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      1 page.title=Optimizing Apps for Android 3.0
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      6 <div id="deprecatedSticker">
      7   <a href="#" 
      8      onclick="$('#naMessage').show();$('#deprecatedSticker').hide();return false">
      9     <strong>This doc is deprecated</strong></a>
     10 </div>
     13 <div id="naMessage" style="display:block">
     14 <div><p><strong>This document has been deprecated.</strong></p>
     15  <p>To learn about how you can  optimize your app for both tablets and handsets, please
     16 read the guide to <a href="tablets-and-handsets.html">Supporting Tablets and
     17 Handsets</a>.</p>
     19  <input style="margin-top:1em;padding:5px" type="button"
     20         value="That's nice, but I still want to read this document"
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     23 </div>
     30 <div id="qv-wrapper">
     31 <div id="qv">
     32 <h2>In this document</h2>
     33 <ol>
     34 <li><a href="#Setup">Setting Up Your SDK with Android 3.0</a></li>
     35 <li><a href="#Optimizing">Optimizing Your App for Tablets</a></li>
     36 <li><a href="#Upgrading">Upgrading or Developing a New App for Tablets</a></li>
     37 <li><a href="#ManagingAppDist">Managing App Distribution Based on Screen Configuration</a>
     38   <ol>
     39     <li><a href="#FilteringTabletApps">Filtering a tablet app from mobile devices</a></li>
     40     <li><a href="#FilteringMobileApps">Filtering a mobile device app from tablets</a></li>
     41   </ol>
     42 </li>
     43 <li><a href="#Issues">Other Issues</a>
     44   <ol>
     45     <li><a href="#Landscape">Adding support for landscape screens</a></li>
     46     <li><a href="#Telephony">Using telephony or other variable features</a></li>
     47   </ol>
     48 </li>
     49 </ol>
     51 <h2>See also</h2>
     53 <ol>
     54   <li><a href="tablets-and-handsets.html">Supporting Tablets
     55 and Handsets</a></li>
     56   <li><a
     57 href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/index.html">Compatibility Library</a></li>
     58   <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/iosched/">Google I/O App source code</a></li>
     59 </ol>
     61 </div>
     62 </div>
     64 <p>Android 3.0 introduces several features that allow
     65 you to enhance your user's experience on tablets and similar devices. Any application you've already
     66 published is compatible with devices running Android 3.0, by default, because Android applications
     67 are forward-compatible. However, new tablet devices running Android 3.0 are now available to the
     68 public and provide users a new Android experience on a larger screen, so you should make sure
     69 your application looks and works great on the new platform and new device form-factors.</p>
     71 <p>This document shows how you can optimize your existing application for Android 3.0 and
     72 maintain compatibility with older versions or upgrade your application completely with new APIs.</p>
     75 <p><b>To get started:</b></p>
     77 <ol>
     78   <li><a href="#Setup">Set up your SDK with Android 3.0</a>.
     79     <p>Install the Android 3.0 platform, new tools, and set up a new AVD.</p></li>
     80   <li>Choose to either optimize or upgrade:
     81     <ol type="a">
     82       <li><a href="#Optimizing">Optimize your app for tablets and similar devices</a>.
     83         <p>Read this section if you have an existing application and want to
     84 maintain compatibility with older versions of Android. All you need to do is update your
     85 manifest file to declare support for Android 3.0, test your application on the new platform, and
     86 add extra resources to support extra large screens, as appropriate.</p>
     87       </li>
     88       <li><a href="#Upgrading">Upgrade or develop a new app for tablets and similar devices</a>.
     89         <p>Read this section if you want to upgrade your application to use APIs introduced in
     90 Android 3.0 or create a new application targeted to tablets and similar devices. Compared to
     91 upgrading to previous versions of Android, there's nothing different about upgrading to Android 3.0.
     92 This section introduces some of the key features and APIs you should use to make an
     93 application that's fully enhanced for tablets.</p></li>
     94     </ol>
     95   </li>
     96   <li>Consider whether you need to <a href="#ManagingAppDist">manage the distribution of your
     97 application based on screen configuration</a>.</li>
     98   <li>Then review some <a href="#Issue">other issues</a> you might encounter when developing
     99 for tablets and similar devices.</li>
    100 </ol>
    103 <h2 id="Setup">Set Up Your SDK with Android 3.0</h2>
    105 <p>To start testing and developing your application on Android 3.0, set up your existing Android
    106 SDK with the new platform:</p>
    108 <p>(If you don't have an existing Android SDK, <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html">download the
    109 SDK starter package now</a>.)</p>
    111 <ol>
    112   <li><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/exploring.html#launching">Launch the Android SDK
    113 Manager</a> and install the following:
    114     <ul>
    115       <li>SDK Platform Android 3.0</li>
    116       <li>Android SDK Tools, revision 10</li>
    117       <li>Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 3</li>
    118       <li>Documentation for Android SDK, API 11</li>
    119       <li>Samples for SDK API 11</li>
    120     </ul>
    121   </li>
    122   <li><a href="{@docRoot}tools/devices/managing-avds.html">Create an AVD</a> for a tablet-type
    123 device:
    124   <p>Set the target to "Android 3.0" and the skin to "WXGA" (the default skin).</p></li>
    125 </ol>
    127 <p>The best way to test your application on Android 3.0 is to use real hardware running Android 3.0,
    128 such as the <a href="http://www.motorola.com/staticfiles/Consumers/XOOM/index.html">Motorola
    129 Xoom</a>. Of course, you can also use the Android emulator on your development machine, but because
    130 the Android emulator must simulate the ARM instruction set on your computer and the WXGA screen is
    131 significantly larger than a typical virtual device, emulator performance is much slower than a real
    132 device.</p>
    134 <h3>About emulator performance</h3>
    136 <p>Initializing the emulator can be slow and can take several minutes, depending on
    137 your hardware. When the emulator is booting, there is limited user feedback, so please be patient
    138 and wait until you see the home screen (or lock screen) appear. </p>
    140 <p>However, you don't need to boot the emulator each time you rebuild your
    141 application&mdash;typically you only need to boot at the start of a session and keep it running.
    142 Also see the tip below for information about using a snapshot to drastically reduce startup time
    143 after the first initialization. </p>
    145 <p>General performance in the emulator is also slow. We're working hard to resolve the performance
    146 issues and it will improve in future tools releases. If you don't yet have a real device running
    147 Android 3.0, the emulator is still best way to evaluate your application's appearance and
    148 functionality on Android 3.0.</p>
    150 <p class="note"><strong>Tip:</strong> To improve the startup time for the emulator, enable snapshots
    151 for the AVD when you create it with the AVD Manager (there's a checkbox in the AVD creator
    152 to <strong>Enable</strong> snapshots). Then, start the AVD from the AVD manager and check <b>Launch
    153 from snapshot</b> and <b>Save to snapshot</b>. This way, when you close the emulator, a snapshot of
    154 the AVD state is saved and used to quickly relaunch the AVD next time. However, when you choose to
    155 save a snapshot, the emulator will be slow to close, so you might want to disable <b>Save to
    156 snapshot</b> after you've acquired an initial snapshot (after you close the AVD for the first
    157 time).</p>
    161 <h2 id="Optimizing">Optimizing Your App for Tablets</h2>
    163 <p>If you've already developed an application for an earlier version of Android, there are a few
    164 things you can do to optimize it for a tablet-style experience on Android 3.0 without changing the
    165 minimum version required (you don't need to change your manifest's <a
    166 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code
    167 android:minSdkVersion}</a>).</p>
    169 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> All Android applications are forward-compatible, so
    170 there's nothing you <em>have to</em> do&mdash;if your application is a good citizen of the Android
    171 APIs, your app should work fine on devices running Android 3.0. However, in order to provide users
    172 a better experience when using your app on an Android 3.0 tablet or similar-size device, you
    173 should update your application to inherit the new system theme and provide some optimizations for
    174 larger screens.</p>
    176 <p>Here are a few things you can do to optimize your application for devices running Android
    177 3.0:</p>
    179 <ol>
    180   <li><b>Test your current application on Android 3.0</b>
    181     <ol>
    182       <li>Build your application as-is and install it on your Android 3.0 AVD (created above during
    183 <a href="#Setup">setup</a>).</li>
    184       <li>Perform your usual tests to be sure everything works and looks as expected.</li>
    185     </ol>
    186   </li>
    188   <li><b>Apply the new "holographic" theme to your application</b>
    189     <ol>
    190       <li>Open your manifest file and update the <a
    191 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html">{@code &lt;uses-sdk&gt;}</a> element to
    192 set <a
    193 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code
    194 android:targetSdkVersion}</a> to {@code "11"}. For example:
    195 <pre>
    196 &lt;manifest ... >
    197     &lt;uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" 
    198               android:targetSdkVersion="11" /&gt;
    199     &lt;application ... >
    200         ...
    201     &lt;application>
    202 &lt;/manifest>
    203 </pre>
    204     <p>By targeting the Android 3.0 platform, the system automatically applies the holographic theme
    205 to each activity when your application runs on an Android 3.0 device. The holographic theme
    206 provides a new design for widgets, such as buttons and text boxes, and new styles for other
    207 visual elements. This is the standard theme for applications built for Android 3.0, so your
    208 application will look and feel consistent with the system and other applications when it is
    209 enabled.</p>
    210     <p>Additionally, when an activity uses the holographic theme, the system enables the <a
    211 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a> for the activity and removes the
    212 Options Menu button in the system bar. The Action Bar
    213 replaces the traditional title bar at the top of the activity window and provides the user access to
    214 the activity's Options Menu.</p>
    215       </li>
    216       <li>Build your application against the same version of the Android platform you have been
    217 using previously (such as the version declared in your <a
    218 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code android:minSdkVersion}</a>),
    219 but install it on the Android 3.0 AVD. (You should not build against Android 3.0 unless you are
    220 using new APIs.) Repeat your tests to be sure that your user interface works well with the
    221 holographic theme.
    222         <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you have applied other themes directly to your
    223 activities, they will override the inherited holographic theme. To resolve this, you can use
    224 the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#VersionQualifier">platform
    225 version qualifier</a> to provide an alternative theme for Android 3.0 devices that's based on the
    226 holographic theme. For more information, read how to <a
    227 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html#SelectATheme">select a theme based on platform
    228 version</a>.</p>
    229     </ol>
    230   </li>
    232   <li><b>Supply alternative layout resources for xlarge screens</b>
    233     <p>By providing <a
    234 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">alternative
    235 resources</a> when running on extra large screens (using the <code>xlarge</code> resource
    236 qualifier), you can improve the user experience of your application on tablet-type devices without
    237 using new APIs.</p>
    238     <p>For example, here are some things to consider when creating a new layout for extra large
    239 screens:</p>
    240     <ul>
    241       <li>Landscape layout: The "normal" orientation for tablet-type devices is usually landscape
    242 (wide), so you should be sure that your activities offer a layout that's optimized for a wide
    243 viewing area. <p>You can specify landscape resources with the <code>land</code> resource
    244 qualifier, but if you want alternative resources for an extra large landscape screen, you
    245 should use both the <code>xlarge</code> and <code>land</code> qualifiers. For example, {@code
    246 res/layout-xlarge-land/}. The order of the qualifier names is important; see <a
    247 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">
    248 Providing Alternative Resources</a> for more information.</p></li>
    249       <li>Button position and size: Consider whether the position and size of the most common
    250 buttons in your UI make them easily accessible while holding a tablet with two hands. In some
    251 cases, you might need to resize buttons, especially if they use {@code "wrap_content"}
    252 as the width value. To enlarge the buttons, if necessary, you should either: add
    253 extra padding to the button; specify dimension values with {@code dp} units; or use {@code
    254 android:layout_weight} when the button is in a <a
    255 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/layout-objects.html#linearlayout">linear layout</a>. Use your
    256 best judgment of proportions for each screen size&mdash;you don't want the buttons to be too big,
    257 either.</li>
    258       <li>Font sizes: Be sure your application uses {@code sp} units when setting font
    259 sizes. This alone should ensure a readable experience on tablet-style devices, because it is a
    260 scale-independent pixel unit, which will resize as appropriate for the current screen configuration.
    261 In some cases, however, you still might want to consider larger font sizes for <code>xlarge</code>
    262 configurations.</li>
    263     </ul>
    264     <p>In general, always be sure that your application follows the <a
    265 href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html#screen-independence">Best Practices
    266 for Screen Independence</a>.</p>
    267   </li>
    268 </ol>
    273 <h2 id="Upgrading">Upgrading or Developing a New App for Tablets</h2>
    275 <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    276 <div class="sidebox">
    277   <h3>Use the Compatibility Library to remain backward-compatible</h3>
    278 <p>It is possible for you to upgrade your application with some new
    279 APIs <em>and</em> remain compatible with older versions of Android. Usually, this requires that you
    280 use techniques such as reflection to check for the availability of certain APIs at runtime. However,
    281 to help you add features from Android 3.0 without requiring you to change your <a
    282 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code android:minSdkVersion}</a>
    283 or build target, we're providing a static library called the <a
    284 href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/index.html">Compatibility Library</a>
    285 (downloadable from the Android SDK Manager).</p>
    286 <p>This library includes APIs for <a
    287 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">fragments</a>, <a
    288 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/loaders.html">loaders</a>, and some updated classes. By
    289 simply adding this library to your Android project, you can use these APIs in your application and
    290 remain compatible with Android 1.6. For information about how to get the library and start
    291 using it in your application, see the <a
    292 href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/index.html">Compatibility Library</a> document.</p>
    293 </div>
    294 </div>
    297 <p>If you want to develop an application that's fully enhanced for tablet-type devices running
    298 Android 3.0, then you need to use new APIs in Android 3.0. This section introduces some of
    299 the new features you should use.</p>
    302 <h3>Declare the minimum system version</h3>
    304 <p>The first thing to do when you upgrade or create a project for Android 3.0 is set your manifest's
    305 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code
    306 android:minSdkVersion}</a> to {@code "11"}. This declares that your application uses APIs available
    307 in Android 3.0 and greater, so it should not be available to devices running an older version of
    308 Android. For example:</p>
    310 <pre>
    311 &lt;manifest ... >
    312     &lt;uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" /&gt;
    313     &lt;application ... >
    314         ...
    315     &lt;application>
    316 &lt;/manifest>
    317 </pre>
    319 <p>Not only is this necessary in order to declare the minimum API level your application requires,
    320 but it enables the new holographic theme to each of your activities. The holographic theme is the
    321 standard theme for the Android 3.0 system and all applications designed for it. It includes new
    322 designs for the system widgets and overall appearance.</p>
    324 <p>Additionally, the holographic theme enables the Action Bar for each activity.</p>
    327 <h3>Use the Action Bar</h3>
    329 <p>The Action Bar is a widget for activities that replaces the traditional title bar at the top of
    330 the screen. By default, the Action Bar includes the application logo on the left side, followed by
    331 the activity title, and access to items from the Options Menu in a drop-down list on the right
    332 side.</p>
    334 <p>You can enable items from the Options Menu to appear directly in the Action Bar as
    335 "action items" by adding {@code showAsAction="ifRoom"} to specific menu items in your <a
    336 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/menu-resource.html">menu resource</a>. You can also add
    337 navigation features to the Action Bar, such as tabs, and use the application icon to navigate to
    338 your application's "home" activity or to navigate "up" the application's activity hierarchy.</p>
    340 <p>For more information, read <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Using the
    341 Action Bar</a>.</p>
    345 <h3>Divide your activities into fragments</h3>
    347 <p>A fragment represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in an activity. You can think of
    348 a fragment as a modular section of an activity, which has its own lifecycle, receives its own input
    349 events, and which you can add or remove while the activity is running. Fragments are an optional
    350 component for your activities that allow you to build a multi-pane UI and reuse them in multiple
    351 activities. If you're building an application for tablets, we recommend that you use fragments to
    352 create activities that offer a more dynamic and flexible user interface.</p>
    354 <p>For example, a news application can use one fragment to show a list of articles on the left and
    355 another fragment to display an article on the right&mdash;both fragments appear in one activity,
    356 side by side, and each fragment has its own set of lifecycle callback methods and handles its own
    357 input events. Thus, instead of using one activity to select an article and another activity to
    358 read the article, the user can select an article and read it all within the same activity.</p>
    360 <p>For more information, read the <a
    361 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">Fragments</a> document.</p>
    364 <h3>Use new animation APIs for transitions</h3>
    366 <p>An all-new animation framework allows you to animate arbitrary properties of any object
    367 (such as a View, Drawable, Fragment, or anything else). You can define several animation aspects
    368 (such as duration, repeat, interpolation, and more) for an object's int, float, and hexadecimal
    369 color values, by default. That is, when an object has a property field for one of these types, you
    370 can change its value over time to affect an animation.</p>
    372 <p>The {@link android.view.View} class also provides new APIs that leverage the new animation
    373 framework, allowing you to easily apply 2D and 3D transformations to views in your activity layout.
    374 New transformations are made possible with a set of object properties that define the view's layout
    375 position, orientation, transparency and more.</p>
    377 <p>For more information, read the <a
    378 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/graphics/prop-animation.html">Property Animation</a> document.</p>
    381 <h3>Enable hardware acceleration</h3>
    383 <p>Android 3.0 adds a hardware-accelerated OpenGL renderer that gives a performance boost to most 2D
    384 graphics operations. You can enable hardware-accelerated rendering in your application by setting
    385 {@code android:hardwareAccelerated="true"} in your manifest's <a
    386 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code &lt;application&gt;}</a>
    387 element or for individual <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code
    388 &lt;activity&gt;}</a> elements. Hardware acceleration results in smoother animations, smoother
    389 scrolling, and overall better performance and response to user interaction. When enabled, be sure
    390 that you thoroughly test your application on a device that supports hardware acceleration.</p>
    393 <h3>Enhance your app widgets</h3>
    395 <p>App widgets allow users to access information from your application directly from the Home
    396 screen and interact with ongoing services (such as preview their email and control music playback).
    397 Android 3.0 enhances these capabilities by enabling collections, created with widgets such as
    398 {@link android.widget.ListView}, {@link android.widget.GridView}, and the new {@link
    399 android.widget.StackView}. These widgets allow you to create more interactive app
    400 widgets, such as one with a scrolling list, and can automatically update their data through a {@link
    401 android.widget.RemoteViewsService}.</p>
    403 <p>Additionally, you should create a preview image of your app widget using the Widget Preview
    404 application (pre-installed in an Android 3.0 AVD) and reference it with the {@link
    405 android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#previewImage android:previewImage} attribute, so that users
    406 can see what the app widget looks like before adding it to their Home screen.</p>
    409 <h3>Add other new features</h3>
    411 <p>Android 3.0 introduces many more APIs that you might find valuable for your
    412 application, such as drag and drop APIs, new Bluetooth APIs, a system-wide clipboard framework, a
    413 new graphics engine called Renderscript, and more.</p>
    415 <p>To learn more about the APIs mentioned above and more, see the <a
    416 href="{@docRoot}about/versions/android-3.0.html">Android 3.0 Platform</a> document.</p>
    419 <h3>Look at some samples</h3>
    421 <p>Many of the new features and APIs that are described above and in the <a
    422 href="{@docRoot}about/versions/android-3.0.html#api">Android 3.0 Platform</a> document also have accompanying
    423 samples that allow you to preview the effects and can help you understand how to use them. To get
    424 the samples, download them from the SDK repository <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/exploring.html"
    425 >using the Android SDK Manager</a>. After downloading the samples ("Samples for SDK API
    426 11"), you can find them in <code>&lt;sdk_root&gt;/samples/android-11/</code>. The following list
    427 provides links to the browsable source code for some of the samples:</p>
    429 <ul>
    430   <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/index.html">Honeycomb Gallery</a>:
    431 Demonstrates many new APIs in Android 3.0, including fragments, the action bar, drag and drop, and
    432 animations.</li>
    433   <li><a
    434 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/index.html#Fragment">
    435 Fragments</a>: Various samples that demonstrate fragment layouts, back stack, restoring state, and
    436 more.</li>
    437   <li><a
    438 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/ActionBarMechanics.html"
    439 >Action Bar</a>: Samples that demonstrate various Action Bar features, such as tabs, logos, and
    440 action items.</li>
    441   <li><a
    442 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content/ClipboardSample.html"
    443 >Clipboard</a>: An example of how to use the clipboard for copy and paste operations.</li>
    444   <li><a
    445 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/DragAndDropDemo.html">
    446 Drag and Drop</a>: An example of how to perform drag and drop with new View events.</li>
    447   <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/List15.html">
    448 Multi-choice List</a>: An example of how to provide multiple-choice selection for ListView and
    449 GridView.</li>
    450   <li><a
    451 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/LoaderThrottle.html">
    452 Content Loaders</a>: An example using new Loader APIs to asynchronously load data.</li>      
    453   <li><a
    454 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/index.html">
    455 Property Animation</a>: Several samples using the new animation APIs to animate object
    456 properties.</li>
    457   <li><a
    458 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/SearchViewActionBar.html">
    459 Search View Widget</a>: Example using the new search widget in the Action Bar (as an
    460 "action view").</li>
    461   <li><a
    462 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/RenderScript/index.html">Renderscript</a>: Contains several
    463 different applications that demonstrate using renderscript APIs for computations and 3D
    464 graphics.</li>
    465 </ul>
    469 <h2 id="ManagingAppDist">Managing App Distribution Based on Screen Configuration</h2>
    471 <p>If your manifest file has either <a
    472 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code android:minSdkVersion}</a>
    473 or <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code
    474 android:targetSdkVersion}</a> set to {@code "4"} or higher, then the Android system will scale your
    475 application's layout and assets to fit the current device screen, whether the device screen is
    476 smaller or larger than the one for which you originally designed your application. As such, you
    477 should always test your application on real or <a
    478 href="{@docRoot}tools/devices/index.html">virtual devices</a> with various screen sizes
    479 and densities.</p>
    481 <p>Although we recommend that you design your application to function properly on multiple
    482 configurations of screen size and density, you can instead choose to limit the distribution of your
    483 application to certain types of screens, such as only tablets or only mobile devices. To do so, you
    484 can add elements to your Android manifest file that enable filtering based on screen configuration
    485 by external services such as Google Play.</p>
    487 <p>However, before you decide to restrict your application to certain screen configurations, you
    488 should understand the techniques for <a
    489 href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">supporting multiple screens</a> and employ
    490 them to the best of your ability. By supporting multiple screens, your application can be made
    491 available to the greatest number of users with different devices.</p>
    494 <h3 id="FilteringTabletApps">Filtering a tablet application from mobile devices</h3>
    496 <p>If the system scaling adversely affects your application UI when scaling your application down
    497 for smaller screens, you should add <a
    498 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">alternative
    499 layouts</a> for smaller screens to adjust your layout. However, sometimes your layout still might
    500 not fit a smaller screen or you've explicitly designed your application only for tablets and other
    501 large devices. In this case, you can manage the availability of your application to smaller screens
    502 by using the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html">{@code
    503 &lt;supports-screens>}</a> manifest element.</p>
    505 <p>For example, if you want your application to be available only to extra large
    506 screens, you can declare the element in your manifest like this:</p>
    508 <pre>
    509 &lt;manifest ... >
    510     ...
    511     &lt;supports-screens android:smallScreens="false"
    512                       android:normalScreens="false"
    513                       android:largeScreens="false"
    514                       android:xlargeScreens="true" /&gt;
    515     &lt;application ... >
    516         ...
    517     &lt;application>
    518 &lt;/manifest>
    519 </pre>
    521 <p>External services such as Google Play read this manifest element and use it to ensure that
    522 your application is available only to devices with an extra large screen.</p>
    524 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you use the <a
    525 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html">{@code
    526 &lt;supports-screens>}</a> element for the reverse scenario (when your application is not compatible
    527 with <em>larger</em> screens) and set the larger screen size attributes to {@code "false"}, then
    528 external services such as Google Play <strong>do not</strong> apply filtering. Your application
    529 will still be available to larger screens, but when it runs, it will not fill the screen&mdash;the
    530 system will draw it in a "postage stamp" window that's the same relative size as the screen size
    531 that your application does support. If you want to prevent your application from being downloaded on
    532 larger screens, see the following section.</p>
    535 <h3 id="FilteringMobileApps">Filtering a mobile device application from tablets</h3>
    537 <p>Because Android automatically scales applications to fit larger screens, you shouldn't
    538 need to filter your application from larger screens. However, you might discover that your
    539 application can't scale up or perhaps you've decided to publish two versions of your application
    540 that each deliver different features for different screen configurations, so you don't want
    541 larger devices to download the version designed for smaller screens. In such a case, you can
    542 use the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/compatible-screens-element.html">{@code
    543 &lt;compatible-screens>}</a> element to manage the distribution of your application based on the
    544 combination of screen size and density. External services such as
    545 Google Play uses this information to apply filtering to your application, so that only devices
    546 that have a screen configuration with which you declare compatibility can download your
    547 application.</p>
    549 <p>The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/compatible-screens-element.html">{@code
    550 &lt;compatible-screens>}</a> element must contain one or more {@code &lt;screen&gt;} elements,
    551 which each specify a screen configuration with which your application is compatible, using both
    552 the {@code android:screenSize} and {@code android:screenDensity} attributes. Each {@code
    553 &lt;screen&gt;} element <strong>must include both attributes</strong> to specify an individual
    554 screen configuration&mdash;if either attribute is missing, then the element is invalid
    555 (external services such as Google Play will ignore it).</p>
    557 <p>For example, if your application is compatible with only small and normal screens, regardless
    558 of screen density, then you must specify eight different {@code &lt;screen&gt;} elements,
    559 because each screen size has four density configurations. You must declare each one of
    560 these; any combination of size and density that you do <em>not</em> specify is considered a screen
    561 configuration with which your application is <em>not</em> compatible. Here's what the manifest
    562 entry looks like if your application is compatible with only small and normal screens:</p>
    564 <pre>
    565 &lt;manifest ... >
    566     ...
    567     &lt;compatible-screens>
    568         &lt;!-- all small size screens -->
    569         &lt;screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="ldpi" />
    570         &lt;screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="mdpi" />
    571         &lt;screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="hdpi" />
    572         &lt;screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="xhdpi" />
    573         &lt;!-- all normal size screens -->
    574         &lt;screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="ldpi" />
    575         &lt;screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="mdpi" />
    576         &lt;screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="hdpi" />
    577         &lt;screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="xhdpi" />
    578     &lt;/compatible-screens>
    579     &lt;application ... >
    580         ...
    581     &lt;application>
    582 &lt;/manifest>
    583 </pre>
    585 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although you can also use the <a
    586 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/compatible-screens-element.html">{@code
    587 &lt;compatible-screens>}</a> element for the reverse scenario (when your application is not
    588 compatible with smaller screens), it's easier if you instead use the <a
    589 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html">{@code
    590 &lt;supports-screens>}</a> as discussed in the previous section, because it doesn't require you
    591 to specify each screen density your application supports.</p>
    593 <p>Remember, you should strive to make your application available to as many devices as possible by
    594 applying all necessary techniques for <a
    595 href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/screens_support.html">supporting multiple screens</a>. You should
    596 then use the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/compatible-screens-element.html">{@code
    597 &lt;compatible-screens>}</a> element to filter your application from certain devices only when you
    598 cannot offer compatibility on all screen configurations or you have decided to provide
    599 multiple versions of your application, each for a different set of screen configurations.</p>
    603 <h2 id="Issues">Other Issues</h2>
    605 <p>Whether you decide to optimize or upgrade your application for tablet-type devices, you
    606 should be aware that the functionality and availability of your application on new devices
    607 might be affected by the following issues:</p>
    609 <ul>
    610   <li><a href="#Landscape">Tablets are often designed for use in the landscape orientation</a>
    611   <p>Tablets and similar devices often have a screen that uses the landscape orientation
    612 by default. If your application assumes a portrait orientation or locks into portrait
    613 orientation, you should update your application to support landscape.</p></li>
    614   <li><a href="#Telephony">Not all devices have telephony or other features</a>
    615   <p>If your application declares the {@code "android.hardware.telephony"} feature in the manifest,
    616 then it will not be available to devices that do not offer telephony (such as tablets), based on
    617 Google Play filtering. If your application can function properly without telephony, you should
    618 update your application to gracefully disable the telephony features when not available on a
    619 device.</p></li>
    620 </ul>
    623 <h3 id="Landscape">Adding support for landscape screens</h3>
    625 <p>Although tablets can rotate to operate in any orientation, they are often designed for
    626 landscape orientation and that is how most users will use them. So, you should ensure that your
    627 application can function in landscape. Even if you want to avoid rotating the screen while your
    628 application is running, you should not assume that portrait is the device's default orientation. You
    629 should either ensure that your layout is usable in both portrait and landscape orientations or
    630 provide an <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources" 
    631 >alternative layout resource</a> for landscape orientation.</p>
    633 <p>If you believe your application or game provides its best experience when the screen is tall,
    634 consider that tablets and similar devices have a screen that's as tall or taller in landscape
    635 orientation than a phone in portrait orientation. With that in mind, you might be able to add a
    636 landscape design that adds padding or extra landscape scenery on the left and right sides, so
    637 the primary screen space still remains taller than it is wide.</p>
    639 <p>Ideally, your application should handle all orientation changes instead of locking into one
    640 orientation. When the user rotates the screen, the system restarts the current activity by calling
    641 {@link android.app.Activity#onDestroy onDestroy()} and {@link android.app.Activity#onCreate
    642 onCreate()}) in immediate succession. You should design your activity to account for these changes
    643 in the lifecycle, so the activity can save and restore its state. You can learn about the
    644 necessary lifecycle callback methods and how to save and restore the activity state in the <a
    645 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/activities.html#Lifecycle">Activities</a>
    646 document. If your activity state is more complex and cannot retain it using the normal
    647 lifecycle callback methods, you can use alternative techniques described in <a
    648 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/runtime-changes.html">Handling Runtime Changes</a>.</p>
    650 <p>In the worst-case scenario, however, you can avoid orientation changes by using the <a
    651 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html#screen">{@code
    652 android:screenOrientation}</a> attribute in the <a
    653 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a>
    654 element. Instead of locking the orientation in landscape or portrait, however, you should
    655 specify a value of {@code "nosensor"}. This way, your activity uses whatever orientation the
    656 device specifies as its natural orientation and the screen will not rotate. You should still
    657 avoid using the <a
    658 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html#screen">{@code
    659 android:screenOrientation}</a> attribute, but because it's sometimes necessary to lock the
    660 screen into one orientation, it's best if you do so in a way that uses the device's natural
    661 orientation instead of assuming one specific orientation.</p>
    663 <p>If your application uses the orientation sensors, such as the accelerometer (with the {@link
    664 android.hardware.SensorManager} APIs), also be aware that the landscape screen can also cause
    665 problems, due to false assumptions about which orientation is the natural position. For more
    666 information about how you should properly handle rotation changes when using the orientation
    667 sensors, read the blog post, <a
    668 href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/09/one-screen-turn-deserves-another.html">One
    669 Screen Turn Deserves Another</a>.</p>
    673 <h3 id="Telephony">Using telephony or other variable features</h3>
    675 <p>Tablets and similar devices might not include support for telephony, so they can't make
    676 traditional phone calls or handle SMS. Some devices might also omit
    677 other hardware features, such as Bluetooth. If your application uses these features, then your
    678 manifest file probably already includes (or should include) a declaration of the feature with the <a
    679 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html">{@code &lt;uses-feature&gt;}</a>
    680 element. Doing so prevents devices that do not declare support for the feature from downloading
    681 your applications. For example:</p>
    683 <pre>&lt;uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" /></pre>
    685 <p>By default, this declares that your application <em>requires</em> telephony features. So,
    686 external services such as Google Play use this information to filter your application from
    687 devices that do not offer telephony.</p>
    689 <p>If, however, your application uses, but does not require the feature, you should
    690 add to this element, {@code android:required="false"}. For example:</p>
    692 <pre>&lt;uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" android:required="false" /></pre>
    694 <p>This indicates that your application uses the feature, but is still functional if the feature is
    695 not available. So, it should still be available to devices that don't provide telephony hardware
    696 (or telephony features), such as tablets.</p>
    698 <p>Then in your application code, you must gracefully disable the features that use telephony
    699 when it's not available. You can check whether the feature is available using {@link
    700 android.content.pm.PackageManager#hasSystemFeature PackageManager.hasSystemFeature()}. For
    701 example:</p>
    703 <pre>
    704 PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
    705 boolean hasTelephony = pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TELEPHONY);
    706 </pre>
    708 <p>For more information about these
    709 issues and how to future-proof your application for different hardware, read the blog post <a
    710 href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/10/five-steps-to-future-hardware-happiness.html">
    711 The Five Steps to Future Hardware Happiness</a>.</p>