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      1 // Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/base/adapters.h"
      6 #include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
      7 #include "src/compiler/register-allocator.h"
      8 #include "src/string-stream.h"
     10 namespace v8 {
     11 namespace internal {
     12 namespace compiler {
     14 #define TRACE(...)                             \
     15   do {                                         \
     16     if (FLAG_trace_alloc) PrintF(__VA_ARGS__); \
     17   } while (false)
     20 namespace {
     22 void RemoveElement(ZoneVector<LiveRange*>* v, LiveRange* range) {
     23   auto it = std::find(v->begin(), v->end(), range);
     24   DCHECK(it != v->end());
     25   v->erase(it);
     26 }
     29 int GetRegisterCount(const RegisterConfiguration* cfg, RegisterKind kind) {
     30   return kind == DOUBLE_REGISTERS ? cfg->num_double_registers()
     31                                   : cfg->num_general_registers();
     32 }
     35 int GetAllocatableRegisterCount(const RegisterConfiguration* cfg,
     36                                 RegisterKind kind) {
     37   return kind == DOUBLE_REGISTERS
     38              ? cfg->num_allocatable_aliased_double_registers()
     39              : cfg->num_allocatable_general_registers();
     40 }
     43 const int* GetAllocatableRegisterCodes(const RegisterConfiguration* cfg,
     44                                        RegisterKind kind) {
     45   return kind == DOUBLE_REGISTERS ? cfg->allocatable_double_codes()
     46                                   : cfg->allocatable_general_codes();
     47 }
     50 const InstructionBlock* GetContainingLoop(const InstructionSequence* sequence,
     51                                           const InstructionBlock* block) {
     52   RpoNumber index = block->loop_header();
     53   if (!index.IsValid()) return nullptr;
     54   return sequence->InstructionBlockAt(index);
     55 }
     58 const InstructionBlock* GetInstructionBlock(const InstructionSequence* code,
     59                                             LifetimePosition pos) {
     60   return code->GetInstructionBlock(pos.ToInstructionIndex());
     61 }
     64 Instruction* GetLastInstruction(InstructionSequence* code,
     65                                 const InstructionBlock* block) {
     66   return code->InstructionAt(block->last_instruction_index());
     67 }
     70 bool IsOutputRegisterOf(Instruction* instr, Register reg) {
     71   for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->OutputCount(); i++) {
     72     InstructionOperand* output = instr->OutputAt(i);
     73     if (output->IsRegister() &&
     74         LocationOperand::cast(output)->GetRegister().is(reg)) {
     75       return true;
     76     }
     77   }
     78   return false;
     79 }
     82 bool IsOutputDoubleRegisterOf(Instruction* instr, DoubleRegister reg) {
     83   for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->OutputCount(); i++) {
     84     InstructionOperand* output = instr->OutputAt(i);
     85     if (output->IsDoubleRegister() &&
     86         LocationOperand::cast(output)->GetDoubleRegister().is(reg)) {
     87       return true;
     88     }
     89   }
     90   return false;
     91 }
     94 // TODO(dcarney): fix frame to allow frame accesses to half size location.
     95 int GetByteWidth(MachineRepresentation rep) {
     96   switch (rep) {
     97     case MachineRepresentation::kBit:
     98     case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
     99     case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
    100     case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
    101     case MachineRepresentation::kTagged:
    102       return kPointerSize;
    103     case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
    104     case MachineRepresentation::kWord64:
    105     case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
    106       return 8;
    107     case MachineRepresentation::kNone:
    108       break;
    109   }
    110   UNREACHABLE();
    111   return 0;
    112 }
    114 }  // namespace
    117 UsePosition::UsePosition(LifetimePosition pos, InstructionOperand* operand,
    118                          void* hint, UsePositionHintType hint_type)
    119     : operand_(operand), hint_(hint), next_(nullptr), pos_(pos), flags_(0) {
    120   DCHECK_IMPLIES(hint == nullptr, hint_type == UsePositionHintType::kNone);
    121   bool register_beneficial = true;
    122   UsePositionType type = UsePositionType::kAny;
    123   if (operand_ != nullptr && operand_->IsUnallocated()) {
    124     const UnallocatedOperand* unalloc = UnallocatedOperand::cast(operand_);
    125     if (unalloc->HasRegisterPolicy()) {
    126       type = UsePositionType::kRequiresRegister;
    127     } else if (unalloc->HasSlotPolicy()) {
    128       type = UsePositionType::kRequiresSlot;
    129       register_beneficial = false;
    130     } else {
    131       register_beneficial = !unalloc->HasAnyPolicy();
    132     }
    133   }
    134   flags_ = TypeField::encode(type) | HintTypeField::encode(hint_type) |
    135            RegisterBeneficialField::encode(register_beneficial) |
    136            AssignedRegisterField::encode(kUnassignedRegister);
    137   DCHECK(pos_.IsValid());
    138 }
    141 bool UsePosition::HasHint() const {
    142   int hint_register;
    143   return HintRegister(&hint_register);
    144 }
    147 bool UsePosition::HintRegister(int* register_code) const {
    148   if (hint_ == nullptr) return false;
    149   switch (HintTypeField::decode(flags_)) {
    150     case UsePositionHintType::kNone:
    151     case UsePositionHintType::kUnresolved:
    152       return false;
    153     case UsePositionHintType::kUsePos: {
    154       UsePosition* use_pos = reinterpret_cast<UsePosition*>(hint_);
    155       int assigned_register = AssignedRegisterField::decode(use_pos->flags_);
    156       if (assigned_register == kUnassignedRegister) return false;
    157       *register_code = assigned_register;
    158       return true;
    159     }
    160     case UsePositionHintType::kOperand: {
    161       InstructionOperand* operand =
    162           reinterpret_cast<InstructionOperand*>(hint_);
    163       int assigned_register =
    164           operand->IsRegister()
    165               ? LocationOperand::cast(operand)->GetRegister().code()
    166               : LocationOperand::cast(operand)->GetDoubleRegister().code();
    167       *register_code = assigned_register;
    168       return true;
    169     }
    170     case UsePositionHintType::kPhi: {
    171       RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue* phi =
    172           reinterpret_cast<RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue*>(hint_);
    173       int assigned_register = phi->assigned_register();
    174       if (assigned_register == kUnassignedRegister) return false;
    175       *register_code = assigned_register;
    176       return true;
    177     }
    178   }
    179   UNREACHABLE();
    180   return false;
    181 }
    184 UsePositionHintType UsePosition::HintTypeForOperand(
    185     const InstructionOperand& op) {
    186   switch (op.kind()) {
    187     case InstructionOperand::CONSTANT:
    188     case InstructionOperand::IMMEDIATE:
    189     case InstructionOperand::EXPLICIT:
    190       return UsePositionHintType::kNone;
    191     case InstructionOperand::UNALLOCATED:
    192       return UsePositionHintType::kUnresolved;
    193     case InstructionOperand::ALLOCATED:
    194       if (op.IsRegister() || op.IsDoubleRegister()) {
    195         return UsePositionHintType::kOperand;
    196       } else {
    197         DCHECK(op.IsStackSlot() || op.IsDoubleStackSlot());
    198         return UsePositionHintType::kNone;
    199       }
    200     case InstructionOperand::INVALID:
    201       break;
    202   }
    203   UNREACHABLE();
    204   return UsePositionHintType::kNone;
    205 }
    208 void UsePosition::ResolveHint(UsePosition* use_pos) {
    209   DCHECK_NOT_NULL(use_pos);
    210   if (HintTypeField::decode(flags_) != UsePositionHintType::kUnresolved) return;
    211   hint_ = use_pos;
    212   flags_ = HintTypeField::update(flags_, UsePositionHintType::kUsePos);
    213 }
    216 void UsePosition::set_type(UsePositionType type, bool register_beneficial) {
    217   DCHECK_IMPLIES(type == UsePositionType::kRequiresSlot, !register_beneficial);
    218   DCHECK_EQ(kUnassignedRegister, AssignedRegisterField::decode(flags_));
    219   flags_ = TypeField::encode(type) |
    220            RegisterBeneficialField::encode(register_beneficial) |
    221            HintTypeField::encode(HintTypeField::decode(flags_)) |
    222            AssignedRegisterField::encode(kUnassignedRegister);
    223 }
    226 UseInterval* UseInterval::SplitAt(LifetimePosition pos, Zone* zone) {
    227   DCHECK(Contains(pos) && pos != start());
    228   UseInterval* after = new (zone) UseInterval(pos, end_);
    229   after->next_ = next_;
    230   next_ = nullptr;
    231   end_ = pos;
    232   return after;
    233 }
    236 void LifetimePosition::Print() const {
    237   OFStream os(stdout);
    238   os << *this << std::endl;
    239 }
    242 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LifetimePosition pos) {
    243   os << '@' << pos.ToInstructionIndex();
    244   if (pos.IsGapPosition()) {
    245     os << 'g';
    246   } else {
    247     os << 'i';
    248   }
    249   if (pos.IsStart()) {
    250     os << 's';
    251   } else {
    252     os << 'e';
    253   }
    254   return os;
    255 }
    258 const float LiveRange::kInvalidWeight = -1;
    259 const float LiveRange::kMaxWeight = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
    262 LiveRange::LiveRange(int relative_id, MachineRepresentation rep,
    263                      TopLevelLiveRange* top_level)
    264     : relative_id_(relative_id),
    265       bits_(0),
    266       last_interval_(nullptr),
    267       first_interval_(nullptr),
    268       first_pos_(nullptr),
    269       top_level_(top_level),
    270       next_(nullptr),
    271       current_interval_(nullptr),
    272       last_processed_use_(nullptr),
    273       current_hint_position_(nullptr),
    274       splitting_pointer_(nullptr),
    275       size_(kInvalidSize),
    276       weight_(kInvalidWeight),
    277       group_(nullptr) {
    278   DCHECK(AllocatedOperand::IsSupportedRepresentation(rep));
    279   bits_ = AssignedRegisterField::encode(kUnassignedRegister) |
    280           RepresentationField::encode(rep);
    281 }
    284 void LiveRange::VerifyPositions() const {
    285   // Walk the positions, verifying that each is in an interval.
    286   UseInterval* interval = first_interval_;
    287   for (UsePosition* pos = first_pos_; pos != nullptr; pos = pos->next()) {
    288     CHECK(Start() <= pos->pos());
    289     CHECK(pos->pos() <= End());
    290     CHECK_NOT_NULL(interval);
    291     while (!interval->Contains(pos->pos()) && interval->end() != pos->pos()) {
    292       interval = interval->next();
    293       CHECK_NOT_NULL(interval);
    294     }
    295   }
    296 }
    299 void LiveRange::VerifyIntervals() const {
    300   DCHECK(first_interval()->start() == Start());
    301   LifetimePosition last_end = first_interval()->end();
    302   for (UseInterval* interval = first_interval()->next(); interval != nullptr;
    303        interval = interval->next()) {
    304     DCHECK(last_end <= interval->start());
    305     last_end = interval->end();
    306   }
    307   DCHECK(last_end == End());
    308 }
    311 void LiveRange::set_assigned_register(int reg) {
    312   DCHECK(!HasRegisterAssigned() && !spilled());
    313   bits_ = AssignedRegisterField::update(bits_, reg);
    314 }
    317 void LiveRange::UnsetAssignedRegister() {
    318   DCHECK(HasRegisterAssigned() && !spilled());
    319   bits_ = AssignedRegisterField::update(bits_, kUnassignedRegister);
    320 }
    323 void LiveRange::Spill() {
    324   DCHECK(!spilled());
    325   DCHECK(!TopLevel()->HasNoSpillType());
    326   set_spilled(true);
    327   bits_ = AssignedRegisterField::update(bits_, kUnassignedRegister);
    328 }
    331 RegisterKind LiveRange::kind() const {
    332   return IsFloatingPoint(representation()) ? DOUBLE_REGISTERS
    333                                            : GENERAL_REGISTERS;
    334 }
    337 UsePosition* LiveRange::FirstHintPosition(int* register_index) const {
    338   for (UsePosition* pos = first_pos_; pos != nullptr; pos = pos->next()) {
    339     if (pos->HintRegister(register_index)) return pos;
    340   }
    341   return nullptr;
    342 }
    345 UsePosition* LiveRange::NextUsePosition(LifetimePosition start) const {
    346   UsePosition* use_pos = last_processed_use_;
    347   if (use_pos == nullptr || use_pos->pos() > start) {
    348     use_pos = first_pos();
    349   }
    350   while (use_pos != nullptr && use_pos->pos() < start) {
    351     use_pos = use_pos->next();
    352   }
    353   last_processed_use_ = use_pos;
    354   return use_pos;
    355 }
    358 UsePosition* LiveRange::NextUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(
    359     LifetimePosition start) const {
    360   UsePosition* pos = NextUsePosition(start);
    361   while (pos != nullptr && !pos->RegisterIsBeneficial()) {
    362     pos = pos->next();
    363   }
    364   return pos;
    365 }
    368 UsePosition* LiveRange::PreviousUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(
    369     LifetimePosition start) const {
    370   UsePosition* pos = first_pos();
    371   UsePosition* prev = nullptr;
    372   while (pos != nullptr && pos->pos() < start) {
    373     if (pos->RegisterIsBeneficial()) prev = pos;
    374     pos = pos->next();
    375   }
    376   return prev;
    377 }
    380 UsePosition* LiveRange::NextRegisterPosition(LifetimePosition start) const {
    381   UsePosition* pos = NextUsePosition(start);
    382   while (pos != nullptr && pos->type() != UsePositionType::kRequiresRegister) {
    383     pos = pos->next();
    384   }
    385   return pos;
    386 }
    389 UsePosition* LiveRange::NextSlotPosition(LifetimePosition start) const {
    390   for (UsePosition* pos = NextUsePosition(start); pos != nullptr;
    391        pos = pos->next()) {
    392     if (pos->type() != UsePositionType::kRequiresSlot) continue;
    393     return pos;
    394   }
    395   return nullptr;
    396 }
    399 bool LiveRange::CanBeSpilled(LifetimePosition pos) const {
    400   // We cannot spill a live range that has a use requiring a register
    401   // at the current or the immediate next position.
    402   UsePosition* use_pos = NextRegisterPosition(pos);
    403   if (use_pos == nullptr) return true;
    404   return use_pos->pos() > pos.NextStart().End();
    405 }
    408 bool LiveRange::IsTopLevel() const { return top_level_ == this; }
    411 InstructionOperand LiveRange::GetAssignedOperand() const {
    412   if (HasRegisterAssigned()) {
    413     DCHECK(!spilled());
    414     return AllocatedOperand(LocationOperand::REGISTER, representation(),
    415                             assigned_register());
    416   }
    417   DCHECK(spilled());
    418   DCHECK(!HasRegisterAssigned());
    419   if (TopLevel()->HasSpillOperand()) {
    420     InstructionOperand* op = TopLevel()->GetSpillOperand();
    421     DCHECK(!op->IsUnallocated());
    422     return *op;
    423   }
    424   return TopLevel()->GetSpillRangeOperand();
    425 }
    428 UseInterval* LiveRange::FirstSearchIntervalForPosition(
    429     LifetimePosition position) const {
    430   if (current_interval_ == nullptr) return first_interval_;
    431   if (current_interval_->start() > position) {
    432     current_interval_ = nullptr;
    433     return first_interval_;
    434   }
    435   return current_interval_;
    436 }
    439 void LiveRange::AdvanceLastProcessedMarker(
    440     UseInterval* to_start_of, LifetimePosition but_not_past) const {
    441   if (to_start_of == nullptr) return;
    442   if (to_start_of->start() > but_not_past) return;
    443   LifetimePosition start = current_interval_ == nullptr
    444                                ? LifetimePosition::Invalid()
    445                                : current_interval_->start();
    446   if (to_start_of->start() > start) {
    447     current_interval_ = to_start_of;
    448   }
    449 }
    452 LiveRange* LiveRange::SplitAt(LifetimePosition position, Zone* zone) {
    453   int new_id = TopLevel()->GetNextChildId();
    454   LiveRange* child = new (zone) LiveRange(new_id, representation(), TopLevel());
    455   DetachAt(position, child, zone);
    457   child->top_level_ = TopLevel();
    458   child->next_ = next_;
    459   next_ = child;
    460   return child;
    461 }
    464 UsePosition* LiveRange::DetachAt(LifetimePosition position, LiveRange* result,
    465                                  Zone* zone) {
    466   DCHECK(Start() < position);
    467   DCHECK(End() > position);
    468   DCHECK(result->IsEmpty());
    469   // Find the last interval that ends before the position. If the
    470   // position is contained in one of the intervals in the chain, we
    471   // split that interval and use the first part.
    472   UseInterval* current = FirstSearchIntervalForPosition(position);
    474   // If the split position coincides with the beginning of a use interval
    475   // we need to split use positons in a special way.
    476   bool split_at_start = false;
    478   if (current->start() == position) {
    479     // When splitting at start we need to locate the previous use interval.
    480     current = first_interval_;
    481   }
    483   UseInterval* after = nullptr;
    484   while (current != nullptr) {
    485     if (current->Contains(position)) {
    486       after = current->SplitAt(position, zone);
    487       break;
    488     }
    489     UseInterval* next = current->next();
    490     if (next->start() >= position) {
    491       split_at_start = (next->start() == position);
    492       after = next;
    493       current->set_next(nullptr);
    494       break;
    495     }
    496     current = next;
    497   }
    498   DCHECK(nullptr != after);
    500   // Partition original use intervals to the two live ranges.
    501   UseInterval* before = current;
    502   result->last_interval_ =
    503       (last_interval_ == before)
    504           ? after            // Only interval in the range after split.
    505           : last_interval_;  // Last interval of the original range.
    506   result->first_interval_ = after;
    507   last_interval_ = before;
    509   // Find the last use position before the split and the first use
    510   // position after it.
    511   UsePosition* use_after =
    512       splitting_pointer_ == nullptr || splitting_pointer_->pos() > position
    513           ? first_pos()
    514           : splitting_pointer_;
    515   UsePosition* use_before = nullptr;
    516   if (split_at_start) {
    517     // The split position coincides with the beginning of a use interval (the
    518     // end of a lifetime hole). Use at this position should be attributed to
    519     // the split child because split child owns use interval covering it.
    520     while (use_after != nullptr && use_after->pos() < position) {
    521       use_before = use_after;
    522       use_after = use_after->next();
    523     }
    524   } else {
    525     while (use_after != nullptr && use_after->pos() <= position) {
    526       use_before = use_after;
    527       use_after = use_after->next();
    528     }
    529   }
    531   // Partition original use positions to the two live ranges.
    532   if (use_before != nullptr) {
    533     use_before->set_next(nullptr);
    534   } else {
    535     first_pos_ = nullptr;
    536   }
    537   result->first_pos_ = use_after;
    539   // Discard cached iteration state. It might be pointing
    540   // to the use that no longer belongs to this live range.
    541   last_processed_use_ = nullptr;
    542   current_interval_ = nullptr;
    544   // Invalidate size and weight of this range. The child range has them
    545   // invalid at construction.
    546   size_ = kInvalidSize;
    547   weight_ = kInvalidWeight;
    548 #ifdef DEBUG
    549   VerifyChildStructure();
    550   result->VerifyChildStructure();
    551 #endif
    552   return use_before;
    553 }
    556 void LiveRange::UpdateParentForAllChildren(TopLevelLiveRange* new_top_level) {
    557   LiveRange* child = this;
    558   for (; child != nullptr; child = child->next()) {
    559     child->top_level_ = new_top_level;
    560   }
    561 }
    564 void LiveRange::ConvertUsesToOperand(const InstructionOperand& op,
    565                                      const InstructionOperand& spill_op) {
    566   for (UsePosition* pos = first_pos(); pos != nullptr; pos = pos->next()) {
    567     DCHECK(Start() <= pos->pos() && pos->pos() <= End());
    568     if (!pos->HasOperand()) continue;
    569     switch (pos->type()) {
    570       case UsePositionType::kRequiresSlot:
    571         DCHECK(spill_op.IsStackSlot() || spill_op.IsDoubleStackSlot());
    572         InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(pos->operand(), &spill_op);
    573         break;
    574       case UsePositionType::kRequiresRegister:
    575         DCHECK(op.IsRegister() || op.IsDoubleRegister());
    576       // Fall through.
    577       case UsePositionType::kAny:
    578         InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(pos->operand(), &op);
    579         break;
    580     }
    581   }
    582 }
    585 // This implements an ordering on live ranges so that they are ordered by their
    586 // start positions.  This is needed for the correctness of the register
    587 // allocation algorithm.  If two live ranges start at the same offset then there
    588 // is a tie breaker based on where the value is first used.  This part of the
    589 // ordering is merely a heuristic.
    590 bool LiveRange::ShouldBeAllocatedBefore(const LiveRange* other) const {
    591   LifetimePosition start = Start();
    592   LifetimePosition other_start = other->Start();
    593   if (start == other_start) {
    594     UsePosition* pos = first_pos();
    595     if (pos == nullptr) return false;
    596     UsePosition* other_pos = other->first_pos();
    597     if (other_pos == nullptr) return true;
    598     return pos->pos() < other_pos->pos();
    599   }
    600   return start < other_start;
    601 }
    604 void LiveRange::SetUseHints(int register_index) {
    605   for (UsePosition* pos = first_pos(); pos != nullptr; pos = pos->next()) {
    606     if (!pos->HasOperand()) continue;
    607     switch (pos->type()) {
    608       case UsePositionType::kRequiresSlot:
    609         break;
    610       case UsePositionType::kRequiresRegister:
    611       case UsePositionType::kAny:
    612         pos->set_assigned_register(register_index);
    613         break;
    614     }
    615   }
    616 }
    619 bool LiveRange::CanCover(LifetimePosition position) const {
    620   if (IsEmpty()) return false;
    621   return Start() <= position && position < End();
    622 }
    625 bool LiveRange::Covers(LifetimePosition position) const {
    626   if (!CanCover(position)) return false;
    627   UseInterval* start_search = FirstSearchIntervalForPosition(position);
    628   for (UseInterval* interval = start_search; interval != nullptr;
    629        interval = interval->next()) {
    630     DCHECK(interval->next() == nullptr ||
    631            interval->next()->start() >= interval->start());
    632     AdvanceLastProcessedMarker(interval, position);
    633     if (interval->Contains(position)) return true;
    634     if (interval->start() > position) return false;
    635   }
    636   return false;
    637 }
    640 LifetimePosition LiveRange::FirstIntersection(LiveRange* other) const {
    641   UseInterval* b = other->first_interval();
    642   if (b == nullptr) return LifetimePosition::Invalid();
    643   LifetimePosition advance_last_processed_up_to = b->start();
    644   UseInterval* a = FirstSearchIntervalForPosition(b->start());
    645   while (a != nullptr && b != nullptr) {
    646     if (a->start() > other->End()) break;
    647     if (b->start() > End()) break;
    648     LifetimePosition cur_intersection = a->Intersect(b);
    649     if (cur_intersection.IsValid()) {
    650       return cur_intersection;
    651     }
    652     if (a->start() < b->start()) {
    653       a = a->next();
    654       if (a == nullptr || a->start() > other->End()) break;
    655       AdvanceLastProcessedMarker(a, advance_last_processed_up_to);
    656     } else {
    657       b = b->next();
    658     }
    659   }
    660   return LifetimePosition::Invalid();
    661 }
    664 unsigned LiveRange::GetSize() {
    665   if (size_ == kInvalidSize) {
    666     size_ = 0;
    667     for (const UseInterval* interval = first_interval(); interval != nullptr;
    668          interval = interval->next()) {
    669       size_ += (interval->end().value() - interval->start().value());
    670     }
    671   }
    673   return static_cast<unsigned>(size_);
    674 }
    677 void LiveRange::Print(const RegisterConfiguration* config,
    678                       bool with_children) const {
    679   OFStream os(stdout);
    680   PrintableLiveRange wrapper;
    681   wrapper.register_configuration_ = config;
    682   for (const LiveRange* i = this; i != nullptr; i = i->next()) {
    683     wrapper.range_ = i;
    684     os << wrapper << std::endl;
    685     if (!with_children) break;
    686   }
    687 }
    690 void LiveRange::Print(bool with_children) const {
    691   const RegisterConfiguration* config =
    692       RegisterConfiguration::ArchDefault(RegisterConfiguration::TURBOFAN);
    693   Print(config, with_children);
    694 }
    697 struct TopLevelLiveRange::SpillMoveInsertionList : ZoneObject {
    698   SpillMoveInsertionList(int gap_index, InstructionOperand* operand,
    699                          SpillMoveInsertionList* next)
    700       : gap_index(gap_index), operand(operand), next(next) {}
    701   const int gap_index;
    702   InstructionOperand* const operand;
    703   SpillMoveInsertionList* const next;
    704 };
    707 TopLevelLiveRange::TopLevelLiveRange(int vreg, MachineRepresentation rep)
    708     : LiveRange(0, rep, this),
    709       vreg_(vreg),
    710       last_child_id_(0),
    711       splintered_from_(nullptr),
    712       spill_operand_(nullptr),
    713       spill_move_insertion_locations_(nullptr),
    714       spilled_in_deferred_blocks_(false),
    715       spill_start_index_(kMaxInt),
    716       last_pos_(nullptr),
    717       splinter_(nullptr),
    718       has_preassigned_slot_(false) {
    719   bits_ |= SpillTypeField::encode(SpillType::kNoSpillType);
    720 }
    723 #if DEBUG
    724 int TopLevelLiveRange::debug_virt_reg() const {
    725   return IsSplinter() ? splintered_from()->vreg() : vreg();
    726 }
    727 #endif
    730 void TopLevelLiveRange::RecordSpillLocation(Zone* zone, int gap_index,
    731                                             InstructionOperand* operand) {
    732   DCHECK(HasNoSpillType());
    733   spill_move_insertion_locations_ = new (zone) SpillMoveInsertionList(
    734       gap_index, operand, spill_move_insertion_locations_);
    735 }
    738 bool TopLevelLiveRange::TryCommitSpillInDeferredBlock(
    739     InstructionSequence* code, const InstructionOperand& spill_operand) {
    740   if (!IsSpilledOnlyInDeferredBlocks()) return false;
    742   TRACE("Live Range %d will be spilled only in deferred blocks.\n", vreg());
    743   // If we have ranges that aren't spilled but require the operand on the stack,
    744   // make sure we insert the spill.
    745   for (const LiveRange* child = this; child != nullptr; child = child->next()) {
    746     if (!child->spilled() &&
    747         child->NextSlotPosition(child->Start()) != nullptr) {
    748       Instruction* instr =
    749           code->InstructionAt(child->Start().ToInstructionIndex());
    750       // Insert spill at the end to let live range connections happen at START.
    751       ParallelMove* move =
    752           instr->GetOrCreateParallelMove(Instruction::END, code->zone());
    753       InstructionOperand assigned = child->GetAssignedOperand();
    754       if (TopLevel()->has_slot_use()) {
    755         bool found = false;
    756         for (MoveOperands* move_op : *move) {
    757           if (move_op->IsEliminated()) continue;
    758           if (move_op->source().Equals(assigned) &&
    759               move_op->destination().Equals(spill_operand)) {
    760             found = true;
    761             break;
    762           }
    763         }
    764         if (found) continue;
    765       }
    767       move->AddMove(assigned, spill_operand);
    768     }
    769   }
    771   return true;
    772 }
    775 void TopLevelLiveRange::CommitSpillMoves(InstructionSequence* sequence,
    776                                          const InstructionOperand& op,
    777                                          bool might_be_duplicated) {
    778   DCHECK_IMPLIES(op.IsConstant(), spill_move_insertion_locations() == nullptr);
    779   Zone* zone = sequence->zone();
    781   for (SpillMoveInsertionList* to_spill = spill_move_insertion_locations();
    782        to_spill != nullptr; to_spill = to_spill->next) {
    783     Instruction* instr = sequence->InstructionAt(to_spill->gap_index);
    784     ParallelMove* move =
    785         instr->GetOrCreateParallelMove(Instruction::START, zone);
    786     // Skip insertion if it's possible that the move exists already as a
    787     // constraint move from a fixed output register to a slot.
    788     if (might_be_duplicated || has_preassigned_slot()) {
    789       bool found = false;
    790       for (MoveOperands* move_op : *move) {
    791         if (move_op->IsEliminated()) continue;
    792         if (move_op->source().Equals(*to_spill->operand) &&
    793             move_op->destination().Equals(op)) {
    794           found = true;
    795           if (has_preassigned_slot()) move_op->Eliminate();
    796           break;
    797         }
    798       }
    799       if (found) continue;
    800     }
    801     if (!has_preassigned_slot()) {
    802       move->AddMove(*to_spill->operand, op);
    803     }
    804   }
    805 }
    808 void TopLevelLiveRange::SetSpillOperand(InstructionOperand* operand) {
    809   DCHECK(HasNoSpillType());
    810   DCHECK(!operand->IsUnallocated() && !operand->IsImmediate());
    811   set_spill_type(SpillType::kSpillOperand);
    812   spill_operand_ = operand;
    813 }
    816 void TopLevelLiveRange::SetSpillRange(SpillRange* spill_range) {
    817   DCHECK(!HasSpillOperand());
    818   DCHECK(spill_range);
    819   spill_range_ = spill_range;
    820 }
    823 AllocatedOperand TopLevelLiveRange::GetSpillRangeOperand() const {
    824   SpillRange* spill_range = GetSpillRange();
    825   int index = spill_range->assigned_slot();
    826   return AllocatedOperand(LocationOperand::STACK_SLOT, representation(), index);
    827 }
    830 void TopLevelLiveRange::Splinter(LifetimePosition start, LifetimePosition end,
    831                                  Zone* zone) {
    832   DCHECK(start != Start() || end != End());
    833   DCHECK(start < end);
    835   TopLevelLiveRange splinter_temp(-1, representation());
    836   UsePosition* last_in_splinter = nullptr;
    837   // Live ranges defined in deferred blocks stay in deferred blocks, so we
    838   // don't need to splinter them. That means that start should always be
    839   // after the beginning of the range.
    840   DCHECK(start > Start());
    842   if (end >= End()) {
    843     DCHECK(start > Start());
    844     DetachAt(start, &splinter_temp, zone);
    845     next_ = nullptr;
    846   } else {
    847     DCHECK(start < End() && Start() < end);
    849     const int kInvalidId = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    851     UsePosition* last = DetachAt(start, &splinter_temp, zone);
    853     LiveRange end_part(kInvalidId, this->representation(), nullptr);
    854     last_in_splinter = splinter_temp.DetachAt(end, &end_part, zone);
    856     next_ = end_part.next_;
    857     last_interval_->set_next(end_part.first_interval_);
    858     // The next splinter will happen either at or after the current interval.
    859     // We can optimize DetachAt by setting current_interval_ accordingly,
    860     // which will then be picked up by FirstSearchIntervalForPosition.
    861     current_interval_ = last_interval_;
    862     last_interval_ = end_part.last_interval_;
    864     if (first_pos_ == nullptr) {
    865       first_pos_ = end_part.first_pos_;
    866     } else {
    867       splitting_pointer_ = last;
    868       if (last != nullptr) last->set_next(end_part.first_pos_);
    869     }
    870   }
    872   if (splinter()->IsEmpty()) {
    873     splinter()->first_interval_ = splinter_temp.first_interval_;
    874     splinter()->last_interval_ = splinter_temp.last_interval_;
    875   } else {
    876     splinter()->last_interval_->set_next(splinter_temp.first_interval_);
    877     splinter()->last_interval_ = splinter_temp.last_interval_;
    878   }
    879   if (splinter()->first_pos() == nullptr) {
    880     splinter()->first_pos_ = splinter_temp.first_pos_;
    881   } else {
    882     splinter()->last_pos_->set_next(splinter_temp.first_pos_);
    883   }
    884   if (last_in_splinter != nullptr) {
    885     splinter()->last_pos_ = last_in_splinter;
    886   } else {
    887     if (splinter()->first_pos() != nullptr &&
    888         splinter()->last_pos_ == nullptr) {
    889       splinter()->last_pos_ = splinter()->first_pos();
    890       for (UsePosition* pos = splinter()->first_pos(); pos != nullptr;
    891            pos = pos->next()) {
    892         splinter()->last_pos_ = pos;
    893       }
    894     }
    895   }
    896 #if DEBUG
    897   Verify();
    898   splinter()->Verify();
    899 #endif
    900 }
    903 void TopLevelLiveRange::SetSplinteredFrom(TopLevelLiveRange* splinter_parent) {
    904   splintered_from_ = splinter_parent;
    905   if (!HasSpillOperand() && splinter_parent->spill_range_ != nullptr) {
    906     SetSpillRange(splinter_parent->spill_range_);
    907   }
    908 }
    911 void TopLevelLiveRange::UpdateSpillRangePostMerge(TopLevelLiveRange* merged) {
    912   DCHECK(merged->TopLevel() == this);
    914   if (HasNoSpillType() && merged->HasSpillRange()) {
    915     set_spill_type(merged->spill_type());
    916     DCHECK(GetSpillRange()->live_ranges().size() > 0);
    917     merged->spill_range_ = nullptr;
    918     merged->bits_ =
    919         SpillTypeField::update(merged->bits_, SpillType::kNoSpillType);
    920   }
    921 }
    924 void TopLevelLiveRange::Merge(TopLevelLiveRange* other, Zone* zone) {
    925   DCHECK(Start() < other->Start());
    926   DCHECK(other->splintered_from() == this);
    928   LiveRange* first = this;
    929   LiveRange* second = other;
    930   DCHECK(first->Start() < second->Start());
    931   while (first != nullptr && second != nullptr) {
    932     DCHECK(first != second);
    933     // Make sure the ranges are in order each time we iterate.
    934     if (second->Start() < first->Start()) {
    935       LiveRange* tmp = second;
    936       second = first;
    937       first = tmp;
    938       continue;
    939     }
    941     if (first->End() <= second->Start()) {
    942       if (first->next() == nullptr ||
    943           first->next()->Start() > second->Start()) {
    944         // First is in order before second.
    945         LiveRange* temp = first->next();
    946         first->next_ = second;
    947         first = temp;
    948       } else {
    949         // First is in order before its successor (or second), so advance first.
    950         first = first->next();
    951       }
    952       continue;
    953     }
    955     DCHECK(first->Start() < second->Start());
    956     // If first and second intersect, split first.
    957     if (first->Start() < second->End() && second->Start() < first->End()) {
    958       LiveRange* temp = first->SplitAt(second->Start(), zone);
    959       CHECK(temp != first);
    960       temp->set_spilled(first->spilled());
    961       if (!temp->spilled())
    962         temp->set_assigned_register(first->assigned_register());
    964       first->next_ = second;
    965       first = temp;
    966       continue;
    967     }
    968     DCHECK(first->End() <= second->Start());
    969   }
    971   TopLevel()->UpdateParentForAllChildren(TopLevel());
    972   TopLevel()->UpdateSpillRangePostMerge(other);
    974 #if DEBUG
    975   Verify();
    976 #endif
    977 }
    980 void TopLevelLiveRange::VerifyChildrenInOrder() const {
    981   LifetimePosition last_end = End();
    982   for (const LiveRange* child = this->next(); child != nullptr;
    983        child = child->next()) {
    984     DCHECK(last_end <= child->Start());
    985     last_end = child->End();
    986   }
    987 }
    990 void TopLevelLiveRange::Verify() const {
    991   VerifyChildrenInOrder();
    992   for (const LiveRange* child = this; child != nullptr; child = child->next()) {
    993     VerifyChildStructure();
    994   }
    995 }
    998 void TopLevelLiveRange::ShortenTo(LifetimePosition start) {
    999   TRACE("Shorten live range %d to [%d\n", vreg(), start.value());
   1000   DCHECK(first_interval_ != nullptr);
   1001   DCHECK(first_interval_->start() <= start);
   1002   DCHECK(start < first_interval_->end());
   1003   first_interval_->set_start(start);
   1004 }
   1007 void TopLevelLiveRange::EnsureInterval(LifetimePosition start,
   1008                                        LifetimePosition end, Zone* zone) {
   1009   TRACE("Ensure live range %d in interval [%d %d[\n", vreg(), start.value(),
   1010         end.value());
   1011   LifetimePosition new_end = end;
   1012   while (first_interval_ != nullptr && first_interval_->start() <= end) {
   1013     if (first_interval_->end() > end) {
   1014       new_end = first_interval_->end();
   1015     }
   1016     first_interval_ = first_interval_->next();
   1017   }
   1019   UseInterval* new_interval = new (zone) UseInterval(start, new_end);
   1020   new_interval->set_next(first_interval_);
   1021   first_interval_ = new_interval;
   1022   if (new_interval->next() == nullptr) {
   1023     last_interval_ = new_interval;
   1024   }
   1025 }
   1028 void TopLevelLiveRange::AddUseInterval(LifetimePosition start,
   1029                                        LifetimePosition end, Zone* zone) {
   1030   TRACE("Add to live range %d interval [%d %d[\n", vreg(), start.value(),
   1031         end.value());
   1032   if (first_interval_ == nullptr) {
   1033     UseInterval* interval = new (zone) UseInterval(start, end);
   1034     first_interval_ = interval;
   1035     last_interval_ = interval;
   1036   } else {
   1037     if (end == first_interval_->start()) {
   1038       first_interval_->set_start(start);
   1039     } else if (end < first_interval_->start()) {
   1040       UseInterval* interval = new (zone) UseInterval(start, end);
   1041       interval->set_next(first_interval_);
   1042       first_interval_ = interval;
   1043     } else {
   1044       // Order of instruction's processing (see ProcessInstructions) guarantees
   1045       // that each new use interval either precedes or intersects with
   1046       // last added interval.
   1047       DCHECK(start < first_interval_->end());
   1048       first_interval_->set_start(Min(start, first_interval_->start()));
   1049       first_interval_->set_end(Max(end, first_interval_->end()));
   1050     }
   1051   }
   1052 }
   1055 void TopLevelLiveRange::AddUsePosition(UsePosition* use_pos) {
   1056   LifetimePosition pos = use_pos->pos();
   1057   TRACE("Add to live range %d use position %d\n", vreg(), pos.value());
   1058   UsePosition* prev_hint = nullptr;
   1059   UsePosition* prev = nullptr;
   1060   UsePosition* current = first_pos_;
   1061   while (current != nullptr && current->pos() < pos) {
   1062     prev_hint = current->HasHint() ? current : prev_hint;
   1063     prev = current;
   1064     current = current->next();
   1065   }
   1067   if (prev == nullptr) {
   1068     use_pos->set_next(first_pos_);
   1069     first_pos_ = use_pos;
   1070   } else {
   1071     use_pos->set_next(prev->next());
   1072     prev->set_next(use_pos);
   1073   }
   1075   if (prev_hint == nullptr && use_pos->HasHint()) {
   1076     current_hint_position_ = use_pos;
   1077   }
   1078 }
   1081 static bool AreUseIntervalsIntersecting(UseInterval* interval1,
   1082                                         UseInterval* interval2) {
   1083   while (interval1 != nullptr && interval2 != nullptr) {
   1084     if (interval1->start() < interval2->start()) {
   1085       if (interval1->end() > interval2->start()) {
   1086         return true;
   1087       }
   1088       interval1 = interval1->next();
   1089     } else {
   1090       if (interval2->end() > interval1->start()) {
   1091         return true;
   1092       }
   1093       interval2 = interval2->next();
   1094     }
   1095   }
   1096   return false;
   1097 }
   1100 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
   1101                          const PrintableLiveRange& printable_range) {
   1102   const LiveRange* range = printable_range.range_;
   1103   os << "Range: " << range->TopLevel()->vreg() << ":" << range->relative_id()
   1104      << " ";
   1105   if (range->TopLevel()->is_phi()) os << "phi ";
   1106   if (range->TopLevel()->is_non_loop_phi()) os << "nlphi ";
   1108   os << "{" << std::endl;
   1109   UseInterval* interval = range->first_interval();
   1110   UsePosition* use_pos = range->first_pos();
   1111   PrintableInstructionOperand pio;
   1112   pio.register_configuration_ = printable_range.register_configuration_;
   1113   while (use_pos != nullptr) {
   1114     if (use_pos->HasOperand()) {
   1115       pio.op_ = *use_pos->operand();
   1116       os << pio << use_pos->pos() << " ";
   1117     }
   1118     use_pos = use_pos->next();
   1119   }
   1120   os << std::endl;
   1122   while (interval != nullptr) {
   1123     os << '[' << interval->start() << ", " << interval->end() << ')'
   1124        << std::endl;
   1125     interval = interval->next();
   1126   }
   1127   os << "}";
   1128   return os;
   1129 }
   1132 SpillRange::SpillRange(TopLevelLiveRange* parent, Zone* zone)
   1133     : live_ranges_(zone),
   1134       assigned_slot_(kUnassignedSlot),
   1135       byte_width_(GetByteWidth(parent->representation())),
   1136       kind_(parent->kind()) {
   1137   // Spill ranges are created for top level, non-splintered ranges. This is so
   1138   // that, when merging decisions are made, we consider the full extent of the
   1139   // virtual register, and avoid clobbering it.
   1140   DCHECK(!parent->IsSplinter());
   1141   UseInterval* result = nullptr;
   1142   UseInterval* node = nullptr;
   1143   // Copy the intervals for all ranges.
   1144   for (LiveRange* range = parent; range != nullptr; range = range->next()) {
   1145     UseInterval* src = range->first_interval();
   1146     while (src != nullptr) {
   1147       UseInterval* new_node = new (zone) UseInterval(src->start(), src->end());
   1148       if (result == nullptr) {
   1149         result = new_node;
   1150       } else {
   1151         node->set_next(new_node);
   1152       }
   1153       node = new_node;
   1154       src = src->next();
   1155     }
   1156   }
   1157   use_interval_ = result;
   1158   live_ranges().push_back(parent);
   1159   end_position_ = node->end();
   1160   parent->SetSpillRange(this);
   1161 }
   1164 int SpillRange::ByteWidth() const {
   1165   return GetByteWidth(live_ranges_[0]->representation());
   1166 }
   1169 bool SpillRange::IsIntersectingWith(SpillRange* other) const {
   1170   if (this->use_interval_ == nullptr || other->use_interval_ == nullptr ||
   1171       this->End() <= other->use_interval_->start() ||
   1172       other->End() <= this->use_interval_->start()) {
   1173     return false;
   1174   }
   1175   return AreUseIntervalsIntersecting(use_interval_, other->use_interval_);
   1176 }
   1179 bool SpillRange::TryMerge(SpillRange* other) {
   1180   if (HasSlot() || other->HasSlot()) return false;
   1181   // TODO(dcarney): byte widths should be compared here not kinds.
   1182   if (live_ranges_[0]->kind() != other->live_ranges_[0]->kind() ||
   1183       IsIntersectingWith(other)) {
   1184     return false;
   1185   }
   1187   LifetimePosition max = LifetimePosition::MaxPosition();
   1188   if (End() < other->End() && other->End() != max) {
   1189     end_position_ = other->End();
   1190   }
   1191   other->end_position_ = max;
   1193   MergeDisjointIntervals(other->use_interval_);
   1194   other->use_interval_ = nullptr;
   1196   for (TopLevelLiveRange* range : other->live_ranges()) {
   1197     DCHECK(range->GetSpillRange() == other);
   1198     range->SetSpillRange(this);
   1199   }
   1201   live_ranges().insert(live_ranges().end(), other->live_ranges().begin(),
   1202                        other->live_ranges().end());
   1203   other->live_ranges().clear();
   1205   return true;
   1206 }
   1209 void SpillRange::MergeDisjointIntervals(UseInterval* other) {
   1210   UseInterval* tail = nullptr;
   1211   UseInterval* current = use_interval_;
   1212   while (other != nullptr) {
   1213     // Make sure the 'current' list starts first
   1214     if (current == nullptr || current->start() > other->start()) {
   1215       std::swap(current, other);
   1216     }
   1217     // Check disjointness
   1218     DCHECK(other == nullptr || current->end() <= other->start());
   1219     // Append the 'current' node to the result accumulator and move forward
   1220     if (tail == nullptr) {
   1221       use_interval_ = current;
   1222     } else {
   1223       tail->set_next(current);
   1224     }
   1225     tail = current;
   1226     current = current->next();
   1227   }
   1228   // Other list is empty => we are done
   1229 }
   1232 void SpillRange::Print() const {
   1233   OFStream os(stdout);
   1234   os << "{" << std::endl;
   1235   for (TopLevelLiveRange* range : live_ranges()) {
   1236     os << range->vreg() << " ";
   1237   }
   1238   os << std::endl;
   1240   for (UseInterval* i = interval(); i != nullptr; i = i->next()) {
   1241     os << '[' << i->start() << ", " << i->end() << ')' << std::endl;
   1242   }
   1243   os << "}" << std::endl;
   1244 }
   1247 RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue::PhiMapValue(PhiInstruction* phi,
   1248                                                  const InstructionBlock* block,
   1249                                                  Zone* zone)
   1250     : phi_(phi),
   1251       block_(block),
   1252       incoming_operands_(zone),
   1253       assigned_register_(kUnassignedRegister) {
   1254   incoming_operands_.reserve(phi->operands().size());
   1255 }
   1258 void RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue::AddOperand(
   1259     InstructionOperand* operand) {
   1260   incoming_operands_.push_back(operand);
   1261 }
   1264 void RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue::CommitAssignment(
   1265     const InstructionOperand& assigned) {
   1266   for (InstructionOperand* operand : incoming_operands_) {
   1267     InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, &assigned);
   1268   }
   1269 }
   1272 RegisterAllocationData::RegisterAllocationData(
   1273     const RegisterConfiguration* config, Zone* zone, Frame* frame,
   1274     InstructionSequence* code, const char* debug_name)
   1275     : allocation_zone_(zone),
   1276       frame_(frame),
   1277       code_(code),
   1278       debug_name_(debug_name),
   1279       config_(config),
   1280       phi_map_(allocation_zone()),
   1281       allocatable_codes_(this->config()->num_general_registers(), -1,
   1282                          allocation_zone()),
   1283       allocatable_double_codes_(this->config()->num_double_registers(), -1,
   1284                                 allocation_zone()),
   1285       live_in_sets_(code->InstructionBlockCount(), nullptr, allocation_zone()),
   1286       live_out_sets_(code->InstructionBlockCount(), nullptr, allocation_zone()),
   1287       live_ranges_(code->VirtualRegisterCount() * 2, nullptr,
   1288                    allocation_zone()),
   1289       fixed_live_ranges_(this->config()->num_general_registers(), nullptr,
   1290                          allocation_zone()),
   1291       fixed_double_live_ranges_(this->config()->num_double_registers(), nullptr,
   1292                                 allocation_zone()),
   1293       spill_ranges_(code->VirtualRegisterCount(), nullptr, allocation_zone()),
   1294       delayed_references_(allocation_zone()),
   1295       assigned_registers_(nullptr),
   1296       assigned_double_registers_(nullptr),
   1297       virtual_register_count_(code->VirtualRegisterCount()),
   1298       preassigned_slot_ranges_(zone) {
   1299   DCHECK(this->config()->num_general_registers() <=
   1300          RegisterConfiguration::kMaxGeneralRegisters);
   1301   DCHECK(this->config()->num_double_registers() <=
   1302          RegisterConfiguration::kMaxDoubleRegisters);
   1303   assigned_registers_ = new (code_zone())
   1304       BitVector(this->config()->num_general_registers(), code_zone());
   1305   assigned_double_registers_ = new (code_zone())
   1306       BitVector(this->config()->num_double_registers(), code_zone());
   1307   this->frame()->SetAllocatedRegisters(assigned_registers_);
   1308   this->frame()->SetAllocatedDoubleRegisters(assigned_double_registers_);
   1309 }
   1312 MoveOperands* RegisterAllocationData::AddGapMove(
   1313     int index, Instruction::GapPosition position,
   1314     const InstructionOperand& from, const InstructionOperand& to) {
   1315   Instruction* instr = code()->InstructionAt(index);
   1316   ParallelMove* moves = instr->GetOrCreateParallelMove(position, code_zone());
   1317   return moves->AddMove(from, to);
   1318 }
   1321 MachineRepresentation RegisterAllocationData::RepresentationFor(
   1322     int virtual_register) {
   1323   DCHECK_LT(virtual_register, code()->VirtualRegisterCount());
   1324   return code()->GetRepresentation(virtual_register);
   1325 }
   1328 TopLevelLiveRange* RegisterAllocationData::GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(int index) {
   1329   if (index >= static_cast<int>(live_ranges().size())) {
   1330     live_ranges().resize(index + 1, nullptr);
   1331   }
   1332   TopLevelLiveRange* result = live_ranges()[index];
   1333   if (result == nullptr) {
   1334     result = NewLiveRange(index, RepresentationFor(index));
   1335     live_ranges()[index] = result;
   1336   }
   1337   return result;
   1338 }
   1341 TopLevelLiveRange* RegisterAllocationData::NewLiveRange(
   1342     int index, MachineRepresentation rep) {
   1343   return new (allocation_zone()) TopLevelLiveRange(index, rep);
   1344 }
   1347 int RegisterAllocationData::GetNextLiveRangeId() {
   1348   int vreg = virtual_register_count_++;
   1349   if (vreg >= static_cast<int>(live_ranges().size())) {
   1350     live_ranges().resize(vreg + 1, nullptr);
   1351   }
   1352   return vreg;
   1353 }
   1356 TopLevelLiveRange* RegisterAllocationData::NextLiveRange(
   1357     MachineRepresentation rep) {
   1358   int vreg = GetNextLiveRangeId();
   1359   TopLevelLiveRange* ret = NewLiveRange(vreg, rep);
   1360   return ret;
   1361 }
   1364 RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue* RegisterAllocationData::InitializePhiMap(
   1365     const InstructionBlock* block, PhiInstruction* phi) {
   1366   RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue* map_value = new (allocation_zone())
   1367       RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue(phi, block, allocation_zone());
   1368   auto res =
   1369       phi_map_.insert(std::make_pair(phi->virtual_register(), map_value));
   1370   DCHECK(res.second);
   1371   USE(res);
   1372   return map_value;
   1373 }
   1376 RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue* RegisterAllocationData::GetPhiMapValueFor(
   1377     int virtual_register) {
   1378   auto it = phi_map_.find(virtual_register);
   1379   DCHECK(it != phi_map_.end());
   1380   return it->second;
   1381 }
   1384 RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue* RegisterAllocationData::GetPhiMapValueFor(
   1385     TopLevelLiveRange* top_range) {
   1386   return GetPhiMapValueFor(top_range->vreg());
   1387 }
   1390 bool RegisterAllocationData::ExistsUseWithoutDefinition() {
   1391   bool found = false;
   1392   BitVector::Iterator iterator(live_in_sets()[0]);
   1393   while (!iterator.Done()) {
   1394     found = true;
   1395     int operand_index = iterator.Current();
   1396     PrintF("Register allocator error: live v%d reached first block.\n",
   1397            operand_index);
   1398     LiveRange* range = GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(operand_index);
   1399     PrintF("  (first use is at %d)\n", range->first_pos()->pos().value());
   1400     if (debug_name() == nullptr) {
   1401       PrintF("\n");
   1402     } else {
   1403       PrintF("  (function: %s)\n", debug_name());
   1404     }
   1405     iterator.Advance();
   1406   }
   1407   return found;
   1408 }
   1411 // If a range is defined in a deferred block, we can expect all the range
   1412 // to only cover positions in deferred blocks. Otherwise, a block on the
   1413 // hot path would be dominated by a deferred block, meaning it is unreachable
   1414 // without passing through the deferred block, which is contradictory.
   1415 // In particular, when such a range contributes a result back on the hot
   1416 // path, it will be as one of the inputs of a phi. In that case, the value
   1417 // will be transferred via a move in the Gap::END's of the last instruction
   1418 // of a deferred block.
   1419 bool RegisterAllocationData::RangesDefinedInDeferredStayInDeferred() {
   1420   for (const TopLevelLiveRange* range : live_ranges()) {
   1421     if (range == nullptr || range->IsEmpty() ||
   1422         !code()
   1423              ->GetInstructionBlock(range->Start().ToInstructionIndex())
   1424              ->IsDeferred()) {
   1425       continue;
   1426     }
   1427     for (const UseInterval* i = range->first_interval(); i != nullptr;
   1428          i = i->next()) {
   1429       int first = i->FirstGapIndex();
   1430       int last = i->LastGapIndex();
   1431       for (int instr = first; instr <= last;) {
   1432         const InstructionBlock* block = code()->GetInstructionBlock(instr);
   1433         if (!block->IsDeferred()) return false;
   1434         instr = block->last_instruction_index() + 1;
   1435       }
   1436     }
   1437   }
   1438   return true;
   1439 }
   1442 SpillRange* RegisterAllocationData::AssignSpillRangeToLiveRange(
   1443     TopLevelLiveRange* range) {
   1444   DCHECK(!range->HasSpillOperand());
   1446   SpillRange* spill_range = range->GetAllocatedSpillRange();
   1447   if (spill_range == nullptr) {
   1448     DCHECK(!range->IsSplinter());
   1449     spill_range = new (allocation_zone()) SpillRange(range, allocation_zone());
   1450   }
   1451   range->set_spill_type(TopLevelLiveRange::SpillType::kSpillRange);
   1453   int spill_range_index =
   1454       range->IsSplinter() ? range->splintered_from()->vreg() : range->vreg();
   1456   spill_ranges()[spill_range_index] = spill_range;
   1458   return spill_range;
   1459 }
   1462 SpillRange* RegisterAllocationData::CreateSpillRangeForLiveRange(
   1463     TopLevelLiveRange* range) {
   1464   DCHECK(!range->HasSpillOperand());
   1465   DCHECK(!range->IsSplinter());
   1466   SpillRange* spill_range =
   1467       new (allocation_zone()) SpillRange(range, allocation_zone());
   1468   return spill_range;
   1469 }
   1472 void RegisterAllocationData::MarkAllocated(RegisterKind kind, int index) {
   1473   if (kind == DOUBLE_REGISTERS) {
   1474     assigned_double_registers_->Add(index);
   1475   } else {
   1476     DCHECK(kind == GENERAL_REGISTERS);
   1477     assigned_registers_->Add(index);
   1478   }
   1479 }
   1482 bool RegisterAllocationData::IsBlockBoundary(LifetimePosition pos) const {
   1483   return pos.IsFullStart() &&
   1484          code()->GetInstructionBlock(pos.ToInstructionIndex())->code_start() ==
   1485              pos.ToInstructionIndex();
   1486 }
   1489 ConstraintBuilder::ConstraintBuilder(RegisterAllocationData* data)
   1490     : data_(data) {}
   1493 InstructionOperand* ConstraintBuilder::AllocateFixed(
   1494     UnallocatedOperand* operand, int pos, bool is_tagged) {
   1495   TRACE("Allocating fixed reg for op %d\n", operand->virtual_register());
   1496   DCHECK(operand->HasFixedPolicy());
   1497   InstructionOperand allocated;
   1498   MachineRepresentation rep = InstructionSequence::DefaultRepresentation();
   1499   int virtual_register = operand->virtual_register();
   1500   if (virtual_register != InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister) {
   1501     rep = data()->RepresentationFor(virtual_register);
   1502   }
   1503   if (operand->HasFixedSlotPolicy()) {
   1504     allocated = AllocatedOperand(AllocatedOperand::STACK_SLOT, rep,
   1505                                  operand->fixed_slot_index());
   1506   } else if (operand->HasFixedRegisterPolicy()) {
   1507     DCHECK(!IsFloatingPoint(rep));
   1508     allocated = AllocatedOperand(AllocatedOperand::REGISTER, rep,
   1509                                  operand->fixed_register_index());
   1510   } else if (operand->HasFixedDoubleRegisterPolicy()) {
   1511     DCHECK(IsFloatingPoint(rep));
   1512     DCHECK_NE(InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister, virtual_register);
   1513     allocated = AllocatedOperand(AllocatedOperand::REGISTER, rep,
   1514                                  operand->fixed_register_index());
   1515   } else {
   1516     UNREACHABLE();
   1517   }
   1518   InstructionOperand::ReplaceWith(operand, &allocated);
   1519   if (is_tagged) {
   1520     TRACE("Fixed reg is tagged at %d\n", pos);
   1521     Instruction* instr = code()->InstructionAt(pos);
   1522     if (instr->HasReferenceMap()) {
   1523       instr->reference_map()->RecordReference(*AllocatedOperand::cast(operand));
   1524     }
   1525   }
   1526   return operand;
   1527 }
   1530 void ConstraintBuilder::MeetRegisterConstraints() {
   1531   for (InstructionBlock* block : code()->instruction_blocks()) {
   1532     MeetRegisterConstraints(block);
   1533   }
   1534 }
   1537 void ConstraintBuilder::MeetRegisterConstraints(const InstructionBlock* block) {
   1538   int start = block->first_instruction_index();
   1539   int end = block->last_instruction_index();
   1540   DCHECK_NE(-1, start);
   1541   for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
   1542     MeetConstraintsBefore(i);
   1543     if (i != end) MeetConstraintsAfter(i);
   1544   }
   1545   // Meet register constraints for the instruction in the end.
   1546   MeetRegisterConstraintsForLastInstructionInBlock(block);
   1547 }
   1550 void ConstraintBuilder::MeetRegisterConstraintsForLastInstructionInBlock(
   1551     const InstructionBlock* block) {
   1552   int end = block->last_instruction_index();
   1553   Instruction* last_instruction = code()->InstructionAt(end);
   1554   for (size_t i = 0; i < last_instruction->OutputCount(); i++) {
   1555     InstructionOperand* output_operand = last_instruction->OutputAt(i);
   1556     DCHECK(!output_operand->IsConstant());
   1557     UnallocatedOperand* output = UnallocatedOperand::cast(output_operand);
   1558     int output_vreg = output->virtual_register();
   1559     TopLevelLiveRange* range = data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(output_vreg);
   1560     bool assigned = false;
   1561     if (output->HasFixedPolicy()) {
   1562       AllocateFixed(output, -1, false);
   1563       // This value is produced on the stack, we never need to spill it.
   1564       if (output->IsStackSlot()) {
   1565         DCHECK(LocationOperand::cast(output)->index() <
   1566                data()->frame()->GetSpillSlotCount());
   1567         range->SetSpillOperand(LocationOperand::cast(output));
   1568         range->SetSpillStartIndex(end);
   1569         assigned = true;
   1570       }
   1572       for (const RpoNumber& succ : block->successors()) {
   1573         const InstructionBlock* successor = code()->InstructionBlockAt(succ);
   1574         DCHECK(successor->PredecessorCount() == 1);
   1575         int gap_index = successor->first_instruction_index();
   1576         // Create an unconstrained operand for the same virtual register
   1577         // and insert a gap move from the fixed output to the operand.
   1578         UnallocatedOperand output_copy(UnallocatedOperand::ANY, output_vreg);
   1579         data()->AddGapMove(gap_index, Instruction::START, *output, output_copy);
   1580       }
   1581     }
   1583     if (!assigned) {
   1584       for (const RpoNumber& succ : block->successors()) {
   1585         const InstructionBlock* successor = code()->InstructionBlockAt(succ);
   1586         DCHECK(successor->PredecessorCount() == 1);
   1587         int gap_index = successor->first_instruction_index();
   1588         range->RecordSpillLocation(allocation_zone(), gap_index, output);
   1589         range->SetSpillStartIndex(gap_index);
   1590       }
   1591     }
   1592   }
   1593 }
   1596 void ConstraintBuilder::MeetConstraintsAfter(int instr_index) {
   1597   Instruction* first = code()->InstructionAt(instr_index);
   1598   // Handle fixed temporaries.
   1599   for (size_t i = 0; i < first->TempCount(); i++) {
   1600     UnallocatedOperand* temp = UnallocatedOperand::cast(first->TempAt(i));
   1601     if (temp->HasFixedPolicy()) AllocateFixed(temp, instr_index, false);
   1602   }
   1603   // Handle constant/fixed output operands.
   1604   for (size_t i = 0; i < first->OutputCount(); i++) {
   1605     InstructionOperand* output = first->OutputAt(i);
   1606     if (output->IsConstant()) {
   1607       int output_vreg = ConstantOperand::cast(output)->virtual_register();
   1608       TopLevelLiveRange* range = data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(output_vreg);
   1609       range->SetSpillStartIndex(instr_index + 1);
   1610       range->SetSpillOperand(output);
   1611       continue;
   1612     }
   1613     UnallocatedOperand* first_output = UnallocatedOperand::cast(output);
   1614     TopLevelLiveRange* range =
   1615         data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(first_output->virtual_register());
   1616     bool assigned = false;
   1617     if (first_output->HasFixedPolicy()) {
   1618       int output_vreg = first_output->virtual_register();
   1619       UnallocatedOperand output_copy(UnallocatedOperand::ANY, output_vreg);
   1620       bool is_tagged = code()->IsReference(output_vreg);
   1621       if (first_output->HasSecondaryStorage()) {
   1622         range->MarkHasPreassignedSlot();
   1623         data()->preassigned_slot_ranges().push_back(
   1624             std::make_pair(range, first_output->GetSecondaryStorage()));
   1625       }
   1626       AllocateFixed(first_output, instr_index, is_tagged);
   1628       // This value is produced on the stack, we never need to spill it.
   1629       if (first_output->IsStackSlot()) {
   1630         DCHECK(LocationOperand::cast(first_output)->index() <
   1631                data()->frame()->GetTotalFrameSlotCount());
   1632         range->SetSpillOperand(LocationOperand::cast(first_output));
   1633         range->SetSpillStartIndex(instr_index + 1);
   1634         assigned = true;
   1635       }
   1636       data()->AddGapMove(instr_index + 1, Instruction::START, *first_output,
   1637                          output_copy);
   1638     }
   1639     // Make sure we add a gap move for spilling (if we have not done
   1640     // so already).
   1641     if (!assigned) {
   1642       range->RecordSpillLocation(allocation_zone(), instr_index + 1,
   1643                                  first_output);
   1644       range->SetSpillStartIndex(instr_index + 1);
   1645     }
   1646   }
   1647 }
   1650 void ConstraintBuilder::MeetConstraintsBefore(int instr_index) {
   1651   Instruction* second = code()->InstructionAt(instr_index);
   1652   // Handle fixed input operands of second instruction.
   1653   for (size_t i = 0; i < second->InputCount(); i++) {
   1654     InstructionOperand* input = second->InputAt(i);
   1655     if (input->IsImmediate() || input->IsExplicit()) {
   1656       continue;  // Ignore immediates and explicitly reserved registers.
   1657     }
   1658     UnallocatedOperand* cur_input = UnallocatedOperand::cast(input);
   1659     if (cur_input->HasFixedPolicy()) {
   1660       int input_vreg = cur_input->virtual_register();
   1661       UnallocatedOperand input_copy(UnallocatedOperand::ANY, input_vreg);
   1662       bool is_tagged = code()->IsReference(input_vreg);
   1663       AllocateFixed(cur_input, instr_index, is_tagged);
   1664       data()->AddGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::END, input_copy, *cur_input);
   1665     }
   1666   }
   1667   // Handle "output same as input" for second instruction.
   1668   for (size_t i = 0; i < second->OutputCount(); i++) {
   1669     InstructionOperand* output = second->OutputAt(i);
   1670     if (!output->IsUnallocated()) continue;
   1671     UnallocatedOperand* second_output = UnallocatedOperand::cast(output);
   1672     if (!second_output->HasSameAsInputPolicy()) continue;
   1673     DCHECK(i == 0);  // Only valid for first output.
   1674     UnallocatedOperand* cur_input =
   1675         UnallocatedOperand::cast(second->InputAt(0));
   1676     int output_vreg = second_output->virtual_register();
   1677     int input_vreg = cur_input->virtual_register();
   1678     UnallocatedOperand input_copy(UnallocatedOperand::ANY, input_vreg);
   1679     cur_input->set_virtual_register(second_output->virtual_register());
   1680     MoveOperands* gap_move = data()->AddGapMove(instr_index, Instruction::END,
   1681                                                 input_copy, *cur_input);
   1682     if (code()->IsReference(input_vreg) && !code()->IsReference(output_vreg)) {
   1683       if (second->HasReferenceMap()) {
   1684         RegisterAllocationData::DelayedReference delayed_reference = {
   1685             second->reference_map(), &gap_move->source()};
   1686         data()->delayed_references().push_back(delayed_reference);
   1687       }
   1688     } else if (!code()->IsReference(input_vreg) &&
   1689                code()->IsReference(output_vreg)) {
   1690       // The input is assumed to immediately have a tagged representation,
   1691       // before the pointer map can be used. I.e. the pointer map at the
   1692       // instruction will include the output operand (whose value at the
   1693       // beginning of the instruction is equal to the input operand). If
   1694       // this is not desired, then the pointer map at this instruction needs
   1695       // to be adjusted manually.
   1696     }
   1697   }
   1698 }
   1701 void ConstraintBuilder::ResolvePhis() {
   1702   // Process the blocks in reverse order.
   1703   for (InstructionBlock* block : base::Reversed(code()->instruction_blocks())) {
   1704     ResolvePhis(block);
   1705   }
   1706 }
   1709 void ConstraintBuilder::ResolvePhis(const InstructionBlock* block) {
   1710   for (PhiInstruction* phi : block->phis()) {
   1711     int phi_vreg = phi->virtual_register();
   1712     RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue* map_value =
   1713         data()->InitializePhiMap(block, phi);
   1714     InstructionOperand& output = phi->output();
   1715     // Map the destination operands, so the commitment phase can find them.
   1716     for (size_t i = 0; i < phi->operands().size(); ++i) {
   1717       InstructionBlock* cur_block =
   1718           code()->InstructionBlockAt(block->predecessors()[i]);
   1719       UnallocatedOperand input(UnallocatedOperand::ANY, phi->operands()[i]);
   1720       MoveOperands* move = data()->AddGapMove(
   1721           cur_block->last_instruction_index(), Instruction::END, input, output);
   1722       map_value->AddOperand(&move->destination());
   1723       DCHECK(!code()
   1724                   ->InstructionAt(cur_block->last_instruction_index())
   1725                   ->HasReferenceMap());
   1726     }
   1727     TopLevelLiveRange* live_range = data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(phi_vreg);
   1728     int gap_index = block->first_instruction_index();
   1729     live_range->RecordSpillLocation(allocation_zone(), gap_index, &output);
   1730     live_range->SetSpillStartIndex(gap_index);
   1731     // We use the phi-ness of some nodes in some later heuristics.
   1732     live_range->set_is_phi(true);
   1733     live_range->set_is_non_loop_phi(!block->IsLoopHeader());
   1734   }
   1735 }
   1738 LiveRangeBuilder::LiveRangeBuilder(RegisterAllocationData* data,
   1739                                    Zone* local_zone)
   1740     : data_(data), phi_hints_(local_zone) {}
   1743 BitVector* LiveRangeBuilder::ComputeLiveOut(const InstructionBlock* block,
   1744                                             RegisterAllocationData* data) {
   1745   size_t block_index = block->rpo_number().ToSize();
   1746   BitVector* live_out = data->live_out_sets()[block_index];
   1747   if (live_out == nullptr) {
   1748     // Compute live out for the given block, except not including backward
   1749     // successor edges.
   1750     Zone* zone = data->allocation_zone();
   1751     const InstructionSequence* code = data->code();
   1753     live_out = new (zone) BitVector(code->VirtualRegisterCount(), zone);
   1755     // Process all successor blocks.
   1756     for (const RpoNumber& succ : block->successors()) {
   1757       // Add values live on entry to the successor.
   1758       if (succ <= block->rpo_number()) continue;
   1759       BitVector* live_in = data->live_in_sets()[succ.ToSize()];
   1760       if (live_in != nullptr) live_out->Union(*live_in);
   1762       // All phi input operands corresponding to this successor edge are live
   1763       // out from this block.
   1764       const InstructionBlock* successor = code->InstructionBlockAt(succ);
   1765       size_t index = successor->PredecessorIndexOf(block->rpo_number());
   1766       DCHECK(index < successor->PredecessorCount());
   1767       for (PhiInstruction* phi : successor->phis()) {
   1768         live_out->Add(phi->operands()[index]);
   1769       }
   1770     }
   1771     data->live_out_sets()[block_index] = live_out;
   1772   }
   1773   return live_out;
   1774 }
   1777 void LiveRangeBuilder::AddInitialIntervals(const InstructionBlock* block,
   1778                                            BitVector* live_out) {
   1779   // Add an interval that includes the entire block to the live range for
   1780   // each live_out value.
   1781   LifetimePosition start = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   1782       block->first_instruction_index());
   1783   LifetimePosition end = LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex(
   1784                              block->last_instruction_index())
   1785                              .NextStart();
   1786   BitVector::Iterator iterator(live_out);
   1787   while (!iterator.Done()) {
   1788     int operand_index = iterator.Current();
   1789     TopLevelLiveRange* range = data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(operand_index);
   1790     range->AddUseInterval(start, end, allocation_zone());
   1791     iterator.Advance();
   1792   }
   1793 }
   1796 int LiveRangeBuilder::FixedDoubleLiveRangeID(int index) {
   1797   return -index - 1 - config()->num_general_registers();
   1798 }
   1801 TopLevelLiveRange* LiveRangeBuilder::FixedLiveRangeFor(int index) {
   1802   DCHECK(index < config()->num_general_registers());
   1803   TopLevelLiveRange* result = data()->fixed_live_ranges()[index];
   1804   if (result == nullptr) {
   1805     result = data()->NewLiveRange(FixedLiveRangeID(index),
   1806                                   InstructionSequence::DefaultRepresentation());
   1807     DCHECK(result->IsFixed());
   1808     result->set_assigned_register(index);
   1809     data()->MarkAllocated(GENERAL_REGISTERS, index);
   1810     data()->fixed_live_ranges()[index] = result;
   1811   }
   1812   return result;
   1813 }
   1816 TopLevelLiveRange* LiveRangeBuilder::FixedDoubleLiveRangeFor(int index) {
   1817   DCHECK(index < config()->num_double_registers());
   1818   TopLevelLiveRange* result = data()->fixed_double_live_ranges()[index];
   1819   if (result == nullptr) {
   1820     result = data()->NewLiveRange(FixedDoubleLiveRangeID(index),
   1821                                   MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);
   1822     DCHECK(result->IsFixed());
   1823     result->set_assigned_register(index);
   1824     data()->MarkAllocated(DOUBLE_REGISTERS, index);
   1825     data()->fixed_double_live_ranges()[index] = result;
   1826   }
   1827   return result;
   1828 }
   1831 TopLevelLiveRange* LiveRangeBuilder::LiveRangeFor(InstructionOperand* operand) {
   1832   if (operand->IsUnallocated()) {
   1833     return data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(
   1834         UnallocatedOperand::cast(operand)->virtual_register());
   1835   } else if (operand->IsConstant()) {
   1836     return data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(
   1837         ConstantOperand::cast(operand)->virtual_register());
   1838   } else if (operand->IsRegister()) {
   1839     return FixedLiveRangeFor(
   1840         LocationOperand::cast(operand)->GetRegister().code());
   1841   } else if (operand->IsDoubleRegister()) {
   1842     return FixedDoubleLiveRangeFor(
   1843         LocationOperand::cast(operand)->GetDoubleRegister().code());
   1844   } else {
   1845     return nullptr;
   1846   }
   1847 }
   1850 UsePosition* LiveRangeBuilder::NewUsePosition(LifetimePosition pos,
   1851                                               InstructionOperand* operand,
   1852                                               void* hint,
   1853                                               UsePositionHintType hint_type) {
   1854   return new (allocation_zone()) UsePosition(pos, operand, hint, hint_type);
   1855 }
   1858 UsePosition* LiveRangeBuilder::Define(LifetimePosition position,
   1859                                       InstructionOperand* operand, void* hint,
   1860                                       UsePositionHintType hint_type) {
   1861   TopLevelLiveRange* range = LiveRangeFor(operand);
   1862   if (range == nullptr) return nullptr;
   1864   if (range->IsEmpty() || range->Start() > position) {
   1865     // Can happen if there is a definition without use.
   1866     range->AddUseInterval(position, position.NextStart(), allocation_zone());
   1867     range->AddUsePosition(NewUsePosition(position.NextStart()));
   1868   } else {
   1869     range->ShortenTo(position);
   1870   }
   1871   if (!operand->IsUnallocated()) return nullptr;
   1872   UnallocatedOperand* unalloc_operand = UnallocatedOperand::cast(operand);
   1873   UsePosition* use_pos =
   1874       NewUsePosition(position, unalloc_operand, hint, hint_type);
   1875   range->AddUsePosition(use_pos);
   1876   return use_pos;
   1877 }
   1880 UsePosition* LiveRangeBuilder::Use(LifetimePosition block_start,
   1881                                    LifetimePosition position,
   1882                                    InstructionOperand* operand, void* hint,
   1883                                    UsePositionHintType hint_type) {
   1884   TopLevelLiveRange* range = LiveRangeFor(operand);
   1885   if (range == nullptr) return nullptr;
   1886   UsePosition* use_pos = nullptr;
   1887   if (operand->IsUnallocated()) {
   1888     UnallocatedOperand* unalloc_operand = UnallocatedOperand::cast(operand);
   1889     use_pos = NewUsePosition(position, unalloc_operand, hint, hint_type);
   1890     range->AddUsePosition(use_pos);
   1891   }
   1892   range->AddUseInterval(block_start, position, allocation_zone());
   1893   return use_pos;
   1894 }
   1897 void LiveRangeBuilder::ProcessInstructions(const InstructionBlock* block,
   1898                                            BitVector* live) {
   1899   int block_start = block->first_instruction_index();
   1900   LifetimePosition block_start_position =
   1901       LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(block_start);
   1903   for (int index = block->last_instruction_index(); index >= block_start;
   1904        index--) {
   1905     LifetimePosition curr_position =
   1906         LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex(index);
   1907     Instruction* instr = code()->InstructionAt(index);
   1908     DCHECK(instr != nullptr);
   1909     DCHECK(curr_position.IsInstructionPosition());
   1910     // Process output, inputs, and temps of this instruction.
   1911     for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->OutputCount(); i++) {
   1912       InstructionOperand* output = instr->OutputAt(i);
   1913       if (output->IsUnallocated()) {
   1914         // Unsupported.
   1915         DCHECK(!UnallocatedOperand::cast(output)->HasSlotPolicy());
   1916         int out_vreg = UnallocatedOperand::cast(output)->virtual_register();
   1917         live->Remove(out_vreg);
   1918       } else if (output->IsConstant()) {
   1919         int out_vreg = ConstantOperand::cast(output)->virtual_register();
   1920         live->Remove(out_vreg);
   1921       }
   1922       if (block->IsHandler() && index == block_start && output->IsAllocated() &&
   1923           output->IsRegister() &&
   1924           AllocatedOperand::cast(output)->GetRegister().is(
   1925               v8::internal::kReturnRegister0)) {
   1926         // The register defined here is blocked from gap start - it is the
   1927         // exception value.
   1928         // TODO(mtrofin): should we explore an explicit opcode for
   1929         // the first instruction in the handler?
   1930         Define(LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(index), output);
   1931       } else {
   1932         Define(curr_position, output);
   1933       }
   1934     }
   1936     if (instr->ClobbersRegisters()) {
   1937       for (int i = 0; i < config()->num_allocatable_general_registers(); ++i) {
   1938         int code = config()->GetAllocatableGeneralCode(i);
   1939         if (!IsOutputRegisterOf(instr, Register::from_code(code))) {
   1940           TopLevelLiveRange* range = FixedLiveRangeFor(code);
   1941           range->AddUseInterval(curr_position, curr_position.End(),
   1942                                 allocation_zone());
   1943         }
   1944       }
   1945     }
   1947     if (instr->ClobbersDoubleRegisters()) {
   1948       for (int i = 0; i < config()->num_allocatable_aliased_double_registers();
   1949            ++i) {
   1950         int code = config()->GetAllocatableDoubleCode(i);
   1951         if (!IsOutputDoubleRegisterOf(instr, DoubleRegister::from_code(code))) {
   1952           TopLevelLiveRange* range = FixedDoubleLiveRangeFor(code);
   1953           range->AddUseInterval(curr_position, curr_position.End(),
   1954                                 allocation_zone());
   1955         }
   1956       }
   1957     }
   1959     for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->InputCount(); i++) {
   1960       InstructionOperand* input = instr->InputAt(i);
   1961       if (input->IsImmediate() || input->IsExplicit()) {
   1962         continue;  // Ignore immediates and explicitly reserved registers.
   1963       }
   1964       LifetimePosition use_pos;
   1965       if (input->IsUnallocated() &&
   1966           UnallocatedOperand::cast(input)->IsUsedAtStart()) {
   1967         use_pos = curr_position;
   1968       } else {
   1969         use_pos = curr_position.End();
   1970       }
   1972       if (input->IsUnallocated()) {
   1973         UnallocatedOperand* unalloc = UnallocatedOperand::cast(input);
   1974         int vreg = unalloc->virtual_register();
   1975         live->Add(vreg);
   1976         if (unalloc->HasSlotPolicy()) {
   1977           data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(vreg)->set_has_slot_use(true);
   1978         }
   1979       }
   1980       Use(block_start_position, use_pos, input);
   1981     }
   1983     for (size_t i = 0; i < instr->TempCount(); i++) {
   1984       InstructionOperand* temp = instr->TempAt(i);
   1985       // Unsupported.
   1986       DCHECK_IMPLIES(temp->IsUnallocated(),
   1987                      !UnallocatedOperand::cast(temp)->HasSlotPolicy());
   1988       if (instr->ClobbersTemps()) {
   1989         if (temp->IsRegister()) continue;
   1990         if (temp->IsUnallocated()) {
   1991           UnallocatedOperand* temp_unalloc = UnallocatedOperand::cast(temp);
   1992           if (temp_unalloc->HasFixedPolicy()) {
   1993             continue;
   1994           }
   1995         }
   1996       }
   1997       Use(block_start_position, curr_position.End(), temp);
   1998       Define(curr_position, temp);
   1999     }
   2001     // Process the moves of the instruction's gaps, making their sources live.
   2002     const Instruction::GapPosition kPositions[] = {Instruction::END,
   2003                                                    Instruction::START};
   2004     curr_position = curr_position.PrevStart();
   2005     DCHECK(curr_position.IsGapPosition());
   2006     for (const Instruction::GapPosition& position : kPositions) {
   2007       ParallelMove* move = instr->GetParallelMove(position);
   2008       if (move == nullptr) continue;
   2009       if (position == Instruction::END) {
   2010         curr_position = curr_position.End();
   2011       } else {
   2012         curr_position = curr_position.Start();
   2013       }
   2014       for (MoveOperands* cur : *move) {
   2015         InstructionOperand& from = cur->source();
   2016         InstructionOperand& to = cur->destination();
   2017         void* hint = &to;
   2018         UsePositionHintType hint_type = UsePosition::HintTypeForOperand(to);
   2019         UsePosition* to_use = nullptr;
   2020         int phi_vreg = -1;
   2021         if (to.IsUnallocated()) {
   2022           int to_vreg = UnallocatedOperand::cast(to).virtual_register();
   2023           TopLevelLiveRange* to_range =
   2024               data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(to_vreg);
   2025           if (to_range->is_phi()) {
   2026             phi_vreg = to_vreg;
   2027             if (to_range->is_non_loop_phi()) {
   2028               hint = to_range->current_hint_position();
   2029               hint_type = hint == nullptr ? UsePositionHintType::kNone
   2030                                           : UsePositionHintType::kUsePos;
   2031             } else {
   2032               hint_type = UsePositionHintType::kPhi;
   2033               hint = data()->GetPhiMapValueFor(to_vreg);
   2034             }
   2035           } else {
   2036             if (live->Contains(to_vreg)) {
   2037               to_use = Define(curr_position, &to, &from,
   2038                               UsePosition::HintTypeForOperand(from));
   2039               live->Remove(to_vreg);
   2040             } else {
   2041               cur->Eliminate();
   2042               continue;
   2043             }
   2044           }
   2045         } else {
   2046           Define(curr_position, &to);
   2047         }
   2048         UsePosition* from_use =
   2049             Use(block_start_position, curr_position, &from, hint, hint_type);
   2050         // Mark range live.
   2051         if (from.IsUnallocated()) {
   2052           live->Add(UnallocatedOperand::cast(from).virtual_register());
   2053         }
   2054         // Resolve use position hints just created.
   2055         if (to_use != nullptr && from_use != nullptr) {
   2056           to_use->ResolveHint(from_use);
   2057           from_use->ResolveHint(to_use);
   2058         }
   2059         DCHECK_IMPLIES(to_use != nullptr, to_use->IsResolved());
   2060         DCHECK_IMPLIES(from_use != nullptr, from_use->IsResolved());
   2061         // Potentially resolve phi hint.
   2062         if (phi_vreg != -1) ResolvePhiHint(&from, from_use);
   2063       }
   2064     }
   2065   }
   2066 }
   2069 void LiveRangeBuilder::ProcessPhis(const InstructionBlock* block,
   2070                                    BitVector* live) {
   2071   for (PhiInstruction* phi : block->phis()) {
   2072     // The live range interval already ends at the first instruction of the
   2073     // block.
   2074     int phi_vreg = phi->virtual_register();
   2075     live->Remove(phi_vreg);
   2076     InstructionOperand* hint = nullptr;
   2077     Instruction* instr = GetLastInstruction(
   2078         code(), code()->InstructionBlockAt(block->predecessors()[0]));
   2079     for (MoveOperands* move : *instr->GetParallelMove(Instruction::END)) {
   2080       InstructionOperand& to = move->destination();
   2081       if (to.IsUnallocated() &&
   2082           UnallocatedOperand::cast(to).virtual_register() == phi_vreg) {
   2083         hint = &move->source();
   2084         break;
   2085       }
   2086     }
   2087     DCHECK(hint != nullptr);
   2088     LifetimePosition block_start = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   2089         block->first_instruction_index());
   2090     UsePosition* use_pos = Define(block_start, &phi->output(), hint,
   2091                                   UsePosition::HintTypeForOperand(*hint));
   2092     MapPhiHint(hint, use_pos);
   2093   }
   2094 }
   2097 void LiveRangeBuilder::ProcessLoopHeader(const InstructionBlock* block,
   2098                                          BitVector* live) {
   2099   DCHECK(block->IsLoopHeader());
   2100   // Add a live range stretching from the first loop instruction to the last
   2101   // for each value live on entry to the header.
   2102   BitVector::Iterator iterator(live);
   2103   LifetimePosition start = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   2104       block->first_instruction_index());
   2105   LifetimePosition end = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   2106                              code()->LastLoopInstructionIndex(block))
   2107                              .NextFullStart();
   2108   while (!iterator.Done()) {
   2109     int operand_index = iterator.Current();
   2110     TopLevelLiveRange* range = data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(operand_index);
   2111     range->EnsureInterval(start, end, allocation_zone());
   2112     iterator.Advance();
   2113   }
   2114   // Insert all values into the live in sets of all blocks in the loop.
   2115   for (int i = block->rpo_number().ToInt() + 1; i < block->loop_end().ToInt();
   2116        ++i) {
   2117     live_in_sets()[i]->Union(*live);
   2118   }
   2119 }
   2122 void LiveRangeBuilder::BuildLiveRanges() {
   2123   // Process the blocks in reverse order.
   2124   for (int block_id = code()->InstructionBlockCount() - 1; block_id >= 0;
   2125        --block_id) {
   2126     InstructionBlock* block =
   2127         code()->InstructionBlockAt(RpoNumber::FromInt(block_id));
   2128     BitVector* live = ComputeLiveOut(block, data());
   2129     // Initially consider all live_out values live for the entire block. We
   2130     // will shorten these intervals if necessary.
   2131     AddInitialIntervals(block, live);
   2132     // Process the instructions in reverse order, generating and killing
   2133     // live values.
   2134     ProcessInstructions(block, live);
   2135     // All phi output operands are killed by this block.
   2136     ProcessPhis(block, live);
   2137     // Now live is live_in for this block except not including values live
   2138     // out on backward successor edges.
   2139     if (block->IsLoopHeader()) ProcessLoopHeader(block, live);
   2140     live_in_sets()[block_id] = live;
   2141   }
   2142   // Postprocess the ranges.
   2143   for (TopLevelLiveRange* range : data()->live_ranges()) {
   2144     if (range == nullptr) continue;
   2145     // Give slots to all ranges with a non fixed slot use.
   2146     if (range->has_slot_use() && range->HasNoSpillType()) {
   2147       data()->AssignSpillRangeToLiveRange(range);
   2148     }
   2149     // TODO(bmeurer): This is a horrible hack to make sure that for constant
   2150     // live ranges, every use requires the constant to be in a register.
   2151     // Without this hack, all uses with "any" policy would get the constant
   2152     // operand assigned.
   2153     if (range->HasSpillOperand() && range->GetSpillOperand()->IsConstant()) {
   2154       for (UsePosition* pos = range->first_pos(); pos != nullptr;
   2155            pos = pos->next()) {
   2156         if (pos->type() == UsePositionType::kRequiresSlot) continue;
   2157         UsePositionType new_type = UsePositionType::kAny;
   2158         // Can't mark phis as needing a register.
   2159         if (!pos->pos().IsGapPosition()) {
   2160           new_type = UsePositionType::kRequiresRegister;
   2161         }
   2162         pos->set_type(new_type, true);
   2163       }
   2164     }
   2165   }
   2166   for (auto preassigned : data()->preassigned_slot_ranges()) {
   2167     TopLevelLiveRange* range = preassigned.first;
   2168     int slot_id = preassigned.second;
   2169     SpillRange* spill = range->HasSpillRange()
   2170                             ? range->GetSpillRange()
   2171                             : data()->AssignSpillRangeToLiveRange(range);
   2172     spill->set_assigned_slot(slot_id);
   2173   }
   2174 #ifdef DEBUG
   2175   Verify();
   2176 #endif
   2177 }
   2180 void LiveRangeBuilder::MapPhiHint(InstructionOperand* operand,
   2181                                   UsePosition* use_pos) {
   2182   DCHECK(!use_pos->IsResolved());
   2183   auto res = phi_hints_.insert(std::make_pair(operand, use_pos));
   2184   DCHECK(res.second);
   2185   USE(res);
   2186 }
   2189 void LiveRangeBuilder::ResolvePhiHint(InstructionOperand* operand,
   2190                                       UsePosition* use_pos) {
   2191   auto it = phi_hints_.find(operand);
   2192   if (it == phi_hints_.end()) return;
   2193   DCHECK(!it->second->IsResolved());
   2194   it->second->ResolveHint(use_pos);
   2195 }
   2198 void LiveRangeBuilder::Verify() const {
   2199   for (auto& hint : phi_hints_) {
   2200     CHECK(hint.second->IsResolved());
   2201   }
   2202   for (TopLevelLiveRange* current : data()->live_ranges()) {
   2203     if (current != nullptr && !current->IsEmpty()) current->Verify();
   2204   }
   2205 }
   2208 RegisterAllocator::RegisterAllocator(RegisterAllocationData* data,
   2209                                      RegisterKind kind)
   2210     : data_(data),
   2211       mode_(kind),
   2212       num_registers_(GetRegisterCount(data->config(), kind)),
   2213       num_allocatable_registers_(
   2214           GetAllocatableRegisterCount(data->config(), kind)),
   2215       allocatable_register_codes_(
   2216           GetAllocatableRegisterCodes(data->config(), kind)) {}
   2219 LifetimePosition RegisterAllocator::GetSplitPositionForInstruction(
   2220     const LiveRange* range, int instruction_index) {
   2221   LifetimePosition ret = LifetimePosition::Invalid();
   2223   ret = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(instruction_index);
   2224   if (range->Start() >= ret || ret >= range->End()) {
   2225     return LifetimePosition::Invalid();
   2226   }
   2227   return ret;
   2228 }
   2231 void RegisterAllocator::SplitAndSpillRangesDefinedByMemoryOperand(
   2232     bool operands_only) {
   2233   size_t initial_range_count = data()->live_ranges().size();
   2234   for (size_t i = 0; i < initial_range_count; ++i) {
   2235     TopLevelLiveRange* range = data()->live_ranges()[i];
   2236     if (!CanProcessRange(range)) continue;
   2237     if (range->HasNoSpillType() || (operands_only && range->HasSpillRange())) {
   2238       continue;
   2239     }
   2241     LifetimePosition start = range->Start();
   2242     TRACE("Live range %d:%d is defined by a spill operand.\n",
   2243           range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2244     LifetimePosition next_pos = start;
   2245     if (next_pos.IsGapPosition()) {
   2246       next_pos = next_pos.NextStart();
   2247     }
   2248     UsePosition* pos = range->NextUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(next_pos);
   2249     // If the range already has a spill operand and it doesn't need a
   2250     // register immediately, split it and spill the first part of the range.
   2251     if (pos == nullptr) {
   2252       Spill(range);
   2253     } else if (pos->pos() > range->Start().NextStart()) {
   2254       // Do not spill live range eagerly if use position that can benefit from
   2255       // the register is too close to the start of live range.
   2256       LifetimePosition split_pos = GetSplitPositionForInstruction(
   2257           range, pos->pos().ToInstructionIndex());
   2258       // There is no place to split, so we can't split and spill.
   2259       if (!split_pos.IsValid()) continue;
   2261       split_pos =
   2262           FindOptimalSplitPos(range->Start().NextFullStart(), split_pos);
   2264       SplitRangeAt(range, split_pos);
   2265       Spill(range);
   2266     }
   2267   }
   2268 }
   2271 LiveRange* RegisterAllocator::SplitRangeAt(LiveRange* range,
   2272                                            LifetimePosition pos) {
   2273   DCHECK(!range->TopLevel()->IsFixed());
   2274   TRACE("Splitting live range %d:%d at %d\n", range->TopLevel()->vreg(),
   2275         range->relative_id(), pos.value());
   2277   if (pos <= range->Start()) return range;
   2279   // We can't properly connect liveranges if splitting occurred at the end
   2280   // a block.
   2281   DCHECK(pos.IsStart() || pos.IsGapPosition() ||
   2282          (GetInstructionBlock(code(), pos)->last_instruction_index() !=
   2283           pos.ToInstructionIndex()));
   2285   LiveRange* result = range->SplitAt(pos, allocation_zone());
   2286   return result;
   2287 }
   2290 LiveRange* RegisterAllocator::SplitBetween(LiveRange* range,
   2291                                            LifetimePosition start,
   2292                                            LifetimePosition end) {
   2293   DCHECK(!range->TopLevel()->IsFixed());
   2294   TRACE("Splitting live range %d:%d in position between [%d, %d]\n",
   2295         range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id(), start.value(),
   2296         end.value());
   2298   LifetimePosition split_pos = FindOptimalSplitPos(start, end);
   2299   DCHECK(split_pos >= start);
   2300   return SplitRangeAt(range, split_pos);
   2301 }
   2304 LifetimePosition RegisterAllocator::FindOptimalSplitPos(LifetimePosition start,
   2305                                                         LifetimePosition end) {
   2306   int start_instr = start.ToInstructionIndex();
   2307   int end_instr = end.ToInstructionIndex();
   2308   DCHECK(start_instr <= end_instr);
   2310   // We have no choice
   2311   if (start_instr == end_instr) return end;
   2313   const InstructionBlock* start_block = GetInstructionBlock(code(), start);
   2314   const InstructionBlock* end_block = GetInstructionBlock(code(), end);
   2316   if (end_block == start_block) {
   2317     // The interval is split in the same basic block. Split at the latest
   2318     // possible position.
   2319     return end;
   2320   }
   2322   const InstructionBlock* block = end_block;
   2323   // Find header of outermost loop.
   2324   // TODO(titzer): fix redundancy below.
   2325   while (GetContainingLoop(code(), block) != nullptr &&
   2326          GetContainingLoop(code(), block)->rpo_number().ToInt() >
   2327              start_block->rpo_number().ToInt()) {
   2328     block = GetContainingLoop(code(), block);
   2329   }
   2331   // We did not find any suitable outer loop. Split at the latest possible
   2332   // position unless end_block is a loop header itself.
   2333   if (block == end_block && !end_block->IsLoopHeader()) return end;
   2335   return LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   2336       block->first_instruction_index());
   2337 }
   2340 LifetimePosition RegisterAllocator::FindOptimalSpillingPos(
   2341     LiveRange* range, LifetimePosition pos) {
   2342   const InstructionBlock* block = GetInstructionBlock(code(), pos.Start());
   2343   const InstructionBlock* loop_header =
   2344       block->IsLoopHeader() ? block : GetContainingLoop(code(), block);
   2346   if (loop_header == nullptr) return pos;
   2348   const UsePosition* prev_use =
   2349       range->PreviousUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(pos);
   2351   while (loop_header != nullptr) {
   2352     // We are going to spill live range inside the loop.
   2353     // If possible try to move spilling position backwards to loop header.
   2354     // This will reduce number of memory moves on the back edge.
   2355     LifetimePosition loop_start = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   2356         loop_header->first_instruction_index());
   2358     if (range->Covers(loop_start)) {
   2359       if (prev_use == nullptr || prev_use->pos() < loop_start) {
   2360         // No register beneficial use inside the loop before the pos.
   2361         pos = loop_start;
   2362       }
   2363     }
   2365     // Try hoisting out to an outer loop.
   2366     loop_header = GetContainingLoop(code(), loop_header);
   2367   }
   2369   return pos;
   2370 }
   2373 void RegisterAllocator::Spill(LiveRange* range) {
   2374   DCHECK(!range->spilled());
   2375   TopLevelLiveRange* first = range->TopLevel();
   2376   TRACE("Spilling live range %d:%d\n", first->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2378   if (first->HasNoSpillType()) {
   2379     data()->AssignSpillRangeToLiveRange(first);
   2380   }
   2381   range->Spill();
   2382 }
   2385 const ZoneVector<TopLevelLiveRange*>& RegisterAllocator::GetFixedRegisters()
   2386     const {
   2387   return mode() == DOUBLE_REGISTERS ? data()->fixed_double_live_ranges()
   2388                                     : data()->fixed_live_ranges();
   2389 }
   2392 const char* RegisterAllocator::RegisterName(int register_code) const {
   2393   if (mode() == GENERAL_REGISTERS) {
   2394     return data()->config()->GetGeneralRegisterName(register_code);
   2395   } else {
   2396     return data()->config()->GetDoubleRegisterName(register_code);
   2397   }
   2398 }
   2401 LinearScanAllocator::LinearScanAllocator(RegisterAllocationData* data,
   2402                                          RegisterKind kind, Zone* local_zone)
   2403     : RegisterAllocator(data, kind),
   2404       unhandled_live_ranges_(local_zone),
   2405       active_live_ranges_(local_zone),
   2406       inactive_live_ranges_(local_zone) {
   2407   unhandled_live_ranges().reserve(
   2408       static_cast<size_t>(code()->VirtualRegisterCount() * 2));
   2409   active_live_ranges().reserve(8);
   2410   inactive_live_ranges().reserve(8);
   2411   // TryAllocateFreeReg and AllocateBlockedReg assume this
   2412   // when allocating local arrays.
   2413   DCHECK(RegisterConfiguration::kMaxDoubleRegisters >=
   2414          this->data()->config()->num_general_registers());
   2415 }
   2418 void LinearScanAllocator::AllocateRegisters() {
   2419   DCHECK(unhandled_live_ranges().empty());
   2420   DCHECK(active_live_ranges().empty());
   2421   DCHECK(inactive_live_ranges().empty());
   2423   SplitAndSpillRangesDefinedByMemoryOperand(code()->VirtualRegisterCount() <=
   2424                                             num_allocatable_registers());
   2426   for (TopLevelLiveRange* range : data()->live_ranges()) {
   2427     if (!CanProcessRange(range)) continue;
   2428     for (LiveRange* to_add = range; to_add != nullptr;
   2429          to_add = to_add->next()) {
   2430       if (!to_add->spilled()) {
   2431         AddToUnhandledUnsorted(to_add);
   2432       }
   2433     }
   2434   }
   2435   SortUnhandled();
   2436   DCHECK(UnhandledIsSorted());
   2438   auto& fixed_ranges = GetFixedRegisters();
   2439   for (TopLevelLiveRange* current : fixed_ranges) {
   2440     if (current != nullptr) {
   2441       DCHECK_EQ(mode(), current->kind());
   2442       AddToInactive(current);
   2443     }
   2444   }
   2446   while (!unhandled_live_ranges().empty()) {
   2447     DCHECK(UnhandledIsSorted());
   2448     LiveRange* current = unhandled_live_ranges().back();
   2449     unhandled_live_ranges().pop_back();
   2450     DCHECK(UnhandledIsSorted());
   2451     LifetimePosition position = current->Start();
   2452 #ifdef DEBUG
   2453     allocation_finger_ = position;
   2454 #endif
   2455     TRACE("Processing interval %d:%d start=%d\n", current->TopLevel()->vreg(),
   2456           current->relative_id(), position.value());
   2458     if (current->IsTopLevel() && TryReuseSpillForPhi(current->TopLevel()))
   2459       continue;
   2461     for (size_t i = 0; i < active_live_ranges().size(); ++i) {
   2462       LiveRange* cur_active = active_live_ranges()[i];
   2463       if (cur_active->End() <= position) {
   2464         ActiveToHandled(cur_active);
   2465         --i;  // The live range was removed from the list of active live ranges.
   2466       } else if (!cur_active->Covers(position)) {
   2467         ActiveToInactive(cur_active);
   2468         --i;  // The live range was removed from the list of active live ranges.
   2469       }
   2470     }
   2472     for (size_t i = 0; i < inactive_live_ranges().size(); ++i) {
   2473       LiveRange* cur_inactive = inactive_live_ranges()[i];
   2474       if (cur_inactive->End() <= position) {
   2475         InactiveToHandled(cur_inactive);
   2476         --i;  // Live range was removed from the list of inactive live ranges.
   2477       } else if (cur_inactive->Covers(position)) {
   2478         InactiveToActive(cur_inactive);
   2479         --i;  // Live range was removed from the list of inactive live ranges.
   2480       }
   2481     }
   2483     DCHECK(!current->HasRegisterAssigned() && !current->spilled());
   2485     bool result = TryAllocateFreeReg(current);
   2486     if (!result) AllocateBlockedReg(current);
   2487     if (current->HasRegisterAssigned()) {
   2488       AddToActive(current);
   2489     }
   2490   }
   2491 }
   2494 void LinearScanAllocator::SetLiveRangeAssignedRegister(LiveRange* range,
   2495                                                        int reg) {
   2496   data()->MarkAllocated(range->kind(), reg);
   2497   range->set_assigned_register(reg);
   2498   range->SetUseHints(reg);
   2499   if (range->IsTopLevel() && range->TopLevel()->is_phi()) {
   2500     data()->GetPhiMapValueFor(range->TopLevel())->set_assigned_register(reg);
   2501   }
   2502 }
   2505 void LinearScanAllocator::AddToActive(LiveRange* range) {
   2506   TRACE("Add live range %d:%d to active\n", range->TopLevel()->vreg(),
   2507         range->relative_id());
   2508   active_live_ranges().push_back(range);
   2509 }
   2512 void LinearScanAllocator::AddToInactive(LiveRange* range) {
   2513   TRACE("Add live range %d:%d to inactive\n", range->TopLevel()->vreg(),
   2514         range->relative_id());
   2515   inactive_live_ranges().push_back(range);
   2516 }
   2519 void LinearScanAllocator::AddToUnhandledSorted(LiveRange* range) {
   2520   if (range == nullptr || range->IsEmpty()) return;
   2521   DCHECK(!range->HasRegisterAssigned() && !range->spilled());
   2522   DCHECK(allocation_finger_ <= range->Start());
   2523   for (int i = static_cast<int>(unhandled_live_ranges().size() - 1); i >= 0;
   2524        --i) {
   2525     LiveRange* cur_range = unhandled_live_ranges().at(i);
   2526     if (!range->ShouldBeAllocatedBefore(cur_range)) continue;
   2527     TRACE("Add live range %d:%d to unhandled at %d\n",
   2528           range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id(), i + 1);
   2529     auto it = unhandled_live_ranges().begin() + (i + 1);
   2530     unhandled_live_ranges().insert(it, range);
   2531     DCHECK(UnhandledIsSorted());
   2532     return;
   2533   }
   2534   TRACE("Add live range %d:%d to unhandled at start\n",
   2535         range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2536   unhandled_live_ranges().insert(unhandled_live_ranges().begin(), range);
   2537   DCHECK(UnhandledIsSorted());
   2538 }
   2541 void LinearScanAllocator::AddToUnhandledUnsorted(LiveRange* range) {
   2542   if (range == nullptr || range->IsEmpty()) return;
   2543   DCHECK(!range->HasRegisterAssigned() && !range->spilled());
   2544   TRACE("Add live range %d:%d to unhandled unsorted at end\n",
   2545         range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2546   unhandled_live_ranges().push_back(range);
   2547 }
   2550 static bool UnhandledSortHelper(LiveRange* a, LiveRange* b) {
   2551   DCHECK(!a->ShouldBeAllocatedBefore(b) || !b->ShouldBeAllocatedBefore(a));
   2552   if (a->ShouldBeAllocatedBefore(b)) return false;
   2553   if (b->ShouldBeAllocatedBefore(a)) return true;
   2554   return a->TopLevel()->vreg() < b->TopLevel()->vreg();
   2555 }
   2558 // Sort the unhandled live ranges so that the ranges to be processed first are
   2559 // at the end of the array list.  This is convenient for the register allocation
   2560 // algorithm because it is efficient to remove elements from the end.
   2561 void LinearScanAllocator::SortUnhandled() {
   2562   TRACE("Sort unhandled\n");
   2563   std::sort(unhandled_live_ranges().begin(), unhandled_live_ranges().end(),
   2564             &UnhandledSortHelper);
   2565 }
   2568 bool LinearScanAllocator::UnhandledIsSorted() {
   2569   size_t len = unhandled_live_ranges().size();
   2570   for (size_t i = 1; i < len; i++) {
   2571     LiveRange* a = unhandled_live_ranges().at(i - 1);
   2572     LiveRange* b = unhandled_live_ranges().at(i);
   2573     if (a->Start() < b->Start()) return false;
   2574   }
   2575   return true;
   2576 }
   2579 void LinearScanAllocator::ActiveToHandled(LiveRange* range) {
   2580   RemoveElement(&active_live_ranges(), range);
   2581   TRACE("Moving live range %d:%d from active to handled\n",
   2582         range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2583 }
   2586 void LinearScanAllocator::ActiveToInactive(LiveRange* range) {
   2587   RemoveElement(&active_live_ranges(), range);
   2588   inactive_live_ranges().push_back(range);
   2589   TRACE("Moving live range %d:%d from active to inactive\n",
   2590         range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2591 }
   2594 void LinearScanAllocator::InactiveToHandled(LiveRange* range) {
   2595   RemoveElement(&inactive_live_ranges(), range);
   2596   TRACE("Moving live range %d:%d from inactive to handled\n",
   2597         range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2598 }
   2601 void LinearScanAllocator::InactiveToActive(LiveRange* range) {
   2602   RemoveElement(&inactive_live_ranges(), range);
   2603   active_live_ranges().push_back(range);
   2604   TRACE("Moving live range %d:%d from inactive to active\n",
   2605         range->TopLevel()->vreg(), range->relative_id());
   2606 }
   2609 bool LinearScanAllocator::TryAllocateFreeReg(LiveRange* current) {
   2610   LifetimePosition free_until_pos[RegisterConfiguration::kMaxDoubleRegisters];
   2612   for (int i = 0; i < num_registers(); i++) {
   2613     free_until_pos[i] = LifetimePosition::MaxPosition();
   2614   }
   2616   for (LiveRange* cur_active : active_live_ranges()) {
   2617     free_until_pos[cur_active->assigned_register()] =
   2618         LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(0);
   2619     TRACE("Register %s is free until pos %d (1)\n",
   2620           RegisterName(cur_active->assigned_register()),
   2621           LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(0).value());
   2622   }
   2624   for (LiveRange* cur_inactive : inactive_live_ranges()) {
   2625     DCHECK(cur_inactive->End() > current->Start());
   2626     LifetimePosition next_intersection =
   2627         cur_inactive->FirstIntersection(current);
   2628     if (!next_intersection.IsValid()) continue;
   2629     int cur_reg = cur_inactive->assigned_register();
   2630     free_until_pos[cur_reg] = Min(free_until_pos[cur_reg], next_intersection);
   2631     TRACE("Register %s is free until pos %d (2)\n", RegisterName(cur_reg),
   2632           Min(free_until_pos[cur_reg], next_intersection).value());
   2633   }
   2635   int hint_register;
   2636   if (current->FirstHintPosition(&hint_register) != nullptr) {
   2637     TRACE(
   2638         "Found reg hint %s (free until [%d) for live range %d:%d (end %d[).\n",
   2639         RegisterName(hint_register), free_until_pos[hint_register].value(),
   2640         current->TopLevel()->vreg(), current->relative_id(),
   2641         current->End().value());
   2643     // The desired register is free until the end of the current live range.
   2644     if (free_until_pos[hint_register] >= current->End()) {
   2645       TRACE("Assigning preferred reg %s to live range %d:%d\n",
   2646             RegisterName(hint_register), current->TopLevel()->vreg(),
   2647             current->relative_id());
   2648       SetLiveRangeAssignedRegister(current, hint_register);
   2649       return true;
   2650     }
   2651   }
   2653   // Find the register which stays free for the longest time.
   2654   int reg = allocatable_register_code(0);
   2655   for (int i = 1; i < num_allocatable_registers(); ++i) {
   2656     int code = allocatable_register_code(i);
   2657     if (free_until_pos[code] > free_until_pos[reg]) {
   2658       reg = code;
   2659     }
   2660   }
   2662   LifetimePosition pos = free_until_pos[reg];
   2664   if (pos <= current->Start()) {
   2665     // All registers are blocked.
   2666     return false;
   2667   }
   2669   if (pos < current->End()) {
   2670     // Register reg is available at the range start but becomes blocked before
   2671     // the range end. Split current at position where it becomes blocked.
   2672     LiveRange* tail = SplitRangeAt(current, pos);
   2673     AddToUnhandledSorted(tail);
   2674   }
   2676   // Register reg is available at the range start and is free until
   2677   // the range end.
   2678   DCHECK(pos >= current->End());
   2679   TRACE("Assigning free reg %s to live range %d:%d\n", RegisterName(reg),
   2680         current->TopLevel()->vreg(), current->relative_id());
   2681   SetLiveRangeAssignedRegister(current, reg);
   2683   return true;
   2684 }
   2687 void LinearScanAllocator::AllocateBlockedReg(LiveRange* current) {
   2688   UsePosition* register_use = current->NextRegisterPosition(current->Start());
   2689   if (register_use == nullptr) {
   2690     // There is no use in the current live range that requires a register.
   2691     // We can just spill it.
   2692     Spill(current);
   2693     return;
   2694   }
   2696   LifetimePosition use_pos[RegisterConfiguration::kMaxDoubleRegisters];
   2697   LifetimePosition block_pos[RegisterConfiguration::kMaxDoubleRegisters];
   2699   for (int i = 0; i < num_registers(); i++) {
   2700     use_pos[i] = block_pos[i] = LifetimePosition::MaxPosition();
   2701   }
   2703   for (LiveRange* range : active_live_ranges()) {
   2704     int cur_reg = range->assigned_register();
   2705     if (range->TopLevel()->IsFixed() ||
   2706         !range->CanBeSpilled(current->Start())) {
   2707       block_pos[cur_reg] = use_pos[cur_reg] =
   2708           LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(0);
   2709     } else {
   2710       UsePosition* next_use =
   2711           range->NextUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(current->Start());
   2712       if (next_use == nullptr) {
   2713         use_pos[cur_reg] = range->End();
   2714       } else {
   2715         use_pos[cur_reg] = next_use->pos();
   2716       }
   2717     }
   2718   }
   2720   for (LiveRange* range : inactive_live_ranges()) {
   2721     DCHECK(range->End() > current->Start());
   2722     LifetimePosition next_intersection = range->FirstIntersection(current);
   2723     if (!next_intersection.IsValid()) continue;
   2724     int cur_reg = range->assigned_register();
   2725     if (range->TopLevel()->IsFixed()) {
   2726       block_pos[cur_reg] = Min(block_pos[cur_reg], next_intersection);
   2727       use_pos[cur_reg] = Min(block_pos[cur_reg], use_pos[cur_reg]);
   2728     } else {
   2729       use_pos[cur_reg] = Min(use_pos[cur_reg], next_intersection);
   2730     }
   2731   }
   2733   int reg = allocatable_register_code(0);
   2734   for (int i = 1; i < num_allocatable_registers(); ++i) {
   2735     int code = allocatable_register_code(i);
   2736     if (use_pos[code] > use_pos[reg]) {
   2737       reg = code;
   2738     }
   2739   }
   2741   LifetimePosition pos = use_pos[reg];
   2743   if (pos < register_use->pos()) {
   2744     // All registers are blocked before the first use that requires a register.
   2745     // Spill starting part of live range up to that use.
   2746     SpillBetween(current, current->Start(), register_use->pos());
   2747     return;
   2748   }
   2750   if (block_pos[reg] < current->End()) {
   2751     // Register becomes blocked before the current range end. Split before that
   2752     // position.
   2753     LiveRange* tail =
   2754         SplitBetween(current, current->Start(), block_pos[reg].Start());
   2755     AddToUnhandledSorted(tail);
   2756   }
   2758   // Register reg is not blocked for the whole range.
   2759   DCHECK(block_pos[reg] >= current->End());
   2760   TRACE("Assigning blocked reg %s to live range %d:%d\n", RegisterName(reg),
   2761         current->TopLevel()->vreg(), current->relative_id());
   2762   SetLiveRangeAssignedRegister(current, reg);
   2764   // This register was not free. Thus we need to find and spill
   2765   // parts of active and inactive live regions that use the same register
   2766   // at the same lifetime positions as current.
   2767   SplitAndSpillIntersecting(current);
   2768 }
   2771 void LinearScanAllocator::SplitAndSpillIntersecting(LiveRange* current) {
   2772   DCHECK(current->HasRegisterAssigned());
   2773   int reg = current->assigned_register();
   2774   LifetimePosition split_pos = current->Start();
   2775   for (size_t i = 0; i < active_live_ranges().size(); ++i) {
   2776     LiveRange* range = active_live_ranges()[i];
   2777     if (range->assigned_register() == reg) {
   2778       UsePosition* next_pos = range->NextRegisterPosition(current->Start());
   2779       LifetimePosition spill_pos = FindOptimalSpillingPos(range, split_pos);
   2780       if (next_pos == nullptr) {
   2781         SpillAfter(range, spill_pos);
   2782       } else {
   2783         // When spilling between spill_pos and next_pos ensure that the range
   2784         // remains spilled at least until the start of the current live range.
   2785         // This guarantees that we will not introduce new unhandled ranges that
   2786         // start before the current range as this violates allocation invariant
   2787         // and will lead to an inconsistent state of active and inactive
   2788         // live-ranges: ranges are allocated in order of their start positions,
   2789         // ranges are retired from active/inactive when the start of the
   2790         // current live-range is larger than their end.
   2791         SpillBetweenUntil(range, spill_pos, current->Start(), next_pos->pos());
   2792       }
   2793       ActiveToHandled(range);
   2794       --i;
   2795     }
   2796   }
   2798   for (size_t i = 0; i < inactive_live_ranges().size(); ++i) {
   2799     LiveRange* range = inactive_live_ranges()[i];
   2800     DCHECK(range->End() > current->Start());
   2801     if (range->assigned_register() == reg && !range->TopLevel()->IsFixed()) {
   2802       LifetimePosition next_intersection = range->FirstIntersection(current);
   2803       if (next_intersection.IsValid()) {
   2804         UsePosition* next_pos = range->NextRegisterPosition(current->Start());
   2805         if (next_pos == nullptr) {
   2806           SpillAfter(range, split_pos);
   2807         } else {
   2808           next_intersection = Min(next_intersection, next_pos->pos());
   2809           SpillBetween(range, split_pos, next_intersection);
   2810         }
   2811         InactiveToHandled(range);
   2812         --i;
   2813       }
   2814     }
   2815   }
   2816 }
   2819 bool LinearScanAllocator::TryReuseSpillForPhi(TopLevelLiveRange* range) {
   2820   if (!range->is_phi()) return false;
   2822   DCHECK(!range->HasSpillOperand());
   2823   RegisterAllocationData::PhiMapValue* phi_map_value =
   2824       data()->GetPhiMapValueFor(range);
   2825   const PhiInstruction* phi = phi_map_value->phi();
   2826   const InstructionBlock* block = phi_map_value->block();
   2827   // Count the number of spilled operands.
   2828   size_t spilled_count = 0;
   2829   LiveRange* first_op = nullptr;
   2830   for (size_t i = 0; i < phi->operands().size(); i++) {
   2831     int op = phi->operands()[i];
   2832     LiveRange* op_range = data()->GetOrCreateLiveRangeFor(op);
   2833     if (!op_range->TopLevel()->HasSpillRange()) continue;
   2834     const InstructionBlock* pred =
   2835         code()->InstructionBlockAt(block->predecessors()[i]);
   2836     LifetimePosition pred_end =
   2837         LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex(
   2838             pred->last_instruction_index());
   2839     while (op_range != nullptr && !op_range->CanCover(pred_end)) {
   2840       op_range = op_range->next();
   2841     }
   2842     if (op_range != nullptr && op_range->spilled()) {
   2843       spilled_count++;
   2844       if (first_op == nullptr) {
   2845         first_op = op_range->TopLevel();
   2846       }
   2847     }
   2848   }
   2850   // Only continue if more than half of the operands are spilled.
   2851   if (spilled_count * 2 <= phi->operands().size()) {
   2852     return false;
   2853   }
   2855   // Try to merge the spilled operands and count the number of merged spilled
   2856   // operands.
   2857   DCHECK(first_op != nullptr);
   2858   SpillRange* first_op_spill = first_op->TopLevel()->GetSpillRange();
   2859   size_t num_merged = 1;
   2860   for (size_t i = 1; i < phi->operands().size(); i++) {
   2861     int op = phi->operands()[i];
   2862     TopLevelLiveRange* op_range = data()->live_ranges()[op];
   2863     if (!op_range->HasSpillRange()) continue;
   2864     SpillRange* op_spill = op_range->GetSpillRange();
   2865     if (op_spill == first_op_spill || first_op_spill->TryMerge(op_spill)) {
   2866       num_merged++;
   2867     }
   2868   }
   2870   // Only continue if enough operands could be merged to the
   2871   // same spill slot.
   2872   if (num_merged * 2 <= phi->operands().size() ||
   2873       AreUseIntervalsIntersecting(first_op_spill->interval(),
   2874                                   range->first_interval())) {
   2875     return false;
   2876   }
   2878   // If the range does not need register soon, spill it to the merged
   2879   // spill range.
   2880   LifetimePosition next_pos = range->Start();
   2881   if (next_pos.IsGapPosition()) next_pos = next_pos.NextStart();
   2882   UsePosition* pos = range->NextUsePositionRegisterIsBeneficial(next_pos);
   2883   if (pos == nullptr) {
   2884     SpillRange* spill_range =
   2885         range->TopLevel()->HasSpillRange()
   2886             ? range->TopLevel()->GetSpillRange()
   2887             : data()->AssignSpillRangeToLiveRange(range->TopLevel());
   2888     bool merged = first_op_spill->TryMerge(spill_range);
   2889     CHECK(merged);
   2890     Spill(range);
   2891     return true;
   2892   } else if (pos->pos() > range->Start().NextStart()) {
   2893     SpillRange* spill_range =
   2894         range->TopLevel()->HasSpillRange()
   2895             ? range->TopLevel()->GetSpillRange()
   2896             : data()->AssignSpillRangeToLiveRange(range->TopLevel());
   2897     bool merged = first_op_spill->TryMerge(spill_range);
   2898     CHECK(merged);
   2899     SpillBetween(range, range->Start(), pos->pos());
   2900     DCHECK(UnhandledIsSorted());
   2901     return true;
   2902   }
   2903   return false;
   2904 }
   2907 void LinearScanAllocator::SpillAfter(LiveRange* range, LifetimePosition pos) {
   2908   LiveRange* second_part = SplitRangeAt(range, pos);
   2909   Spill(second_part);
   2910 }
   2913 void LinearScanAllocator::SpillBetween(LiveRange* range, LifetimePosition start,
   2914                                        LifetimePosition end) {
   2915   SpillBetweenUntil(range, start, start, end);
   2916 }
   2919 void LinearScanAllocator::SpillBetweenUntil(LiveRange* range,
   2920                                             LifetimePosition start,
   2921                                             LifetimePosition until,
   2922                                             LifetimePosition end) {
   2923   CHECK(start < end);
   2924   LiveRange* second_part = SplitRangeAt(range, start);
   2926   if (second_part->Start() < end) {
   2927     // The split result intersects with [start, end[.
   2928     // Split it at position between ]start+1, end[, spill the middle part
   2929     // and put the rest to unhandled.
   2930     LifetimePosition third_part_end = end.PrevStart().End();
   2931     if (data()->IsBlockBoundary(end.Start())) {
   2932       third_part_end = end.Start();
   2933     }
   2934     LiveRange* third_part = SplitBetween(
   2935         second_part, Max(second_part->Start().End(), until), third_part_end);
   2937     DCHECK(third_part != second_part);
   2939     Spill(second_part);
   2940     AddToUnhandledSorted(third_part);
   2941   } else {
   2942     // The split result does not intersect with [start, end[.
   2943     // Nothing to spill. Just put it to unhandled as whole.
   2944     AddToUnhandledSorted(second_part);
   2945   }
   2946 }
   2949 SpillSlotLocator::SpillSlotLocator(RegisterAllocationData* data)
   2950     : data_(data) {}
   2953 void SpillSlotLocator::LocateSpillSlots() {
   2954   const InstructionSequence* code = data()->code();
   2955   for (TopLevelLiveRange* range : data()->live_ranges()) {
   2956     if (range == nullptr || range->IsEmpty()) continue;
   2957     // We care only about ranges which spill in the frame.
   2958     if (!range->HasSpillRange()) continue;
   2959     if (range->IsSpilledOnlyInDeferredBlocks()) {
   2960       for (LiveRange* child = range; child != nullptr; child = child->next()) {
   2961         if (child->spilled()) {
   2962           code->GetInstructionBlock(child->Start().ToInstructionIndex())
   2963               ->mark_needs_frame();
   2964         }
   2965       }
   2966     } else {
   2967       TopLevelLiveRange::SpillMoveInsertionList* spills =
   2968           range->spill_move_insertion_locations();
   2969       DCHECK_NOT_NULL(spills);
   2970       for (; spills != nullptr; spills = spills->next) {
   2971         code->GetInstructionBlock(spills->gap_index)->mark_needs_frame();
   2972       }
   2973     }
   2974   }
   2975 }
   2978 OperandAssigner::OperandAssigner(RegisterAllocationData* data) : data_(data) {}
   2981 void OperandAssigner::AssignSpillSlots() {
   2982   ZoneVector<SpillRange*>& spill_ranges = data()->spill_ranges();
   2983   // Merge disjoint spill ranges
   2984   for (size_t i = 0; i < spill_ranges.size(); ++i) {
   2985     SpillRange* range = spill_ranges[i];
   2986     if (range == nullptr) continue;
   2987     if (range->IsEmpty()) continue;
   2988     for (size_t j = i + 1; j < spill_ranges.size(); ++j) {
   2989       SpillRange* other = spill_ranges[j];
   2990       if (other != nullptr && !other->IsEmpty()) {
   2991         range->TryMerge(other);
   2992       }
   2993     }
   2994   }
   2995   // Allocate slots for the merged spill ranges.
   2996   for (SpillRange* range : spill_ranges) {
   2997     if (range == nullptr || range->IsEmpty()) continue;
   2998     // Allocate a new operand referring to the spill slot.
   2999     if (!range->HasSlot()) {
   3000       int byte_width = range->ByteWidth();
   3001       int index = data()->frame()->AllocateSpillSlot(byte_width);
   3002       range->set_assigned_slot(index);
   3003     }
   3004   }
   3005 }
   3008 void OperandAssigner::CommitAssignment() {
   3009   for (TopLevelLiveRange* top_range : data()->live_ranges()) {
   3010     if (top_range == nullptr || top_range->IsEmpty()) continue;
   3011     InstructionOperand spill_operand;
   3012     if (top_range->HasSpillOperand()) {
   3013       spill_operand = *top_range->TopLevel()->GetSpillOperand();
   3014     } else if (top_range->TopLevel()->HasSpillRange()) {
   3015       spill_operand = top_range->TopLevel()->GetSpillRangeOperand();
   3016     }
   3017     if (top_range->is_phi()) {
   3018       data()->GetPhiMapValueFor(top_range)->CommitAssignment(
   3019           top_range->GetAssignedOperand());
   3020     }
   3021     for (LiveRange* range = top_range; range != nullptr;
   3022          range = range->next()) {
   3023       InstructionOperand assigned = range->GetAssignedOperand();
   3024       range->ConvertUsesToOperand(assigned, spill_operand);
   3025     }
   3027     if (!spill_operand.IsInvalid()) {
   3028       // If this top level range has a child spilled in a deferred block, we use
   3029       // the range and control flow connection mechanism instead of spilling at
   3030       // definition. Refer to the ConnectLiveRanges and ResolveControlFlow
   3031       // phases. Normally, when we spill at definition, we do not insert a
   3032       // connecting move when a successor child range is spilled - because the
   3033       // spilled range picks up its value from the slot which was assigned at
   3034       // definition. For ranges that are determined to spill only in deferred
   3035       // blocks, we let ConnectLiveRanges and ResolveControlFlow insert such
   3036       // moves between ranges. Because of how the ranges are split around
   3037       // deferred blocks, this amounts to spilling and filling inside such
   3038       // blocks.
   3039       if (!top_range->TryCommitSpillInDeferredBlock(data()->code(),
   3040                                                     spill_operand)) {
   3041         // Spill at definition if the range isn't spilled only in deferred
   3042         // blocks.
   3043         top_range->CommitSpillMoves(
   3044             data()->code(), spill_operand,
   3045             top_range->has_slot_use() || top_range->spilled());
   3046       }
   3047     }
   3048   }
   3049 }
   3052 ReferenceMapPopulator::ReferenceMapPopulator(RegisterAllocationData* data)
   3053     : data_(data) {}
   3056 bool ReferenceMapPopulator::SafePointsAreInOrder() const {
   3057   int safe_point = 0;
   3058   for (ReferenceMap* map : *data()->code()->reference_maps()) {
   3059     if (safe_point > map->instruction_position()) return false;
   3060     safe_point = map->instruction_position();
   3061   }
   3062   return true;
   3063 }
   3066 void ReferenceMapPopulator::PopulateReferenceMaps() {
   3067   DCHECK(SafePointsAreInOrder());
   3068   // Map all delayed references.
   3069   for (RegisterAllocationData::DelayedReference& delayed_reference :
   3070        data()->delayed_references()) {
   3071     delayed_reference.map->RecordReference(
   3072         AllocatedOperand::cast(*delayed_reference.operand));
   3073   }
   3074   // Iterate over all safe point positions and record a pointer
   3075   // for all spilled live ranges at this point.
   3076   int last_range_start = 0;
   3077   const ReferenceMapDeque* reference_maps = data()->code()->reference_maps();
   3078   ReferenceMapDeque::const_iterator first_it = reference_maps->begin();
   3079   for (TopLevelLiveRange* range : data()->live_ranges()) {
   3080     if (range == nullptr) continue;
   3081     // Skip non-reference values.
   3082     if (!data()->IsReference(range)) continue;
   3083     // Skip empty live ranges.
   3084     if (range->IsEmpty()) continue;
   3085     if (range->has_preassigned_slot()) continue;
   3087     // Find the extent of the range and its children.
   3088     int start = range->Start().ToInstructionIndex();
   3089     int end = 0;
   3090     for (LiveRange* cur = range; cur != nullptr; cur = cur->next()) {
   3091       LifetimePosition this_end = cur->End();
   3092       if (this_end.ToInstructionIndex() > end)
   3093         end = this_end.ToInstructionIndex();
   3094       DCHECK(cur->Start().ToInstructionIndex() >= start);
   3095     }
   3097     // Most of the ranges are in order, but not all.  Keep an eye on when they
   3098     // step backwards and reset the first_it so we don't miss any safe points.
   3099     if (start < last_range_start) first_it = reference_maps->begin();
   3100     last_range_start = start;
   3102     // Step across all the safe points that are before the start of this range,
   3103     // recording how far we step in order to save doing this for the next range.
   3104     for (; first_it != reference_maps->end(); ++first_it) {
   3105       ReferenceMap* map = *first_it;
   3106       if (map->instruction_position() >= start) break;
   3107     }
   3109     InstructionOperand spill_operand;
   3110     if (((range->HasSpillOperand() &&
   3111           !range->GetSpillOperand()->IsConstant()) ||
   3112          range->HasSpillRange())) {
   3113       if (range->HasSpillOperand()) {
   3114         spill_operand = *range->GetSpillOperand();
   3115       } else {
   3116         spill_operand = range->GetSpillRangeOperand();
   3117       }
   3118       DCHECK(spill_operand.IsStackSlot());
   3119       DCHECK_EQ(MachineRepresentation::kTagged,
   3120                 AllocatedOperand::cast(spill_operand).representation());
   3121     }
   3123     LiveRange* cur = range;
   3124     // Step through the safe points to see whether they are in the range.
   3125     for (auto it = first_it; it != reference_maps->end(); ++it) {
   3126       ReferenceMap* map = *it;
   3127       int safe_point = map->instruction_position();
   3129       // The safe points are sorted so we can stop searching here.
   3130       if (safe_point - 1 > end) break;
   3132       // Advance to the next active range that covers the current
   3133       // safe point position.
   3134       LifetimePosition safe_point_pos =
   3135           LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex(safe_point);
   3137       // Search for the child range (cur) that covers safe_point_pos. If we
   3138       // don't find it before the children pass safe_point_pos, keep cur at
   3139       // the last child, because the next safe_point_pos may be covered by cur.
   3140       // This may happen if cur has more than one interval, and the current
   3141       // safe_point_pos is in between intervals.
   3142       // For that reason, cur may be at most the last child.
   3143       DCHECK_NOT_NULL(cur);
   3144       DCHECK(safe_point_pos >= cur->Start() || range == cur);
   3145       bool found = false;
   3146       while (!found) {
   3147         if (cur->Covers(safe_point_pos)) {
   3148           found = true;
   3149         } else {
   3150           LiveRange* next = cur->next();
   3151           if (next == nullptr || next->Start() > safe_point_pos) {
   3152             break;
   3153           }
   3154           cur = next;
   3155         }
   3156       }
   3158       if (!found) {
   3159         continue;
   3160       }
   3162       // Check if the live range is spilled and the safe point is after
   3163       // the spill position.
   3164       int spill_index = range->IsSpilledOnlyInDeferredBlocks()
   3165                             ? cur->Start().ToInstructionIndex()
   3166                             : range->spill_start_index();
   3168       if (!spill_operand.IsInvalid() && safe_point >= spill_index) {
   3169         TRACE("Pointer for range %d (spilled at %d) at safe point %d\n",
   3170               range->vreg(), spill_index, safe_point);
   3171         map->RecordReference(AllocatedOperand::cast(spill_operand));
   3172       }
   3174       if (!cur->spilled()) {
   3175         TRACE(
   3176             "Pointer in register for range %d:%d (start at %d) "
   3177             "at safe point %d\n",
   3178             range->vreg(), cur->relative_id(), cur->Start().value(),
   3179             safe_point);
   3180         InstructionOperand operand = cur->GetAssignedOperand();
   3181         DCHECK(!operand.IsStackSlot());
   3182         DCHECK_EQ(MachineRepresentation::kTagged,
   3183                   AllocatedOperand::cast(operand).representation());
   3184         map->RecordReference(AllocatedOperand::cast(operand));
   3185       }
   3186     }
   3187   }
   3188 }
   3191 namespace {
   3193 class LiveRangeBound {
   3194  public:
   3195   explicit LiveRangeBound(const LiveRange* range, bool skip)
   3196       : range_(range), start_(range->Start()), end_(range->End()), skip_(skip) {
   3197     DCHECK(!range->IsEmpty());
   3198   }
   3200   bool CanCover(LifetimePosition position) {
   3201     return start_ <= position && position < end_;
   3202   }
   3204   const LiveRange* const range_;
   3205   const LifetimePosition start_;
   3206   const LifetimePosition end_;
   3207   const bool skip_;
   3209  private:
   3210   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LiveRangeBound);
   3211 };
   3214 struct FindResult {
   3215   const LiveRange* cur_cover_;
   3216   const LiveRange* pred_cover_;
   3217 };
   3220 class LiveRangeBoundArray {
   3221  public:
   3222   LiveRangeBoundArray() : length_(0), start_(nullptr) {}
   3224   bool ShouldInitialize() { return start_ == nullptr; }
   3226   void Initialize(Zone* zone, const TopLevelLiveRange* const range) {
   3227     length_ = range->GetChildCount();
   3229     start_ = zone->NewArray<LiveRangeBound>(length_);
   3230     LiveRangeBound* curr = start_;
   3231     // Normally, spilled ranges do not need connecting moves, because the spill
   3232     // location has been assigned at definition. For ranges spilled in deferred
   3233     // blocks, that is not the case, so we need to connect the spilled children.
   3234     bool spilled_in_blocks = range->IsSpilledOnlyInDeferredBlocks();
   3235     for (const LiveRange *i = range; i != nullptr; i = i->next(), ++curr) {
   3236       new (curr) LiveRangeBound(i, !spilled_in_blocks && i->spilled());
   3237     }
   3238   }
   3240   LiveRangeBound* Find(const LifetimePosition position) const {
   3241     size_t left_index = 0;
   3242     size_t right_index = length_;
   3243     while (true) {
   3244       size_t current_index = left_index + (right_index - left_index) / 2;
   3245       DCHECK(right_index > current_index);
   3246       LiveRangeBound* bound = &start_[current_index];
   3247       if (bound->start_ <= position) {
   3248         if (position < bound->end_) return bound;
   3249         DCHECK(left_index < current_index);
   3250         left_index = current_index;
   3251       } else {
   3252         right_index = current_index;
   3253       }
   3254     }
   3255   }
   3257   LiveRangeBound* FindPred(const InstructionBlock* pred) {
   3258     LifetimePosition pred_end =
   3259         LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex(
   3260             pred->last_instruction_index());
   3261     return Find(pred_end);
   3262   }
   3264   LiveRangeBound* FindSucc(const InstructionBlock* succ) {
   3265     LifetimePosition succ_start = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   3266         succ->first_instruction_index());
   3267     return Find(succ_start);
   3268   }
   3270   bool FindConnectableSubranges(const InstructionBlock* block,
   3271                                 const InstructionBlock* pred,
   3272                                 FindResult* result) const {
   3273     LifetimePosition pred_end =
   3274         LifetimePosition::InstructionFromInstructionIndex(
   3275             pred->last_instruction_index());
   3276     LiveRangeBound* bound = Find(pred_end);
   3277     result->pred_cover_ = bound->range_;
   3278     LifetimePosition cur_start = LifetimePosition::GapFromInstructionIndex(
   3279         block->first_instruction_index());
   3281     if (bound->CanCover(cur_start)) {
   3282       // Both blocks are covered by the same range, so there is nothing to
   3283       // connect.
   3284       return false;
   3285     }
   3286     bound = Find(cur_start);
   3287     if (bound->skip_) {
   3288       return false;
   3289     }
   3290     result->cur_cover_ = bound->range_;
   3291     DCHECK(result->pred_cover_ != nullptr && result->cur_cover_ != nullptr);
   3292     return (result->cur_cover_ != result->pred_cover_);
   3293   }
   3295  private:
   3296   size_t length_;
   3297   LiveRangeBound* start_;
   3299   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LiveRangeBoundArray);
   3300 };
   3303 class LiveRangeFinder {
   3304  public:
   3305   explicit LiveRangeFinder(const RegisterAllocationData* data, Zone* zone)
   3306       : data_(data),
   3307         bounds_length_(static_cast<int>(data_->live_ranges().size())),
   3308         bounds_(zone->NewArray<LiveRangeBoundArray>(bounds_length_)),
   3309         zone_(zone) {
   3310     for (int i = 0; i < bounds_length_; ++i) {
   3311       new (&bounds_[i]) LiveRangeBoundArray();
   3312     }
   3313   }
   3315   LiveRangeBoundArray* ArrayFor(int operand_index) {
   3316     DCHECK(operand_index < bounds_length_);
   3317     TopLevelLiveRange* range = data_->live_ranges()[operand_index];
   3318     DCHECK(range != nullptr && !range->IsEmpty());
   3319     LiveRangeBoundArray* array = &bounds_[operand_index];
   3320     if (array->ShouldInitialize()) {
   3321       array->Initialize(zone_, range);
   3322     }
   3323     return array;
   3324   }
   3326  private:
   3327   const RegisterAllocationData* const data_;
   3328   const int bounds_length_;
   3329   LiveRangeBoundArray* const bounds_;
   3330   Zone* const zone_;
   3332   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LiveRangeFinder);
   3333 };
   3336 typedef std::pair<ParallelMove*, InstructionOperand> DelayedInsertionMapKey;
   3339 struct DelayedInsertionMapCompare {
   3340   bool operator()(const DelayedInsertionMapKey& a,
   3341                   const DelayedInsertionMapKey& b) const {
   3342     if (a.first == b.first) {
   3343       return a.second.Compare(b.second);
   3344     }
   3345     return a.first < b.first;
   3346   }
   3347 };
   3350 typedef ZoneMap<DelayedInsertionMapKey, InstructionOperand,
   3351                 DelayedInsertionMapCompare> DelayedInsertionMap;
   3353 }  // namespace
   3356 LiveRangeConnector::LiveRangeConnector(RegisterAllocationData* data)
   3357     : data_(data) {}
   3360 bool LiveRangeConnector::CanEagerlyResolveControlFlow(
   3361     const InstructionBlock* block) const {
   3362   if (block->PredecessorCount() != 1) return false;
   3363   return block->predecessors()[0].IsNext(block->rpo_number());
   3364 }
   3367 void LiveRangeConnector::ResolveControlFlow(Zone* local_zone) {
   3368   // Lazily linearize live ranges in memory for fast lookup.
   3369   LiveRangeFinder finder(data(), local_zone);
   3370   ZoneVector<BitVector*>& live_in_sets = data()->live_in_sets();
   3371   for (const InstructionBlock* block : code()->instruction_blocks()) {
   3372     if (CanEagerlyResolveControlFlow(block)) continue;
   3373     BitVector* live = live_in_sets[block->rpo_number().ToInt()];
   3374     BitVector::Iterator iterator(live);
   3375     while (!iterator.Done()) {
   3376       LiveRangeBoundArray* array = finder.ArrayFor(iterator.Current());
   3377       for (const RpoNumber& pred : block->predecessors()) {
   3378         FindResult result;
   3379         const InstructionBlock* pred_block = code()->InstructionBlockAt(pred);
   3380         if (!array->FindConnectableSubranges(block, pred_block, &result)) {
   3381           continue;
   3382         }
   3383         InstructionOperand pred_op = result.pred_cover_->GetAssignedOperand();
   3384         InstructionOperand cur_op = result.cur_cover_->GetAssignedOperand();
   3385         if (pred_op.Equals(cur_op)) continue;
   3386         int move_loc = ResolveControlFlow(block, cur_op, pred_block, pred_op);
   3387         USE(move_loc);
   3388         DCHECK_IMPLIES(
   3389             result.cur_cover_->TopLevel()->IsSpilledOnlyInDeferredBlocks() &&
   3390                 !(pred_op.IsAnyRegister() && cur_op.IsAnyRegister()),
   3391             code()->GetInstructionBlock(move_loc)->IsDeferred());
   3392       }
   3393       iterator.Advance();
   3394     }
   3395   }
   3396 }
   3399 int LiveRangeConnector::ResolveControlFlow(const InstructionBlock* block,
   3400                                            const InstructionOperand& cur_op,
   3401                                            const InstructionBlock* pred,
   3402                                            const InstructionOperand& pred_op) {
   3403   DCHECK(!pred_op.Equals(cur_op));
   3404   int gap_index;
   3405   Instruction::GapPosition position;
   3406   if (block->PredecessorCount() == 1) {
   3407     gap_index = block->first_instruction_index();
   3408     position = Instruction::START;
   3409   } else {
   3410     DCHECK(pred->SuccessorCount() == 1);
   3411     DCHECK(!code()
   3412                 ->InstructionAt(pred->last_instruction_index())
   3413                 ->HasReferenceMap());
   3414     gap_index = pred->last_instruction_index();
   3415     position = Instruction::END;
   3416   }
   3417   data()->AddGapMove(gap_index, position, pred_op, cur_op);
   3418   return gap_index;
   3419 }
   3422 void LiveRangeConnector::ConnectRanges(Zone* local_zone) {
   3423   DelayedInsertionMap delayed_insertion_map(local_zone);
   3424   for (TopLevelLiveRange* top_range : data()->live_ranges()) {
   3425     if (top_range == nullptr) continue;
   3426     bool connect_spilled = top_range->IsSpilledOnlyInDeferredBlocks();
   3427     LiveRange* first_range = top_range;
   3428     for (LiveRange *second_range = first_range->next(); second_range != nullptr;
   3429          first_range = second_range, second_range = second_range->next()) {
   3430       LifetimePosition pos = second_range->Start();
   3431       // Add gap move if the two live ranges touch and there is no block
   3432       // boundary.
   3433       if (!connect_spilled && second_range->spilled()) continue;
   3434       if (first_range->End() != pos) continue;
   3435       if (data()->IsBlockBoundary(pos) &&
   3436           !CanEagerlyResolveControlFlow(GetInstructionBlock(code(), pos))) {
   3437         continue;
   3438       }
   3439       InstructionOperand prev_operand = first_range->GetAssignedOperand();
   3440       InstructionOperand cur_operand = second_range->GetAssignedOperand();
   3441       if (prev_operand.Equals(cur_operand)) continue;
   3442       bool delay_insertion = false;
   3443       Instruction::GapPosition gap_pos;
   3444       int gap_index = pos.ToInstructionIndex();
   3445       if (pos.IsGapPosition()) {
   3446         gap_pos = pos.IsStart() ? Instruction::START : Instruction::END;
   3447       } else {
   3448         if (pos.IsStart()) {
   3449           delay_insertion = true;
   3450         } else {
   3451           gap_index++;
   3452         }
   3453         gap_pos = delay_insertion ? Instruction::END : Instruction::START;
   3454       }
   3455       // Fills or spills for spilled in deferred blocks ranges must happen
   3456       // only in deferred blocks.
   3457       DCHECK_IMPLIES(
   3458           connect_spilled &&
   3459               !(prev_operand.IsAnyRegister() && cur_operand.IsAnyRegister()),
   3460           code()->GetInstructionBlock(gap_index)->IsDeferred());
   3462       ParallelMove* move =
   3463           code()->InstructionAt(gap_index)->GetOrCreateParallelMove(
   3464               gap_pos, code_zone());
   3465       if (!delay_insertion) {
   3466         move->AddMove(prev_operand, cur_operand);
   3467       } else {
   3468         delayed_insertion_map.insert(
   3469             std::make_pair(std::make_pair(move, prev_operand), cur_operand));
   3470       }
   3471     }
   3472   }
   3473   if (delayed_insertion_map.empty()) return;
   3474   // Insert all the moves which should occur after the stored move.
   3475   ZoneVector<MoveOperands*> to_insert(local_zone);
   3476   ZoneVector<MoveOperands*> to_eliminate(local_zone);
   3477   to_insert.reserve(4);
   3478   to_eliminate.reserve(4);
   3479   ParallelMove* moves = delayed_insertion_map.begin()->first.first;
   3480   for (auto it = delayed_insertion_map.begin();; ++it) {
   3481     bool done = it == delayed_insertion_map.end();
   3482     if (done || it->first.first != moves) {
   3483       // Commit the MoveOperands for current ParallelMove.
   3484       for (MoveOperands* move : to_eliminate) {
   3485         move->Eliminate();
   3486       }
   3487       for (MoveOperands* move : to_insert) {
   3488         moves->push_back(move);
   3489       }
   3490       if (done) break;
   3491       // Reset state.
   3492       to_eliminate.clear();
   3493       to_insert.clear();
   3494       moves = it->first.first;
   3495     }
   3496     // Gather all MoveOperands for a single ParallelMove.
   3497     MoveOperands* move =
   3498         new (code_zone()) MoveOperands(it->first.second, it->second);
   3499     MoveOperands* eliminate = moves->PrepareInsertAfter(move);
   3500     to_insert.push_back(move);
   3501     if (eliminate != nullptr) to_eliminate.push_back(eliminate);
   3502   }
   3503 }
   3506 }  // namespace compiler
   3507 }  // namespace internal
   3508 }  // namespace v8