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      2 <!--  Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
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     19     <string name="app_name" msgid="9095072584761066851">"Trnh ci t Chng ch"</string>
     20     <string name="pick_file_title" msgid="4481949485108233297">"Chn chng ch"</string>
     21     <string name="pkcs12_password_dialog_title" msgid="5997624645207427161">"Trch xut chng ch"</string>
     22     <string name="extracting_pkcs12" msgid="1881267738821799771">"ang trch xut..."</string>
     23     <string name="pkcs12_file_password_dialog_title" msgid="8102721384767269510">"Trch xut t %s"</string>
     24     <string name="name_credential_dialog_title" msgid="277729846491554437">"t tn chng ch"</string>
     25     <string name="credential_name" msgid="1974979771369744378">"Tn chng ch:"</string>
     26     <string name="credential_password" msgid="3520176519550993326">"Nhp mt khu  trch xut cc chng ch."</string>
     27     <string name="credential_info" msgid="2436768402308470397">"Gi cha:"</string>
     28     <string name="p12_description" msgid="4128352087331630024">"Chng ch trong kho kha PKCS12."</string>
     29     <string name="one_userkey" msgid="3500697912370644881">"mt kha ngi dng"</string>
     30     <string name="one_usercrt" msgid="7690798336332403106">"mt chng ch ngi dng"</string>
     31     <string name="one_cacrt" msgid="2667950425420663146">"mt chng ch CA"</string>
     32     <string name="n_cacrts" msgid="2141498640685639208">"%d chng ch CA"</string>
     33     <string name="password_error" msgid="2042471639556516356">"Nhp mt khu ng."</string>
     34     <string name="password_empty_error" msgid="591713406761723025">"Nhp mt khu."</string>
     35     <string name="name_empty_error" msgid="3808800768660110354">"Nhp tn."</string>
     36     <string name="name_char_error" msgid="3176618568784938968">"Nhp tn ch cha ch ci v s."</string>
     37     <string name="storage_error" msgid="8306802455802770779">"Khng th lu chng ch. Chm OK  th li."</string>
     38     <string name="unable_to_save_cert" msgid="9178604087335389686">"Khng th lu chng ch. B nh thng tin xc thc cha c bt hoc khi to ng cch."</string>
     39     <string name="cert_not_saved" msgid="4037698479662830270">"Chng ch khng c ci t."</string>
     40     <string name="no_cert_to_saved" msgid="5708884372817309068">"Khng c chng ch  ci t."</string>
     41     <string name="invalid_cert" msgid="7704228670980743590">"Chng ch khng hp l."</string>
     42     <string name="cert_is_added" msgid="6996557598167000500">"<xliff:g id="CREDENTIAL">%s</xliff:g>  c ci t."</string>
     43     <string name="cert_too_large_error" msgid="8715414972725646285">"Khng th ci t v kch thc chng ch qu ln."</string>
     44     <string name="cert_missing_error" msgid="7040527352278728220">"Khng th ci t v khng th nh v tp chng ch."</string>
     45     <string name="cert_read_error" msgid="7353463360652419796">"Khng th ci t v khng th c tp chng ch."</string>
     46     <string name="no_cert_file_found" product="nosdcard" msgid="3555332946357131929">"Khng tm thy tp chng ch no trong b nh USB."</string>
     47     <string name="no_cert_file_found" product="default" msgid="1942077544887243999">"Khng tm thy tp chng ch trong th SD."</string>
     48     <string name="sdcard_not_present" product="nosdcard" msgid="9197143240492611196">"B nh USB khng kh dng."</string>
     49     <string name="sdcard_not_present" product="default" msgid="3866952732541932947">"Hin khng c th SD."</string>
     50     <string name="only_primary_user_allowed" msgid="4005084935023047716">"Ch ch s hu thit b ny mi c th ci t cc chng ch."</string>
     51     <string name="credential_usage_label" msgid="1513892208033156805">"S dng bn xc thc:"</string>
     52   <string-array name="credential_usage">
     53     <item msgid="375085478373011304">"VPN v cc ng dng"</item>
     54     <item msgid="692322974985472861">"Wi-Fi"</item>
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     56     <string name="wifi_title" msgid="8475811746333426489">"Cu hnh Wi-Fi"</string>
     57     <string name="wifi_detail_title" msgid="3627332137252994395">"Chi tit dnh cho %s"</string>
     58     <string name="wifi_detail_label" msgid="3032151019356747583">"Chi tit"</string>
     59     <string name="wifi_install_label" msgid="1449629407724323233">"Ci t"</string>
     60     <string name="wifi_installing_label" msgid="8387393993627129025">"ang ci t"</string>
     61     <string name="wifi_cancel_label" msgid="1328748037608392134">"Hy"</string>
     62     <string name="wifi_dismiss_label" msgid="1916684434873972698">"Loi b"</string>
     63     <string name="wifi_no_config" msgid="1835743123288916755">"Khng c"</string>
     64     <string name="wifi_config_text" msgid="8259587306773310314">"Tn: %1$s\nFQDN: %2$s\nT chc chuyn vng: %3$s\nVng: %4$s\nPhng php xc thc: EAP-%5$s\n"</string>
     65     <string name="wifi_ttls_config_text" msgid="2002413183253872168">"Tn ngi dng: %s\n"</string>
     66     <string name="wifi_tls_config_text" msgid="9062328536640168510">"Chng ch ng dng khch:\n%1$s\nKha: %2$s\n"</string>
     67     <string name="wifi_sim_config_text" msgid="1666019954520831840">"SIM: %s\n"</string>
     68     <string name="wifi_trust_config_text" msgid="5916047381475747783">"Tin tng chng ch:\n%s\n"</string>
     69     <string name="install_done_title" msgid="4822989918460334497">" ci t thng tin xc thc"</string>
     70     <string name="install_done" msgid="1522718684172097080">"Thng tin xc thc <xliff:g id="NAME">%1$s</xliff:g>  c thm vo mng Wi-Fi  lu."</string>
     71     <string name="done_label" msgid="5597425930652904250">"XONG"</string>
     72     <string name="wifi_installer_detail" msgid="63879632832701669">"Ci t thng tin xc thc Wi-Fi  kt ni vi mng c sn qua <xliff:g id="NAME">%1$s</xliff:g>."</string>
     73     <string name="wifi_installer_download_error" msgid="5429453090956277692">"Tp  ti xung gp s c v khng th ci t c. Hy m bo bn  ti xung tp t ng ngun."</string>
     74     <string name="wifi_installer_fail" msgid="894483173306576331">"Khng th ci t thng tin xc thc Wi-Fi. Hy th ti tp xung mt ln na."</string>
     75     <string name="wifi_installer_fail_no_wifi_title" msgid="8358191074828840533">" hy ci t"</string>
     76     <string name="wifi_installer_fail_title" msgid="5547079779067835479">"Khng th ci t"</string>
     77     <string name="wifi_installer_fail_no_wifi" msgid="2044576439984209921">"Bt Wi-Fi v th li."</string>
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