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      1 //===- CallingConvEmitter.cpp - Generate calling conventions --------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This tablegen backend is responsible for emitting descriptions of the calling
     11 // conventions supported by this target.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     15 #include "CodeGenTarget.h"
     16 #include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
     17 #include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
     18 #include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
     19 #include <cassert>
     20 using namespace llvm;
     22 namespace {
     23 class CallingConvEmitter {
     24   RecordKeeper &Records;
     25 public:
     26   explicit CallingConvEmitter(RecordKeeper &R) : Records(R) {}
     28   void run(raw_ostream &o);
     30 private:
     31   void EmitCallingConv(Record *CC, raw_ostream &O);
     32   void EmitAction(Record *Action, unsigned Indent, raw_ostream &O);
     33   unsigned Counter;
     34 };
     35 } // End anonymous namespace
     37 void CallingConvEmitter::run(raw_ostream &O) {
     38   std::vector<Record*> CCs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("CallingConv");
     40   // Emit prototypes for all of the non-custom CC's so that they can forward ref
     41   // each other.
     42   for (unsigned i = 0, e = CCs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
     43     if (!CCs[i]->getValueAsBit("Custom")) {
     44       O << "static bool " << CCs[i]->getName()
     45         << "(unsigned ValNo, MVT ValVT,\n"
     46         << std::string(CCs[i]->getName().size() + 13, ' ')
     47         << "MVT LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo,\n"
     48         << std::string(CCs[i]->getName().size() + 13, ' ')
     49         << "ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags, CCState &State);\n";
     50     }
     51   }
     53   // Emit each non-custom calling convention description in full.
     54   for (unsigned i = 0, e = CCs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
     55     if (!CCs[i]->getValueAsBit("Custom"))
     56       EmitCallingConv(CCs[i], O);
     57   }
     58 }
     61 void CallingConvEmitter::EmitCallingConv(Record *CC, raw_ostream &O) {
     62   ListInit *CCActions = CC->getValueAsListInit("Actions");
     63   Counter = 0;
     65   O << "\n\nstatic bool " << CC->getName()
     66     << "(unsigned ValNo, MVT ValVT,\n"
     67     << std::string(CC->getName().size()+13, ' ')
     68     << "MVT LocVT, CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo,\n"
     69     << std::string(CC->getName().size()+13, ' ')
     70     << "ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags, CCState &State) {\n";
     71   // Emit all of the actions, in order.
     72   for (unsigned i = 0, e = CCActions->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
     73     O << "\n";
     74     EmitAction(CCActions->getElementAsRecord(i), 2, O);
     75   }
     77   O << "\n  return true;  // CC didn't match.\n";
     78   O << "}\n";
     79 }
     81 void CallingConvEmitter::EmitAction(Record *Action,
     82                                     unsigned Indent, raw_ostream &O) {
     83   std::string IndentStr = std::string(Indent, ' ');
     85   if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPredicateAction")) {
     86     O << IndentStr << "if (";
     88     if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCIfType")) {
     89       ListInit *VTs = Action->getValueAsListInit("VTs");
     90       for (unsigned i = 0, e = VTs->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
     91         Record *VT = VTs->getElementAsRecord(i);
     92         if (i != 0) O << " ||\n    " << IndentStr;
     93         O << "LocVT == " << getEnumName(getValueType(VT));
     94       }
     96     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCIf")) {
     97       O << Action->getValueAsString("Predicate");
     98     } else {
     99       Action->dump();
    100       PrintFatalError("Unknown CCPredicateAction!");
    101     }
    103     O << ") {\n";
    104     EmitAction(Action->getValueAsDef("SubAction"), Indent+2, O);
    105     O << IndentStr << "}\n";
    106   } else {
    107     if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCDelegateTo")) {
    108       Record *CC = Action->getValueAsDef("CC");
    109       O << IndentStr << "if (!" << CC->getName()
    110         << "(ValNo, ValVT, LocVT, LocInfo, ArgFlags, State))\n"
    111         << IndentStr << "  return false;\n";
    112     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCAssignToReg")) {
    113       ListInit *RegList = Action->getValueAsListInit("RegList");
    114       if (RegList->getSize() == 1) {
    115         O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(";
    116         O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(0)) << ")) {\n";
    117       } else {
    118         O << IndentStr << "static const MCPhysReg RegList" << ++Counter
    119           << "[] = {\n";
    120         O << IndentStr << "  ";
    121         for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    122           if (i != 0) O << ", ";
    123           O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(i));
    124         }
    125         O << "\n" << IndentStr << "};\n";
    126         O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(RegList"
    127           << Counter << ")) {\n";
    128       }
    129       O << IndentStr << "  State.addLoc(CCValAssign::getReg(ValNo, ValVT, "
    130         << "Reg, LocVT, LocInfo));\n";
    131       O << IndentStr << "  return false;\n";
    132       O << IndentStr << "}\n";
    133     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCAssignToRegWithShadow")) {
    134       ListInit *RegList = Action->getValueAsListInit("RegList");
    135       ListInit *ShadowRegList = Action->getValueAsListInit("ShadowRegList");
    136       if (ShadowRegList->getSize() >0 &&
    137           ShadowRegList->getSize() != RegList->getSize())
    138         PrintFatalError("Invalid length of list of shadowed registers");
    140       if (RegList->getSize() == 1) {
    141         O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(";
    142         O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(0));
    143         O << ", " << getQualifiedName(ShadowRegList->getElementAsRecord(0));
    144         O << ")) {\n";
    145       } else {
    146         unsigned RegListNumber = ++Counter;
    147         unsigned ShadowRegListNumber = ++Counter;
    149         O << IndentStr << "static const MCPhysReg RegList" << RegListNumber
    150           << "[] = {\n";
    151         O << IndentStr << "  ";
    152         for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    153           if (i != 0) O << ", ";
    154           O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(i));
    155         }
    156         O << "\n" << IndentStr << "};\n";
    158         O << IndentStr << "static const MCPhysReg RegList"
    159           << ShadowRegListNumber << "[] = {\n";
    160         O << IndentStr << "  ";
    161         for (unsigned i = 0, e = ShadowRegList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    162           if (i != 0) O << ", ";
    163           O << getQualifiedName(ShadowRegList->getElementAsRecord(i));
    164         }
    165         O << "\n" << IndentStr << "};\n";
    167         O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(RegList"
    168           << RegListNumber << ", " << "RegList" << ShadowRegListNumber
    169           << ")) {\n";
    170       }
    171       O << IndentStr << "  State.addLoc(CCValAssign::getReg(ValNo, ValVT, "
    172         << "Reg, LocVT, LocInfo));\n";
    173       O << IndentStr << "  return false;\n";
    174       O << IndentStr << "}\n";
    175     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCAssignToStack")) {
    176       int Size = Action->getValueAsInt("Size");
    177       int Align = Action->getValueAsInt("Align");
    179       O << IndentStr << "unsigned Offset" << ++Counter
    180         << " = State.AllocateStack(";
    181       if (Size)
    182         O << Size << ", ";
    183       else
    184         O << "\n" << IndentStr
    185           << "  State.getMachineFunction().getTarget().getDataLayout()"
    186              "->getTypeAllocSize(EVT(LocVT).getTypeForEVT(State.getContext())),"
    187              " ";
    188       if (Align)
    189         O << Align;
    190       else
    191         O << "\n" << IndentStr
    192           << "  State.getMachineFunction().getTarget().getDataLayout()"
    193              "->getABITypeAlignment(EVT(LocVT).getTypeForEVT(State.getContext()"
    194              "))";
    195       O << ");\n" << IndentStr
    196         << "State.addLoc(CCValAssign::getMem(ValNo, ValVT, Offset"
    197         << Counter << ", LocVT, LocInfo));\n";
    198       O << IndentStr << "return false;\n";
    199     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCAssignToStackWithShadow")) {
    200       int Size = Action->getValueAsInt("Size");
    201       int Align = Action->getValueAsInt("Align");
    202       ListInit *ShadowRegList = Action->getValueAsListInit("ShadowRegList");
    204       unsigned ShadowRegListNumber = ++Counter;
    206       O << IndentStr << "static const MCPhysReg ShadowRegList"
    207           << ShadowRegListNumber << "[] = {\n";
    208       O << IndentStr << "  ";
    209       for (unsigned i = 0, e = ShadowRegList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    210         if (i != 0) O << ", ";
    211         O << getQualifiedName(ShadowRegList->getElementAsRecord(i));
    212       }
    213       O << "\n" << IndentStr << "};\n";
    215       O << IndentStr << "unsigned Offset" << ++Counter
    216         << " = State.AllocateStack("
    217         << Size << ", " << Align << ", "
    218         << "ShadowRegList" << ShadowRegListNumber << ");\n";
    219       O << IndentStr << "State.addLoc(CCValAssign::getMem(ValNo, ValVT, Offset"
    220         << Counter << ", LocVT, LocInfo));\n";
    221       O << IndentStr << "return false;\n";
    222     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPromoteToType")) {
    223       Record *DestTy = Action->getValueAsDef("DestTy");
    224       MVT::SimpleValueType DestVT = getValueType(DestTy);
    225       O << IndentStr << "LocVT = " << getEnumName(DestVT) <<";\n";
    226       if (MVT(DestVT).isFloatingPoint()) {
    227         O << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::FPExt;\n";
    228       } else {
    229         O << IndentStr << "if (ArgFlags.isSExt())\n"
    230           << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::SExt;\n"
    231           << IndentStr << "else if (ArgFlags.isZExt())\n"
    232           << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::ZExt;\n"
    233           << IndentStr << "else\n"
    234           << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::AExt;\n";
    235       }
    236     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPromoteToUpperBitsInType")) {
    237       Record *DestTy = Action->getValueAsDef("DestTy");
    238       MVT::SimpleValueType DestVT = getValueType(DestTy);
    239       O << IndentStr << "LocVT = " << getEnumName(DestVT) << ";\n";
    240       if (MVT(DestVT).isFloatingPoint()) {
    241         PrintFatalError("CCPromoteToUpperBitsInType does not handle floating "
    242                         "point");
    243       } else {
    244         O << IndentStr << "if (ArgFlags.isSExt())\n"
    245           << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::SExtUpper;\n"
    246           << IndentStr << "else if (ArgFlags.isZExt())\n"
    247           << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::ZExtUpper;\n"
    248           << IndentStr << "else\n"
    249           << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::AExtUpper;\n";
    250       }
    251     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCBitConvertToType")) {
    252       Record *DestTy = Action->getValueAsDef("DestTy");
    253       O << IndentStr << "LocVT = " << getEnumName(getValueType(DestTy)) <<";\n";
    254       O << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::BCvt;\n";
    255     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPassIndirect")) {
    256       Record *DestTy = Action->getValueAsDef("DestTy");
    257       O << IndentStr << "LocVT = " << getEnumName(getValueType(DestTy)) <<";\n";
    258       O << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::Indirect;\n";
    259     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPassByVal")) {
    260       int Size = Action->getValueAsInt("Size");
    261       int Align = Action->getValueAsInt("Align");
    262       O << IndentStr
    263         << "State.HandleByVal(ValNo, ValVT, LocVT, LocInfo, "
    264         << Size << ", " << Align << ", ArgFlags);\n";
    265       O << IndentStr << "return false;\n";
    266     } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCCustom")) {
    267       O << IndentStr
    268         << "if (" << Action->getValueAsString("FuncName") << "(ValNo, ValVT, "
    269         << "LocVT, LocInfo, ArgFlags, State))\n";
    270       O << IndentStr << IndentStr << "return false;\n";
    271     } else {
    272       Action->dump();
    273       PrintFatalError("Unknown CCAction!");
    274     }
    275   }
    276 }
    278 namespace llvm {
    280 void EmitCallingConv(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
    281   emitSourceFileHeader("Calling Convention Implementation Fragment", OS);
    282   CallingConvEmitter(RK).run(OS);
    283 }
    285 } // End llvm namespace