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memcpy __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 fopen fscanf fclose __android_log_print fprintf fgets strncmp __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard malloc sprintf puts printf __aeabi_idiv __aeabi_i2f __aeabi_fdiv __aeabi_fmul __aeabi_f2iz inv_init_storage_manager inv_register_load_store free inv_get_mpl_state_size fread inv_load_mpl_states getopt memset inv_save_mpl_states fwrite __libc_init __cxa_atexit _edata __bss_start _end libc.so libm.so libutils.so libcutils.so libdl.so libstdc++.so liblog.so libz.so libmplmpu.so libmllite.so /sd/ussjc-ujbuild-kitkat01/android-4.4_r1/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/lib:/sd/ussjc-ujbuild-kitkat01/android-4.4_r1/out/target/product/hammerhead/system/lib 
r %d inv_self_test: ERR open file to read w inv_self_test: ERR open file to write inv_hub inv_self_test: couldn't alloc mem for sysfs paths /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0 %s%s /name /buffer/enable /power_state /dmp_on /self_test /temperature /gyro_enable /in_anglvel_x_calibbias /in_anglvel_y_calibbias /in_anglvel_z_calibbias /in_anglvel_self_test_scale /in_anglvel_x_offset /in_anglvel_y_offset /in_anglvel_z_offset /accel_enable /in_accel_x_calibbias /in_accel_y_calibbias /in_accel_z_calibbias /in_accel_self_test_scale /in_accel_x_offset /in_accel_y_offset /in_accel_z_offset /compass_enable ------------------------------ -- Calibration file content -- factory_gyro_bias[3] = %+ld %+ld %+ld factory_accel_bias[3] = %+ld %+ld %+ld compass_bias[3] = %+ld %+ld %+ld gyro_temp = %+ld gyro_bias_tc_set = %+d accel_temp = %+ld gyro_accuracy = %d accel_accuracy = %d compass_accuracy = %d %d Self-Test:Hub:Self test result - Gyro passed= %x, Accel passed= %x, Compass passed= %x Hub-Self-Test:ERR-Couldn't invoke self-test Self-Test:Can't allocate buffer /persist/inv_cal_data.bin rb Self-Test:ERR- Can't open cal file to read - %s Self-Test:ERR - Cannot load MPL states from cal file - error %d lw Self-Test:ERR-Failed to set power_state=1 Self-Test:ERR-Failed to disable master enable Self-Test:ERR-Failed to disable DMP Self-Test:ERR-Failed to enable accel Self-Test:ERR-Failed to enable gyro Self-Test:ERR-Failed to enable compass Self-Test:ERR-Couldn't invoke self-test Self-Test:Self test result- Gyro passed = %x, Accel passed = %x, Compass passed = %x Self-Test:Self test result- Gyro passed = %x, Accel passed = %x Self-Test:Failed to read Gyro bias Self-Test:Gyro bias[0..2] = [%d %d %d] Self-Test:Failed Gyro self-test Self-Test:Failed to read Accel bias Self-Test:Accel bias[0..2] = [%d %d %d] Self-Test:Failed Accel self-test Self-Test:Failed Gyro and Accel self-test, nothing left to do %lld %ld Self-Test:ERR-Couldn't read temperature Self-Test:Saved Accel bias[0..2] = [%ld %ld %ld] Self-Test:Gravity = %ld Self-Test:Saved Accel bias (gravity removed) [0..2] = [%ld %ld %ld] Self-Test:ERR-Failed to write %s Self-Test:Written Accel offsets[0..2] = [%d %d %d] Self-Test:Saved Gyro bias[0..2] = [%ld %ld %ld] Self-Test:Written Gyro offsets[0..2] = [%d %d %d] Self-Test:Gyro temperature @ time stored %ld Self-Test:Accel temperature @ time stored %ld wb+ Self-Test:ERR- Can't open calibration file to write - %s Self-Test:ERR-Failed to restore dmp_on Self-Test:ERR-Failed to restore accel_enable Self-Test:ERR-Failed to restore gyro_enable Self-Test:ERR-Failed to restore compass_enable Self-Test:ERR-Failed to restore buffer/enable Self-Test:ERR-Failed to restore power_state 
GCC: (GNU) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) GCC: (GNU) 4.7 
inv_self_test.c save_data $d write_biases_immediately $a inv_db_load_func inv_db_save_func crtbegin.c crtbrand.c abitag _start __dso_handle atexit _DYNAMIC _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ sysfs_names_ptr mpu memcpy __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 read_sysfs_int fopen fscanf fclose __android_log_print write_sysfs_int fprintf android_hub fgets strncmp __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard save_n_write_sysfs_int inv_init_sysfs_attributes malloc sprintf print_cal_file_content puts printf __aeabi_idiv __aeabi_i2f __aeabi_fdiv __aeabi_fmul __aeabi_f2iz main inv_init_storage_manager inv_register_load_store free inv_get_mpl_state_size fread inv_load_mpl_states getopt memset inv_save_mpl_states fwrite __PREINIT_ARRAY__ __INIT_ARRAY__ __FINI_ARRAY__ __libc_init __cxa_atexit _edata __bss_start _end 
.preinit_array .init_array .fini_array .ARM.exidx .text .got .comment .note.android.ident .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .interp .rel.dyn .note.gnu.gold-version .dynsym .hash .dynamic .ARM.extab .shstrtab .strtab .symtab .rodata