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      1 page.title=Activity and Task Design Guidelines
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      5 @jd:body
     10 <div id="deprecatedSticker">
     11   <a href="#" 
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     13     <strong>This doc is deprecated</strong></a>
     14 </div>
     17 <div id="naMessage" style="display:block">
     18 <div><p><strong>This document has been deprecated.</strong></p>
     19  <p>For information about designing an activity structure and navigation, read the design guidelines
     20 for <a href="{@docRoot}design/patterns/app-structure.html">App Structure</a> and
     21 <a href="{@docRoot}design/patterns/navigation.html">Navigation</a>, or the developer guide
     22 about <a
     23 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/tasks-and-back-stack.html">Tasks and Back Stack</a>.</p>
     25  <input style="margin-top:1em;padding:5px" type="button"
     26         value="That's nice, but I still want to read this document"
     27 onclick="$('#naMessage').hide();$('#deprecatedSticker').show()" />
     28 </div>
     29 </div>
     44 <div id="qv-wrapper">
     45 <div id="qv">
     47 <h2>Quickview</h2>
     49 <ul>
     50 <li>Activities are the main building blocks of Android applications. </li>
     51 <li>In addition to writing your own activities, you are free to re-use activities from many other applications through intents.</li>
     52 <li>You can enable activities in your application to be started from intents in other applications.</li>
     53 <li>In nearly all cases, the activity stack just works as expected.</li>
     54     In a couple of cases you might need to ensure the right thing happens by setting a string or flag.</li>
     55 </ul>
     57 <h2>In this document</h2>
     59 <ol>
     60   <li><a href=#applications_activities>Applications, Activities, Activity Stack and Tasks</a>
     61   </li>
     62   <li><a href=#tour>A Tour of Activities and Tasks
     63     <ol>
     64       <li><a href=#starting_an_activity_from_home>Starting an Activity from Home</a></li>
     65       <li><a href=#navigating_away_from_an_activity>Navigating Away from an Activity</a></li>
     66       <li><a href=#reusing_an_activity>Re-using an Activity</a></li>
     67       <li><a href=#replacing_an_activity>Replacing an Activity</a></li>
     68       <li><a href=#multitasking>Multitasking</a></li>
     69       <li><a href=#launching_from_two_entry_points>Launching from Two Entry Points</a></li>
     70       <li><a href=#intents>Intents</a></li>
     71       <li><a href=#switching_between_tasks>Switching Between Tasks</a></li>
     72     </ol>
     73   </li>
     74   <li><a href=#tips>Design Tips
     75     <ol>
     76       <li><a href=#activity_not_reused_tip>Don't specify intent filters in an activity that won't be re-used</a></li>
     77       <!-- <li><a href=#others_to_reuse_tip>Don't define your own URI schemes</a></li> -->
     78       <li><a href=#reusing_tip>Handle case where no activity matches</a></li>
     79       <li><a href=#activity_launching_tip>Consider how to launch your activities</a></li>
     80       <li><a href=#activities_added_to_task_tip>Allow activities to add to current task</a></li>
     81       <li><a href=#notifications_get_back_tip>Notifications and App Widgets should provide consistent back behavior</li>
     82       <li><a href=#use_notification_tip>Use the notification system</a></li>
     83       <li><a href=#taking_over_back_key>Don't take over <em>Back</em> button unless you absolutely
     84 need to</a></li>
     85     </ol>
     86   </li>
     87 </ol>
     89 <h2>See also</h2>
     91 <ol>
     92   <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fundamentals.html">Application Fundamentals</a></li>
     93 </ol>
     95 </div>
     96 </div>
     98 <p>
     99   This document describes core principles of the Android application
    100   framework, from a high-level, user-centric perspective useful to
    101   interaction and application designers as well as application
    102   developers.
    103 </p>
    105 <p>
    106   It illustrates activities and tasks with examples, and describes some
    107   of their underlying principles and mechanisms, such as navigation,
    108   multitasking, activity re-use, intents, and the activity stack. 
    109   The document also highlights design decisions that are available to you
    110   and what control they give you over the UI of your application.
    111 </p>
    113 <p>
    114   This document draws examples from several Android applications,
    115   including default applications (such as Dialer) and Google
    116   applications (such as Maps).  You can try out the examples yourself in
    117   the Android emulator or on an Android-powered device. If you are using
    118   a device, note that your device may not offer all of the example
    119   applications used in this document.
    120 </p>
    122 <p>
    123   Be sure to look at the <a href="#design_tips">Design Tips</a> section
    124   for guidelines, tips, and things to avoid. This document is a
    125   complement to the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fundamentals.html">Application
    126 Fundamentals</a> documentation (particularly the <a
    127 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/tasks-and-back-stack.html">Tasks and Back Stack</a>
    128 document),
    129   which covers the underlying mechanics for programmers.
    130 </p>
    132 <h2 id="applications_activities">Applications, Activities, Activity Stack and Tasks</h2>
    134 <p>
    135   Four fundamental concepts in the Android system that are helpful for you to understand are:
    136 </p>
    138 <ul>
    139   <li>Applications
    140   <li>Activities
    141   <li>Activity Stack
    142   <li>Tasks
    143 </ul>
    145 <h3 id=applications>Applications</h3>
    147 <p>
    148   An Android <em>application</em> typically consists of one or more
    149   related, loosely bound activities <!--(and possibly 
    150   <a href=#services_broadcast_receivers title="other components">other
    151   components</a>)--> for the user to interact with, typically bundled up
    152   in a single file (with an .apk suffix). Android ships with a rich set
    153   of applications that may include email, calendar, browser, maps, text
    154   messaging, contacts, camera, dialer, music player, settings and
    155   others.
    156 </p>
    158 <p>
    159   Android has an application launcher available at the Home screen,
    160   typically in a sliding drawer which displays applications as icons,
    161   which the user can pick to start an application.
    162 </p>
    165 <h3 id=activities>Activities</h3>
    167 <p>
    168   <em>Activities</em> are the main building blocks of Android
    169   applications. When you create an application, you can assemble it from
    170   activities that you create and from activities you re-use from other
    171   applications. These activities are bound at runtime, so that newly
    172   installed applications can take advantage of already installed
    173   activities.  Once assembled, activities work together to form a
    174   cohesive user interface. An activity has a distinct visual user
    175   interface designed around a single, well-bounded purpose, such as
    176   viewing, editing, dialing the phone, taking a photo, searching,
    177   sending data, starting a voice command, or performing some other type
    178   of user action. Any application that presents anything on the display
    179   must have at least one activity responsible for that display.
    180 </p>
    182 <p>
    183   When using an Android device, as the user moves through the user
    184   interface they start activities one after the other, totally oblivious
    185   to the underlying behavior &mdash; to them the experience should be
    186   seamless, activity after activity, <a href="#tasks">task</a> after
    187   task.
    188 </p>
    190 <p>
    191   An activity handles a particular type of content (data) and accepts a
    192   set of related user actions. Each activity has a 
    193   <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/activities.html#Lifecycle">lifecycle</a> that is
    194 independent of the other
    195   activities in its application or task &mdash; each activity is
    196   launched (started) independently, and the user or system can start,
    197   run, pause, resume, stop and restart it as needed. Because of this
    198   independence, activities can be re-used and replaced by other
    199   activities in a variety of ways.
    200 </p>
    202 <p>
    203   The Dialer application is an example of an application that consists
    204   basically of four activities: dialer, contacts list, view contact, and
    205   new contact, as shown in the following screenshots:
    206 </p>
    208       <table style="border: none;">
    209         <tbody>
    210         <tr>
    211           <td style="border: none !important;">
    212             <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ContactsDialer.png>
    213             <div style=TEXT-ALIGN:center>
    214               Dialer
    215             </div>
    216           </td>
    217           <td style="border: none !important;">
    218             <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ContactsList.png>
    219             <div style=TEXT-ALIGN:center>
    220               Contacts
    221             </div>
    222           </td>
    223           <td style="border: none !important;">
    224             <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ContactView.png>
    225             <div style=TEXT-ALIGN:center>
    226               View Contact
    227             </div>
    228           </td>
    229           <td style="border: none !important;">
    230             <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ContactNew.png>
    231             <div style=TEXT-ALIGN:center>
    232                New Contact
    233             </div>
    234           </td>
    235         </tr>
    236         </tbody>
    237       </table>
    239 <p>
    240   Here are other examples of applications and the activities they might contain:
    241 </p>
    243     <ul>
    244       <li>
    245         Email - activities to view folders, view list of messages,
    246         view a message, compose a message, and set up an account
    247       </li>
    248       <li>
    249         Calendar - activities to view day, view week, view month, view
    250         agenda, edit an event, edit preferences, and view an alert
    251       </li>
    252       <li>
    253         Camera - activities for running the camera, viewing the list
    254         of pictures, viewing a picture, cropping a picture, running
    255         the camcorder, viewing the list of movies, and viewing a movie
    256       </li>
    257       <li>
    258         Game - one activity to play the game, typically another for setup
    259       </li>
    260       <li>
    261         Maps - one activity to view a location on a map, a second for lists
    262         (such as turn list or friend list), and a third for details
    263         (friend location, status, photo)
    264       </li>
    265     </ul>
    268 <p>
    269   An activity is the most prominent of four <em>components</em> of an
    270   application. The other components are service, content provider and
    271   broadcast receiver. For more details on activities, see the
    272   <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/activities.html">Activities</a> document.
    273 </p>
    276 <h3 id="activity_stack">Activity Stack</h3>
    278 <p>
    279   As the user moves from activity to activity, across applications, the
    280   Android system keeps a linear navigation history of activities the
    281   user has visited. This is the <em>activity stack</em>, also known as the
    282   back stack. In general, when a user starts a new activity, it is added
    283   to the activity stack, so that pressing <em>Back</em> displays the previous
    284   activity on the stack. However, the user cannot use the <em>Back</em> button to go
    285   back further than the last visit to Home. The adding of an activity to
    286   the current stack happens whether or not that activity begins a new 
    287   <a href=#tasks title=task>task</a> (as long as that task was started
    288   without going Home), so going back can let the user go back to
    289   activities in previous tasks. The user can get to tasks earlier than
    290   the most recent Home by selecting its root activity from the
    291   application launcher, a shortcut, or the "Recent tasks" screen.
    292 </p>
    294 <p>
    295   Activities are the only things that can be added to the activity stack
    296   &mdash; views, windows, menus, and dialogs cannot. That is, when
    297   designing the navigation, if you have screen A and you want the user
    298   to be able go to a subsequent screen B and then use the <em>Back</em> button to go
    299   back to screen A, then the screen A needs to be implemented as an
    300   activity. The one exception to this rule is if your application 
    301   <a href="#taking_over_back_key">takes control of the <em>Back</em> button</a> and manages the
    302 navigation
    303 itself.
    304 </p>
    308 <h3 id=tasks>Tasks</h3>
    310 <p>
    311   A <em>task</em> is the sequence of activities the user follows to
    312   accomplish an objective, regardless of which applications the
    313   activities belong to. Until a new task is explicitly specified (see
    314   "Interrupting the Task"), all activities the user starts are
    315   considered to be part of the current task. It's notable that these
    316   activities can be in any application &mdash; that is, all in the same
    317   application or in different ones. That is, a task that starts out in
    318   contacts can continue, by choosing an email address, to an email
    319   activity and then, by attaching a file, to a picture gallery to pick
    320   from. Contacts, email and picture gallery are all separate
    321   applications.
    322 </p>
    324 <p>
    325   The activity that starts a task is called the <em>root activity</em>.
    326   It is often, but not necessarily, started from the application
    327   launcher, Home screen shortcut or "Recent tasks" switcher (a long
    328   press on Home on some devices). The user can return to a task by
    329   choosing the icon for its root activity the same way they started the
    330   task. Once inside a task, the <em>Back</em> button goes to previous activities in
    331   that task. The activity stack is made up of one or more tasks.
    332 </p>
    334 <p>
    335   Here are some examples of tasks:
    336 </p>
    338     <ul>
    339       <li>
    340         Send a text message with an attachment
    341       </li>
    342       <li>
    343         View a YouTube video and share it by email with someone else 
    344       </li>
    345     </ul>
    347 <p>
    348   <b>Interrupting the Task</b> - An important property of a task is that
    349   the user can interrupt what they're doing (their task) to perform a
    350   different task, then are able to return to where they left off to
    351   complete the original task. The idea is that users can run multiple
    352   tasks simultaneously and switch between them. There are two primary
    353   ways to jump off to that other task &mdash; in both cases the user
    354   should be able to return to where they were before the interruption:
    355 </p>
    358   <ul>
    359     <li>
    360       User is interrupted by a notification  a notification appears and the user wants to act on it
    361     </li>
    362     <li>
    363       User deciding to perform another task  user just presses Home and starts an application
    364     </li>
    365   </ul>
    367 <p>
    368   Of course, there are exceptions to the rules. Beyond the two ways just
    369   mentioned, there is a third way to start a task, and that is by
    370   starting an activity that defines itself as a new task. Maps and
    371   Browser are two applications that do this. For example, choosing an
    372   address in an email starts the Maps activity as a new task, and
    373   choosing a link in an email starts the Browser activity as a new
    374   task. In these cases, the <em>Back</em> button will return to the previous
    375   activity in a different task (Email), because it was not started from
    376   Home.
    377 </p>
    380 <h2 id="tour">A Tour of Activities and Tasks</h2>
    382 <p>
    383   The following examples illustrate basic principles for applications,
    384   activities, the activity stack, the <em>Back</em> button, tasks and intents.  It
    385   shows how the system responds to user actions such as starting
    386   activities and switching between tasks.  With most of these examples
    387   you can follow along, launching activities on your device as
    388   indicated.
    389 </p>
    392 <h3 id=starting_an_activity_from_home>Starting an Activity from Home</h3>
    394 <p>
    395   Home is the starting place for most applications. (Some applications
    396   can be launched only from other applications.) When the user touches
    397   an icon in the application launcher (or a shortcut on the Home
    398   screen), the main activity for that application is launched into the
    399   foreground where it has user focus. As shown in the following figure,
    400   the user action of going Home and touching the Email icon launches the
    401   List Messages activity of the Email application. The Home activity
    402   remains stopped in the background, ready to restart when called on by
    403   the user.
    404 </p>
    406 <p>
    407   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskBasics1a.png>
    408 </p>
    410 <h3 id=navigating_away_from_an_activity>Navigating Away from an Activity with <em>Back</em> and
    411 <em>Home</em> buttons</h3>
    413 <p>
    414   An activity can keep or lose its state depending on how the user
    415   leaves the activity &mdash; by the <em>Home</em> or <em>Back</em> button.
    416 </p>
    418 <p>
    419   By default, pressing the <em>Back</em> button finishes (destroys) the current
    420   activity and displays the previous activity to the user. In the
    421   following figure, the user starts email by touching the Email icon in
    422   the Home screen, which displays a list of email messages. The user
    423   scrolls down the list (changing its initial state). Pressing <em>Back</em>
    424   destroys the List Messages activity and returns to the previous
    425   activity, which is Home. If the user re-launches Email, it would
    426   re-load the messages and display its initial, non-scrolled state.
    427 </p>
    429 <p>
    430   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskBasics1b.png>
    431 </p>
    433 <p>
    434   In the above example, pressing <em>Back</em> goes to Home because it was the
    435   last activity the user was viewing. But if the user had gotten to List
    436   Message from some other activity, then pressing <em>Back</em> would have
    437   returned there.
    438 </p>
    440 <p>
    441   By contrast, the next figure shows the user leaving List Messages by
    442   pressing <em>Home</em> instead of <em>Back</em> &mdash; the List Messages activity is
    443   stopped and moved to the background rather than being
    444   destroyed. Starting Email again from its icon would simply bring the
    445   List Messages activity to the foreground (changing it from stopped to
    446   running) in the same scrolled state the user last left it.
    447 </p>
    449 <p>
    450   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskBasics1c.png>
    451 </p>
    453 <p>
    454   <b>Exceptions.</b> Some background activities return to their initial
    455   screen (they lose any state, such as scrolling) when they are brought
    456   to the foreground. This is true for Contacts and Gallery. If the user
    457   chooses Home &gt; Contacts then chooses a contact, they are viewing
    458   the details of a contact. If they start again by choosing Home &gt;
    459   Contacts, they are presented with the initial list of contacts rather
    460   than the contact they were last viewing. Contacts is designed this way
    461   because this initial screen is the main entry point for the
    462   application with four tabs for accessing the full range of features.
    463 </p>
    465 <p>
    466   In addition, not all activities have the behavior that they are
    467   destroyed when <em>Back</em> is pressed. When the user starts playing music in
    468   the Music application and then presses <em>Back</em>, the application overrides
    469   the normal back behavior, preventing the player activity from being
    470   destroyed, and continues playing music, even though its activity is no
    471   longer visible &mdash; as a visual substitute, the Music application
    472   places a notification in the status bar so the user still has an easy
    473   way to get to the application to stop or control the music. Note that
    474   you can write an activity to stop when its screen is no longer
    475   visible, or to continue running in the background &mdash; the latter
    476   was chosen for the music player.
    477 </p>
    480 <h3 id=reusing_an_activity>Re-using an Activity</h3>
    482 <p>
    483   When activity A starts activity B in a different application, activity
    484   B is said to be <em>re-used</em>. This use case normally takes place
    485   because activity A is lacking a capability and can find it in activity B.
    486 </p>
    488 <p>
    489   <b>Contacts Re-Uses Gallery to Get a Picture</b> - The Contacts
    490   activity has a field for a picture of a contact, but the Gallery is
    491   normally where pictures are kept. So Contacts can re-use the Gallery
    492   activity to get a picture. This is a good example of re-use of the
    493   Gallery activity. The following figure illustrates the sequence of
    494   activities to do this (up to crop). This is how it's done: The user
    495   chooses Contacts, selects the contact for viewing, chooses <em>Menu</em> &gt;
    496   Edit contact and touches the picture field, which launches the Gallery
    497   activity. The user then chooses the picture they want, crops and saves
    498   it. Saving it causes the picture to be inserted into the picture field
    499   in the contact.
    500 </p>
    502 <p>
    503   Notice the Gallery returns a picture to the Contacts application that
    504   started it. The next example illustrates re-use of an activity that
    505   does not return a result. Also notice that the following figure is
    506   illustrates the navigation history through the activities, or the
    507   activity stack &mdash; the user can back up through each activity all
    508   the way to Home.
    509 </p>
    511 <p>
    512   When designing an application, it's good to think about how it can
    513   re-use activities in other applications, and how your activities might
    514   be re-used by other applications. If you add an activity with the same
    515   <a href=#intents title="intent filter">intent filter</a> as an
    516   existing activity, then the system presents the user with a choice
    517   between the activities.
    518 </p>
    520 <p>
    521   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ReusingAnActivity1.png>
    522 </p>
    524 <p>
    525   <b>Gallery Re-Uses Messaging for Sharing a Picture</b> - Sharing is
    526   another good example of one application re-using an activity from a
    527   different application. As shown in the following figure, the user
    528   starts Gallery, picks a picture to view, chooses <em>Menu</em> &gt; Share, and
    529   picks "Messaging". This starts the Messaging activity, creates a new
    530   message and attaches the original picture to it. The user then fills
    531   in the "To" field, writes a short message and sends it. User focus
    532   remains in the Messaging program. If the user wants to go back to the
    533   Gallery, they must press the <em>Back</em> button. (The user can back up through
    534   each activity all the way to Home.)
    535 </p>
    537 <p>
    538   In contrast to the previous example, this re-use of the Messaging
    539   activity does not return anything to the Gallery activity that started it.
    540 </p>
    542 <p>
    543   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ReusingAnActivity2.png>
    544 </p>
    546 <p>
    547   Both of these examples illustrate tasks &mdash; a sequence of
    548   activities that accomplish an objective. Each case uses activities
    549   from two different applications to get the job done.
    550 </p>
    553 <h3 id=replacing_an_activity>Replacing an Activity</h3>
    555 <p>
    556   This is the use case where activity A replaces activity B in a
    557   different application. This situation normally happens because
    558   activity A is better at doing the job than activity B. In other words,
    559   A and B are equivalent enough that A can replace B. This case stands
    560   in contrast with re-using an activity, where A and B are quite
    561   different activities and supplement each other.
    562 </p>
    564 <p>
    565   In this example, the user has downloaded a replacement for the Phone
    566   Ringtone activity, called Rings Extended. Now when they go to
    567   Settings, Sound &amp; Display, Phone Ringtone, the system presents
    568   them with a choice between the Android System's ringtone activity and
    569   the new one. This dialog box has an option to remember their choice
    570   "Use by default for this action". When they choose "Rings Extended",
    571   that activity loads, replacing the original Android ringtone activity.
    572 </p>
    574 <p>
    575   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ReplacingAnActivity.png>
    576 </p>
    578 <h3 id=multitasking>Multitasking</h3>
    580 <p>
    581   As previously noted, when an activity has been launched, the user can
    582   go to Home and launch a second activity without destroying the first
    583   activity. This scenario demonstrates launching the Maps application.
    584 </p>
    586   <ul>
    587     <li>
    588       State 1 - The user launches the View Map activity and searches
    589       for a map location. Let's say the network is slow, so the map is
    590       taking an unusually long taking time to draw.
    591     </li>
    592   </ul>
    593   <ul>
    594     <li>
    595       State 2 - The user wants to do something else while they're
    596       waiting, so they press <em>Home</em>, which does not interrupt the map's
    597       network connection and allows the map to continue loading in the
    598       background.
    600     </li>
    602     <li>
    603       State 3 - The map activity is now running in the background,
    604       with Home in the foreground. The user then launches the Calendar
    605       activity, which launches into the foreground, taking user focus,
    606       where they view today's calendar (as indicated by the heavy
    607       outline).
    608     </li>
    609   </ul>
    611 <p>
    612 <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskBasics1d.png>
    613 </p>
    614       <ul>
    615         <li>
    616           State 4 - The user presses Home, then Maps to return to the map, which by now has fully loaded.
    617         </li>
    618       </ul>
    620 <p>
    621   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskBasics1e.png>
    622 </p>
    624 <p>
    625   The application launcher at Home has launched "View Map" and "Day
    626   View" activities into separate <em>tasks</em>, hence the system is
    627   multitasking &mdash; running multiple <a href=#tasks
    628   title=tasks>tasks</a>.
    629 </p>
    632 <h3 id=launching_from_two_entry_points>Launching from Two Entry Points</h3>
    634 <p>
    635   Every application must have at least one entry point &mdash; a way
    636   for the user or system to access activities inside the
    637   application. Each icon in the application launcher at home
    638   represents an entry point. Applications can also be launched from another
    639   application. Each activity is a potential entry point into the
    640   application.&nbsp;
    641 </p>
    643 <p>
    644   The phone application has two entry points: Contacts and Dialer. A
    645   user entering from Contacts can choose a phone number to launch the
    646   Dialer. As shown in the following figure, a user could choose the
    647   Contacts icon to launch the Contacts activity, then pick a phone
    648   number to launch the Dialer activity and dial the phone.
    649 </p>
    651 <p>
    652   Once the user is inside the application, they can access other
    653   activities, such as New Contact and Edit Contact, through tabs, menu
    654   items, list items, onscreen buttons, or other user interface
    655   controls.
    656 </p>
    658 <p>
    659 <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/PhoneActivitiesDiagram.png>
    660 </p>
    662 <h3 id=intents>Intents</h3>
    664 <p>
    665   When the user takes an action on some data, such as touching a
    666   mailto:info (a] example.com link, they are actually initiating an Intent
    667   object, or just an <em>intent</em>,  which then gets resolved to a
    668   particular component (we consider only activity components here).
    669   So, the result of a user touching a mailto: link is an Intent object 
    670   that the system tries to match to an activity. If that Intent object was
    671   written explicitly naming an activity (an <em>explicit intent</em>),
    672   then the system immediately launches that activity in response to the user
    673   action. However, if that Intent object was written without naming an
    674   activity (an <em>implicit intent</em>), the system compares the Intent
    675   object to the <em>intent filters</em> of available activities. If more
    676   than one activity can handle the action and data, the system
    677   displays an activity chooser for the user to choose from.
    678 </p>
    680 <p>
    681   This example of touching the mailto: link is shown in the following
    682   figure. If the device has two email applications set up, when a user
    683   touches a mailto: email address on a web page, the result is an
    684   Intent object which displays a dialog box with a choice between the
    685   two activities to compose an email (Gmail and Email).
    686 </p>
    688 <p>
    689   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/IntentsDiagram.png>
    690 </p>
    692 <p>
    693   Here are some examples of Intent objects and the activities they resolve to:
    694 </p>
    696   <ul>
    697     <li>
    698       View the list of contacts - resolves to a contact list viewer activity
    699     </li>
    701     <li>
    702       View a particular contact - resolves to a contact viewer activity
    703     </li>
    705     <li>
    706       Edit a particular contact - resolves to a contact editor activity
    707     </li>
    709     <li>
    710       Send to a particular email - resolves to an email activity
    711     </li>
    713     <li>
    714       Dial a phone number - resolves to a phone dialer activity
    715     </li>
    717     <li>
    718        View the list of images - resolves to an image list viewer activity
    719     </li>
    721     <li>
    722         View a particular image - resolves to an image viewer activity
    723     </li>
    725     <li>
    726         Crop a particular image - resolves to an image cropper activity
    727     </li>
    728   </ul>
    730 <p>
    731   Notice that an Intent object specifies two things, an action and data:
    732 </p>
    734     <ul>
    735       <li>
    736         A generic action to be performed. In these examples: view, edit, dial or crop
    737       </li>
    739       <li>
    740         The specific data to be acted on. In these examples: the list of contacts, a particular contact, a phone number, the list of images, or a particular image
    741       </li>
    742     </ul>
    744     <p>
    745       Note that any user action to start an activity from the
    746       application launcher at Home is an explicit intent to a specific
    747       activity. Likewise, some activities launch private activities
    748       within their application as explicit intents so no other activity
    749       can access them.
    750     </p>
    752     <p>
    753       For more about intents, see <a
    754 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/intents-filters.html">Intents and Intent Filters</a>.
    755     </p>
    758 <h3 id=switching_between_tasks>Switching Between Tasks</h3>
    760 <p>
    761   This scenario shows how the user can switch between two tasks. In
    762   this example, the user writes a text message, attaches a picture,
    763   but before they are done they glance at their calendar. They then
    764   return to where they left off, attaching the picture and sending the
    765   message.
    766 </p>
    768     <ol>
    769       <li>
    770         <b>Start first task.</b> You want to send a text message and attach a photo. You would choose:
    772         <p>
    773           Home &gt; Messaging &gt; New message &gt; <em>Menu</em> &gt; Attach
    774           &gt; Pictures. This last step launches the picture gallery
    775           for picking a photo. Notice that picture gallery is an
    776           activity in a separate application.
    777         </p>
    780         <table>
    781           <tbody>
    782             <tr>
    783             <td valign=top style="border: none !important;">
    784               <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskSwitching1a.png>
    785             </td>
    786             <td valign=top style="border: none !important;">
    787               <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskSwitching1b.png>
    788             </td>
    789             <td valign=top style="border: none !important;">
    790               <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskSwitching1c.png>
    791             </td>
    792             </tr>
    793           </tbody>
    794         </table>
    796         <p>
    797           At this point, before you have picked a picture, you decide
    798           to stop and glance at your calendar, which is a separate
    799           task. Because the current activity has no button to go
    800           directly to the Calendar, you need to start from Home.
    801         </p>
    803       </li>
    804       <li>
    805         <b>Start second task.</b> You choose Home &gt; Calendar to
    806         look at a calendar event. Calendar launches from Home as a new
    807         task because the application launcher creates a new task for
    808         each application it launches.
    810         <p>
    811       <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskSwitching2.png>
    812         </p>
    813       </li>
    815       <li>
    816         <b>Switch to first task and complete it.</b> When done looking
    817         at the Calendar, you can return to attaching the picture by
    818         starting the root activity again for that task: choose Home
    819         &gt; Messaging, which takes you not to Messaging, but directly
    820         to the Picture gallery, where you left off. You can then pick
    821         a photo, which is added to the message, you send the message
    822         and you're done with the first task.
    824       <table>
    825         <tbody>
    826         <tr>
    828           <td valign=top style="border: none !important;">
    829             <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskSwitching3a.png>
    830           </td>
    832           <td valign=top style="border: none !important;">
    833             <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskSwitching3b.png>
    834           </td>
    836           <td valign=top style="border: none !important;">
    837             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/HomeTaskSwitching3c.png>
    838           </td>
    840         </tr>
    841         </tbody>
    842       </table>
    843       </li>
    844     </ol>
    847 <h2 id="tips">Design Tips</h2>
    849 <p>
    850   The following are tips and guidelines for application designers and developers.
    851 </p>
    853 <h3 id=activity_not_reused_tip>When writing an activity that won't be re-used, don't specify intent filters &mdash; use explicit intents</h3>
    855 <p>
    856   If you're writing an activity that you don't want other activities
    857   to use, be sure not to add any intent filters to that activity. This
    858   applies to an activity that will be launched only from the
    859   application launcher or from other activities inside your
    860   application. Instead, just create intents specifying the explicit
    861   component to launch &mdash; that is, explicit intents. In this case,
    862   there's just no need for intent filters. Intent filters are
    863   published to all other applications, so if you make an intent
    864   filter, what you're doing is publishing access to your activity,
    865   which means you can cause unintentional security holes.
    866 </p>
    868 <!--
    869 <h3 id="others_to_reuse_tip">When writing an activity for others to re-use, don't define your own URI schemes</h3>
    871 <p>
    872   If publishing to others, don't define your own URI schemes in an
    873   Intent type. Schemes (such as http: and mailto:) are an Internet
    874   standard with a universal namespace outside of just Android, so you
    875   aren't allowed to just make up your own. Instead, you should just
    876   define your own actions. The action namespace is designed to not
    877   have conflicts. Typically, your activity has one scheme with many
    878   different actions.
    879 </p>
    881 <p>
    882   Example: You want to show the user a bar code for some text. The
    883   wrong way to do this is for the intent filter protocol to be
    884   &lt;action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /&gt; and
    885   &lt;data android:scheme="barcode" /&gt;. Do not do this.
    886 </p>
    888 <p>
    889   Instead you should define &lt;action
    890   android:name="com.example.action.SHOW_BARCODE" /&gt; and have the
    891   invoker supply the data as an extra field in the Intent object.
    892 </p>
    894 <p>
    895   Be aware this intent filter protocol
    896   ("com.example.action.SHOW_BARCODE", in this example) is a public API
    897   that you can't change once it's defined. You must support it in the
    898   future because others are going to be relying on it. If you want to
    899   add new features that are incompatible with the current protocol,
    900   just define a new protocol and continue to support the old one.
    901 </p>
    902 -->
    904 <h3 id="reusing_tip"> When reusing an activity owned by others, handle the case where no activity matches</h3>
    906 <p>
    907   Your applications can re-use activities made available from other
    908   applications. In doing so, you cannot presume your intent will always
    909   be resolved to a matching external activity &mdash; you must handle the case
    910   where no application installed on the device can handle the intent.
    911 </p>
    913 <p>
    914   You can either test that an activity matches the intent, which you can do
    915   before starting the activity, or catch an exception if starting the
    916   activity fails. Both approaches are described in the blog posting
    917   <a href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2009/01/can-i-use-this-intent.html">Can
    918   I use this Intent?</a>.
    919 </p>
    921 <p>
    922   To test whether an intent can be resolved, your code can query the package manager.
    923   The blog post provides an example in the isIntentAvailable() helper method.
    924   You can perform this test when initializing the user interface.
    925   For instance, you could disable the user control that initiates
    926   the Intent object, or display a message to the user that lets them go
    927   to a location, such as Google Play, to download its application.
    928   In this way, your code can start the activity (using either startActivity() 
    929   or startActivityForResult()) only if the intent has tested to resolve
    930   to an activity that is actually present.
    931 </p>
    933 <h3 id=activity_launching_tip>Consider how you want your activities to be launched or used by other applications</h3>
    935 <p>
    936   As a designer or developer, it's up to you to determine how users
    937   start your application and the activities in it. As an application
    938   is a set of activities, the user can start these activities from
    939   Home or from another application.
    940 </p>
    942     <ul>
    943       <li>
    944         <b>Launch your main activity from an icon at Home </b>- If
    945         your application can run standalone, it should probably be
    946         started by the user touching an icon in <em>application
    947         launcher</em> (typically implemented as a sliding drawer on the
    948         Home screen), or from a shortcut icon on the Home screen, or
    949         from the task switcher.  (The mechanism for this is for the
    950         activity to have an 
    951         <a href={@docRoot}guide/components/intents-filters.html>intent filter</a> with action
    952 MAIN and
    953         category LAUNCHER.)
    954       </li>
    955     </ul>
    957     <ul>
    958       <li>
    959         <b>Launch your activity from within another application</b> -
    960         Perhaps your activities are meant for re-use. For example,
    961         many applications have data they want to share with other
    962         users. Activities that can share data with other users include
    963         email, text messaging and uploading to a public website.  <p>
    964         If one or more of your activities can be an alternative to an
    965         existing activity in another application, you can make it
    966         available to users at the point they request that
    967         activity.&nbsp;For example, if your activity can send data to
    968         others (such as by email, text messaging, or uploading),
    969         consider setting up that activity to appear as a choice to the
    970         user. To give a specific example, Gallery enables a user to
    971         view and share pictures. When the user chooses "Share" from
    972         the menus, the system compares the "Share" request (an Intent
    973         object) to available activities (by looking at their intent
    974         filters) and displays choices to share. In this case, it
    975         matches Email, Gmail, Messaging and Picasa. If your activity
    976         can send a picture or upload it to a website, all it needs to
    977         do is make itself available for sharing (by setting its intent
    978         filter).
    979         </p>
    980 <p>
    981   Another activity can start your activity either with or without expecting a result back.&nbsp;
    982 </p>
    983       </li>
    985       <ul>
    986         <li>
    987           <b>Start an activity expecting a result</b> - This approach
    988           is closed loop, where the activity being started must either
    989           return a valid result or be canceled. In the previous
    990           examples of sharing a photo from a Gallery, the user ends up
    991           back in the Gallery after completing the send or upload
    992           procedure. These are examples of starting an activity
    993           external to the Gallery. (Such an activity is started with
    994           {@link
    995           android.app.Activity#startActivityForResult(android.content.Intent,
    996           int) startActivityForResult()}.)
    997         </li>
    999         <li>
   1000           <b>Start an activity not expecting a result</b> - This
   1001           approach is open-ended. An example is choosing an house
   1002           address in an email message (or web page), where the Maps
   1003           activity is started to map the location. No result from maps
   1004           is expected to be returned to the email message; the user
   1005           can return by pressing the <em>Back</em> button. (Such an activity is
   1006           started with {@link
   1007           android.content.Context#startActivity(android.content.Intent)
   1008           startActivity()}.)
   1009         </li>
   1010       </ul>
   1012       <li>
   1013         <b>Launch your activity <em>only</em> from within another
   1014         application</b> - The previous cases of sharing by way of
   1015         Email, Gmail, Messaging and Picasa (from within Gallery) are
   1016         all activities that can also be started from icons in the
   1017         application launcher at Home. In contrast, the activities for
   1018         cropping a picture and attaching a file cannot be started from
   1019         Home, because they do not stand alone and require a
   1020         context.&nbsp;
   1021       </li>
   1023 <p>
   1024   In fact, not all applications have icons and can be started from
   1025   Home. Take for example a small app that is infrequently used and
   1026   replaces existing functionality, that already has a natural entry
   1027   point inside an existing application. For example, an Android phone
   1028   typically has a built-in ringtone picker that can be selected from
   1029   the sound settings of the Settings application. A custom ringtone
   1030   picker application that you write could be launched by an intent
   1031   identical to the built-in ringtone picker. At the point where the
   1032   user chooses "Phone ringtone", they are presented with a dialog
   1033   letting them choose between "Android System" and your ringtone
   1034   picker (and letting them save their choice) as shown in the
   1035   following figure. A ringtone is something you set infrequently, and
   1036   already has a well-defined starting point, so probably does not need
   1037   an application icon at Home.
   1038 </p>
   1040 <p>
   1041   <img src={@docRoot}images/activity_task_design/ActivityChooser.png>
   1042 </p>
   1044       <li>
   1045           <b>Launch two or more main activities within a single
   1046           application from separate icon at Home</b> - As we have
   1047           defined it, all the code in a single .apk file is considered
   1048           to be one <em>application.</em> You can write an application
   1049           that contains two main activities launchable from Home.
   1050       </li>
   1052 <p>
   1053   The Camera.apk application is a good example of an application that
   1054   contains two independent main activities &mdash; Camera and
   1055   Camcorder &mdash; that each have their own icons in application
   1056   launcher, that can be launched separately, and so appear to the user
   1057   as separate applications. They both share use of the same lens, and
   1058   both store their images (still and moving) in the Gallery.&nbsp;
   1059 </p>
   1061 <p>
   1062   In order for your application to contain two different, independent
   1063   activities launchable from Home, you must define them to be
   1064   associated with different tasks. (This means setting the main
   1065   activity for each task to a different <!--a href=#affinities
   1066   title=affinity-->task affinity<!--/a--> &mdash; in this case,
   1067   "com.android.camera" and "com.android.videocamera".)
   1068 </p>
   1070 <p>
   1071   Contacts and Dialer are another example of two main activities
   1072   launchable from Home that reside in the same application.
   1073 </p>
   1075       <li>
   1076         <b>Making your application available as a widget</b> - An
   1077         application can also display a portion of itself as an <a
   1078         href={@docRoot}guide/topics/appwidgets/index.html title="app
   1079         widget">app widget</a>, embedded in Home or another
   1080         application, and receive periodic updates.
   1081       </li>
   1083     </ul>
   1086 <h3 id=activities_added_to_task_tip>Allow your activities to be added to the current task</h3>
   1088 <p>
   1089   If your activities can be started from another application, allow
   1090   them to be added to the current <a href=#tasks title=Tasks>task</a>
   1091   (or an existing task it has an affinity with). Having activities
   1092   added to a task enables the user to switch between a task that
   1093   contains your activities and other tasks. <!--See <a href=#tasks
   1094   title=Tasks>Tasks</a> for a fuller explanation.--> Exceptions are
   1095   your activities that have only one instance.&nbsp;
   1096 </p>
   1098 <p>
   1099   For this behavior, your activity should have a <!--a
   1100   href=launch_modes title="standard or singleTop"-->launch
   1101   mode<!--/a--> of standard or singleTop rather than singleTask or
   1102   singleInstance. These modes also enable multiple instances of your
   1103   activity to be run.
   1104 </p>
   1107 <h3 id="notifications_get_back_tip">Notifications and App Widgets should provide consistent back behavior</h3>
   1108 <p>
   1109   Notifications and app widgets are two common ways that a user can launch
   1110   your app through something besides its main icon in Launcher.  You must
   1111   take care when implementing these so that the user has a consistent experience
   1112   with the back button, not causing surprises in where they return to or the
   1113   state the application ends up in.
   1114 </p>
   1116 <p>
   1117   The
   1118   <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html#HandlingNotifications">Handling
   1119   Notifications</a> section of the developer guide's
   1120   <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html">Status Bar Notifications</a>
   1121   documentation provides an overview of how to write code to correctly handle
   1122   notification.  This dicussion applies equally to handling interactions with
   1123   app widgets.
   1124 </p>
   1126 <p>
   1127   A notification always starts an activity as a new task (that is, it
   1128   puts <font size=1>FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK</font> in the intent it
   1129   passes to startActivity()). This is done because interruptions to a
   1130   task should not become part of that task.
   1131 </p>
   1133 <h3 id=use_notification_tip>Use the notification system &mdash; don't use dialog boxes in place of notifications</h3>
   1135 <p>
   1136   If your background service needs to notify a user, use the standard
   1137   notification system &mdash; don't use a dialog or toast to notify
   1138   them. A dialog or toast would immediately take focus and interrupt
   1139   the user, taking focus away from what they were doing: the user
   1140   could be in the middle of typing text the moment the dialog appears
   1141   and could accidentally act on the dialog. Users are used to dealing
   1142   with notifications and can pull down the notification shade at their
   1143   convenience to respond to your message.
   1144 </p>
   1146 <h3 id=taking_over_back_key>Don't take over the <em>Back</em> button unless you absolutely need
   1147 to</h3>
   1149 <p>
   1150   As a user navigates from one activity to the next, the system adds
   1151   them to the activity stack. This forms a navigation history that is
   1152   accessible with the <em>Back</em> button. Most activities are relatively limited
   1153   in scope, with just one set of data, such as viewing a list of
   1154   contacts, composing an email, or taking a photo. But what if your
   1155   application is one big activity with several pages of content and
   1156   needs finer-grained control of the <em>Back</em> button? Examples of such Google
   1157   applications are the Browser, which can have several web pages open
   1158   at once, and Maps, which can have several layers of geographic data
   1159   to switch between. Both of these applications take control of the
   1160   <em>Back</em> button and maintain their own internal back stacks that operate
   1161   only when these applications have focus.
   1162 </p>
   1164 <p>
   1165   For example, Maps uses <em>layers</em> to present different
   1166   information on a map to the user: displaying the location of a
   1167   search result, displaying locations of friends, and displaying a
   1168   line for a street path providing direction between points. Maps
   1169   stores these layers in its own history so the <em>Back</em> button can return to
   1170   a previous layer.
   1171 </p>
   1173 <p>
   1174   Similarly, Browser uses <em>browser windows</em> to present different
   1175   web pages to the user. Each window has its own navigation history,
   1176   equivalent to tabs in a browser in a desktop operating system (such
   1177   as Windows, Macintosh or Linux). For example, if you did a Google
   1178   web search in one window of the Android Browser, clicking on a link
   1179   in the search results displays a web page in that same window, and
   1180   then pressing <em>Back</em> would to the search results page. Pressing
   1181   <em>Back</em> goes to a previous window only if the current window was
   1182   launched from that previous window.  If the user keeps pressing
   1183   back, they will eventually leave the browser activity and return
   1184   Home.
   1185 </p>