1 ; RUN: opt -objc-arc-contract -S < %s | FileCheck %s 2 ; rdar://9511608 3 4 %0 = type opaque 5 %1 = type opaque 6 %2 = type { i64, i64 } 7 %4 = type opaque 8 9 declare %0* @"\01-[NSAttributedString(Terminal) pathAtIndex:effectiveRange:]"(%1*, i8* nocapture, i64, %2*) optsize 10 declare i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8*) 11 declare i8* @objc_msgSend_fixup(i8*, i8*, ...) 12 declare i8* @objc_msgSend(i8*, i8*, ...) 13 declare void @objc_release(i8*) 14 declare %2 @NSUnionRange(i64, i64, i64, i64) optsize 15 declare i8* @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(i8*) 16 declare i8* @objc_autorelease(i8*) 17 declare i32 @__gxx_personality_sj0(...) 18 19 ; Don't get in trouble on bugpointed code. 20 21 ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test0( 22 define void @test0() { 23 bb: 24 %tmp = bitcast %4* undef to i8* 25 %tmp1 = tail call i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %tmp) nounwind 26 br label %bb3 27 28 bb3: ; preds = %bb2 29 br i1 undef, label %bb6, label %bb4 30 31 bb4: ; preds = %bb3 32 switch i64 undef, label %bb5 [ 33 i64 9223372036854775807, label %bb6 34 i64 0, label %bb6 35 ] 36 37 bb5: ; preds = %bb4 38 br label %bb6 39 40 bb6: ; preds = %bb5, %bb4, %bb4, %bb3 41 %tmp7 = phi %4* [ undef, %bb5 ], [ undef, %bb4 ], [ undef, %bb3 ], [ undef, %bb4 ] 42 unreachable 43 } 44 45 ; When rewriting operands for a phi which has multiple operands 46 ; for the same block, use the exactly same value in each block. 47 48 ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1( 49 ; CHECK: %0 = bitcast i8* %tmp3 to %0* 50 ; CHECK: br i1 undef, label %bb7, label %bb7 51 ; CHECK: bb7: 52 ; CHECK: %tmp8 = phi %0* [ %0, %bb ], [ %0, %bb ] 53 ; CHECK: } 54 define void @test1() { 55 bb: 56 %tmp = tail call %0* bitcast (i8* (i8*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSend to %0* ()*)() 57 %tmp2 = bitcast %0* %tmp to i8* 58 %tmp3 = tail call i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %tmp2) nounwind 59 br i1 undef, label %bb7, label %bb7 60 61 bb7: ; preds = %bb6, %bb6, %bb5 62 %tmp8 = phi %0* [ %tmp, %bb ], [ %tmp, %bb ] 63 unreachable 64 } 65 66 ; When looking for the defining instruction for an objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue 67 ; call, handle the case where it's an invoke in a different basic block. 68 ; rdar://11714057 69 70 ; CHECK: define void @_Z6doTestP8NSString() { 71 ; CHECK: invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry 72 ; CHECK-NEXT: call void asm sideeffect "mov\09r7, r7\09\09@ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue", ""() 73 ; CHECK-NEXT: %tmp = tail call i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %call) [[NUW:#[0-9]+]] 74 ; CHECK: } 75 define void @_Z6doTestP8NSString() { 76 entry: 77 %call = invoke i8* bitcast (i8* (i8*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSend to i8* ()*)() 78 to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad 79 80 invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry 81 %tmp = tail call i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %call) nounwind 82 unreachable 83 84 lpad: ; preds = %entry 85 %tmp1 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_sj0 to i8*) 86 cleanup 87 resume { i8*, i32 } undef 88 } 89 90 !clang.arc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValueMarker = !{!0} 91 92 !0 = !{!"mov\09r7, r7\09\09@ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue"} 93 94 ; CHECK: attributes #0 = { optsize } 95 ; CHECK: attributes [[NUW]] = { nounwind } 96