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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #ifndef SkStream_DEFINED
      9 #define SkStream_DEFINED
     11 #include "SkRefCnt.h"
     12 #include "SkScalar.h"
     14 class SkData;
     16 class SkStream;
     17 class SkStreamRewindable;
     18 class SkStreamSeekable;
     19 class SkStreamAsset;
     20 class SkStreamMemory;
     22 /**
     23  *  SkStream -- abstraction for a source of bytes. Subclasses can be backed by
     24  *  memory, or a file, or something else.
     25  *
     26  *  NOTE:
     27  *
     28  *  Classic "streams" APIs are sort of async, in that on a request for N
     29  *  bytes, they may return fewer than N bytes on a given call, in which case
     30  *  the caller can "try again" to get more bytes, eventually (modulo an error)
     31  *  receiving their total N bytes.
     32  *
     33  *  Skia streams behave differently. They are effectively synchronous, and will
     34  *  always return all N bytes of the request if possible. If they return fewer
     35  *  (the read() call returns the number of bytes read) then that means there is
     36  *  no more data (at EOF or hit an error). The caller should *not* call again
     37  *  in hopes of fulfilling more of the request.
     38  */
     39 class SK_API SkStream : public SkNoncopyable {
     40 public:
     41     virtual ~SkStream() {}
     43     /**
     44      *  Attempts to open the specified file, and return a stream to it (using
     45      *  mmap if available). On success, the caller is responsible for deleting.
     46      *  On failure, returns NULL.
     47      */
     48     static SkStreamAsset* NewFromFile(const char path[]);
     50     /** Reads or skips size number of bytes.
     51      *  If buffer == NULL, skip size bytes, return how many were skipped.
     52      *  If buffer != NULL, copy size bytes into buffer, return how many were copied.
     53      *  @param buffer when NULL skip size bytes, otherwise copy size bytes into buffer
     54      *  @param size the number of bytes to skip or copy
     55      *  @return the number of bytes actually read.
     56      */
     57     virtual size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
     59     /** Skip size number of bytes.
     60      *  @return the actual number bytes that could be skipped.
     61      */
     62     size_t skip(size_t size) {
     63         return this->read(NULL, size);
     64     }
     66     /**
     67      *  Attempt to peek at size bytes.
     68      *  If this stream supports peeking, and it can peek size bytes, copy size
     69      *  bytes into buffer, and return true.
     70      *  If the stream does not support peeking, or cannot peek size bytes,
     71      *  return false and leave buffer unchanged.
     72      *  The stream is guaranteed to be in the same visible state after this
     73      *  call, regardless of success or failure.
     74      *  @param buffer Must not be NULL. Destination to copy bytes.
     75      *  @param size Number of bytes to copy.
     76      *  @return Whether the peek was performed.
     77      */
     78     virtual bool peek(void* /* buffer */, size_t /* size */) const { return false; }
     80     /** Returns true when all the bytes in the stream have been read.
     81      *  This may return true early (when there are no more bytes to be read)
     82      *  or late (after the first unsuccessful read).
     83      */
     84     virtual bool isAtEnd() const = 0;
     86     int8_t   readS8();
     87     int16_t  readS16();
     88     int32_t  readS32();
     90     uint8_t  readU8() { return (uint8_t)this->readS8(); }
     91     uint16_t readU16() { return (uint16_t)this->readS16(); }
     92     uint32_t readU32() { return (uint32_t)this->readS32(); }
     94     bool     readBool() { return this->readU8() != 0; }
     95     SkScalar readScalar();
     96     size_t   readPackedUInt();
     98 //SkStreamRewindable
     99     /** Rewinds to the beginning of the stream. Returns true if the stream is known
    100      *  to be at the beginning after this call returns.
    101      */
    102     virtual bool rewind() { return false; }
    104     /** Duplicates this stream. If this cannot be done, returns NULL.
    105      *  The returned stream will be positioned at the beginning of its data.
    106      */
    107     virtual SkStreamRewindable* duplicate() const { return NULL; }
    109 //SkStreamSeekable
    110     /** Returns true if this stream can report it's current position. */
    111     virtual bool hasPosition() const { return false; }
    112     /** Returns the current position in the stream. If this cannot be done, returns 0. */
    113     virtual size_t getPosition() const { return 0; }
    115     /** Seeks to an absolute position in the stream. If this cannot be done, returns false.
    116      *  If an attempt is made to seek past the end of the stream, the position will be set
    117      *  to the end of the stream.
    118      */
    119     virtual bool seek(size_t /*position*/) { return false; }
    121     /** Seeks to an relative offset in the stream. If this cannot be done, returns false.
    122      *  If an attempt is made to move to a position outside the stream, the position will be set
    123      *  to the closest point within the stream (beginning or end).
    124      */
    125     virtual bool move(long /*offset*/) { return false; }
    127     /** Duplicates this stream. If this cannot be done, returns NULL.
    128      *  The returned stream will be positioned the same as this stream.
    129      */
    130     virtual SkStreamSeekable* fork() const { return NULL; }
    132 //SkStreamAsset
    133     /** Returns true if this stream can report it's total length. */
    134     virtual bool hasLength() const { return false; }
    135     /** Returns the total length of the stream. If this cannot be done, returns 0. */
    136     virtual size_t getLength() const { return 0; }
    138 //SkStreamMemory
    139     /** Returns the starting address for the data. If this cannot be done, returns NULL. */
    140     //TODO: replace with virtual const SkData* getData()
    141     virtual const void* getMemoryBase() { return NULL; }
    142 };
    144 /** SkStreamRewindable is a SkStream for which rewind and duplicate are required. */
    145 class SK_API SkStreamRewindable : public SkStream {
    146 public:
    147     bool rewind() override = 0;
    148     SkStreamRewindable* duplicate() const override = 0;
    149 };
    151 /** SkStreamSeekable is a SkStreamRewindable for which position, seek, move, and fork are required. */
    152 class SK_API SkStreamSeekable : public SkStreamRewindable {
    153 public:
    154     SkStreamSeekable* duplicate() const override = 0;
    156     bool hasPosition() const override { return true; }
    157     size_t getPosition() const override = 0;
    158     bool seek(size_t position) override = 0;
    159     bool move(long offset) override = 0;
    160     SkStreamSeekable* fork() const override = 0;
    161 };
    163 /** SkStreamAsset is a SkStreamSeekable for which getLength is required. */
    164 class SK_API SkStreamAsset : public SkStreamSeekable {
    165 public:
    166     SkStreamAsset* duplicate() const override = 0;
    167     SkStreamAsset* fork() const override = 0;
    169     bool hasLength() const override { return true; }
    170     size_t getLength() const override = 0;
    171 };
    173 /** SkStreamMemory is a SkStreamAsset for which getMemoryBase is required. */
    174 class SK_API SkStreamMemory : public SkStreamAsset {
    175 public:
    176     SkStreamMemory* duplicate() const override = 0;
    177     SkStreamMemory* fork() const override = 0;
    179     const void* getMemoryBase() override = 0;
    180 };
    182 class SK_API SkWStream : SkNoncopyable {
    183 public:
    184     SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(SkWStream)
    186     virtual ~SkWStream();
    188     /** Called to write bytes to a SkWStream. Returns true on success
    189         @param buffer the address of at least size bytes to be written to the stream
    190         @param size The number of bytes in buffer to write to the stream
    191         @return true on success
    192     */
    193     virtual bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
    194     virtual void newline();
    195     virtual void flush();
    197     virtual size_t bytesWritten() const = 0;
    199     // helpers
    201     bool    write8(U8CPU);
    202     bool    write16(U16CPU);
    203     bool    write32(uint32_t);
    205     bool    writeText(const char text[]);
    206     bool    writeDecAsText(int32_t);
    207     bool    writeBigDecAsText(int64_t, int minDigits = 0);
    208     bool    writeHexAsText(uint32_t, int minDigits = 0);
    209     bool    writeScalarAsText(SkScalar);
    211     bool    writeBool(bool v) { return this->write8(v); }
    212     bool    writeScalar(SkScalar);
    213     bool    writePackedUInt(size_t);
    215     bool    writeStream(SkStream* input, size_t length);
    217     /**
    218      * This returns the number of bytes in the stream required to store
    219      * 'value'.
    220      */
    221     static int SizeOfPackedUInt(size_t value);
    222 };
    224 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    226 #include "SkString.h"
    227 #include <stdio.h>
    229 struct SkFILE;
    231 /** A stream that wraps a C FILE* file stream. */
    232 class SK_API SkFILEStream : public SkStreamAsset {
    233 public:
    236     /** Initialize the stream by calling sk_fopen on the specified path.
    237      *  This internal stream will be closed in the destructor.
    238      */
    239     explicit SkFILEStream(const char path[] = NULL);
    241     enum Ownership {
    242         kCallerPasses_Ownership,
    243         kCallerRetains_Ownership
    244     };
    245     /** Initialize the stream with an existing C file stream.
    246      *  While this stream exists, it assumes exclusive access to the C file stream.
    247      *  The C file stream will be closed in the destructor unless the caller specifies
    248      *  kCallerRetains_Ownership.
    249      */
    250     explicit SkFILEStream(FILE* file, Ownership ownership = kCallerPasses_Ownership);
    252     virtual ~SkFILEStream();
    254     /** Returns true if the current path could be opened. */
    255     bool isValid() const { return fFILE != NULL; }
    257     /** Close the current file, and open a new file with the specified path.
    258      *  If path is NULL, just close the current file.
    259      */
    260     void setPath(const char path[]);
    262     size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) override;
    263     bool isAtEnd() const override;
    265     bool rewind() override;
    266     SkStreamAsset* duplicate() const override;
    268     size_t getPosition() const override;
    269     bool seek(size_t position) override;
    270     bool move(long offset) override;
    271     SkStreamAsset* fork() const override;
    273     size_t getLength() const override;
    275     const void* getMemoryBase() override;
    277 private:
    278     SkFILE*     fFILE;
    279     SkString    fName;
    280     Ownership   fOwnership;
    281     // fData is lazilly initialized when needed.
    282     mutable SkAutoTUnref<SkData> fData;
    284     typedef SkStreamAsset INHERITED;
    285 };
    287 class SK_API SkMemoryStream : public SkStreamMemory {
    288 public:
    289     SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(SkMemoryStream)
    291     SkMemoryStream();
    293     /** We allocate (and free) the memory. Write to it via getMemoryBase() */
    294     SkMemoryStream(size_t length);
    296     /** If copyData is true, the stream makes a private copy of the data. */
    297     SkMemoryStream(const void* data, size_t length, bool copyData = false);
    299     /** Use the specified data as the memory for this stream.
    300      *  The stream will call ref() on the data (assuming it is not NULL).
    301      */
    302     SkMemoryStream(SkData*);
    304     virtual ~SkMemoryStream();
    306     /** Resets the stream to the specified data and length,
    307         just like the constructor.
    308         if copyData is true, the stream makes a private copy of the data
    309     */
    310     virtual void setMemory(const void* data, size_t length,
    311                            bool copyData = false);
    312     /** Replace any memory buffer with the specified buffer. The caller
    313         must have allocated data with sk_malloc or sk_realloc, since it
    314         will be freed with sk_free.
    315     */
    316     void setMemoryOwned(const void* data, size_t length);
    318     /** Return the stream's data in a SkData.
    319      *  The caller must call unref() when it is finished using the data.
    320      */
    321     SkData* copyToData() const;
    323     /**
    324      *  Use the specified data as the memory for this stream.
    325      *  The stream will call ref() on the data (assuming it is not NULL).
    326      *  The function returns the data parameter as a convenience.
    327      */
    328     SkData* setData(SkData*);
    330     void skipToAlign4();
    331     const void* getAtPos();
    333     size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) override;
    334     bool isAtEnd() const override;
    336     bool peek(void* buffer, size_t size) const override;
    338     bool rewind() override;
    339     SkMemoryStream* duplicate() const override;
    341     size_t getPosition() const override;
    342     bool seek(size_t position) override;
    343     bool move(long offset) override;
    344     SkMemoryStream* fork() const override;
    346     size_t getLength() const override;
    348     const void* getMemoryBase() override;
    350 private:
    351     SkData* fData;
    352     size_t  fOffset;
    354     typedef SkStreamMemory INHERITED;
    355 };
    357 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    359 class SK_API SkFILEWStream : public SkWStream {
    360 public:
    363     SkFILEWStream(const char path[]);
    364     virtual ~SkFILEWStream();
    366     /** Returns true if the current path could be opened.
    367     */
    368     bool isValid() const { return fFILE != NULL; }
    370     bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) override;
    371     void flush() override;
    372     size_t bytesWritten() const override;
    374 private:
    375     SkFILE* fFILE;
    377     typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
    378 };
    380 class SkMemoryWStream : public SkWStream {
    381 public:
    382     SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(SkMemoryWStream)
    384     SkMemoryWStream(void* buffer, size_t size);
    385     bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) override;
    386     size_t bytesWritten() const override { return fBytesWritten; }
    388 private:
    389     char*   fBuffer;
    390     size_t  fMaxLength;
    391     size_t  fBytesWritten;
    393     typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
    394 };
    396 class SK_API SkDynamicMemoryWStream : public SkWStream {
    397 public:
    398     SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(SkDynamicMemoryWStream)
    400     SkDynamicMemoryWStream();
    401     virtual ~SkDynamicMemoryWStream();
    403     bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) override;
    404     size_t bytesWritten() const override { return fBytesWritten; }
    405     // random access write
    406     // modifies stream and returns true if offset + size is less than or equal to getOffset()
    407     bool write(const void* buffer, size_t offset, size_t size);
    408     bool read(void* buffer, size_t offset, size_t size);
    409     size_t getOffset() const { return fBytesWritten; }
    411     // copy what has been written to the stream into dst
    412     void copyTo(void* dst) const;
    413     void writeToStream(SkWStream* dst) const;
    415     /**
    416      *  Return a copy of the data written so far. This call is responsible for
    417      *  calling unref() when they are finished with the data.
    418      */
    419     SkData* copyToData() const;
    421     /** Reset, returning a reader stream with the current content. */
    422     SkStreamAsset* detachAsStream();
    424     /** Reset the stream to its original, empty, state. */
    425     void reset();
    426     void padToAlign4();
    427 private:
    428     struct Block;
    429     Block*  fHead;
    430     Block*  fTail;
    431     size_t  fBytesWritten;
    432     mutable SkData* fCopy;  // is invalidated if we write after it is created
    434     void invalidateCopy();
    436     // For access to the Block type.
    437     friend class SkBlockMemoryStream;
    438     friend class SkBlockMemoryRefCnt;
    440     typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
    441 };
    444 class SK_API SkDebugWStream : public SkWStream {
    445 public:
    446     SkDebugWStream() : fBytesWritten(0) {}
    447     SK_DECLARE_INST_COUNT(SkDebugWStream)
    449     // overrides
    450     bool write(const void* buffer, size_t size) override;
    451     void newline() override;
    452     size_t bytesWritten() const override { return fBytesWritten; }
    454 private:
    455     size_t fBytesWritten;
    456     typedef SkWStream INHERITED;
    457 };
    459 // for now
    460 typedef SkFILEStream SkURLStream;
    462 #endif