_IO_stdin_used __libc_start_main GLIBC_2.0 libc.so.6 __gmon_start__ _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable _ITM_registerTMCloneTable _Jv_RegisterClasses printf strcmp strlen __ctype_toupper_loc GLIBC_2.3 puts getenv strtol strcasecmp memset putchar fseeko64 GLIBC_2.1 ftello64 memcpy shmdt shmat shmget fprintf fputc fwrite snprintf strtoul strtoull stderr exit strncmp abort sigaction libpthread.so.0 __assert_fail gettimeofday clock_gettime GLIBC_2.2 librt.so.1 iconv_open iconv_close iconv stdin fclose fopen64 __errno_location sigfillset access stdout time gmtime localtime mktime strchr __strdup free strrchr strtok strerror setenv malloc readlink dirname sscanf realpath pthread_getspecific pthread_detach pthread_setspecific pthread_key_create memcmp __ctype_b_loc nanosleep fflush vsnprintf calloc perror strtod strncasecmp vsscanf memmove realloc sem_getvalue pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np setpriority pthread_setcanceltype sin libm.so.6 scalbn sinf open64 write close atan atan2 acos asin cos cosf floor log signal strncpy bsearch lseek64 read fread ferror memchr qsort fgets strstr sendmsg recvmsg mkstemp64 unlink regexec GLIBC_2.3.4 __fxstat regerror rewind open statfs localtime_r strftime regcomp regfree ioctl __fxstat64 pread64 ftruncate64 pwrite64 __xstat64 _Unwind_Resume GCC_3.0 libgcc_s.so.1 __gxx_personality_v0 CXXABI_1.3 libstdc++.so.6 feof strpbrk vfprintf __ctype_tolower_loc ceil _setjmp __cxa_atexit GLIBC_2.1.3 longjmp pow sincos rand sqrt poll dlclose libdl.so.2 dlopen munmap mmap64 dlsym waitpid tcgetattr cfsetispeed cfsetospeed tcsetattr tcsendbreak fcntl openpty libutil.so.1 cfmakeraw ptsname setvbuf _exit fileno pclose clearerr writev fsync popen fork dup2 execl opendir readdir64 __lxstat64 closedir select getpid mkdir rmdir sigemptyset sigaddset sigprocmask sysconf execv recv shmctl srand fdatasync __isnan modf madvise socket send fgetc strcpy siglongjmp __sigsetjmp pthread_mutexattr_init pthread_mutexattr_settype pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutexattr_destroy pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_trylock pthread_mutex_unlock pthread_cond_init GLIBC_2.3.2 pthread_cond_destroy pthread_cond_signal pthread_cond_broadcast pthread_cond_wait sem_init sem_destroy sem_post sem_timedwait sem_trywait sem_wait syscall pthread_attr_init pthread_sigmask pthread_create pthread_attr_destroy pthread_attr_setdetachstate pthread_self pthread_exit pthread_join sprintf pthread_cond_timedwait kill execvp shutdown strtoll tzset _Znwj GLIBCXX_3.4 _ZdlPv _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE __cxa_pure_virtual timer_gettime timer_settime timer_delete setitimer timer_create pipe getpagesize prctl getpwnam setsid umask chdir chroot setgid setuid lockf64 daemon posix_memalign utimes system clock remove isatty rename fopen fseek tolower strspn getsockopt getaddrinfo freeaddrinfo getnameinfo sendto recvfrom connect bind getsockname getpeername listen setsockopt accept socketpair gethostname creat64 dup dlerror link usleep ftell getcwd memmem isspace isprint malloc_usable_size unsetenv sched_yield alphasort64 scandir64 asprintf
9 pB @ F zD D ? A @@ ? P G C ; G > u= > ? > > #? r >7 > D C @ $tI E B 0 _ $tC _ A F 5? > ?u= ? |B < G ;Does not support %s One %s voice %s: U8 U16 S8 S16 U32 S32 audio default current (not set) No prefix specified No options %s_%s: boolean, %s = %d integer, %s = %d string, %s = %s ??? %s I am sorry Context: audio_calloc nmemb=%d size=%zu (len=%zu) invalid(%d) endianness= little big invalid unknown No host audio driver hw->samples=%d bits_to_index invalid bits %d live=%d hw->samples=%d live=%d sw->hw->samples=%d prefix = NULL opt = NULL _ u8 u16 u32 s8 s16 s32 live_in=%d hw->samples=%d osamp=%d card=%p Failed to create voice `%s' Writing to disabled voice %s timer AUDIO Audio options: Available drivers: Name: %s Description: %s playback capture Options: No options Could not create audio timer QEMU_AUDIO_DRV Unknown audio driver `%s' DAC_FIXED_SETTINGS DAC_FIXED_FREQ Frequency for fixed host DAC DAC_FIXED_FMT Format for fixed host DAC DAC_FIXED_CHANNELS DAC_VOICES Number of voices for DAC DAC_TRY_POLL ADC_FIXED_SETTINGS ADC_FIXED_FREQ Frequency for fixed host ADC ADC_FIXED_FMT Format for fixed host ADC ADC_FIXED_CHANNELS ADC_VOICES Number of voices for ADC ADC_TRY_POLL TIMER_PERIOD PLIVE (undocumented) LOG_TO_MONITOR 0x%llx Unknown error %d OBJD-T %s: %02x 0x%08x: r a T%02xthread:%02x; halted running OK T02 E14 E22 qemu.sstepbits ENABLE=%x,NOIRQ=%x,NOTIMER=%x qemu.sstep 0x%x QC1 fThreadInfo sThreadInfo m%x l ThreadExtraInfo, CPU#%d [%s] Rcmd, E01 Supported PacketSize=%x ;qXfer:features:read+ Xfer:features:read: target.xml arm-core.xml
%08x %llx %08x/%x none tcp: %s,nowait,nodelay,server stdio gdb .//qemu-timer.c Cannot close old_log fd wb+ %s/%s%s trying to find: %s serial%d snapshot on /tmp/qemu.log 1234 /etc/qemu-ifdown /etc/qemu-ifup qemu lib/pc-bios/ ../usr/share/pc-bios/ keymaps/ - : Invalid redirect port: %s Missing initial %s image: %s %s partition format: %s %s,size=0x%llx ,file= ,initfile= ,pagesize=512,extrasize=0 tcp::1234 vc:80Cx24C (default) ,trans=lba ,trans=none 1 0 cad nic index=%d,media=disk %s: invalid option -- '%s' %-10s %s%s Invalid machine parameter: %s %s if=mtd index=0,if=sd if=pflash auto %d cyls heads secs lba trans qemu: too many NUMA nodes node nodeid mem cpus index=2,media=cdrom Invalid boot device '%c' index=%d,if=floppy qemu: invalid ram size: %s qemu: ram size too large std cirrus vmware xenfb Unknown vga type: %s ,retrace= dumb precise Bad argument to echr qemu: too many serial ports qemu: too many parallel ports Profile will be stored in %s Invalid number of CPUs Too many option ROMs %d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d %d-%d-%d w+ Cannot open drop log: %s Cannot open dns log: %s /proc/self/exe /usr/local/share/qemu Could not find %s file. AVD Name: %s fstab.goldfish /system system /data userdata /cache cache unsafe %dm dalvik.vm.heapsize true ro.config.low_ram qemu.hw.mainkeys radio gsm gps emulated qemu.sf.fake_camera both back front -lcd-density : %d ndns=%d qemu.gles=1 ro.opengles.version qemu=1 android-kmsg console=%s0 android-qemud android.qemud=%s1 null vc qemu_init_main_loop failed user Unable to parse net clients drive ram mon:stdio monitor parallel%d virtcon%d arm Kernel parameters: %s serial%d console parallel%d console virtio console%d Supported machines are: qemu.gles=0 %s h help version M cpu smp numa fda fdb hda hdb hdc hdd cdrom mtdblock sd pflash boot m k audio-help soundhw usb usbdevice name uuid nographic no-frame alt-grab no-quit sdl portrait vga full-screen vnc net tftp bootp smb redir bt kernel append initrd serial parallel pidfile singlestep S s d hdachs L bios no-reboot no-shutdown loadvm daemonize option-rom clock localtime startdate drop-udp drop-tcp allow-tcp drop-log max-dns-conns allow-udp dns-log net-forward net-forward-tcp2sink icount watchdog watchdog-action echr virtioconsole show-cursor tb-size incoming chroot runas semihosting old-param nand code-profile savevm-on-exit mic android-ports android-port android-report-console http-proxy charmap android-hw android-memcheck dns-server timezone android-avdname cpu-delay show-kernel nand-limits netspeed netdelay netfast tcpdump boot-property lcd-density ui-port ui-settings audio-test-out snapshot-no-time-update list-webcam init debug-init list_avds verbose debug debug_ no_ ANDROID_DEBUG sysdir datadir ramdisk image initdata data partition_size cache_size no_cache nocache sdcard snapstorage no_snapstorage no_snapshot no_snapshot_save no_snapshot_load snapshot_list no_snapshot_update_time wipe_data avd skindir skin no_skin noskin dynamic_skin memory accel no_accel code_profile show_kernel shell no_jni nojni logcat no_audio noaudio raw_keys port ports onion onion_alpha onion_rotation scale dpi_device http_proxy dns_server cpu_delay no_boot_anim no_window report_console keyset shell_serial bootchart prop shared_net_id nand_limits gpu camera_back camera_front webcam_list screen force_32bit selinux emulator initialization console control console modem emulated GSM modem keys key bindings & presses slirp internal router/firewall host timezone detection socket network sockets proxy network proxy support audio sub-system audioin audio input backend audioout audio output backend surface video surface support qemud qemud multiplexer daemon emulated GPS hw_control avd_config sensors emulated sensors memcheck memory checker camera adevice sensors_port mtport mtscreen multi-touch screen emulation gles hardware OpenGLES emulation adbserver ADB server adbclient ADB QEMU client adb ADB debugger asconnector Asynchronous socket connector asyncsocket Asynchronous socket sdkctlsocket udp: destroying control client %p .//android/console.c problem in accept: %d: %s accept OK KO: invalid fingerid KO: missing fingerid %g %s = %g:%g:%g enabled. disabled. %s: %s dpi %s stopped virtual device is %s udp tcp no active redirections %s:%-5d => %-5d good overheat dead overvoltage failure charging discharging not-charging full %-8s %s : Current network status: minimum latency: %ld ms maximum latency: %ld ms nv %s: %s Read subscription from RUIM ruim unregistered KO: no argument required gsm data state: %s gsm voice state: %s no network available %-15s %s outbound to inbound from active held ringing waiting %s %-10s : %s $GPGGA,%06d ,%02d%02d.%04d,%c ,1,%02d, ,%.1g,M,0.,M ,,,, ,,,*47 %-12s %-8s (%d code aliases) %.*s available sub-commands: %s %-15s %s in control_client read: end of connection detected !! received %.*s KO: missing sub-command KO: bad sub-command help|h|? %-15s %s try one of these instead: KO: unknown command %.*s %s KO: false off bind listen print a list of commands event simulate hardware events geo Geo-location commands GSM related commands cdma CDMA related commands kill kill the emulator instance network manage network settings power power related commands quit|exit quit control session manage port redirections sms SMS related commands window manage emulator window QEMU-specific commands sensor manage emulator sensors finger manage emulator finger print enter QEMU monitor change the window scale touch remove status get get sensor values set set sensor values nmea send an GPS NMEA sentence fix send a simple GPS fix stop stop the virtual device start query virtual device status query virtual device name state snapshot commands list save save state snapshot load load state snapshot del delete state snapshot send types list all aliases codes text display ac set AC charging state set battery status present set battery present state health set battery health state capacity set battery capacity state send inbound SMS text message pdu send inbound SMS PDU list current phone calls call create inbound phone call busy hold cancel modify data connection state voice modify voice connection state display GSM status signal set sets the rssi and ber ssource prl_version Dump the current PRL version home on local network, non-roaming roaming on roaming network searching searching networks denied emergency calls only same as 'unregistered' same as 'home' list current redirections add add new redirection remove existing redirection dump network status speed change network speed delay change network latency dump network packets to file start network capture stop network capture -netspeed %-12s %s select exact latency -netdelay %-10s %s : %-12s %s all components together all default.keyset %s /lib/images , %s%s %-*s %s disk-images -%s %-*s %s -help-%s %-*s %s prints all help content -help-all pass arguments to qemu -qemu args... display qemu help -qemu -h same as '-debug-init' -verbose enable/disable debug messages -debug -debug- -debug-no- print this help -help print option-specific help -help-