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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package dalvik.bytecode;
     19 /**
     20  * A list of all normal (not implementation-specific) Dalvik opcodes.
     21  */
     22 public interface Opcodes {
     23     /*
     24      * IMPORTANT NOTE: The contents of this file are mostly generated
     25      * automatically by the opcode-gen tool. Any edits to the generated
     26      * sections will get wiped out the next time the tool is run.
     27      */
     29     // BEGIN(libcore-opcodes); GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY opcode-gen
     30     int OP_NOP                          = 0x0000;
     31     int OP_MOVE                         = 0x0001;
     32     int OP_MOVE_FROM16                  = 0x0002;
     33     int OP_MOVE_16                      = 0x0003;
     34     int OP_MOVE_WIDE                    = 0x0004;
     35     int OP_MOVE_WIDE_FROM16             = 0x0005;
     36     int OP_MOVE_WIDE_16                 = 0x0006;
     37     int OP_MOVE_OBJECT                  = 0x0007;
     38     int OP_MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16           = 0x0008;
     39     int OP_MOVE_OBJECT_16               = 0x0009;
     40     int OP_MOVE_RESULT                  = 0x000a;
     41     int OP_MOVE_RESULT_WIDE             = 0x000b;
     42     int OP_MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT           = 0x000c;
     43     int OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION               = 0x000d;
     44     int OP_RETURN_VOID                  = 0x000e;
     45     int OP_RETURN                       = 0x000f;
     46     int OP_RETURN_WIDE                  = 0x0010;
     47     int OP_RETURN_OBJECT                = 0x0011;
     48     int OP_CONST_4                      = 0x0012;
     49     int OP_CONST_16                     = 0x0013;
     50     int OP_CONST                        = 0x0014;
     51     int OP_CONST_HIGH16                 = 0x0015;
     52     int OP_CONST_WIDE_16                = 0x0016;
     53     int OP_CONST_WIDE_32                = 0x0017;
     54     int OP_CONST_WIDE                   = 0x0018;
     55     int OP_CONST_WIDE_HIGH16            = 0x0019;
     56     int OP_CONST_STRING                 = 0x001a;
     57     int OP_CONST_STRING_JUMBO           = 0x001b;
     58     int OP_CONST_CLASS                  = 0x001c;
     59     int OP_MONITOR_ENTER                = 0x001d;
     60     int OP_MONITOR_EXIT                 = 0x001e;
     61     int OP_CHECK_CAST                   = 0x001f;
     62     int OP_INSTANCE_OF                  = 0x0020;
     63     int OP_ARRAY_LENGTH                 = 0x0021;
     64     int OP_NEW_INSTANCE                 = 0x0022;
     65     int OP_NEW_ARRAY                    = 0x0023;
     66     int OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY             = 0x0024;
     67     int OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE       = 0x0025;
     68     int OP_FILL_ARRAY_DATA              = 0x0026;
     69     int OP_THROW                        = 0x0027;
     70     int OP_GOTO                         = 0x0028;
     71     int OP_GOTO_16                      = 0x0029;
     72     int OP_GOTO_32                      = 0x002a;
     73     int OP_PACKED_SWITCH                = 0x002b;
     74     int OP_SPARSE_SWITCH                = 0x002c;
     75     int OP_CMPL_FLOAT                   = 0x002d;
     76     int OP_CMPG_FLOAT                   = 0x002e;
     77     int OP_CMPL_DOUBLE                  = 0x002f;
     78     int OP_CMPG_DOUBLE                  = 0x0030;
     79     int OP_CMP_LONG                     = 0x0031;
     80     int OP_IF_EQ                        = 0x0032;
     81     int OP_IF_NE                        = 0x0033;
     82     int OP_IF_LT                        = 0x0034;
     83     int OP_IF_GE                        = 0x0035;
     84     int OP_IF_GT                        = 0x0036;
     85     int OP_IF_LE                        = 0x0037;
     86     int OP_IF_EQZ                       = 0x0038;
     87     int OP_IF_NEZ                       = 0x0039;
     88     int OP_IF_LTZ                       = 0x003a;
     89     int OP_IF_GEZ                       = 0x003b;
     90     int OP_IF_GTZ                       = 0x003c;
     91     int OP_IF_LEZ                       = 0x003d;
     92     int OP_AGET                         = 0x0044;
     93     int OP_AGET_WIDE                    = 0x0045;
     94     int OP_AGET_OBJECT                  = 0x0046;
     95     int OP_AGET_BOOLEAN                 = 0x0047;
     96     int OP_AGET_BYTE                    = 0x0048;
     97     int OP_AGET_CHAR                    = 0x0049;
     98     int OP_AGET_SHORT                   = 0x004a;
     99     int OP_APUT                         = 0x004b;
    100     int OP_APUT_WIDE                    = 0x004c;
    101     int OP_APUT_OBJECT                  = 0x004d;
    102     int OP_APUT_BOOLEAN                 = 0x004e;
    103     int OP_APUT_BYTE                    = 0x004f;
    104     int OP_APUT_CHAR                    = 0x0050;
    105     int OP_APUT_SHORT                   = 0x0051;
    106     int OP_IGET                         = 0x0052;
    107     int OP_IGET_WIDE                    = 0x0053;
    108     int OP_IGET_OBJECT                  = 0x0054;
    109     int OP_IGET_BOOLEAN                 = 0x0055;
    110     int OP_IGET_BYTE                    = 0x0056;
    111     int OP_IGET_CHAR                    = 0x0057;
    112     int OP_IGET_SHORT                   = 0x0058;
    113     int OP_IPUT                         = 0x0059;
    114     int OP_IPUT_WIDE                    = 0x005a;
    115     int OP_IPUT_OBJECT                  = 0x005b;
    116     int OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN                 = 0x005c;
    117     int OP_IPUT_BYTE                    = 0x005d;
    118     int OP_IPUT_CHAR                    = 0x005e;
    119     int OP_IPUT_SHORT                   = 0x005f;
    120     int OP_SGET                         = 0x0060;
    121     int OP_SGET_WIDE                    = 0x0061;
    122     int OP_SGET_OBJECT                  = 0x0062;
    123     int OP_SGET_BOOLEAN                 = 0x0063;
    124     int OP_SGET_BYTE                    = 0x0064;
    125     int OP_SGET_CHAR                    = 0x0065;
    126     int OP_SGET_SHORT                   = 0x0066;
    127     int OP_SPUT                         = 0x0067;
    128     int OP_SPUT_WIDE                    = 0x0068;
    129     int OP_SPUT_OBJECT                  = 0x0069;
    130     int OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN                 = 0x006a;
    131     int OP_SPUT_BYTE                    = 0x006b;
    132     int OP_SPUT_CHAR                    = 0x006c;
    133     int OP_SPUT_SHORT                   = 0x006d;
    134     int OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL               = 0x006e;
    135     int OP_INVOKE_SUPER                 = 0x006f;
    136     int OP_INVOKE_DIRECT                = 0x0070;
    137     int OP_INVOKE_STATIC                = 0x0071;
    138     int OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE             = 0x0072;
    139     int OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE         = 0x0074;
    140     int OP_INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE           = 0x0075;
    141     int OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE          = 0x0076;
    142     int OP_INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE          = 0x0077;
    143     int OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE       = 0x0078;
    144     int OP_NEG_INT                      = 0x007b;
    145     int OP_NOT_INT                      = 0x007c;
    146     int OP_NEG_LONG                     = 0x007d;
    147     int OP_NOT_LONG                     = 0x007e;
    148     int OP_NEG_FLOAT                    = 0x007f;
    149     int OP_NEG_DOUBLE                   = 0x0080;
    150     int OP_INT_TO_LONG                  = 0x0081;
    151     int OP_INT_TO_FLOAT                 = 0x0082;
    152     int OP_INT_TO_DOUBLE                = 0x0083;
    153     int OP_LONG_TO_INT                  = 0x0084;
    154     int OP_LONG_TO_FLOAT                = 0x0085;
    155     int OP_LONG_TO_DOUBLE               = 0x0086;
    156     int OP_FLOAT_TO_INT                 = 0x0087;
    157     int OP_FLOAT_TO_LONG                = 0x0088;
    158     int OP_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE              = 0x0089;
    159     int OP_DOUBLE_TO_INT                = 0x008a;
    160     int OP_DOUBLE_TO_LONG               = 0x008b;
    161     int OP_DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT              = 0x008c;
    162     int OP_INT_TO_BYTE                  = 0x008d;
    163     int OP_INT_TO_CHAR                  = 0x008e;
    164     int OP_INT_TO_SHORT                 = 0x008f;
    165     int OP_ADD_INT                      = 0x0090;
    166     int OP_SUB_INT                      = 0x0091;
    167     int OP_MUL_INT                      = 0x0092;
    168     int OP_DIV_INT                      = 0x0093;
    169     int OP_REM_INT                      = 0x0094;
    170     int OP_AND_INT                      = 0x0095;
    171     int OP_OR_INT                       = 0x0096;
    172     int OP_XOR_INT                      = 0x0097;
    173     int OP_SHL_INT                      = 0x0098;
    174     int OP_SHR_INT                      = 0x0099;
    175     int OP_USHR_INT                     = 0x009a;
    176     int OP_ADD_LONG                     = 0x009b;
    177     int OP_SUB_LONG                     = 0x009c;
    178     int OP_MUL_LONG                     = 0x009d;
    179     int OP_DIV_LONG                     = 0x009e;
    180     int OP_REM_LONG                     = 0x009f;
    181     int OP_AND_LONG                     = 0x00a0;
    182     int OP_OR_LONG                      = 0x00a1;
    183     int OP_XOR_LONG                     = 0x00a2;
    184     int OP_SHL_LONG                     = 0x00a3;
    185     int OP_SHR_LONG                     = 0x00a4;
    186     int OP_USHR_LONG                    = 0x00a5;
    187     int OP_ADD_FLOAT                    = 0x00a6;
    188     int OP_SUB_FLOAT                    = 0x00a7;
    189     int OP_MUL_FLOAT                    = 0x00a8;
    190     int OP_DIV_FLOAT                    = 0x00a9;
    191     int OP_REM_FLOAT                    = 0x00aa;
    192     int OP_ADD_DOUBLE                   = 0x00ab;
    193     int OP_SUB_DOUBLE                   = 0x00ac;
    194     int OP_MUL_DOUBLE                   = 0x00ad;
    195     int OP_DIV_DOUBLE                   = 0x00ae;
    196     int OP_REM_DOUBLE                   = 0x00af;
    197     int OP_ADD_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b0;
    198     int OP_SUB_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b1;
    199     int OP_MUL_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b2;
    200     int OP_DIV_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b3;
    201     int OP_REM_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b4;
    202     int OP_AND_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b5;
    203     int OP_OR_INT_2ADDR                 = 0x00b6;
    204     int OP_XOR_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b7;
    205     int OP_SHL_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b8;
    206     int OP_SHR_INT_2ADDR                = 0x00b9;
    207     int OP_USHR_INT_2ADDR               = 0x00ba;
    208     int OP_ADD_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00bb;
    209     int OP_SUB_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00bc;
    210     int OP_MUL_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00bd;
    211     int OP_DIV_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00be;
    212     int OP_REM_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00bf;
    213     int OP_AND_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00c0;
    214     int OP_OR_LONG_2ADDR                = 0x00c1;
    215     int OP_XOR_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00c2;
    216     int OP_SHL_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00c3;
    217     int OP_SHR_LONG_2ADDR               = 0x00c4;
    218     int OP_USHR_LONG_2ADDR              = 0x00c5;
    219     int OP_ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0x00c6;
    220     int OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0x00c7;
    221     int OP_MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0x00c8;
    222     int OP_DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0x00c9;
    223     int OP_REM_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0x00ca;
    224     int OP_ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0x00cb;
    225     int OP_SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0x00cc;
    226     int OP_MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0x00cd;
    227     int OP_DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0x00ce;
    228     int OP_REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0x00cf;
    229     int OP_ADD_INT_LIT16                = 0x00d0;
    230     int OP_RSUB_INT                     = 0x00d1;
    231     int OP_MUL_INT_LIT16                = 0x00d2;
    232     int OP_DIV_INT_LIT16                = 0x00d3;
    233     int OP_REM_INT_LIT16                = 0x00d4;
    234     int OP_AND_INT_LIT16                = 0x00d5;
    235     int OP_OR_INT_LIT16                 = 0x00d6;
    236     int OP_XOR_INT_LIT16                = 0x00d7;
    237     int OP_ADD_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00d8;
    238     int OP_RSUB_INT_LIT8                = 0x00d9;
    239     int OP_MUL_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00da;
    240     int OP_DIV_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00db;
    241     int OP_REM_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00dc;
    242     int OP_AND_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00dd;
    243     int OP_OR_INT_LIT8                  = 0x00de;
    244     int OP_XOR_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00df;
    245     int OP_SHL_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00e0;
    246     int OP_SHR_INT_LIT8                 = 0x00e1;
    247     int OP_USHR_INT_LIT8                = 0x00e2;
    248     // END(libcore-opcodes)
    250     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    251     int OP_CONST_CLASS_JUMBO            = 0x00ff;
    252     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    253     int OP_CHECK_CAST_JUMBO             = 0x01ff;
    254     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    255     int OP_INSTANCE_OF_JUMBO            = 0x02ff;
    256     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    257     int OP_NEW_INSTANCE_JUMBO           = 0x03ff;
    258     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    259     int OP_NEW_ARRAY_JUMBO              = 0x04ff;
    260     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    261     int OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_JUMBO       = 0x05ff;
    262     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    263     int OP_IGET_JUMBO                   = 0x06ff;
    264     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    265     int OP_IGET_WIDE_JUMBO              = 0x07ff;
    266     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    267     int OP_IGET_OBJECT_JUMBO            = 0x08ff;
    268     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    269     int OP_IGET_BOOLEAN_JUMBO           = 0x09ff;
    270     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    271     int OP_IGET_BYTE_JUMBO              = 0x0aff;
    272     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    273     int OP_IGET_CHAR_JUMBO              = 0x0bff;
    274     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    275     int OP_IGET_SHORT_JUMBO             = 0x0cff;
    276     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    277     int OP_IPUT_JUMBO                   = 0x0dff;
    278     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    279     int OP_IPUT_WIDE_JUMBO              = 0x0eff;
    280     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    281     int OP_IPUT_OBJECT_JUMBO            = 0x0fff;
    282     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    283     int OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN_JUMBO           = 0x10ff;
    284     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    285     int OP_IPUT_BYTE_JUMBO              = 0x11ff;
    286     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    287     int OP_IPUT_CHAR_JUMBO              = 0x12ff;
    288     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    289     int OP_IPUT_SHORT_JUMBO             = 0x13ff;
    290     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    291     int OP_SGET_JUMBO                   = 0x14ff;
    292     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    293     int OP_SGET_WIDE_JUMBO              = 0x15ff;
    294     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    295     int OP_SGET_OBJECT_JUMBO            = 0x16ff;
    296     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    297     int OP_SGET_BOOLEAN_JUMBO           = 0x17ff;
    298     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    299     int OP_SGET_BYTE_JUMBO              = 0x18ff;
    300     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    301     int OP_SGET_CHAR_JUMBO              = 0x19ff;
    302     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    303     int OP_SGET_SHORT_JUMBO             = 0x1aff;
    304     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    305     int OP_SPUT_JUMBO                   = 0x1bff;
    306     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    307     int OP_SPUT_WIDE_JUMBO              = 0x1cff;
    308     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    309     int OP_SPUT_OBJECT_JUMBO            = 0x1dff;
    310     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    311     int OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN_JUMBO           = 0x1eff;
    312     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    313     int OP_SPUT_BYTE_JUMBO              = 0x1fff;
    314     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    315     int OP_SPUT_CHAR_JUMBO              = 0x20ff;
    316     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    317     int OP_SPUT_SHORT_JUMBO             = 0x21ff;
    318     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    319     int OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_JUMBO         = 0x22ff;
    320     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    321     int OP_INVOKE_SUPER_JUMBO           = 0x23ff;
    322     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    323     int OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_JUMBO          = 0x24ff;
    324     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    325     int OP_INVOKE_STATIC_JUMBO          = 0x25ff;
    326     /** Never implemented; do not use. */
    327     int OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE_JUMBO       = 0x26ff;
    329     /*
    330      * The rest of these are either generated by dexopt for optimized
    331      * code, or inserted by the VM at runtime.  They are never generated
    332      * by "dx".
    333      *
    334      * They are all deprecated and will be removed in a future
    335      * release, since these declarations are really of private implementation
    336      * details that are subject to change.
    337      */
    339     /**
    340      * Implementation detail.
    341      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    342      */
    343     @Deprecated int OP_IGET_WIDE_VOLATILE           = 0xe8;
    345     /**
    346      * Implementation detail.
    347      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    348      */
    349     @Deprecated int OP_IPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE           = 0xe9;
    351     /**
    352      * Implementation detail.
    353      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    354      */
    355     @Deprecated int OP_SGET_WIDE_VOLATILE           = 0xea;
    357     /**
    358      * Implementation detail.
    359      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    360      */
    361     @Deprecated int OP_SPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE           = 0xeb;
    363     /**
    364      * Implementation detail.
    365      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    366      */
    367     @Deprecated int OP_BREAKPOINT                   = 0xec;
    369     /**
    370      * Implementation detail.
    371      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    372      */
    373     @Deprecated int OP_THROW_VERIFICATION_ERROR     = 0xed;
    375     /**
    376      * Implementation detail.
    377      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    378      */
    379     @Deprecated int OP_EXECUTE_INLINE               = 0xee;
    381     /**
    382      * Implementation detail.
    383      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    384      */
    385     @Deprecated int OP_EXECUTE_INLINE_RANGE         = 0xef;
    387     /**
    388      * Implementation detail.
    389      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    390      */
    391     @Deprecated int OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_EMPTY          = 0xf0;
    393     /**
    394      * Implementation detail.
    395      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    396      */
    397     @Deprecated int OP_IGET_QUICK                   = 0xf2;
    399     /**
    400      * Implementation detail.
    401      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    402      */
    403     @Deprecated int OP_IGET_WIDE_QUICK              = 0xf3;
    405     /**
    406      * Implementation detail.
    407      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    408      */
    409     @Deprecated int OP_IGET_OBJECT_QUICK            = 0xf4;
    411     /**
    412      * Implementation detail.
    413      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    414      */
    415     @Deprecated int OP_IPUT_QUICK                   = 0xf5;
    417     /**
    418      * Implementation detail.
    419      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    420      */
    421     @Deprecated int OP_IPUT_WIDE_QUICK              = 0xf6;
    423     /**
    424      * Implementation detail.
    425      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    426      */
    427     @Deprecated int OP_IPUT_OBJECT_QUICK            = 0xf7;
    429     /**
    430      * Implementation detail.
    431      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    432      */
    433     @Deprecated int OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK         = 0xf8;
    435     /**
    436      * Implementation detail.
    437      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    438      */
    439     @Deprecated int OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK_RANGE   = 0xf9;
    441     /**
    442      * Implementation detail.
    443      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    444      */
    445     @Deprecated int OP_INVOKE_SUPER_QUICK           = 0xfa;
    447     /**
    448      * Implementation detail.
    449      * @deprecated Implementation detail.
    450      */
    451     @Deprecated int OP_INVOKE_SUPER_QUICK_RANGE     = 0xfb;
    452 }