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     54 <div class="title">ABI Management </div>  </div>
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     56 <div class="contents">
     57 <div class="textblock"><p><a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br/>
     58  <a href="#sa">Supported ABIs</a><br/>
     59  <a href="#gc">Generating code for a Specific ABI</a><br/>
     60  <a href="#am">ABI management on the Android Platform</a><br/>
     61 </p>
     62 <p><a class="anchor" id="intro"></a> </p>
     63 <h2>Introduction</h2>
     64 <p>Every piece of native code generated with the Android NDK matches a given
     65 application binary interface ("ABI") that defines exactly how your
     66 application's machine code is expected to interact with the system at
     67 runtime.</p>
     68 <p>A typical ABI describes things in <em>excruciating</em> detail, and
     69 typically includes the following information:</p>
     70 <ul>
     71 <li>The CPU instruction set that the machine code should use.</li>
     72 <li>The endianness of memory stores and loads at runtime.</li>
     73 <li>The format of executable binaries (shared libraries, programs, etc.), and
     74 the types of content they support.</li>
     75 <li>Various conventions used to pass data between your code and the system.
     76 These include alignment constraints, as well as how registers and/or the stack
     77 are used when functions are called.</li>
     78 <li>Alignment and size constraints for enum types, structure fields, and
     79 arrays.</li>
     80 <li>The list of function symbols available to your machine code at runtime,
     81 generally from a very specifically selected set of libraries.</li>
     82 </ul>
     83 <p>This document lists the exact ABIs supported by the Android NDK and the
     84 official Android platform releases.</p>
     85 <p><a class="anchor" id="sa"></a> </p>
     86 <h2>Supported ABIs</h2>
     87 <h3>Overview</h3>
     88 <p>Table 1 provides an at-a-glance overview of each ABI's supported instruction
     89 sets and capabilities.</p>
     90 <table class="doxtable">
     91 <tr>
     92 <th></th><th>Instruction Set(s) </th><th>Notes  </th></tr>
     93 <tr>
     94 <td><a href="#armeabi">armeabi</a> </td><td>ARMV5TE and later<br/>
     95 Thumb-1 </td><td><b>No</b> hard float.</td></tr>
     96 <tr>
     97 <td><a href="#v7a">armeabi-v7a</a> </td><td>armeabi<br/>
     98 Thumb-2<br/>
     99 VFPv3-D16<br/>
    100 other optional </td><td>Hard float when specified as
    101 <code>armeabi-v7a-hard</code>.<br/>
    102 Incompatible with ARMv5, v6 devices.</td></tr>
    103 <tr>
    104 <td><a href="#arm64-v8a">arm64-v8a</a> </td><td>AArch-64</td><td></td></tr>
    105 <tr>
    106 <td><a href="#x86">x86</a> </td><td>x86 (IA-32)<br/>
    107 MMX<br/>
    108 SSE/2/3<br>
    109 SSSE3</td><td>No support for MOVBE or SSE4.</td></tr>
    110 <tr>
    111 <td><a href="#86-64">x86_64</a> </td><td>x86-64<br/>
    112 MMX<br/>
    113 SSE/2/3<br>
    114 SSSE3<br>
    115 SSE4.1, 4.2<br>
    116 POPCNT</td><td></td></tr>
    117 <tr>
    118 <td><a href="#mips">mips</a></td><td>MIPS32r1 and later</td><td>Hard
    119 float.</td></tr>
    120 <tr>
    121 <td><a href="#mips64">mips 64</a></td><td>MIPS64r6</td><td></td></tr>
    122 </table>
    123 <p><b>Table 1.</b> Respective ABI capabilities</p>
    124 <p>More detailed information about each ABI appears below.</p>
    125 <p><a class="anchor" id="armeabi"></a> </p>
    126 <h3>armeabi</h3>
    127 <p>This is the name of an ABI for ARM-based CPUs that support <em>at least</em>
    128 the ARMv5TE instruction set. Please refer to the following documentation for
    129 more details:</p>
    130 <ul>
    131 <li><a href="https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~waldroj/3d1/arm_arm.pdf">ARM Architecture
    132 Reference Manual</a> ("ARMARM")</li>
    133 <li><a
    134 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0042e/IHI0042E_aapcs.p
    135 df">Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture</a> ("AAPCS")</li>
    136 <li><a
    137 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.dui0101a/DUI0101A_Elf.pdf
    138 ">ARM ELF File Format</a> ("ARMELF")</li>
    139 <li><a
    140 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.subset.swdev.a
    141 bi/index.html">Application Binary Interface (ABI) for the ARM Architecture</a>
    142 ("BSABI")</li>
    143 <li><a
    144 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0037c/IHI0037C_bpabi.p
    145 df">Base Platform ABI for the ARM Architecture</a> ("BPABI")</li>
    146 <li><a
    147 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0039c/IHI0039C_clibabi
    148 .pdf">C Library ABI for the ARM Architecture</a> ("CLIABI")</li>
    149 <li><a
    150 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ihi0041d/index
    151 .html">C++ ABI for the ARM Architecture</a> ("CPPABI")</li>
    152 <li><a
    153 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ihi0043d/IHI0043D_rtabi.p
    154 df">Run-time ABI for the ARM Architecture</a> ("RTABI")</li>
    155 <li><a href="http://www.sco.com/developers/gabi/2001-04-24/contents.html">ELF
    156 System V Application Binary Interface</a> (DRAFT 2001)</li>
    157 <li><a href="http://mentorembedded.github.com/cxx-abi/abi.html">Generic C++
    158 ABI</a></li>
    159 </ul>
    160 <p>Note that the AAPCS standard defines EABI as a <em>family</em> of similar
    161 but distinct ABIs. Also, Android follows the little-endian ARM GNU/Linux ABI as
    162 documented in the <a
    163 href="http://sourcery.mentor.com/sgpp/lite/arm/portal/kbattach142/arm_gnu_linux_
    164 abi.pdf">ARM GNU/Linux Application Binary Interface Supplement</a></p>
    165 <p>This ABI does <em>not</em> support hardware-assisted floating point
    166 computations. Instead, all floating-point operations use software helper
    167 functions from the compiler's <code>libgcc.a</code> static library.</p>
    168 <p>The armeabi ABI supports ARMs <a
    169 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0210c/CACBC
    170 AAE.html">Thumb (a.k.a. Thumb-1) instruction set</a>. The NDK generates Thumb
    171 code by default unless you specify different behavior using the
    172 <code>LOCAL_ARM_MODE</code> variable in your <code>Android.mk</code> file (see
    173 the <a
    174 href="./md_3__key__topics__building__chapter_1-section_8__android_8mk.html">Andr
    175 oid.mk section</a> for details).</p>
    176 <p><a class="anchor" id="v7a"></a> </p>
    177 <h3>armeabi-v7a (armeabi-v7a-hard)</h3>
    178 <p>armeabi-v7a <em>extends</em> armeabi to include a few CPU instruction set
    179 extensions as described in the following document:</p>
    180 <ul>
    181 <li><a
    182 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0406c/index
    183 .html">ARM Architecture v7-a Reference Manual</a></li>
    184 </ul>
    185 <p>The instruction extensions supported by this Android-specific ABI are:</p>
    186 <ul>
    187 <li>The Thumb-2 instruction set extension.</li>
    188 <li>The VFP hardware FPU instructions. More specifically, VFPv3-D16, which
    189 corresponds to 16 dedicated 64-bit floating point registers provided by the
    190 CPU.</li>
    191 </ul>
    192 <p>Other extensions described by the v7-a ARM, like <a
    193 href="http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0388f/Beijf
    194 cja.html">Advanced SIMD</a> (a.k.a. NEON), VFPv3-D32, or ThumbEE are optional
    195 to this ABI. This means that developers should check <em>at runtime</em>
    196 whether the extensions are available. If not, they must use alternative code
    197 paths. This check is similar to the one typically performed to check/use <a
    198 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MMX_(instruction_set">MMX</a>), <a
    199 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE2">SSE2</a> and other specialized
    200 instruction sets on x86 CPUs.</p>
    201 <p>For information about how to perform these runtime checks, refer to <a
    202 href="./md_3__key__topics__c_p_u__support__c_p_u-_f_e_a_t_u_r_e_s.html">CPU
    203 Features</a>. Also, for information about the NDK's support for building
    204 NEON-capable machine code, see <a
    205 href="md_3__key__topics__c_p_u__support__c_p_u-_a_r_m-_n_e_o_n.html">CPU-ARM-NEO
    206 N</a>.</p>
    207 <p>Note that armeabi-v7a uses the <code>-mfloat-abi=softfp</code> switch to
    208 enforce the rule that all double values must be passed during function calls in
    209 "core" register pairs, instead of dedicated FP ones. All internal computations
    210 can be performed, however, with the FP registers, which speeds them up
    211 greatly.</p>
    212 <p>Although this constraint results in a modest performance hit, it ensures
    213 compatibility with all existing armeabi binaries. If you need the additional
    214 performance, you can specify your ABI as armeabi-v7a-hard instead. Doing so
    215 allows you to use hard floats, while still linking with Android native APIs
    216 that use <code>softfp</code>. For more information, look inside the
    217 <code>Android.mk</code> file in <code>/tests/device/hard-float/jni/</code>.</p>
    218 <p><b>NOTE:</b> The armeabi-v7a machine code does <em>not</em> run on ARMv5 or
    219 ARMv6 based devices.</p>
    220 <p><b>NOTE:</b> You cannot specify <code>APP_ABI</code> as both armeabi-v7a and
    221 armeabi-v7a-hard. In either case, the build system places the shared libraries
    222 in the <code>armeabi-v7a/</code> directory.</p>
    223 <p><a class="anchor" id="hard"></a> </p>
    224 <h3>armeabi-v7a-hard</h3>
    225 <p>This variant of the armeabi-v7a ABI is unique to the NDK. The NDK build
    226 system adds the following flags in addition to those that it uses for the
    227 armeabi-v7a ABI. </p>
    228 <pre class="fragment">TARGET_CFLAGS += -mhard-float -D_NDK_MATH_NO_SOFTFP=1
    229 TARGET_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-warn-mismatch -lm_hard
    230 </pre><p>All code is compiled with hard-float and linked with libm_hard.a. This
    231 is the same math library as libm.a, except that it follows hard-float ABI
    232 conventions. The generated shared libraries are stored in
    233 <code>lib/armeabi-v7a/</code>.</p>
    234 <p><a class="anchor" id="arm64-v8a"></a> </p>
    235 <h3>arm64-v8a</h3>
    236 <p>This ABI is for ARMv8-based CPUs that support AArch64.</p>
    237 <p>For more information, see the <a
    238 href="http://www.arm.com/files/downloads/ARMv8_Architecture.pdf">ARMv8
    239 Technology Preview</a>, and contact ARM for further details.</p>
    240 <p><a class="anchor" id="x86"></a> </p>
    241 <h3>x86</h3>
    242 <p>This is the name of an ABI for CPUs supporting the instruction set commonly
    243 referred to as "x86" or "IA-32". Characteristics of this ABI include:</p>
    244 <ul>
    245 <li>instructions normally generated by GCC with the following compiler
    246 flags:</li>
    247 </ul>
    248 <pre class="fragment">-march=i686 -mtune=intel -mssse3 -mfpmath=sse -m32
    249 </pre><p>These flags target the the Pentium Pro instruction set, along with the
    250 the MMX, <a
    251 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_SIMD_Extensions">SSE</a>, SSE2, <a
    252 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE3">SSE3</a>, and <a
    253 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSSE3">SSSE3</a> instruction set extensions.
    254 The generated code is a balanced optimization across the top Intel 32-bit
    255 CPUs.</p>
    256 <p><b>NOTE:</b> The compiler flags shown above do not represent a comprehensive
    257 list. In particular, they do not include compiler optimization options used by
    258 default and/or recommended for x86 performance improvement. For performance
    259 optimization hints on x86 GCC, refer to Intel's article titled <a
    260 href="http://software.intel.com/blogs/2012/09/26/gcc-x86-performance-hints">GCC
    261 x86 Performance</a>. Also, to investigate what other flags may be useful,
    262 especially <code>-f*</code> and <code>-m</code>, see <a
    263 href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/i386-and-x86-64-Options.html#i386-and-x
    264 86-64-Options">GCC online documentation: Intel 386 and AMD x86-64
    265 Options</a>.</p>
    266 <ul>
    267 <li>Use of the standard Linux x86 32-bit calling convention, as opposed to the
    268 SVR4 one. (For more information, see section 6, "Register Usage" of <a
    269 href="http://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf">Calling
    270 conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems</a>.)</li>
    271 </ul>
    272 <p>The ABI does <em>not</em> include any other optional IA-32 instruction set
    273 extensions, including, but not limited to:</p>
    274 <ul>
    275 <li>The MOVBE instruction.</li>
    276 <li>Any variant of SSE4.</li>
    277 </ul>
    278 <p>You can still use these, as long as you use runtime feature-probing to
    279 enable them, and provide fallbacks for devices that do not support them.</p>
    280 <p>The NDK toolchain assumes 16 byte stack alignment. Tools and options used by
    281 default enforce this rule. It is the user's responsibilty to ensure that stack
    282 alignment is maintained if they write assembly code, and to ensure that other
    283 compilers also obey this rule.</p>
    284 <p>Please refer to the following documents for more details:</p>
    285 <ul>
    286 <li><a
    287 href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/i386-and-x86-64-Options.html#i386-and-x
    288 86-64-Options">GCC online documentation: Intel 386 and AMD x86-64
    289 Options</a></li>
    290 <li><a href="http://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf">Calling
    291 conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems</a></li>
    292 <li><a
    293 href="http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/manuals/64-ia-
    294 32-architectures-software-developer-instruction-set-reference-manual-325383.pdf"
    295 >Intel IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 2:
    296 Instruction Set Reference</a></li>
    297 <li><a
    298 href="http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/manuals/64-ia-
    299 32-architectures-software-developer-system-programming-manual-325384.pdf">Intel
    300 IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3: System
    301 Programming Guide</a></li>
    302 <li>Amendment to System V Application Binary Interface: Intel386 Processor
    303 Architecture Supplement</li>
    304 </ul>
    305 <p><a class="anchor" id="86-64"></a> </p>
    306 <h3>x86_64</h3>
    307 <p>This ABI is for CPUs supporting the instruction set commonly referred to as
    308 "x86-64." It supports instructions normally generated by GCC with the following
    309 compiler flags: </p>
    310 <pre class="fragment">-march=x86-64 -msse4.2 -mpopcnt -m64 -mtune=intel
    311 </pre><p>These flags target the x86-64 instruction set, according to the GCC
    312 documentation. along with the MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, <a
    313 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE4">SSE4.1</a>,SSE4.2, and POPCNT
    314 instruction-set extensions. The generated code is a balanced optimization
    315 across the top Intel 64-bit CPUs.</p>
    316 <p><b>NOTE:</b> The compiler flags shown above do not represent a comprehensive
    317 list. In particular, they do not include compiler optimization options used by
    318 default and/or recommended for x86-64 performance improvement. For performance
    319 optimization hints on x86-64 GCC, refer to Intel's article titled <a
    320 href="http://software.intel.com/blogs/2012/09/26/gcc-x86-performance-hints">GCC
    321 x86 Performance</a>.</p>
    322 <p>The ABI does <em>not</em> include any other optional x86-64 instruction set
    323 extensions, including, but not limited to:</p>
    324 <ul>
    325 <li>the MOVBE instruction</li>
    326 <li>the SHA instruction</li>
    327 <li>the AVX extension</li>
    328 <li>the AVX2 extension</li>
    329 </ul>
    330 <p>You can still use these, as long as you use runtime feature probing to
    331 enable them, and provide fallbacks for devices that do not support them.</p>
    332 <p>Please refer to the following documents for more details:</p>
    333 <ul>
    334 <li><a href="http://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf">Calling
    335 conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems</a></li>
    336 <li><a
    337 href="http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/architectures-software-d
    338 eveloper-manuals.html?iid=tech_vt_tech+64-32_manuals">Intel64 and IA-32
    339 Architectures Software Developer's Manual, Volume 2: Instruction Set
    340 Reference</a></li>
    341 <li><a
    342 href="http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/architectures-software-d
    343 eveloper-manuals.html?iid=tech_vt_tech+64-32_manuals">Intel64 and IA-32 Intel
    344 Architecture Software Developer's Manual Volume 3: System Programming</a></li>
    345 <li>Amendment to System V Application Binary Interface AMD64 Processor
    346 Architecture Supplement</li>
    347 </ul>
    348 <p><a class="anchor" id="mips"></a> </p>
    349 <h3>mips</h3>
    350 <p>This ABI is for MIPS-based CPUs that support <b>at least</b> the MIPS32r1
    351 instruction set. It includes the following features:</p>
    352 <ul>
    353 <li>MIPS32 revision 1 ISA</li>
    354 <li>Little-endian</li>
    355 <li>O32</li>
    356 <li>Hard-float</li>
    357 <li><p class="startli">No DSP application-specific extensions</p>
    358 <p class="startli">For more information, please refer to the following
    359 documentation.</p>
    360 </li>
    361 <li>ELF for the MIPS Architecture ("MIPSELF")</li>
    362 <li>FAQ for MIPS Toolchains ("MIPSFAQ")</li>
    363 <li>Toolchain Specifics ("MIPSTOOL")</li>
    364 <li>SDE Library ("MIPSSDE")</li>
    365 <li>Instruction Set Quick Reference ("MIPSISA")</li>
    366 <li>Architecture for Programmers ("MIPSARCH")</li>
    367 <li><a href="https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/elf/gabi4+/contents.html">ELF
    368 System V Application Binary Interface: DRAFT - 24 April 2001</a></li>
    369 <li><p class="startli"><a
    370 href="http://sourcery.mentor.com/public/cxx-abi/abi.html">Generic C++
    371 ABI</a></p>
    372 <p class="startli">The MIPS-specific documentation is available <a
    373 href="http://www.imgtec.com/mips/architectures/mips32.asp">here</a>, with
    374 further information <a
    375 href="https://sourcery.mentor.com/sgpp/lite/mips/portal/target_arch?@action=faq&
    376 amp;target_arch=MIPS">here</a>.</p>
    377 </li>
    378 </ul>
    379 <p><b>NOTE::</b> This ABI assumes a CPU:FPU clock ratio of 2:1 for maximum
    380 compatibility.</p>
    381 <p><b>NOTE::</b> Neither MIPS16 nor micromips is provided.</p>
    382 <p><a class="anchor" id="mips64"></a> </p>
    383 <h3>mips64</h3>
    384 <p>This ABI is for MIPS64 R6.</p>
    385 <p><a class="anchor" id="gc"></a> </p>
    386 <h2>Generating code for a specific ABI</h2>
    387 <p>By default, the NDK generates machine code for the armeabi ABI. You can
    388 generate ARMv7-a-compatible machine code, instead, by adding the following line
    389 to your <code>Application.mk</code> file.</p>
    390 <pre class="fragment">    APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a
    391 </pre><p>It is also possible to build machine code for two or more distinct
    392 ABIs, using spaces as delimiters. For example:</p>
    393 <pre class="fragment">    APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a
    394 </pre><p>This instructs the NDK to build two versions of your machine code: one
    395 for each ABI listed on this line. The build system copies the libraries to your
    396 application project path, and ultimately packages them into your APK, creating
    397 a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_binary">fat binary</a>.</p>
    398 <p>At installation time, the package manager unpacks only the most appropriate
    399 machine code for the target device. For details, see <a href="#aen">Automatic
    400 extraction of native code at install time</a>.</p>
    401 <p>You can also generate machine code for all NDK-supported ABIs:</p>
    402 <pre class="fragment">    APP_ABI := all
    403 </pre><p>Doing so will ensure that your app package contains libraries for all
    404 target ABIs. The tradeoff is that a fat binary is larger than one for a single
    405 system.</p>
    406 <p><a class="anchor" id="am"></a> </p>
    407 <h2>ABI Management on the Android platform</h2>
    408 <p>This section provides details about how the Android platform manages native
    409 code in APKs.</p>
    410 <h3>Native code in app packages</h3>
    411 <p>Both the Play Store and Package Manager expect to find NDK-generated
    412 libraries on filepaths inside the APK matching the following pattern:</p>
    413 <pre class="fragment">   lib/&lt;abi&gt;/lib&lt;name&gt;.so
    414 </pre><p>&lt;abi&gt; is one of the ABI names listed in the <a
    415 href="#sa">Supported ABIs</a> section of this document, and &lt;name&gt; is the
    416 name that the app uses to load the library from the VM. For example:</p>
    417 <pre class="fragment">    System.loadLibrary("&lt;name&gt;");
    418 </pre><p>Since APK files are just zip files, it is trivial to examine them and
    419 confirm that the shared native libraries are where they belong.</p>
    420 <p>If the native shared libraries are not where the system expects to find
    421 them, it can't do anything with them. In such a case, the app itself has to
    422 copy the libraries over, and perform <code>dlopen()</code>.</p>
    423 <p>Multiple libraries can be placed into a fat binary. For example:</p>
    424 <pre class="fragment">    lib/armeabi/libfoo.so
    425     lib/armeabi-v7a/libfoo.so
    426     lib/arm64-v8a/libfoo.so
    427     lib/x86/libfoo.so
    428     lib/x86_64/libfoo.so
    429     lib/mips/libfoo.so
    430     lib/mips64/libfoo.so
    431 </pre><p><b>NOTE::</b> ARMv7-based Android devices running 4.0.3 or earlier
    432 install native libraries from the 'armeabi' directory instead of the
    433 'armeabi-v7a' directory if both exist. <code>lib/armeabi</code> is listed after
    434 <code>lib/armeabi-v7a</code> in APK. This issue is fixed from 4.0.4.</p>
    435 <h3>Android Platform ABI support</h3>
    436 <p>The Android system knows at runtime which ABI(s) it supports, because either
    437 one or two build-specific system properties indicate:</p>
    438 <ul>
    439 <li>The "primary" ABI for the device, corresponding to the machine code used in
    440 the system image itself.</li>
    441 <li>An optional "secondary" ABI, corresponding to another ABI that is also
    442 supported by the system image.</li>
    443 </ul>
    444 <p>To achieve the best performance for your NDK component, you should compile
    445 directly for the primary ABI.</p>
    446 <p>For example, a typical ARMv5TE-based device would only define the primary
    447 ABI: armeabi. By contrast, a typical ARMv7-based device would define the
    448 primary ABI as armeabi-v7a and the secondary one as armeabi, since it can run
    449 application native binaries generated for each of them.</p>
    450 <p>Many x86-based devices can also run armeabi-v7a and armeabi NDK binaries,
    451 and defining the primary ABI as x86 and the secondary one as armeabi-v7a.</p>
    452 <p>A typical MIPS-based device only defines a primary abi: mips.</p>
    453 <p><a class="anchor" id="aen"></a> </p>
    454 <h3>Automatic extraction of native code at install time</h3>
    455 <p>When installing an application, the package manager service scans the APK,
    456 and looks for any shared library of the form:</p>
    457 <pre class="fragment">     lib/&lt;primary-abi&gt;/lib&lt;name&gt;.so
    458 </pre><p>If none is found, and a secondary ABI is defined, the service scans
    459 for shared libraries of the form: </p>
    460 <pre class="fragment">    lib/&lt;secondary-abi&gt;/lib&lt;name&gt;.so
    461 </pre><p>When it finds libraries that it's looking for, the package manager
    462 copies them to <code>/lib/lib&lt;name&gt;.so</code>, under the application's
    463 data directory (<code>/data/data/&lt;package_name&gt;/lib/</code>). If there is
    464 no <code>.so</code> file, the application builds and installs, but crashes at
    465 runtime.</p>
    466 <p>This mechanism ensures that the system extracts the best machine code from
    467 the package at installation time. </p>
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