNCServer release 801 tarball no longer contains the x11vnc source. 802 803 804 For more information: 805 806 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 807 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 808 x11vnc -help | less 809 810 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 811 812 813 x11vnc 0.9.1 2007-05-24 814 815 816 New in the 0.9.1 x11vnc release: 817 818 A new Unix username identification scheme is provided when 819 SSL client certificates are used to authenticate VNC 820 viewers. The username is extracted from the 'Subject' 821 section of the cert. The option is "-users sslpeer=" 822 which, like "-users unixpw=" already does, will cause 823 a switch to the Unix user. This is useful for the 824 -find and -create options that try to find an existing 825 X session associated with the user or create a new one. 826 827 The UltraVNC Java Viewer has been modified to support SSL 828 connections. Some bugs were also fixed and some 829 improvements added. A patch file and a compiled jar file 830 (UltraViewerSSL.jar and SignedUltraViewerSSL.jar in the 831 classes/ssl directory) are provided in the x11vnc package. 832 833 For the -user option groups are now handled better by using 834 initgroups(3), or if finer control is needed one can 835 use: "-users user1.group1,..." 836 837 When SSL client certification is being used and external login 838 programs are being used the env. var. RFB_SSL_CLIENT_CERT 839 is set to the clients certificate. Set X11VNC_SSLPEER_CN 840 to use the Common Name instead of the certificate email 841 address to find the unix username. 842 843 miscellaneous new features and changes: 844 845 The -wait and -defer defaults were lowered from 30 to 20 846 milliseconds, set the values explicitly if this increases 847 the load too much for your liking. 848 849 In -create mode where a Xvfb session is started, mwm was added 850 as a session type. setpgrp(2) is used for the spawned 851 process if available. The XKEYBOARD extension is 852 enabled (+kb, but it doesn't seem to always work). 853 TrueColor is forced to be the default visual (recent 854 Xvfb seem to choose DirectColor, this is likely a bug) 855 One can also force creating a new Xvfb by setting the 856 env. var. X11VNC_FINDDISPLAY_ALWAYS_FAILS (not exactly 857 clear what this would be used for). 858 859 The WAITBG env. var. enables -display WAIT:... to take place in 860 the background. 861 862 One can specify the X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY env. var. for a list of 863 displays to exclude in the FINDDISPLAY action. This can 864 also be specified via nd=... as a -unixpw login option. 865 866 setsid() or setpgrp() is called for the external command spawned 867 by the -gone option (since it may be long lived, e.g. a 868 screen locker). 869 870 The script "onetimekey" utility is provided in the classes/ssl 871 subdirectory that allows a (very long) string representing 872 a Client SSL certificate to be provided by the authenticating 873 client, or via https cgi script (e.g. after a web login). 874 875 Some bugs were fixed in the libvncserver implementation of 876 UltraVNC file transfer. 877 878 879 880 For more information: 881 882 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 883 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 884 x11vnc -help | less 885 886 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 887 888 889 x11vnc 0.9 2007-04-18 890 891 892 New in the 0.9 x11vnc release: 893 894 VNC Service advertising via mDNS / ZeroConf / BonJour with the 895 Avahi client library. Enable via "-avahi". 896 897 Implementations of UltraVNC's TextChat, SingleWindow, and 898 ServerInput extensions (requires ultravnc viewer or ssvnc 899 Unix viewer). They toggle the selection of a single window 900 (-id), and disable (friendly) user input and viewing 901 (monitor blank) at the VNC server. 902 903 Short aliases "-find", "-create", "-svc", and "-xdmsvc" for 904 commonly used FINDCREATEDISPLAY usage modes (to find 905 the user's display or create one, etc). 906 907 Reverse VNC connections (viewer listening) now work in SSL 908 (-ssl) mode. 909 910 miscellaneous new features and changes: 911 912 New options to control the Monitor power state and keyboard/mouse 913 grabbing: -forcedpms, -clientdpms, -noserverdpms, 914 and -grabalways. 915 916 A simple way to emulate inetd(8) to some degree via the "-loopbg" 917 option. 918 919 Monitor the accuracy of XDAMAGE and apply "-noxdamage" if it is 920 not working well. OpenGL applications like like beryl and 921 MythTv have been shown to make XDAMAGE not work properly. 922 923 For Java SSL connections involving a router/firewall port 924 redirection, an option -httpsredir to spare the user 925 from needing to include PORT=NNN in the browser URL. 926 927 A -sleepin n option to delay startup by n seconds to let redirs 928 and listening clients to get started. 929 930 TightVNC file transfer is now off by default; enable via 931 -tightfilexfer 932 933 934 For more information: 935 936 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 937 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 938 x11vnc -help | less 939 940 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 941 942 943 x11vnc 0.8.4 2007-02-01 944 945 946 New in the 0.8.4 x11vnc release: 947 948 Native Mac OS X Aqua/Quartz support. It exports the full 949 display (no X11 server, etc). 950 951 This provides an alternative to OSXvnc; some activities 952 are faster (and see the client-side caching feature 953 -ncache in the 0.8.5 development version for more 954 speedups). 955 956 x11vnc can act as a VNC reflector/repeater using the 957 "-reflect host:N" option. This is useful for large 958 classroom broadcasting or demos. You set up a number 959 of reflectors to spread the network and CPU load around 960 for better response. 961 962 A new login mode: "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY -unixpw ..." 963 that will Create a new X session (Xvfb, Xdummy, or 964 Xorg) for the user if it cannot find the user's X 965 session display via the FINDDISPLAY method. It will 966 be re-found upon reconnection. 967 968 This enables a simple "terminal services" mode based on 969 Unix username and password and where the user does not 970 have to memorize their VNC display number, etc. 971 972 973 miscellaneous new features and changes: 974 975 Option -nodpms to avoid problems with programs like KDE's 976 kdesktop_lock that keep restarting the screen saver 977 every few seconds even with active VNC clients connected. 978 979 The "-N" option couples the VNC Display number to the X Display 980 number. E.g. if your X DISPLAY is :2 then the VNC display 981 will be :2 (i.e. using port 5902). If that port is taken 982 x11vnc will exit. 983 984 Wireframe copyrect detection for local user activity (e.g. someone 985 sitting at the physical display moving windows). You 986 can disable this with the -nowireframelocal option. 987 988 To automatically fix the common mouse motion problem on XINERAMA 989 (multi-headed) displays, the -xwarppointer option is 990 enabled by default when XINERAMA is active. You can 991 disable this with the -noxwarppointer option. 992 993 By default in -reflect mode -shared is implied (it makes sense), 994 use -noshared after the -reflect option to disable this. 995 996 The -prog option lets you specify the full path (argv[0]) to 997 the program, in case it is spawned by inetd/tcpd and 998 cannot determine its path. The path is needed for the 999 -http option to guess the http classes directory. 1000 1001 Usually not needed, but there are many options for tuning the 1002 native Mac OS X mode: -macnodim -macnosleep -macnosaver 1003 -macnowait -macwheel -macnoswap -macnoresize -maciconanim 1004 -macmenu. 1005 1006 An option -debug_xdamage has been added for debugging and profiling. 1007 1008 1009 For more information: 1010 1011 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1012 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1013 x11vnc -help | less 1014 1015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1016 1017 1018 x11vnc 0.8.3 2006-11-13 1019 1020 1021 New in the 0.8.3 x11vnc release: 1022 1023 The -ssl option provides SSL encryption and authentication 1024 natively via the www.openssl.org library. One can use 1025 from a simple self-signed certificate server certificate 1026 up to full CA and client certificate authentication schemes. 1027 1028 The -sslverify option allows for authenticating VNC clients via 1029 their certificates in either -ssl or -stunnel modes. 1030 1031 Certificate creation and management tools are provide in the 1032 -sslGenCert, -sslGenCA, and related options. 1033 1034 An SSL enabled Java applet VNC Viewer applet is provided in 1035 classes/ssl/VncViewer.jar. 1036 1037 The applet may also be loaded into the web 1038 browser via HTTPS, i.e one can use the VNC port, 1039 e.g. https://host:5900/ 1040 1041 See our "Enhanced TightVNC Viewer" project, for native 1042 SSL enabled viewers. 1043 1044 The -unixpw option supports Unix username and password 1045 authentication. The -ssl or -localhost and -stunnel 1046 options (or detection of an SSH tunnel) are enforced in 1047 this mode to prevent password sniffing. 1048 1049 Coupling -unixpw with -display WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY provides a 1050 way to allow a user to login with their UNIX password 1051 and have their display connected to automatically. 1052 1053 Hooks are provided in the -unixpw_cmd and "-passwdfile cmd:,custom:..." 1054 options to allow you to supply your own authentication 1055 and password lookup programs (e.g. LDAP). 1056 1057 The "-ultrafilexfer" alias is provided and improved UltraVNC 1058 filetransfer rates have been achieved. 1059 1060 The -rotate option enables you to rotate or reflect the screen 1061 before exporting via VNC. This is intended for use on 1062 handhelds and other devices where the rotation orientation 1063 is not "natural". 1064 1065 miscellaneous new features and changes: 1066 1067 Similar to -ssl, the -stunnel option starts up a SSL tunnel server 1068 stunnel (that must be installed separately on the system) 1069 to allow only encrypted SSL connections from the network. 1070 1071 Option -sslnofail to exit immediately if there are any SSL 1072 connection failures. 1073 1074 A simpler variant of -unixpw is the -unixpw_nis option that 1075 works in environments where the encrypted passwords are 1076 readable, e.g. NIS. 1077 1078 x11vnc can be configured and built to not depend on X11 libraries 1079 "./configure --without-x" for -rawfb only operation 1080 (e.g. embedded linux console devices). 1081 1082 Add -cursor_drag to change the mouse cursor during Drag and Drop, etc. 1083 1084 Under the "-connect_or_exit host" option x11vnc will exit 1085 immediately unless the reverse connection to host 1086 succeeds. The "-rfbport 0" option disables TCP listening 1087 for connections (useful for this mode). 1088 1089 The "-rawfb rand" and "-rawfb none" options are useful for 1090 testing automation scripts, etc., without requiring a 1091 full desktop. 1092 1093 Reduced spewing of information at startup, use "-verbose" (also 1094 "-v") to turn it back on for debugging. 1095 1096 1097 For more information: 1098 1099 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1100 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1101 x11vnc -help | less 1102 1103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1104 1105 1106 x11vnc 0.8.2 2006-07-13 1107 1108 1109 New in the 0.8.2 x11vnc release: 1110 1111 Support for full mouse and keyboard input into the Linux 1112 console framebuffer /dev/fb0 in -rawfb mode 1113 (i.e. non-X11) by using the Linux "uinput" driver. 1114 1115 This enables, for example, viewing and interacting 1116 with Qt-embedded/Qtopia-Core apps on Linux-based 1117 handhelds, etc. 1118 1119 Options: -rawfb cons, -pipeinput UINPUT More info: 1120 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#faq-qt-embedded 1121 1122 Extension of the display option: -display WAIT:<disp-or-cmd> 1123 to delay x11vnc's opening of the X display 1124 until a VNC client connects (useful built-in: 1125 -display WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY, to find a user's 1126 display and Xauthority data). 1127 1128 Options -grabkbd and -grabptr have x11vnc try to grab 1129 the X display when VNC clients are connected to 1130 prevent a (non-malicious) user at the physical X 1131 display from performing keyboard or mouse input. 1132 E.g. remote help-desk support. 1133 1134 1135 miscellaneous new features and changes: 1136 1137 -allowedcmds option to fine-tune which external commands 1138 may be run by x11vnc, rather than shutting 1139 them all off with -nocmds. 1140 1141 -env VAR=VALUE convenience option to avoid the need of 1142 setting environment variables before starting 1143 x11vnc. 1144 1145 -allinput option to enable libvncserver handleEventsEagerly 1146 parameter (not clear it yields an improvement). 1147 1148 -rawfb rand fun/testing option using /dev/urandom as a fb. 1149 1150 -license, -copying, -warranty option. 1151 1152 1153 For more information: 1154 1155 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1156 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1157 x11vnc -help | less 1158 1159 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1160 1161 1162 x11vnc 0.8.1 2006-06-03 1163 1164 New in the 0.8.1 x11vnc release: 1165 1166 Improved support for webcams and tv tuners with video4linux 1167 /dev/video: see the "-rawfb video" and "-pipeinput VID" 1168 options. (the latter gives a simple keyboard control 1169 of a tv tuner; see also the -freqtab option for stations). 1170 1171 FBPM support for hardware that provides framebuffer power 1172 management (it needs to be disabled when vnc clients 1173 are connected). 1174 1175 The -usepw option will require x11vnc to use a password of 1176 some sort or otherwise exit immediately. Put it in 1177 your ~/.x11vncrc so you don't forget. 1178 1179 The command "x11vnc -storepasswd" will prompt for a password 1180 without echoing and save it in ~/.vnc/passwd 1181 1182 The X CLIPBOARD selection is managed in addition to the 1183 X PRIMARY selection. 1184 1185 1186 miscellaneous new features and changes: 1187 1188 Convenience option for accessing the Linux console: -rawfb cons 1189 etc. (requires /dev/fb0 to be working). 1190 1191 clipboard/cut-text input can now be managed on a per-client 1192 basis. 1193 1194 -capslock and -skip_lockkeys options can help make CapsLock work 1195 better. 1196 1197 The Xdummy wrapper script is included in the source tree. 1198 1199 A mode "-gone popup" as been added. 1200 1201 -24to32 option to avoid 24bpp problems. 1202 1203 -xinerama is on by default. 1204 1205 1206 For more information: 1207 1208 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1209 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1210 x11vnc -help | less 1211 1212 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1213 1214 1215 x11vnc 0.8 2006-02-13 1216 1217 1218 New in the 0.8 x11vnc release: 1219 1220 TightVNC file transfer support is enabled via the extension to 1221 LibVNCServer added by Rohit Kumar. 1222 1223 The -passwdfile option has been enhanced to handle any number 1224 of full-access and view only passwords in an easy to 1225 maintain format, and additional features. 1226 1227 The -8to24 option enables multi-depth viewing on systems that do 1228 not support -overlay. The 8bpp regions are transformed 1229 to depth 24 TrueColor before exporting via VNC. 1230 1231 The x11vnc source code has gone through a major reorganization. 1232 The build has been enhanced and many bugs fixed. 1233 1234 1235 miscellaneous new features and changes: 1236 1237 -afteraccept option is like -accept however it enables running 1238 a user supplied command after client authentication 1239 has taken place. The RFB_* environment variables have 1240 been extended. 1241 -loop option will run x11vnc in an outer loop restarting each time 1242 (useful for situations where the X server restarts often). 1243 -slow_fb allows for slow polling for special purpose applications 1244 (e.g. video). -blackout noptr,WxH+X+Y,... will prevent 1245 the pointer from going into a blacked out region. 1246 1247 For more information: 1248 1249 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1250 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1251 x11vnc -help | less 1252 1253 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1254 1255 1256 x11vnc 0.7.2 2005-07-11 1257 1258 1259 New in the 0.7.2 x11vnc release: 1260 1261 The X DAMAGE extension is supported to dramatically reduce 1262 resource consumption when idle: often 20 times less; 1263 and to pick up small changed regions more quickly. 1264 1265 DAMAGE sends events indicating damaged (modified) screen 1266 rectangles to x11vnc. These are used as hints to focus 1267 the polling and also if the rectangle is below a size 1268 threshold it is accepted unconditionally (i.e. dragged in 1269 from the framebuffer). Tuning is possible with -xd_area. 1270 1271 DAMAGE is available on recent Xorg servers and Solaris 10. 1272 1273 -wireframe: Heuristics are used to guess when a window is being 1274 moved or resized and during this period show only a 1275 moving wireframe outline. Just like on video cards in 1276 the 90's, remember? This is to avoid window "lurching" 1277 when you move or resize one opaquely. 1278 1279 Also, -wirecopyrect applies the VNC CopyRect encoding 1280 for the moved window. Both are on by default, use 1281 -nowireframe or -nowirecopyrect to disable (aka -nowf 1282 and -nowcr). 1283 1284 -scrollcopyrect: Sniff the X11 protocol via the RECORD extension 1285 and to try to detect window scrolls (e.g. via scrollbar, 1286 Up/Down arrow, etc). When detected, the VNC CopyRect 1287 encoding is applied to the scrolled regions for a speedup. 1288 1289 The contents of the scrolling window may only be 1290 approximate while it is being scrolled: e.g. tearing, 1291 bunching-up, etc. The heuristics will also miss scrolls 1292 by certain toolkits or applications, so those will still 1293 happen the slow way. To disable use -noscrollcopyrect 1294 (aka -noscr). Tuning is also available, see the -help 1295 entry. 1296 1297 -listen: Makes x11vnc listen only on a single network interface. 1298 -localhost now implies '-listen localhost'. 1299 1300 -rawfb: Instead of polling an X server framebuffer, poll a raw 1301 one (i.e. a mapped file or a shm segment). E.g. for 1302 the linux framebuffer device: 1303 1304 -rawfb map:/dev/fb0@1024x768x32 1305 1306 This is a bit out of x11vnc's scope but may have some 1307 interesting applications. Perhaps /dev/video? 1308 1309 -pipeinput: Pipe the VNC user's pointer and keyboard input events 1310 to a helper program you provide. Two examples are in 1311 misc/vcinject.pl and misc/slide.pl. Primarily intended 1312 for use with -rawfb to somehow kludge-up user input, 1313 but it can also be used by itself. 1314 1315 Improvements for the magnification scaling case (e.g. -scale 2) 1316 for use in low vision applications. It is faster and 1317 no-blending :nb now works correctly. 1318 1319 More safety measures are taken WRT remote-control in the 1320 default mode. See the -unsafe, -safer, -privremote, 1321 and -nocmds options. 1322 1323 The GUI has been improved, and running with the options "-gui icon" 1324 presents a small, simple gui instead of the full blown one, 1325 and "-gui tray" attempts to embed the small icon in the 1326 system tray. Use "-gui tray=setpass" to prompt for 1327 session password creation at startup. 1328 1329 1330 miscellaneous new features and changes: 1331 1332 -xkb: a simple test is performed at startup to see if it is a 1333 good idea to apply -xkb mode for the current keyboard 1334 keymapping (i.e. if keysyms like !, @, [ are otherwise 1335 unavailable). To disable use -noxkb. 1336 ISO_Level3_Shift vs. Mode_switch: Set things up in -xkb mode to 1337 prefer ISO_Level3_Shift over Mode_switch for modtweaking. 1338 No override; let me know if this causes problems. 1339 -add_keysyms is now the default, use -noadd_keysyms to disable. 1340 the added keysyms are periodically deleted. 1341 -remap DEAD: shorthand for mapping many "dead" keysyms to their 1342 "un-dead" counterparts, e.g. grave -> dead_grave. For 1343 some VNC viewers that are unable to send the dead keysym. 1344 -skip_dups: skip impossible duplicate key events sent by some VNC 1345 viewers. -noskip_dups to disable (currently off by default). 1346 -sloppy_keys: try to handle sloppy keyboarding (esp. between 1347 different language keyboards) where, say, Shift is released 1348 before the key. 1349 -norepeat N: ping-pong N times if something else on the desktop 1350 restores key autorepeating (e.g. session startup). Default 1351 2. Also, If the VNC client is idle for 5 min. autorepeat 1352 is restored. 1353 -wait_ui: If there is very recent user input, cut the -wait sleep 1354 time by the specified factor (default 2.0). 1355 -nowait_bog: Detection is now in place to watch for polling "bogging 1356 down" (e.g. lots of scrolling text from a long build in a 1357 terminal) and to sleep more. Use -nowait_bog to disable. 1358 -flag: write PORT=5900 to a flag file to aid wrapper scripts. 1359 -http: try to guess what the -httpdir should be and if found 1360 enable http listening. 1361 -clip WxH+X+Y: only show the specified rectangle not the 1362 entire screen. 1363 cursors are now scaled by default under -scale, use -scale_cursor 1364 to modify this behavior. 1365 -arrow n: select from some different arrow cursors (ignored under 1366 XFIXES cursor grabbing mode). 1367 -nolookup: disable DNS lookups for broken environments. 1368 -seldir: fine tune and debug selection transfer. 1369 build-time customization macros: SHARED, FOREVER, NOREPEAT, 1370 REMOTE_CONTROL, SMALL_FOOTPRINT, default passwd, etc. 1371 see the top of the x11vnc.c for more info. 1372 -xtrap: DEC-XTRAP extension is supported for legacy systems 1373 with insufficient XTEST extension (X11R5). 1374 -shiftcmap: for legacy systems with non-standard colormap values. 1375 -noxrecord: do not use the RECORD extension for anything (currently 1376 only -scrollcopyrect and grabserver watching use it). 1377 -grab_buster: fork a helper thread to watch for XGrabServer deadlock 1378 in x11vnc and break the grab. Under -scrollcopyrect there 1379 is a small window where x11vnc is vulnerable to this deadlock. 1380 -dbg: A "crash shell" with tips on debugging will be presented 1381 instead of exiting when a fatal error occurs. 1382 -fixscreen: periodically refresh the screen to get rid of painting 1383 errors, etc. induced by new features, jpeg compression, etc. 1384 -speeds: Tell x11vnc what the network and fb speeds are instead of 1385 having it try to measure them. (these speeds are used by 1386 various features, such as -wireframe, -scrollcopyrect, etc.). 1387 -wmdt: set the window manager or desktop to spare x11vnc from guessing. 1388 -readtimeout: set libvncserver's read timeout parameter, useful on 1389 very slow links that take more than 20secs to paint 1390 the whole screen. 1391 -nopw: If you use x11vnc without a password it now prints out a 1392 scary warning message. Use -nopw to disable the warning. 1393 plugged X event leaks; periodically purge any remaining buildup. 1394 1395 1396 For more information: 1397 1398 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1399 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1400 x11vnc -help 1401 1402 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1403 1404 1405 x11vnc 0.7.1 2005-02-24 1406 1407 1408 New in the 0.7.1 x11vnc release: 1409 1410 Improved algorithm for approximating XFIXES cursors with 1411 transparency (alpha channel). No more ugly black fuzz 1412 around translucent cursors. Tuning parameters -alpha* 1413 if it is still not right. 1414 1415 Added mechanisms to handle XFIXES cursors with transparency 1416 exactly (i.e. blend in the background). Works by default 1417 under -nocursorshape updates, and also works under limited 1418 circumstances for cursorshape updates if the VNC viewer 1419 is patched (TightVNC viewer patch provided). 1420 1421 -solid: to improve performance switch the background to a solid 1422 color when clients are connected. Works on GNOME, KDE, 1423 CDE, and classic X. 1424 1425 -input: allows fine-tuning the type of allowed user input 1426 (Keystroke, Mouse-motion, Button-click). Useful for 1427 certain applications of x11vnc, e.g. demos. Also 1428 per-client settings via -R input:xyz.. 1429 1430 -users: enables switching to different users if started as root. 1431 Please read the description for details. 1432 1433 -gui ez: less daunting GUI with fewer options via '-gui ez' or 1434 "Misc -> simple-gui" once started. 1435 1436 miscellaneous new features and changes: 1437 1438 -nap is now the default, use -nonap to disable. 1439 -snapfb: snapshot h/w fb to RAM periodically, not clear how useful... 1440 -timeout n: for use in certain applications, exit if no client 1441 connects after n seconds. 1442 -oa and -logappend for appending to logfiles. 1443 -opts will just show the options w/o the long -help descriptions. 1444 if you forget to set -display, it will beep and try :0 after a bit. 1445 1446 For more information: 1447 1448 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1449 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1450 x11vnc -help 1451 1452 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1453 1454 1455 x11vnc 0.7 2004-12-23 1456 1457 1458 New in the 0.7 x11vnc release: 1459 1460 Support for the XFIXES X extension to show the exact mouse cursor 1461 shape. Requires libXfixes. For approximate cursor 1462 shapes also see: -cursor (none|arrow|X|some|most) 1463 1464 -remote/-R: remote-control support: nearly every setting can be 1465 changed dynamically without restarting x11vnc. For 1466 example, "x11vnc -R shared", and "x11vnc -R scale:3/4" 1467 will connect to a running x11vnc server to make it shared 1468 and re-scaled, respectively. 1469 1470 -gui: launches a simple tcl/tk GUI based on the remote control 1471 function. Requires the tcl/tk "wish" program. 1472 1473 -overlay: support for overlay/multi-depth (e.g. 24+8) visuals 1474 on Solaris (SUN_OVL extension) and IRIX. 1475 1476 -xrandr: support for the XRANDR (X Resize, Rotate and Reflection) 1477 extension: if the screen changes size or rotates x11vnc 1478 creates a new framebuffer to match it. Useful to have a VNC 1479 Viewer that supports NewFBSize extension. (also -padgeom) 1480 1481 -pointer_mode: Experimental pointer input handling schemes, 1482 e.g.: "-pointer_mode 3" (similar to -nodragging) 1483 1484 man page x11vnc.1 and README files created. 1485 1486 miscellaneous new features and changes: 1487 1488 -sb: set screen blank idle timeout 1489 -nocursorshape: disable cursor shape VNC extension. 1490 RFB_MODE = "accept" or "gone" passed to -accept/-gone commands. 1491 -vncconnect is now the default. 1492 -norepeat is now the default. 1493 "-id pick" to pick a window via xwininfo for the -id option. 1494 -sid option: like -id but crops root window instead. 1495 Related to remote-control: -query, -noremote, -sync, 1496 -deny_all, -safer, -unsafe. 1497 1498 1499 For more information: 1500 1501 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1502 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1503 x11vnc -help 1504 1505 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1506 1507 1508 x11vnc 0.6.2 2004-08-02 1509 1510 New in the 0.6.2 x11vnc release: 1511 1512 -scale option for server side scaling (e.g. -scale 2/3). 1513 1514 -storepasswd option to create VNC password files. 1515 1516 ~/.x11vncrc simple config file support. 1517 1518 -cursorpos now the default (send cursor position updates to clients 1519 that understand them, disable with -nocursorpos) 1520 1521 more connection info sent to the -accept and -gone commands. 1522 1523 new keyboard related features: 1524 1525 -modtweak is now the default (it automatically adjusts the modifier 1526 keys state to send a Keysym properly, disable -nomodtweak) 1527 this works around "ghost" keys like "< >" in XFree86. 1528 1529 -xkb option to use XKEYBOARD extension for modtweak-ing to further 1530 improve the accuracy of sending Keysyms between different 1531 language keyboards. 1532 1533 -skip_keycodes and -add_keysyms options to fine tune stubborn 1534 keyboard differences. 1535 1536 -norepeat option to turn off X server key autorepeat when clients 1537 are connected (works around the repeated characters problem) 1538 1539 -clear_mods and -clear_keys to send key release events at 1540 startup and exit. 1541 1542 removed options: 1543 1544 -hints/-nohints: we now always use hints. 1545 1546 For more information: 1547 1548 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ 1549 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html 1550 x11vnc -help 1551 1552 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1553 1554