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      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Karl J. Runge <runge (at] karlrunge.com>
      4 #
      5 # ssvnc_cmd:
      6 #
      7 #    A wrapper that calls ss_vncviewer to use the enhanced TightVNC viewer. 
      8 #
      9 # The enhanced TightVNC viewer features are:
     10 #
     11 #	- SSL support for connections using the co-bundled stunnel program.
     12 #	- rfbNewFBSize VNC support (screen resizing)
     13 #	- cursor alphablending with x11vnc at 32bpp
     14 #	- xgrabserver support for fullscreen mode (for old window mgrs)
     15 #
     16 #
     17 # Your platform (e.g. Linux.i686) is autodetected and enhanced
     18 # vncviewer and stunnel binaries for it are used (see the ./bin directory).
     19 #
     20 # See the build.unix script if your platform is not in this package.
     21 # You can also set the env. var. UNAME=os.arch to any "os.arch" you want
     22 # to override the autodetetion.
     23 #
     24 # Usage:
     25 #
     26 #     ssvnc_cmd [ss_vncviewer-args] hostname:N [vncviewer-args]
     27 #
     28 #  if, instead, this script is named "tightvncviewer" or "-viewer" is the
     29 #  first argument it calls the vncviewer directly (there is no encryption)
     30 #  and must be invoked as:
     31 #
     32 #     tightvncviewer [vncviewer-args] hostname:N
     33 #  or
     34 #     ssvnc_cmd -viewer [vncviewer-args] hostname:N
     35 #
     36 # In both cases, "hostname:N" is the host and VNC display to connect to,
     37 # e.g. snoopy:0. (-listen N and -appshare N modes works too.)
     38 #
     39 # See the script util/ss_vncviewer for details about its arguments:
     40 #
     41 #	-verify pemfile
     42 #	-mycert pemfile
     43 #	-proxy  phost:pport
     44 #	-alpha
     45 #	-grab
     46 #
     47 # N.B. if this script is named "tightvncviewer" the vncviewer is called
     48 # directly, and there won't be any SSL or SSH encryption tunnels.
     49 #
     50 # If the *very first* argument is "-cotvnc" then it is assumed you are on
     51 # Darwin and want to run the Chicken of the VNC viewer via our wrapper.
     52 #
     53 #
     54 # See the TightVNC viewer documentation for on its cmdline arguments.
     55 #
     56 # For convenience, here is the TightVNC 1.3dev5 viewer -help output:
     57 #
     58 #       TightVNC viewer version 1.3dev5
     59 #       
     60 #       Usage: vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] [<HOST>][:<DISPLAY#>]
     61 #              vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] [<HOST>][::<PORT#>]
     62 #              vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] -listen [<DISPLAY#>]
     63 #              vncviewer -help
     64 #       
     65 #       <OPTIONS> are standard Xt options, or:
     66 #               -via <GATEWAY>
     67 #               -shared (set by default)
     68 #               -noshared
     69 #               -viewonly
     70 #               -fullscreen
     71 #               -noraiseonbeep
     72 #               -passwd <PASSWD-FILENAME> (standard VNC authentication)
     73 #               -user <USERNAME> (Unix login authentication)
     74 #               -encodings <ENCODING-LIST> (e.g. "tight copyrect")
     75 #               -bgr233
     76 #               -owncmap
     77 #               -truecolour
     78 #               -depth <DEPTH>
     79 #               -compresslevel <COMPRESS-VALUE> (0..9: 0-fast, 9-best)
     80 #               -quality <JPEG-QUALITY-VALUE> (0..9: 0-low, 9-high)
     81 #               -nojpeg
     82 #               -nocursorshape
     83 #               -x11cursor
     84 #               -autopass
     85 #       
     86 #       Option names may be abbreviated, e.g. -bgr instead of -bgr233.
     87 #       See the manual page for more information.
     88 #  
     89 # Note: the enhanced tightvnc viewer (SSVNC) has many more options, run
     90 # this script as "ssvnc_cmd Vnc://a:0 -help" or "tightvncviewer -help"
     91 # to seem them.
     93 if [ "X$1" = "X-h" -o "X$1" = "X-helpxxx" -o "X$1" = "X--help" ]; then
     94 	tail -n +2 "$0" | sed -e '/^$/ q' -e 's/^#//' 
     95 	exit
     96 fi
     98 # Include /usr/bin... to be sure to get regular utilities:
     99 #
    100 PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin
    101 export PATH
    103 if [ "X$FULLNAME" = "XKarl J. Runge" ]; then
    104 	if [ "X$NOPOPUFIX" = "X" ]; then
    106 		export VNCVIEWER_POPUP_FIX
    107 	fi
    108 	PATH=`echo "$PATH" | sed -e 's,runge/bin/override,-------------,'`
    109 fi
    111 # Set this for ss_vncviewer to pick up:
    112 #
    113 if [ "X$1" = "X-cotvnc" ]; then
    114 	shift
    115 	DARWIN_COTVNC=1
    116 	export DARWIN_COTVNC
    117 elif [ "X$DARWIN_COTVNC" = "X" -a "X$DISPLAY" = "X" ]; then
    118 	uname=`uname`
    119 	if [ "X$uname" = "XDarwin" ]; then
    120 		DARWIN_COTVNC=1
    121 		export DARWIN_COTVNC
    122 	fi
    123 fi
    125 use_ours=0
    126 if [ "X$VNCVIEWERCMD" = "X" ]; then
    127 	VNCVIEWERCMD="vncviewer"
    128 	export VNCVIEWERCMD
    129 	if [ "X$DARWIN_COTVNC" != "X1" ]; then
    130 		use_ours=1
    131 	fi
    132 fi
    134 # work out os.arch platform string and check for binaries:
    135 #
    136 name=$UNAME
    137 if [ "X$name" = "X" ]; then
    138 	name=`uname -sm | sed -e 's/ /./g' -e 's,/.*,,' -e 's/Linux\.i.86/Linux.i686/'`
    139 fi
    141 dL="-L"
    142 if uname -sr | egrep 'SunOS 5\.[5-8]' > /dev/null; then
    143 	dL="-h"
    144 fi
    146 f="$0"
    147 for t in 1 2 3 4 5 6
    148 do
    149 	if [ $dL "$f" ]; then
    150 		f0="$f"
    151 		f=`ls -l "$f" | sed -e 's/^.* -> //'`
    152 		if echo "$f" | grep '^/' > /dev/null; then
    153 			:
    154 		else
    155 			f="`dirname "$f0"`/$f"
    156 		fi
    157 	else
    158 		break
    159 	fi
    160 done
    161 dir=`dirname "$f"`
    162 PATH="$dir:$PATH"
    163 SSVNC_BASEDIR="$dir"
    164 export SSVNC_BASEDIR
    165 SSVNC_BASEDIRNAME="$dir/$name"
    166 export SSVNC_BASEDIRNAME
    167 SSVNC_UNAME="$name"
    168 export SSVNC_UNAME
    170 nearby=0
    171 if [ -x "$dir/vncviewer" -a -x "$dir/stunnel" ]; then
    172 	nearby=1
    173 fi
    174 if [ "X$name" = "X." ]; then
    175 	:
    176 	#type vncviewer
    177 	#type stunnel
    178 elif [ ! -d "$dir/$name" -a $nearby = 0 ]; then
    179 	echo
    180 	echo "Cannot find platform dir for your OS `uname -sm`:"
    181 	echo
    182 	echo "    $dir/$name" 
    183 	echo
    184 	PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/dist/sbin
    186 	quit=0
    187 	if type vncviewer >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
    188 		:
    189 	else
    190 		echo "vncviewer not found in PATH." 
    191 		quit=1
    192 	fi
    193 	if type stunnel >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
    194 		:
    195 	else
    196 		echo "stunnel not found in PATH."
    197 		quit=1
    198 	fi
    199 	echo
    200 	if [ "X$quit" = "X1" ]; then
    201 		echo "You can set the \$UNAME env. var. to override the OS setting."
    202 		echo "Or, if available, run the ./build.unix script to build it."
    203 		echo "Or install external \"vncviewer\" and \"stunnel\" packages."
    204 		exit 1
    205 	fi
    206 	echo "Using externel \"vncviewer\" and \"stunnel\" found in PATH."
    208 else
    209 	STUNNEL=stunnel
    210 	#STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS=${STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS:-"maxconn = 1"}
    214 fi
    216 if [ "X$DARWIN_COTVNC" != "X1" -a "X$VNCVIEWERCMD" = "Xvncviewer" ]; then
    217 	hstr=`$VNCVIEWERCMD -h 2>&1 | head -5`
    218 	if echo "$hstr" | grep 'SSVNC.*TightVNC.*version 1\.3' > /dev/null; then
    219 		# we need to avoid raw encoding
    220 		use_ours=1
    221 	fi
    222 fi
    224 # Put our os.arch and other utils dirs at head of PATH to be sure to
    225 # pick them up:
    226 #
    227 PATH="$dir:$dir/$name:$dir/util:$PATH"
    228 if echo "$dir" | grep '^/' > /dev/null; then
    229 	:
    230 else
    231 	dir=`pwd`/$dir
    232 	PATH="$dir:$dir/$name:$dir/util:$PATH"
    233 fi
    235 if [ -f "$dir/util/ultraftp.jar" ]; then
    236 	SSVNC_ULTRA_FTP_JAR="$dir/util/ultraftp.jar"
    237 	export SSVNC_ULTRA_FTP_JAR
    238 fi
    240 base=`basename "$0"`
    241 if [ "X$1" = "X-ssl" ]; then
    242 	shift	
    243 	base="ssvnc_cmd"
    244 fi
    246 do_viewer_directly=""
    247 if [ "X$1" = "X-viewer" ]; then
    248 	do_viewer_directly=1
    249 	shift	
    250 fi
    251 if [ "X$base" = "Xtightvncviewer" ]; then
    252 	do_viewer_directly=1
    253 fi
    255 # If ours (and not cotvnc), force the use of tight encoding for localhost
    256 # redir connection:
    257 #
    258 #
    259 if [ $use_ours = 1 ]; then
    260 	# avoid system vncviewer app-defaults
    261 	#XFILESEARCHPATH="/tmp/path/nowhere"; export XFILESEARCHPATH
    263 	SSVNC_USE_OURS=1; export SSVNC_USE_OURS
    265 	if [ "X$SSVNC_TURBOVNC" != "X" ]; then
    266 		if echo "$VNCVIEWERCMD" | grep '\.turbovnc' > /dev/null; then
    267 			:
    268 		else
    269 			if type "$VNCVIEWERCMD.turbovnc" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
    270 				VNCVIEWERCMD="$VNCVIEWERCMD.turbovnc"
    271 			fi
    272 		fi
    273 	fi
    275 	if [ "X$do_viewer_directly" = "X1" ]; then
    276 		$VNCVIEWERCMD -encodings 'copyrect tight zrle zlib hextile' "$@"
    277 	else
    278 		ss_vncviewer "$@" -encodings 'copyrect tight zrle zlib hextile'
    279 	fi
    280 else
    281 	if [ "X$do_viewer_directly" = "X1" ]; then
    282 		$VNCVIEWERCMD "$@"
    283 	else
    284 		ss_vncviewer "$@"
    285 	fi
    286 fi