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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 ##
      3 ##  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      4 ##
      5 ##  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      6 ##  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      7 ##  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      8 ##  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      9 ##  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
     10 ##
     12 self=$0
     13 self_basename=${self##*/}
     14 self_dirname=$(dirname "$0")
     16 . "$self_dirname/msvs_common.sh"|| exit 127
     18 show_help() {
     19     cat <<EOF
     20 Usage: ${self_basename} --name=projname [options] file1 [file2 ...]
     22 This script generates a Visual Studio project file from a list of source
     23 code files.
     25 Options:
     26     --help                      Print this message
     27     --exe                       Generate a project for building an Application
     28     --lib                       Generate a project for creating a static library
     29     --dll                       Generate a project for creating a dll
     30     --static-crt                Use the static C runtime (/MT)
     31     --target=isa-os-cc          Target specifier (required)
     32     --out=filename              Write output to a file [stdout]
     33     --name=project_name         Name of the project (required)
     34     --proj-guid=GUID            GUID to use for the project
     35     --module-def=filename       File containing export definitions (for DLLs)
     36     --ver=version               Version (7,8,9) of visual studio to generate for
     37     --src-path-bare=dir         Path to root of source tree
     38     -Ipath/to/include           Additional include directories
     39     -DFLAG[=value]              Preprocessor macros to define
     40     -Lpath/to/lib               Additional library search paths
     41     -llibname                   Library to link against
     42 EOF
     43     exit 1
     44 }
     46 generate_filter() {
     47     local var=$1
     48     local name=$2
     49     local pats=$3
     50     local file_list_sz
     51     local i
     52     local f
     53     local saveIFS="$IFS"
     54     local pack
     55     echo "generating filter '$name' from ${#file_list[@]} files" >&2
     56     IFS=*
     58     open_tag Filter \
     59         Name=$name \
     60         Filter=$pats \
     61         UniqueIdentifier=`generate_uuid` \
     63     file_list_sz=${#file_list[@]}
     64     for i in ${!file_list[@]}; do
     65         f=${file_list[i]}
     66         for pat in ${pats//;/$IFS}; do
     67             if [ "${f##*.}" == "$pat" ]; then
     68                 unset file_list[i]
     70                 objf=$(echo ${f%.*}.obj \
     71                        | sed -e "s,$src_path_bare,," \
     72                              -e 's/^[\./]\+//g' -e 's,[:/ ],_,g')
     73                 open_tag File RelativePath="$f"
     75                 if [ "$pat" == "asm" ] && $asm_use_custom_step; then
     76                     for plat in "${platforms[@]}"; do
     77                         for cfg in Debug Release; do
     78                             open_tag FileConfiguration \
     79                                 Name="${cfg}|${plat}" \
     81                             tag Tool \
     82                                 Name="VCCustomBuildTool" \
     83                                 Description="Assembling \$(InputFileName)" \
     84                                 CommandLine="$(eval echo \$asm_${cfg}_cmdline) -o \$(IntDir)\\$objf" \
     85                                 Outputs="\$(IntDir)\\$objf" \
     87                             close_tag FileConfiguration
     88                         done
     89                     done
     90                 fi
     91                 if [ "$pat" == "c" ] || \
     92                    [ "$pat" == "cc" ] || [ "$pat" == "cpp" ]; then
     93                     for plat in "${platforms[@]}"; do
     94                         for cfg in Debug Release; do
     95                             open_tag FileConfiguration \
     96                                 Name="${cfg}|${plat}" \
     98                             tag Tool \
     99                                 Name="VCCLCompilerTool" \
    100                                 ObjectFile="\$(IntDir)\\$objf" \
    102                             close_tag FileConfiguration
    103                         done
    104                     done
    105                 fi
    106                 close_tag File
    108                 break
    109             fi
    110         done
    111     done
    113     close_tag Filter
    114     IFS="$saveIFS"
    115 }
    117 # Process command line
    118 unset target
    119 for opt in "$@"; do
    120     optval="${opt#*=}"
    121     case "$opt" in
    122         --help|-h) show_help
    123         ;;
    124         --target=*) target="${optval}"
    125         ;;
    126         --out=*) outfile="$optval"
    127         ;;
    128         --name=*) name="${optval}"
    129         ;;
    130         --proj-guid=*) guid="${optval}"
    131         ;;
    132         --module-def=*) link_opts="${link_opts} ModuleDefinitionFile=${optval}"
    133         ;;
    134         --exe) proj_kind="exe"
    135         ;;
    136         --dll) proj_kind="dll"
    137         ;;
    138         --lib) proj_kind="lib"
    139         ;;
    140         --src-path-bare=*)
    141             src_path_bare=$(fix_path "$optval")
    142             src_path_bare=${src_path_bare%/}
    143         ;;
    144         --static-crt) use_static_runtime=true
    145         ;;
    146         --ver=*)
    147             vs_ver="$optval"
    148             case "$optval" in
    149                 [789])
    150                 ;;
    151                 *) die Unrecognized Visual Studio Version in $opt
    152                 ;;
    153             esac
    154         ;;
    155         -I*)
    156             opt=${opt##-I}
    157             opt=$(fix_path "$opt")
    158             opt="${opt%/}"
    159             incs="${incs}${incs:+;}&quot;${opt}&quot;"
    160             yasmincs="${yasmincs} -I&quot;${opt}&quot;"
    161         ;;
    162         -D*) defines="${defines}${defines:+;}${opt##-D}"
    163         ;;
    164         -L*) # fudge . to $(OutDir)
    165             if [ "${opt##-L}" == "." ]; then
    166                 libdirs="${libdirs}${libdirs:+;}&quot;\$(OutDir)&quot;"
    167             else
    168                  # Also try directories for this platform/configuration
    169                  opt=${opt##-L}
    170                  opt=$(fix_path "$opt")
    171                  libdirs="${libdirs}${libdirs:+;}&quot;${opt}&quot;"
    172                  libdirs="${libdirs}${libdirs:+;}&quot;${opt}/\$(PlatformName)/\$(ConfigurationName)&quot;"
    173                  libdirs="${libdirs}${libdirs:+;}&quot;${opt}/\$(PlatformName)&quot;"
    174             fi
    175         ;;
    176         -l*) libs="${libs}${libs:+ }${opt##-l}.lib"
    177         ;;
    178         -*) die_unknown $opt
    179         ;;
    180         *)
    181             # The paths in file_list are fixed outside of the loop.
    182             file_list[${#file_list[@]}]="$opt"
    183             case "$opt" in
    184                  *.asm) uses_asm=true
    185                  ;;
    186             esac
    187         ;;
    188     esac
    189 done
    191 # Make one call to fix_path for file_list to improve performance.
    192 fix_file_list
    194 outfile=${outfile:-/dev/stdout}
    195 guid=${guid:-`generate_uuid`}
    196 asm_use_custom_step=false
    197 uses_asm=${uses_asm:-false}
    198 case "${vs_ver:-8}" in
    199     7) vs_ver_id="7.10"
    200        asm_use_custom_step=$uses_asm
    201        warn_64bit='Detect64BitPortabilityProblems=true'
    202     ;;
    203     8) vs_ver_id="8.00"
    204        asm_use_custom_step=$uses_asm
    205        warn_64bit='Detect64BitPortabilityProblems=true'
    206     ;;
    207     9) vs_ver_id="9.00"
    208        asm_use_custom_step=$uses_asm
    209        warn_64bit='Detect64BitPortabilityProblems=false'
    210     ;;
    211 esac
    213 [ -n "$name" ] || die "Project name (--name) must be specified!"
    214 [ -n "$target" ] || die "Target (--target) must be specified!"
    216 if ${use_static_runtime:-false}; then
    217     release_runtime=0
    218     debug_runtime=1
    219     lib_sfx=mt
    220 else
    221     release_runtime=2
    222     debug_runtime=3
    223     lib_sfx=md
    224 fi
    226 # Calculate debug lib names: If a lib ends in ${lib_sfx}.lib, then rename
    227 # it to ${lib_sfx}d.lib. This precludes linking to release libs from a
    228 # debug exe, so this may need to be refactored later.
    229 for lib in ${libs}; do
    230     if [ "$lib" != "${lib%${lib_sfx}.lib}" ]; then
    231         lib=${lib%.lib}d.lib
    232     fi
    233     debug_libs="${debug_libs}${debug_libs:+ }${lib}"
    234 done
    237 # List Keyword for this target
    238 case "$target" in
    239     x86*) keyword="ManagedCProj"
    240     ;;
    241     *) die "Unsupported target $target!"
    242 esac
    244 # List of all platforms supported for this target
    245 case "$target" in
    246     x86_64*)
    247         platforms[0]="x64"
    248         asm_Debug_cmdline="yasm -Xvc -g cv8 -f \$(PlatformName) ${yasmincs} &quot;\$(InputPath)&quot;"
    249         asm_Release_cmdline="yasm -Xvc -f \$(PlatformName) ${yasmincs} &quot;\$(InputPath)&quot;"
    250     ;;
    251     x86*)
    252         platforms[0]="Win32"
    253         asm_Debug_cmdline="yasm -Xvc -g cv8 -f \$(PlatformName) ${yasmincs} &quot;\$(InputPath)&quot;"
    254         asm_Release_cmdline="yasm -Xvc -f \$(PlatformName) ${yasmincs} &quot;\$(InputPath)&quot;"
    255     ;;
    256     *) die "Unsupported target $target!"
    257     ;;
    258 esac
    260 generate_vcproj() {
    261     case "$proj_kind" in
    262         exe) vs_ConfigurationType=1
    263         ;;
    264         dll) vs_ConfigurationType=2
    265         ;;
    266         *)   vs_ConfigurationType=4
    267         ;;
    268     esac
    270     echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"Windows-1252\"?>"
    271     open_tag VisualStudioProject \
    272         ProjectType="Visual C++" \
    273         Version="${vs_ver_id}" \
    274         Name="${name}" \
    275         ProjectGUID="{${guid}}" \
    276         RootNamespace="${name}" \
    277         Keyword="${keyword}" \
    279     open_tag Platforms
    280     for plat in "${platforms[@]}"; do
    281         tag Platform Name="$plat"
    282     done
    283     close_tag Platforms
    285     open_tag Configurations
    286     for plat in "${platforms[@]}"; do
    287         plat_no_ws=`echo $plat | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g'`
    288         open_tag Configuration \
    289             Name="Debug|$plat" \
    290             OutputDirectory="\$(SolutionDir)$plat_no_ws/\$(ConfigurationName)" \
    291             IntermediateDirectory="$plat_no_ws/\$(ConfigurationName)/${name}" \
    292             ConfigurationType="$vs_ConfigurationType" \
    293             CharacterSet="1" \
    295         case "$target" in
    296             x86*)
    297                 case "$name" in
    298                     obj_int_extract)
    299                         tag Tool \
    300                             Name="VCCLCompilerTool" \
    301                             Optimization="0" \
    302                             AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$incs" \
    303                             PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;DEBUG;_CONSOLE;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" \
    304                             RuntimeLibrary="$debug_runtime" \
    305                             WarningLevel="3" \
    306                             DebugInformationFormat="1" \
    307                             $warn_64bit \
    308                     ;;
    309                     vpx)
    310                         tag Tool \
    311                             Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" \
    312                             CommandLine="call obj_int_extract.bat &quot;$src_path_bare&quot; $plat_no_ws\\\$(ConfigurationName)" \
    314                         tag Tool \
    315                             Name="VCCLCompilerTool" \
    316                             Optimization="0" \
    317                             AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$incs" \
    318                             PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;$defines" \
    319                             RuntimeLibrary="$debug_runtime" \
    320                             UsePrecompiledHeader="0" \
    321                             WarningLevel="3" \
    322                             DebugInformationFormat="2" \
    323                             $warn_64bit \
    325                         $uses_asm && tag Tool Name="YASM"  IncludePaths="$incs" Debug="true"
    326                     ;;
    327                     *)
    328                         tag Tool \
    329                             Name="VCCLCompilerTool" \
    330                             Optimization="0" \
    331                             AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$incs" \
    332                             PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;$defines" \
    333                             RuntimeLibrary="$debug_runtime" \
    334                             UsePrecompiledHeader="0" \
    335                             WarningLevel="3" \
    336                             DebugInformationFormat="2" \
    337                             $warn_64bit \
    339                         $uses_asm && tag Tool Name="YASM"  IncludePaths="$incs" Debug="true"
    340                     ;;
    341                 esac
    342             ;;
    343         esac
    345         case "$proj_kind" in
    346             exe)
    347                 case "$target" in
    348                     x86*)
    349                         case "$name" in
    350                             obj_int_extract)
    351                                 tag Tool \
    352                                     Name="VCLinkerTool" \
    353                                     GenerateDebugInformation="true" \
    354                             ;;
    355                             *)
    356                                 tag Tool \
    357                                     Name="VCLinkerTool" \
    358                                     AdditionalDependencies="$debug_libs \$(NoInherit)" \
    359                                     AdditionalLibraryDirectories="$libdirs" \
    360                                     GenerateDebugInformation="true" \
    361                                     ProgramDatabaseFile="\$(OutDir)/${name}.pdb" \
    362                             ;;
    363                         esac
    364                     ;;
    365                  esac
    366             ;;
    367             lib)
    368                 case "$target" in
    369                     x86*)
    370                         tag Tool \
    371                             Name="VCLibrarianTool" \
    372                             OutputFile="\$(OutDir)/${name}${lib_sfx}d.lib" \
    374                     ;;
    375                 esac
    376             ;;
    377             dll)
    378                 tag Tool \
    379                     Name="VCLinkerTool" \
    380                     AdditionalDependencies="\$(NoInherit)" \
    381                     LinkIncremental="2" \
    382                     GenerateDebugInformation="true" \
    383                     AssemblyDebug="1" \
    384                     TargetMachine="1" \
    385                     $link_opts \
    387             ;;
    388         esac
    390         close_tag Configuration
    392         open_tag Configuration \
    393             Name="Release|$plat" \
    394             OutputDirectory="\$(SolutionDir)$plat_no_ws/\$(ConfigurationName)" \
    395             IntermediateDirectory="$plat_no_ws/\$(ConfigurationName)/${name}" \
    396             ConfigurationType="$vs_ConfigurationType" \
    397             CharacterSet="1" \
    398             WholeProgramOptimization="0" \
    400         case "$target" in
    401             x86*)
    402                 case "$name" in
    403                     obj_int_extract)
    404                         tag Tool \
    405                             Name="VCCLCompilerTool" \
    406                             Optimization="2" \
    407                             FavorSizeorSpeed="1" \
    408                             AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$incs" \
    409                             PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" \
    410                             RuntimeLibrary="$release_runtime" \
    411                             UsePrecompiledHeader="0" \
    412                             WarningLevel="3" \
    413                             DebugInformationFormat="0" \
    414                             $warn_64bit \
    415                     ;;
    416                     vpx)
    417                         tag Tool \
    418                             Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" \
    419                             CommandLine="call obj_int_extract.bat &quot;$src_path_bare&quot; $plat_no_ws\\\$(ConfigurationName)" \
    421                         tag Tool \
    422                             Name="VCCLCompilerTool" \
    423                             Optimization="2" \
    424                             FavorSizeorSpeed="1" \
    425                             AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$incs" \
    426                             PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;$defines" \
    427                             RuntimeLibrary="$release_runtime" \
    428                             UsePrecompiledHeader="0" \
    429                             WarningLevel="3" \
    430                             DebugInformationFormat="0" \
    431                             $warn_64bit \
    433                         $uses_asm && tag Tool Name="YASM"  IncludePaths="$incs"
    434                     ;;
    435                     *)
    436                         tag Tool \
    437                             Name="VCCLCompilerTool" \
    438                             AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$incs" \
    439                             Optimization="2" \
    440                             FavorSizeorSpeed="1" \
    441                             PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;$defines" \
    442                             RuntimeLibrary="$release_runtime" \
    443                             UsePrecompiledHeader="0" \
    444                             WarningLevel="3" \
    445                             DebugInformationFormat="0" \
    446                             $warn_64bit \
    448                         $uses_asm && tag Tool Name="YASM"  IncludePaths="$incs"
    449                     ;;
    450                 esac
    451             ;;
    452         esac
    454         case "$proj_kind" in
    455             exe)
    456                 case "$target" in
    457                     x86*)
    458                         case "$name" in
    459                             obj_int_extract)
    460                                 tag Tool \
    461                                     Name="VCLinkerTool" \
    462                                     GenerateDebugInformation="true" \
    463                             ;;
    464                             *)
    465                                 tag Tool \
    466                                     Name="VCLinkerTool" \
    467                                     AdditionalDependencies="$libs \$(NoInherit)" \
    468                                     AdditionalLibraryDirectories="$libdirs" \
    470                             ;;
    471                         esac
    472                     ;;
    473                  esac
    474             ;;
    475             lib)
    476                 case "$target" in
    477                     x86*)
    478                         tag Tool \
    479                             Name="VCLibrarianTool" \
    480                             OutputFile="\$(OutDir)/${name}${lib_sfx}.lib" \
    482                     ;;
    483                 esac
    484             ;;
    485             dll) # note differences to debug version: LinkIncremental, AssemblyDebug
    486                 tag Tool \
    487                     Name="VCLinkerTool" \
    488                     AdditionalDependencies="\$(NoInherit)" \
    489                     LinkIncremental="1" \
    490                     GenerateDebugInformation="true" \
    491                     TargetMachine="1" \
    492                     $link_opts \
    494             ;;
    495         esac
    497         close_tag Configuration
    498     done
    499     close_tag Configurations
    501     open_tag Files
    502     generate_filter srcs   "Source Files"   "c;cc;cpp;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
    503     generate_filter hdrs   "Header Files"   "h;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
    504     generate_filter resrcs "Resource Files" "rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav"
    505     generate_filter resrcs "Build Files"    "mk"
    506     close_tag Files
    508     tag       Globals
    509     close_tag VisualStudioProject
    511     # This must be done from within the {} subshell
    512     echo "Ignored files list (${#file_list[@]} items) is:" >&2
    513     for f in "${file_list[@]}"; do
    514         echo "    $f" >&2
    515     done
    516 }
    518 generate_vcproj |
    519     sed  -e '/"/s;\([^ "]\)/;\1\\;g' > ${outfile}
    521 exit
    522 <!--
    523 TODO: Add any files not captured by filters.
    524                 <File
    525                         RelativePath=".\ReadMe.txt"
    526                         >
    527                 </File>
    528 -->