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      1 page.title=Android Plugin for Gradle
      3 @jd:body
      5 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      6 <div id="qv">
      7 <h2>In this document</h2>
      8 <ol>
      9   <li><a href="#workBuildVariants">Work with build variants</a></li>
     10 </ol>
     13 <h2>See also</h2>
     14 <ul>
     15 <li><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/studio-build.html">
     16 Build System Overview</a></li>
     17 <li><a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/index.html">
     18 Building and Running</a></li>
     19 <li><a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/building-studio.html">
     20 Building and Running from Android Studio</a></li>
     21 </ul>
     23 <h2>Download</h2>
     24 <div class="download-box">
     25   <a href="{@docRoot}shareables/sdk-tools/android-gradle-plugin-dsl.zip"
     26     class="button">Plugin Language Reference</a>
     27   <p class="filename">android-gradle-plugin-dsl.zip</p>
     28 </div>
     30 </div>
     31 </div>
     33 <p>The Android build system consists of an Android plugin for <em>Gradle</em>.
     34 <a href="http://www.gradle.org/">Gradle</a> is an advanced build toolkit that manages
     35 dependencies and allows you to define custom build logic. Android Studio uses a Gradle wrapper
     36 to fully integrate the Android plugin for Gradle. The Android plugin for Gradle also runs
     37 independent of Android Studio. This means that you can build your Android apps from which Android
     38 Studio and from the command line on your machine or on machines where Android Studio is not installed
     39 (such as continuous integration servers).</p>
     41 <p>The output of the build is the same whether you are building a project from the command line,
     42 on a remote machine, or using Android Studio.</p>
     44 <h2 id="buildConf">Build configuration</h2>
     46 <p>The build configuration for your project is defined inside <code>build.gradle</code> files,
     47 which are plain text files that use the syntax and options from Gradle and the Android plugin
     48 to configure the following aspects of your build:</p>
     50 <ul>
     51     <li><em>Build variants</em>. The build system can generate multiple APKs with different
     52         product and build configurations for the same module. This is useful when you want to
     53         build different versions of your application without having to create a separate projects
     54         or modules for each version.</li>
     55     <li><em>Dependencies</em>. The build system manages project dependencies and supports
     56         dependencies from your local filesystem and from remote repositories. This prevents you
     57         from having to search, download, and copy binary packages for your dependencies into your
     58         project directory.</li>
     59     <li><em>Manifest entries</em>. The build system enables you to specify values for some
     60         elements of the manifest file in the build variant configuration. These build values
     61         override the existing values in the manifest file. This is useful if you want to generate
     62         multiple APKs for your modules where each of the <code>apk</code> files has a different
     63         application name, minimum SDK version, or target SDK version. When multiple manifests are
     64         present, manifest settings are merged in priority of buildType and productFlavor,
     65         <code>/main</code> manifest, and the library manifests.</li>
     66     <li><em>Signing</em>. The build system enables you to specify signing settings in the build
     67         configuration, and it can sign your APKs during the build process.</li>
     68     <li><em>ProGuard</em>. The build system enables you to specify a different
     69         <a href="{@docRoot}tools/help/proguard.html">ProGuard</a> rules
     70         file for each build variant. The build system can run ProGuard to obfuscate your classes
     71         during the build process.</li>
     72     <li><em>Testing</em>. For most templates, the build system creates a test directory,
     73         <em>androidTest</em> and generates a test APK from the test sources in your project, so
     74         you do not have to create a separate test project. The build system can also run your tests
     75         during the build process.</li>
     76 </ul>
     78 <p>Gradle build files use Domain Specific Language (DSL) to describe and manipulate the build logic
     79 through <em>Groovy</em> syntax. <a href="http://groovy.codehaus.org/">Groovy</a> is a dynamic
     80 language that you can use to define custom build logic and to interact with the Android-specific
     81 elements provided by the Android plugin for Gradle.</p>
     83 <h2 id="buildConv">Build by convention</h2>
     85 <p>The Android Studio build system assumes <em>sensible defaults</em> for the project structure
     86 and other build options. If your project adheres to these conventions, your Gradle build files are
     87 very simple. When some of these conventions do not apply to your project, the flexibility of the
     88 build system allows you to configure almost every aspect of the build process. For example, if
     89 you need to replace the default source folders in your module directories, you can configure a new
     90 directory structure in the module's build file. </p>
     92 <h2 id="projectModules">Projects and modules build settings</h2>
     94 <p>A <em>project</em> in Android Studio represents the top-level Android development structure.
     95 Android Studio projects contain project files and one or more application modules. A
     96 <em>module</em> is a component of your app that you can build, test, or debug independently.
     97 Modules contain the source code and resources for your apps. Android Studio projects can contain
     98 several kinds of modules:</p>
    100 <ul>
    101     <li><em>Android application modules</em> contain application (mobile, TV, Wear, Glass) code and
    102          may depend on library modules, although many Android apps consists of only one application
    103          module. The build system generates APK packages for application modules. </li>
    104     <li><em>Android library modules</em> contain reusable Android-specific code and resources.
    105         The build system generates an AAR (Android ARchive) package for library modules.</li>
    106     <li><em>App Engine modules</em> contain code and resources for App Engine integration.</li>
    107     <li><em>Java library modules</em> contain reusable code. The build system generates a
    108         JAR package for Java library modules.</li>
    109 </ul>
    111 <p>Android Studio projects contain a top-level project Gradle build file that allows you to add the
    112 configuration options common to all application modules in the project. Each application module
    113 also has its own build.gradle file for build settings specific to that module.</p>
    115 <h3 id="projectBuildFile">Project Build File</h3>
    116 <p>By default, the project-level Gradle file uses <em>buildscript</em> to define the Gradle
    117 <em>repositories</em> and <em>dependencies</em>. This allows different projects to use different
    118 Gradle versions. Supported repositories include JCenter, Maven Central, or Ivy. This example
    119 declares that the build script uses the JCenter repository and a classpath dependency artifact
    120 that contains the Android plugin for Gradle version 1.0.1.
    121 </p>
    122 <p>
    123 <pre>
    124 buildscript {
    125     repositories {
    126         jcenter()
    127     }
    128     dependencies {
    129         classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.0.1'
    131         // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here: they belong
    132         // in the individual module build.gradle files
    133     }
    134 }
    136 allprojects {
    137    repositories {
    138        jcenter()
    139    }
    140 }
    141 </pre>
    143 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The SDK location for the Android Studio project is defined in
    144 the <em>local.properties</em> file in the <code>sdk.dir<sdk location></code> setting or through an
    145 <code>ANDROID_HOME</code> environment variable.</p>
    147 <h3 id="moduleBuildFile">Module Build File</h3>
    148 <p>The application module Gradle build file allows you to configure module build settings,
    149 including overriding the <code>src/main</code> manifest settings and setting custom packaging
    150 options. </p>
    152 <ul>
    153    <li>android settings </li>
    154        <ul>
    155           <li>compileSdkVersion</li>
    156           <li>buildToolsVersion</li>
    157        </ul>
    159    <li>defaultConfig and productFlavors </li>
    160        <ul>
    161           <li>manifest properties such as applicationId, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, and test
    162               information</li>
    163        </ul>
    165    <li>buildTypes</li>
    166        <ul>
    167           <li>build properties such as debuggable, ProGuard enabling, debug signing, version name
    168               suffix and testinformation</li>
    169        </ul>
    171    <li>dependencies</li>
    172 </ul>
    174 <p>This example applies the Android plugin, uses the default configuration to override several
    175 manifest properties, creates two build types: release and debug, and declares several dependencies.
    176 </p>
    178 <pre>
    179 apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
    181 android {
    182     compileSdkVersion 20
    183     buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"
    185     defaultConfig {
    186         applicationId "com.mycompany.myapplication"
    187         minSdkVersion 13
    188         targetSdkVersion 20
    189         versionCode 1
    190         versionName "1.0"
    191     }
    193     buildTypes {
    194         release {
    195             minifyEnabled false
    196             proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
    197         }
    198          debug {
    199             debuggable true
    200         }
    201     }
    202 }
    204 dependencies {
    205     compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    206     compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:20.0.0'
    207     compile project(path: ':app2, configuration: 'android-endpoints')
    208 }
    209 </pre>
    212 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> You can inject custom build logic for property values defined
    213 by a function that gets called by the property, for example:
    214 <pre>
    215 def computeVersionName() {
    216   ...
    217 }
    219 android {
    220     defaultConfig {
    221         versionName computeVersionName()
    222         ...
    223     }
    224 }
    225 </pre>
    226 </p>
    230 <h2 id="dependencies">Dependencies</h2>
    232 <p>The Android Studio build system manages project dependencies and supports module dependencies,
    233 local binary dependencies, and remote binary dependencies.</p>
    235 <dl>
    236     <dt><em>Module Dependencies</em></dt>
    237     <dd><p>An application module can include in its build file a list of other modules it depends on.
    238         When you build this module, the build system assembles and includes the required
    239         modules.</p></dd>
    240     <dt><em>Local Dependencies</em></dt>
    241     <dd><p>If you have binary archives in your local filesystem that a module depends on, such as
    242         JAR files, you can declare these dependencies in the build file for that module.</p></dd>
    243     <dt><em>Remote Dependencies</em></dt>
    244     <dd><p>When some of your dependencies are available in a remote repository, you do not have
    245         to download them and copy them into your project. The Android Studio build system supports
    246         remote dependencies from repositories, such as <a href="http://maven.apache.org/">Maven</a>,
    247         and dependency managers, such as <a href="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/">Ivy</a>. </p>
    248         <p>Many popular software libraries and tools are available in public Maven repositories.
    249         For these dependencies you only have to specify their Maven coordinates, which uniquely
    250         identify each element in a remote repository. The format for Maven coordinates used in the
    251         build system is <code>group:name:version</code>. For example, the Maven coordinates for
    252         version 16.0.1 of the Google Guava libraries are
    253         <code>com.google.guava:guava:16.0.1</code>.</p>
    254         <p>The <a href="http://search.maven.org">Maven Central Repository</a> is widely used to
    255         distribute many libraries and tools.</p>
    256     </dd>
    257 </dl>
    259 <h2 id="buildTasks">Build tasks</h2>
    261 <p>The Android Studio build system defines a hierarchical set of build tasks: the top-level or
    262 anchor tasks invoke dependent tasks to produce their collective build outcomes. The top-level build
    263 tasks are:</p>
    265 <dl>
    266    <dt>assemble </dt>
    267    <dd><p>Builds the project output. </p></dd>
    268    <dt>check </dt>
    269    <dd><p>Runs checks and tests.</p></dd>
    270    <dt>build </dt>
    271    <dd><p>Runs both assemble and check. </p></dd>
    272    <dt>clean </dt>
    273    <dd><p>Performs the clean.</p></dd>
    274 </dl>
    276 <p>The Android plugin provides the <em>connectedCheck</em> and <em>deviceCheck</em> tasks
    277 for checks run on connected, emulated, and remote devices. Gradle tasks can be viewed by clicking
    278 the Gradle tab</a> in the right margin.</p>
    280 <p>You can view the list of available tasks and invoke any task from Android Studio and from
    281 the command line, as described in
    282 <a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/building-studio.html">Building and Running from Android Studio</a>
    283 and <a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/building-cmdline.html">Build the project from
    284 the command line</a>.</p>
    286 <h2 id="gradleWrapper">The Gradle wrapper</h2>
    288 <p>Android Studio projects contain the <em>Gradle wrapper</em>, which consists of:</p>
    290 <ul>
    291     <li>A JAR file</li>
    292     <li>A properties file</li>
    293     <li>A shell script for Windows platforms</li>
    294     <li>A shell script for Mac and Linux platforms</li>
    295 </ul>
    297 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> You should submit all of these files to your source
    298 control system.</p>
    300 <p>Using the Gradle wrapper (instead of the local Gradle installation) ensures that
    301 you always run the version of Gradle defined in the <em>local.properties</em> file. To configure your
    302 project to use a newer version of Gradle, edit the properties file and specify the new version there.
    303 </p>
    305 <p>Android Studio reads the properties file from the Gradle wrapper directory inside your project
    306 and runs the wrapper from this directory, so you can seamlessly work with multiple projects
    307 that require different versions of Gradle.</p>
    309 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Android Studio does not use the shell scripts, so any
    310 changes you make to them won't work when building from the IDE. You should define your custom
    311 logic inside Gradle build files instead.</p>
    313 <p>You can run the shell scripts to build your project from the command line on your development
    314 machine and on other machines where Android Studio is not installed.</p>
    316 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> When you create a project, only use the Gradle wrapper
    317 scripts and JAR from a trusted source, such as those generated by Android Studio. </p>
    320 <h2 id="buildVariants"> Build variants</h2>
    322 <p>Each version of your app is represented in the build system by a <em>build variant</em>.
    323 Build variants are combinations of product flavors and build types. Product flavors represent
    324 product build versions of an app, such as free and paid. Build types represent the build
    325 packaging versions generated for each app package, such as debug and release. The build system
    326 generates APKs for each combination of product flavor and build type.</p>
    328 <p>By default, Android Studio defines default configuration settings, <code>defaultConfig</code> in
    329 the build.gradle file, and two build types (<em>debug</em> and <em>release</em>). This creates two
    330 build variants, debug and release, and the build system generates an
    331 APK for each variant. </p>
    333 <p>Adding two product flavors, <em>demo</em> and <em>full</em> along
    334 with the default build types <em>debug</em> and <em>release</em> generates four build variants,
    335 each with its own customized configuration:</p>
    337 <ul>
    338     <li>demoDebug</li>
    339     <li>demoRelease</li>
    340     <li>fullDebug</li>
    341     <li>fullRelease</li>
    342 </ul>
    344 Resources are merged across the multiple Android application sources:
    345 <ul>
    346     <li>Build variants based on the buildType, and productFlavor build settings</li>
    347     <li>The main sourceSet, generally located in src/main/res</li>
    348     <li>Library Project dependencies, which contribute resources through the res entry in their aar
    349     bundle.</li>
    350 </ul>
    352 <p>The priority of the merge order from lowest to highest is libraries/dependencies -> main src ->
    353 productFlavor -> buildType.</p>
    356 <p>Some projects have complex combinations of features along more than one dimension, but they
    357 still represent the same app. For example, in addition to having a demo and a full version of the
    358 app, some games may contain binaries specific to a particular CPU/ABI. The flexibility of
    359 the build system makes it possible to generate the following build variants for such a project:</p>
    361 <ul>
    362     <li>x86-demoDebug</li>
    363     <li>x86-demoRelease</li>
    364     <li>x86-fullDebug</li>
    365     <li>x86-fullRelease</li>
    366     <li>arm-demoDebug</li>
    367     <li>arm-demoRelease</li>
    368     <li>arm-fullDebug</li>
    369     <li>arm-fullRelease</li>
    370     <li>mips-demoDebug</li>
    371     <li>mips-demoRelease</li>
    372     <li>mips-fullDebug</li>
    373     <li>mips-fullRelease</li>
    374 </ul>
    376 <p>This project would consist of two build types (<em>debug</em> and <em>release</em>)
    377 and two <em>dimensions</em> of product flavors, one for app type (demo or full) and one for
    378 CPU/ABI (x86, ARM, or MIPS). </p>
    381 <h3 id="sourceDirectories">Source directories</h3>
    383 <p>To build each version of your app, the build system combines source code and
    384 resources from:</p>
    386 <ul>
    387     <li><code>src/main/</code> - the main source directory (the default configuration common to all
    388     variants)</li>
    389     <li><code>src/&lt;buildType>/</code> - the <buildType> source directory</li>
    390     <li><code>src/&lt;productFlavor>/</code> - the <productFlavor> source directory</li>
    391 </ul>
    393 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The build type and product flavor source directories are optional,
    394 as Android Studio does not create these directories for you. You should create these directories
    395 as you add build types and product flavors to the build configuration files. The build system does not
    396 use these directories if they are not present.</p>
    398 <p>For projects that do not define any flavors, the build system uses the <em>defaultConfig</em>
    399 settings, the main app directory and the default build type directories. For example, to generate
    400 the default <em>debug</em> and <em>release</em> build variants in projects with no product flavors,
    401 the build system uses:</p>
    402 <ul>
    403   <li><code>src/main/</code> (default configuration)</li>
    404   <li><code>src/release/</code> (build type)</li>
    405   <li><code>src/debug/</code> (build type)</li>
    406 </ul>
    408 <p>For projects that define a set of product flavors, the build system merges the build type, product
    409 flavor and main source directories. For example, to generate the <em>full-debug</em> build variant,
    410 the build system merges the build type, product flavor and main directories:</p>
    411 <ul>
    412    <li><code>src/main/</code> (default configuration)</li>
    413    <li><code>src/debug/</code> (build type)</li>
    414    <li><code>src/full/</code> (flavor)</li>
    415 </ul>
    417 <p>For projects that use flavor dimensions, the build system merges one flavor source directory per
    418 dimension. For example, to generate the <em>arm-demo-release</em> build variant, the build system
    419 merges:</p>
    420 <ul>
    421   <li><code>src/main/</code> (default configuration)</li>
    422   <li><code>src/release/</code> (build type)</li>
    423   <li><code>src/demo/</code> (flavor - app type dimension)</li>
    424   <li><code>src/arm/</code> (flavor - ABI dimension)</li>
    425 </ul>
    428 <p>The source code from these directories is used together to generate the output for a build
    429 variant. You can have classes with the same name in different directories as long as those
    430 directories are not used together in the same variant. </p>
    432 <p>The build system also merges all the manifests into a single manifest, so each build variant
    433 can define different components or permissions in the final manifest. The manifest merge priority
    434 from lowest to highest is libraries/dependencies -> main src -> productFlavor -> buildType. </p>
    436 <p>The build system merges all the resources from the all the source directories. If different
    437 folders contain resources with the same name for a build variant, the priority order is the
    438 following: build type resources override those from the product flavor, which override the
    439 resources in the main source directory, which override those in any libraries.</p>
    441 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Build variants enable you to reuse common activities,
    442 application logic, and resources across different versions of your app.</p>