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- Method resolution order:
- MediaAction
- telemetry.internal.actions.page_action.PageAction
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- HasEventCompletedOrError(self, tab, selector, event_name)
- LoadJS(self, tab, js_file_name)
- Loads and executes a JS file in the tab.
- RunAction(self, tab)
- WaitForEvent(self, tab, selector, event_name, timeout_in_seconds)
- Halts media action until the selector's event is fired.
tab: The tab to check for event on.
selector: Media element selector.
event_name: Name of the event to check if fired or not.
timeout_in_seconds: Timeout to check for event, throws an exception if
not fired.
- WillRunAction(self, tab)
- Loads the common media action JS code prior to running the action.
Methods inherited from telemetry.internal.actions.page_action.PageAction:
- CleanUp(self, tab)
Data descriptors inherited from telemetry.internal.actions.page_action.PageAction:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)