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      1 <!-- Common Interface Language (CIL) Reference Guide -->
      2               <!-- class_and_permission_statements.xml -->
      4    <sect1>
      5       <title>Class and Permission Statements</title>
      6       <sect2 id="common">
      7          <title>common</title>
      8          <para>Declares a common identifier in the current namespace with a set of common permissions that can be used by one or more <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> identifiers. The <literal><link linkend="classcommon">classcommon</link></literal> statement is used to associate a <literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal> identifier to a specific <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> identifier.</para>
      9          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
     10          <programlisting><![CDATA[(common common_id (permission_id ...))]]></programlisting>
     11          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
     12          <informaltable frame="all">
     13             <tgroup cols="2">
     14             <colspec colwidth="2 *"/>
     15             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
     16                <tbody>
     17                <row>
     18                   <entry>
     19                      <para><literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal></para>
     20                   </entry>
     21                   <entry>
     22                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal> keyword.</para>
     23                   </entry>
     24                </row>
     25                <row>
     26                   <entry>
     27                      <para><literal>common_id</literal></para>
     28                   </entry>
     29                   <entry>
     30                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal> identifier.</para>
     31                   </entry>
     32                </row>
     33                <row>
     34                   <entry>
     35                      <para><literal>permission_id</literal></para>
     36                   </entry>
     37                   <entry>
     38                      <para>One or more permissions.</para>
     39                   </entry>
     40                </row>
     41             </tbody></tgroup>
     42          </informaltable>
     44          <para><emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis></para>
     45          <para>This common statement will associate the <literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal> identifier '<literal>file</literal>' with the list of permissions:</para>
     46          <programlisting><![CDATA[
     47 (common file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute swapon quotaon mounton))]]>
     48          </programlisting>
     49       </sect2>
     51       <sect2 id="classcommon">
     52          <title>classcommon</title>
     53          <para>Associate a <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> identifier to a one or more permissions declared by a <literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal> identifier.</para>
     54          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
     55          <programlisting><![CDATA[(classcommon class_id common_id)]]></programlisting>
     56          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
     57          <informaltable frame="all">
     58             <tgroup cols="2">
     59             <colspec colwidth="2 *"/>
     60             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
     61                <tbody>
     62                <row>
     63                   <entry>
     64                      <para><literal><link linkend="classcommon">classcommon</link></literal></para>
     65                   </entry>
     66                   <entry>
     67                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classcommon">classcommon</link></literal> keyword.</para>
     68                   </entry>
     69                </row>
     70                <row>
     71                   <entry>
     72                      <para><literal>class_id</literal></para>
     73                   </entry>
     74                   <entry>
     75                      <para>A single previously declared <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> identifier.</para>
     76                   </entry>
     77                </row>
     78                <row>
     79                   <entry>
     80                      <para><literal>common_id</literal></para>
     81                   </entry>
     82                   <entry>
     83                      <para>A single previously declared <literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal> identifier that defines the common permissions for that class.</para>
     84                   </entry>
     85                </row>
     86             </tbody></tgroup>
     87          </informaltable>
     88          <para><emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis></para>
     89          <para>This associates the <literal>dir</literal> class with the list of permissions declared by the <literal>file common</literal> identifier:</para>
     90          <programlisting><![CDATA[
     91 (common file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute swapon quotaon mounton))
     93 (classcommon dir file)]]>
     94          </programlisting>
     95       </sect2>
     97       <sect2 id="class">
     98          <title>class</title>
     99          <para>Declares a class and zero or more permissions in the current namespace.</para>
    100          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
    101          <programlisting><![CDATA[(class class_id (permission_id ...))]]></programlisting>
    102          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
    103          <informaltable frame="all">
    104             <tgroup cols="2">
    105             <colspec colwidth="2 *"/>
    106             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
    107                <tbody>
    108                <row>
    109                   <entry>
    110                      <para><literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal></para>
    111                   </entry>
    112                   <entry>
    113                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> keyword.</para>
    114                   </entry>
    115                </row>
    116                <row>
    117                   <entry>
    118                      <para><literal>class_id</literal></para>
    119                   </entry>
    120                   <entry>
    121                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> identifier.</para>
    122                   </entry>
    123                </row>
    124                <row>
    125                   <entry>
    126                      <para><literal>permission_id</literal></para>
    127                   </entry>
    128                   <entry>
    129                      <para>Zero or more permissions declared for the class. Note that if zero permissions, an empty list is required as shown in the example.</para>
    130                   </entry>
    131                </row>
    132             </tbody></tgroup>
    133          </informaltable>
    135          <para><emphasis role="bold">Examples:</emphasis></para>
    136          <para>This example defines a set of permissions for the <literal>binder</literal> class indentifier:</para>
    137          <programlisting><![CDATA[(class binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer receive))]]>
    138          </programlisting>
    140          <para>This example defines a common set of permissions to be used by the <literal>sem</literal> class, the <literal>(class sem ())</literal> does not define any other permissions (i.e. an empty list):</para>
    141          <programlisting><![CDATA[
    142 (common ipc (create destroy getattr setattr read write associate unix_read unix_write))
    144 (classcommon sem ipc)
    145 (class sem ())]]>
    146          </programlisting>
    147          <simpara>and will produce the following set of permissions for the <literal>sem</literal> class identifier of:</simpara>
    148          <programlisting><![CDATA[(class sem (create destroy getattr setattr read write associate unix_read unix_write))]]>
    149          </programlisting>
    151          <para>This example, with the following combination of the <literal><link linkend="common">common</link></literal>, <literal><link linkend="classcommon">classcommon</link></literal> and <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> statements:</para>
    152          <programlisting><![CDATA[
    153 (common file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute swapon quotaon mounton))
    155 (classcommon dir file)
    156 (class dir (add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod))]]>
    157          </programlisting>
    158          <simpara>will produce a set of permissions for the <literal>dir</literal> class identifier of:</simpara>
    159          <programlisting><![CDATA[(class dir (add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir open audit_access execmod ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append unlink link rename execute swapon quotaon mounton))]]>
    160          </programlisting>
    161       </sect2>
    162       <sect2 id="classorder">
    163          <title>classorder</title>
    164          <para>Defines the order of <link linkend="class">class</link>'s. This is a mandatory statement. Multiple <literal>classorder</literal> statements declared in the policy will form an ordered list.</para>
    165          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
    166          <programlisting><![CDATA[(classorder (class_id ...))]]></programlisting>
    167          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
    168          <informaltable frame="all">
    169             <tgroup cols="2">
    170             <colspec colwidth="2 *"/>
    171             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
    172                <tbody>
    173                <row>
    174                   <entry>
    175                      <para><literal>classorder</literal></para>
    176                   </entry>
    177                   <entry>
    178                      <para>The <literal>classorder</literal> keyword.</para>
    179                   </entry>
    180                </row>
    181                <row>
    182                   <entry>
    183                      <para><literal>class_id</literal></para>
    184                   </entry>
    185                   <entry>
    186                      <para>One or more <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> identifiers.</para>
    187                   </entry>
    188                </row>
    189             </tbody></tgroup>
    190          </informaltable>
    192          <para><emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis></para>
    193          <para>This will produce an ordered list of "<literal>file dir process</literal>"</para>
    194          <programlisting><![CDATA[
    195 (class process)
    196 (class file)
    197 (class dir)
    198 (classorder (file dir))
    199 (classorder (dir process))]]>
    200       </programlisting>
    201       </sect2>
    202      <sect2 id="classpermission">
    203          <title>classpermission</title>
    204          <para>Declares a class permission set identifier in the current namespace that can be used by one or more <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal>s to associate one or more classes and permissions to form a named set.</para>
    205          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
    206          <programlisting><![CDATA[(classpermission classpermissionset_id)]]></programlisting>
    207          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
    208          <informaltable frame="all">
    209             <tgroup cols="2">
    210             <colspec colwidth="2 *"/>
    211             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
    212                <tbody>
    213                <row>
    214                   <entry>
    215                      <para><literal><link linkend="classpermission">classpermission</link></literal></para>
    216                   </entry>
    217                   <entry>
    218                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classpermission">classpermission</link></literal> keyword.</para>
    219                   </entry>
    220                </row>
    221                <row>
    222                   <entry>
    223                      <para><literal>classpermissionset_id</literal></para>
    224                   </entry>
    225                   <entry>
    226                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal> identifier.</para>
    227                   </entry>
    228                </row>
    229             </tbody></tgroup>
    230          </informaltable>
    231          <para><emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis></para>
    232          <para>See the <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal> statement for examples.</para>
    233       </sect2>
    235       <sect2 id="classpermissionset">
    236          <title>classpermissionset</title>
    237          <para>Defines a class permission set identifier in the current namespace that associates a class and one or more permissions to form a named set. Nested expressions may be used to determine the required permissions as shown in the examples. Anonymous <literal>classpermissionset</literal>s may be used in av rules and constraints.</para>
    238          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
    239          <programlisting><![CDATA[(classpermissionset classpermissionset_id (class_id (permission_id | expr ...)))]]></programlisting>
    240          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
    241          <informaltable frame="all">
    242             <tgroup cols="2">
    243             <colspec colwidth="2.25 *"/>
    244             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
    245                <tbody>
    246                <row>
    247                   <entry>
    248                      <para><literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal></para>
    249                   </entry>
    250                   <entry>
    251                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal> keyword.</para>
    252                   </entry>
    253                </row>
    254                <row>
    255                   <entry>
    256                      <para><literal>classpermissionset_id</literal></para>
    257                   </entry>
    258                   <entry>
    259                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal> identifier.</para>
    260                   </entry>
    261                </row>
    262                <row>
    263                   <entry>
    264                      <para><literal>class_id</literal></para>
    265                   </entry>
    266                   <entry>
    267                      <para>A single previously declared <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal> identifier.</para>
    268                   </entry>
    269                </row>
    270                <row>
    271                   <entry>
    272                      <para><literal>permission_id</literal></para>
    273                   </entry>
    274                   <entry>
    275                      <para>Zero or more permissions required by the class.</para>
    276                      <para>Note that there must be at least one <literal>permission</literal> identifier or <literal>expr</literal> declared).</para>
    277                   </entry>
    278                </row>
    279                <row>
    280                   <entry>
    281                      <para><literal>expr</literal></para>
    282                   </entry>
    283                   <entry>
    284                      <para>Zero or more <literal>expr</literal>'s, the valid operators and syntax are:</para>
    285                      <simpara><literal>    (and (permission_id ...) (permission_id ...))</literal></simpara>
    286                      <simpara><literal>    (or  (permission_id ...) (permission_id ...))</literal></simpara>
    287                      <simpara><literal>    (xor (permission_id ...) (permission_id ...))</literal></simpara>
    288                      <simpara><literal>    (not (permission_id ...))</literal></simpara>
    289                      <simpara><literal>    (all)</literal></simpara>
    290                   </entry>
    291                </row>
    292             </tbody></tgroup>
    293          </informaltable>
    295          <para><emphasis role="bold">Examples:</emphasis></para>
    296          <para>These class permission set statements will resolve to the permission sets shown in the kernel policy language <literal><link linkend="allow">allow</link></literal> rules:</para>
    297          <programlisting><![CDATA[
    298 (class zygote (specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo))
    300 (type test_1)
    301 (type test_2)
    302 (type test_3)
    303 (type test_4)
    304 (type test_5)
    306 ; NOT
    307 (classpermission zygote_1)
    308 (classpermissionset zygote_1 (zygote
    309     (not
    310         (specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo)
    311     )
    312 ))
    313 (allow unconfined.process test_1 zygote_1)
    314 ;; allow unconfined.process test_1 : zygote { specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities } ;
    316 ; AND - ALL - NOT - Equiv to test_1
    317 (classpermission zygote_2)
    318 (classpermissionset zygote_2 (zygote
    319     (and
    320         (all)
    321         (not (specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo))
    322     )
    323 ))
    324 (allow unconfined.process test_2 zygote_2)
    325 ;; allow unconfined.process test_2 : zygote { specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities  } ;
    327 ; OR
    328 (classpermission zygote_3)
    329 (classpermissionset zygote_3 (zygote ((or (specifyinvokewith) (specifyseinfo)))))
    330 (allow unconfined.process test_3 zygote_3)
    331 ;; allow unconfined.process test_3 : zygote { specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo } ;
    333 ; XOR - This will not produce an allow rule as the XOR will remove all the permissions:
    334 (classpermission zygote_4)
    335 (classpermissionset zygote_4 (zygote (xor (specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo) (specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo))))
    337 ; ALL
    338 (classpermission zygote_all_perms)
    339 (classpermissionset zygote_all_perms (zygote (all)))
    340 (allow unconfined.process test_5 zygote_all_perms)
    341 ;; allow unconfined.process test_5 : zygote { specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo } ;]]>
    342          </programlisting>
    343       </sect2>
    345       <sect2 id="classmap">
    346          <title>classmap</title>
    347          <para>Declares a class map identifier in the current namespace and one or more class mapping identifiers. This will allow:</para>
    348          <orderedlist>
    349             <listitem><para>Multiple <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal>s to be linked to a pair of <literal><link linkend="classmap">classmap</link></literal> / <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> identifiers.</para></listitem>
    350             <listitem><para>Multiple <literal><link linkend="class">class</link></literal>s to be associated to statements and rules that support a list of classes:</para>
    351             <simplelist type="inline">
    352                <member><literal><link linkend="typetransition">typetransition</link></literal></member>
    353                <member><literal><link linkend="typechange">typechange</link></literal></member>
    354                <member><literal><link linkend="typemember">typemember</link></literal></member>
    355                <member><literal><link linkend="rangetransition">rangetransition</link></literal></member>
    356                <member><literal><link linkend="roletransition">roletransition</link></literal></member>
    357                <member><literal><link linkend="defaultuser">defaultuser</link></literal></member>
    358                <member><literal><link linkend="defaultrole">defaultrole</link></literal></member>
    359                <member><literal><link linkend="defaulttype">defaulttype</link></literal></member>
    360                <member><literal><link linkend="defaultrange">defaultrange</link></literal></member>
    361                <member><literal><link linkend="validatetrans">validatetrans</link></literal></member>
    362                <member><literal><link linkend="mlsvalidatetrans">mlsvalidatetrans</link></literal></member>
    363             </simplelist></listitem>
    364          </orderedlist>
    365          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
    366          <programlisting><![CDATA[(classmap classmap_id (classmapping_id ...))]]></programlisting>
    367          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
    368          <informaltable frame="all">
    369             <tgroup cols="2">
    370             <colspec colwidth="2 *"/>
    371             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
    372                <tbody>
    373                <row>
    374                   <entry>
    375                      <para><literal><link linkend="classmap">classmap</link></literal></para>
    376                   </entry>
    377                   <entry>
    378                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classmap">classmap</link></literal> keyword.</para>
    379                   </entry>
    380                </row>
    381                <row>
    382                   <entry>
    383                      <para><literal>classmap_id</literal></para>
    384                   </entry>
    385                   <entry>
    386                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classmap">classmap</link></literal> identifier.</para>
    387                   </entry>
    388                </row>
    389                <row>
    390                   <entry>
    391                      <para><literal>classmapping_id</literal></para>
    392                   </entry>
    393                   <entry>
    394                      <para>One or more <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> identifiers.</para>
    395                   </entry>
    396                </row>
    397             </tbody></tgroup>
    398          </informaltable>
    399          <para><emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis></para>
    400          <para>See the <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> statement for examples.</para>
    401       </sect2>
    403       <sect2 id="classmapping">
    404          <title>classmapping</title>
    405          <para>Define sets of <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal>s (named or anonymous) to form a consolidated <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> set. Generally there are multiple <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> statements with the same <literal><link linkend="classmap">classmap</link></literal> and <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> identifiers that form a set of different <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal>'s. This is useful when multiple class / permissions are required in rules such as the <literal><link linkend="allow">allow</link></literal> rules (as shown in the examples).</para>
    406          <para><emphasis role="bold">Statement definition:</emphasis></para>
    407          <programlisting><![CDATA[(classmapping classmap_id classmapping_id classpermissionset_id)]]></programlisting>
    408          <para><emphasis role="bold">Where:</emphasis></para>
    409          <informaltable frame="all">
    410             <tgroup cols="2">
    411             <colspec colwidth="2.25 *"/>
    412             <colspec colwidth="6 *"/>
    413                <tbody>
    414                <row>
    415                   <entry>
    416                      <para><literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal></para>
    417                   </entry>
    418                   <entry>
    419                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> keyword.</para>
    420                   </entry>
    421                </row>
    422                <row>
    423                   <entry>
    424                      <para><literal>classmap_id</literal></para>
    425                   </entry>
    426                   <entry>
    427                      <para>A single previously declared <literal><link linkend="classmap">classmap</link></literal> identifier.</para>
    428                   </entry>
    429                </row>
    430                <row>
    431                   <entry>
    432                      <para><literal>classmapping_id</literal></para>
    433                   </entry>
    434                   <entry>
    435                      <para>The <literal><link linkend="classmapping">classmapping</link></literal> identifier.</para>
    436                   </entry>
    437                </row>
    438                <row>
    439                   <entry>
    440                      <para><literal>classpermissionset_id</literal></para>
    441                   </entry>
    442                   <entry>
    443                      <para>A single named <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal> identifier or a single anonymous <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal> using <literal>expr</literal>'s as required (see the <literal><link linkend="classpermissionset">classpermissionset</link></literal> statement).</para>
    444                   </entry>
    445                </row>
    446             </tbody></tgroup>
    447          </informaltable>
    448          <para><emphasis role="bold">Examples:</emphasis></para>
    449          <para>These class mapping statements will resolve to the permission sets shown in the kernel policy language <literal><link linkend="allow">allow</link></literal> rules:</para>
    450          <programlisting><![CDATA[
    451 (class binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer receive))
    452 (class property_service (set))
    453 (class zygote (specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo))
    455 (classpermission cps_zygote)
    456 (classpermissionset cps_zygote (zygote (not (specifyids))))
    458 (classmap android_classes (set_1 set_2 set_3))
    460 (classmapping android_classes set_1 (binder (all)))
    461 (classmapping android_classes set_1 (property_service (set)))
    462 (classmapping android_classes set_1 (zygote (not (specifycapabilities))))
    464 (classmapping android_classes set_2 (binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer)))
    465 (classmapping android_classes set_2 (zygote (specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith)))
    467 (classmapping android_classes set_3 cps_zygote)
    468 (classmapping android_classes set_3 (binder (impersonate call set_context_mgr)))
    470 (block map_example
    471     (type type_1)
    472     (type type_2)
    473     (type type_3)
    475     (allow type_1 self (android_classes (set_1)))
    476     (allow type_2 self (android_classes (set_2)))
    477     (allow type_3 self (android_classes (set_3)))
    478 )
    480 ; The above will resolve to the following AV rules:
    481 ;; allow map_example.type_1 map_example.type_1 : binder { impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer receive } ;
    482 ;; allow map_example.type_1 map_example.type_1 : property_service set ;
    483 ;; allow map_example.type_1 map_example.type_1 : zygote { specifyids specifyrlimits specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo } ;
    485 ;; allow map_example.type_2 map_example.type_2 : binder { impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer } ;
    486 ;; allow map_example.type_2 map_example.type_2 : zygote { specifyids specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith } ;
    488 ;; allow map_example.type_3 map_example.type_3 : binder { impersonate call set_context_mgr } ;
    489 ;; allow map_example.type_3 map_example.type_3 : zygote { specifyrlimits specifycapabilities specifyinvokewith specifyseinfo } ;]]>
    490          </programlisting>
    491       </sect2>
    493    </sect1>