1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project> 2 <parent> 3 <artifactId>apache</artifactId> 4 <groupId>org.apache</groupId> 5 <version>3</version> 6 </parent> 7 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> 8 <groupId>xml-apis</groupId> 9 <artifactId>xml-apis</artifactId> 10 <name>XML Commons External Components XML APIs</name> 11 <version>1.3.04</version> 12 <description>xml-commons provides an Apache-hosted set of DOM, SAX, and 13 JAXP interfaces for use in other xml-based projects. Our hope is that we 14 can standardize on both a common version and packaging scheme for these 15 critical XML standards interfaces to make the lives of both our developers 16 and users easier. The External Components portion of xml-commons contains 17 interfaces that are defined by external standards organizations. For DOM, 18 that's the W3C; for SAX it's David Megginson and sax.sourceforge.net; for 19 JAXP it's Sun.</description> 20 <url>http://xml.apache.org/commons/components/external/</url> 21 <issueManagement> 22 <system>bugzilla</system> 23 <url>http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/</url> 24 </issueManagement> 25 <mailingLists> 26 <mailingList> 27 <name>XML Commons Developer's List</name> 28 <subscribe>commons-dev-subscribe (a] xml.apache.org</subscribe> 29 <unsubscribe>commons-dev-unsubscribe (a] xml.apache.org</unsubscribe> 30 <post>commons-dev (a] xml.apache.org</post> 31 <archive>http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/xml-commons-dev/</archive> 32 </mailingList> 33 </mailingLists> 34 <scm> 35 <connection>scm:svn:http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xml/commons/tags/xml-commons-external-1_3_04/</connection> 36 <url>http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/xml/commons/tags/xml-commons-external-1_3_04/</url> 37 </scm> 38 <distributionManagement> 39 <status>deployed</status> 40 </distributionManagement> 41 </project>