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      1 page.title=Android.mk
      2 @jd:body
      4 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      5     <div id="qv">
      6       <h2>On this page</h2>
      8       <ol>
      9         <li><a href="#over">Overview</a></li>
     10         <li><a href="#basics">Basics</a></li>
     11         <li><a href="#var">Variables and Macros</a></li>
     12         <li><a href="#mdv">Module-Description Variables</a></li>
     13       </ol>
     14     </div>
     15   </div>
     18 <p>This page describes the syntax of the {@code Android.mk} build file,
     19 which glues your C and C++ source files to the Android NDK.</p>
     21 <h2 id="over">Overview</h2>
     22 <p>The {@code Android.mk} file resides in a subdirectory of your project's {@code jni/} directory,
     23 and describes your sources and shared libraries to the build system. It is really a tiny GNU
     24 makefile fragment that the build system parses once or more. The {@code Android.mk} file is useful
     25 for defining project-wide settings that <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/application_mk.html">{@code
     26 Application.mk}</a>, the build system, and your
     27 environment variables leave undefined. It can also override project-wide settings for specific
     28 <i>modules</i>.</p>
     30 <p>The syntax of the {@code Android.mk} allows you to group your sources into
     31 <em>modules</em>. A module is either a static library, a shared library, or a standalone
     32 executable. You can define one or more modules in each {@code Android.mk} file, and
     33 you can use the same source file in multiple modules. The build system only places shared libraries
     34 into your application package. In addition, static libraries can generate shared libraries.</p>
     36 <p>In addition to packaging libraries, the build system handles a variety of other details for you.
     37 For example, you don't need to list header files or explicit dependencies between generated files in
     38 your {@code Android.mk} file. The NDK build system computes these relationships automatically for
     39 you. As a result, you should be able to benefit from new toolchain/platform support in future NDK
     40 releases without having to touch your {@code Android.mk} file.</p>
     42 <p>The syntax of this file is very close to that used in the {@code Android.mk} files distributed with
     43 the full <a href="https://source.android.com">Android Open Source Project</a>. While the
     44 build system implementation that uses them is different, their similarity is an
     45 intentional design decision aimed at making it easier for application
     46 developers to reuse source code for external libraries.</p>
     48 <h2 id="basics">Basics</h2>
     49 <p>Before exploring the syntax in detail, it is useful to start by understanding the basics
     50 of what a {@code Android.mk} file contains. This section uses the {@code Android.mk} file in the
     51 Hello-JNI sample toward that end, explaining the role that each line in the file plays.</p>
     54 <p>An {@code Android.mk} file must begin by defining the {@code LOCAL_PATH} variable:
     56 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
     57 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
     58 </pre>
     60 <p>This variable indicates the location of the source files in the development tree. Here, the macro
     61 function {@code my-dir}, provided by the build system, returns the path of the current directory
     62 (the directory containing the {@code Android.mk} file itself).</p>
     64 <p>The next line declares the {@code CLEAR_VARS} variable, whose value the build system provides.
     66 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
     67 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
     68 </pre>
     70 <p>The {@code CLEAR_VARS} variable points to a special GNU Makefile that clears many
     71 {@code LOCAL_XXX} variables for you, such as {@code LOCAL_MODULE}, {@code LOCAL_SRC_FILES}, and
     72 {@code LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES}. Note that it does not clear {@code LOCAL_PATH}. This variable must
     73 retain its value because the system parses all build control files in a single GNU Make execution
     74 context where all variables are global. You must (re-)declare this variable before describing each
     75 module.</p>
     77 <p>Next, the {@code LOCAL_MODULE} variable stores the name of the module that you wish to build.
     78 Use this variable once per module in your application.</p>
     80 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
     81 LOCAL_MODULE := hello-jni
     82 </pre>
     84 <p>Each module name must be unique and not contain any spaces. The build system, when it
     85 generates the final shared-library file, automatically adds the proper prefix and suffix to
     86 the name that you assign to {@code LOCAL_MODULE}. For example, the example that appears above
     87 results in generation of a library called {@code libhello-jni.so}.</p>
     89 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If your module's name already starts with {@code lib}, the
     90 build system does not prepend an additional {@code lib} prefix; it takes the module name as-is, and
     91 adds the {@code .so} extension. So a source file originally called, for example, {@code libfoo.c}
     92 still produces a shared-object file called {@code libfoo.so}. This behavior is to support libraries
     93 that the Android platform sources generate from {@code Android.mk} files; the names of all such
     94 libraries start with {@code lib}.</p>
     96 <p>The next line enumerates the source files, with spaces delimiting multiple files:</p>
     98 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
     99 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello-jni.c
    100 </pre>
    102 <p>The {@code LOCAL_SRC_FILES} variable must contain a list of C and/or C++ source files to build
    103 into a module.</p>
    105 <p>The last line helps the system tie everything together:</p>
    107 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    108 include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    109 </pre>
    111 <p>The {@code BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY} variable points to a GNU Makefile script that collects all the
    112 information you defined in {@code LOCAL_XXX} variables since the most recent {@code include}. This
    113 script determines what to build, and how to do it.</p>
    115 <p>There are more complex examples in the samples directories, with commented
    116 {@code Android.mk} files that you can look at. In addition,
    117 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/samples/sample_na.html">Sample: native-activity</a> provides
    118 a detailed explanation of that sample's {@code Android.mk} file. Finally, <a href="#var">
    119 Variables and Macros</a> provides further information on the variables from this section.
    122 <h2 id="var">Variables and Macros</h2>
    123 <p>The build system provides many possible variables for use in the the {@code Android.mk} file.
    124 Many of these variables come with preassigned values. Others, you assign.</p>
    126 <p>In addition to these variables, you can also define your own arbitrary ones. If you do so, keep
    127 in mind that the NDK build system reserves the following variable names:</p>
    128 <ul>
    129 <li>Names that begin with {@code LOCAL_}, such as {@code LOCAL_MODULE}.</li>
    130 <li>Names that begin with {@code PRIVATE_}, {@code NDK_}, or {@code APP}. The build system uses
    131 these internally.</li>
    132 <li>Lower-case names, such as {@code my-dir}. The build system uses these internally, as well.</li>
    133 </ul>
    134 <p>If you need to define your own convenience variables in an {@code Android.mk} file, we
    135 recommend prepending {@code MY_} to their names.
    138 <h3 id="npv">NDK-defined variables</h3>
    139 <p>This section discusses the GNU Make variables that the build system defines before parsing your
    140 {@code Android.mk} file. Under certain circumstances, the NDK might parse your {@code Android.mk}
    141 file several times, using a different definition for some of these variables each time.</p>
    143 <h4>CLEAR_VARS</h4>
    144 <p>This variable points to a build script that undefines nearly all {@code LOCAL_XXX} variables
    145 listed in the "Developer-defined variables" section below. Use this variable to include
    146 this script before describing a new module. The syntax for using it is:</p>
    148 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    149 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    150 </pre>
    152 <h4>BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY</h4>
    153 <p>This variable points to a build script that collects all the information about the module
    154 you provided in your {@code LOCAL_XXX} variables, and determines how to build a target shared
    155 library from the sources you listed. Note that using this script requires that you have already
    156 assigned values to {@code LOCAL_MODULE} and {@code LOCAL_SRC_FILES}, at a minimum (for more
    157 information about these variables, see <a href = "#mdv">Module-Description Variables</a>).</p>
    159 <p>The syntax for using this variable is:</p>
    161 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    162 include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    163 </pre>
    165 <p>A shared-library variable causes the build system to generate a library file with a {@code .so}
    166 extension.</p>
    168 <h4>BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY</h4>
    169 <p>A variant of {@code BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY} that is used to build a static library. The build
    170 system does not copy static libraries into your project/packages, but it can use them to build
    171 shared libraries (see {@code LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES} and {@code LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES},
    172 below). The syntax for using this variable is:</p>
    174 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    175 include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)
    176 </pre>
    178 <p>A static-library variable causes the build system to generate a library with a {@code .a}
    179 extension.</p>
    182 <p>Points to a build script used to specify a prebuilt shared library. Unlike in the case of
    183 {@code BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY} and {@code BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY}, here the value of
    184 {@code LOCAL_SRC_FILES} cannot be a source file. Instead, it must be a single path to a prebuilt
    185 shared library, such as {@code foo/libfoo.so}. The syntax for using this variable is:</p>
    187 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    188 include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    189 </pre>
    191 <p>You can also reference a prebuilt library in another module by using the
    192 {@code LOCAL_PREBUILTS} variable. For more information about using prebuilts, see
    193 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/prebuilts.html">Using Prebuilt Libraries</a>.</p>
    197 <p>The same as {@code PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY}, but for a prebuilt static library. For more
    198 information about using prebuilts, see <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/prebuilts.html">Using Prebuilt
    199 Libraries</a>.</p>
    201 <h4>TARGET_ARCH</h4>
    202 <p>The name of the target CPU architecture as the Android Open Source Project specifies it.
    203 For any ARM-compatible build, use {@code arm}, independent of the CPU architecture revision or
    204 ABI (see TARGET_ARCH_ABI, below).</p>
    206 <p>The value of this variable is taken from the APP_ABI variable that you define in the
    207 {@code Android.mk} file, which the system reads ahead of parsing the {@code Android.mk} file.</p>
    209 <h4>TARGET_PLATFORM</h4>
    210 <p>The Android API level number for the build system to target.
    211 For example, the Android 5.1 system images correspond to Android API level 22: {@code android-22}.
    212 For a complete list of platform names and corresponding Android system
    213 images, see <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/stable_apis.html">Android NDK Native APIs</a>.
    214 The following example shows the syntax for using this variable:</p>
    216 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    217 TARGET_PLATFORM := android-22
    218 </pre>
    220 <h4 id="taa">TARGET_ARCH_ABI</h4>
    221 <p>This variable stores the name of the CPU and architecture to target when the build system
    222 parses this {@code Android.mk} file. You can specify one or more of the following values, using
    223 a space as a delimiter between multiple targets. Table 1 shows the ABI setting to use for each
    224 supported CPU and architecture.
    226 <p class="table-caption" id="table1">
    227   <strong>Table 1.</strong> ABI settings for different CPUs and architectures.</p>
    228 <table>
    229   <tr>
    230     <th scope="col">CPU and architecture</th>
    231     <th scope="col">Setting</th>
    232   </tr>
    233   <tr>
    234     <td>ARMv5TE</td>
    235     <td>{@code armeabi}</td>
    236   </tr>
    237   <tr>
    238     <td>ARMv7</td>
    239     <td>{@code armeabi-v7a}</td>
    240   </tr>
    241   <tr>
    242     <td>ARMv8 AArch64</td>
    243     <td>{@code arm64-v8a}</td>
    244   </tr>
    245   <tr>
    246     <td>i686</td>
    247     <td>{@code x86}</td>
    248   </tr>
    249   <tr>
    250     <td>x86-64</td>
    251     <td>{@code x86_64}</td>
    252   </tr>
    253   <tr>
    254     <td>mips32 (r1)</td>
    255     <td>{@code mips}</td>
    256   </tr>
    257   <tr>
    258     <td>mips64 (r6)</td>
    259     <td>{@code mips64}</td>
    260   </tr>
    261   <tr>
    262     <td>All</td>
    263     <td>{@code all}</td>
    264   </tr>
    265 </table>
    267 <p>The following example shows how to set ARMv8 AArch64 as the target CPU-and-ABI combination:</p>
    269 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    270 TARGET_ARCH_ABI := arm64-v8a
    271 </pre>
    273 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> Up to Android NDK 1.6_r1, this variable is defined as
    274 {@code arm}.</p>
    276 <p>For more details about architecture ABIs and associated compatibility
    277 issues, refer to
    278 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/abis.html">ABI Management</a>.</p>
    280 <p>New target ABIs in the future will have different values.</p>
    282 <h4>TARGET_ABI</h4>
    283 <p>A concatenation of target Android API level and ABI, it is especially useful when you want to test against
    284 a specific target system image for a real device. For example, to specify a 64-bit ARM device
    285 running on Android API level 22:</p>
    287 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    288 TARGET_ABI := android-22-arm64-v8a
    289 </pre>
    291 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Up to Android NDK 1.6_r1, the default value was
    292 {@code android-3-arm}.</p>
    294 <h2 id="mdv">Module-Description Variables</h2>
    295 <p>The variables in this section describe your module to the build system. Each module description
    296 should follow this basic flow:
    297 <ul>
    298 <ol type = "1">
    299 <li>Initialize or undefine the variables associated with the module, using the {@code CLEAR_VARS}
    300   variable.</li>
    301 <li>Assign values to the variables used to describe the module.
    302 <li>Set the NDK build system to use the appropriate build script for the module, using the
    303   {@code BUILD_XXX} variable.</li>
    304 </ol>
    305 </ul>
    307 <h4>LOCAL_PATH</h4>
    308 <p>This variable is used to give the path of the current file. You must define
    309 it at the start of your {@code Android.mk} file. The following example shows how to do so:</p>
    311 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    312 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    313 </pre>
    315 <p>The script to which {@code CLEAR_VARS} points does not clear this variable. Therefore, you only need
    316 to define it a single time, even if your {@code Android.mk} file describes multiple modules.</p>
    318 <h4>LOCAL_MODULE</h4>
    319 <p>This variable stores the name of your module. It must be unique among all module names,
    320 and must not contain any spaces. You must define it before including any scripts (other than
    321 the one for {@code CLEAR_VARS}). You need not add either the {@code lib} prefix
    322 or the {@code .so} or {@code .a} file extension; the build system makes these modifications
    323 automatically. Throughout your {@code Android.mk} and
    324 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/application_mk.html">{@code Application.mk}</a> files, refer to
    325 your module by its unmodified name. For example, the following line results in the generation of a
    326 shared library module called {@code libfoo.so}:</p>
    328 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    329 LOCAL_MODULE := "foo"
    330 </pre>
    332 <p>If you want the generated module to have a name other than {@code lib} + the value of
    333 {@code LOCAL_MODULE}, you can use the {@code LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME} variable to give the
    334 generated module a name of your own choosing, instead.</p>
    336 <h4>LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME</h4>
    337 <p>This optional variable allows you to override the names that the build system
    338 uses by default for files that it generates. For example, if the name of your {@code LOCAL_MODULE}
    339 is {@code foo}, you can force the system to call the file it generates {@code libnewfoo}. The
    340 following example shows how to accomplish this:</p>
    342 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    343 LOCAL_MODULE := foo
    344 LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME := libnewfoo
    345 </pre>
    347 <p>For a shared library module, this example would generate a file called {@code libnewfoo.so}.</p>
    349 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> You cannot override filepath or file extension.</p>
    351 <h4>LOCAL_SRC_FILES</h4>
    352 <p>This variable contains the list of source files that the build system uses to generate the
    353 module. Only list the files that the build system actually passes to the compiler, since the build
    354 system automatically computes any associated depencies.</p>
    355 <p>Note that you can use both relative (to {@code LOCAL_PATH}) and absolute file paths.
    357 <p>We recommend avoiding absolute file paths; relative paths make your {@code Android.mk} file more
    358 portable.</p>
    360 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> Always use Unix-style forward slashes (/) in build files.
    361 The build system does not handle Windows-style backslashes (\) properly.</p>
    363 <h4>LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION</h4>
    364 <p>You can use this optional variable to indicate a file extension other than {@code .cpp} for your
    365 C++ source files. For example, the following line changes the extension to {@code .cxx}.
    366 (The setting must include the dot.)
    368 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    369 LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cxx
    370 </pre>
    372 <p>From NDK r7, you can use this variable to specify multiple extensions. For instance:</p>
    374 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    375 LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cxx .cpp .cc
    376 </pre>
    378 <h4>LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES</h4>
    380 <p>You can use this optional variable to indicate that your code relies on specific C++ features.
    381 It enables the right compiler and linker flags during the build process. For prebuilt binaries,
    382 this variable also declares which features the binary depends on, thus helping ensure the final
    383 linking works correctly. We recommend that you use this variable instead of enabling
    384 {@code -frtti} and {@code -fexceptions} directly in your {@code LOCAL_CPPFLAGS} definition.</p>
    386 <p>Using this variable allows the build system to use the appropriate flags for each module. Using
    387 {@code LOCAL_CPPFLAGS} causes the compiler to use all specified flags for all modules, regardless
    388 of actual need.</p>
    390 For example, to indicate that your code uses RTTI (RunTime Type Information), write: </p>
    392 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    393 LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES := rtti
    394 </pre>
    396 <p>To indicate that your code uses C++ exceptions, write:</p>
    398 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    399 LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES := exceptions
    400 </pre>
    402 <p>You can also specify multiple values for this variable. For example:</p>
    404 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    405 LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES := rtti features
    406 </pre>
    408 The order in which you describe the values does not matter.
    411 <h4>LOCAL_C_INCLUDES</h4>
    412 <p>You can use this optional variable to specify a list of paths, relative to the
    413 NDK {@code root} directory, to add to the include search path when compiling all sources
    414 (C, C++ and Assembly). For example: </p>
    416 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    417 LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := sources/foo
    418 </pre>
    420 <p>Or even: </p>
    422 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    423 LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/<subdirectory>/foo
    424 </pre>
    426 <p>Define this variable before setting any corresponding inclusion flags via {@code LOCAL_CFLAGS}
    427 or {@code LOCAL_CPPFLAGS}.</p>
    429 <p>The build system also uses {@code LOCAL_C_INCLUDES} paths automatically when launching native
    430 debugging with ndk-gdb.</p>
    433 <h4>LOCAL_CFLAGS</h4>
    435 <p>This optional variable sets compiler flags for the build system to pass when building C
    436 <em>and</em> C++ source files. The ability to do so can be useful for specifying additional macro
    437 definitions or compile options.</p>
    439 <p>Try not to change the optimization/debugging level in your {@code Android.mk} file.
    440 The build system can handle this setting automatically for you, using the relevant information
    441 in the <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/application_mk.html">{@code Application.mk}</a> file. Doing it
    442 this way allows the build system to generate useful data files used during debugging.</p>
    444 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong>In android-ndk-1.5_r1, the corresponding flags only applied
    445 to C source files, not C++ ones. They now match the full Android build system behavior.
    446 (You can now use {@code LOCAL_CPPFLAGS} to specify flags for C++ sources only.)</p>
    448 <p>It is possible to specify additional include paths by writing:
    450 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    451 LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I&lt;path&gt;,
    452 </pre>
    454 It is better, however, to use {@code LOCAL_C_INCLUDES} for this purpose, since
    455 doing so also makes it possible to use the paths available for native debugging with ndk-gdb.</p>
    458 <h4>LOCAL_CPPFLAGS</h4>
    459 <p>An optional set of compiler flags that will be passed when building C++
    460 source files <em>only</em>. They will appear after the LOCAL_CFLAGS on the
    461 compiler's command-line.</p>
    464 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong>In android-ndk-1.5_r1, the corresponding flags applied to
    465 both C and C++ sources. This has been corrected to match the full Android build system.
    466 To specify flags for both C and C++ sources, use {@code LOCAL_CFLAGS}.</p>
    471 <p>This variable stores the list of static libraries modules on which the current module depends.</p>
    473 <p>If the current module is a shared library or an executable, this variable will force
    474 these libraries to be linked into the resulting binary.</p>
    476 <p>If the current module is a static library, this variable simply indicates that other
    477 modules depending on the current one will also depend on the listed
    478 libraries.</p>
    482 <p>This variable is the list of shared libraries <em>modules</em> on which this module depends at
    483 runtime. This information is necessary at link time, and to embed the corresponding information
    484 in the generated file.</p>
    487 <p>This variable is a variant of {@code LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES}, and expresses that the linker
    488 should treat the associated library modules as <em>whole archives</em>. For more information
    489 on whole archives, see the GNU linker's
    490 <a href="http://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/ld-2.9.1/html_node/ld_3.html">documentation</a> for the
    491 {@code --whole-archive} flag.</p>
    493 <p>This variable is useful when there are circular dependencies among
    494 several static libraries. When you use this variable to build a shared library, it will force
    495 the build system to add all object files from your static libraries to the final binary. The same
    496 is not true, however, when generating executables.</p>
    499 <h4>LOCAL_LDLIBS</h4>
    501 <p>This variable contains the list of additional linker flags for use in building your shared
    502 library or executable. It enables you to use the {@code -l} prefix to pass the name of specific
    503 system libraries. For example, the following example tells the linker to generate a module that
    504 links to {@code /system/lib/libz.so} at load time: </p>
    506 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    507 LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lz
    508 </pre>
    510 <p>For the list of exposed system libraries against which you can link in this NDK release, see
    511 <a href="stable_apis.html">Android NDK Native APIs</a>.</p>
    513 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> If you define this variable for a static library,
    514 the build system ignores it, and {@code ndk-build} prints a warning.</p>
    516 <h4>LOCAL_LDFLAGS</h4>
    518 <p>The list of other linker flags for the build system to use when building your shared library
    519 or executable. For example, the following example uses the {@code ld.bfd} linker on ARM/X86 GCC
    520 4.6+, on which {@code ld.gold} is the default </p>
    522 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    523 LOCAL_LDFLAGS += -fuse-ld=bfd
    524 </pre>
    526 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong>If you define this variable for a static library, the build
    527 system ignores it, and ndk-build prints a warning.</p>
    531 <p>By default, when the build system encounters an undefined reference encountered while trying to
    532 build a shared, it will throw an <em>undefined symbol</em> error. This error can help you catch
    533 catch bugs in your source code.</p>
    535 <p>To disable this check, set this variable to {@code true}. Note that this setting may cause the
    536 shared library to load at runtime.</p>
    538 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> If you define this variable for a static library,
    539 the build system ignores it, and ndk-build prints a warning.</p>
    541 <h4>LOCAL_ARM_MODE</h4
    542 >
    543 <p>By default, the build system generates ARM target binaries in <em>thumb</em> mode, where each
    544 instruction is 16 bits wide and linked with the STL libraries in the {@code thumb/} directory.
    545 Defining this variable as {@code arm} forces the build system to generate the module's object
    546 files in 32-bit {@code arm} mode. The following example shows how to do this:</p>
    548 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    549 LOCAL_ARM_MODE := arm
    550 </pre>
    552 <p>You can also instruct the build system to only build specific sources in {@code arm} mode by
    553 appending {@code .arm} suffix to the the source filenames. For example, the following example
    554 tells the build system to always compile {@code bar.c} in ARM mode, but to build
    555 {@code foo.c} according to the value of {@code LOCAL_ARM_MODE}.</p>
    557 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    558 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := foo.c bar.c.arm
    559 </pre>
    561 <p></p>
    563 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> You can also force the build system to generate ARM binaries
    564 by setting {@code APP_OPTIM} in your
    565 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/application_mk.html">{@code Application.mk}</a> file to {@code debug}.
    566 Specifying {@code debug} forces an ARM build because the toolchain debugger does not handle Thumb
    567 code properly.</p>
    570 <h4>LOCAL_ARM_NEON</h4>
    571 <p>This variable only matters when you are targeting the {@code armeabi-v7a} ABI. It allows the
    572 use of ARM Advanced SIMD (NEON) GCC intrinsics in your C and C++ sources, as well as NEON
    573 instructions in Assembly files.</p>
    575 <p>Note that not all ARMv7-based CPUs support the NEON instruction set extensions. For this reason,
    576 you must perform runtime detection to be able to safely use this code at runtime. For more
    577 information, see <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/cpu-arm-neon.html">NEON Support</a> and <a
    578 href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/cpu-features.html">The {@code cpufeatures} Library</a>.</p>
    580 <p>Alternatively, you can use the {@code .neon} suffix to specify that the build system only
    581 compile specific source files with NEON support. In the following example, the build system compiles
    582 {@code foo.c} with thumb and neon support, {@code bar.c} with thumb support, and
    583 {@code zoo.c} with support for ARM and NEON:</p>
    585 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    586 LOCAL_SRC_FILES = foo.c.neon bar.c zoo.c.arm.neon
    587 </pre>
    590 <p>If you use both suffixes, {@code .arm} must precede {@code .neon}.</p>
    594 <p>Android NDK r4 added support for the "NX bit" security feature. It is
    595 enabled by default, but you can disable it by setting this variable to {@code true}. We do not
    596 recommend doing so without a compelling reason.</p>
    598 <p>This feature does not modify the ABI, and is only enabled on kernels
    599 targeting ARMv6+ CPU devices. Machine code with this feature enabled
    600 will run unmodified on devices running earlier CPU architectures.</p>
    601 <p>For more information, see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NX_bit">Wikipedia: NX bit</a>
    602 and <a href="http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/hardened/gnu-stack.xml">The GNU stack kickstart</a>.
    604 <h4>LOCAL_DISABLE_RELRO</h4>
    606 <p>By default, the NDK compiles code with read-only relocations and GOT
    607 protection. This variable instructs the runtime linker to mark certain regions of memory
    608 as read-only after relocation, making certain security exploits (such as GOT overwrites)
    609 more difficult. Note that these protections are only effective on Android API level 16 and higher.
    610 On lower API levels, the code will still run, but without memory protections.</p>
    612 <p>This variable is turned on by default, but you can disable it by setting its value to
    613 {@code true}. We do not recommend doing so without a compelling reason.</p>
    615 <p>For more information, see
    616 <a href="http://isisblogs.poly.edu/2011/06/01/relro-relocation-read-only/">RELRO:
    617 RELocation Read-Only</a> and <a href="http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/nonselsec.pdf">Security
    618 enhancements in RedHat Enterprise Linux (section 6)</a>.</p>
    622 <p>By default, the build system compiles code with format string protection. Doing so forces a
    623 compiler error if a non-constant format string is used in a {@code printf}-style function.</p>
    624 <p>This protection is on by default, but you can disable it by setting the value of
    625 this variable to {@code true}. We do not recommend doing so without a compelling reason.</p>
    628 <h4>LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS</h4>
    630 <p>This variable records a set of C/C++ compiler flags to add to the {@code LOCAL_CFLAGS} definition
    631 of any other module that uses this one via the {@code LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES} or
    632 {@code LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES} variables.</p>
    634 <p>For example, consider the following pair of modules: {@code foo} and {@code bar}, which depends
    635 on {@code foo}:</p>
    637 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    638 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    639 LOCAL_MODULE := foo
    640 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := foo/foo.c
    642 include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)
    645 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    646 LOCAL_MODULE := bar
    647 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := bar.c
    648 LOCAL_CFLAGS := -DBAR=2
    650 include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    651 </pre>
    653 <p>Here, the build system passes the flags {@code -DFOO=1} and {@code -DBAR=2} to the compiler when
    654 building {@code bar.c}. It also prepends exported flags to your your module's {@code LOCAL_CFLAGS}
    655 so you can easily override them.</p>
    657 In addition, the relationship among modules is transitive: If {@code zoo} depends on
    658 {@code bar}, which in turn depends on {@code foo}, then {@code zoo} also inherits all flags
    659 exported from {@code foo}.</p>
    661 <p>Finally, the build system does not use exported flags when building locally (i.e., building the
    662 module whose flags it is exporting). Thus, in the example above, it does not pass {@code -DFOO=1}
    663 to the compiler when building {@code foo/foo.c}. To build locally, use {@code LOCAL_CFLAGS}
    664 instead.</p>
    666 <h4>LOCAL_EXPORT_CPPFLAGS</h4>
    667 <p>This variable is the same as {@code LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS}, but for C++ flags only.</p>
    669 <h4>LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES</h4>
    670 <p>This variable is the same as {@code LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS}, but for C include paths. It is useful
    671 in cases where, for example, {@code bar.c} needs to include headers from module {@code foo}.</p>
    673 <h4>LOCAL_EXPORT_LDFLAGS</h4>
    674 <p>This variable is the same as {@code LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS}, but for linker flags.</p>
    676 <h4>LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS</h4>
    677 <p>This variable is the same as {@code LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS}, telling the build system to pass names
    678 of specific system libraries to the compiler. Prepend {@code -l} to the name of each library you
    679 specify.</p>
    681 <p>Note that the build system appends imported linker flags to the value of your module's
    682 {@code LOCAL_LDLIBS} variable. It does this due to the way Unix linkers work.</p>
    684 <p>This variable is typically useful when module {@code foo} is a static library
    685 and has code that depends on a system library. You can then use {@code LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS} to
    686 to export the dependency. For example: </p>
    688 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    689 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    690 LOCAL_MODULE := foo
    691 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := foo/foo.c
    692 LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS := -llog
    693 include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)
    695 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    696 LOCAL_MODULE := bar
    697 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := bar.c
    699 include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    700 </pre>
    702 <p>In this example, the build system puts {@code -llog} at the end of the linker command when it
    703 builds {@code libbar.so}. Doing so tells the linker that, because {@code libbar.so} depends
    704 on {@code foo}, it also depends on the system logging library.</p>
    706 <h4>LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS</h4>
    707 <p>Set this variable to {@code true} when your module has a very high
    708 number of sources and/or dependent static or shared libraries. Doing so forces the
    709 build system to use {@code @} syntax for archives containing intermediate object files
    710 or linking libraries.</p>
    712 <p>This feature can be useful on Windows, where the command line accepts a maximum of only
    713 of 8191 characters, which can be too small for complex projects. It also impacts the compilation of
    714 individual source files, placing nearly all compiler flags inside list files, too.</p>
    716 <p>Note that any value other than {@code true} will revert to the
    717 default behaviour. You can also define {@code APP_SHORT_COMMANDS} in your
    718 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/application_mk.html">{@code Application.mk}</a> file to force this
    719 behavior for all modules in your project.</p>
    721 <p>We do not recommend enabling this feature by default, since it makes the build slower.</p>
    724 <h4>LOCAL_THIN_ARCHIVE</h4>
    726 <p>Set this variable to {@code true} when building static libraries.
    727 Doing so will generate a <strong>thin archive</strong>, a library file that does not contain
    728 object files, but instead just file paths to the actual objects that it would normally
    729 contain.</p>
    730 <p>This is useful to reduce the size of your build output. The drawback is that
    731 such libraries <em>cannot</em> be moved to a different location (all paths
    732 inside them are relative).</p>
    733 <p>Valid values are {@code true}, {@code false} or empty. A
    734 default value can be set in your <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/application_mk.html">
    735 {@code Application.mk}</a> file through the {@code APP_THIN_ARCHIVE}
    737 variable.</p>
    738 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> This is ignored for non-static library modules, or prebuilt
    739 static library ones.</p>
    741 <h4>LOCAL_FILTER_ASM</h4>
    742 <p>Define this variable as a shell command that the build system will use to filter the
    743 assembly files extracted or generated from the files you specified for {@code LOCAL_SRC_FILES}.</p>
    744 <p>Defining this variable causes the following things to occur:</p>
    746 <ul>
    747 <ol type = "1">
    748 <li>The build system generates a temporary assembly file from any C or C++ source file, instead of compiling them into an object file.</li>
    749 <li>The build system executes the shell command in {@code LOCAL_FILTER_ASM}
    750 on any temporary assembly file and on any assembly file
    751 listed in {@code LOCAL_SRC_FILES}, thus generating another temporary assembly
    752 file.</li>
    753 <li>The build system compiles these filtered assembly files into an object file.</li>
    754 </ol>
    755 </ul>
    756 <p>For example:</p>
    758 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    759 LOCAL_SRC_FILES  := foo.c bar.S
    762 foo.c --1--&gt; $OBJS_DIR/foo.S.original --2--&gt; $OBJS_DIR/foo.S --3--&gt; $OBJS_DIR/foo.o
    763 bar.S                                 --2--&gt; $OBJS_DIR/bar.S --3--&gt; $OBJS_DIR/bar.o
    764 </pre>
    766 <p>"1" corresponds to the compiler, "2" to the filter, and "3" to the assembler. The filter must
    767 be a standalone shell command that takes the name of the input file as its first argument, and the
    768 name of the output file as the second one. For example:</p>
    770 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    771 myasmfilter $OBJS_DIR/foo.S.original $OBJS_DIR/foo.S
    772 myasmfilter bar.S $OBJS_DIR/bar.S
    773 </pre>
    775 <h3 id="npfm">NDK-provided function macros</h2>
    776 <p>This section explains GNU Make function macros that the NDK provides. Use
    777 {@code $(call &lt;function&gt;)} to evaluate them; they return textual information.</p>
    779 <h4>my-dir</h4>
    781 <p>This macro returns the path of the last included makefile, which typically is the
    782 current {@code Android.mk}'s directory. {@code my-dir} is useful for defining
    783 {@code LOCAL_PATH} at the start of your {@code Android.mk} file. For example:</p>
    785 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    786 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    787 </pre>
    789 <p>Due to the way GNU Make works, what this macro really returns is the
    790 path of the last makefile that the build system included when parsing the build scripts. For this
    791 reason, you should not call {@code my-dir} after including another file.</p>
    793 <p>For example, consider the following example: </p>
    795 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    796 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    798 # ... declare one module
    800 include $(LOCAL_PATH)/foo/`Android.mk`
    802 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    804 # ... declare another module
    805 </pre>
    807 <p>The problem here is that the second call to {@code my-dir} defines
    808 {@code LOCAL_PATH} as {@code $PATH/foo} instead of {@code $PATH}, because that was where its
    809 most recent include pointed.</p>
    811 <p>You can avoid this problem by putting additional includes after everything
    812 else in the {@code Android.mk} file. For example:</p>
    814 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    815 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    817 # ... declare one module
    819 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    821 # ... declare another module
    823 # extra includes at the end of the Android.mk file
    824 include $(LOCAL_PATH)/foo/Android.mk
    826 </pre>
    828 <p>If it is not feasible to structure the file in this way, save the value of the first
    829 {@code my-dir} call into another variable. For example: </p>
    831 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    832 MY_LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    836 # ... declare one module
    838 include $(LOCAL_PATH)/foo/`Android.mk`
    842 # ... declare another module
    843 </pre>
    845 <h4>all-subdir-makefiles</h4>
    847 <p>Returns the list of {@code Android.mk} files located in all subdirectories of
    848 the current {@code my-dir} path.
    850 <p>You can use this function to provide deep-nested source directory hierarchies to the build
    851 system. By default, the NDK only looks for files in the directory containing the
    852 {@code Android.mk} file.</p>
    854 <h4>this-makefile</h4>
    855 <p>Returns the path of the current makefile (from which the build system called the function).</p>
    857 <h4>parent-makefile</h4>
    858 <p>Returns the path of the parent makefile in the inclusion tree (the path of the makefile that
    859 included the current one).</p>
    861 <h4>grand-parent-makefile</h4>
    862 <p>Returns the path of the grandparent makefile in the inclusion tree (the path of the makefile that
    863 included the current one).</p>
    865 <h4>import-module</h4>
    866 <p>A function that allows you to find and include a module's {@code Android.mk} file by the name of
    867 the module. A typical example is as follows: </p>
    869 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    870 $(call import-module,&lt;name&gt;)
    871 </pre>
    873 <p>In this example, the build system looks for the module tagged {@code &lt;name&gt;} in the list of
    874 directories referenced that your {@code NDK_MODULE_PATH} environment variable references, and
    875 includes its {@code Android.mk} file automatically for you.</p>