%s, unable to find attribute %s %s/** %s Attributes that can be used with a %s. %s Includes the following attributes:
%s %s %s %s Attribute | Description |
%s {@link #%s_%s %s:%s} | %s |
%s @see #%s_%s %spublic static final int[] %s = { %s , %s 0x%08x %s}; %s/** %s %s @attr description %s %s %s
This symbol is the offset where the {@link %s.R.attr#%s} %s attribute's value can be found in the {@link #%s} array. %s %s %s
This corresponds to the global attribute %s resource symbol {@link %s.R.attr#%s}. %s
This is a private symbol. %s @attr name %s:%s %s*/ %spublic static int %s_%s = %d; %spublic static final int %s_%s = %d; %s}; %s%s.%s = (%s.%s & 0x00ffffff) | (packageId << 24); %sfor(int i = 0; i < styleable.%s.length; ++i) { %sstyleable.%s[i] = (styleable.%s[i] & 0x00ffffff) | (packageId << 24); %s} int %s %s 0x%08x int[] styleable %s { 0x%08x } int styleable %s_%s %d en_XA ar_XB Invalid configuration: %s warning: ignoring flag -c %s. Use --preferred-density instead. item declare-styleable string bool integer dimen fraction style plurals array string-array integer-array public-padding private-symbols java-symbol add-resource skip eat-comment bag other ^other zero ^zero one ^one two ^two few ^few many ^many translatable formatted donottranslate No start tag found Invalid start tag %s Resource file %s is skipped as pseudolocalization was done automatically. type A 'type' attribute is required for A 'name' attribute is required for Given 'id' attribute is not an integer: %s No 'id' attribute supplied , and no previous id defined in this file. Unable to create symbols! A 'type' attribute is required for A 'name' attribute is required for start Given 'start' attribute is not an integer: %s No 'start' attribute supplied , and no previous id defined in this file. end Given 'end' attribute is not an integer: %s No 'end' attribute supplied Padding start '%ul' is after end '%ul' padding A 'package' attribute is required for A 'type' attribute is required for A 'name' attribute is required for A 'name' attribute is required for Tag <%s> can not appear inside , only Found tag %s> where is expected format Tag - 'format' attribute value "%s" not valid A 'type' attribute is required for
- string '%s' marked untranslatable but exists in locale '%s' A 'type' attribute is required for Tag 'format' attribute value "%s" not valid Found tag %s where item is expected A 'name' attribute is required for <%s> product parent Tag <%s> can not appear inside <%s>, only
- ^index_%d quantity Illegal 'quantity' attribute is
- inside A 'quantity' attribute is required for
- inside A 'name' attribute is required for
- Found tag %s> where %s> is expected Unexpected end tag %s Found text "%s" where item tag is expected In resource file %s: %s %s '%s' does not match product %s. You may have forgotten to include a 'default' product variant of the resource. ???? ERROR: Feature package '%s' not found. Error declaring public resource %s/%s for included package %s Resource entry %s/%s is already defined in package %s. Resource does not already exist in overlay at '%s'; use to add. No resource found that matches the given name (null) creating resource for external package %s: %s/%s. did you mean to use @+id instead of @+android:id? Error: %s (at '%s' with value '%s'). ti == 0 && attr != t First type is not attr! string '%s' has no default translation. locale %s found %s string '%s' is missing %u required localizations:%s 1complex 2value ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_package t == NULL && typeName != String16("") Type name %s not found ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_typeSpec ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_type error warning %s: no entries written for %s/%s (0x%08zx) Error: Missing entries, quit! ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_header ERROR: out of memory creating package chunk for ResTable_header Resource entry %s is already defined as a single item. %s:%d: Originally defined here. Resource entry %s is already defined as a bag. Resource entry %s is already defined as a bag. %s:%d: Originally defined here. Resource entry %s is already defined. %s:%d: Originally defined here. Resource entry %s already has bag item %s. %s:%d: Originally defined here. Error retrieving parent for item: %s '%s'. Error: %s: %s '%s'. Error: entry %s is not a single item or a bag. ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_entry ERROR: out of memory creating Res_value Public resource %s/%s has conflicting type codes for its public identifiers (0x%x vs 0x%x). Public resource %s/%s has conflicting public identifiers (0x%08x vs 0x%08x). %s:%d: Originally defined here. Resource at %s appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add. Multiple entry names declared for public entry identifier 0x%x in type %s (%s vs %s). %s:%d: Originally defined here. Public symbol %s/%s declared here is not defined. ERROR: Type string data is corrupt! ERROR: Key string data is corrupt! Multiple type names declared for public type identifier 0x%x (%s vs %s). %s:%d: Originally defined here. warning: Package not found for resource #%08x warning: Type not found for resource #%08x warning: Entry not found for resource #%08x warning: Entry configuration not found for resource #%08x warning: ID not yet assigned to '%s' in bag '%s' warning: Circular reference detected in key '%s' of bag '%s' using v%d attributes; synthesizing resource %s:%s/%s for configuration %s. vector animated-vector removing attribute %s%s%s from <%s> res/%s/%s flag A 'name' attribute is required for Tag 'format' attribute value "%s" not valid min Tag 'min' attribute must be a number, not "%s" ^min max Tag 'max' attribute must be a number, not "%s" ^max Tag must have format=integer attribute if using max or min localization Tag 'localization' attribute value "%s" not valid ^l10n Tag <%s> can not appear inside , only or ^type attribute can not be used inside a flags format attribute can not be used inside a enum format A 'name' attribute is required for or A 'value' attribute is required for or Tag or 'value' attribute must be a number, not "%s" be one of the following constant values. be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
Constant | Value | Description |
| | |
Found tag %s> where is expected Found tag %s> where is expected
Attribute "%s" has already been defined Must
May be
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name
") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name
") containing a value of this type. a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
". a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. an integer value, such as "100
". a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
". a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", "#rrggbb
", or "#aarrggbb
". a floating point value, such as "1.2
". a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters). a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
". The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container. ^attr-private i<0 %s: key not found VALUE &android::KeyedVector::editValueFor(const KEY &) [KEY = android::String16, VALUE = ResourceTable::Public] note: warning: error: %s:%d: %s%s %s: %s%s ??? String pool of %zd unique %s %s strings, %zd entries and %zd styles using %zd bytes: UTF-8 UTF-16 sorted non-sorted String #%zd: %s (none) Failure adding string %s mOriginalPosToNewPos.size() > 0 Can't sort string pool after already sorted. Error adding span for style tag '%s' ERROR: Out of memory for string pool ERROR: Out of memory padding string pool ERROR: Out of memory for string styles WorkQueue::WorkThread http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/ http://schemas.android.com/tools Multiple substitutions specified in non-positional format; did you mean to add the formatted="false" attribute? [ Found unsupported XLIFF tag <%s> Found style tag <%s> where styles are not allowed %s (in %s) ; = Found tag %s where <%s> close is expected Found close tag %s where close tag %s is expected ] Error parsing XML %s %sE: %s%s (line=%d) %sA: %s%s(0x%08x) %s%s =(null) =@0x%x =?0x%x ="%s" =(type 0x%x)0x%x (Raw: "%s") ***BAD DEPTH in XMLBlock: %d %sN: %s=%s %s*** BAD END NS PREFIX: found=%s, expected=%s %s *** BAD END NS URI: found=%s, expected=%s %sC: "%s" Unable to open file for read: %s Error reading file: %s Error parsing XML: %s No XML data generated when parsing Child to CDATA node. Adding characters to element node. No resource identifier found for attribute '%s' in package '%s' %s E: %s%s / =%s %s N: %s=%s %s C: "%s" node->getElementNamespace() != ns16 || node->getElementName() != name16 Bad end element %s node->getNamespacePrefix() != String16(nonNullPrefix) Bad end namespace %s NA != mAttributeOrder.size() Attributes messed up! NA != 0 Namespace nodes can't have attributes! CDATA nodes can't have attributes! http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto http://schemas.android.com/apk/prv/res/ urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 bpt ept it ph g bx ex x zip mCDE.read failed local header seek failed (%ld) mLFH.read failed warning: header mismatch whoops: didn't find expected signature LocalFileHeader contents: versToExt=%u gpBits=0x%04x compression=%u modTime=0x%04x modDate=0x%04x crc32=0x%08lx compressedSize=%lu uncompressedSize=%lu filenameLen=%u extraLen=%u filename: '%s' Whoops: didn't find expected signature CentralDirEntry contents: versMadeBy=%u versToExt=%u gpBits=0x%04x compression=%u filenameLen=%u extraLen=%u commentLen=%u diskNumStart=%u intAttr=0x%04x extAttr=0x%08lx relOffset=%lu comment: '%s' File %s does not exist w+b r+b fopen failed: %d Length is %ld -- too small Failure seeking to end of zip at %ld short file? wanted %ld EOCD not found, not Zip Failure reading %ld bytes of EOCD values Archive spanning not supported Failure seeking to central dir offset %ld initFromCDE failed EOCD check read failed EOCD read check failed compression failed, storing insufficient compression (src=%ld dst=%ld), storing failed copying data in this isn't a deflated gzip file? failed copying gzip data in copy of '%s' failed fwrite %d bytes failed fread %d bytes failed 1.2.8 Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s) Call to deflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d) deflate read failed (errno=%d) zlib deflate call failed (zerr=%d) write %d failed in deflate ftruncate failed %ld: %s error during crunch - archive is toast filemove src seek %ld failed filemove read %ld off=%ld failed filemove dst seek %ld failed filemove write %ld off=%ld failed HEY: fstat on fd %d failed Zip EOCD: expected >= %d bytes, found %d EOCD(%d) + comment(%d) exceeds len (%d) EndOfCentralDir contents: diskNum=%u diskWCD=%u numEnt=%u totalNumEnt=%u centDirSize=%lu centDirOff=%lu commentLen=%u attribute is not a string value attribute is not an integer value attribute could not be found error getting resolved resource attribute could not find attribute at index ERROR: Split configuration '%s' is already defined in another split. APK Builder ----------- _ APK Split '%s' %s (%s) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fiveteen sixteen seventeen nineteen twenty \ < Q V q 1 0 Size: %zd Hits: %zd Misses: %zd (Collisions: %zd) /system/bin/idmap /vendor/overlay /system/framework/framework-res.apk /data/resource-cache asset Asset path %s is neither a directory nor file (type=%d). failed to open idmap file %s failed to read idmap file %s idmap file %s inconcistent: expected path %s does not match actual path %s failed to access file %s: %s failed to find resources.arsc in %s ANDROID_ROOT root == NULL ANDROID_ROOT not set Unable to find resources file resources.arsc failed to load idmap %s r Expected file not found: '%s' zip: getEntryInfo failed create map from entry failed create from segment failed / HEY: size=%d removing %d Failure opening zip %s ZipFileRO::startIteration returned false ARGH: name too long? failed to open Zip archive '%s' ANDROID_DATA ANDROID_DATA not set @idmap resource-cache framework/framework-res.apk getFileType got errno=%d on '%s' ResourceType idmap: too small to contain any mapping idmap: target package ID is invalid (%02x) idmap: no mappings idmap: too many mappings. Only 255 are possible but %u are present Bad string block: header size %d or total size %d is larger than data size %d Bad string block: entry of %d items extends past data size %d Bad string block: string pool starts at %d, after total size %d Bad style block: style block starts at %d past data size of %d Bad style block: style block starts at %d, before strings at %d Bad string block: stringCount is %d but pool size is 0 Bad string block: last string is not 0-terminated Bad string block: integer overflow finding styles Bad string block: entry of %d styles extends past data size %d Bad string block: style pool starts %d, after total size %d Bad string block: last style is not 0xFFFFFFFF-terminated Bad string block: string #%d is not null-terminated Bad string block: string #%d extends to %d, past end at %d No memory trying to allocate decode cache table of %d bytes Bad string block: string #%lld decoded length is not correct %lld vs %llu No memory when trying to allocate decode cache for string #%d Bad string block: string #%lld extends to %lld, past end at %lld Bad string block: string #%d entry is at %d, past end at %d Bad string block: style #%d entry is at %d, past end at %d Unknown XML block: header type %d in node at %d Bad XML block: header type 0x%x in node at 0x%x has size %d, need %d Bad XML block: header size %d or total size %d is larger than data size %d XML Bad XML block: no root element node found ResXMLTree_node Bad XML block: node attributes use 0x%x bytes, only have 0x%x bytes Bad XML start block: node header size 0x%x, size 0x%x -r b+ + Invalid BCP-47 locale string: %s mcc%d mnc%d layoutDir=%d sw%ddp w%ddp h%ddp screenLayoutSize=%d screenLayoutLong=%d screenRound=%d orientation=%d uiModeType=%d uiModeNight=%d %ddpi touchscreen=%d keyboard=%d inputFlagsNavHidden=%d navigation=%d %dx%d v%d .%d Style contains key with bad package: 0x%08x Style contains key with bad type: 0x%08x Style contains key with bad entry: 0x%08x Too many attribute references, stopped at: 0x%08x Theme %p: Package #0x%02x: Type #0x%02x: 0x%08x: t=0x%x, d=0x%08x (block=%d) Unable to get buffer of resource asset file Unable to get buffer of idmap asset file Invalid data. Size(%d) is smaller than a ResTable_header(%d). Bad resource table: header size 0x%x or total size 0x%x is larger than data size 0x%x Bad resource table: header size 0x%x or total size 0x%x is not on an integer boundary ResTable Multiple string chunks found in resource table. More package chunks were found than the %d declared in the header. Unknown chunk type 0x%x in table at %p. Fewer package chunks (%d) were found than the %d declared in the header. No string values found in resource table! No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x%08x No known package when getting name for resource number 0x%08x No type identifier when getting name for resource number 0x%08x Bad identifier when getting name for resource number 0x%08x No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x%08x No known package when getting value for resource number 0x%08x No type identifier when getting value for resource number 0x%08x Bad identifier when getting value for resource number 0x%08x Requesting resource 0x%08x failed because it is complex Failed to resolve referenced package: 0x%08x Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x%08x No type identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x%08x Bad identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x%08x Type identifier 0x%x does not exist. Entry identifier 0x%x is larger than entry count 0x%x Attempt to retrieve bag 0x%08x which is invalid or in a cycle. Failed resolving bag parent id 0x%08x ResTable_map at %d is beyond type chunk data %d Failed resolving ResTable_map name at %d with ident 0x%08x Reference item(0x%08x) in bag could not be resolved. Array resource index: %d is too large. Failed to find spec flags for 0x%08x No resource package specified No resource type specified Resource package cannot be an empty string Resource type cannot be an empty string Resource id cannot be an empty string Resource is not public. This attribute must be localized. Color types not allowed Color value not valid -- must be #rgb, #argb, #rrggbb, or #aarrggbb Attribute is not public. Integer types not allowed Integer value out of range Dimension types not allowed Fraction types not allowed Float types not allowed Boolean types not allowed String types not allowed Apostrophe not preceded by \ # @ ? " Bad character in \u unicode escape sequence No package identifier when getting flags for resource number 0x%08x No known package when getting flags for resource number 0x%08x No type identifier when getting flags for resource number 0x%08x Bad identifier when getting flags for resource number 0x%08x For resource 0x%08x, entry index(%d) is beyond type entryCount(%d) ResTable_entry at 0x%x is beyond type chunk data 0x%x ResTable_entry at 0x%x is not on an integer boundary ResTable_entry size 0x%x is too small ResTable_package ResTable_package type strings at 0x%x are past chunk size 0x%x. ResTable_package type strings at 0x%x is not on an integer boundary. ResTable_package key strings at 0x%x are past chunk size 0x%x. ResTable_package key strings at 0x%x is not on an integer boundary. Overlay is broken Package id out of range ResTable_typeSpec ResTable_typeSpec entry index to %p extends beyond chunk end %p. ResTable_type has an id of 0. ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given %d, previously %d ResTable_type ResTable_type entry index to %p extends beyond chunk end 0x%x. ResTable_type entriesStart at 0x%x extends beyond chunk end 0x%x. No TypeSpec for type %d ResTable_type entry count inconsistent: given %d, previously %d Found multiple library tables, ignoring... ResTable_package:unknown ResTable_lib_header size %u is too small to fit %u entries (x %u). Bad package id 0x%08x idmap: target package has no package groups, cannot create idmap idmap: target package has no packages in its first package group, cannot create idmap idmap: can't mix type ids in entry map. Resource 0x%08x maps to 0x%08x but entries should map to resources of type %02zx idmap: no resources in overlay package present in base package \\ \n \" (null) 0x%08x (reference) 0x%08x (dynamic reference) 0x%08x (attribute) 0x%08x (string8) "%s" (string16) "%s" (float) %g (dimension) (fraction) (color) #%08x mError=0x%x (%s) Package Groups (%d) Package Group %d id=0x%02x packageCount=%d name=%s DynamicRefTable entryCount=%d: 0x%02x -> %s Package %d id=0x%02x name=%s type %d configCount=%d entryCount=%d spec resource 0x%08x %s:%s/%s: flags=0x%08x INVALID TYPE CONFIG FOR RESOURCE 0x%08x NON-INTEGER ResTable_type ADDRESS: %p config %s: NON-INTEGER ResTable_type entriesStart OFFSET: 0x%x NON-INTEGER ResTable_type header.size: 0x%x resource 0x%08x %s:%s/%s: INVALID RESOURCE 0x%08x: NON-INTEGER OFFSET: 0x%x OFFSET OUT OF BOUNDS: 0x%x+0x%x (size is 0x%x) NON-INTEGER ResTable_entry OFFSET: 0x%x NON-INTEGER ResTable_entry SIZE: %p ResTable_entry OUT OF BOUNDS: 0x%x+0x%x+%p (size is 0x%x) t=0x%02x d=0x%08x (s=0x%04x r=0x%02x) (PUBLIC) Parent=0x%08x(Resolved=0x%08x), Count=%d #%i (Key=0x%08x): idmap: header is not word aligned idmap: header too small (%d bytes) idmap: no magic found in header (is 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x) idmap: version mismatch in header (is 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x) idmap: entry header is not word aligned idmap: entry header is too small (%u bytes) idmap: invalid type map (%u -> %u) idmap: too small (%u bytes) for the number of entries (%u) %s data size 0x%x extends beyond resource end %p. %s size 0x%x or headerSize 0x%x is not on an integer boundary. %s size 0x%x is smaller than header size 0x%x. %s header size 0x%04x is too small. px dip dp sp pt in mm % %p %f (unknown unit) %% %%p (string) null (null empty) Type's entry indices extend beyond its boundaries Index %u points to entry with unaligned offset 0x%08x Entry offset at index %u points outside the Type's boundaries Entry at index %u extends beyond Type's boundaries Entry at index %u is too small (%u) zipro Error opening archive %s: %s Could not start iteration over %s: %s Error iteration over %s: %s Buffer too short, requires %d bytes for entry name ExtractToMemory failed with %s ziputil Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d) inflate read failed (%ld vs %ld) zlib inflate call failed (zerr=%d) Size mismatch on inflated file (%ld vs %ld) : %dK File '%s' is not in gzip format unexpected whence %d seek out of range: want %ld, end=%ld failed lseek (errno=%d) start (%ld) + len (%ld) > end (%ld) Hosed: %ld != %ld+%ld failed reading %ld bytes szipinf Unable to access asset data: %d Error inflating asset: %d Error reading asset data: %s Too many bytes for PNG signature Potential overflow in png_zalloc() Application built with libpng- but running with Unknown freer parameter in png_data_freer +0000 Ignoring invalid time value libpng version 1.6.10 - March 6, 2014 Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Glenn Randers-Pehrson Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Andreas Dilger Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc. libpng version 1.6.10 - March 6, 2014 unexpected zlib return code unexpected end of LZ stream missing LZ dictionary zlib IO error bad parameters to zlib damaged LZ stream insufficient memory truncated unsupported zlib version unexpected zlib return gamma value out of range duplicate invalid chromaticities internal error checking chromaticities invalid end points sRGB invalid sRGB rendering intent inconsistent rendering intents duplicate sRGB information ignored cHRM chunk does not match sRGB too short invalid length length does not match profile tag count too large invalid rendering intent intent outside defined range invalid signature PCS illuminant is not D50 RGB color space not permitted on grayscale PNG Gray color space not permitted on RGB PNG invalid ICC profile color space invalid embedded Abstract ICC profile unexpected DeviceLink ICC profile class unexpected NamedColor ICC profile class unrecognized ICC profile class unexpected ICC PCS encoding ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4 ICC profile tag outside profile internal error handling cHRM coefficients internal error handling cHRM->XYZ Image width is zero in IHDR Invalid image width in IHDR Image width is too large for this architecture Image width exceeds user limit in IHDR Image height is zero in IHDR Image height exceeds user limit in IHDR Invalid image height in IHDR Invalid bit depth in IHDR Invalid color type in IHDR Invalid color type/bit depth combination in IHDR Unknown interlace method in IHDR Unknown compression method in IHDR MNG features are not allowed in a PNG datastream Unknown filter method in IHDR Invalid filter method in IHDR Invalid IHDR data ASCII conversion buffer too small fixed point overflow ignored gamma table being rebuilt gamma value does not match sRGB gamma value does not match libpng estimate inconsistent chromaticities profile ' ': h: known incorrect sRGB profile out-of-date sRGB profile with no signature Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789 fixed point overflow in Libpng jmp_buf still allocated Application jmp_buf size changed libpng error: %s undefined libpng warning: %s sCAL width sCAL height internal error: array alloc internal error: array realloc Out of memory Out of Memory Missing IHDR before IDAT Missing PLTE before IDAT Too many IDATs found png_start_read_image/png_read_update_info: duplicate call Invalid attempt to read row data bad adaptive filter value sequential row overflow internal sequential row size calculation error Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image Read palette index exceeding num_palette Image is too high to process with png_read_png() png_image_begin_read_from_stdio: invalid argument png_image_begin_read_from_stdio: incorrect PNG_IMAGE_VERSION png_image_begin_read_from_file: invalid argument png_image_begin_read_from_file: incorrect PNG_IMAGE_VERSION png_image_begin_read_from_memory: invalid argument png_image_begin_read_from_memory: incorrect PNG_IMAGE_VERSION png_image_finish_read[color-map]: no color-map png_image_finish_read: invalid argument png_image_finish_read: damaged PNG_IMAGE_VERSION png_image_read: out of memory png_image_read: opaque pointer not NULL read beyond end of data invalid memory read a background color must be supplied to remove alpha/transparency gray[8] color-map: too few entries gray[16] color-map: too few entries gray+alpha color-map: too few entries gray-alpha color-map: too few entries ga-alpha color-map: too few entries rgb[ga] color-map: too few entries rgb[gray] color-map: too few entries rgb+alpha color-map: too few entries rgb-alpha color-map: too few entries rgb color-map: too few entries palette color-map: too few entries invalid PNG color type bad data option (internal error) color map overflow (BAD internal error) bad processing option (internal error) bad background index (internal error) color-map index out of range bad encoding (internal error) unexpected encoding (internal error) bad color-map processing (internal error) unknown interlace type png_read_image: unsupported transformation png_image_read: alpha channel lost unexpected alpha swap transformation png_read_image: invalid transformations lost rgb to gray unexpected compose lost/gained channels unexpected 8-bit transformation unexpected bit depth Call to NULL read function Call to NULL seek function Read Error Can't set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the same structure Can't discard critical data on CRC error Application must supply a known background gamma png_set_background output gamma out of expected range invalid alpha mode conflicting calls to set alpha mode and background invalid file gamma in png_set_gamma invalid screen gamma in png_set_gamma invalid error action to rgb_to_gray ignoring out of range rgb_to_gray coefficients rgb to gray red coefficient rgb to gray green coefficient libpng does not support gamma+background+rgb_to_gray invalid background gamma type Palette is NULL in indexed image NULL row buffer Uninitialized row png_do_rgb_to_gray found nongray pixel png_do_quantize returned rowbytes=0 invalid after png_start_read_image or png_read_update_info invalid before the PNG header has been read gamma value png_do_encode_alpha: unexpected call PNG unsigned integer out of range Not a PNG file PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion CRC error out of place invalid missing IHDR ignored in grayscale PNG tRNS must be after hIST must be after bKGD must be after invalid values too many profiles extra compressed data out of memory bad compression method bad keyword No space in chunk cache for sPLT malformed sPLT chunk sPLT chunk has bad length sPLT chunk too long sPLT chunk requires too much memory invalid with alpha channel invalid index invalid parameter count unrecognized equation type invalid data invalid unit bad width format non-positive width bad height format non-positive height no space in chunk cache Insufficient memory to process text chunk unknown compression type bad compression info error in user chunk Saving unknown chunk: forcing save of an unhandled chunk; please call png_set_keep_unknown_chunks unhandled critical chunk invalid chunk type internal row logic error internal row size calculation error internal row width error invalid user transform pixel depth Not enough image data Extra compressed data Too much image data Row has too many bytes to allocate in memory using zstream zstream unclaimed insufficient memory to read chunk unknown chunk exceeds memory limits cHRM White X cHRM White Y cHRM Red X cHRM Red Y cHRM Green X cHRM Green Y cHRM Blue X cHRM Blue Y cHRM Red Z png_set_gAMA Invalid palette size, hIST allocation skipped Insufficient memory for hIST chunk data Invalid pCAL equation type Invalid pCAL parameter count Invalid format for pCAL parameter Insufficient memory for pCAL purpose Insufficient memory for pCAL units Insufficient memory for pCAL params Insufficient memory for pCAL parameter Invalid sCAL unit Invalid sCAL width Invalid sCAL height Memory allocation failed while processing sCAL Invalid sCAL width ignored Invalid sCAL height ignored Invalid palette length Invalid palette Invalid iCCP compression method Insufficient memory to process iCCP chunk Insufficient memory to process iCCP profile Insufficient memory to store text too many text chunks text compression mode is out of range text chunk: out of memory tRNS chunk has out-of-range samples for bit_depth too many sPLT chunks png_set_sPLT: invalid sPLT sPLT out of memory too many unknown chunks unknown chunk: out of memory invalid unknown chunk location png_set_keep_unknown_chunks: invalid keep png_set_keep_unknown_chunks: no chunk list png_set_keep_unknown_chunks: too many chunks invalid compression buffer size Compression buffer size cannot be changed because it is in use Compression buffer size cannot be reduced below 6 png_set_unknown_chunks now expects a valid location invalid location in png_set_unknown_chunks png_set_filler is invalid for low bit depth gray output png_set_filler: inappropriate color type info change after png_start_read_image or png_read_update_info Call to NULL write function profile matches sRGB but writing iCCP instead Valid palette required for paletted images No IDATs written into file Wrote palette index exceeding num_palette png_write_info was never called before png_write_row internal write transform logic error Unknown row filter for method 0 Can't add Up filter after starting Can't add Average filter after starting Can't add Paeth filter after starting Unknown custom filter method Only compression windows <= 32k supported by PNG Only compression windows >= 256 supported by PNG Only compression method 8 is supported by PNG no rows for png_write_image to write PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_FILLER: BEFORE+AFTER not supported png_image_write_to_stdio: invalid argument png_image_write_to_stdio: incorrect PNG_IMAGE_VERSION png_image_write_to_file: invalid argument png_image_write_to_file: incorrect PNG_IMAGE_VERSION Writing zero-length unknown chunk Unknown filter heuristic method png_image_write_: out of memory no color-map for color-mapped image png_write_image: unsupported transformation png_write_image: internal call error Invalid bit depth for grayscale image Invalid bit depth for RGB image Invalid bit depth for paletted image Invalid bit depth for grayscale+alpha image Invalid bit depth for RGBA image Invalid image color type specified Invalid compression type specified Invalid filter type specified Invalid interlace type specified Invalid number of colors in palette Ignoring request to write a PLTE chunk in grayscale PNG Z_OK on Z_FINISH with output space Invalid sRGB rendering intent specified No profile for iCCP chunk ICC profile too short ICC profile length invalid (not a multiple of 4) iCCP: invalid keyword sPLT: invalid keyword Invalid sBIT depth specified Invalid number of transparent colors specified Ignoring attempt to write tRNS chunk out-of-range for bit_depth Ignoring attempt to write 16-bit tRNS chunk when bit_depth is 8 Can't write tRNS with an alpha channel Invalid background palette index Ignoring attempt to write 16-bit bKGD chunk when bit_depth is 8 Ignoring attempt to write bKGD chunk out-of-range for bit_depth Invalid number of histogram entries specified tEXt: invalid keyword tEXt: text too long zTXt: invalid compression type zTXt: invalid keyword iTXt: invalid keyword iTXt: invalid compression iTXt: uncompressed text too long Unrecognized unit type for oFFs chunk Unrecognized equation type for pCAL chunk pCAL: invalid keyword Can't write sCAL (buffer too small) Unrecognized unit type for pHYs chunk Invalid time specified for tIME chunk length exceeds PNG maxima in use by IDAT deflateEnd failed (ignored) keyword truncated keyword "@1": bad character '0x@2' compressed data too long error writing ancillary chunked compressed data /dev/socket/logdw HTC_RIL RIL IMS CDMA PHONE use-Rlog/RLOG-%s Assertion failed: %s Unspecified assertion failed radio events system crash kernel /dev/log_%s ANDROID_WRAPSIM ANDROID_LOG_TAGS ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG brief thread time %m-%d %H:%M:%S %c/%-8s: %c(%5d) (%s) %c(%5d:%5d) %s %-8s %s %5d %5d %c %-8s [ %s %5d:%5d %c/%-8s ] %c/%-8s(%5d): LOG: write failed, no memory +++ LOG: write failed (errno=%d) +++ LOG: write partial (%d of %d) Verbose Debug Info Warn Assert ?unknown? filemap munmap(%p, %zu) failed could not get _SC_PAGESIZE mmap(%lld,%zu) failed: %s madvise(%d) failed: %s Not implemented libutils.threads androidCreateRawThreadEtc failed (entry=%p, res=%d, errno=%d) (android threadPriority=%d) android:unnamed_thread Thread (this=%p): don't call waitForExit() from this Thread object's thread. It's a guaranteed deadlock! Thread (this=%p): don't call join() from this Thread object's thread. It's a guaranteed deadlock! Vector [%p] subclasses of VectorImpl must call finish_vector() in their destructor. Leaking %d bytes. mItemSize != rhs.mItemSize Vector<> have different types (this=%p, rhs=%p) syntax error no element found not well-formed (invalid token) unclosed token partial character mismatched tag duplicate attribute junk after document element illegal parameter entity reference undefined entity recursive entity reference asynchronous entity reference to invalid character number reference to binary entity reference to external entity in attribute XML or text declaration not at start of entity unknown encoding encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrect unclosed CDATA section error in processing external entity reference document is not standalone unexpected parser state - please send a bug report entity declared in parameter entity requested feature requires XML_DTD support in Expat cannot change setting once parsing has begun unbound prefix must not undeclare prefix incomplete markup in parameter entity XML declaration not well-formed text declaration not well-formed illegal character(s) in public id parser suspended parser not suspended parsing aborted parsing finished cannot suspend in external parameter entity reserved prefix (xml) must not be undeclared or bound to another namespace name reserved prefix (xmlns) must not be declared or undeclared prefix must not be bound to one of the reserved namespace names expat_2.1.0 sizeof(XML_Char) sizeof(XML_LChar) XML_DTD XML_CONTEXT_BYTES XML_NS http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ Unable to open '%s': %s Zip: Invalid ZipArchiveHandle Zip: Invalid filename %.*s Zip: lseek to data at %lld failed Zip: seek %lld failed: %s Zip: read %lld failed: %s Zip: EOCD not found, %s is not zip Zip: %lld extraneous bytes at the end of the central directory Zip: bad offsets (dir %u, size %u, eocd %lld) Zip: empty archive? Zip: missed a central dir sig (at %u) Zip: ran off the end (at %u) Zip: bad LFH offset %lld at entry %u Zip: Error adding entry to hash table %d Zip: bad CD advance (%tu vs %zu) at entry %u Zip: Found duplicate entry %.*s Zip: Invalid entry pointer Zip: bad local hdr offset in zip Zip: failed reading lfh name from offset %lld Zip: didn't find signature at start of lfh, offset=%lld Zip: size/crc32 mismatch. expected {%u, %u, %x}, was {%u, %u, %x} Zip: Invalid declared length Zip: lfh name did not match central directory. Zip: bad data offset %lld in zip Zip: bad compressed length in zip (%lld + %u > %lld) Zip: bad uncompressed length in zip (%lld + %u > %lld) CopyFileToFile: copy read failed (%zd vs %zd) Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s) Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d) Zip: inflate read failed (%zd vs %zd) Zip: inflate zerr=%d (nIn=%p aIn=%u nOut=%p aOut=%u) Zip: size mismatch on inflated file (%lu vs %u) Zip: Unexpected size %zd (declared) vs %zd (actual) Zip: unable to seek to current location on fd %d: %s Zip: unable to allocate space for file to %lld: %s Zip: unable to truncate file to %lld: %s Zip: unable to write %zd bytes to file; %s Unknown return code. Iteration ended Zlib error Invalid file Invalid handle Duplicate entries in archive Empty archive Entry not found Invalid offset Inconsistent information Invalid entry name I/O Error File mapping failed base.file android::WriteStringToFile open failed: %s android::WriteStringToFile fchmod failed: %s android::WriteStringToFile fchown failed: %s android::WriteStringToFile write failed: %s N7android6VectorINS_7String8EEE N7android6VectorIPKcEE [ 7AaptDir 10AaptAssets 9AaptGroup N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tI14AaptGroupEntryNS_2spI8AaptFileEEEEEE 8AaptFile N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ENS_2spI9AaptGroupEEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ENS_2spI7AaptDirEEEEEE N7android7ZipFile15EndOfCentralDirE N7android6VectorIPNS_8ZipEntryEEE N7android6VectorINSt3__14pairI17ConfigDescriptionjEEEE 11AaptSymbols N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8E15AaptSymbolEntryEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ENS_2spI11AaptSymbolsEEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ENS_2spI15ResourceTypeSetEEEEEE N7android6VectorINS_2spI7AaptDirEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesI7AaptDirEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS5_jE7Renamer N7android16ReferenceRenamerE N7android12SortedVectorI14AaptGroupEntryEE Y@ ? 0C j @ A @ _ B 1 @ @ $@ ? "@ 4& k C o@ h > @ H & ? F%u ? `@ p@ @ [ N N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8EbEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_7String8EEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8E14ImpliedFeatureEEEE N7android6VectorINS_15ResTable_configEEE N7android12SortedVectorIiEE N7android6VectorI12FeatureGroupEE Android Asset Packaging Tool, v0.2-1998742 (ignoring extra arguments) Resource table: Android manifest: No AndroidManifest.xml found. -------- ------- --- ------- Length Method Size Ratio Offset Date Time CRC-32 Name -------- ------ ------- ----- ------- ---- ---- ------ ---- other-activities application-debuggable application-isGame Can't allocate output buffer! Checking for deleted files Writing all files... (not compressed) Internal error: remaining private symbol count mismatch String pool is corrupt/invalid. String pool is unitialized. ResourceIdCache dump: npOl npLb npTc 0123456789ABCDEFnpOl npTc 15ResourceTypeSet N7android11KeyedVectorINS_7String8ENS_2spI9AaptGroupEEEE 13FilePathStore 18SystemCacheUpdater 12CacheUpdater N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ElEEEE 23PreProcessImageWorkUnit N7android9WorkQueue8WorkUnitE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tI6SymbolNS_6VectorI16SymbolDefinitionEEEEEE N7android6VectorI16SymbolDefinitionEE N7android6VectorINS_2spIN13ResourceTable7PackageEEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesIN13ResourceTable7PackageEEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS6_jE7Renamer N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_8String16ENS_2spIN13ResourceTable7PackageEEEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorIjEE N7android6VectorIjEE N7android6VectorIbEE N7android6VectorI22NamespaceAttributePairEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ENS_6VectorI22NamespaceAttributePairEEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ENS0_IS2_EEEEEE 14ResourceFilter 18WeakResourceFilter 13ResourceTable s u g g e s t e d r e f e r e n c e s t r i n g i n t e g e r b o o l e a n c o l o r f l o a t d i m e n s i o n f r a c t i o n e n u m f l a g s N7android8ResTable8AccessorE N13ResourceTable5EntryE N13ResourceTable7PackageE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tI17type_ident_pair_tbEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_8String16EjEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_8String16EiEEEE N7android6VectorIN10StringPool11entry_styleEEE N7android6VectorIN10StringPool16entry_style_spanEEE N7android6VectorIN10StringPool5entryEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_8String16EN13ResourceTable4ItemEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tIjPKN13ResourceTable4ItemEEEEE N13ResourceTable10ConfigListE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tI17ConfigDescriptionNS_2spIN13ResourceTable5EntryEEEEEEE N13ResourceTable4TypeE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_8String16EN13ResourceTable6PublicEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_8String16ENS_2spIN13ResourceTable10ConfigListEEEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_8String16EEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tIiNS_6VectorINS_8String16EEEEEEE N7android6VectorINS_8String16EEE N7android6VectorINS_2spIN13ResourceTable10ConfigListEEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesIN13ResourceTable10ConfigListEEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS6_jE7Renamer N7android6VectorINS_2spIN13ResourceTable4TypeEEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesIN13ResourceTable4TypeEEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS6_jE7Renamer N7android6VectorINS_2spIN13ResourceTable5EntryEEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesIN13ResourceTable5EntryEEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS6_jE7Renamer N7android6VectorINS_2spI8AaptFileEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesI8AaptFileEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS5_jE7Renamer N7android12SortedVectorI17ConfigDescriptionEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_8String16ENS_2spIN13ResourceTable4TypeEEEEEEE N7android6VectorINS_16key_value_pair_tI17ConfigDescriptionNS_2spIN13ResourceTable5EntryEEEEEEE N7android6VectorINS_2spI7XMLNodeEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesI7XMLNodeEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS5_jE7Renamer M n L L a N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tIjjEEEE N7android12SortedVectorIPKvEE N7android9WorkQueue10WorkThreadE N7android6VectorINS_2spINS_9WorkQueue10WorkThreadEEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesINS_9WorkQueue10WorkThreadEEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS6_jE7Renamer N7android6VectorIPNS_9WorkQueue8WorkUnitEEE K < c ~ S [ n 7XMLNode N7android6VectorI15namespace_entryEE N7android6VectorIN7XMLNode15attribute_entryEEE N7android8ZipEntry15CentralDirEntryE N7android8ZipEntry15LocalFileHeaderE 10ApkBuilder 9OutputSet 8ApkSplit 17AndResourceFilter N7android6VectorINS_2spI14ResourceFilterEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesI14ResourceFilterEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS5_jE7Renamer 20StrongResourceFilter 21InverseResourceFilter N7android6VectorINS_2spI8ApkSplitEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesI8ApkSplitEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS5_jE7Renamer 21SystemDirectoryWalker 15DirectoryWalker 16SystemFileFinder 10FileFinder tl fil N7android12AssetManagerE N7android12AssetManager9SharedZipE 13AAssetManager N7android8AssetDirE N7android12SortedVectorINS_16key_value_pair_tINS_7String8ENS_2wpINS_12AssetManager9SharedZipEEEEEEE N7android12SortedVectorINS_8AssetDir8FileInfoEEE N7android6VectorINS_12AssetManager10asset_pathEEE N7android6VectorINS_2spINS_12AssetManager9SharedZipEEEEE ZN7android14ReferenceMover15move_referencesINS_12AssetManager9SharedZipEEEvPNS_2spIT_EEPKS6_jE7Renamer ` ` ` ` yb b b b b f f f "f ( 3 > 0 G V e T I ^ t y p e ^ l 1 0 n ^ m i n ^ m a x ^ o t h e r ^ z e r o ^ o n e ^ t w o ^ f e w ^ m a n y ; 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